Download - Lake Turkana Festival, Kenya

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OTA’s Turkana

Festival Tour

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The Lake Turkana

Festival is one of the

cultural highlights on

Kenya’s calendar.

Fourteen communities

in this remote corner

of the world coming

together to celebrate

their differences -

don’t you want to be

a part of that?!

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The Lake Turkana Festival has been an annual event on the Kenyan calendar for five years but in 2014, for the first time, it is being organised and facilitated by the local government. So come and help the local economy, engage with communities, and support cultural traditions at this spectacular festival in one of the most remote corners of the globe.

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Rebecca Lolosoli, Umoja Women’s Group

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Ethnic Groups

• Borana• Turkana• Samburu• Wata• El Molo• Rendille• Dassanach• Gabbra• Konso• Burji

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Kenya’s 52 tribes can be divided into three linguistic groups – Bantu, Nilotic and Cushitic. While Bantu sub-groups make up the majority of Kenyans today, it’s the Nilotic and Cushitic minority groups that are represented at the Lake Turkana Festival.

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Samburu National Reserve

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Established in 1948, Samburu National Reserve is relatively small at 170 square kilometres, making animals a bit easier to find than in other parks.

The landscape offers amazing variety from open savannah to scrub desert to lush river foliage, offering fantastic opportunities for excellent wildlife encounters.

Monkey, Olive Baboon, Buffalo, Impala, Waterbuck, Monitor Lizard and Nile Crocodile are the most common residents of Samburu.

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For more information about this tour visit:

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Turkana Festival Tour

11-18 June 2014

Book Now:tracey@ota-