Download - L05 Design Patterns

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PatternsThe Observer PatternThe Open-Closed PrincipleCallback HandlersBase Patterns

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ReadingImportance of Design Patterns and Frameworks for Software Development Design PatternsObserver patternFactory pattern

Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture: Gateway, Mapper, Layer Supertype, Separated Interface Registry, Value Object, Money, Plugin, Service Stub

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Design pattern is a general solution to a common problem in software design

• Systematic approach for problems that reoccur in software development

• Not complete solution but starting point for design • Not code ready to use• Patterns have names and definitions• Built on common practices• Patterns should not be language dependant• However patterns apply for types of programming


Design Patterns

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Patterns originated as an architectural concept (as in building houses)


“Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of

the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the

same way twice” — Christopher Alexander

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Landmark book from 1995: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software


Gang of Four (GoF)

Term Design Pattern is borrowed from the construction industry

Several books on patterns have been published since

Head First Design Patterns for example

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Design Patterns are like good red wine

You cannot appreciate them at first

As you study them you learn the difference between plonk and vintage,or bad and good designs

As you become a connoisseur you experience the various textures you didn’t notice before

Warning:Once you are hooked, you will no longer be satisfied with inferior designs

Vintage Design Patterns

Dr. Heinz Kabutz (

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Pattern Classification▪ Design patterns can be classified based on multiple criteria– Basic underlying problem they solve▪ Classification– Fundamental patterns – Creational patterns – Structural patterns – Behavioral patterns – Concurrency patterns

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Enterprise Patterns Classification▪ Domain Logic Patterns▪ Data Source Architectural Patterns▪ Object-Relational Behavioural Patterns▪ Object-Relational Structural Patterns▪ Object-Relational Metadata Mapping Patterns▪ Web Presentation Patterns▪ Distribution Patterns▪ Offline Concurrency Patterns▪ Session State Patterns▪ Base Patterns

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Which  of  these  statements  is  not  true  

A)  Design  Patterns  are  based  on  solutions  from  practice  B)  Design  Patterns  are  ideas  not  code  C)  Design  Patterns  are  based  on  specific  programming  languages  D)  Design  Patterns  can  have  ambiguous  names


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Structure of Patterns

▪ Name▪ The Intent▪ The Sketch▪ Motivation▪ How it Works▪ When to Use it▪ Further Reading▪ Examples

There are many ways to structure patterns – this is one, and it is similar to all others

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The Name▪ Pattern names are important– Need to create a vocabulary– Need to describe the pattern well– Avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding▪ Problems with names– Authors are using different names for same pattern • Data Access Object and Table Data Gateway• Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control– Authors are using same name for different patterns• Example: Value Object is used for two similar patterns

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▪ Sums up the pattern in a sentence or two– Value Object:

A small simple object, like money or date range, whose equality isn’t based on identity

The Intent

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▪ Visual representation of the pattern, often but not always a UML diagram

▪ Plug-in

The Sketch

Domain Object <interface> ID Generator

Some Class


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▪ Description of a motivating problem for the pattern– Problem description– May not be the only problem for the pattern

Layer supertype


It’s not uncommon for all the objects in a layer to have methods you don’t want to have duplicated throughout the system. You can move this behaviour into a common Layer Supertype

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▪ Describes the solution– Implementation Issues and variations– Independent of any particular platform– Platform dependent sections are identified– UML Diagrams if applicable

How it Works

Caller a plugin factorya plugin




new plugin

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▪ Describes when the pattern should be used– Trade-offs– Comparisons▪ Layered Supertype example– Use Layer Supertype when you have common features from

all objects in a layer

When to Use it

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▪ Example code in Java or C#– Layer Supertype▪ Not working code– pseudo code to give idea

class DomainObject...

private Long ID; public Long getID() { return ID; } public void setID(Long ID) { this.ID = ID; } public DomainObject(Long ID) { this.ID = ID; }


Layered Supertype example

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▪ How to use design patterns?– Problem is the patterns can be complex and detailed– Usually they are generic and abstract▪ Ways to study patterns– Implement them in test code– Sketch a class diagram in your context to see the class

dependencies– Form a “Study group” to discuss the patterns– Learn the vocabulary– Practice, practice, practice

Using Design Patterns

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▪ Ambiguity in Vocabulary– Same pattern has different names– Different Patterns have same name▪ Appling the wrong pattern– Over-designing the solution– Patterns design for one language might not be needed in

another▪ Not solving the original problem– Using Remote Façade instead of avoiding network latencies– Using EJB Entity Beans

Problems with Design Patterns

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Job  interview  question  

You  are  given  the  assignment  of  creating  a  component  that  needs  to  know  sales  statistics  of  Lottery  tickets.  You  know  that  there  is  a  another  component  in  the  system,  Sale  Server,  that  handles  the  sale.  You  need  real-­‐time  information.  What  would  you  suggest?


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First proposal: Sale Server will call Bingo

Problem is that the Sale Server developer refuses to make a call to a specific game. His argument is that Sale Server should be for sale, and not be cluttered with game specific code.

Another solution is needed.

Sale Server Bingo

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Publish and subscribe

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Sale Server Bingo





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The Observer Pattern

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Weather Monitoring ExampleWeather monitoring System has be set up

Humidity sensor

Temperature sensor

Pressure sensor


WeatherData Object

Sale Server

Current conditions:Temp: 15℃ Humidity: 60 Pressure: ▽

DisplayUpdate display

Pull data


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The Weather Monitoring Example▪ Task– We need to implement measurementsChanged so that it

updates three different displays for current conditions, weather stats, and forcasts

– measurementsChanged is called any time data changes, we don’t know or care how this method is called

– Three display types must be updated– The system must be expandable – new display types will be


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The Weather Monitoring ExampleWeatherData class

public class WeatherData { // instance variable declarations

public void measurementsChanged() { float temp = getTemperature(); float humidity = getHumidity(); float pressure = getPressure();

currentConditionsDisplay.update (temp, humidity, pressure); statisticsDisplay.update (temp, humidity, pressure); forcastConditionsDisplay.update (temp, humidity, pressure); } ... }

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▪ Based on our first implementation, which of the following apply

A) We are coding to concrete implementation not abstractionsB) For every new display element we need to alter codeC) We have no way to add (or remove) display elements at runtimeD) The display elements don’t implement a common interfaceE) We have not encapsulated the part that changesF) We are violating encapsulation of the WeatherData class


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The Weather Monitoring ExampleWeatherData class

public class WeatherData { // instance variable declarations

public void measurementsChanged() { float temp = getTemperature(); float humidity = getHumidity(); float pressure = getPressure();

currentConditionsDisplay.update (temp, humidity, pressure); statisticsDisplay.update (temp, humidity, pressure); forcastConditionsDisplay.update (temp, humidity, pressure); } ... }

By coding to concrete implementation we have no way to add or remove

displays without code changeViolates OPEN-CLODED PRINCIPLE

Area of change. We need to encapsulate this

At least a common interface

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Pattern: ObserverOne or more observers or listeners are registered to

observe an event which may be raised by the observed object (the subject)

Sometimes called publish/subscribeSimilar to call-back handlersOne-to-Many relationship

BenefitsListening object gets information when neededSubject does not become dependent on multiple observers

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<interface> Observer


<interface> Subject




NotifyObservers() { for(Observer o : observerList) o.notify() }






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Loose CouplingWhen two object are loosley coupled, the can interact but they have very little knowledge of each other

The Observer Pattern loosely coupled design• The only thing the subject knows about observer is that it

implements a ceratain interface• We can add new observers at any time• We never need to modify the subject to add new types of

observers• We can reuse subjects or observers independent of each other

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Loosely Coupled Principle

Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact

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public interface Subject { public void registerObserver(Observer o); public void removeObserver(Observer o); public void notifyObservers(); }

public interface DisplayElement { public void display(); }

public interface Observer { public void update(float temp, float humidity, float pressure); }

The Weather Monitoring Example

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public class WeatherData implements Subject { private ArrayList observers; private float temperature, humidity, pressure; public WeatherData() { observers = new ArrayList(); } public void registerObserver(Observer o) { observers.add(o); } public void removeObserver(Observer o) { int i = observers.indexOf(o); if (i>= 0) observers.remove(i); }


The Weather Monitoring Example

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public void notifyObservers() { for (int i = 0; i<observers.size(); i++) { Observer observer = (Observer)observers.get(i); observer.update(temperature, humidity, pressure); } }

public void measurementsChanged() { notifyObservers(); }

// Test code public void setMeasurement(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { this.temperature = temperature; this.humidity = humidity; this.pressure = pressure; this.measurementsChanged(); }


The Weather Monitoring Example

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public class CurrentConditionsDisplay implements Observer, DisplayElement { private float temperature, humidity; private Subject weatherData; public CurrentConditionsDisplay(Subject weatherData) { this.weatherData = weatherData; weatherData.registerObserver(this); } public void update(float temp, float humidity, float pressure) { this.temperature = temp; this.humidity = humidity; display(); } public void display() { System.out.println("Current conditions: " + temperature + "C " + "Humidity: " + humidity + "%"); } }

Registering  this  as  an  observer

The  subject  will  call  update

The Weather Monitoring Example

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public class WeatherStation { public static void main(String[] args) { WeatherData weatherData = new WeatherData();

CurrentConditionsDisplay currentDisplay = new CurrentConditionsDisplay(weatherData);

weatherData.setMeasurement(15, 50, 30); } }

Current conditions: 15.0C Humidity: 50.0%

The Weather Monitoring Example

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▪ When two object are loosely coupled, the can interact but they have very little knowledge of each other

▪ The Observer Pattern loosely coupled design– The only thing the subject knows about observer is that it

implements a certain interface– We can add new observers at any time– We never need to modify the subject to add new types of

observers– We can reuse subjects or observers independent of each


Loose Coupling

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The Open-Closed Principle

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The Open-Closed Principle

Software entities like classes, modules and functions should be open for extension but closed for modifications

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The Open-Closed Principle

Design and write code in a fashion that adding new functionality would involve minimal changes to existing code

Most changes will be handled as new methods and new classes

Designs following this principle would result in resilient code which does not break on addition of new functionality

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public class ResourceAllocator { ... public int allocate(intresourceType) { intresourceId; switch (resourceType) { case TIME_SLOT: resourceId = findFreeTimeSlot(); markTimeslotBusy(resourceId); break; case SPACE_SLOT: resourceId = findFreeSpaceSlot(); markSpaceSlotBusy(resourceId); break; ... } return resourceId; } ...

Holy  Buckets!!I  need  to  change  the  class  for  new  types!!!    Horrible!  

Resource Allocator Example

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Resource Allocator Example

List resources = new ArrayList(); ... public int allocate(intresourceType) { int resourceId = findFreeResource(resourceType); markAsBusy(resourceId); return resourceId; }

Design for extensions

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Another Example: Actual Running CodeActual Running Code

protected String normalize(char cCharacter) { switch(cCharacter) { case '<': return "&lt;"; case '>': return "&gt;"; case '&’: return "&amp;"; case '"’: return "&quot;"; default: return ""+cCharacter; } }

What could possibly be wrong withthis code?

This is not complete This is common problem – a library must existsIf making it yourself, a Map would be better

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Callback Handlers

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We need to create program that reads feedsFeed can be RSS news, XML or what ever

The program must be loosely coupledNew feed types will come

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Designing the Reader ApplicationWho creates the objects and where does the creation take place?


Process FeedsCustomisation


This stays the same This is what is added

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Inverting the dependency: call an interface and let the implementationclass call you back using your interface



read() processEntry() processEntry() processEntry()


read() { …. processEntry() }

This stays the same This is what is added

Examples: reading, sorting…

Designing the Reader Application

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public interface FeedReader { public boolean read(); public void setFeedHandler(FeedHandler handler); }

public interface FeedHandler { public void processEntry(FeedEntry entry); }

Process to read an RSS feed• The FeedReader interface defines the role of such readers• Concrete readers must implement read and accept a call-back

handler to get the results back• Pattern Separated Interface

Example: Reading RSS

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public abstract class AbstractFeedReader implements FeedReader { protected FeedHandler feedHandler; public void setFeedHandler(FeedHandler handler) { this.feedHandler = handler; } public abstract boolean read(); }

Example: Reading RSSAbstractFeedReader acts as a superclass for concrete reader classes Layer Supertype pattern

This part is required by all feed reader classes

This part must be implemented by some specific reader type

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public class RssFeedReader extends AbstractFeedReader { private String source; public RssFeedReader(String source) { this.source = source; } public boolean read() { // reading ... feedHandler.processEntry(new FeedEntry(ent.getTitle(), ent.getLink(), ent.getPublishedDate().toString())); } return true; } }

Example: Reading RSSRssFeedReader is the specific reader type, in this case RSS

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public class ReaderProcess implements FeedHandler { FeedReader reader; public ReaderProcess() { ReaderFactory factory = ReaderFactory.getReaderFactory(); reader = factory.getFeedReader("http://..."); reader.setFeedHandler(this); } public void processEntry(FeedEntry entry) { ... } }

Example: Reading RSSReaderProcess is the client or assembler

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Example: Reading RSS

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Inverting the dependency: call an interface and let the implementationclass call you back using your interface



read() processEntry() processEntry() processEntry()


read() { …. processEntry() }

This stays the same This is what is added

Examples: reading, sorting…

Designing the Reader Application

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Operator new is used to create objectProblem is this:

The Problem with “new”

Even if we use supertypes (interfaces or abstract classes) we have to have concrete class behind it

This violates the Program to Interfaces Design PrincipleThe code also violates the Open Closed Principle

Animal animal = new Dog(); animal.makeSound();

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Dependency InjectionMake the caller responsible for setting the dependency

Program to an interfaces

private Animal animal;

public setAnimal(Animal animal) { this.animal = animal; } ...


Injection happens here, in the set-method


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What does this mean?Program to unknown creation

Where did this getAnimal come from?

Animal animal = getAnimal(); animal.makeSound();

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What does this mean?FeedReader

public class ReaderProcess { FeedReader reader;

public ReaderProcess() { reader = new RssFeedReader (“"); … }

Holy  Cow!  new  creates  concrete  object  not  abstraction!!

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Ok, we´ll just fix this for each theFeedReader

public ReaderProcess(String type, String source) { if(type.equals("rss")) reader = new RssFeedReader(source); else if (type.equals("atom")) reader = new AtomFeedReader(source); else if (type.equals("xml")) reader = new XmlFeedReader(source); reader.setFeedHandler(this); }

Holy  Macaroni!  This  smells!!!  Violates  the  OCP

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The name of the class is put in to a properties fileReaderFactory has no clue of what class it isIt just has to be a subclass of FeedReader

Moving the Dependency

public static FeedReader getFeedReader() { FeedProperties prop = new FeedProperties(); Class instanceClass; FeedReader reader = null; try { instanceClass = Class.forName(prop.getProperty("reader")); reader = (FeedReader)instanceClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("loading class failed"); return null; } reader.setSource(prop.getSource()); return reader; } Plugin pattern

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Properties classLoading Properties

public class FeedProperties extends Properties { protected String reader; protected String source; protected String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = "";

public FeedProperties() { try { load(new FileInputStream(new File(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES))); reader = getProperty("reader"); source = getProperty("source"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Loading properties failed"); } }


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Base Patterns

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Base Patterns▪ Gateway▪ Mapper▪ Layer Supertype▪ Separated Interface▪ Registry▪ Value Object▪ Plugin▪ Service Stub

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Fowler’s Catalog

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Pattern: GatewayAn object that encapsulates access to an external system

or resource

Wrap external APIs into an interfaceAPI is usually for accessing some external resourceExamples: JDBC, JDom, financial software




Pricing Gateway Pricing Package

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How It Works• Create a simple API and use it access the

external API through a Gateway• All access is easily defined• Change in the resource does not require

changes in the client software• Gateways should be simple – complex logic

should not be in the clients of the Gateway• Gateways can be generated

Pattern: Gateway

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When to Use It• Gateway is useful when accessing external

service• Can be applied with Service Stub• Clear benefit is that is makes it easy to swap

out one kind of resource for another

Pattern: Gateway

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Pattern: MapperAn object that sets up communiction between two

independent objects

Create communication between two systems but you still need to make them independent




Pricing Mapper Pricing Package

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How it Works• A Mapper is an insulating layer between subsystems• It controls the details of communication between them

without either subsystem being aware of it• Mappers are fairly easy as they are well-defined• The tricky part is what system invokes them – third party

system or make the Mapper an Observer

When to Use it• When you want to decouple different parts of a system

Pattern: Mapper

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Pattern: Layer SupertypeA type that acts as the supertype

for all types in its layer

Super class that contains common functionality in a layer

How it works•Use this pattern when you have common features from all objects in a layer


int x int y Color color

Rectangle Circle Line

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When to Use it• When you have common features from all objects

in a layer

Example• Domain objects can

have a common superclass for ID handling

Pattern: Layer Supertype

class DomainObject...

private Long ID; public Long getID() { return ID; } public void setID(Long ID) { this.ID = ID; } public DomainObject(Long ID) { this.ID = ID; }

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Shape class revisited

All objects in the drawing layer must have an origin (x and y) and implement Drawable

public abstract class Shape implements Drawable { protected int x,y; }

Pattern: Layer Supertype

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Pattern: Separated InterfaceDefines an interface in a separate package from its implementation

Decouples parts of a system• Controls the dependencies between packages• Implementation can easily be changed

How it works• Interface and implementation is placed in separate

packages• Client uses the interface• Implementation can be determined at configuration time

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Layered System• Domain layer depends on Data Source layer• Data Source layer cannot access Domain layer

Pattern: Separated Interface

Data  Source  Layer

Domain  Layer

JDBC  Code

Interface  RowCallBackHandler  

processRow(ResultSet  rs)

Concreate  class  RowCallBackHandler  

processRow(ResultSet  rs)


Code  reading  SQL

Execution  calls

Separated  interface

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Pattern: Separated Interface

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Pattern: Separated InterfaceInstantiating the implementation• User of the interface should not know the implementation

Solutions• Use a Factory and Plugin method• Use Dependency Injection

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public interface FeedHandler { public void processObject (FeedEntry entry); }

public class ReaderClient implements FeedHandler { ... public ReaderClient() { FeedReader reader = ReaderFactory.getFeedReader(); reader.setFeedHandler(this);""); }

public void processObject(FeedEntry entry) { System.out.println(entry); } }

Pattern: Separated Interface

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Pattern: RegistryA well-known object that other objects can use to find

common objects and services

A registry is a global object

How It Works• Object that can easily be accessed at any time• Only one object available at any time• Provides services or information• Can have different scopes• Usually not mutable data• Example: System Settings, Loggers

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Only one instance running

When to Use it• As a last resort - sell any grandparent before using it

Pattern: Registry

public class Registry { private static Registry soleInstance = new Registry();

public static Registry getInstance() { return soleInstance; }

private Registry() { } ... }

Registry registry = Registry.getInstance(); //registry = new Registry (); Does not work

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Pattern: Value ObjectA small simple object, like money or date

range, whose equality isn’t based on identity

Small and easily created objects that hold and represent some dataHow it works• Not based on identity• Equality is based on comparing values of the object• Can be immutable (example is the Date class)When to use it• When you’re basing equality on something other than


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class Money...

private long amount; private Currency currency;

public Money(double amount, Currency currency) { this.currency = currency; this.amount = Math.round(amount * centFactor()); } ...

Pattern: Value ObjectExamplesDate, Money

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GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

cal.set(1865, Calendar.APRIL, 14); Date d1 = cal.getTime(); cal.set(1963, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 22); Date d2 = cal.getTime();


cal.set(1756, Calendar.JANUARY, 27); Date d3 = cal.getTime(); Date d4 = cal.getTime();


false true

Pattern: Value Object

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Pattern: PluginLinks classes during configuration

rather than compilationUse plugin to provide specific implantation• Plugins implement specific interface use by the client

application code• Decision at configuration time or run time• Use factory to load in the plugin

Domain Object <interface> ID Generator

Some Class


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A caller obtains a Plugin implementation of a separated interface

When to Use It• Use plugin when you have behavior that requires different

implementations based on runtime environment

Pattern: Plugin

Caller a plugin factorya plugin




new plugin

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ReaderClient uses ReaderFactory to get an interface to FeedReader

When to Use It• Use plugin when you have behavior that requires different

implementations based on runtime environment

Pattern: Plugin

Caller a plugin factorya plugin




new plugin

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public ReaderClient() { FeedReader reader = ReaderFactory.getFeedReader(); ... }

public class ReaderFactory { public static FeedReader getFeedReader() { ... try { props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(""))); instanceClass = Class.forName(props.getProperty("reader")); reader = (FeedReader)instanceClass.newInstance(); } ... return reader; } }


Pattern: Plugin

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Pattern: Service StubRemoves dependence upon problematic services

during testingEnterprise systems often need to access external system• Can be out of developers control

Charge generator

<interface> Tax Service

WSDL Tax Service



class Tax Service


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Service stub provides implementation for development and testing purposes• Runs locally and in-memory• Implements the same interface of the gateway used to

access the real serviceWhen to Use It• Service stub is useful when dependence on a particular

service is hindering development or testing• Called “Mock Object” in the extreme programming world

Pattern: Service Stub

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public class ReaderStub extends AbstractFeedReader { public void read(String url) { feedHandler.processEntry(new FeedEntry("title1", "Bla bla bla")); feedHandler.processEntry(new FeedEntry("title2", "Bla bla bla")); feedHandler.processEntry(new FeedEntry("title3", "Bla bla bla")); } }

title1 Bla bla bla title2 Bla bla bla title3 Bla bla bla


Pattern: Service Stub

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Summary▪ Base Patterns– Gateway, Mapper, Layerd Supertype, Separated Interface,

Registry, Value Object, Plugin, Service Stub, Record Set

▪ Next: From Problem to Patterns– Using design patterns

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You use this patterns when you need to break a dependency between two parts of the system

A) RegistryB) GatewayC) Separated InterfaceD) Plugin


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Intent of a pattern is this: An object that sets up communication between two objects

A) GatewayB) MapperC) RegistryD) Value Object


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Sketch of a pattern is this

A) PluginB) MapperC) RegistryD) Service Stub


Domain Object <interface> ID Generator

Some Class


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Use this pattern when you find that dependence on a particular service is hindering your development and testing

A) MapperB) Record SetC) Service StubD) Gateway


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Using Design Patterns
