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Certificate of Credit

Name: Colin Rogerson

Date Issued: 13/09/2016

Learner Number: 411130 Qualification Number: 500/8259/0

Certificate Number: 374778

Validation Number: 00168280-01-4ZX2

Has been awarded the following credit.

. Title :'~~"..':: '7" 'of'" ,;"~-~.;e'~.,~~.;,~~.p::(;'~~"",;.:';,i. ,.; ,'.f, i"~"Level .'~ ·~tred;f" t~S::Un1tN'tJii{IJ.'.er,;.'"Know How To Support Clients Who Take Part in Exercise and Physical

2 2 M/600/9015ActivityAnatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health (QCF) 3 6 A/600/90S1Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme

3 6 L/600/90S4(QCF)Delivering Personal Training Sessions (QCF) 3 9 J/600/9053Programming Personal Training with Clients (QCF) 3 7 F/600/90S2Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment 2 2 T/600/9016Principle'S of Exercise, Fitness and Health 2 4 A/600/9017

Director of YMCA Awards

Regulated by


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Recognised awarding body

Ofqual•••••••••• •04797104