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Page 1: Krokodil

KrokodilMathew Overton & Rylee May Period 6

Page 2: Krokodil

Table Of Contents1. Title Slide2. Table Of Contents 3. Type of drug4. Category of drug5. Common nicknames6. How the drug is taken7. Effects of the drug8. Dangers associated with taking the drug9. Chart10.Statistics11.Interesting facts12.Story13.Resource slide

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Definition: A heroin substitute that has recently become an epidemic in Russia. Its popularity is thought to be due to the price; up to ten times cheaper than heroin itself and possible to concoct at home. The recipe is readily available on the internet and is cooked up in the kitchens of users before being injected into the arm

Type of drugOpiate

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Category of drug

This Drug is illegal

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The drug known as "crocodile,” is named for the crocodile look it gives to a person’s rotting flesh. Another name is Desomorphine. Krokodil is also known as the ‘Zombie Flesh Eating Drug’. ‘Krokodil’ is one of the street names used.

Nick Names:

Krokodil is several times more

powerful than heroin. It is a drug that rots the skin from the inside


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Krokodil is taken through injection

In 2010, between a few hundred thousand and a million people, were injecting the resulting substance into their veins in Russia, so far the only country in the world to see the drug grow into an epidemic.

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Users report black or green scaly skinEats your skinRots the flesh from the inside outTurns people into zombie-like creaturesThese may lead to emergency surgeriesamputationsliver and kidney problems

Effects of the drug

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Danger associated with taking the drug

cause brain damagesevere tissue damageGangrene linked to pneumoniablood poisoningMeningitisrotting gumsbone infections

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It is a drug for people who can’t afford Heroine

The average user of krokodil, a dirty cousin of morphine that is spreading among Russian youth, does not live longer than two or three years, the few who manage to quit usually come away disfigured.

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Krokodil most likely became a drug used in Russia because it was hard to smuggle heroin.

The active component is

codeine, a widely sold over-the-

counter painkiller that is not toxic on

its own. But to produce krokodil,

whose medical name is

desomorphine, addicts mix it with

ingredients including gasoline,

paint thinner, hydrochloric acid,

iodine and red phosphorous,

which they scrape from the striking

pads on matchboxes.

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Amber Neitzel of Joliet says she first noticed the wounds on her skin 18 months ago .“ It almost starts like a burn from a cigarette," she said. "It starts purple and then goes into a blister after five or six days."

Doctors say crocodile rots the skin from the inside out causing gangrene. Angela's was so advanced that she had to undergo emergency surgery last week to save her legs. Ironically, it was their mother, a recovering addict, who brought the disease to their attention. While she is not one of the diagnosed cases, she believes she was also infected, after unknowingly injecting the drug sometime last May.

All three women insist they paid for heroin and never knew they got crocodile in its place. They have come forward to use their story as a wakeup call for other addicts. "If it touches one person at least and gets one person clean that's what I hope happens so bad," Amber Neitzel said. The sisters' motivation is a strong one. Each has three children they've lost custody of. The women's motivation to clean up is strong. They've both been told if they continue using they will likely be dead within one to three years


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Resources slide