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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT


IS PLAnnIng An OuTPOST In COLOmbIA, And we Are LOOKIng fOr PArTnerS!

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

The KaosPilots is an innovative education program for young, creative and socially responsible entrepreneurs and change agents who want to make a difference in the world and shape the society of tomorrow.The program is structured around four vocational areas: Crea-tive Project Design, Creative Business Design, Creative Proc-ess Design and Creative Leadership. The pedagogy of the school focuses on practical work with real-world projects, and personal leadership and the development of skills and compe-tencies that embrace the whole person.In the second year of a three-year program, Kaospilots move their classroom to a place outside Scandinavia to create an educational outpost. 2010 is the first year in a 3 year initiative to explore our focus areas: Sustainability, Social innovation and Cultural diversity in the Latin American context.Former KaosPilot outposts have been located in:San Fransisco (1996 – 2000 & 2006)Durban (2001 – 2003) Havana (2005).Vancouver (2007)Shanghai (2008 - 2009 - 2010) International school for creative business design and social innovation


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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

why COLOmbIA?Colombia - or as the locals sometimes call her - “Locombia”. Is a place of con-trasts and the unexpected. A country that portraits some of the most pressing challenges of our world. Social inequality, protection of our biodiversity and natural resources, drug trafficking, a history of violence and long lasting politi-cal conflict. At the same time Colombia is a place of immense potential. Example of human centred urban de-velopment and social inclusion, second most biodiverse nation on earth, Colom-bia has in one country all the wonders of Latin America: Caribbean and pacific cost, Andes mountains, Amazon rainfor-est, indigenous cultures and more. Colombia is the oldest democracy in Latin America, has a thriving cultural life and a population of highly resourceful and creative people who live life passion-ately and who are arguably the friendliest bunch in the Americas. If you are lost in any Country in Latin America, a local will show you home, but in Colombia you’ll be invited to the family cookout that day or the following!

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

The OuTPOSTOur central theme for the Colombian out-post is “Social innovation to build bottom-up resilient transformation”. The intent of the outpost is to explore in a complex environment a new way for social trans-formation that overcomes the already tried out formulas in the Latin American context:

We intent to trascend those formulas to understand what it will mean to create a transformation process that emerges in a chaordic way through the opening of so-cial innovation spaces which:

Social innovation to build bottom-up

resilient transformation

• Social change emerging from an elite. (top-down)• Social change as a process of armed revolution.• Social change coming from a dictatorship.• Social change from the perspective of civil society organizations.• Social change from the mindset of the market as driving force.

• can overcome traditional roles of stakeholders, NGO’s, government, business and academia.• Explore new ways of learning, collaborating and co-creating• Takes into account the responsibil-ity and power of citizens and actors to transform and develop their own context.• Overcomes paternalism, assiten-cialism and reliance on the estab-lished system• Generates methods of self-organi-zation and resource development.

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

YOU• Belive in the great potential of bringing to-gether thinkers and doers to share ideas, get inspired, and initiate action• Think that to meet our global challenges we need to grow our innovation capacity in all the corners of the world• See the meeting of cultures in spaces of participatory and innovative collaboration as an invaluable asset for sustainable social transformation• Are someone who believes the world needs a new paradigm of development• Feel excited, (with a tint of skepticism per-haps) when you hear the phrases “social in-novation” and “social entrepreneurship” •Want to learn more about social innovation in Colombia - Latin America•Have heard about the kaospilot (I didn’t say you understand what it is...)• Are an organisation supporting sustainable development in the world and particularly in Latin America• Would like to see Latin America flourish with their own model of inclusive and sustainable development• Are in love with the diversity, resourcefulness and solidarity of the Latin American people

International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

whO Are yOu ?If one or more of the following statements applies to you or your organisation you will feel the urge to come and dance with us:

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

whAT’S In IT fOr yOu?• A joint journey to help you deepen any questions you hold in relation to social innovation (In the world - Latin America - Colombia) through the students activities and delivera-bles (projects, network, workshops, prototypes)• Access to 35 young, innovative, highly motivated social entrepreneurs• Access to a network of social entre-preneurs in Colombia• The possibility to engage in small and larger scale projects to support social transformation in Colombia• Connections to other international partners• ou tell us... there might be some-thing you have in mind that we didn’t think of. An idea for a project or spe-cific initiative, well let us talk and see how we can help each other.

whAT dO we wAnT frOm yOu?• That you let us tell the world that you support us (using your logo in our communications, with your consent)• That you tell your friends about us! • An article on your website? a link to our outpost website?• Financial support for the the stu-dents and their projects in Colombia (perhaps joint ventures to apply for funding sounds appealing to you?)

your support and inspiration!

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

whAT’S In IT fOr uS ?• We get a complete experience of a new playground with new trends, new cultures, new challenges, new markets, new friends, new ideas and techniques.• An opportunity to explore social transformation in a new, innovative, open-minded and explorative way!• We get a new understanding of sys-tems and approaches in business, society and culture.• We get to develop new ways of creating and sharing knowledge.• Our student’s eyes will be opened by their experiences in Shanghai and to formulate new methodologies and tools for our curriculum.• A tremendous opportunity for wis-dom and knowledge transfer between students, especially in the areas of creativity and social innovation.

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

whO eLSe IS SuPPOrTIng uS?

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

yOur LOgOyOur LOgO

yOur LOgO

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

PrOJeCT PArTnerS In COLOmbIA?Our key partners in Colombia for the outpost so far are:

Social entrepreneurship and sustainability partnersHUB ColombiaRed de ecoaldeas de ColombiaColombian Eco Villages network

Academic partnersEAN - Business Administration SchoolUniversidad Nacional de Colombia

Governmental partnersColombia is passion

Project partnersKingovolunteers colombia

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

The JOurney - PrOJeCT TImeLIneApr - Oct 2010:Inspire you and people like you in becoming international partners

June 2010:Meet potential local partners in ColombiaDecide on local project partners

October 2010:Deadline for proposal and decision on out-post destination

November 2010:KP visit to Colombia to meet partners, see locations

February 2011:Outpost - small team projects

June 2011:Deadline for Output and deliverablesClosing event in Colombia

June 2011:Final team outpost exam in Denmark

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International school for creative business design and social innovationKAOSPILOT

COnTACTLet me guess you already have some songs you’d like to dance with us?Send us a line, any questions or comments are welcome.