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All right, this is the deal. The entire anti-Ritalin movement is orchestrated by the Church of Scientology, who through their front group the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, put out all kinds of bogus and distorted data that people like the aff authors quote. Why do they do this? Because they're an evil totalitarian cult obsessed with destroying psychiatry, of course.

Why is it called the Xenu Critique? Check out page 22.

XENU CRITIQUE SHELL PAGE 1 OF 2......................................................................2XENU CRITIQUE SHELL PAGE 2 OF 2......................................................................32NC OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................42NR OVERVIEW CARD?..............................................................................................5ANTI-RITALIN MOVEMENT BASED ON SCIENTOLOGY PAGE 1 OF 2.............6ANTI-RITALIN MOVEMENT BASED ON SCIENTOLOGY PAGE 2 OF 2.............7CCHR = SCIENTOLOGY..............................................................................................8DILLER CONCLUDES NEG.........................................................................................9BLOCK IS LINKED.....................................................................................................10BAUGHMAN IS LINKED...........................................................................................11PETER BREGGIN IS LINKED....................................................................................12PETER BREGGIN HAS NO CREDIBILITY..............................................................13GINGER BREGGIN IS LINKED.................................................................................14WHITAKER IS LINKED..............................................................................................15DENNIS CLARK IS LINKED......................................................................................16SZASZ IS LINKED.......................................................................................................17SCIENTOLOGY BAD PAGE 1 OF 3..........................................................................18SCIENTOLOGY BAD PAGE 2 OF 3..........................................................................19SCIENTOLOGY BAD PAGE 3 OF 3..........................................................................20WE MUST CONFRONT..............................................................................................21WHO IS XENU?...........................................................................................................22

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A. THE ENTIRE ANTI-RITALIN MOVEMENT IS BEING ORCHESTRATED BY SCIENTOLOGY TO DISCREDIT PSYCHIATRY AS REVENGE FOR REJECTING L RON HUBBARD.Brad Evenson, National Post, April 3, 2001, URL: Weathers' plight is well- known in the United States, where a backlash against such psychiatric drugs as Prozac and Ritalin is in full swing. What is less well-known is that this backlash has been orchestrated by the controversial Church of Scientology. Indeed, some argue that the Church has triggered the uproar almost single-handedly.

Ms. Presley is a Scientologist. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) -- which awarded Mrs. Weathers its prize -- was formed by the Church in 1969. In fact, the Washington lawyer who launched a U.S. class- action suit against Ritalin's makers and the American Psychiatric Association is also a senior Scientology official.

Scientology, in its fight against Ritalin, is pursuing a broader agenda: to undermine the psychiatric profession. "While alerting parents and teachers to the dangers of Ritalin, the real target of the campaign is the psychiatric profession itself," the Church stated over a decade ago in its newspaper, Scientology Today.

The Los Angeles-based Church, founded by the late science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, has been a long-time foe of psychiatry. Its teachings include Mr. Hubbard's belief that humans are made of clusters of spirits, called " thetans ," who were banished to Earth about 75 million years ago by an evil galactic ruler named Xenu. The Church has assembled a celebrity cast of followers, including actors John Travolta, Tom Cruise and Kirstie Alley.

Mr. Hubbard's breakthrough came in 1950, when he published the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. One of the Church's staples is a process called clearing, using a crude device -- essentially a lie detector -- called an E-meter, which measures electrical changes in the skin while subjects reveal intimate details of their lives. Clearing comes from Mr. Hubbard's claim that unhappiness springs from mental aberrations called "engrams." Counselling sessions with the E-meter clear these engrams from the mind.

Psychiatrists and psychologists called the idea worthless, which infuriated Mr. Hubbard . In his writings, which form the basis of Church doctrines, he said if psychiatrists "had the power to torture and kill everyone, they would do so. ... Recognize them for what they are; psychotic criminals -- and handle them accordingly."

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B. SCIENTOLOGY'S ANTI-PSYCHIATRY IS WHOLLY TOTALITARIAN--IT HOMOGENIZES THOUGHT THROUGH ANY MEANS NECESSARY, TURNING THE ONTOLOGICAL DAMNATION IMPACT on the CASE.Laura Kay Fuller, Senior Thesis at University of California, Santa Cruz (CA), 1999, URL: While the government is the evil empire, Scientology focuses on psychiatrists as the most visible enemy of the movement. The choice to target psychiatry was not a random one, for totalitarian movements never pick their enemies arbitrarily.128 Part of the reason Hubbard hated psychiatrists with such a passion was because they were the first people to criticize the methods and claims of Dianetics. Hubbard knew that the psychiatric profession would dismiss his ideas, so he concocted an elaborate conspiracy whereby insane psychiatrists were ruling the world, creating robot-like drones and generally harming and injuring their patients.129 In addition to this, since many psychiatrists saw Dianetics as an unfounded sham, they were instantly labeled as "Suppressive Persons" or "SPs"- the ultimate condemnation in Scientology.130 SPs are, of course, synonymous with anti-Scientologists. Thus the one group that Hubbard knew would surely criticize Dianetics was conveniently accused of a worldwide conspiracy to warp people's minds and discredit the truth of Scientology.131 Scientology's battle against the evils of psychiatry also entails the elimination of all psychiatrists. Hubbard's objective was to eliminate every single psychiatrist by looking for crimes in their past.132 Suitably, criticizing Scientology was defined as the maximum crime. Much like Hitler and Stalin before him, Hubbard's plans drew on how to abolish his enemies through whatever means were available.

Totalitarianism, rather than representing the will to dominate others, is about the destruction of alternate viewpoints and the homogenization of thought as a continual process .131 This continual movement, which simultaneously destroys and purifies, is the true direction of totalitarianism. The momentum of totalitarian domination aspires to be unlimited as it spreads around the globe, as exemplified by Scientology's desire to "clear the planet." The momentum also arises in the enemy status of psychiatry declared by Scientology. Here, the organization functions as a "movement whose advance constantly meets with new obstacles that have to be eliminated."134 Another significant part of this motion involves the constant changes and revisions in policy which characterize all totalitarian movements. As Arendt states, "the perpetual-motion mania of totalitarian movements can remain in power only so long as they keep everything moving and set everything around them in motion."135

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The anti-Ritalin movement is orchestrated by the Church of Scientology and their front group the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. They put out bogus and distorted data that people like the aff authors rely on. Why? Because they're an evil totalitarian cult obsessed with destroying psychiatry. This has a few implications:

1. The case has zero credibility. the 1AC is propaganda from a totalitarian organization--it's impossible to functionally separate the content from the source--throw out every 1AC card for bias.

2. Vote negative as unique opportunity to reject Scientology-- take a stand as a citizen and intellectual --real action outweighs every other issue in the debate.

3. On the policy-level, the case is outweighed and turned--the plan locks in a major legislative victory for the Scientologist movement, which enhances its prestige and efficacy, with the result of homogenizing thought and flipping the Zimmerman impact --it's a disad and solvency turn.

4. The aff's good intentions are precisely the problem--the only way Scientology can gain ground is when well-meaning people cite its work second-hand, as the 1AC did, and obscure the Scientologist origin. Stephen Barlas and Psychiatric Times staff, Psychiatric Times November 1996 Vol. XIII Issue 11, URL: exploring why CCHR and Scientologists have made psychiatry and psychology such a target, Kevin Dwyer, assistant executive director in charge of government affairs and professional relations with the National Association of School Psychologists, explained that psychiatrists and psychologists are their competition. "It is a competitive game," Dwyer explained. "They are trying to make sure they don't lose the grip on those people."

Peter Dockx, a CCHR spokesperson, declined to answer questions about the Psychiatry booklet and requested that questions be submitted in writing. Answers were provided in the form of a memo from Jan Eastgate, president of CCHR International, to Dockx.

Eastgate said the brochure proved so popular that "hundreds of thousands" have been printed in seven different languages. Moreover, she argued, "It is ludicrous to think that Scientology is in 'competition' with the incompetence, brutality and lies of psychologists or psychiatrists." Much of her response reiterates antipsychiatry statements cited in the booklet.

Dwyer said he does not worry so much about people taking CCHR's Psychiatry booklet seriously. "What I worry about," he explained, "is people quoting this material secondhand , without the attribution to the Church of Scientology."


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FINALLY, EL-RON SUMS IT UP.L. Ron Hubbard, THE SEXIST LANGUAGE IS HIS NOT OURS, founder of the Church of Scientology, 1980, Reader's Digest reprint, May 1980, p. 1, URL: for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.

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It was first described in 1902 and was referred to as Minimal Brain Dysfunction in the '50s, a name which perhaps more accurately described the physical problem causing the behaviour problems. Modern techniques of visualising brain activity such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET scanning) have proved conclusively that ADHD results from certain parts of the brain under-functioning and has nothing to do with poor parenting.

Using the same technology, Ritalin and other similar stimulants can partly address this problem, thus reducing the associated behavioural and concentration problems.

Ritalin is no new wonder drug; it was introduced in 1957 and was used quite successfully until a Church of Scientology lobby group called The Citizens Commission on Human Rights aided by a sensation- seeking media asserted Ritalin was dangerous, addictive and often used to subdue normally healthy and exuberant children.

Despite being in use for almost 40 years, there is no evidence suggesting children become addicted to these drugs.

As a parent of five children between the ages of four and 11, one of whom is a diagnosed ADHD sufferer and a Ritalin user, I take extreme exception to your report.

It is shallow, ill-informed and could only have one possible effect on readers.

It could instil sufficient fear into parents that they will refuse Ritalin as a legitimate treatment for their child, thus depriving the child from a quality of life you and I take for granted.

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THE ANTI-RITALIN MOVEMENT IS DRIVEN ENTIRELY BY SCIENTOLOGY AND ITS IRRATIONAL HATRED OF PSYCHIATRISTS,JOEL SAPPELL and ROBERT W. WELKOS, TIMES STAFF WRITERS, Los Angeles Times, June 29, 1990, Friday, Home Edition, Part A; Page 48; Column 1The Ritalin controversy seemed to emerge out of nowhere. It frightened parents, put doctors on the defensive and suddenly called into question the judgment of school administrators who authorize the drug's use to calm disruptive, hyperactive children.

The uproar over Ritalin was triggered almost single-handedly by the Scientology movement.

In its fight against Ritalin, Scientology was pursuing a broader agenda. For years, it has been attempting to discredit the psychiatric profession, which has long been critical of the self-help techniques developed by the late L. Ron Hubbard and practiced by the church.

The church has spelled out the strategy in its newspaper, "Scientology Today."

"While alerting parents and teachers to the dangers of Ritalin," the newspaper stated, "the real target of the campaign is the psychiatric profession itself. . . . And as public awareness continues to increase, we will no doubt begin to see the blame for all drug abuse and related crime move onto the correct target -- psychiatry."

The contempt Scientologists hold for the psychiatric profession is rooted in Hubbard's writings, which constitute the church's doctrines. He once wrote, for example, that if psychiatrists "had the power to torture and kill everyone, they would do so. . . . Recognize them for what they are; psychotic criminals -- and handle them accordingly."

Hubbard's hatred of psychiatry dated back to the 1950 publication of his best-selling book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health." It was immediately criticized by prominent mental health professionals as a worthless form of psychotherapy.

SCIENTOLOGY'S ANTI-RITALIN CAMPAIGN HAS CREATED A CLIMATE OF FEAR.Brad Evenson, National Post, April 3, 2001, URL: has also won a reputation for taking its enemies to court. Beginning in the late 1980s, it supported a series of lawsuits across the United States, attacking psychiatrists and schools with claims that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a valid diagnosis, stimulant drugs are overprescribed, and the doctors who make such prescriptions are corrupt or unethical. Many of these cases were handled by John Coale, a Washington lawyer and senior Scientologist.

None of the cases has been successful in court. However, "these efforts, which have been widely reported in the news media, have created a climate of fear among physicians, parents and educators and have sown anxiety and confusion among the general public," the Journal of the American Medical Association reported in 1998.

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CCHR IS SYNONYMOUS WITH SCIENTOLOGYReligion News Report, January 22, 2001 (Vol. 5, Issue 313) - 2/4CCHR was founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology, which by now has a fashionable Hollywood aura- John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and Nicole Kidman are all members. Scientology, ''an applied religious philosophy,'' seeks to change the world through a system known as Dianetics, a term made familiar by a series of TV commercials for a book of the same name by the late L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology's founder and a science-fiction writer. Through Dianetics, Scientologists hope, according to the church's Web site, to create a utopia ''without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights.'' In CCHR's view, one of the greatest threats to this vision is abuses inherent in psychiatry, which damages the mind instead of soothing the soul. ''For more than 115 years, psychiatrists have treated man as an animal,'' CCHR's Web site states. ''They have assaulted, sexually abused, irreversibly damaged, drugged or killed, all under the guise of 'mental healing.'''

CCHR was co-founded by Thomas Szasz, and its members take pains to emphasize this fact. Their connection to ''the Church,'' as they call it, is spoken of less frequently. CCHR is separately incorporated, and although virtually every CCHR member worldwide also happens to be a member of the Church of Scientology, this is by choice, the organization says, not by compulsion.

CCHR IS A SCIENTOLOGY FRONT GROUP.Chicago Daily Herald, January 4, 2001, Thursday, Cook, Pg. 10Another Scientology front group to beware of is the CCHR or Citizens Commission on Human Rights . The CCHR is using tax-exempt funds in a covert campaign to discredit psychiatric-psychology treatment. The CCHR has an extensive network of agents that are distributing distortions about psychiatric treatment and medications such as Prozac and Ritalin. This is a very dangerous thing and people should be aware that it is going on.

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DILLER CONCLUDES RITALIN IS ON-BALANCE BENEFICIAL.John Breeding, MOTHERING, Issue 101, July/August 2000 , URL: Alice, a large percentage of adults who take psychiatric drugs or give them to their children would prefer to avoid them--and yet they capitulate and use them because the drugs provide relief: from tension, fear, and desperation, as well as from the external strains of judgment and coercion. Lawrence Diller, author of the best-selling book Running on Ritalin, argues that: "The 700 percent rise in Ritalin use is our canary in the mineshaft for the middle class, warning us that we aren't meeting the needs of all our children, not just those with ADD. It's time we rethought our priorities and expectations unless we want a nation of kids running on Ritalin."2 Dr. Diller decries the trend (as I do in my book The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses), contending that this increased reliance on drugs reflects a society in distress. Rather than try to force our children to shrink into situations that do not meet their needs, he states, we need to take responsibility for our society.

Diller himself is, however, torn by the same conflict many parents have concerning Ritalin. On the one hand, he says: "As a citizen I must speak out about the social conditions that create the living imbalance. Otherwise I am complicitous with forces and values that I believe are bad for children." On the other hand, though, he concludes : "As a physician, after assessing the child, his family and school situation, I keep prescribing Ritalin . My job is to ease suffering and Ritalin will help round- and octagonal-peg kids fit into rather rigid square educational holes." 3

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MARY ANN BLOCK IS A CCHR CONSULTANT.Brad Evenson, National Post, April 3, 2001, URL: the wake of the massacre at Columbine, Col., CNN interviewed Dr. Mary Ann Block, author of the book No More Ritalin -- Treating ADHD Without Drugs. She quoted a study noting Ritalin's similarity to cocaine in its ability to cause psychotic episodes.

The network later discovered Dr. Block is a medical consultant to CCHR, and the study she quoted was a report written the day after the massacre by CCHR vice-president Marla Filidei, amid reports that one of the Columbine killers, Eric Harris, had been taking the antidepressant Luvox.

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BAUGHMAN IS AFFILIATED WITH SCIENTOLOGY AND THE CCHR.FRONTLINE, May 4, 2000, URL: active opponent of the ADHD diagnosis, Baughman has been a child neurologist, in private practice, for 35 years. He is also a medical expert for the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), an advocacy group founded by the Church of Scientology in 1969.

FRED BAUGHMAN WORKS CLOSELY WITH THE CCHR AND SCIENTOLOGY.Marc Steven, Freedom Magazine, Published by the Church of Scientology International, 2003, Volume 33, Issue 1, URL:, a growing list of professionals like Dr. Baughman and Patti Johnson are working with organizations such as the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, which has chapters worldwide, and parents throughout the country who are finding they have a strong, international network of support for protecting their children.

Ultimately, Dr. Baughman believes, the psychiatric community must answer for the destruction of a significant portion of America's future. "The victimization of children," he said, "leaving them illiterate and not educable, is criminal."

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is an international watchdog group established by the Church of Scientology in 1969 to investigate, expose and bring to justice psychiatric violations of human rights.

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BREGGIN CLAIMS TO OPPOSE SCIENTOLOGY, HE RELIES ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY ON DATA FROM SCIENTOLOGIST SOURCES AND MAINTAINS CLOSE WORKING TIES WITH CCHR.Diane Richardson, medical librarian, Institute for the History of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College at Cornell/NY Presbyterian, March 26, 2000, URL: question first: These quotations come from a book written by Peter Breggin. The Psychology of Freedom: Liberty and Love as a Way of Life, by Peter R. Breggin, published by Prometheus Books in 1980. Interestingly enough, Breggin does not include that particular book in the books he offers for sale on his website. If you check the Library of Congress catalog (, you'll find the book listed. Breggin IS allied with the CCHR in spite of his protestations to the contrary. He served as an officer for The Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc., which was established, organized and financed by the CCHR. Breggin's book, "Talking Back to Prozac" is largely based on anecdotal reports collected by The Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc., whic h was staffed and run by the CCHR . On his website, Breggin claims he has not had anything to do with the Church of Scientology since 1974. In his denial, which appears at: Breggin makes no mention of the CCHR or its Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc., on that page or on his entire website. All you need do to verify his dependence on information supplied to him by the Church of Scientology is pick up a copy of "Talking Back to Prozac." You'll see how dependent he was upon the Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc., for the "horror stories" he relates in that book. The Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc. website used to be at In trying to get there today, I receive a "404 Not found" error. It's conceivable that Breggin was just too stupid to note the connection linking The Prozac Survivors Support Group, the CCHR, and the Church of Scientology. Conceivable, but not very likely. It's also conceivable that Breggin didn't know where all that money came from to pay for his "expert witness" testimony in the "Prozac-made-me-do-it" lawsuits (he earned $45,000 in fees in just one lawsuit). Again, conceivable, but not very likely.

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PETER BREGGIN HAS ZERO CREDIBILITY--HE IS NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT, AND MULTIPLE JUDGES HAVE EXCLUDED HIS TESTIMONY FOR LACK OF QUALIFICATIONS.Stephen Barrett, M.D., September 23, 2002, "Some Notes on ADHD andPeter R. Breggin's Unfair Attack on RitalinM" URL;'s credibility has also been skewered during three legal actions in which judges either excluded his testimony or gave it no credibility. The first two involved dubious claims that a medication had caused severe harm, and the third was a contest between parents about whether or not a child with ADHD should be treated with Ritalin.

This court finds that the evidence of Peter Breggin, as a purported expert, fails nearly all particulars under the standard set forth in Daubert and its progeny. . . . . Simply put, the Court believes that Dr. Breggin's opinions do not rise to the level of an opinion based on "good science ." The motion to exclude his testimony as an expert witness should be granted. -- Magistrate Judge B. Waugh Crigler in Lam v. The Upjohn Company, No. 94-0033-H, W. Dist., of VA (Harrisonburg Division, U.S. District Court, 1995)

The court believes not only is this gentleman unqualified to render the opinions that he did, I believe that his bias in this case is blinding. . . . I find that he . . . was not only unprepared, he was mistaken in a lot of the factual basis for which he expressed his opinion. . . . The court is going to strike the testimony of Dr. Breggin, finding that it has no rational basis. -- Judge Hilary J. Caplan in Lightner v. Alessi, No. 94013064/CL174959 (Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1995).

Dr. Breggin's observations are totally without credibility . I can almost declare him, I guess from statements that floor me, to say the he's a fraud or at least approaching that He has made some outrageous statements and written outrageous books and which he says he has now withdrawn and his thinking is different. He's untrained. He's a member of no hospital staff. He has not since medical school participated in any studies to support his conclusions except maybe one. . . . I can't place any credence or credibility in what he has to recommend in this case. -- Judge James W. Rice in Schellinger v. Schellinger, No. 93-FA-939-763 (Milwaukee County Circuit Court, 1997)

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GINGER BREGGIN, DESPITE CLAIMS TO THE CONTRARY, IS TIED TO SCIENTOLOGY.Diane Richardson, medical librarian, Institute for the History of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College at Cornell/NY Presbyterian, March 26, 2000, URL: Breggin is co-author of "Talking Back to Prozac," a book that relies almost exclusively on "horror stories" collected by The Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc. The Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc., of which Peter Breggin was an officer, was established, organized and funded by the CCHR. Ginger Breggin may consider any linkage of herself to the CCHR as "libellous," but the courts don't appear to agree with her. Frank van Meerendonk heads the Benelux section of The Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc. When Eli Lilly accused van Meerendonk and his Prozac Survivors Support Group, Inc., of being "synonyms for the Church of Scientology," van Meerendonk sued for libel. Van Meerendonk lost the lawsuit. You can find this information on Peter Breggin's own website at: If Ginger Breggin wants to dissociate herself from the CCHR, she's going to have to do a better job of it than relying upon CCHR-funded organizations to supply her with information about Prozac.

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WHITAKER RELIES ON FLAWED STUDIES, DISTORTION, AND BREGGIN DATA DERIVED FROM SCIENTOLOGIST SOURCES.E. Fuller Torrey, president, Treatment Advocacy Center, URL: has nothing good to say about antipsychotic medications. He calls them "not just therapeutically neutral, but clearly harmful over the long term" and claims that the drugs themselves cause many of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Like Scientologists and other antipsychiatry groups, Whitaker exaggerates the adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs, saying, for example, that tardive dyskinesia occurs "in a high percentage of patients." He also includes statements that are patently erroneous . For example, he claims that "even moderately high doses of haloperidol were linked to violent behavior," when, in fact, studies have shown that haloperidol and other antipsychotics decrease violent behavior in individuals with schizophrenia. Many of Whitaker's errors originate in his liberal footnoting of Dr. Peter Breggin, who has acknowledged having received support from Scientology, as a source.

In place of antipsychotic drugs, Whitaker extols the virtues of "love and food and understanding, not drugs." Like many antipsychiatry advocates, Whitaker romanticizes the early eighteenth century era of "moral treatment" in which psychiatric patients were humanely treated. At that time, claims were made for impressive cure rates, culminating in 1843, when Dr. William Awl, director of an Ohio asylum, announced that he had achieved 100 percent recoveries; thereafter he was known as "Dr. Cure Awl." The failure of "moral treatment" alone as a cure for insanity was clearly established in 1876 by Dr. Pliny Earle, who showed that the prior claims had been highly exaggerated. Whitaker highly praises the more recent version of "moral treatment," Soteria House, started by Dr. Loren Mosher. Mosher was a protégé of Dr. Ronald Laing's, and Mosher's experiments, like Laing's along these lines, have all passed into history because they failed.

In a similar vein, Whitaker discusses at length the WHO multi center schizophrenia study that reported that individuals from developing countries (Nigeria, Colombia, India), "where such medications are less frequently used," had a better outcome than did individuals in developed countries. In fact, the study reported that the percentage of chronically disabled patients was similar in all the countries. What did differ was the percentage of complete cures_40 percent in developing versus 25 percent in developed countries. As has been widely discussed, the fact that more patients in the developing countries had a very acute onset of their illness suggests that many of them probably had a reversible viral encephalitis or other organic cause of their schizophrenia like symptoms and thus had better outcomes.

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DENNIS CLARK IS NOT A DOCTOR AND NOT AN EXPERT--HE'S A SCIENTOLOGIST PROPAGANDIST.JOEL SAPPELL and ROBERT W. WELKOS, TIMES STAFF WRITERS, Los Angeles Times, June 29, 1990, Friday, Home Edition, Part A; Page 48; Column 1The commission's president is veteran Scientologist Dennis Clarke. Although he is not a doctor , Clarke has positioned himself as the country's most quoted Ritalin expert. In public appearances, Clarke cites a litany of alarming statistics, some of which are exaggerated, unsubstantiated or impossible to verify.

Some medical experts agree that the use of Ritalin in the schools has grown dramatically over the last two decades, but not to the level claimed by Clarke.

For example, Clarke has maintained that in Minneapolis, 20% of children under 10 attending mostly white schools in 1987 were on Ritalin and the percentage was double that in predominantly black schools.

"If they are saying that is the statistic in Minneapolis, they are lying ," said Vi Blosberg, manager of health services in the 39,000-student district. She said that fewer than 1% of students districtwide were taking Ritalin or other drugs used to control hyperactivity during the year in question.

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The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-profit, public benefit organization dedicated to exposing and eradicating criminal acts and human rights abuses within psychiatry. It was founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus at the State University of New York. Since then, CCHR has grown to 133 chapters in 34 countries.

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SCIENTOLOGY IS A VICIOUS CULT THAT VIOLENTLY CONTROLS ITS MEMBERS--IT'S BASED ON ABSURD SCIENCE FICTION DRIVEL, AND IT'S PURPOSE IS TO MAKE MONEY.Roland Rashleigh-Berry, ex-Scientologist, 2001, "WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY?," URL: The Church of Scientology is a vicious and dangerous cult that masquerades as a religion. Its purpose is to make money. It practices a variety of mind-control techniques on people lured into its midst to gain control over their money and their lives. Its aim is to take from them every penny that they have and can ever borrow and to also enslave them to further its wicked ends. It was started in the 1950s by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard in fulfilment to his declared aim to start a religion to make money. It is an offshoot to a method of psychotherapy he concocted from various sources which he named "Dianetics". Dianetics is a form of regression therapy. It was then further expanded to appear more like a religion in order to enjoy tax benefits. He called it "Scientology". Scientology is a confused concoction of crackpot, dangerously applied psychotherapy, oversimplified, idiotic and inapplicable rules and ideas and science-fiction drivel that is presented to its members (at the "advanced" levels) as profound spiritual truth. The Harm it Does to a Person The results of applying their crackpot psychotherapy (called "auditing") is to weaken the mind. The mind goes from a rational state to an irrational one as the delusional contents of the subconscious mind are brought to the surface and are assumed to be valid. It also makes a person more susceptible to suggestion since it submerges the critical thinking faculties of the mind into a partial subconscious state. It results in a permanent light hypnotic trance and so from thenceforth that person can be more easily controlled . The person will, to a much greater extent, believe and do whatever they are told. And of course this is used to the full in persuading them to hand over further money and dedicating themselves further to the cult. The results of applying their oversimplified and inapplicable rules in life is to lose the ability to think rationally and logically. A person loses the ability to think for themselves and so they lose the ability to challenge incorrect ideas. This makes them easier to control . It also isolates and alienates the person from society so that they withdraw from normal society and into their "Scientology" society. This further increases their susceptibility to the influence of their group. They end up being afraid of society, believing all society to be controlled by a group of drug companies, psychiatrists and financiers all of whom report to more remote masters. In other words they are in a state of mass paranoia. They therefore avoid reading newspapers and the like since they fear it will disturb their safe Scientology world. It is a downward spiral into madness. The science fiction content of Scientology is revealed to them after they have reached the state they call "Clear", meaning freed from the aberrations of the mind. However, perhaps "brainwashed" would be a more applicable word to describe the mental state of someone who has survived the near entire delusional contents of their subconscious mind brought to the surface and presented to them as "truth". On the "advanced" levels (called OT levels) above the state of "Clear" they encounter the story of Xenu. Xenu was supposed to have gathered up all the overpopulation in this sector of the galaxy, brought them to Earth and then exterminated them using hydrogen bombs. The souls of these murdered people are then supposed to infest the body of everyone. They are called "body thetans". On the advanced levels of Scientology a person "audits out" these body thetans telepathically by getting them to re-experience their being exterminated by hydrogen bombs. So people on these levels assume all their bad thoughts and faulty memories are due to these body thetans infesting every part of their body and influencing them mentally. Many Scientologists go raving mad at this point if they have not done so already.

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SCIENTOLOGY IS A DANGEROUS TOTALITARIAN MOVEMENT THAT SEEKS UNIVERSAL DOMINATION.Laura Kay Fuller, Senior Thesis at University of California, Santa Cruz (CA), 1999, URL: A major feature of Scientology is the group's stated mission to "clear the world."113 By "clearing the world," the movement wishes to make every person on this planet not only a Scientologist, but reach a state called "clear" in Scientology processing. The origins of "clear" go back to L. Ron Hubbard and his enormous influence on the construction and language of Scientology. "Clear" functions as both a noun and a verb in Scientology lingo. To be a "clear" is to have deleted the contents of the reactive mind by transferring the data stored there into another mental compartment called the analytical mind. The analytical mind supposedly functions at a higher awareness level than the reactive mind. Therefore, "to clear" a person is for them to realize that they no longer need their reactive mind, enabling them to "confront and resolve buried trauma" through the filter of the superior analytical mind114. This is one of the most important goals in Scientology. It is a significant step on the Scientology "Bridge to Total Freedom" that Hubbard laid out.115

The fact that Scientology aims at world domination in the form and language of "clearing" is a major sign that the movement is indeed totalitarian . As Arendt has noted, "The struggle for total domination of the total population of the earth, the elimination of every competing nontotalitarian reality, is inherent in totalitarian regimes; if they do not pursue global power as their ultimate goal, they are only too likely to lose whatever power they already have."116 Totalitarian movements do not think in terms of national borders. Instead, the movements are distinctly borderless in their goals for domination. The Sea Org is an excellent example of L. Ron Hubbard's desire for Scientology to exist without the limitations of national borders. Created by Hubbard as a means to escape government control, the Sea Org is an elite group of Scientologists who sail around the world on a gigantic boat wearing naval uniforms117. What is distinct about the Sea Org is that it epitomizes Hubbard's ideological goals for Scientology. Not subject to any national laws, the Sea Org was Hubbard's fantasy of a planet where Scientology could roam and spread without limits. According to Arendt, all totalitarian leaders consider their country of origin to be "only temporary headquarters of the international movement on the road to world conquest."118 Scientology is similarly international in the scope of its organization. In fact, the movement is even inter-planetary in the desire to spread its ideology: After they clear earth, Scientology plans to "clear the universe."119

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SCIENTOLOGY COMMITS TOTALITARIAN OPPRESSION NEARLY ON A PAR WITH NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS.Laura Kay Fuller, Senior Thesis at University of California, Santa Cruz (CA), 1999, URL: In 1973, Hubbard replaced the chain-locker and overboarding punishments in favor of new, profoundly effective means of domination- the Rehabilitation Force Project, or RPF.163 Convinced that his orders were not being carried out with sufficient diligence, Hubbard established the RPF as a disciplinary unit for anyone who failed to comply with orders, made mistakes, or fell short of their production quotas.164 While on the Sea Org, Hubbard became convinced that there were evil people on board with hidden evil intentions.165 The RPF was designed for such people, or as Hubbard termed them: "degraded beings" and "psychotics."166 Used as a daily threat, the RPF had, at one point, almost one-third of Sea Org members assigned to it.167 RPF members were segregated, having their own space away from the rest of the crew. Discipline was harsh and bizarre, while members were expected to adhere to a rigid schedule of physical labor.168

The RPF is still in use in Scientology organizations throughout the world. Those assigned to RPF can only speak when spoken to, eat table scraps, and sleep shorter hours than other Scientology staff.169 RPF members are meant to comply immediately and unquestioningly with any order. They work a full day, doing physical labor, and are expected to spend five hours confessing their "overts" and revealing their "Evil Purposes."170 The RPF is, in effect, a Scientology penal colony.

The fact that both Ethics and the RPF originated on the Sea Org is not a coincidence. The Sea Org was Hubbard's fantasy of a world of his own creation, which could sail limitlessly without the constraints of national or governmental borders. Scientology's horrific punishment systems only serve to verify totalitarianism's fundamental belief that in a fictitious world, everything is possible .171 One cannot help but be reminded of the Nazi concentration camps when hearing about incarceration in the RPF. Physically, there are unavoidable similarities between the two camps. Undesirables are separated from the rest of society, under the pretense of an movement that "functions according to the principle that whoever is not included is excluded, whoever is not with me is against me."172 Conditions are disgusting and prisoners are trained to comply with all orders. The incarcerated are targeted as enemies of a movement whose purifying motion must continue in order to prove its ideology. Of course, a critical difference is that the Nazis systematically killed their prisoners. The RPF does not lead to death, as it did for so many in Nazi camps. Therefore, the forced labor camps of Scientology differ is this crucial respect. In addition, the RPF is not designed for those psychiatrists and government agents said to be conspiring against Scientology, but for the members of the movement itself. This too, however, is the tendency of totalitarianism, which always turns against even those in the movement, for nobody is safe when everyone must be on guard.173

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SCIENTOLOGY CAN'T BE IGNORED--WE MUST CONFRONT THE RISK OF TOTALITARIANISM.Laura Kay Fuller, Senior Thesis at University of California, Santa Cruz (CA), 1999, URL: In a way, this paper is an answer to the suggestion that Scientology is something to be casually observed, with the attitude "I'll do my thing, they can do theirs," as the newspaper article had implied. As my thesis will demonstrate, Scientology must be taken seriously , especially if we are to look at it as demonstrating a pattern that has surfaced before, in the form of totalitarianism. This project also communicates what I have learned over the past year, both while researching Scientology and working within American Studies. My work in American Studies has particularly encouraged me to look carefully at that which might otherwise be dismissed as insignificant. Hence, part of the importance of critically looking at Scientology lies in the simple act of critically looking at a movement that very much discourages both its members and the general population from doing so.

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I'm going to tell you a story. Are you sitting comfortably? Right, then I'll begin.

Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy including our own planet Earth, except in those days it was called Teegeeack.

Now Xenu had a problem. All of the 76 planets he controlled were overpopulated. Each planet had on average 178 billion people. He wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation so he had a plan.

Xenu took over complete control with the help of renegades to defeat the good people and the Loyal Officers. Then with the help of psychiatrists he called in billions of people for income tax inspections where they were instead given injections of alcohol and glycol mixed to paralyse them. Then they were put into space planes that looked exactly like DC8s (except they had rocket motors instead of propellers).

These DC8 space planes then flew to planet Earth where the paralysed people were stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions. When they had finished stacking them around then H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes. Xenu then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was killed.

The story doesn't end there though. Since everyone has a soul (called a "thetan" in this story) then you have to trick souls into not coming back again. So while the hundreds of billions of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds he had special electronic traps that caught all the souls in electronic beams (the electronic beams were sticky like fly-paper).

After he had captured all these souls he had them packed into boxes and taken to a few huge cine-mas. There all the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures that told them what life should be like and many confusing things. In this film they were shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ. In the story this process is called "implanting".

When the films ended and the souls left the cinema these souls started to stick together because since they had all seen the same film they thought they were the same people. They clustered in groups of a few thousand. Now because there were only a few living bodies left they stayed as clusters and inhabited these bodies.

As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and they locked him away in a mountain on one of the planets. He is kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery and Xenu is still alive today.
