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    STANCEPlay staggered stance and you are one step behind

    Balanced stance, 1st step is mirrored

    You are attackingas long as you are going forward

    The hat read will lie, so read the belt buckle to the feet

    Goal is to be in the same position as prior to the snap

    Be off the block by the 3rd step - 3 Step Escape

    Practice the mirror steps with a buddy during 15 minute pre-practice

    PRE-PRACTICEStimulus-Response Period for 15-minutes.

    Position coach talks about what they will be doing during that day

    5 Minute silent stretchwith individual group, allows position coach to tell them the things thatwill happen that day.

    TRAP THE TRAPPERWrong arm the outside arm to the upfield knee, and pick grass

    How do you know if they did it right? Make them show you the grass. Overemphasizeteaching.

    Reduces the blocking surface, get off and make plays.

    Teach players to be playmakers

    Can only spill if you have someone to spill to.

    STIMULUS-RESPONSEBase Block- Squeeze it

    Down Block- Defend the trap. Step down, look for Level 1 puller

    Reach Block- React with Push-Pull, screw your hip to the hip of the Offensive Lineman. Getskinny in the hole and kiss the bicep. You won't get through if you don't get skinny. The armand leg must work together.

    Pass Set - Bull Rush & make your move

    Guards and center set the depth of the pocket, Tackle sets the width. If they get a deeper setthat normal, they're setting you up, so get the eyes inside.

    Arc Block- Close down, the next man inside tells you to do that.

    Veer Release - eyes inside

    Short Pull - anything that does not cross the center, get the eyes inside.

    Long Pull - anything that crosses the center, get in his hip pocket and run with him.

    Come up with your own stimulus-response words for your system and talk about it during the5-minute pre-practice every day.

    You're a football coach, any time you see a player you should be talking football first.

    Zone Scheme - Treat it as a reach block, get skinny.

    In an Inside-I technique, read the hip of the man inside - so in a 2i, read the center. 4i, readthe guard. 6i, read the tackle.

    FRONT DOOR & BACK DOOR PLAYERSBack side of the block, come through the back door to defend cut-back.

    PASS RUSHCompromise the pocket on pass rush, understand the triangle of the drop back scheme.

    Getting washed down and can't recover, spin as a last resort. Ice pick the kidney and to stopthe spin back by the blocker.

    Use his momentum, but this is as last resort when its the only way to get off the block.

    0-tech landmark is the nose of the QB

    Outside rusher targets the outside shoulder

    In between rusher targets the outside eye

    Pass Rush Landmarks:

    If the QB flushes out, break to the LOS and run so that you'll at least be in the passing lane.Don't chase his butt.

    Get the hands up, elbows inside to get full ex tension to knock the ball down.

    Train them with a nerf ballto teach him to knock it down

    If you use a real football and chuck it at him, he's going to flinch. Like when Jerry threw thecoke bottle at the poor guy from the audience.

    Get rid of footballs and use nerf balls to give them conf idence to get in front of it.

    THE HISTORY OF HOLDINGHolding became a part of the game in 1985. They used to call it a lot but they don't anymorebecause it's understood that using the hands results in holding.

    Spacing rules: When does a 3-techturn into a 2, or a 2i?

    Jerry Campbell - Defensive Line PlayMonday, March 17, 200812:10 AM

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    Jerry's e-mail address:[email protected]

    You have to show the hold to the official, usually he's in a position that he cannot see it.

    Drop the inside hand through his hands, turn your shoulders and show the hold.

    If nothing else, turn your hips so that the hold can be seen.

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    Backside LB has counter, invert safety has cutback

    Ball at A-Gap: Stay tech, defend the dive

    Ball at B-Gap: Slow tech, don't overrun the Iso

    Ball at C-Gap: Scrapetech for the Power

    Ball Outside: Speedtech to defend the Toss

    Set up the barrels and work these

    Players yet it as they go, constantly talking

    'Sugar' the linebackers, have them step up and dance a little

    Communication: "Don't get divorced on the field."

    Defensive Line StuntsThunder: Defensive End first, then Tackle outside

    Technique - 2nd man drop step, and slap the butt of the first man tostay tight.

    Lightningaway from the Call - but same as thunder: Can be a gapand a half removed, but they will still actthe slap

    Storm: Both sides

    Twist: Just the Tackles

    Jet: Pass rush first, elongated stance

    Psycho: Only run to the Open Side

    "Repetition in Learning"

    Do not practice things the coordinator is not going to call.

    Do whatever it takes if it is a burning passion.


    End GamesJam- outside inverts of f the edge, slip the ends to contain

    Work scenarios on what might call you off of the stunts (ex. Invertis pulled out by Twin set)

    Run Player RolesFour jobs a run player may be doing, everyone is doing one of these jobs and no one can dotwo.

    Chase- Chasing the play away from you

    Contain- Turn the play back to chase players

    Collapse- Spill the play

    Cutback- Play for the cut-back to you (back-door player)

    Tell the LB what the coach will allow.

    LB needs to be conscious of other players misaligned - they won't do it if you don't expect it ofthem.

    Never be satisfied.

    Jerry Campbell - Linebackers Stimulus/ResponseTuesday, March 18, 2008

    11:47 PM

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    Jerry calls his coverage by colors: 0=fire, 1=Red, 2=Blue, 3=Green, 4=black, 5=orange, 6=special, 7=brown (1/4 1/4 1/2)

    Underneath zones are from the LOS to 15yds, settling at 12 to be underneath 15yd routes


    Cover 0: Bringing 8, rush-read for edge to jump the flare routes. Tackle anything inside.

    Must redirect receivers. Convince players to take pride in their area.

    Cover 1: Best competitor on the defense is the Free Safety, can run downhill.

    They 'll run 4 verticals against it

    Outside releases, man turn and run with it to help the situation so the safety can holdlonger

    Cover 2: Is a run stopper

    Veer Option football cannot account for the safety.

    Empty vs. man-under Cover 2, they'll throw to the 3-man side. (For 7-on-7 purposes)

    The inside guy better take the seam route out to the corner.

    Communicate the weaknesses of your defense to your players, and how they can help.

    Cover 3: They'll try to hit the seams.

    Of your two inverts, the Robber is the cover guy.

    Giving up the flats. He runs a true quarters.

    Communicate to your players that you are giving up the flat, it is the weakness.

    Quarters: When the offense needs twelve yards or more.

    Cover 5: Bring the house, the inverts go, the middle guys jump the flares.

    In the Red Zone, stay in front of your man.

    "Take pride they will do it foryou because you will it forthem."

    History of football: Mouse Davis's Run& Shoot caused the 5-2 to turn into a3-4 defense

    Jerry Campbell - SecondaryWednesday, March 19, 2008

    12:13 AM

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    Principals of Stopping the RunStop the direction of the ball - Someone is responsible for changing the direction of the ballevery play.

    'Front' the ball and push to help when its cut.

    If you are not force or front, you are pursuit - with reckless discipline.

    The water and the pencil:Every single run play, youmust redirect the back (thewater).

    Robber CoveragePurpose of getting the FS into the box, he's the best athlete and unaccounted for.

    FS robs the pass strength, key #2 - he blocks down, runs the alley

    Releases out- rob strong curl

    Underneath- Flat face the dig (Rob the dig)

    Vertical- FS jams the hip and takes it vertical

    Alley: In between supportand contain. Fit off theinside hip, if it goes wide,work with it.

    Run FitsMust know where to f it.

    FS fronts the ball

    Spurts Fold - drop 4 yards, check cutback, come to help

    Corners are deep fold

    Trap or Iso:

    FS cannot run the alley until the EMOLS engages the block

    Cover 5- Corners Over

    Sam: 91 Player, outside he's a 9-tech, inside run he's a 1-tech

    Mike: 31 Player, outside he's a 3-tech, inside run he's a 1-tech

    Midline is a similar play to inside trap in run fits and the way the defense handles it

    Hard Edges: Give no soft edges, take the man on.

    Pat Fox - Stopping the Run, Milford High SchoolThursday, March 20, 2008

    12:42 AM

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    Stopping the Run vs. 32 Personnel GroupsUse an extra linebacker to outnumber them at the point of attack

    2 TE expands your front, their Xs are bigger than ours, the 3rd back is 230lbs of ex tra blocker,and PA is a TD

    Attack tendency keys and force them to throw.

    Read support on the edges.

    Bear Front: For pass coverageExtra Package vs. 32

    Bear Front: Ends stone the TE at the line and cover him.

    Tough "Sink" Cover 1, one corner drops low hole, one corner drops high hole. Ends man up,OLBs play blitz-peel.

    The key in Extra Package was confidence in stopping the run.

    Be creative - if you have no XB, bring an XL

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    Coaching PhilosophyYou get in trouble when you go away from technique, in favor of scheme.

    Teach down & distance, formation, and field position Tech.

    Never challenge the courageof a young man, challenge the technique.Coach on the run, don't give your philosophy on the field.

    Scout team is to run a play every 25 seconds

    Have your drills ready of the next day. Make them better in individuals.

    Be great on 3rd down, Red Zone, Goal Line, Sudden Change, Golden eyes (tendencies - if yousee them, go after them)

    Fit your scheme to your personnel.

    Toughness and Effort: When things get tough, go to the fundamentals.

    Base Techniques for Defensive LineDefine your base techniques: 1) Stance, 2) Alignment, 3) Get off, 4) Get off & strike, 5)Escape, 6) Spark

    Break down each technique - 1) Components , 2) Drills, 3) Coaching Points

    Tighter splits, get a heavier alignment.

    Wider splits, looser alignment.

    Credit Card Alignment

    Get off: target shows, strike target. Target disappears, bend (squeeze inside).

    Strike: 4/5 of our body, eyes up, hips back. Be first, be firm. 2 hands, thumbs up.

    Escape: Post, rip, run - post w/ inside hand, open hip, rip & run.

    Spark: Kick laterally, rip and run (stunt technique)

    Get off drill, Hoop drill, ball on a string (up field 3 steps, plant and redirect past cone - finishhard on the hoop).

    Triangle DrillsSet up a sled, shield, and a man station for the Escape drill. Get off, strike, escape - work moremen at one time. No one is standing around.

    Cannot cross face on a reach and leave your gap till back is heels deep.

    Cut block: Attack the head, two hands to the head.

    Vs. Zone block, turn your butt to the reach, hold the man working to the LB.

    Pass - attack the target (bull rush)till you feel pressure, then pull him

    The Box of Hell: Break everything down to its smallest part, and worknumbers. Work the trap, the reach, whatever you will see that week.

    Jump to full line 6 on 4 vs. all blocking schemes that week, then 9 on 9 run period, and thenteam.

    Tackling: Fundamental 4

    Work from the lock out and tackle, with post/rip/run.. Progress to strike, etc. Make it game-like.

    Pat Fox - Defensive Line Technique, Milford HSThursday, March 20, 2008

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    Zone Blitz PhilosophyAttacking: There is too much to defend in Base

    Not good enough to do without it.

    Deterrent to the naked, boot, waggle and reverse

    Good match-up for the Spread Option

    Easy once you learn the system

    Versatile and Multiple

    Everyone is 1/11 of the defense.

    Zone BlitzCall System: Front - Tag - Blitz - Coverage

    Run blitz hard, don't tip toe

    Cut hard, get upfield penetration

    See the ball on the break


    Red & Blue Call - right or left (opposite of the hash)

    Safeties make the call, strong players go to the call.

    Fronts are dictated by field, boundary, or surface (a certain player).

    Always hold a 2-shell disguise

    Always put the 3-Tech into the Boundary.

    Eagleis a field oriented defense.

    Fire Zone Coverage3 under/3 deep

    Seam/Flat players: Hang on to the seam till you must be taken out.

    Middle Hot - key the original #3, but be prepared to take on a new #3 (crosser).

    Corners play outside 1/3. Play the 3-step passing game first and key the QB.

    Middle 1/3 Safety, read the front shoulder of the QB and see the routes with peripheral vision.

    Zone Blitz RulesWhat is the type of Blitz, Who is blitzing, Who is the dropper? What is your 1/11? (Your part)

    "Single," Directional, Middle Blitz, and Middle +1 blitzes.

    Single: No DL dropper

    For single secondary blitz, replace their 1/3

    Directional BlitzField/Boundary, Left/Right, T ight/Split, Near/Far

    Front will cut: Long Cut / Cut / Stem away from blitz.

    One containblitz, one spill blitz.

    Long Cut: 2 interior gaps inside. Flat step, cross over, work up -field.

    Cut - Cross face. Cut Step is a lateral step.

    Slam - Slam the man with your outside shoulder, become the contain player to that side.

    Anchor (DL dropping): Stand up, "Take a Picture", play the run first, and on pass read drop.

    If the lineman gets a zone step away, horizontal step - work vertical for up-field penetration.

    Tags exchange responsibilities - such as Flip

    Create indecision up front by moving the DL around.

    Al Holcomb - Zone Blitz from the 4-3 & 3-4, Lafayette CollegeFriday, March 21, 2008

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    Blaze Colby Vs. 3-hot, end away will drop and the player to Trips will rush

    Middle BlitzesDE to 3-Tech is always the dropper

    Middle has a penetratorand a looper

    DL has two Slam players and a Cut player (no long cut)


    Middle +1 BlitzBoth DEs drop: Bash has a follower (FS)

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    Fire Exchange: Put Middle Hot player in a better position

    Eagle Fire Cornell: C means Cloud, C2

    Invert 2

    Colorado: Used primarilyvs. Trips/Nub

    "Check": Check Coloradovs. closed backside

    Blazer drops the end to the field, Burn drops the end to the boundary - both are a corner blitz.

    The beauty of Zone Blitz is there are blown coverages everywhere, but no one has time tothrow the ball.

    Boundary stunts are the best stunts.

    QB knows where to go in 3 under/3 deep if he is well coached. He knows where the hot routesshould be open vs. zone blitz. So go C2 to clean it up.

    Parts are parts, figure out what parts go with what.

    The 2 high look is tougher.

    Middle Blitz and Middle+1 Blitz vs. 2-Back are most effective

    Seam/Flat player is also a contain player on the run. Be at least head up by alignment.

    Safety dropping down goes to the outside shoulder, carry and run with the player untilsomeone takes you off.

    Seam/Flat player and Middle Hot can work as a bracket and slide off.

    Eagle w/ TE: Sam makes "UP" call and bumps to TE.

    Vs. TE/Trips, he does not come up on the line - he has a #2 removed.

    Al Holcomb - Zone Blitz Change-Ups, Lafayette CollegeFriday, March 21, 2008

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    Can be used to cover weaknesses in your team.

    QB reads everything, installed in a systematic way.

    Gun OffenseBacks and QBs even at 5 yds, outside foot to inside foot of OT.

    Drop step on snap to get depth behind QB

    OL has 2 foot splits.

    MotionsTom & Tim = TE Motion

    Hump = FB to the play

    Jump = FB away from play

    Rip & Liz = TB Motion

    Zip & Zap = Z-Motion

    Jet = X in motion

    Use motions to gain an advantage

    Right & Left tell T E his side

    The SnapSnap is the biggest part of the offense.

    C holds the football like a QB.

    Keep your tail down to keep the ball down

    Bring the thumb up to the crack of the butt to keep the ball straight

    At 5 yds the ball can float, the Pistol at 3 yds is easier

    Centers carry a football with them, and get constant repetition (pre -practice!)

    The SystemPlays starting with 1 = Option; start with # (2,3,4) are predetermined runs.

    Inside Veer release by T ackle (2,3 take it back - read the 5-tech)

    Stretch Release (drop step, circle) (8,9 bring it around - read 9-tech)

    Tackle Pull - see if he'll chase (0,1 trap or midline)

    Reading the Backside Ends:

    OL block the nearest ear of the down defender and you won't be wrong.

    Drop Step: Lets the QB get it to him deeper, so you get the backside cuts.

    Drop the inside foot, in split back they look at each other.

    Bubble to get pitch relationship, create second read-run bubble

    Screen depth to set up, keeping the triple option alive

    3 yards outside of the tackle (you can find out what works for you)

    Don't over-coach the bubble, just tell him to get in to pitch relationship.

    Any time there is a slot receiver, he "Cowboy" techniques, to become the pitch man

    Teach QB to always carry out fakes like he has the ball, this is crucial.

    The bubble/pitch keeps yelling "BALL! BALL!" to get a reaction from the linebackers.

    For drill work, the QB gives the ball, f lip him a new one and he pitches

    Use the bubble to mess with the invert.

    2 1/2 plays per minute in teamand group periods. Demand it,make it game-like.

    The offensive line coach shouldsee 14 players - his 6 and the 8-

    man box - on every play.

    The Veer12 & 13 veer - back drop steps then rolls his shoulders over.

    QB step over flat, read DE. QB is the eyes for the TB.

    If he gives to the FB, the end is chasing him.

    If he keeps, the end is crashing. Make him chase.

    OL L-step, push away hard, pick grass w/ backside hand.

    Mesh problems: RB show jersey #, if not then means his back is coming down on the balltoo soon.

    If QB reads wrong, don't jump him. Have patience, be happy that he made a decision andteach him how to make a better one.

    Get a QB who is a competitor, he must give a helmet for a helmet every play.

    Jerry Campbell - Gun Offense and Pistol InstallationMonday, March 24, 200810:47 PM

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    The StretchOL drop step, run away from DE.

    Circle the Wagons!

    What dictates footwork on zone schemes: How the ball is moving. LBs will flow exactly howthey see the ball, so block the same way.

    The TrapPulling the tackleinside, keeps the G-C-G in tact

    Short trap does not cross the Center, long trap does.

    Slot your TE vs Odd Front, takes one guy out of the box and eliminates games they can play on

    the perimeter that could hurt your trap.

    Trap steps: Drop step, "slap the dog and punch the donkey."

    Seriously, the manJust said this inPublic, to a full room.

    BOBWhat happens? They play man. No idea what that has to do with anything.

    BOB tells the OT the LB is walking out to get QB. Don't pull.

    Slam inside of the end, eyes on backer. If he scrapes the ball goes inside.

    If he fills, pick him up and the ball goes outside.

    Creating a zone game with a bump/wall concept. Find out what a bump/wall is.