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  • 7/24/2019 Know More about Meditation and Chakras.pptx


    Know More aboutMeditation and Chakras
  • 7/24/2019 Know More about Meditation and Chakras.pptx


    About the studio

    It is my dream that the Y2LStudio introduces thetechniques of mental relaxation to such eole! theyen"oy its bene#ts and make it an insearable art oftheir li$es%

    &oday's life is such that! in our quest to achie$e moreand more! we end u creatin( "am acked li$es for

    oursel$es% All of our attention and ener(y is alwaysdirected towards doin( somethin( in the externalworld) for our "obs! families! hobbies or socialacti$ities%

    It is my dream that the Y2LStudio introduces thetechniques of mental relaxation to such eole! theyen"oy its bene#ts and make it an insearable art oftheir li$es%&his studio creates a settin( where it becomes easyto ractice the art of bein() to ha$e an en$ironmentthat encoura(es you to shut out e$erythin( and

    connect deely with yourself and remain in that still!dee lace for an extended eriod%
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    What are chakras

    The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit, meaning wheel or disc.Chakras are spinning wheels of energy located in the Energy ody.

    !s they spin, they are constantly taking in and putting out energy into

    the en"ironment. They can #e likened to Energy $u#s that go"ern

    the collection and distri#ution of energy,

    Each Chakra is said to rotate at a particular fre%uency which gi"es it

    its specific color. The higher Chakras of the head and chest region

    ha"e higher fre%uency colors and the lower ones rotate at lowerfre%uencies and ha"e denser colors. There are many descriptions of

    Chakras in "arious disciplines, including &oga and uddhist

    philosophy, 'eiki and e"en in (nostic teachings.

    Energy work of any kind is impossi#le without consciously or

    unconsciously working on the Chakras.
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    Why Chakras)

    Most eole +siritual and non,siritual- (o throu(htheir li$es without knowin( about Chakras% .thers lookat them sketically! thinkin( that such notions aremeant for the mystics% It is absolutely not essential to

    ha$e any knowled(e or belief in the Chakras to recei$ethe bene#ts of /ee 0elaxation or to ha$e a wonderfulmeditation session% 1owe$er! durin( a meditation ordee relaxation session! it is the ner(y 3ody thatali(ns itself and the Chakras mo$e in the direction ofbalance and therefore you emer(e feelin( wonderful% In

    fact any quiet! soothin( ractice such as meditation!music! aintin(! (ardenin( actually works onthe ner(y 3ody and the Chakras! whether we chooseto focus on them or not%
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    At Y2LStudio! we focus exlicitly on the Chakras%4hen we focus on a Chakra in a eaceful! relaxed

    way! we are directly and (ently nud(in( it towardsbalance and harmony% 4hen we (o aboutsomethin( in a direct! exlicit manner! our focus(ets sharer! the rocess becomes clearer andmore e5ecti$e% At Y2LStudio! we ha$e created anambiance with a Chakra back(round and

    conduct Chakra 3alancin( meditations andractices re(ularly% &he intention is that theconcets of Chakras and Chakra 3alancin( stay inthe back of your mind as (o throu(h the session%ner(y 6lows 4here Attention 7oes%
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    &he (oal of all ro(rams at the Yes 2 Life8

    Meditation Center in 3aner! 9uneis to brin( about abalance in the functionin( of the Chakras of thebody% 4e use crystals and chantin( to in:uence theChakras and the 6i$e lements of the body% 6or e%(%we lace the arth stone of ;aser o$er your minutes% In that time!

    the subtle $ibrations of arth element of the stoneha$e an e5ect on the arth element in your bodywhich results in balancin( of the

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    Seven Main Chakra Centers

    Althou(h there are many other chakra centerswithin the whole of our siritual ? mental ?emotional ? hysical bein(! in re(ards to chakrameditation! we@ll talk about the se$en main onesthat are the most associated with this resent

    dream! with each one related to a seci#c asectof our li$es%

    &here are many di5erent ersecti$es on whateach chakra relates to and many di5erent$ariations within each indi$idual% &he information Io5er below is what I ercei$e in workin( with

    clients +and myself-%

    &he Crown Chakra,which is the th Chakra! is atthe $ery to of the head% It aears with the color$iolet and ure white Li(ht% It is linked to ourawareness of .neness with Source! inte(ration ofthe 4hole! li$in( in the now! meanin(! de$otion!insiration! and conscious ali(nment with 9ureAwareness%
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    &he Brow Chakra,or Third Eye,which is the

    Bth Chakra! is in the center of the forehead% It

    resonates with the color indi(o and is linked to

    inner $ision! unity ersecti$e! di$ineunderstandin(! discernment! wisdom! intuition!and intelli(ence%

    &he Throat Chakra is the th Chakra! at thebase of the throat! and is blue in color% It is linkedto exressin( and bein( our truth! takin(resonsibility for our own needs! surrenderin( ourwill to the /i$ine! trustin( Source! decisionmakin(! ersonal authority! and manifestin(

    creati$e imulses% &he Heart Chakra,which is the Dth Chakra! is in

    the center of the chest% It dislays the colors(reen and ink% It is linked to lo$e +as a union ofsiritual and human lo$e-! comassion!con#dence! trust! exansion! accetance!

    oenness and insiration%
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    &he Solar Plexus,which is the Erd Chakra! (oes

    from "ust below the heart down to the na$el%Yellow in color! it is linked to our internaliFedarent! Gshoulds!H self,esteem! reaction tocriticism! ersonal ower! and e(o our self,concet of an indi$idual! searate self%

    &he Sacral Chakra,which is the 2nd Chakra! is

    located "ust below the na$el% 0esonatin( with thecolor oran(e! it is linked to our inner child!creati$ity! innocence! $ulnerability andsontaneity%

    &he Root Chakra! the

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    Contact Js

    *+2-, !loma County, ear

    edipoint $ospital and 0!1School, !undh, une


    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/24/2019 Know More about Meditation and Chakras.pptx
