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Big Data and Artificial


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Daniel Lim Yew Mao

Quant Analytics Team


"Skill sets needed for a data science team

is very diverse, so we need a multi

disciplinary team. You need someone who

can articulate the problem statement to

the stakeholders, someone who can

analyse the data and finally, and most

importantly, to visualise and articulate the

value of what you find."

Building a team

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"Diversity in the team is important,

environments are always changing so it is good

to find people in your team who are quick


Heyu Huang

senior associate

fresco capitalKopi Chat @Blk71 Singapore

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Building a team

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Daniel Lim Yew Mao

Quant Analytics Team


“Look at the automobile industry as an

example, many industries will reinvent

itself, and there will be skill sets as well as

businesses that become obsolete, which is

where opportunities lies for Big Data and

Artificial Intelligence solutions." 

Industry trends

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Lye King Tho

platform leader

ibm watson

“ IBM Watson excels at locating knowledge,

looking at patterns, good at interacting with

you in a natural language and lastly, there is no

bias. This is where both the cognitive systems

and humans play to one another, it is not to

replace humans but to increase productivity." 

Industry trends

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Henri-Christian Hartloff

vp sales


"AI is now impacting the world. Companies

today have invested billions in tech ventures

today. Instead of developing an in-house

system, different departments of an enterprise

would require different disciplines of AI thus

that leaves opportunities for start ups today."

Industry trends

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"Interesting trends in the global market

include understanding the human behaviour

towards a particular decision. What triggers

people to behave a certain way for the different

markets, in the different contexts. AI can help

to produce interesting facts to make better

public policies that will impact daily lives."

Heyu Huang

senior associate

fresco capital


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Lye King Tho

platform leader

ibm watson

"For companies pursuing innovations in Big

Data and Artificial Intelligence, it would

make sense for them to partner a

start up in that field."


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Henri-Christian Hartloff

vp sales


"Even if we fail, we learn.” It is in the mindsets

of the organisations who have the domain

knowledge to venture out into AI.”


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Jin Hian Lee


"About data collection, there are a lot of

regulatory issues that might slow things down

because of privacy concerns."


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Jin Hian Lee


"The one difficulty in natural language

processing would be the various meanings

that normal human conversations have.

Machines have to reason through the different

probabilities and the different context."


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Page 12: Kopi Chat Deep Dive: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence @Blk71 Singapore

"Besides the technology advantages that AI

brings about, sometimes it's the market that

needs to be ready to accept it."


Daniel Lim Yew Mao

Quant Analytics Team

GovTechKopi Chat @Blk71 Singapore

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Kopi Chat @Blk71 Singapore Brought to you by NUS Enterprise