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Designing for conservation action with kids

PhillyCHI Event @ Think Brownstone

How do we extend the excitement and learning

of a zoo experience

once visitors leave the zoo?

Jes Koepfler Director, Design Research & Strategy

Intuitive Company

Elizabeth Bonsignore Human Computer Interaction Lab

University of Maryland

Chris Myers, Lynne Myers

& Jamie Bercaw Anzano

iSaveSpecies Grant Team

& Miami University

The Team

Founded by

The National Science Foundation

Our task was to use UX research to: •  Expand ideas from existing iSaveSpecies

digital interactives that already existed

on zoo grounds •  Inspire new web-based interactives

that would appeal to children (ages 7-12)

and their families •  Conceptualize activities to

encourage kids to learn, share, and

practice conservation action

To tackle this challenge, we used participatory design

methods for engaging with youth.

Druin, A. (1999). Cooperative inquiry: developing new technologies for

children with children. In Proceedings of CHI ‘99, ACM, pp. 592-599.

Approach Design Prompt

The best way

to design for kids is

to design with kids.

Co-design teams had 30 minutes to

respond to this design prompt:

 Design a web store that inspires kids and

families to engage in conservation action like:

If you raise money in your store, the money

would go towards animal conservation!  


We facilitated a co-design

session with teams of kids and

young adults to generate

and elaborate on design ideas

for creating a web-based conservation store.

We had 6 mixed-gender,

mixed-age teams with 3 kids and

2 college students each.

more about animals and the environment

what you learn

money or volunteering to help

with conservation efforts

good stewards of the environment we have things you do in your everyday life

to help save the planet

Big Ideas Tangible counterparts: There is no ‘online’ and ‘offline’ for kids. They want

to be able to create physical representations of their

digitally-created projects.

Mobile affordances: Kids instinctively design for interactions like gliding and

shaking, which are key affordances of mobile devices.

Hybrid worlds: Kids like to blend reality and fiction. They’d rather learn from

a genie, robot, or zombie than an animated zoo ranger.

Next Steps

Design * Iterate * Evaluate

Jes A. Koepfler (@jeskak)

Director, Design Research & Strategy

Intuitive Company *

443-615-5170 Special thanks to:

Cheng Wan Digital Experience Designer, Intuitive Company

Elizabeth Bonsignore Researcher, HCIL

A huge thanks to our co-design partners

and the iSaveSpecies grant team, who helped

make it all happen.