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VOLUME 38, NUMBER 11 November 2013

Latest Tailwinds

Derek Abramson, Editor

Wow, where has the time gone? As we

edge into December, the weather has gotten a

little wet and certainly a lot colder. Also, the

official flying season has since passed. But

for us in the Antelope Valley, it is merely just

another season.

At the field, we had the AVC Engineer-

ing Class perform there final project which

included the launch of mid-power rockets.

The weather was cold and wet, but there

were around fifteen launches with some rock-

ets still in the desert.

Coming up on December 5th, is our

Christmas Party and Merry making get to-

gether. The party will be held at Vince’s Piz-

za and Pasta on 30th Street West and Ave L.

The festivities will begin around 6:00 PM.

There will many prizes given away. I hope

to see everybody there.

Coming up on January 18th is the

Boy Scout Rocket Launch. The rockets will

be launched off of the main way from 8:00

AM till about noon. Members are encour-

aged to bring any rockets out to launch.

The main runway will be closed for this evo-


The TransAmerica Tour has been

cancelled due to the lack of volunteering

clubs. This is unfortunate as we were look-

ing forward to participating.

Until then, keep those wings level!

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5 6:00 pm

AVTI Christmas Party Vince’s Pizza

30th West and Ave L

January 2014

2 7:00 pm


18 8:00 am-12:00 pm

AVTI General Meeting WJF

AMA Expo Ontario CA

Boy Scout Rocket Launch


6 7:00 pm

AVTI General Meeting WJF


I will be creating the AVTI History page located on

the club's website Any pic-

tures, newspaper or magazine articles, event fliers

that you may have would be welcome. Oral history

(stories) would also be welcome. Materials would

be returned if requested. Please email myself the

Newsletter editor or the Webmaster.

Tim Williams “tweaking” his ship Bob Campbell’s TT G4 in the air

Tony Frackowiak’s Corsair

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President’s Message

No article available at the time of publish

Vice-President Message

Hello AVTI members!

The weather gods were kind to us on

November 9th! The Classic Pattern Contest

had just perfect weather! It was nearly dead

calm all day and comfortable temperatures.

We had 15 entrants, which was an increase

over last year. And except for the Expert class,

we had a full slate in each of the classes.

Here are the results:


1. Jean Greear 243.75

2. Mack Moffat 226.5

3. Jonathan Rinde 197.5


1. Scott Holmes 276.5

2. Mike Whitacre 273.5

3. Chris Mahoney 269.25

4. Eric Huffman 263

5. Paul Rinde 260.5


1. Jon Carter 267.75

2. Doug Woodward 266.25

3. Dale Olstinske 259.75

4. Cal Orr 239.75


1. Sean Mersh 745

2. Robert Fish 722.25

3. Tony Frackowiak 437.25

Some notables, Sean Mersh with his

Tiporare 750 at his first Classic Pattern con-

test. Although Sean flew this before it was

considered "Classic"! I started off great flying

Mike Whitacre's Kaos .40. But while it would

run perfectly for Mike, I couldn't keep it run-

ning after the 1st round! Cal Orr had to beau-

tiful Kwik Fli III's complete with "glow en-


Eric Huffman came all the way from

Phoenix and had a great time with his Dirty

Birdy and Tipo. Dale and Jon looking for the

battery in Dale's van after the lights were left

on. I think Jon finally looked far enough in

the manual to figure out how to jump it! Fa-

ther and son Paul and Jonathan Rinde having

a great time!

Many thanks to Mike and Jean Greear

for the scoring, Preston Knepper for the food

and Vic Anderson for judging. It wouldn't

have been such a great day without you!

Looking forward to next year when we

may make it a full 2-day meet. We'll see!

Hope to see you at the events and at the

field! And don’t miss the Christmas dinner!

Tony Frackowiak

[email protected]


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General Meeting Minutes


Compiled by Derek Abramson

1908 Meeting brought to order by Doug Kille-

brew. 14 members were present

October minutes were accepted as written.

Voted and passed

Treasurers Report was read by Tony

Frackowiak. Voted and passed

Old Business

-Roger Counts donated a generator to the

club. Thank you Roger

-District 10 Pattern award was given to Team


New Business

- The AVTI Classic Pattern Event will be held

on November 9

-Christmas Dinner Party will be at Vince’s

Pizza and Pasta on December 5, at 6:00pm.

-There was talk about some indoor flying at

Air Dogs RC Car Track

-TransAmerica Cross Country flying. AVTI

has volunteered as the first stop for the event

(Latest info, The TransAmerica Tour has been



Tony Frackowiak brought Episode

Tom Utley brought his E-Flight T-28

Mark Johnson brought his Flying King


MOM: Mark Johnson

Attendance: Jim McClaine

50/50: Mike Mann

Meeting Adjourned 1938

Tony Frackowiak (Above) Flying his Mini Habu

with the AS3X Stabilization system. Chuck Mosa

(Bottom) readies his Extra for some great flying

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Treasurer’s Report of 11/7/13

Tony Frackowiak

Checking Account Balance - $ 10,451.21

AVTI Flying Field Reserve Fund in Checking Maximizer Account- $ 20,085.38

Financial Assets Total is $ 30,536.59

Income since last Report - $0

I have some dues to process

Expenses since last Report - $245.23

Total dues collected for 2013/2014, as of 08/30/13 - $4,720.00

As of 10/03/13:

Current Membership Total - 67 Members

New Members for 2013/2014 - 11 Members

Members not Renewed for 2013/2014 - 25 Members

If you know of anyone who has yet to renew, please give them a friendly reminder. Let

them know you can give your dues to any BOD member, give it to me when you’re at the field,

or they can mail in their renewal to,


P.O. Box 302

Lancaster, CA 93584


10-Sep Aarow Industries - Restroom thru 9/30/13 $(195.00)

7-Nov Staples - Contest Supplies $(50.23)

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Barkley’s Safety Tip

November 14, 2013

Hey guys!

Well, the weather has been great and we’ve had both great flying days and

some great events! I really like it when we have a bunch of people at the field!

One problem that has continued to get worse is the joint going from the as-

phalt to the runway. You might want to walk out when you can and check it out.

I’ve seen some of my friends having to glue their landing gear back on after hit-

ting one of those bad spots. Hopefully we’ll get something done on it soon.

I hope to see you all at the field soon. I’ll be the one wagging his tail!

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AVTI Meeting Excitement

More of the great airplanes that AVTI members have. Pete Carbin (Top Left)

brought his beautiful E-Flight Super Cub, This thing is fully loaded with scale detail

which includes functioning landing gear. Tony Frackowiak (Top Right) Brought his latest

project, an Episode by BJ Craft. This version has a new color scheme which improves visi-

bility. Tom Utley (Bottom Left) brought his T-28 by E-Flight. Tome mentioned how much

he enjoys flying this great little airplane. Not to be out-done, Mark Johnson brought his

Flying King. The Flying King is a Bruce Tharpe design and kit. Mark spent a lot of time

with this model which is evident by the quality workmanship and final finish. Good Job


Be sure to keep these models coming in. We all love to see new airplanes, even work’s in

progress. Remember our next general meeting will be our Christmas Party at Vince’s Piz-

za and Pasta in west Lancaster. The time will be at 6:00PM. See everybody there!

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Tis the Season to be:

Eating & Flying

Antelope Valley Tailwinds Presents

Annual Get-Together


Christmas Feast

December 5, 2013

Festivities Start at 6:00 PM

Vince’s Pasta & Pizza

2833 West Ave L (Near 30th West)

Lancaster 93536

Prizes a



Fun for the Entire Family

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Antelope Valley Tailwinds Inc. AMA Charter #114

P.O. Box 302, Lancaster, CA 93584

A.V.T.I. Roster of Current Officers


President: Douglas Killebrew; 400-5636;

[email protected]

Vice-President: Tony Frackowiak; 992-1529;

[email protected]

Treasurer: Tony Frackowiak; 992-1529;

[email protected]

Secretary: Derek Abramson

Board Members: Mack Moffat

Bob Childress:

[email protected]

Preston Knepper; 886-0272;

[email protected]

Field Marshal: Preston Knepper; 886-0272;

[email protected]

Safety Officer: Tony Frackowiak; 992-1529;

[email protected]

Webmaster: Derek Abramson; 917-9863;

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Derek Abramson; 917-9863;

[email protected]

Flight Instructors:

Tony Frackowiak 992-1529

Peter Carbin; 723-4830

Daniel Garrabrant; 945-3789

* Membership Meeting *

October 3, 2013 7:00 PM WJF Terminal

* Board of Directors Meeting *

TBD Please See Website 6:00 PM AV Ford Conference Room

A.V.T.I. Airpark

47500 Challenger Way (10th Street East) between Avenues F and G

Lancaster, CA 93535

Visit our website for more photos

and up to the date information

Tailwinds Tails is a monthly newsletter of the Antelope Valley Tailwinds Inc., R/C Model Air-

craft Club.

Visit our web page at

Join us on Facebook

Send submissions for the Tailwinds Tails by

the 20th of each month to the Newsletter Editor,

c/o A.V.Tailwinds Inc., P.O. Box 302, Lancas-

ter, CA 93584 or by email to

[email protected]

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Support Your

Local Hobby Shops

Smith Brothers Hobbies

1223 West Avenue I

Lancaster, CA 93534

Phone: 661-942-6984

Dr. J’s Helicopters and JR Radios

Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 661-949-3586, ext. 205

Ask for Doug.

Distributor for Horizon Hobbies

~~~~ Special Thanks ~~~~

Our Thanks to the following businesses that

made generous donations to A.V.T.I.

Please support them when you can.

A Very Special Thanks Waste Management Company

600 East Avenue F Lancaster, CA 93535


A current AMA membership is a requirement for

membership in A.V.T.I. Please make sure your

AMA membership is current.

A.V.Tailwinds, Inc.

P.O. Box 302

Lancaster, CA 93584 To remind us how far we have come. Times have sure
