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Large-Scale Cellular Network Modeling fromPopulation Data: An Empirical Analysis

Andreas Achtzehn, Student Member, IEEE, Janne Riihijärvi, Member, IEEE, andPetri Mähönen, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Accurate estimates of the spatial distribution of basestations (BSs) are crucial for the analysis of core performance andconnectivity metrics in cellular networks. The appropriate tuningof these models, particularly through the fitting of point processes(PPs), enables practical simulations and theoretical analyses withrealistic network configurations. However, the commonly madeassumption of stationarity in model parameters does not holdfor larger networks, with especially population inhomogeneitiescausing large network structure variations. We use BS locationinformation from different operators in Germany, to explore theefficacy and limitations of using population data as a covariate toapproximate cellular deployments. Our analysis shows that theoverall network density is highly correlated already for smallareas. Further, we find that for moderately populated areaspurely population-driven PPs yield a good statistical match toour real data. The validity boundaries discussed in this paperprovide a useful reference for determining at which length scalesmore complex, interaction-based, PPs are necessary.


Research on cellular networks and their structures oftenrequires for a precise understanding of the spatial configurationof real macro- and micro-cellular installations [1]. Such datais necessary to provide credible results on expected coverage,SIR distributions, and other key planning criteria for currentand future mobile networks. Employing unsuited or wronglycalibrated models of these deployments bear the danger ofhighly inaccurate predictions, which makes finding goodapproximations of cellular network deployments a pressingchallenge.

The most prominent way for studying network deploymentsis the fitting of point processes (PPs) to available data sets. Theproponents of this approach thereby aim to derive universalrules on the configuration of real-world cellular networks thatcan be applied for practical scenario synthesis and analysis.While earlier works hereby mostly considered Poisson PPs dueto their salient tractability features [2], more recent researchalso considers local interactions by applying more complexPP families [3]–[5]. Common to all these models is theirstationarity assumption, i.e. that the locally derived parametersof the respective PP are valid at arbitrary locations and scales.

The density of a cellular network is generally not constantas the example of Fig. 1b for Germany readily shows. Instead,the planning goals of providing universal coverage and localcapacity govern the base station (BS) configurations in suchlarge-scale scenarios. The population density as shown in

The authors are with the Institute for Networked Systems, RWTH AachenUniversity, Aachen, Germany. Email: {aac, jar, pma}

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1. Population density (a) vs. the distribution of base stations of a singleoperator (b) and its sparse population conditioned overlay (c) in Germany.

Fig. 1a is thereby often considered as a sensible covariateto model larger deployments [6]. This paper further validatesthis assumption using different network deployment and popu-lation data sets for Germany. Complementing earlier researchsuch as [6], our aim is to identify the practical boundariesfor which population density is a reasonable covariate forlarge-scale PP-based cellular network distribution models. Theanalysis presented in this paper confirms for Germany thegeneral validity of population-based density predictions, i.e.estimating the number of BSs per unit area based on thepopulation density is sensible, and a good prediction accuracyof purely population-driven PPs for moderately urbanizedareas. We assume that our results are equally applicable alsofor other developed countries, and may provide a valuablereference for determining at which length scales more complexPPs need to be employed.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section IIwe introduce the reference data sets which we have used inthis empirical analysis. Section III discusses the feasibilityof using population counts to estimate the average densityof macro- and microcellular installations. We further assessin Section IV how well suited interaction-less inhomogeneousPPs are in general for cellular network modeling. In Section Vwe discuss the practical boundaries for this class of PPs.Section VI concludes the paper.


We use public records of 70 093 base stations for our em-pirical analysis of base station distributions in Germany. Therecords list the GPS coordinates, sectorization, and antennaheight information for all network operators. Furthermore, weuse a 16 367 sample subset which we were able to match

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1 2 5 10 20 50 100study area size [sq. km]









n co



avg. population / all operatorscensus population / all operatorsavg. population / single operatorcensus population / single operator

Fig. 2. Correlation between base station and population count for differentstudy area sizes.

with the deployment information of a single operator1. In ourfurther analysis, we denote the respective collection of basestation locations as Γ = {γi }Ni=1, and the area of Germany asA.

We compare our cellular deployment information with twopopulation data sets. The first originates from a recent censusand provides residence information for 80.3 million registeredinhabitants at the fine-grained resolution of a 100 m×100 mgrid. It represents the most accurate publicly available infor-mation on where people live in the country. The coarser 30arc-seconds resolution LandScan data set [7], which we use asa second reference, gives estimates on the average populationcount to offer an estimate on where people usually are. The lat-ter better reflects population in non-residential environments,but is less accurate in sparse population environments. For ouranalysis, the population counts are represented by lattice data,Θ = {(ζi, ci)}Mi=1, where ζi ∈ A is the center of the countrectangle and ci is the local population count.


We start our analysis by studying whether the area popula-tion count is a sufficient metric to estimate the local numberof base stations. While the country-wide match of populationand deployment densities is rather apparent, see Figs. 1aand 1b, we are interested in how well this relationship islocally maintained, i.e. when the considered area is shrunk.When normalized by the area size, such count statistics yieldthe average density, E (λc), for subsequent synthesis andverification of a PP.

We employ Monte-Carlo density sampling [8] for thispurpose; we randomly select a closed-shaped study area offixed size s, Ai (s) ⊂ A, and generate the respective basestation counts λi,c and population counts λi,p as

λi,c =���{γj |γj ∈ Γ, γj ∈ Ai

}��� , λi,p =∑

(ζi,ci )∈Θci1(ζi ∈ Ai). (1)

1For confidentiality reasons we cannot disclose the name of the operator.

10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2

set threshold T [ppl./sq. m]













ppl. density < T / single operatorppl. density > T / single operatorppl. density > T / single operator / loc. regr.ppl. density < T / all operatorsppl. density > T / all operatorsppl. density > T / all operators / loc. regr.

complete set / all operators

complete set / single operator

Fig. 3. Coefficient of determination R2 for linear regression of the numberof BSs vs. the average population density. Solid square-marked lines showR2 as calculated for sample areas with population density below thresholdT with fitted parameters for the whole bootstrap set, dashed curves show therespective R2 for above threshold samples. Dash-point lines depict R2 of thehigh-density population set if instead the regression uses parameters fitted tothis region.

This selection and counting is repeated N times to acquirebootstrap samples Λc (s) = {λi,c }Ni=1 and Λp (s) = {λi,p }Ni=1,respectively2. Note that the shape of Ai does not significantlyaffect the overall statistics of this estimation method [9]. Wefocus in the following on a potentially linear relationshipbetween the values in Λc and Λp . Thus we employ the Pearsoncorrelation %(Λc,Λp) and coefficient of determination R2 fora linear regression as metrics. In fact, for our application hereR2 corresponds directly to %2, but in general differences ariseif additional regressors (such as socio-economic indicators)were included in analysis.

The strong large-scale dependency between base stationand population densities becomes immediately visible inFig. 2, where we plot % when the study area size is varied.The calculation is based on 500 000 random selections of asampling square with size s. We find that for small studyareas (s < 5 km2) there is a higher correlation with the all-operators data set than with its single-operator equivalent. Thisis an expected outcome as the sampling error due to the overalllarger number of base stations is reduced. Nevertheless, thisdiscrepancy reduces when the study area size is increased; atapproximately s = 50 km2 we observe for both data sets a highcorrelation of % > 0.9. Universally our data exhibits a bettermatch to the census data, whereby the difference in correlationincreases with larger area sizes. The census population data setis therefore better suited for the base station density estimation.

A first-order regression analysis with Λc (s) conditionedon Λp (s) allows to determine the domain of validity for thelinearity assumption of the density estimate. With s = 25 km2

we find high values of R2 = 0.80 and R2 = 0.86 for the singleand all operator data set, respectively, which indicate a goodfit to the linear model. However, when further splitting the

2We omit the step of normalizing the count statistics to the area size forsake of clarity, but remark their equivalence for the subsequent analysis.

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R2 calculation based on a variable population set thresholdT , we observe that the BS density in more populated areas(T > 10−4) is not well captured. Beyond T ≈ 5 × 10−4, theregression does not reduce the set variability at all anymore.When carrying out an independent regression on these high-density cases, the high R2 can be retained, whereby linearregression provides good values of R2 until T ≈ 2 × 10−3, i.e.for even denser population areas linear approximations becomeunreasonable as BS density no longer follows the populationdensity.


We will now assess to what extent non-stationary butinteraction-less (i.e. inhomogeneous Poisson) PPs with pop-ulation data as an input are sufficient for predicting the localstructure of a cellular network. Our main quantitative metricfor the fitness is the quasi log-likelihood estimate [10] of theactual base station data sets, which indicates how well the(potentially resampled) population distribution can explain theobserved base station layout.

For this purpose, let us in a first step use the discretepopulation density Θ definition to derive an intensity functionf (γ) of an inhomogeneous Poisson PP [11] on A with

τ = η∑

(ζi,ci )∈Θci, (2)

where τ is Poisson distributed with E (τ) = |Γ | =∫A

f (γ)dγ,and η is a normalizing constant. For f (γ) with γ ∈ A wefurthermore define it to be locally constant on each populationcount rectangle with value proportional to the count value ci .Intuitively, this PP distributes on average |Γ | base stations overA, whereby the probability of finding a base station in thevicinity of population counting point ζi is proportional to thecount value ci , but within the count rectangle each realizationis homogeneous.

We generate N realizations of the above PP, Γ̃j , to acquirea quasi log-likelihood estimate for a smoothing bandwidth σas

L (Γ, σ) =∑γi ∈Γ


N∑j=1|Γ̃j |E

∑γ̃k ∈Γ̃j

g(|γi, γ̃k |, σ)

+//-. (3)

The function g(·, ·) defines the density estimation kernelcentered at the respective points in Γ̃j . We use a Gaussiankernel with bandwidth σ, but note that our results are mainlysensitive to bandwidth used and not the precise kernel functionselected [12]. The density estimate at the locations in Γ isobtained by averaging over the realizations of the PP. Thelog-likelihood estimate of Γ is finally obtained through sum-ming over the (conditionally independent) logarithmic densityestimates.

Interesting phenomena become visible when we vary thekernel size for our estimation, see Fig. 4. In order to maintaincomparability, we show the likelihood estimates in this figurerelative to the one-sigma kernel area, A = πσ2. We find thatfor small bandwidths the average population data set providessignificantly better estimates than its census equivalent. The

0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50kernel area [one sigma, sq. km]












x 105

avg. population / all operatorscensus population / all operatorsavg. population / single operatorcensus population / single operatorhomogeneous PPP, E(τ)=16367

Fig. 4. Quasi log-likelihood estimate for smoothened inhomogeneous PoissonPP in comparison to homogeneous PP when the kernel bandwidth is varied.

reason for this apparent improvement is that the population isinherently less concentrated in the fewer areas of residence3.For both network data sets this difference diminishes whenthe kernel area approaches 1 km2 – census and populationdata become equally expressive at predicting the observed basestation distributions. For all data set permutations we observethat already for very small kernel sizes the log-likelihoodestimate of the smoothened inhomogeneous PP exceeds thelog-likelihood of a homogeneous PP; using population den-sity as intensity function is therefore generally superior. AtA ≈ 1.5 km2 the structure of the population data is lost as theconvergence to the homogeneous PP indicates.

This result is further confirmed when we directly derivedensity estimates for the respective base station set Γ and at therespective population count points ζi , again using the Gaussiankernel function. The correlation between density estimates andpopulation counts ci reaches its maximum for kernel area sizesbetween 2 km2 (% = 0.78, average population, all operators)and 7 km2 (% = 0.74, average population, single operator),which underlines the good fit of the base station distributionto the population distribution. Contrary to the results for ouroverall density estimation, the average population data set isbetter suited to predict the local network structure, wherebythe census data showed considerably worse fits (% ≤ 0.48) atall kernel bandwidths.


In this section we shall briefly discuss in more detail wherethe inhomogeneous Poisson point process approximation isexpected to break down, and where alternative models areneeded should these regimes be necessary to model well forapplications. Due to us using the inhomogeneous Poissonpoint process as a ‘baseline’ model, we use the distribu-tion of nearest-neighbor distances dnn between base stationlocations as a descriptive summary statistic in our analysis.

3For the example of Germany approximately 11 times more count pointsin the regular grid structure have non-zero population counts compared to thecensus data set.

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0 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 100

population density [ppl./sq. m]









1/d nn2



99.9th prctl.

99th prctl.

95th prctl.

Fig. 5. Relationship between the nearest neighbor distance and the underlyingpopulation density for the single operator data set overlaid with a contour plotshowing the corresponding structure of the inhomogeneous Poisson model.

For subsequent model validation work more advanced spatialstatistics, such as n-point correlation functions will yield moreinformation [11], but for our purposes the intuitively clearnearest neighbor distances will suffice.

We begin by contrasting the nearest neighbor distances inour single operator data set against those arising from theinhomogeneous Poisson point process defined by Eq. (2) thatfollows exactly the population density. Since the density of aPoisson point process is locally proportional to 1/d2

nn we showin Fig. 5 the inverse squared empirical nearest neighbor dis-tances as a function of the local population density. The resultsfor the BS locations deviate from those of the inhomogeneousPoisson point process in two ways. First, the latter has manymore nearby point pairs in dense regions. This is evidence ofrepulsion or local regularity in our data arising from networkplanning, as discussed in earlier work in the homogeneouspoint process context [3]–[5]. This local regularity is alsopartially responsible for the linear relationship between thepopulation distribution and the modelled point process densitybreaking down in densely populated areas as discussed inSection III. Second, our data set features substantially morepoints in regions with very low population densities, and fewpoints even in regions where the population density is zero.We believe these base station locations to arise from an almostpopulation independent ‘overlay’, the purpose of which isto provide country-wide coverage for the customers of theoperator. This belief is further supported by Fig. 1c whichillustrates the points falling in these regions. We see that a veryregular structure has emerged, encompassing approximately19.2% of the original points, in total serving approximately10.0% of the population.

In summary, we have seen that the local regularity in thehomogeneous setting is clearly present also in our country-wide data set. Furthermore, inhomogeneous Poisson modelslack the country-wide ‘overlay’ which again is probably bettermodeled by an almost homogeneous point process that is onlyweakly coupled to the population distribution. Neverthelessthe inhomogeneous Poisson model has very wide degree of

validity beyond these extreme scales. We also emphasize thatthe local regularity strongly indicates that the inhomogeneousPoisson model directly yields uppers bounds to distributionsof quantities that are monotonic in local density of the pointprocess, in particular interference statistics, further extendingits usefulness. In this manner the inhomogeneous Poissonmodel is applicable to scenarios covering 90% of the Germanpopulation.


In this paper we have studied the feasibility of usingpopulation data to support the modeling of realistic cellularnetworks through point process models. Our analysis is par-ticularly useful for simulation-driven studies, where there isonly little practical earlier work on finding the validity regionof this approach.

Our extensive analysis of a large country-wide data set ofGerman deployments shows that for reasonably sized areas(A ≥ 20 km2) the population density provides a sensibleand accurate enough approximation of the average cellularnetwork density. This relationship is well observable for smallto medium populated areas, for which the large-scale structureof the cellular network is well approximated. We hence arguethat with smoothed average population data sets a simpleinhomogeneous Poisson PP already suffices to simulate realnetwork distributions at a high significance level. Only indense metropolitan areas we find a non-negligible level of localregularities in the cellular network. We presume that in thoseareas the non-Poisson modeling as discussed e.g. in [3]–[5]will be better suited for any practical analysis, but even therethe simple population based model yields useful bounds. Ouranalysis of the country-wide data set has furthermore revealedan interesting overlay structure in the single operator case,which we plan to explore further in our future work.


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