Download - Kp interpretation of 6th house

Page 1: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS

KP Interpretation6th House

Rajendra Nimje, IAS

KP Astrologers Forum , India


Page 2: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS

Diseases, Defects and Remedy

6th cusp of natal chart gives complete picture of diseases which can occur during lifetime

Different diseases manifest in different DBAs depending on what they signify

DB lord, its starlord and in which sign the DB lord is placed decides the nature of diseases

Ascendant and 6th house, 6 ,8 and 12 conjoined periods manifest diseases to the native

Cure comes in conjoin periods of 5th and 11th significators


Page 3: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS

Diseases and cure

5th Sublord gives Relief , analyze carefully for remedial measures

Only 5th or 11th period gives partial relief, both will give complete relief

If DB is signifying 8th then the pain is acute

Significators of 12th takes native to hospital

In horary, 6th cuspal sub gives perfect clue to the disease

If 6th sub is mercury or its starlord is mercury or it is in a dual sign then the diagnosis is incorrect. Change the treatment, doctor or investigate again

Is this doctor good for my cure? Horary charts 7th sub if connected to 1, 5, 11 then yes


Page 4: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS


Horary chart , 5th sub or its starlord gives clue to remedies. If 5th sub is

Sun then allopathic

Moon , venus , homeopathy

Mer, Sat Ayurveda

Mars – physiotherapy

Jup – Yoga

Rahu/Ketu - which planet they signify strongly , decide accordingly

5th sub mercury or in dual sign then two kind of treatments

5th sub Saturn or connected or in fixed sign then long time treatment

5th sub connected to moon or cancer sign then psychiatrist

5th sub connected to 8th then operation

6th sub if connected to maraka or badhaka then reason of death is the same disease


Page 5: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS


Ascendant sublord if signify 8th then accidents are possible

Accidents occur in DBA of 1, 8,12

2nd sublord if connected to 8th then throat, nose, tongue , teeth will be affected in an accident

3rd sub if connected to 8th then Ear, arms, shoulders will be affected..

Will the affected body part be cured fully?- Yes if in Horary chart :

Sublord of the affected body part if connected to 5 and 11 then full recovery

If sublord of the affected body part connected to 12 then permanent defect

Sublord connected to only 5 or 11 then partial recovery

DBA related to 4 then accidents will occur due to fall of house, tree…24-Nov-13

Page 6: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS

Accidents and Defects

DBA lord connected to

watery sign then death due to water

airy sign then accidents in aircraft or fall from height

Planets in second house if signifying 8th house then poisoning

If Saturn connects then bone crash

Mars gives electric shock

DBA of 12th running then hospitalization

In natal chart if Ascendant sub is connected to 6, or 8 or 12 and DBA at the time of birth is also of 6, 8 , 12 then permanent defect


Page 7: Kp interpretation of 6th house

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS

Muhurta for treatment, Gems

Select strong significators of 5th and 11th houses of a natal chart

Remove those significators which are connected to 6, 8, or 12

If there are more than one significators left then select that who signifies both 5 and 11

Also can filter by Ruling planets

Gems are useful to strengthen the mental strength and also to put a person on track to take care of self.

Person who is afraid of treatment also should wear GEMs to get the strength to overcome phobia
