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Page 1: Lake Orion High School Senior Interview Process Senior... · students prepare an official resume and showcase relevant skills and aptitudes related to their chosen career path via

Lake Orion High School

Senior Interview Process

“An experience that is unique at Lake Orion High School, all seniors participate in a “Senior Interview”

as part of their formal graduation requirements. Through this process, our seniors have the

opportunity to share their experiences at LOHS, extracurricular involvement, meaningful service

learning contributions, and future career and education ambitions. During their presentations,

students prepare an official resume and showcase relevant skills and aptitudes related to their chosen

career path via a professional portfolio. Senior interviews are made possible by the dedication of our

volunteer committees composed of parents, community members, and our Lake Orion staff that

oversee these presentations. We sincerely thank all of our stakeholders who have selflessly

volunteered their time in service to LOHS.”

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Senior Procedures and Protocols: Senior Interviews at LOHS are administered towards the end of each academic term (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) in students’ Personal Finance class. Personal Finance is a required course for our senior students. Embedded within the curricular program of Personal Finance, students update and develop a resume and portfolio – key components that are associated with the oral interview process. In addition,

teachers prepare students by instructing students and practicing relevant interviewing skills.


I. Student Resume – Portfolio Development and Oral Interview Preparation (ongoing throughout academic term). In their Personal Finance course (a required class for LOHS seniors) students build a portfolio and resume that are tailored towards a particular career path. While many students have concrete post-secondary aspirations prior to entering Personal Finance class, some students explore and make a career path choice upon exploring their interest inventory in Career Cruising.

II. Initial Draft of Interview Schedule (4 weeks prior to Interviews) Based on the number of course sections and student counts in each academic term, interview rooms (typically

conference rooms) are reserved, a rough draft of the schedule is conceived, and volunteer needs are determined. Typically at LOHS, we reserve four interview locations, 4 conference

rooms, 6 morning / 6 afternoon interview time slots for each, pushing through approximately 48 kids a day (up to 192 students each term).

III. Soliciting Interview Committee Volunteers (3-4 weeks prior to Interviews) School

Messenger communications to parents, and various advertisement campaigns with local community organizations (e.g. Chamber of Commerce) are delivered several weeks in

advance. A SignUp Genius link is used to collect and manage individuals who volunteer for specific dates / time slots. In general, we seek 3 panel members per interview room. Thus,

with 4 active interview locations, we employ 12 volunteers for each morning and afternoon session. Many volunteers select to serve the entire day, covering both morning and afternoon sessions.

IV. Finalizing the Student Interview Schedule (2 weeks prior to Interviews) Students from each

section are dumped into the drafted spreadsheet. Excel functions are used to randomize students into an assigned interview day / time / location. Personal Finance teachers communicate the assignments to students. Those with known conflicts report them to their

teacher and “swap” with other students within their class. Final adjustments are made to the master schedule.

V. Student Passes (2 days prior to scheduled interview) From the master Excel schedule, a mail-merge functions is used to create individual student passes (identifying interview dates, times, and locations). These serve as an accountability measure, excuse students from class, and help the interview manage to distribute each interviewee to the appropriate location.

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The Interview (30 Minutes allotted to each time slot)

I. Reporting to the Interview “Headquarters” Students are excused from their class (using their interview pass) 5 minutes prior to their scheduled time. The LOHS Career Center serves as headquarters for the interview process. 30 minutes are designated for each interview, and interview panels are instructed to honor the time limit appropriately. The interview manager

in the Career Center distributes interviewees to the appropriate room in accordance with the schedule.

II. Interview Script / Introduction. To create consistency throughout the process, interview

panels follow a provided script when conducting each interview. The interview begins with a general, low-risk question “Tell us about yourself”. Students are instructed on engaging in appropriate introductions and how to provide relevant history, background information, extracurricular involvement, etc. The candidate provides a copy of their resume to each panelist.

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III. General Interview Questions. From the question menu (provided on the next page of this packet) interview panelists ask 2 – 3 questions from the “General Interview Questions”.

IV. Career Pathway – Post-Secondary Goals and Aspirations. As a component of the introduction, interviewees are expected to declare and outline their chosen career path (also mentioned explicitly in the student’s resume). Interview members are then tasked with asking

at least 3 additional questions that are specific to the individual’s career path. The time available with often dictate how many questions will be asked.

V. Panel Conclusion (See script) While answering questions, interviewees are expected to share relevant artifacts from their portfolio. As a prompt to complete the oral interview, panelists

ask “Is there anything else you would like to share with us?” Students take this opportunity to show committee members additional examples from their portfolios .

(Interview Committee asks student to step out of the room) The student exits the conference room

for approximately 5 minutes so that panel members can complete the rubric / appraisal. During this time, the committee members make a collaborative determination how to score each component of

the interview and whether the student passed or will have to repeat the process . In addition, the panel outlines constructive feedback to provide the student.

VI. Student Feedback. The committee calls the student back into the room, and provide comments and feedback.

The “Career Center” at LOHS serves as headquarters for the Senior Interview

Process. Interviewees report 5 minute prior to their scheduled interview time.

The interview manager distributes students to their respective interview room.

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Interview Rubric

LOHS Interview Rubric

During the interview, panelist make tentative judgements. After the student has exited the room for panel

discussion, an “official” appraisal is made cohesively by the committee. Also, committee members develop

specific, targeted feedback (which the student is provided when they are invited back into the interview room).

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LOHS Interview Question “Menu”

After the introduction, the interview committee will as the student 2-3 Questions from the “General

Interview Question” section. Afterwards, they will ask at least 3 additional questions from the

student’s chosen career pathway:

Arts & Communication

Business Management, Marketing, & Technology

Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

Health Sciences

Human Services

Natural Resources & Agriscience

General Interview Questions

1. What is your greatest strength/weakness?

2. Tell us about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

3. Tell us about a time when you had to learn something new in a short time. What was the result?

4. Please give us an example of a time you failed (or received some very negative feedback) and what did you do to

try to correct this failure? What was the result?

5. What can you offer us that someone else cannot?

6. Please give us an example of a time when you had a conflict with a peer. How did you resolve it?

7. How would a friend/teacher describe you?

8. What is the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn't learn from your resume alone?

Question #1 for each Pathway is the transition to lead into the Pathway specific interview questions. This

helps the students and committee with the flow.

Arts & Communication

1. How did you first become interested in the Arts and Communication pathway?

2. Tell us about a time when you had to be a creative thinker.

Page 7: Lake Orion High School Senior Interview Process Senior... · students prepare an official resume and showcase relevant skills and aptitudes related to their chosen career path via

3. Give us an example of when you had to be imaginati ve, innovative, and original.

4. How do you like to best communicate your thoughts and ideas?

5. What do you like best about the Arts and Communication pathway?

6. What do you like least about the Arts and Communication pa thway?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Business, Management, Marketing & Technology

1. How did you first become interested in the Business, Management, Marketing, and Technology pathway?

2. Tell us about a time when you were able to organize people or an activity for a group.

3. What is one of your hobbies?

4. Tell us a couple important skil ls you think would be necessary for your career or pathway you have chosen.

5. Tell us about your favorite social media channel and why?

6. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

1. How did you first become interested in the Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology pathway?

2. Give us an example of being mechanically inclined.

3. What is the importance of reading diagrams, blueprints, and drawing building structures?

4. Tell us about a time when you took something apart and put it back together?

5. What kind of experience do you have with painting a house, repairing cars, wiring electrical circuits, or


6. What are the different ways you can you tell the difference between steel or aluminum?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Health Sciences

1. How did you first become interested in the Health Sciences pathway?

2. What would you do to help care for people or animals who are sick or help them stay well? Explain your thought


3. What interests you about di seases and how the body works?

4. Would you rather learn first aid or volunteer at a hospital or veterinary clinic? Tell us why.

5. Why is it important to have accurate documentation and record keeping when working with patients?

6. Why is it important to respect patient confidentiality when treating them?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Human Services

1. How did you first become interested in the Human Services pathway?

2. Explain how your personality (friendliness, openness, understanding, cooperativeness) match your career goal.

3. Explain why you would like working with people to solve problems.

4. Tell us about a time when you helped friends or family members with a problem they had.

5. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Natural Resources & Agriscience

1. How did you first become interested in the Natural Resources & Agriscience pathway?

2. Explain your role in protecting the environment.

3. What excites you most about this pathway?

4. What do you think will be a challenge for you in this pathway?

5. What experience/involvement do you have with natural resources or science?

6. What role does nature play in this pathway?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

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Communication Example – Soliciting Volunteers for Interview Committees

Dear LOHS Parents/Guardians:

As part of our graduation requirements, all seniors participate in a senior interview, highlighting their time at Lake Orion High School and how they will utilize the knowledge and skillsets acquired here in their future careers. Each senior meets with an interview panel that consists of parents, business and community members. These interviews are slated to begin on Thursday, October 18th.

We sincerely thank all of our stakeholders who have already volunteered to participate on an interview panel!

As it stands, we still have some remaining spots to fill, particularly on the following dates:

Monday, October 22nd AM (7:30 am – 10:45 am) and PM (11:00 am – 2:15 pm) Tuesday, October 23rd AM (7:30 am – 10:45 am) and PM (11:00 am – 2:15 pm)

We would like to extend the invitation to you to participate in our interviews. If you, or someone you know,

is interested in participating in the Senior Interview as a member of an interview team, you can either

choose your session using this link: or e-

mail Jennifer Ohlrich at [email protected] as soon as possible.

We hope that you can join us – it is an amazing process and very rewarding to see how well prepared our

seniors are as they finalize their year at LOHS.

Thank you for your continued support of Lake Orion High School. Go Dragons!

Organizing Volunteers (SignUp Genius)

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Page 10: Lake Orion High School Senior Interview Process Senior... · students prepare an official resume and showcase relevant skills and aptitudes related to their chosen career path via

Example: Portion of Student Interview Master Schedule

Last Name First Name PF Teacher / Period Interview Time

Interview Date Interview Location

Jared Kimball 2A-2B 7:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Olivia Ohlrich 1A-1B 8:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Jenna Stone 2A-2B 8:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Joseph Norris 1A-1B 9:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Chloe Kimball 2A-2B 9:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Willie Stone 2A-2B 10:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Reed Ohlrich 1A-1B 7:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room A

Raegen Ohlrich 1A-1B 8:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room A

Shantel Norris 1A-1B 8:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room A

Isabel Ohlrich 1A-1B 9:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room A

Kennedy Kimball 2A-2B 9:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room A

Ashley Ohlrich 1A-1B 10:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room A

Erika Norris 1A-1B 7:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room B

Eugenia Stone 2A-2B 8:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room B

Stefan Stone 2A-2B 8:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room B

Kaylee Ohlrich 1A-1B 9:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room B

Emily Norris 1A-1B 9:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room B

Emma Ohlrich 1A-1B 10:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room B

Isabel Kimball 2A-2B 7:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room C

Mauro Kimball 2A-2B 8:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room C

Ryan Kimball 2A-2B 8:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room C

Emma Stone 2A-2B 9:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room C

Austin Kimball 2A-2B 9:45 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room C

Chloe Kimball 2A-2B 10:15 AM 1/10/2019 Conference Room C

Elizabeth Stone 2A-2B 7:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Bryan Kimball 2A-2B 8:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Kevin Stone 2A-2B 8:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Erin Norris 1A-1B 9:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Nathan Kimball 2A-2B 9:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Kayla Stone 2A-2B 10:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room - Career Ctr.

Alexander Ohlrich 1A-1B 7:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room A

Alexander Kimball 2A-2B 8:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room A

Sydney Stone 2A-2B 8:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room A

Michael Stone 2A-2B 9:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room A

Abigail Kimball 2A-2B 9:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room A

Lydia Norris 1A-1B 10:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room A

Hailey Norris 1A-1B 7:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room B

Logan Ohlrich 1A-1B 8:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room B

Randi Kimball 2A-2B 8:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room B

Matthew Stone 2A-2B 9:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room B

Vance Ohlrich 1A-1B 9:45 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room B

Kaitlin Kimball 2A-2B 10:15 AM 1/11/2019 Conference Room B

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Student Interview Pass

(Passes are distributed to students the day prior to their scheduled interview. This creates an

accountability measure for students departing / returning to their classes). From the Excel

spreadsheet, the mail merge wizard is used to quickly produce individual passes.

2018-2019 LOHS Senior Interview Pass – Term 2

Student Name: Jason _________

PF Teacher/Section: Ohlrich 3A-3B

Congratulations! You have completed the requirements and are ready to for your Senior

Interview! Be prepared for your Senior Interview which is scheduled for the following date and time:

Interview Date: 1/14/2019

Interview Time: 11:45 am

Location: Career Center Conference Room

Use this as your pass to leave / return to class.

Please arrive PROMPTLY (5 minutes early) to the Career Center. You must bring your

Portfolio to use during your Senior Interview. Dress Professionally!

Be advised that you might be called to the Career Center earlier than scheduled. Be prepared on the day of your interview!

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General Interview Questions

1. What is your greatest strength/weakness?

2. Tell us about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

3. Tell us about a time when you had to learn something new in a short time. What was the


4. Please give us an example of a time you failed (or received some very negative feedback) and

what did you do to try to correct this failure? What was the result?

5. What can you offer us that someone else cannot?

6. Please give us an example of a time when you had a conflict with a peer. How did you resolve


7. How would a friend/teacher describe you?

8. What is the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn't learn from your resume alone?

Question #1 for each Pathway is the transition to lead into the Pathway specific interview

questions. This helps the students and committee with the flow.

Arts & Communication

1. How did you first become interested in the Arts and Communication pathway?

2. Tell us about a time when you had to be a creative thinker.

3. Give us an example of when you had to be imaginative, innovative, and original.

4. How do you like to best communicate your thoughts and ideas?

5. What do you like best about the Arts and Communication pathway?

6. What do you like least about the Arts and Communication pathway?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Business, Management, Marketing & Technology

1. How did you first become interested in the Business, Management, Marketing, and

Technology pathway?

2. Tell us about a time when you were able to organize people or an activity for a group.

3. What is one of your hobbies?

4. Tell us a couple important skills you think would be necessary for your career or pathway you

have chosen.

5. Tell us about your favorite social media channel and why?

6. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

1. How did you first become interested in the Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial

Technology pathway?

2. Give us an example of being mechanically inclined.

3. What is the importance of reading diagrams, blueprints, and drawing building structures?

4. Tell us about a time when you took something apart and put it back together?

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5. What kind of experience do you have with painting a house, repairing cars, wiring electrical

circuits, or woodworking?

6. What are the different ways you can you tell the difference between steel or aluminum?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Health Sciences

1. How did you first become interested in the Health Sciences pathway?

2. What would you do to help care for people or animals who are sick or help them stay well?

Explain your thought process.

3. What interests you about diseases and how the body works?

4. Would you rather learn first aid or volunteer at a hospital or veterinary clinic? Tell us why.

5. Why is it important to have accurate documentation and record keeping when working with


6. Why is it important to respect patient confidentiality when treating them?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Human Services

1. How did you first become interested in the Human Services pathway?

2. Explain how your personality (friendliness, openness, understanding, cooperativeness) match

your career goal.

3. Explain why you would like working with people to solve problems.

4. Tell us about a time when you helped friends or family members with a problem they had.

5. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?

Natural Resources & Agriscience

1. How did you first become interested in the Natural Resources & Agriscience pathway?

2. Explain your role in protecting the environment.

3. What excites you most about this pathway?

4. What do you think will be a challenge for you in this pathway?

5. What experience/involvement do you have with natural resources or science?

6. What role does nature play in this pathway?

7. What challenges do you anticipate in this pathway?