Download - Kossuth County Laborshed Analysis...kossuth county, ia 2017 The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment

Page 1: Kossuth County Laborshed Analysis...kossuth county, ia 2017 The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment




Page 2: Kossuth County Laborshed Analysis...kossuth county, ia 2017 The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment

The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment status or willingness to change/enter employment.

**Insufficient survey data/refused

Some Level Beyond

High SchoolAssociate Degree


Degree or HigherAnnual Salary Hourly Wage

All Employed 77.9% 19.9% 33.5% $53,000 $15.85

Agriculture, Forestry & Mining 65.2% 30.4% 21.7% ** $12.25

Construction 62.5% 31.3% 12.5% ** $17.00

Education 88.0% 8.0% 70.0% $49,000 $12.50

Entertainment & Recreation ** ** ** ** **

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 84.2% 36.8% 36.8% $48,500 **

Healthcare & Social Services 86.2% 22.4% 32.8% $47,500 $15.12

Manufacturing 61.4% 18.6% 24.3% $67,350 $17.85

Personal Services 91.3% 8.7% 47.7% $42,000 $19.00

Professional Services 92.0% 36.0% 36.0% ** $17.75

Public Administrat ion & Government 78.9% 21.1% 31.6% $53,000 $13.88

Transportat ion, Communication & Ut ilit ies 67.9% 14.3% 10.7% $56,000 $20.50

Wholesale & Retail Trade 66.1% 15.3% 15.3% ** $10.83

Education Median Wages

75.8% (57,028)

7.4% (5,567) 8.4% (6,320) 8.4% (6,320)











Employed *Unemployed Homemakers Retired

Percent Likely to Change/Accept Employment

** Insufficient survey data/refused

Industry % of


Est imated # of


% Employed within

the Industry

% Likely to Change


% Unemployed*

within the Industry

Manufacturing 17.7% 10,094 75.7% 23.1% 5.7%

Healthcare & Social Services 14.7% 8,383 75.9% 13.6% 6.9%

Education 14.0% 7,984 84.0% 28.6% 0.0%

Wholesale & Retail Trade 14.0% 7,984 71.2% 35.7% 8.5%

Transportat ion, Communication & Ut ilit ies 7.0% 3,992 75.0% 14.3% 14.3%

Agriculture, Forestry & Mining 6.3% 3,593 82.6% 10.5% 8.7%

Professional Services 6.3% 3,593 76.0% 10.5% 12.0%

Personal Services 5.7% 3,251 73.9% 17.6% 4.3%

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 5.0% 2,851 78.9% 6.7% 5.3%

Public Administrat ion & Government 5.0% 2,851 78.9% 26.7% 5.3%

Construction 3.3% 1,882 62.5% 20.0% 12.5%

Entertainment & Recreation 0.7% 399 ** ** **

Active Military Duty 0.3% 171 ** ** **

† Individuals may be underemployed for more than one reason, but are counted only once for to tal estimated underemployment.

% UnderemployedEst imated


Inadequate Hours 1.7% 151

Mismatch of Skills 3.2% 285

Low Income 0.0% 0

†Total Underemployment 4.4% 392


E m p l o y m e n t L e v e l s a n d S t a t u s b y I n d u s t r y


A Laborshed is the area or region from which an employment center draws its commuting workers. To determine the approximate boundaries of a Laborshed area, local employers supply the residential ZIP codes of each of their employees. This Laborshed analysis addresses the workforce characteristics of the Kossuth County Laborshed area.

E m p l o y m e n t S t a t u s (estimated total)*

Estimated Population 18-64: 75,235 (entire Laborshed area)

Estimated Number of Individuals Very Likely or Somewhat Likely to Change or Accept Employment in Algona (10,058):

8,899 Employed 263 Unemployed 379 Homemakers 517 Retired

Employed - likely to change employment

Median wages: $13.90/hr & $48,500/yr 23.8% are actively seeking new employment 20.3% are working multiple jobs Currently working an average of 42 hrs/week 30.6% currently working within the

professional, paraprofessional & technical occupational category followed by 24.2% within the production, construction & material handling occupational category

Most frequently identified job search resources:

Kossuth County Laborshed Analysis

The Algona Upper Des Moines Humboldt Independent

The underemployed are individuals who are working fewer than 35 hours per week but desire more hours; are working in positions that do not meet their skill or education level, or have worked for higher wages at previous employment; or are working at wages equal to or less than the national poverty level and work 35 or more hours per week.

*Employment status is self-identified by the survey respondent. The unemployment percentage above does not reflect the unemployment rate published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which applies a stricter definition.

Survey respondents from the Kossuth County Laborshed area were asked to identify the industry in which they are currently working. The largest concentration of workers are employed in the manufacturing industry.

Page 3: Kossuth County Laborshed Analysis...kossuth county, ia 2017 The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment

The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment status or willingness to change/enter employment.

**Insufficient survey data/refused

Some Level Beyond

High SchoolAssociate Degree


Degree or HigherAnnual Salary Hourly Wage

All Employed 77.9% 19.9% 33.5% $53,000 $15.85

Agriculture, Forestry & Mining 65.2% 30.4% 21.7% ** $12.25

Construction 62.5% 31.3% 12.5% ** $17.00

Education 88.0% 8.0% 70.0% $49,000 $12.50

Entertainment & Recreation ** ** ** ** **

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 84.2% 36.8% 36.8% $48,500 **

Healthcare & Social Services 86.2% 22.4% 32.8% $47,500 $15.12

Manufacturing 61.4% 18.6% 24.3% $67,350 $17.85

Personal Services 91.3% 8.7% 47.7% $42,000 $19.00

Professional Services 92.0% 36.0% 36.0% ** $17.75

Public Administrat ion & Government 78.9% 21.1% 31.6% $53,000 $13.88

Transportat ion, Communication & Ut ilit ies 67.9% 14.3% 10.7% $56,000 $20.50

Wholesale & Retail Trade 66.1% 15.3% 15.3% ** $10.83

Education Median Wages






12.6%11.5%10.4% 9.8%

Health/Medical Insurance


Dental Coverage

Vision Coverage

Paid Vacation

Life Insurance

Disability Insurance

Paid Sick Leave

Prescription Drug Coverage

Paid Holidays

The survey provides the respondents an opportunity to identify employment benefits they currently are offered. The chart at left provides the percentage of responses from those that are currently employed full-time.

The majority (78.0%) of these respondents state they are currently sharing the cost of health/medical insurance premiums with their employer. However, 13.6 percent indicate their employer pays the entire cost of insurance premiums.

C o m m u t i n g S t a t i s t i c s

The map at the right represents the concentration of those who are likely to commute into Algona from their home ZIP for an employment opportunity.

Those who are likely to change/accept employment in the Kossuth County Laborshed area are willing to commute an average of 22 miles one-way for employment opportunities.

The out commute for Algona is estimated at 15.1 percent—approximately 437 people living in Algona work in other communities.

Most of those who are out commuting are working in Emmetsburg or Forest City.

Nearly one-third (30.8%) of out commuters are likely to change employment (approximately 135 people).

E d u c a t i o n L e v e l s a n d M e d i a n W a g e s b y I n d u s t r y

T o p C u r r e n t B e n e f i t s o f t h e F u l l - T i m e E m p l o y e d

10 Mile Radius Between Rings

Area Shown Likely to Change/Accept Employment

by Place of Residence (per ZIP Code)

9 - 49

50 - 138

139 - 282

283 - 1,229

1,230 - 2,005



4 Lane Highways

U.S. Highways

State Highways

Iowa County

Minnesota County

Concentration of Those Likely to Change/Accept Employment in Algona

Page 4: Kossuth County Laborshed Analysis...kossuth county, ia 2017 The education and wage data by industry within the above table includes all respondents without consideration of employment


Certification Not

Obtained, 11.8%

High School




Degree, 29.4%


Degree, 17.6%



Bulletin Boards,



Centers, 18.8%

Internet, 43.8%



Unemployed - likely to accept employment 62.5% are actively seeking employment An estimated 263 unemployed individuals are likely to

accept employment in Algona. Average age is 46 years old 52.9% are male; 47.1% are female Education:

58.8% are educated beyond high school

Paid Holidays,



/401K, 20.0%

Vision Coverage,


Dental Coverage,



Insurance, 73.3%

Top Job Search Resources

f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e k o s s u t h c o u n t y l a b o r s h e d a n a l y s i s , c o n t a c t :

Kossuth/Palo Alto County Economic Development Corp. 106 S Dodge St, Ste 210

Algona, IA 50511 Phone: 515-295-7979

Fax: 515-295-8873 Email: [email protected]

Data compiled and analyzed by: Iowa Workforce Development

Labor Market Information Division 1000 E. Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Phone: (515) 281-7505 | Email: [email protected]

s p o n s o r e d i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h :

T o p D e s i r e d B e n e f i t s

Wages: $14.56/hr - to attract 66% of applicants $16.00/hr - to attract 75% of applicants $12.00/hr - lowest median wage willing to accept

Willing to commute an average of 24 miles one way for the right opportunity

53.3% expressed interest in seasonal and 46.7% in temporary employment opportunities

62.5% expressed interest in working varied shifts

Humboldt Independent