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for Wealth & SuccessPractitioner’s Manual

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Lakshmi Empowerment

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Copyright 2009. This manual may be given to your students and those you attune as long as the entire manual is kept intact. You are welcome to charge for attunements to this system, but please do not post this manual for free on the Internet. No text or portion of this manual may be copied or plagiarized, unless quoted briefly as part of fair use in a review or other commentary.

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Lakshmi Empowerment

About the Lakshmi Empowerment

The Lakshmi Empowerment embodies the energy of the Lakshmi Gayatri mantra, which is a powerful mantra from Hinduism. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is the consort of Lord Vishnu, one of the aspects of God. The name Lakshmi means “goal,” and thus the energy associated with her is one of worldly as well as spiritual success. The mantra associated with Lakshmi is chanted to help bring wealth and prosperity, as well as fame and recognition. It is thus an excellent mantra for actors or professionals who need to be in the public eye.

It is said that women who chant the Lakshmi Gayatri mantra will become radiant and beautiful, expressing their feminine energy in a powerful way.

In pictures, Lakshmi is usually depicted with four arms. This represents the four ends of human life:

• dharma (righteousness)• kama (genuine desires)• artha (wealth)• moksha (liberation from birth and death)

The front hands represent the physical world and the back hands represent the spiritual world. The message of Lakshmi is that attaining material wealth is not an end in itself, but as a means of helping others and developing one's spirituality.

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Lakshmi Empowerment

As with any healing energy designed to help with prosperity, it is important to use this energy with reverence and not with the expectation that it will give you an instant lottery win. The energy is provided to help you shift into a higher state. This may or may not mean you will be showered with an instant cash prize. It may mean that it helps move you into a better environment from which you can develop your skills and talents to be a better help to the world, which will ultimately bring you the “prosperity” you need to live a full life.

This prosperity may not come in the form of a million dollars, but may appear in the form of a happy home life, a wonderful family, supportive friends, and an income that allows you to be fed and housed comfortably.

As such, it is important to use this energy without expectation. Putting a forceful intention on this energy, such as “I NEED A MILLION DOLLARS RIGHT NOW!” will only be counterproductive and hurt the flow.

Do use the energy to connect to the universal God source, which is the source of all abundance.

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Lakshmi Empowerment

Lakshmi Gayatri MantraThe Lakshmi Gayatri mantra comes in several forms. Use the one that feels the most comfortable to you. You can often find MP3 samples of the mantras via search engines, and there are versions of the mantra available in video form on YouTube. The mantra is in Sanskrit.

Here is one version:

Aum Mahalakshmaye VidmaheVishnupriyaye DhimahiTanno Lakshmih Prachodayat

Another version:

Om Mahalakshmyai cha vidmaheVishnu patnyai cha dhimahiTanno Lakshmihi prachodayat

These mantras roughly translate to the following:

“Om. Let us meditate on the Great Goddess Sri Lakshmi, the consort of Sri Maha Vishnu. May that effulgent Maha Lakshmi Devi inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

Or, a simpler translation:

“Om, Let me meditate on the greatest goddess,Who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, Give me higher intellect,And let Goddess Lakshmi illuminate my mind.”

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Lakshmi Empowerment

Using the Lakshmi EmpowermentGet into a meditative space, eyes closed, breathing deeply.

1. To send to another via distance healing: Visualize the person in front of you. Mentally say “I am now sending you blessed Lakshmi energy” and then visualize it sprinkling over the head (like a rain made of light). Recite the mantra to yourself while you send the energy, for as long as you want.

2. To send to yourself: Mentally say “I am now receiving the blessed Lakshmi energy” and then visualize it sprinkling over your head (like a rain made of light). Recite the mantra to yourself while you receive the energy, for as long as you want.

You can also send the energy during a regular Reiki session by chanting the mantra as you project the energy out of your hands.

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Lakshmi Empowerment

Lakshmi Empowerment AttunementsTo follow is the Lakshmi Empowerment attunement process. You are also welcome to use any existing attunement method you are already familiar with.

Optional: You can have the client chant the Lakshmi mantra while receiving the attunement or listen to it on CD.

In-Person Attunement

Most people you attune to the Lakshmi Empowerment should already be Reiki Masters or at least Level II. If not, you should make sure the person has had a Reiki session in the past week (at minimum).

For the attunement: Have the client sit in front of you with eyes closed to receive the attunement.

Call upon Lakshmi to help with the attunements. Then ask to connect with the higher self of the recipient.

To pass the attunements, place both hands on the client’s head. Ask for the blessed energy of Lakshmi to help bring the Lakshmi energy into the crown chakra. Recite whatever version of the mantra you prefer.

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Lakshmi Empowerment

Distance Attunement

Distance attunements are just as effective as in-person attunements. You do not even need to send the attunement at the same time the client receives it (as attunements can be sent through time and distance).

If you want to send the attunement at the same time the client receives it, then you will need to set a mutually beneficial time to do so. Have the client prepare themselves on their end by finding a quiet place to meditate for at least a half-hour.

You can also send the attunement with the intention that the client will receive it when they are ready. All you need to do is send the attunement with that intention, and then direct the client to set aside a time to receive the attunements (a half-hour at least) at their convenience.

For both methods, the client can open themselves up to receiving the attunement by repeating to themselves out loud or silently:

I am now receiving the Lakshmi Empowerment attunement sent by <your name>. Thank you.

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Lakshmi Empowerment

To send the attunement:

Call upon Lakshmi to help with the attunements. Then ask to connect with the higher self of the recipient.

Ask for the blessed energy of Lakshmi to help bring the Lakshmi energy into the crown chakra. Recite whatever version of the mantra you prefer.

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