Download - LAB3


Lab 2: Productivity & Break Even Analysis

Exercise 1:

A manufacturer with his current equipment is able to produce 1000 square metres of fabric for each ton of raw cotton. Each ton of raw cotton requires 5 labour hours to process. He believes that he can buy a better quality raw cotton which will enable him to produce 1200 square metres per ton of raw cotton. What will be the impact on productivity (measured in square metres per labour-hour) if he purchases the higher quality raw cotton?


Productivity improves 20% = (240 - 200) / 200 = 0.2

Exercise 2:

An auto mechanic finds that it usually takes him 2 hours to diagnose and fix a typical problem. What is his daily productivity (assume an 8 hour day) i.e. problems per day? The mechanic believes he can purchase a small diagnostic trouble-shooting device which will allow him to find and fix a problem in a time of 1 hour. He will, however, have to spend an extra hour each morning adjusting the computerized diagnostic device. What will be the impact on his productivity if he purchases the device?


Exercise 3:

Joanna is currently working a total of 12 hours per day to produce 240 dolls. She thinks that by changing the paint used for the facial features and fingernails that she can increase her rate to 360 dolls per day. Total material cost for each doll at present is approximately 3.50; she has to invest 20 in the necessary tools (expendables) per day; energy costs are assumed to be only 4.00 per day; and she feels that she should be making 10 per hour for her time.

(a) Viewing this from a total factor productivity perspective, what is her productivity at present and with the new paint? School of Informatics and Engineering Manufacturing & Quality Manufacturing & Quality Page 2 of 2

(b) How would productivity change if using the new paint raised Joanna's material costs by 0.50 per doll?

(c) By what amount could the material cost increase without reducing productivity? [Hint: let the cost equal X]




Using the new paint


12 hrs. * 10

= 120

12 hrs. * 10

= 120


240 * 3.50

= 840

360 * 3.50

= 1260


= 20

= 20


= 4

= 4

Total Inputs

= 984

= 1404



= 0.24


= 0.26


If the material costs increase by $0.50 per doll:

Using the new paint


12 hrs. * 10

= 120


360 * 4.00

= 1440


= 20


= 4

Total Inputs

= 1584



= 0.23


Its unknown how high the material cost could go, using the new paint, before the productivity drops to the current level of 0.24. In mathematical terms the material cost is represented by a variable (X), the new multifactor productivity value is set to the current level, 0.24, and it is solved for X.

360/ ((12x10) + 360 (X) + 20 + 4) = 0.24

360 = 0.24(120 + 360 (X) + 20 + 4)

360 = 28.8 + 86.4 (X) + 4.8 + 0.96

325.44 = 86.4 (X)

(X) = 325.44/86.4 = 3.7666 3.77

It follows then that the new paint could raise Materials cost by no more than approximately 0.27 (the difference between 3.77 and 3.50) before experiencing a decrease in multifactor productivity.

Exercise 4:

A firm cleans chemical tank cars. With standard equipment, the firm typically cleaned 60 chemical tank cars per month. They utilized 10 gallons of solvent, and two employees worked 20 days per month, 6 hours a day. The company decided to switch to a larger cleaning machine. They cleaned 60 tank cars in only 15 days. They utilized 12 gallons of solvent, and the two employees worked 6 hours a day.

(a) Calculate a productivity based on the solvent use and another based on the labour hours, with the standard equipment?

(b) What are their productivities with the larger machine?

(c) What is the % change in productivities?



Standard equipment OLD

Larger Machine NEW

Output Per month

60 tanks per month

60 tanks per month



10 gallons per month

12 gallons per month

Solvent cost per month

10*100 = 1000 SR per month

12*100 = 1200 SR per month

Number of Employees



Employee Hours

6 hours per day

6 hours per day

Number days per month

20 days per month

15 days per month

Employees Hour per month

2*6*20 = 240 hours per month

2*6*15 = 180 hours per month

Single factor Productivity Tanks per Gallon

60/(10) = 6 tanks per gallon

60/(12) = 5 tanks per gallon

Single factor Productivity Tanks per labour hour

60/(240) = 0.25 tanks per labour hour

60/(180) = 0.33 tanks per labour hour


Percentage change Productivity Tanks per Gallon:

Percentage change Productivity Tanks per labour hour

Exercise 5:

A manufacturing company intends to overcome a bottleneck in its assembly line by through the addition of new equipment. Two equipment suppliers have presented proposals. The fixed costs for proposal A are 50,000 and for proposal B are 70,000. The variable cost for A is estimated at 12.00 per unit and for B at 10.00 per unit. The revenue generated by each unit is 20.00.

(a) What is the break-even point in units for proposal A and proposal B?

(b) What is the break-even point in euro for proposal A and proposal B?

(c) What volume of output (units) would the two alternatives yield the same profit?

(d) If the expected volume of units is 8,500 which alternative should be chosen?



BEPx = F / (P V)


BEPm = P. BEPx


(SPa VCa) X-FCa = (SPb VCb) X-FCb

(20 12) X-50,000 = (20 10) X-70,000

8X-50,000 = 10X-70,000

70,000 50,000 = 10X-8X

20,000 = 2X

X = 10000


Profit = Total Revenue - Total Costs - (Total Variable Costs + Total Fixed Costs) When expected volume is at 8500 units: Proposal A- Profit= (20 x 8500 units) - 50000 - (12 x 8500 units) =18000 Proposal B- Profit= (20 x 8500 units) -70000 - (10 x 8500 units) =15000 Since profit for proposal A is higher than profit for proposal B when expected volume is at 8500 units, A is chosen.

Current pr



8 hours pe

r day

2 hours pe

r problem


per day




ty with co



7 hours pe

r day

1 hour per



per day



74 3

Productivity improves 75% .75




1000 sq yds

Current labor productivity = 200 sq yds

per hour

1 ton*5 hours


New labor




1200 sq yd


1 ton


5 hours

240 sq yds

per hour
