Download - KU Landscape Planning - Group 5 - Proces Diary

  • d e pa rt m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l re s o u rc e m a n ag e m e n tu n i ve r s i t y o f co pe n h ag e n

    // GROUP 5 //

    Landscape Planning 2013



    Forgotten lines

    Visualisation of a part of the canal behind the shopping street. The main idea is to bring life to the canals, in the same way that they brought life to the city.

    Today Frederiksvrk has strong nord/south directed infrastruc-ture system that has replaced the old east/west system. The canal that used to play important role in the city has became more in-visible and people are not aware of its origin. Furthermore, there is lack of social areas.

    Connection Earlier the city had strong lines go-ing east/west, but at one point the modern infrastructure changed direction and is now going north/south. Therefore we try to bring back the old historical lines, which will create a connection between the rural areas on both sites of the city. Meanwhile it will also smooth-

    Group 5 / Emilie Kjeldsen / Maria Geiszelhardt / Katie Stevenson / Gorm LarsenGroup 5 / Emilie Kjeldsen / Maria Geiszelhardt / Katie Stevenson / Gorm Larsen

    By Sofie Brincker By Sofie Brincker

    en the very strong north/south go-ing streets.The lines will function as corridors created by different special struc-tures, such as vegetation, squares or buildings.IdentityOne of the strongest elements in Frederiksvrk is it vast canal sys-tem. The old canal system is con-nection the Arres to Roskilde

    Fjord, and served as an energy source for the city and its produc-tion. Today these canals are still used as an energy source, but in a smaller amount. The canals have also become more hidden, and to-

    day people arent even aware of the history of the canal, which basically is the reason for Frederiksvrks ex-istence.

    We propose to make the canals more visible, use it for recreational purposes and make people aware that the canal, still produce energy for their city.OpeningsAll of the public spaces are en-closed and very dense. This is af-fecting the way they are used, and if you dont have a reason to be there, you wont use them. To solve this huge problem we propose to make inviting squares that are easily ac-cessible and visible. Today for an example the Gjethuset is very in-trovert, and as a passing person you dont feel welcome.

    Bringing back the old directions

    Model pictures working as diagrams. The black lines show a connection between the rural and the urban landscape, and the canal is a part of that ensemble.

    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n

  • Forgotten lines

    Visualisation of a part of the canal behind the shopping street. The main idea is to bring life to the canals, in the same way that they brought life to the city.

    Today Frederiksvrk has strong nord/south directed infrastruc-ture system that has replaced the old east/west system. The canal that used to play important role in the city has became more in-visible and people are not aware of its origin. Furthermore, there is lack of social areas.

    Connection Earlier the city had strong lines go-ing east/west, but at one point the modern infrastructure changed direction and is now going north/south. Therefore we try to bring back the old historical lines, which will create a connection between the rural areas on both sites of the city. Meanwhile it will also smooth-

    Group 5 / Emilie Kjeldsen / Maria Geiszelhardt / Katie Stevenson / Gorm LarsenGroup 5 / Emilie Kjeldsen / Maria Geiszelhardt / Katie Stevenson / Gorm Larsen

    By Sofie Brincker By Sofie Brincker

    en the very strong north/south go-ing streets.The lines will function as corridors created by different special struc-tures, such as vegetation, squares or buildings.IdentityOne of the strongest elements in Frederiksvrk is it vast canal sys-tem. The old canal system is con-nection the Arres to Roskilde

    Fjord, and served as an energy source for the city and its produc-tion. Today these canals are still used as an energy source, but in a smaller amount. The canals have also become more hidden, and to-

    day people arent even aware of the history of the canal, which basically is the reason for Frederiksvrks ex-istence.

    We propose to make the canals more visible, use it for recreational purposes and make people aware that the canal, still produce energy for their city.OpeningsAll of the public spaces are en-closed and very dense. This is af-fecting the way they are used, and if you dont have a reason to be there, you wont use them. To solve this huge problem we propose to make inviting squares that are easily ac-cessible and visible. Today for an example the Gjethuset is very in-trovert, and as a passing person you dont feel welcome.

    Bringing back the old directions

    Model pictures working as diagrams. The black lines show a connection between the rural and the urban landscape, and the canal is a part of that ensemble.

    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 3u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n


    and provide linkages between im-portant areas within and around the city. The corridors are shaped by new and existing elements of veg-etation, building structures, histori-cal areas and the canal. The walls of the corridors are shaped by a mix of dense and open elements.

    Three CharactersThere are three corridors connect-

    ing the forested hill and the wetland at the end of the western end of the canal. Two of them follow the lines of the old canal, while the middle one runs through the sunken cop-per mill and English House to the


    Visualisation showing the new boardwalk crossing the canal in Corridor 1

    Sectional diagram illustrating the three corridors within the landscape

    Plan of the site and the proposed landscape intervention

    Plan of the site indicating key features of the existing and proposed landscape

    The main idea of the concept for a new Frederiksvrk city plan is to enhance connections from east to west within the city.

    CorridorsOriginally the structure of the city

    was orientated from east to west following the industrial canal that runs between Arres and Roskilde Fjord, and between the densely vegetated hills and the open water of the fjord, placing Frederiksvrk in the middle of forest and water. The plan for the town has become more north-south oriented over time, as strong infrastructural ele-

    Group 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / GormGroup 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm

    By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm

    ments have been added that now act as barriers disconnecting east from west.

    By enhancing the old east-west connections, the north-south orien-tation will become less dominant and the disruption caused by these barriers will be diminished. The town will get a stronger connection to the surrounding natural environ-ment and it will be more pleasant to move around the townscapes.

    The concept is using the strong architectural element of corridors to reinforce the old connections

    high school. Each corridor has its own character originating from the qualities of the existing site.

    Corridor 1Follows the canal from the church to the camping site, ending at the new wetland. Inspired by Parc del Migdia in Girona, Spain, a boardwalk will run from one end to the other, con-necting the two sides of the canal and creating spaces for public life along the water. Like in Girona, the boardwalk will have an organic shape, providing a stark contrast against the rigid linear form of the

    canal. This will communicate the story of the canal as a manmade feature, and allude to its function-al importance as a water source for the steelworks. Buildings will stand right along the edge of the ca-nal and will be orientated towards it, rather than turning their backs to the canal as they do today. The canal will become a more activated and lively space, and be better inte-grated into the structure of the town of the town.

    Corridor 2Runs from the copper mill, past the high school to the wetland.

    This corridor will be more open than the others. A path runs the length of the corridor, connect-ing the wetland to the high school, and providing a further connection to the shopping area in the eastern part of Frederiksvrk. It has dense vegetated walls and is better inte-grating the historic site of the cop-per mill and the English House into the city structure.

    Corridor 3Follows the northern part of the canal from the gunpowder fac-tory museum to the new wetland.

    Today the canal is relatively densely vegetated. The vegetation will be opened up somewhat and placing some new building struc-tures within the corridor. The strong barrier that is currently formed by Nrregade will be overcome with the introduction of a new connec-tion through this space between the gunpowder area and the shopping area. This part of the town will re-tain its strong green character.

    VegetationVegetation is used through the

    city structure to shape the structure of the corridors. The natural veg-etated areas of the wetland and for-ested hilltop form the two anchor points for the corridors, and so veg-etation is also used throughout the length of the three corridors to help delineate these connections. The vegetation also plays an important role in helping to activate the ex-isting voids in the underutilized spaces in the central area of the site.

    New building structureNew building structures will be

    introduced along the corridors to shape and enhance these areas. The buildings will help to create locations for new activities within the city structure. In terms of their placement within the landscape, the buildings will provide areas of den-sity in key locations along the cor-ridors to provide attractive new ar-eas for living and recreation within the city. They will be most densely clustered within the central areas of the site, and will become more sparse towards the natural areas of the forested hill and the wetland. In this way the new building struc-tures will be used to create a smooth transition between the natural and urban areas of Frederiksvrk.View from the hill and forest

    Conceptual diagram showing how the corridors connect the nature areas that frame the town of Frederiksvrk










    Gunpowder Museum



    Birdview of the wetland


    Forrested hill


    Corridor 1

    Corridor 2

    Corridor 3

    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 4u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n

  • and provide linkages between im-portant areas within and around the city. The corridors are shaped by new and existing elements of veg-etation, building structures, histori-cal areas and the canal. The walls of the corridors are shaped by a mix of dense and open elements.

    Three CharactersThere are three corridors connect-

    ing the forested hill and the wetland at the end of the western end of the canal. Two of them follow the lines of the old canal, while the middle one runs through the sunken cop-per mill and English House to the


    Visualisation showing the new boardwalk crossing the canal in Corridor 1

    Sectional diagram illustrating the three corridors within the landscape

    Plan of the site and the proposed landscape intervention

    Plan of the site indicating key features of the existing and proposed landscape

    The main idea of the concept for a new Frederiksvrk city plan is to enhance connections from east to west within the city.

    CorridorsOriginally the structure of the city

    was orientated from east to west following the industrial canal that runs between Arres and Roskilde Fjord, and between the densely vegetated hills and the open water of the fjord, placing Frederiksvrk in the middle of forest and water. The plan for the town has become more north-south oriented over time, as strong infrastructural ele-

    Group 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / GormGroup 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm

    By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm

    ments have been added that now act as barriers disconnecting east from west.

    By enhancing the old east-west connections, the north-south orien-tation will become less dominant and the disruption caused by these barriers will be diminished. The town will get a stronger connection to the surrounding natural environ-ment and it will be more pleasant to move around the townscapes.

    The concept is using the strong architectural element of corridors to reinforce the old connections

    high school. Each corridor has its own character originating from the qualities of the existing site.

    Corridor 1Follows the canal from the church to the camping site, ending at the new wetland. Inspired by Parc del Migdia in Girona, Spain, a boardwalk will run from one end to the other, con-necting the two sides of the canal and creating spaces for public life along the water. Like in Girona, the boardwalk will have an organic shape, providing a stark contrast against the rigid linear form of the

    canal. This will communicate the story of the canal as a manmade feature, and allude to its function-al importance as a water source for the steelworks. Buildings will stand right along the edge of the ca-nal and will be orientated towards it, rather than turning their backs to the canal as they do today. The canal will become a more activated and lively space, and be better inte-grated into the structure of the town of the town.

    Corridor 2Runs from the copper mill, past the high school to the wetland.

    This corridor will be more open than the others. A path runs the length of the corridor, connect-ing the wetland to the high school, and providing a further connection to the shopping area in the eastern part of Frederiksvrk. It has dense vegetated walls and is better inte-grating the historic site of the cop-per mill and the English House into the city structure.

    Corridor 3Follows the northern part of the canal from the gunpowder fac-tory museum to the new wetland.

    Today the canal is relatively densely vegetated. The vegetation will be opened up somewhat and placing some new building struc-tures within the corridor. The strong barrier that is currently formed by Nrregade will be overcome with the introduction of a new connec-tion through this space between the gunpowder area and the shopping area. This part of the town will re-tain its strong green character.

    VegetationVegetation is used through the

    city structure to shape the structure of the corridors. The natural veg-etated areas of the wetland and for-ested hilltop form the two anchor points for the corridors, and so veg-etation is also used throughout the length of the three corridors to help delineate these connections. The vegetation also plays an important role in helping to activate the ex-isting voids in the underutilized spaces in the central area of the site.

    New building structureNew building structures will be

    introduced along the corridors to shape and enhance these areas. The buildings will help to create locations for new activities within the city structure. In terms of their placement within the landscape, the buildings will provide areas of den-sity in key locations along the cor-ridors to provide attractive new ar-eas for living and recreation within the city. They will be most densely clustered within the central areas of the site, and will become more sparse towards the natural areas of the forested hill and the wetland. In this way the new building struc-tures will be used to create a smooth transition between the natural and urban areas of Frederiksvrk.View from the hill and forest

    Conceptual diagram showing how the corridors connect the nature areas that frame the town of Frederiksvrk










    Gunpowder Museum



    Birdview of the wetland


    Forrested hill


    Corridor 1

    Corridor 2

    Corridor 3

    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 5u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n


    Three physical layers of will form the structural fabric of the city - the traces, the vegetation and the built structures. The complex interrela-tionships between each creates the variety and diversity of the urban environment, the edges, clearings

    The traces of Frederiksvrk

    Visualisation of the trace in the Fragmented Path showing the natural character of the area.

    Masterplan of Frederiksvrk

    Three physical layers informing the city structure

    Frederiksvaerks future will be shaped by retracing the original paths upon which the city structure first developed.

    Three lines the traces will be brought back to life by enhancing the special qualities of each area. By enhancing these old lines, new connections will be made between the two natural areas that frame the city, the dense and structured forest hill in the east and the open and dif-fuse wetland in the west.

    The distinct character, history and function of each line will be sensi-

    Group 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / GormGroup 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm

    By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm

    tively retraced with the creation of a system of pathways and physical linkages throughout the city. The traces follow a rhythm of parallel lines the old city structure and intersecting breaks when meeting important areas.

    Trace (/trs/noun)A mark, object, or other indication of the existence or passing of something

    Section diagram showing the proposed enhancements to the Canal at HavnevejThree physical layers

    and variation that define each lines structure and space within the city and gives each trace its own unique character.


    Forest HillShared Space

    New Coppermill Public Park

    Canal ParkHigh School

    Development Area

    Enhanced Existing Nature Path

    Nature Path Into Wetland

    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 6u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n

  • Three physical layers of will form the structural fabric of the city - the traces, the vegetation and the built structures. The complex interrela-tionships between each creates the variety and diversity of the urban environment, the edges, clearings

    The traces of Frederiksvrk

    Visualisation of the trace in the Fragmented Path showing the natural character of the area.

    Masterplan of Frederiksvrk

    Three physical layers informing the city structure

    Frederiksvaerks future will be shaped by retracing the original paths upon which the city structure first developed.

    Three lines the traces will be brought back to life by enhancing the special qualities of each area. By enhancing these old lines, new connections will be made between the two natural areas that frame the city, the dense and structured forest hill in the east and the open and dif-fuse wetland in the west.

    The distinct character, history and function of each line will be sensi-

    Group 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / GormGroup 5 / Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm

    By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm By Katie, Maria, Emilie, Gorm

    tively retraced with the creation of a system of pathways and physical linkages throughout the city. The traces follow a rhythm of parallel lines the old city structure and intersecting breaks when meeting important areas.

    Trace (/trs/noun)A mark, object, or other indication of the existence or passing of something

    Section diagram showing the proposed enhancements to the Canal at HavnevejThree physical layers

    and variation that define each lines structure and space within the city and gives each trace its own unique character.


    Forest HillShared Space

    New Coppermill Public Park

    Canal ParkHigh School

    Development Area

    Enhanced Existing Nature Path

    Nature Path Into Wetland

    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 7u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n



    Masterplan of the proposed revitalisation of Frederiksvrk

    The focus this week has been on refining the identity of the key urban spaces or hotspots that define the starting points of the traces.

    Throughout the project up until this point our focus has been on the de-velopment of a strong overarching design concept for the revitalisa-tion of Frederiksberg. The concept for the three lines or traces has been developed and refined at two important scales - at the city-wide level and for each individual line. Within each line are key public spaces which we intend to renew and reframe through design inter-ventions which will create more functional and attractive settings for public life within Frederiks-vrk.

    Group 5Group 5

    Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm

    The three public spaces which we have focused our attention upon this week are:

    A new shared space and rede-fined urban plaza at the end of the shopping street (on the Fragmented Path)

    A new archaeological park at the site of the former Copperworks (Natural Path)

    A refined canalside park with bet-ter connections to the canal board-walk (Urban Canal)

    Shopping Street PlazaThe existing urban plaza at the

    western end of the shopping street will be redesigned to provide new seating areas, trees to provide shade and visual interest and a central fo-cus point with the creation of a new fountain. The plaza will link to the former Gunpowder Factory with the creation of a new shared space on Nrregade. This will provide better connections than the existing tunnel across this roadway, forcing the traffic to slow and creating an interesting urban environment.

    Coppermill Archaeological Park

    The existing lawned area at the site of the former Coppermill on the Natural Path will be trans-formed into a new Archaeological

    create more function-al and attractive set-tings for public life

    Steelscape 1:25001200x1200mm

    Park, celebrating and making vi-sisble the unique historical features that exist just beneath the surface. The space will also provide greater recreational amenity with the re-moval of existing carparking, the enlargement of the green space and the introduction of new trees.

    Enhanced Canal ParkThe existing green space at the

    start of the Urban Canal Path will be refined to provide enhanced con-nections to the canal boardwalk. Existing carparking at the western end will be removed and replaced with an expanded lawn area and new stairs will be added to better integrate the park with surrounding public areas and the canal front.

    Section Diagrams:A. Proposed Shopping Street PlazaB. Proposed refinements to the existing canalside green spaceC. Proposed waterfront dock on the Urban Canal Path

    Diagram illustrating the location of the traces and the key public sites Plan of the Shopping Street Plaza

    Plan of the Canal Park and greening of the central square and carparkPlan of the Coppermill Archaeological Park




    Fragmented Path

    Natural Path Urban Canal Path

    Shopping Plaza

    Coppermill Park

    Canal Park

    NorregadeLeisure Area

    Gun Powder Factory

    Peder Falsters Vej

    Shopping Street Plaza

    Shopping Street

    Wetland Camping

    Natural Path

    Fragmented Path

    Urban Canal PathCanal Park

    Coppermill Park


    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 8u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n

  • Traces

    Masterplan of the proposed revitalisation of Frederiksvrk

    The focus this week has been on refining the identity of the key urban spaces or hotspots that define the starting points of the traces.

    Throughout the project up until this point our focus has been on the de-velopment of a strong overarching design concept for the revitalisa-tion of Frederiksberg. The concept for the three lines or traces has been developed and refined at two important scales - at the city-wide level and for each individual line. Within each line are key public spaces which we intend to renew and reframe through design inter-ventions which will create more functional and attractive settings for public life within Frederiks-vrk.

    Group 5Group 5

    Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm Katie / Maria / Emilie / Gorm

    The three public spaces which we have focused our attention upon this week are:

    A new shared space and rede-fined urban plaza at the end of the shopping street (on the Fragmented Path)

    A new archaeological park at the site of the former Copperworks (Natural Path)

    A refined canalside park with bet-ter connections to the canal board-walk (Urban Canal)

    Shopping Street PlazaThe existing urban plaza at the

    western end of the shopping street will be redesigned to provide new seating areas, trees to provide shade and visual interest and a central fo-cus point with the creation of a new fountain. The plaza will link to the former Gunpowder Factory with the creation of a new shared space on Nrregade. This will provide better connections than the existing tunnel across this roadway, forcing the traffic to slow and creating an interesting urban environment.

    Coppermill Archaeological Park

    The existing lawned area at the site of the former Coppermill on the Natural Path will be trans-formed into a new Archaeological

    create more function-al and attractive set-tings for public life

    Steelscape 1:25001200x1200mm

    Park, celebrating and making vi-sisble the unique historical features that exist just beneath the surface. The space will also provide greater recreational amenity with the re-moval of existing carparking, the enlargement of the green space and the introduction of new trees.

    Enhanced Canal ParkThe existing green space at the

    start of the Urban Canal Path will be refined to provide enhanced con-nections to the canal boardwalk. Existing carparking at the western end will be removed and replaced with an expanded lawn area and new stairs will be added to better integrate the park with surrounding public areas and the canal front.

    Section Diagrams:A. Proposed Shopping Street PlazaB. Proposed refinements to the existing canalside green spaceC. Proposed waterfront dock on the Urban Canal Path

    Diagram illustrating the location of the traces and the key public sites Plan of the Shopping Street Plaza

    Plan of the Canal Park and greening of the central square and carparkPlan of the Coppermill Archaeological Park




    Fragmented Path

    Natural Path Urban Canal Path

    Shopping Plaza

    Coppermill Park

    Canal Park

    NorregadeLeisure Area

    Gun Powder Factory

    Peder Falsters Vej

    Shopping Street Plaza

    Shopping Street

    Wetland Camping

    Natural Path

    Fragmented Path

    Urban Canal PathCanal Park

    Coppermill Park


    l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 2l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 1 u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nu n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n l a n d s c a p e p l a n n i n g 2 0 1 3 pa g e 9u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n