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KnowingThe biggest problem with people today is mainly this one thing....They do not know WHO they are! They are always trying to define themselves with all the temporary things of life, sex, drugs, fashions, attitudes, fads, things, power, prestige, titles, etc. But they are never truly happy or content within themselves. They remain filled with fear, confusion, uncertainty, worry, anger, resentment, pride, hate, envy, strife, lust, passions, carnality, Self! They will never be happy until they KNOW who they are! Even in the natural ways of life you find the most successful people are leaders and have a confidence that they Know who they are, via education or some spirituality or one of many processes of life that come that shape and define us till we are settled and content in who we are. A Content Person is a happy person! Now people can be content on many different levels, and some contentment does not bring happiness but only a temporary peace. People Settle for less is what I mean, but this kind of settlement does not indicate they KNOW who they are, it just means they have settled for less than what they feel they could be or attain unto. There is a Knowing of Oneself. Going about it via the World only brings a natural knowing and will bring success in some form to your life, but that is not going to do anything for you when it comes time to cross over to the World Eternal.Did you know the single main theme of thought that sits at the root and core of the Holy Bible is this one KNOW......a State of Faith and absolute Conviction that you know that you know that you know WHO you are!!!Not who you are as to yourself, but that you have become born again and now it is WHO you are in Christ! You have accepted who the Word of God has proclaimed you to be by and through the finished works of what Jesus Christ did in His Life, His Death and His Resurrection for YOU on your behalf! When your spirit which is your faith comes from the depths of your being inside your heart and willingly accepts the superiority of the greater inspired Word of God that is Eternal, then His Spirit is In His Word and His Faith, His Knowing, His absolute State of Conviction and State of Being is in His Word also. Then that greater power subjects your spirit and faith to its and a marriage takes place where your spirit and faith become His Spirit and Faith and now all that you were and are is now swallowed up in Him and You are now Hidden in Christ whom your heaven has received and now where He is, inside of you, There You Are Also! Now you have an Eternal Knowing, an Eternal Absolute, An Eternal Faith and an Eternal Life now within you and that Faith and that Knowing and that State of Being emanates from you and supersedes all natural knowing and Now All that you go to do is blessed! All of your enemies are at peace with you, you have said to the unsettled raging waters in your heart, Peace Be Still! You have entered a warfare

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to contend like a fighter would to obtain this Knowing, this Faith, this absolute! Now You have won the battle and now you have entered into His Rest! All is well! Peace to your Earth and goodwill to all men!You have entered Spiritual Canaan Land, You have made it and nothing can harm you ever again! Welcome to The Kingdom of God!

The Faith of JESUS CHRIST!

This is The Revelation of Jesus Christ