Download - Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

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Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Key Ideas for Week 10

• This is only step one of the home learning process. Your learning activities will continue to be developed by the teachers at Lambton and will be increasing in their challenge and complexity.

• The following overview includes a variety of learning experiences and suggestions. We ask that families adjust the activities to reflect their context and resources available at home.

• These activities are designed to support learning. We acknowledge some activities will need the support of an adult due to their stage of development.

• Students can complete activities online using Google Docs and submit to their teacher via Google Classroom, or on paper or an exercise book.

Weekly Overview:

● English

o Phonics: /o/ sound (o for octopus, ‘wa’ says ‘wo’ for wash)

o Reading: Read out loud to self or to a family member

o Sight Words: Read out loud using weekly list

o Writing: Imaginative writing

o Grammar/ Punctuation: Using nouns, verbs, adjectives and time connectives

● Mathematics

o Whole Number: Counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

o Measurement: Length

● Fitness/Physical Activity - Overarm Throw, kick, catch, obstacle course

● HSIE - Geography: Our place in the world. Students learn what is a continent and Australia’s location in the world in relation to other continents.

● Creative Arts - Primary and secondary colours

● PDHPE - Looking after our teeth.

● Science - Animal can be used as food.

● Library - Mrs Quinn’s activity.

Page 2: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Monday: 30/3/20

Morning Session Middle Session Afternoon Session

Home Task

Make your bed.


Phonics Listen and join in with the song and actions to our Soundwaves chant and rhymes. Link is google classroom.

o - lot, on, not, lot, stop, rock a - what, wash, clock, holiday, often, pocket Sight Words Practice reading this week’s list of words as quickly as you can. If you don’t know how to read the word, ask for help. Time yourself each day. Try to beat your time by the end of the week.

Reading Read a book from home or select a book from Starfall Reading.


Whole Number

Task 1 - Counting Counting forwards and backwards by tens Listen to the 3rd song (counting by 10’s) clip Use a number chart to count forwards (10,20,30,40…) and backwards (120,110,100,90…) by ten. Task 2 - Counting Counting forwards and backwards by tens from any number (not starting at zero or 10, 20, 30 etc.) Using the ‘Counting by 10’s from any number’ poster to guide counting. Use a number chart to count by tens on and (add/subtract) from any number. Start from any number e.g 13,23,33,43... or 109, 99, 89....

Task 3 - Measurement Measuring length with your own tape measure Use your footprint (or shoe) to create your own tape measure. Find and cut a long piece of string, wool, hose or paper streamer. Place your foot at the beginning of the string, then using a pen mark on the string the length of your foot. Keep marking your footprint until

HSIE - Geography A continent is a large solid area of land. Our world has 7 continents. What is a continent? Listen to the continent song - in google classroom. Look at the world map of continents and oceans and find the location of Australia and each continent. Read the name of each continent. Complete the seven continents of the world worksheet and label the 7 continents using the copy of the world map of the 7 continents to assist if needed.

Wellbeing Task

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Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Complete all the activities in line 3 eg. The Big Hit, line 4 and line 5. Extension: Read the ‘ReadWorks - Making butter - Long Ago and Today’ and complete the comprehension questions.


Skill: Questioning Ask the following questions: Before:

- What kind of characters do you think will be in the book? - What do you think is going to happen?

During: - What do you think will happen next? - If you were the character, what would you have done

differently in that situation? After:

- Did you learn any new words? - What was your favourite part of the book? why?

Writing Write (paper or exercise book) about what happened on the weekend. Use a sound word to start your writing to make your start sizzling! The sound should relate to what you did on the weekend e.g. “Swish” I rode down the street on my bike.

Grammar/Punctuation Students change the noun (words that name people, places or things) in the following sentence:

The man walked to his car. eg. The BEAR walked to his car.

the end of the string. You have now made your own measuring tape. Task 4 - Adding/Subtracting measurements Adding and subtracting measurements Use this to measure the furniture in your bedroom/ backyard (or objects in the house). Write down (paper or exercise book) the length of your bed in your foot measurements. eg: My bed is 18 of my feet long. It is 6 feet longer than my cupboard. Compare the other lengths in your room

Fitness/Physical Activity

20 min activity - student choice OR Suggested: Skill - overarm throw Overarm throw is a fundamental movement skill. Use an overarm throw to throw an object at a target. Use a smaller or higher target then the day before. This could be marked with chalk outside or an object e.g a basket or bucket. Start 2 metres from the target. After hitting the target 10 times then take a step back.

Mindfulness Complete a yoga exercise on Cosmic Kids Yoga. Journal Writing Write and draw (online, paper or exercise book) your favourite part of the day? What did you enjoy most about it?

Page 4: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Tuesday: 30/3/20

Morning Session Middle Session Afternoon Session

Home Task Tidy up your room!

English Phonics Listen and join in with the song and actions to our Soundwave chant and rhymes. Link is google classroom. /o/ sound

o - lot, on, not, lot, stop, rock

a - what, wash, clock, holiday, often, pocket

Sight words Practice reading this week’s list of words as quickly as you can. If you don’t know how to read the word, ask for help. Time yourself - see if you can beat your time from yesterday!

Mathematics Whole Number Task 1 - Counting Counting forwards and backwards by twos Listen to the 1st song (counting by 2’s): Use a number chart to count forwards ( 2, 4, 6, 8…) from 0 and backwards (88,86,84,82,80…) from 100.. Task 2 - Number Odd & even numbers Listen to the song: Even numbers can be paired. Odd numbers cannot be

paired. Collect pairs of shoes or socks. Count the pairs.

Write the even numbers. Describe 'odd' and 'even'

numbers and describe the pattern created by modelling

odd and even numbers using the game: Coconut odd and


Task 3 - Multiplication Make equal ‘groups of’ objects

Creative Arts Primary colours are red, blue and yellow. Tertiary (or secondary) colours are purple, orange and green. Use the poster to name primary (red, blue, yellow) and tertiary (secondary) colours (purple, orange, green). Sort primary and secondary colours using the worksheet. Listen to the colours song. Play the online Creating Colours game

Page 5: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Reading Read a book from home or select a book from the following link - Starfall Reading. Complete all the activities in line 6, eg. Jake’s Tale, line 7 and line 8. Extension: Read the ‘ReadWorks - My Bean Plant’ and complete the comprehension questions. Comprehension Skill: Questioning Ask the following questions: Before:

- What kind of characters do you think will be in the book?

- What do you think is going to happen? During:

- What do you think will happen next - -If the main character in that story lived next door,

would you be friends? After:

- What do you think could happen next in the book? - Did they have a problem and how did they solve it in

the end?

Writing Using the stimulus provided (fish swimming), write (paper or exercise book) at least 4 sentences (Year 1) and 6 or more (Year 2). If you can write more, wonderful! Don’t forget to start your sentences with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

Using the Topmarks website game, Gordan’s Multiplication. Select an object under “‘Work out the answer” type in answer. Complete at least 5 questions.

Task 4 - Multiplication Grouping objects equally Grouping objects select an object (e.g counters, pasta, smarties/m&ms). Put into the following groups: 2 groups of 3 2 groups of 5 3 groups of 4 3 groups of 3 3 groups of 6 4 groups of 5 Ask: How many in each group? How many all together? Students complete a worksheet on modeling groups - Year 1 and Year 2 worksheets provided in the resources.

Physical Activity/ Fitness 20 min activity - student whoice OR Suggested: Kick Kicking is a Fundamental Movement Skill Practice kicking a ball in between targets. Weaving in and out of the objects. Kick to a partner/ family member. Move further out after 10 successful kicks to a partner.

Wellbeing Mindfulness is an important strategy to maintain a healthy wellbeing. Put on a slow song and draw patterns and lines to the song.

Journal Writing Write and draw (paper or exercise book) a problem or challenge you had today. How did you solve it or overcome the challenge?

Page 6: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Grammar/Punctuation Add time connectives (a time connective is WHEN something is happening.) to the following sentence: __________ the black bird flew happily to the birdcage. e.g At home (where), on a cold winter's night (when), the black bird flew happily to the birdcage

Page 7: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Wednesday: 1/4/20

Morning Session Middle Session Afternoon Session

Home Task List making! Write a list of things that make you happy, things you’re grateful for or things you are good at.

English Phonics Listen and join in with the song and actions to our Soundwave chant and rhymes. Link is google classroom. /o/ sound Activity:

o - lot, on, not, lot, stop, rock a - what, wash, clock, holiday, often, pocket Sight words Practice reading this week’s list of words as quickly as you can. If you don’t know how to read the word, ask for help. Time yourself - see if you can beat your time


Number Task 1 - Counting Counting forwards and backwards by fives Listen to the 2nd song (counting by 5’s). Use the number chart to count by fives both forwards starting from 0 (5, 10, 15, 20….) and backwards (120, 115, 110, 100, 95, 90…) starting from 120.

Task 2 - Addition Addition facts which add up to 10 or 20 ‘Friends of 10’ Find 10 objects (eg: 10 toys, 10 blocks or 10 sultanas.) Use the objects to find 2 numbers that add up to 10. eg 9+1=10, 8+2=10... Write all the number partners that make 10. (Then try numbers that combine to make 20). Task 3- Multiplication Group objects in an array (equal rows and columns) Go through the PowerPoint about arrays. Using household materials eg. pegs, model multiplication by forming arrays of equal ‘rows’ and equal ‘columns’.

Personal Development/ Health It is important to look after our teeth. Why do we brush our teeth (the importance)? We brush our teeth to keep them clean and healthy. Watch both video clips about brushing your teeth. Discuss the steps to brush your teeth. Activity: Sequencing the steps with brushing teeth (Year 1 sequencing with the basic descriptions. Year 2 sequencing and writing down the steps in detail on paper or in exercise book.

Mindfulness Mindfulness is an important strategy to maintain a healthy wellbeing. Use the smiling mind app to do relaxing breathing exercises.

Page 8: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

from yesterday! Reading Read a book from home or select a book from the following link - Starfall Reading. Complete all the activities in line 9, eg. Robot and Mr. Mole, line 10 and line 11. Extension: Read the ‘ReadWorks - Oranges from the Tree’ and complete the comprehension questions. Comprehension Skill: Predicting Activity: Looking at the title and front cover, make a prediction about the text and write it down (paper or exercise book). Whilst reading, check your prediction and alter it if needed. Writing Using the stimulus provided (reading book), write (paper or exercise book) at least 4 sentences (Year 1) and 6 or more (Year 2). If you can write more, wonderful. Don’t forget to start your sentences with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Grammar/Punctuation Add adjectives (word to describe the cat and the mouse) to the following sentence: The _____ cat ran to the ______ mouse. eg. The GINGER ran to the FAST car.

2 rows of 3 Practice and complete arrays worksheet. Task 4 - Multiplication Group objects in an array (equal rows and columns) Objects can be grouped in equal rows (rows go across) and columns (columns go up and down). These are called arrays.

Use the Topmarks website game to experiment with making arrays. (click on the arrays section on the right). Count how many in each row (starting from top left) and columns and add how many there are together.

PE/Fitness 20 min activity - student choice OR Suggested: Catch Catching is a Fundamental Movement Skill Practice throwing an object (ball, pairs of socks etc) underarm to a family member. See how many times you can underarm throw your object to your partner without dropping it. Repeat and try to beat your last score

Journal Writing Write and draw (paper or exercise book) your favourite part of the day? What did you enjoy most about it?

Page 9: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Thursday: 2/4/20

Morning Session Middle Session Afternoon Session

Home Task

Do something kind for someone. Can you pay them a compliment, make them something or help them with a task?


Phonics Listen and join in with the song and actions to our Soundwave chant and rhymes. Link is google classroom. /o/ sound Rainbow words: Students write/type the words below using a different colour for each letter.

o - lot, on, not, lot, stop, rock a - what, wash, clock, holiday, often, pocket Sight words Practice reading this week’s list of words as quickly as you can. If you don’t know how to read the word, ask for help.


Number Task 1 - Counting Counting by threes Listen to the song. Use the number chart. Start at 3 (or 103) and circle or colour in every 3rd number. 3, 6, 9, 12… Talk about the pattern in the numbers circled. Task 2- Subtraction Subtraction facts for 10 Find 10 objects (eg: 10 toys, 10 blocks or 10 sultanas.) Take away one object and count backwards to find how many are left. Write the number sentence. 10-1=9. Continue to take 1 away, count backwards to find the total and write the number sentence 10-2=8, 10-3=7... Task 3- Division Share a collection into equal groups Draw 3 circles (or find 3 containers). Then choose a collection of 12 objects eg: 12 toys, 12 blocks or 12 sultanas. Next, sort the objects into the 3 groups so there are equal numbers in each group. Count how

Science Living things: Animals can be used for food.

Animals can provide us with food such as eggs, honey, milk and meat.

What food did you eat for breakfast and lunch today? Did you eat a product that contained food from an animal?

Some foods may have food from animals as an ingredient. Draw a picture and write sentences about how animals can be used as food e.g Hens lay eggs. My cake was made with eggs. Cows make milk. My yoghurt and cheese were made with milk.

Mindfulness Mindfulness is an important strategy to maintain a healthy wellbeing. Build a reading

Page 10: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Time yourself - see if you can beat your time from yesterday! Reading Read a book from home or select a book from the following link - Starfall Reading. Complete all the activities in line 12, eg. Car Race and line 13. Extension: Read the ‘ReadWorks - Pictures of the Year’ and complete the comprehension questions. Listen to the book “Chip” on ABC KIDS playschool story time. Comprehension Write or discuss: What was your favourite part of the book? Why? If you were Chip, what would you have done differently?

Writing Write (paper or exercise book) about your favourite place to eat hot chips. Write at least 4 sentences (Year 1) and 6 or more (Year 2). If you can write more, brilliant! Where is the place? What does the place look like? Why is it your favourite place to eat hot chips? Grammar/ Punctuation Add verbs (doing/action words) to the following sentence:

many objects are in each group. Draw and label the collection e.g ‘12 blocks shared between 3 groups equals 4 blocks in each group’. Task 4- Division Share a collection into equal groups Next, sort the objects into 4 rows so there are equal numbers in each row (pretend the objects are lining up). Count how many objects are in each row. Draw and label the collection e.g ‘12 blocks shared between 4 rows equals 3 blocks in each row’.

PE/Fitness 20 min activity - student choice OR Suggested: skill - Throw Throwing is a Fundamental Movement Skill Practice throwing and catching a ball to someone else or against a wall. Try throwing the ball (or a toy) in the air and clapping your hands before you catch it. How many times can you clap your hands before catching the ball? Can you throw it higher and achieve more claps?

den. Find somewhere cosy, snuggle up and read your favourite book quietly and calmly to yourself. Journal Writing Write and draw (paper or exercise book) a problem or challenge you had today. How did you solve it or overcome the challenge?

Page 11: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

At school, the boy was __________ . eg. At school, the boy was playing.

Page 12: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Friday: 3/4/20

Morning Session Middle Session Afternoon Session

Home Task Keep moving! Make up a dance routine to your favourite song.

English Phonics Listen and join in with the song and actions to our Soundwave chant and rhymes. Link is google classroom. /o/ sound

o - lot, on, not, lot, stop, rock a - what, wash, clock, holiday, often, pocket Reading Read a book from home or select a book from the following link - Starfall Reading. Complete all the activities in line 14, eg. Surfer Girl and line 15.

Mathematics Number Task 1 - Counting Counting by fives Listen to the song. Use the number chart. Start at 8 (or 108) and circle or colour in every 5th number. 8,13,18,23…. Talk about the pattern in the numbers circled. Task 2- Subtraction Subtraction facts for 20 Find 20 objects ( eg: 20 toys, 20 blocks or 20 sultanas.) Take away one object and count backwards to find how many are left. Write the number sentence. 20-1=19. Continue to take 1 away, count backwards to find the total and write the number sentence 20-2=18, 20-3=17... Task 3- Division Share a collection into equal rows Choose a collection of 20 objects eg: 20 toys, 20 blocks or 20 sultanas. Next, sort the objects into 5 rows so there are equal numbers in each row (pretend the objects are lining up). Count how

Library- Mrs Quinn Visit Mrs Quinn’s Google Classroom and complete the task. Personal Development/ Health Mindfulness Mindfulness is an important strategy to maintain a healthy wellbeing. Lie flat on the floor in a dark, quiet room and close your eyes. Try to relax your body and clear your mind for about 5-10mins. Journal Writing Write and draw your favourite part of the day? What did you enjoy most about it?

Page 13: Lambton Public School Learning at Home Timetable€¦ · Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10 NSW Department of Education

Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Listen to the book “Eva’s Imagination” on ABC KIDS playschool story time. Comprehension Write or discuss: - What are some things you have imagined before? - What else could the wooden spoon be used for? - Why was Chops (the dog) so worn out? Writing You are going on an adventure to find treasure. Use your imagination to describe your adventure. Where was the adventure? Who did you go with? What happened? When did you go? Write at least 4 sentences (Year 1) and 6 or more (Year 2). If you can write more, amazing! Look at the ‘story starts’ you have written last week or the writing from this week. Choose one to edit. Check your sentences. Do they make sense? Did you start with a capital letter? Did you end with a full stop? Re- write in your neatest writing and illustrate. Grammar/ Punctuation Add a time connective (a time connective is WHEN something is happening.) to the following sentence: __________ kitty cat jumped onto the little chair. eg. Outside in the backyard, kitty cat jumped onto the little chair.

many objects are in each row. Draw and label the collection- eg ‘20 blocks shared between 5 rows equals 4 blocks in each row’. Task 4 - Division Share a collection into equal groups Choose a collection of 14 objects eg: 14 toys, 14 blocks or 14 sultanas. Next, sort the objects into 5 rows. Count how many objects are in each row. Count how many objects are left over. Draw and label the collection e.g ‘when 14 objects are arranged into rows of five, there are two rows of five and four objects left over’. Practice grouping on the Topmarks website game.

PE/Sport 20 min activity - student choice OR Suggested: skill - Obstacle course Obstacle courses are a fun way to move around the house or room completing physical activities.

Create an obstacle course at home that includes 3 activities eg: skipping around the house, throwing a ball/ object at a target 20 times, 15 star jumps. Complete the course as many times as you can in 20 minutes. Add extra obstacles to your course for even more fun.

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Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Resources for the week:

Activity Description Website

Starfall Education Starfall’s emphasis on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential

phonics, and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual

interactivity has proven effective in teaching emergent readers.

Top Marks Topmarks gives children the opportunity to learn online, through safe, fun and engaging games and activities.

Smiling Mind Is a wellbeing website that aims to help every mind thrive by providing

and making accessible life-long tools to support a healthy mind. This is a

sample link only.




ABC Splash

ABC iView

ABC education website for a variety of resources.

Online educational videos and articles for each subject area.

Online educational videos!/



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Lambton Public School – Learning at Home Timetable

Classes: 10, 1/2S & 2L Term 1 – Week 10

NSW Department of Education

Cosmic Kids Yoga Kids do yoga, mindfulness and relaxation with Jaime on Cosmic Kids



Scratch Garden A website for learning videos for all subject areas.

PBS Learning Media PBS is free sight with standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson

plans, and more.