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  • 7/28/2019 Knight of Fayth - HPxFFX


    Knight of Fayth

    Warnings; Harry Potter x Final Fantasy X crossover, Slash, Characters non-death, AU, yadda yadda

    yadda. Also I wrote this bloody ages ago and havent done any proper spell check, so beware

    of that. And this is huge. And a wip

    Summary; After eons of drifting, Harry is willing to save Spira just for the feel of the gravity.

    Knight of Fayth

    Someone or something was singing.

    Harry floated in the nothingness of space, listening to the distant song idly. It sounded like a hymn -

    though he wasnt entirely sure, it had been a long while since he had heard any sort of

    singing, and hymns had never been high on his list of things to listen. He had never been

    much on music in any way. The fact that he wasnt even sure how long it had bee n since he

    had heard anything made him perk up a little, though.

    He had missed sounds - and even if it was a hymn, it was good to just hear something after so long.

    Concentrating, he turned towards the sound, listening to it with all he had. There was a voice of a

    male, deep and resounding. Then there was a boys voice, high and ringing like silver. A

    womans voice in the middle, proud and emotional at the same time. And then there was a

    group of people, their voices mixed into sweet union, turning the song into a symphony.

    Unable to help himself, Harry breathed the sound in. The song sounded oddly simplistic in its

    beauty - he suspect that after a while hed know the lyrics by heart, even if he would never

    have any idea what they said, exactly. Still, it was a nice sound.

    Its a world, a voice said behind him, and idly he turned to the new sound. A hooded boy stood

    there, standing on nothing, his face shadowed. It has been singing for millennia now. We

    have been singing. But no ones heard.

    Its nice, Harry said, turning away again. He spent a fleeting moment marvelling that he still could

    remember how to speak - and that he had a voice left. He wasnt entirely sure he had a body

    left any more - along the time he had spent, floating in nothingness, he had lost things bit by

    bit. Memories, body parts. Only the force of his magic had remained, holding him together,

    holding onto his existence in place where he shouldnt have been able to survive. Wouldnt,if he still had been alive.

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    Harry remained quiet for a moment. It was tempting, by Me rlin, it was tempting. He hadnt felt

    anything for so long. To have a body, hands, feet, to be able to feel and move and see. Just

    to feel gravity again But he still remembered how tiresome life had been, in comparison to

    how easy death was. And he hadntforgotten the hard lessons of life. Why me? he asked.

    And what exactly do you need to be saved from? Your dream? The monstrosity?

    From the spiral of events endlessly repeating. Break the chain, the boy begged. Give us our rest.

    Harry nodded slowly. It didnt really tell him anything - but he could feel the desperation, and the

    long, long history in the boys words. A battle after a battle after a battle - a rebirth after

    rebirth after rebirth. Why me? he asked again. I am nothing.

    Youre first not from this world to hear the song, the boy answered. Many have passed over Spira

    along the years. None have listened. You did. It means something.

    It only meant that he had some version of hearing left, but Harry didnt say that - there was

    something more going on here. Something else - something special. Not just the song, or the

    boy who wasnt a boy, taking in space where there was supposed to be no sound. Maybe it

    wasnt happening at all - maybe it was in Harrys head. It wouldnt be his first strange fantasy

    along the long, long years of drifting.

    But the planet below him was warm and shining and it was pulling him with the promise of gravity

    and wind and the feel of ground below his feet - not to mention about having those feet to

    feel it with. It had been so long.

    You will have to guide me, he said, as he begun to fall to the welcoming arms of gravity. I dont

    know what to do.

    Well be with you, the boys voice promised, fading away. Thank you.


    The first thing Harry saw was the sky. It was beautiful, blue seemingly infinite with some wisps of

    glowing whit drifting slowly past. He had forgotten what atmospheres looked like, when you

    saw them from inside out rather than the other way. From space, a sky looked so small, a

    thin little layer wrapped around enormous orbs - but from this angle it looked really never


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    The wind that was idly tugging onto his hair made him finally realise that he was actually seeing the

    sky - that he was seeing the sky. With a sharp breath, he sat up, slightly surprised he could

    still remember how to move in a body, and more than slightly shocked that he actually had

    one again. Body that breathed - which had a torso and hands and, yes, hair too. And eyes

    and nose.

    Blimey, the wind smells nice! he gasped, the first words he said on Spira. At that point he didnt

    care about how monumental that was - because it was true, the wind smelled excellent.

    Fresh and grassy and a little moist and just free. With a shivery sigh Harry closed his eyes

    and just breathed in. Merlin it had been ages - he had forgotten what it was like, to be able

    to smell.

    How long have you been dead? the boys voice asked from behind him.

    Harry didnt open his eyes, only breathed deep again. The feel of his lungs filling was incredible. I

    never counted. Tens of thousands of years maybe, who knows, he answered, and then let

    himself fall to his side on the grass, turning to lay on his belly so that he could nuzzle his nose

    into the grass, into the earth. In space there was no time - it had been easy not to count. I

    like your world, he murmured dreamily, and plucked a blade of grass from the ground with

    his teeth, wanting to know if it tasted as good as it smelled.

    It tasted better.

    I can see that, the boy said. Im glad.

    Hmm, Harry answered, and for a moment everything was perfect and he was the most content he

    had ever been, just smelling and tasting the grass. The boy said nothing for a long while,

    seemingly content letting him be content, which for Harry worked just fine. He was certain

    he could spend a small eternity here, embracing the grass, and so as long nothing bothered

    him, he figured he might as well start that eternity now.

    When the reality finally breached through his haze of being just so darned comfortable, it was in

    form of sharp tug on his hair. More confused than annoyed or shocked, Harry lifted his head

    from the grass, and looked up to see what or who had bothered him. Instead of seeing a

    person or anything like that - he couldnt even see the weird hooded kid - he saw a pair of

    sharp talons just beside him. Following them up, he saw a firm birds - or maybe dinosaurs -

    leg. The bright expanse of yellow feathers disproved the dinosaur idea - and then the great

    bird bowed down again, and tugged on his hair again.

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    Oi, Harry said idly, tugging back before waving his arm at the creature. Get off. Shoo. Whatever

    you are. Go away.

    The bird didnt, only let out a strange kweh sound, and then butted its great dark orange beak

    against his waving hand in friendly nudge - that nearly broke his fingers.

    Its a chocobo, the boy said from behind him as Harry hurriedly drew his hand back, shaking some

    feeling back to his impact-shocked fingers. They are common.

    Glancing at him, Harry sighed and pushed himself up and to his knees, turning to the bird. It was

    bigger than an ostrich - about as big as a hippogriff, actually, but fully bird rather than any

    sort of combination of animals. As he looked up to it, the bird flapped its stunted wings

    excitedly and warbled at him - before moving forward and head putting him lightly, warbling

    again. Youre a friendly fella arent you? Harry asked, amused as the bird warbled some

    more, and then cooed as he scratched the underside of its chin. Tame, maybe?

    The boy, who seemed to loom somewhere in the corner of his eyes, said nothing for a moment.

    There are things to do, he then said, moving forward a little. As he did, Harry could see

    some strange light flickering about him, and glancing behind him he saw odd balls of light

    with shimmering tails flickering around the boy. The boy himself, formerly seeming so solid,

    was now grey and transparent. A spirit, maybe.

    Breaking your chain, yeah, the wizard agreed, reaching out and poking one of the lights buzzing

    around the kid. It flew right through his finger, making it tingle. In how much a hurry are

    we? he asked, pulling his hand back and rubbing his fingers together. It felt like magic - but

    nothing like it.

    Much and not at all. Sin isnt going anywhere, the boy answered.

    Sin? the wizard asked, frowning slightly. If you want me to fight for your ideals of right and wrong

    No, not that sort of sin. Sin is what we call the monstrosity, the boy answered, stepping forward,

    the strange lights whirling. Ask about it, hesuggested, fading away. Everyone knows at

    least a little.

    Frowning, Harry eyed the spot the boy had faded away from, before the yellow bird at his side calledfor his attention again by head butting his shoulder and nearly sending him to the grass on

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    his side. Laughing softly and shaking his head, the wizard turned to the bird, shifting to

    crouched position and wrapping his arms around the creatures head, digging his fingers into

    its feathers and scratching.

    It smelled nice too.

    As the chocobo cooed and warbled with delight, Harry cast a glance around them, wondering where

    they were and where he could ask about Sin. All he could see was grassy hills all around him

    and, little to the left, some other yellow birds who were idly clawing at the ground or eating

    the grass. They seemed not to even notice him - which indicated that they were used to


    Okay, Harry murmured, standing up with his arm casually across the chocobos neck, still

    scratching. Lets see then

    He glanced down to himself, taking in his new body in full detail for the first time. It looked about

    right. He couldnt remember all the details of himself, but the shortness of his form was

    somewhat familiar. He was wearing a long black jacket that reminded him a bit of his old

    robes, and rest of his clothes were more or less familiar too. As was his hair, messy and black

    as it was.

    He could work with it, the wizard decided. It looked about functional enough and there were worse

    things. Like, not having a body. Okay, he nodded andlooked at the chocobo again. Now,

    how about we try and see if we can find your owner.

    Walking, he realised after couple of steps, was incredible too. As was the feel of wind in his hair, and

    the sound of it moving through the grass, the kwehs and warks the chocobo let out. Gravity

    too - having it hold him forcibly to the ground, instead of it having to be a conscious choice

    on his part. Flying as a ghost had always been fun - but the feel of strain on his knees and

    ankles as he took his steps it was an odd thing to miss, but he had.

    Just for that, he decided, Spira was worth saving.


    It took him nearly an hour to find a trail and a couple of more to finally see some sort of settlement

    in the distance. Harry didnt mind it at all. Walking, hearing, smelling he couldve easilytaken a couple of days walking and not felt the slightest bit bored. On top of that, the

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    chocobo had apparently decided to follow him because it had barely left his side the entire

    way, only running a little ahead at times and then returning to head butt him or demand a

    scratch before running ahead again. Its excited warbling kept him entertained when ever the

    wind died down.

    Harry wasnt entirely sure what he was looking at, when the settlement came into view from behind

    a hill. It looked like an odd tent, except not. Or maybe a pavilion or some sort of leisure

    stopping point, but again, not really. In the end he stopped guessing and just made his way

    over, the chocobo following him a little more cautiously as they came to the circled area

    around the thing. Only there sights of the advertisements set up here and there made him

    figure out that the place wasnt a settlement - but a shop.

    Hi there! the salesperson greeted him. The counter was right in the front of the tent-building

    thing, and she was waving over it at him in fairly friendly manner. Are you part of CaptainAdraks group?

    Harry smiled. Nope, he answered with equal amount of cheerfulness. What an awesome thing to

    be, cheerful. Ghosts rarely got to feel that. Whos Captain Adrak?

    But you have a chocobo ah, never mind. Captain Adraks people have been here all the time in the

    last week or so, Ive gotten used to seeing them come around with their mounts, sorry about

    that, the salesperson said, smiling at him. Hes the Commander of the Bevelles Knights -theyve been training here for the week or so.

    And theyre known to travel with chocobos? Harry asked, giving the bird that had been following

    him a look. Yeah, he could see it - the bird was certainly big enough and fast enough and

    probably strong enough to be used as a mount. Neat, he said, and turned back to the

    woman. So. Im a bit lost, he said. Can you tell me where I am, exactly?

    He expected ridicule or incredulity, but the woman only chuckled. People always get lost here - the

    Calm Lands look about the same everywhere, she said, reaching below the counter and

    bringing out the map. Here, she said, beckoning him closer. There was a map of what

    looked like wide plains, with mountains at all side. Were here, she pointed at the left side

    of the map. The way up to Mt Gagazet is here - and here you can go to the Macalania

    woods and through them to Bevelle - the Macalania temple on other hand is here

    Harry nodded here and there, while eying the map. Whats the scale on this thing? he asked, and

    she explained soon that to reach either the Mt. Gagazet road or the Macalania forest would

    take him probably days on foot Right, he nodded, leaning to the counter with his elbows.

    He had no way to know which way to go, or if he was even supposed to go to eitherdirection, but it was probably important information, so he pressed it all to his memory.

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    So, you need anything else, except for directions? the woman asked hopefully. I have great stock

    here - maps, compasses, potions, gear, weapons. Anything you need to cross the Calm

    Lands, I have it right here. Im especially well stocked on armour at the moment - with the

    Knights here, Ive put in a little extra.

    Im sure you have, Harry smiled. Sorry, you wont make much a bargain with me. Im penniless,

    he admitted sheepishly.

    Oh, pity, she sighed, and wrapped the map away.

    You could help me with something, though, unless youre terribly busy, Harry added, glancingaround. Aside from him, her and the chocobo who was munching on some longer grass

    growing on the side of the shop-tent, there wasnt a soul anywhere near to be seen. You

    could tell me everything you know about Sin.

    Sin? the woman asked, and then frowned. You dont know.

    Of course I know, Harry answered smoothly. But you see, Im collecting this chronicle about what

    people know about Sin. Old stories, what theyve heard from their parents, stuff like that.

    Oh, youre a writer, she nodded knowingly, as if everything suddenly made sense. Will you put my

    name into the book?

    If you want me to, Harry nodded smoothly.

    Okay, sweet. My name is Dnana - make sure to remember that, the woman grinned, leaning over

    the counter. So, what do you want to know?

    Anything. Everything, Harry said, and then snapped his fingers as if getting an idea. I know.

    Pretend that Ive never heard of Sin in my life - that Im from some weird place where Sins

    never been. Or that Im alien from another planet. Anything. Just, tell me the whole thing

    the way you see it as if I know nothing about anything.

    Dnana giggled softly. Alright, she said, before tapping her chin with two fingers. Okay, where tobegin. I cant remember how old I was when I first heard of Sin. I think my mom told me

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    stories about it when I was really little, you know, long, long before I can remember -

    because I cant remember never not knowing about him, you know?

    Yeah. Go on, Harry nodded.

    Shouldnt you be writing this down?

    Ive got good memory - trust me, Ill remember every word you say perfectly, Harry promised.

    Okay then, she said a bit suspiciously, before getting a thoughtful look about her face. The first

    time saw Sin, I was about six years old. It was a picture, you know - someone had taken itjust before Sin attacked Kilika. Well, one of the many times Sin attacked Kilika. I couldnt

    really get any feel to it back then - because really, Sin is so big that when you see only part of

    it, it looks like great blob, you know?

    How big, would you say? Harry asked thoughtfully. Monstrous really meant a great big whopping

    monster, then?

    I dont know. I dont think anyones ever measured Sin - but I think, if Sin jumped on Luca, youcouldnt see the town from beneath it. Its so big, Dnana said with a thoughtful nod.

    Maybe a bit of the edges, but not much more. Ihavent really given it much a thought

    really, because its Sin, you know. Its just so big

    Harry nodded. What was the first thing youve ever heard of Sin doing?

    The attack on Kilika, the woman nodded.

    Pretend I dont know what Kilika is, and explain it to me, okay? Harry asked, giving her a charming

    smile. Alien from another world here, right?

    Right, she nodded, grinning. Okay, so, Kilika. Its this small island, far to south - below Luca and

    above Besaid. Theres a temple there, I thinkSummoners get Ifrit there, but Im not sure.

    Anyway, Kilika has these rain forests, yeah? And theyre full of fiends, like, Marlboros and

    stuff - so people cant lie there, but they cant leave the island either, because the temple is

    here and you cant exactly move a temple. So, the Kilika Village is on the shore - little past

    the shore, actually, its like on stilts above the water. Never been there, but I hear its


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    Anyway, she continued. Sin mostly hangs around water - and Kilika is, well, kind of vulnerable the

    way it is. Its just wood, on stilts, above water. So, when ever Sin as much as passes the place

    by, splash, crack, boom! Dnana slapped her hands together. Gone. But Kilika island has a

    temple so it has to have a harbour too, so they rebuild it again and again after Sin destroys

    it, because they dont have much a choice. Kilikas village been wiped out like eight times in

    the time Ive been alive.

    Ouch, Harry murmured. Youd think that give the people enough incentive to brace the jungles.

    Youd think, but I guess the fiends are too strong. Theyre like between rock and hard place, Dnana

    shrugged sadly. Anyway. The first thing I remember Sin doing in my life is that. I think there

    was like a spawn attack there that time - usually the Kilika village is taken out by tidal waves

    and stuff, but I remember it being spawns that time.

    Alien from another world, remember? Harry asked, raising eyebrows. Spawns.

    Ah, yeah, sorry. Spawns are like these things that grow out of Sin. Where ever he goes, the spawns

    appear. I think I heard a priest or someone once say that Sin sheds them like dandruff of

    something - they just fall off Sin. And then they attack anything near by that as much as

    moves, Dnana said, and shuddered. Ive seen a couple close by. Theyre like your average

    fiends - except creepy.

    Okay, Harry nodded slowly. So, aside from Sin and spawns and whatnot, there were also average

    fiends? What an interesting world. And attacks on places like Kilika, they happen often?

    Once a month you hear that sins attacked this ship or this village or this settlement, Dnana

    shrugged her shoulders. Hes seen like several times a week here and there, and it creeps

    people out every time. I was born in Bevelle you know - and every time anyone as much

    whispered that Sin was seen close by, the entire town went into panic. You never know

    when and where Sin attack - if hes seen close by, its never a good sign.

    And did it? Attack Bevelle, that is? Harry asked.

    Couple of times. I was about fifteen, I think. Yeah, I was fifteen, when Sin attacked Bevelle - it was

    scary as hell, you know. It was just hanging there, in the air, and I really thought it would just

    drop down and crush everything. But the Bevelle Wyrm and the Warrior Monks and the

    Chocobo Knights, I think they drove it away.

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    So, the Sin could fly - and it could be driven away? Harry nodded slowly. Bevelle Wyrm? he asked.

    Yeah, Evrae. It guards thecity, Dnana answered. Ive no idea where its come from. Some thingits an Aeon, but who knows. Its been protecting Bevelle since for ever - my grandfather told

    me stories about it and everything.

    Okay, the wizard nodded. Wyrms that guarded the cities from Sin. So. Where do you think Sin

    comes from?

    Dnana was quiet for a moment before frowning. The priest at my school said that Sin came to be

    because of the sacrilegious actions of people - because long ago, we made machina and didhorrible things with them. My granddad, though, he said that no one knows. He was a

    crusader when he was a young - he was part of the Siege of Luca Bay, so he mustve known

    what he was talking about. Sins just always been there. Maybe its because of machina and

    stuff, or maybe its there just because it is there. Im no Summoner, so, what do I know,

    right? she asked, laughing softly, mirthlessly.

    Summoner? Harry asked, and as she gave him another strange look, he smiled. Alien from

    another world, me, he said, pointing at himself.

    Right, right. Sorry. Uhm. Summoners, theyre the ones who defeat Sin. They go to these

    pilgrimages, they get all the Aeons - that is, the creatures they summon, you know. And then

    they go to Zanarkand - they go through here you know - and then then they defeat Sin.

    Well some do. It was almost ten years since it happened the last time.

    The woman sighed. I was just about seventeen, when High Summoner Braska defeated Sin, Dnana

    said, sounding a little wistful. I remember how it was, afterwards. The parties in Bevelle,

    they lasted for a week - everyone was so happy. And for a complete year after that, it was

    quiet. Not a single word about Sin, not a whisper, no attack. You could go anywhere and just

    know that there would be nothing to worry about. The best year of my life, the Calm.

    Harry eyed her quietly. And then Sin came back? he asked.

    It always does, Dnana nodded sadly. My granddad said that when he was young, there was a

    Calm that lasted almost three years. Three years, can you believe it? Its been nine years

    since the last Calm - and that only lasted for one year. Its unfair.

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    I really cant, the wizard said quietly. If the High Summoners can defeat Sin - why dont they do it

    right after the Calm ends?

    The woman gave him a strange looks. You only become a High Summoner if you defeat Sin. And I

    dont think Ive ever heard of High Summoner, who survived after defeating Sin.

    oh, the wizard murmured looking away. Well that explained a few things. Summoners went to

    pilgrimages to defeat Sin - and died, if they actually managed it. Year or three later, Sin

    returned and another Summoner went through the same ordeal, and died at the end of it.

    Rinse and repeat. But how? How could you defeat something - only to have it return after

    year or so? What was Sin - did it have a horcrux somewhere, or something?

    You say that Summoners go through here to, um, where?

    Zanarkand. All Summoners go there from here and through Mt. Gagazet. Dnana nodded, pointing

    towards north - where, Harry supposed, the entrance to Mt Gagazet was. Thats where the

    Final Aeon is, I hear, in the ruins of Zanarkand. Except lot of them dont. They come here and

    then they get cold feet, and then they go home. Ive seen something like dozen Summoners

    here - none of them even went to Mt Gagazet, not to mention about Zanarkand.

    Harry nodded slowly, wondering if Zanarkand was where he was supposed to go. How doessummoning work? he asked thoughtfully.

    Dnana shrugged. The Summoners pray to the Fayth in the temples. Thats about all I know. Well,

    they go through some trials and stuff, she said and shook her head. I dont really know.

    Praying. Well, that would be out, Harry mused. He had never prayed to anything, and whatever the

    fayth were, he wasnt going to pray to them either. Aside from the Summoners, are there

    anything else - anyone else - that could possibly try and defeat it? he asked thoughtfully.

    Well, theres the Crusaders - but theyve been crusading to defeat Sin for as long as I can

    remember, and they never had. They can sometimes hold it at bay - like with Bevelle and

    stuff - but yeah, thats about it. The warrior monks maybe nah, they just protect Bevelle

    and the temples I think, and thats it. Theres the Chocobo Knights too, but theyre pretty

    much the same as Crusades, except they ride chocobos. Theyre pretty new, though, so who

    knows. Maybe theyll make a difference, Dnana said thoughtfully. Theyve been training

    like mad here for the last days, so, maybe theyvegot some idea about what to do

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    Harry nodded. Anything else?

    Well, some say the Al Bhed try too, with forbidden machina and all, but I try not to think too deeply

    into that, she admitted. My boss is an Al Bhed.

    Harry considered asking who or what the Al Bhed were, but decided against it because of the look of

    unease on the womans face. Okay, thanks. I think I got what I needed, he said, nodding.

    So, those knights training here, under that Captain Agros, was it? Theyre Chocobo


    Captain Adrak, and yeah, Dnana nodded, looking relieved that he had changed the subject.

    Since summoning was out and everything else seemed a bit long-shot - and because of the

    convenience of being at the same place at the same time it wouldnt hurt to try. You

    wouldnt happen to know where, exactly, theyre training in here? he asked, while looking

    at the chocobo that had taken a liking to him, wondering how well it would take to a saddle.


    After getting directions and wishes for good luck from Dnana, Harry and the chocobo that was still

    following set out again, making their way across the grassy pains of Calm Lands. While

    walking the wizard thought through all he had heard, wondering. So many things to

    remember and investigate. Sin itself was getting a better shape in his head, but the rest of

    it. Monks, knights, crusaders, Summoners, wyrms, Al Bhed what ever they were and so


    He couldnt wait to learn more.

    Really interesting world, he murmured to himself, stretching his arms and then throwing one of

    them around the chocobos neck, as it came close enough to push at his shoulder

    compassionately again. And you too. Youre interesting too. Do you belong to the Chocobo

    Knights, perhaps? Or are you really just a wild thing that took a liking to me? Hm? he asked,

    but as he scratched the underside of the birds beak, it only warbled happily and didnt


    After hour or so walking, things other than Sin and Spira and how good everything smelled started to

    finally come to the Wizard. As he watched how the chocobo clawed some sort of root fromthe ground and ate it happily, he had to wonder about why he wasnt getting hungry at all. It

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    had been four, five hours since he had gotten a body, but he wasnt even feeling slightest

    bit like he ought to eat something.

    Kid? Boy? Ghostly fella with sprinkles on top, you here anywhere? he asked, glancing around

    himself until he caught the shadowy shape of the boy in the corner of his eye. Sorry to

    bother you whatever you were doing, but this body - do I need to feed it?

    Your physical form is the construction of your spirit and memories, given shape by the powers of

    this world, the boy answered. You cannot die because you arent alive.

    So, thats a no then, Harry murmured. If he couldnt starve to death it made sense his body

    wouldnt need any food. Wont it be a bit suspicious if I never need to eat? Do I need to

    sleep? he wondered.

    You dont need to, but you can, the boy said. Eat too, only you will get nothing from it.

    Okay. Neat, the wizard nodded slowly. Being dead in this place was a much sweeter deal than

    being dead back on Earth - there the best he had been able to do was float around and

    occasionally scare people. Here he got all the perks of being human without the weaknesses.

    How many dead people are there here? Mean, do they all get this? he asked, pointing at

    himself. If everyone could get it, then the place ought to be full of walking dead.

    Some. More than necessary, perhaps. Not all can, though, most get corrupt, the boy answered.

    And a Summoner has a power to Send the dead onwards, and to the Farplane.

    That your version of Afterlife? Harry mused. And Sending is your version of exorcism. Okay. How

    does that work - and can people tell that Im dead? Because if some Summoner will just

    know, that will be a bit awkward.

    If you take steps, they will not know - and a Sending is a prayer that takes time, if you are fast

    enough you can avoid it, the ghost boy answered. He hesitated for a moment. We, that

    is the Fayth know you are here. We can take steps to protect you from such things.

    If Im to save you lot, Id suggest you get to it. Much good I will do to you all if someone just ups and

    prays me out of this world, Harry answered before frowning. Youre the Fayth? he asked.

    The Fayth Summoners pray to get their Aeons or whatever? How does that work?

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    The boy explained. The way Harry figured it was that the Aeons were creatures of spirit magic, that

    peoples souls gave form to. The souls were attached to crystals or whatever, and when a

    Summoner took enough time to ask for it, the soul of the Aeon, or the Fayth, granted him or

    her the ability to call the Aeon - by linking that Summoner to itself and to the Aeon,


    So, basically, the temples housed the horcruxes of aeons and the power of Spira could go as far as to

    multiply the body for that horxcux if it was called right? No, that probably wasnt it, but

    trying to fit it into the terms of Earths magic made it simpl er for Harry. It had been so long,

    but it still made better sense to Harry than the other stuff.

    And theres how many of the Aeons?

    Eight, and the Final Summoning, which works differently, the boy explained. Most Summoners

    only find half of them.

    Okay, Harry nodded before giving the boy a look. I hope you dont expect me to get them all - or

    any of them - because me and praying, weve never gotten along. Especially since I died.

    The boy looked a bit taken aback for a moment, before he let out a small chuckle. I dont know, he

    admitted. We were ready to give the Aeons to you, but if you dont want them what waydo you think you can help us?

    I dont know, Harry shrugged and grinned. Well see, shall we?

    He found the camp of the Chocobo Knights shortly before the sun started setting and the air started

    to get a hint of coolness to it. He nearly missed the entire camp as he enjoyed the new smell

    in the wind, and in the end only ended up not missing it thanks to the chocobo, who started

    kwehing and warbling - to which several others chocobos warbled and kwehed back ingreeting.

    The camp was pretty simple, Harry noted as he approached. There were some tents and fences

    made from wooden poles that were connected by ropes. The chocobos were penned up in

    the rope fences, while some armoured people practiced with swords and lances while others

    tended to some chocobos on the side. One of them Harry noted with fascination, was fitting

    some sort of armour onto one of the chocobos. It looked fairly impressive.

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    As he walked closer and the people noticed him, he was greeted by waves and calls before couple of

    people approached him, eying him and the chocobo that was nuzzling into his shoulder

    anxiously, from between looking and warbling at the other chocobos. Are you here to

    join? a dark haired man with no-nonsense type of face asked, his chest plate impressively

    full of scratches.

    Harry nodded. Sure, he said, and grinned. He hadnt thought it would be so easy. Where can I sign


    It turned out to be a bit easier - there was no signing up. Apparently aside from being there to train,

    the Knights had also posted several recruitment posters all over the place in hopes of getting

    new recruits. He was among the few that had turned up.

    People tend to rather go to the Crusaders - think they are bigger and better organised, not to

    mention under the command of the church, Captain Adrak explained, after hearing that

    Harry had heard of them from the merchant of the Calm Lands. It is true, of course, bu t we

    Chocobo Knights are much more flexible, and we obviously travel lighter and faster. Now,

    what kind of experience do you have?

    Harry eyed field, where some senior knights were instructing their newest recruits on how to hold

    lances. Some, sir. Ive ridden feathery creatures before and Ive held a sword. Never done

    both at the same time, though - or either in excessive amounts, he said thoughtfully. Iveseen battles though.

    Excellent, Adrak clapped his heavily gloved hands together before standing up and looking over at

    one of the tents, where slightly elder man was scowling at a badly chipped sword. Lets see

    how you do with a sword then. Oi, Tar, you think we got training armour that will fit what

    was your name again?

    Its Harry, sir, the wizard answered, standing up as well.

    Hm. Unusual name. Okay, armour for Harry here - and get me some training swords!

    While the chocobo that had been following him made friends with the other chocobos, Harry was

    lead to an open area near the tents, where the slightly elder man named Tar handed him

    and Adrak a pair of wooden training swords. Curiously Harry waved his around, trying to get

    a feel to it. It was no sword of Gryffindor, definitely not - it was wood, for one, but also the

    blade was wider and longer, and the handle was long enough for both hands. Yet he was

    fairly certain it wasnt a two handed sword.

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    We usually use lances, rather than swords - they are simply more efficient from the back of a

    chocobo to use, Adrak said, while whirling his sword almost absently in his grip. But there

    will of course be times when we cannot fight whilst mounted, and in those times a lance

    might be too long.

    Right, right, Harry nodded. Now what, sir?

    A whole lot of training, it turned out. Adrak spent exactly three minutes testing Harry with the sword

    before dubbing him a complete novice, and putting him with the other novices. Harry didnt

    mind - because he was learning how to sword fight, and how awesome was that? Not to

    mention about the fact that he was moving and fighting and learning and feeling it all.

    The high of having a body to experience the stuff with still hadnt gone away and Harry was starting

    to think it was never going to. He was pretty okay with that.

    After about hour or so of sword training, of swinging again and again and again at this angle and that

    angle, of learning how to grip a sword right and how to brace for the impact of swords

    meeting and what not, their trainer called the training over for the day. As the other novices

    sighed with relieve and dropped their swords, eagerly making their way to a near by table

    where someone had laid out some sandwiches and what not, Harry waved his sword some

    more. He wasnt hungry at all - and seriously, sword fighting.

    Harry. That chocobo of yours? Adrak asked, as he finally left the sword in favour of trying to hold

    onto the pretence of being living breathing human. Shes tame, isnt she?

    Frowning, Harry glanced over to where some of the knights were trying to get a saddle onto the bird

    that had following him. The bird was ducking out of the way and flapping its wings

    threateningly at them, even while warbling excitedly like it was just a game. To it, it probably

    was. I dont know, sir. It just started following meearlier today. She? Harry asked.

    Yes, its a female, Adrak nodded before giving him a considering look. A wild chocobo started

    following you? What did you do - lure her with greens?

    No I didnt, sir, I just Harry trailed away, not entirely sure how to explain. It just sort of


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    Ah, well. Some of the chocobos of these plains are like that. They all used to be tame at one point in

    history - the chocobos here are descendants of ones that were left behind or which escaped

    - or laid eggs onto the plains - and which then became feral, Adrak murmured thoughtfully.

    Some of them still grow easily fond of humans, if youre lucky enough to encounter one like

    that. I suppose we will have to see if she can be trained then, he mused and then glanced at

    Harry. Do you think you could put a saddle on her?

    I could try, sir, but no promises, Harry answered, shrugging his shoulders. Right now it seems she

    just thinks its a game.

    Its definitely better than it would be if shed thought it was an attack, Adrak said, clapping his

    shoulder heavily. Itll have to wait until tomorrow though. Its getting late. Now, how about

    you get something to eat and well see if we can fit you in the tents?

    Sounds like a plan, Captain, Harry agreed.

    He ended up not sleeping a wink that night and spent the entire night just lying in the bedroll

    assigned to him, staring at the roof of the tent while around him the other novices snored a

    way. It wasnt a bad experience at all - the sounds of people breathing and how the

    chocobos moved around in the pen, clawing the ground there were worse things to listen.

    Like absolute nothing. That had gotten tiresome after few days - and he seriously didnt want to

    know how long he had been listening to it. Longer than any sane person had any business

    listening to nothing.

    Sighing contently, Harry closed his eyes. He loved Spira. Such a hospitable place.


    It took him a couple of days to get hang of the sword in the way that somewhat satisfied his trainer.

    That was about the time it also took to get the chocobo that had been following him to

    settle down enough to accept a saddle. Harry was pretty certain that once the chocobo had

    been saddled, it would be safe to try and mount her, but the Knights seemed to disagree, so

    he didnt.

    Even if shes half tame already, shes still a wild bird and might take badly to having a man on her

    back. And chocobos kick can break a mans spine easy enough. Let her get used to the

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    saddle first, and see how we ride the other birds, the man mostly in charge of the chocobos

    and their gear, Mertyn, said. Then well see how shell handle it.

    Sure, sir, if you say so. Im in no rush, Harry answered. Its just that Ive never ridden a chocobo,

    specifically. Maybe I should try it out before I try her - itll probably go better if one of us has

    an idea what theyre doing.

    The man laughed and clapped his shoulder before taking him to his own chocobo, Berka, who was

    among the oldest and most docile chocobos in the regiment. With Meryns guidance, Harry

    fitted his new combat boot into the stirrup, before taking hold of the saddle and lifting

    himself up and astride on the birds back. It was surprisingly easy, though considering that

    his past experiences with winged mounts were mostly hippogriff and thestrals and he had

    never as much as seen a saddle before, maybe that was it.

    Okay, now. Fit your legs along the shape of his wings, maybe a little bit underneath them, Mertyn

    directed. And squeeze your calves in, but not too much, dont dig your heels into his sides,

    but squeeze well enough to hold yourself steady. We need tend to need both our hands to

    hold lances or swords and our shields, so we dont use reigns in the battle and the way you

    guide your bird is mostly by the centre of your weight. If you shift forward, the chocobo will

    move forward, if you lean left, the chocobo will also. So you need to hold a good grip with

    your legs. Got it?

    Yes, sir, got it, Harry agreed, and then tried. He had always had a certain bond with winged

    creatures - Hedwig, Fawkes, Buckbeak, the thestrals of Hogwarts, not to mention about all

    the other creatures that had came afterwards. But, after half an hour on chocobos back, he

    decided that the yellow birds were his new favourites. The way the bird followed his

    guidance reminded him a bit of a way a person guided a broom - and though it wasnt

    exactly flying, it was so much better than the hang-on-and-hope-you-dont-fall he had used

    to hippogriffs and thestrals.

    Good job, Harry, good job, Mertyn said, after he had gotten the hang of the steering. Youre

    taking to this like chocobo to a green. Now, lets try some more difficult manoeuvres. Can Iget a shield and practice lance in here?! he called to Tar, who grumbled and left the blade

    he had been tending to get the requested items.

    It turned out that learning to ride a chocobo was nothing. Learning to ride one like a Chocobno

    Knight would probably take years. It was so amazing - like medieval knights, except on birds

    and with lighter equipment, and slightly less oriented towards raw charging and more to

    quick manoeuvring. A horse wouldve never moved as easily or lightly as a chocobo, after all

    - and man could the birds jump. They hop over each other and each bird was something like

    seven feet tall. At the very least!

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    Its a start, Mertyn pronounced after Harry wobbled down from Berkas back, his knees a bit shaky

    and his heart pumping with adrenaline. He felt so alive that for a moment he swore he had

    forgotten that he wasnt - he was even perspiring and everything! And his bum was probably

    on blisters! He could get blisters!

    How long did it take for you to learn that weird zigzag turn, sir? Harry asked while rubbing his

    backside awkwardly. When Mertyn had demanded him to try the manoeuvre meant to be

    used to weave through a crowd, Berka had nearly knocked him off the saddle four times.

    I invented it. Most of the manoeuvres of the Bevelle Chocobo Knighs are my inventions, Mertyn

    said grinning. It took a some doing to perfect it, though, and it tends to take some months

    before novices master it. Im shocked you stayed on saddle, people usually fall the first


    That sounds vaguely familiar, Harry murmured, shaking his head. But if most of them were

    invented by Mertyn How old are the Bevelle Chocobo Knights anyway, sir?

    Stop calling me sir. I got a name. And theyre not that old, less than ten years I think. The Djose

    Chocobo Knights are older, almost fifteen years or so, but in comparison to the crusaders

    were still just ducklings, the physically elder man answered, folding his arms. We started

    just around the time when the last calm was, wasnt it? Sin used to hang around the Calm

    Lands a lot before that, so no one here dared to try and tame chocobos - Im from Miihenroad myself, born and bred. Thats where I learned to handle the birds.

    Right, Harry nodded and stretched his arms. They were both still shaky after holding the heavy

    shield and lance for so long. He was aching - it was brilliant. I dont think me and lances

    agree much. Do you think I could use a spear instead sir? I mean, Mertyn.

    Some do, but I think lances are better for ramming - the grip is designed for it, after all, the man

    answered thoughtfully. I think Tars working on a sort of split though. You could ask him.

    We have some other long weapons too, you can have a look.

    Harry did. There were a lot of weapons from lances to spears to swords of several different length -

    one of them being what looked like seven-foot-katana or something. There were also some

    things which looked like pitchforks and such, but the one Harry took immediate liking to was

    a weapon with a spear-like long shaft, and then what looked like a sabre for a blade.

    A naginata, Tar grunted, after taking the weapon off the rack. Not bad choice for your build -

    youre on the shorter side, not too heavy either. Let me adjust the shaft for you and then

    you can have a go at it.

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    Adjusting the shaft apparently meant cutting a great part off it, it turned out. Tar measured it very

    carefully though, leaving the shaft exactly as long as Harry was tall, with the sabre-like blade

    adding good thirteen inches of extra. Alright, lets see how you handle it, then, the

    weapon smith said.

    It couldve gone better, but the wood of the shaft felt better than the leather of a sword grip or the

    metal of a lance. Harry wasnt entirely sure, but the thing mightve even conducted a magic

    a bit - it felt warm in his hand, sparkling. Can you do anything special with this, sir? he

    asked carefully, after spending a moment swinging the thing around.

    All my weapons work as focuses, well enough, Tar said, glaring at him.


    Yes, damn it, they all conduct magic just as well as any crusader weapon, Tar snapped. Do you

    think that Id make sub-bar weapons, huh?

    No, no, not at all, Harry quickly assured, holding his hands up in sign of peace. He heard a chuckle

    coming from behind him, and glanced over his shoulder to see their Captain.

    You sound lively. Are you interested in trying some magic, Harry? Adrak asked, walking closer. He

    was holding a shield that seemed to have a broken strap. We have some knights who used

    to be warrior monks or were considering being in the crusaders, so we make sure that all

    black and white mages can use their skills without any trouble. The training weapons are the

    only ones who arent focuses - but thats because theyre only meant to be used to learn the

    forms of fighting, rather than to fight.

    Harry nodded slowly. So, focus was like a wand, except all weapons were like that. And apparently

    magic users were common. White mages and black mages, huh? Interesting. He had to

    wonder which one he was. Mind if I try? he asked, waving the naginata experimentally. It

    would be brilliant if he could use old Earth magic.

    Go ahead, if you think you can, Tar said, folding his arms.

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    Dont mind him, hes always like this. You can try over there - or if you want practice on a target, we

    can set something up, Adrak said, sizing Harry up. It would be great to have an

    experienced magic user in the Knights. Especially a white mage.

    Let me have a go at first, sir, well see how I do and what I am afterwards, Harry answered, and

    walked to the area the Captain had pointed out. After few test swings and trying to get feel

    of the thing, he took the thing into both hands. Now how were these focuses used here?

    Was he supposed to point it like a wand, or thrust it, or swing it or Shaking his head and

    deciding not to over think it, Harry pointed the weapon forward, and at the grass before


    The silent cutting hex came out better than he thought. A gauge appeared into the ground, not very

    long or deep, but definitely there. Blinking and then grinning, Harry pulled the naginata back

    and then swung it forward, this time sending jet of water across the high grass. The waterattack came out at surprising speed and sharpness - it actually cut some of the grass down

    before breaking into a loose wave.

    It seems to be working just fine, he mused, spinning the naginata and then holding it at his side. It

    was no wand though - the spells were somehow sharper than he remembered them to be,

    but not as powerful and that deep companionship he had always felt with his wand was

    completely missing. Maybe because the naginata had been given to him, and he hadnt won


    So, youre a black mage then, Adrak said, approaching him. How much experience do you have

    with magic? What kind of magic can you do?

    This and that, sir. My shield charms are better than my other spells, but I do well enough with

    attack magic too, Harry answered thoughtfully. So, attack spells made him a black mage.

    Alright. So as long as being a black mage didnt get him immediately branded as evil, he was

    fine with that. Do the knights have any white mages? he asked, wondering about that.

    What was white magic, if black magic was combat magic?

    Tar, if you can believe, can cast some - he can even cast a Curaga in a bind. But thats about it. If the

    Miihen Knights or Djose Knights have healers, I dont know, the Captain sighed and

    thoughtfully ran his hand through his short cropped hair. How much magic can you cast in

    one go - whats your limit? And do you think you could learn other magic, say, Haste? Or do

    you know it already? And do you know if youre just black magic oriented, or could you learn

    some white magic, maybe Esuna? It would be useful to have at least one person who knows

    that one.

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    I dont know, Harry answered slowly. So, white magic was healing magic. He could get behind that

    type of categorising, though he had to wonder where stuff like levitation and banishment

    charms and such went, though, house hold charms and such. Or transfiguration and things

    like that. And what was Haste or Esuna? Well, Haste could mean only so many things, but

    How do you learn them? Its been a while since I learned the stuff I know now, so

    Talk to Tar, he might be able to help. If he feels like it, the Captain said. If you could do it sooner

    rather than later, it would be better. If theres any chance you might be able to learn


    Were in a hurry? Harry asked, glancing at the Captain.

    We are training for a reason, Adrak said, and gave him a look. I suppose the others havent told

    you about it yet? Theres plans for a joint mission to fight sin in the works. Us knights will be

    part of it, along with the crusades and the Al Bhed, if they can get them to join the mission.

    Thats why were training here now, so that were ready if the mission will happen.

    A joint mission to fight sin? Harry asked slowly. But sir, I thought Sin was unpredictable. How can

    you plan a mission against something when you cant know when or where it will be?

    Adrak smiled slightly. I believe the Crusaders have captured Sin spawns, he said. Its believed thatwhen enough of Sin spawns are brought together, Sin himself will show up. The idea is to

    lure Sin into a spot where we can attack it at all possible sides. Or, that is what they plan, but

    only if the Al Bhed join in.

    Why only if they join? the wizard asked, wondering.

    Because they have the forbidden Machina. We Knights and the Crusaders dont have any means of

    fighting something like Sin, not really, but the Al Bhed have cannons and such, Adrak saidand then sighed. I dont much care for this plan myself, to be honest, but it is the best plan I

    have heard in a long while. Usually all we can do is fight sin spawns that the monster himself

    leaves behind and then help rebuilding what Sin destroyed. This operation, if it pulls

    through, might be the best chance we will ever get at actually doing something - aside from

    protecting Summoners and wishing them well.

    Ah, Harry nodded. Sin came back for its spawn? That was fairly odd behaviour for a immortal

    monster. As Adrak headed away, Harry ran his hand over his messy black hair, staring up to

    the sky. Machina, if it was cannon, had to mean technology then and the Al Bhed were the

    only ones who had it? Well, if it was forbidden, he could maybe finally understand Dnanas

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    conflicted feelings about them a little better. Forbidden technology, Crusaders and Knights

    and great big whopping monster, immortal and nearly unstoppable what a world.

    After a moment of thinking, Harry grinned. An operation to fight Sin was just what he needed to get

    a nice good look at the beast himself. Joining the Chocobo Knights had ended up being a

    better idea than he had thought.


    Harry had just gotten over the disappointment after Tar had informed him that no, he couldnt teach

    him any white magic, when Adrak informed them that they would be moving from Calm

    Lands to Miihen highroad.

    I got a message from Captain Lucil - she wants us to start training together so that all the knights

    can move as one when the time comes, and I agree with her reasoning. We need to move

    with same formations and to do that, we need to learn those formations together, Adrak

    said to the group of knights and novices. It doesnt seem were going to get any more

    recruits here, in any case.

    And no wonder - its much more profitable to join the monks, so anyone in Bevelle who wants

    anything to for with fighting will rather go to them. Spoiled brats, Tar muttered in the back.

    Quite, Adrak agreed with a sigh. I was hoping we could make use of the monster arena here, but I

    suppose it doesnt matter now. Its best we pack now and start to get ready to move as soon

    as possible - the sooner we go, the sooner we can join our brothers in Miihen Highroad.

    Monster arena? Harry asked from another novice.

    Yeah. Some weird guy has this arena in the west side of the plains - for the Summoners. When they

    come here, they want to train some more, so they go to the monster arena to test their skills

    and summons, because they know they wont get another chance after they go to Mt

    Gagazet, the novice, Egea said. Well, that was the original idea anyway. I think the Ronsos

    use it more than Summoners do.

    As the other knights headed around, starting to collect their things and pulling the tents down, Harry

    wondered about such a concept as monster arena. He had seen some hints of beasts in the

    fields, but they had seemed to be avoiding him for the most part. It was pity no one had toldhim about the place - he wouldve loved to check it out.

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    You, rookie. Come here, Tar snapped him out of his ideas, making Harry turn around. The man was

    already walking away though, towards the supply tent, and Harry had to jog after him. Ive

    been remodelling some armour for you. Lets get this over with, the surly weapon smith

    said, pointing a spot. Stand there, take off that ridiculous jacket.

    Its not ridiculous, Harry answered automatically, but undressed it. He rather liked the jacket, it

    was familiar enough, but he had to admit that the long hem had been a bit bothersome

    while training and he had ended up mostly going without it and just wearing his shirt


    Okay. Lets start with something proper. Here. Put these on, Tar said throwing him a short leather

    jacket and trousers with strange padding here and there. Rising a single eyebrow at it, Harry

    quickly pulled them on, despite how weird it felt to be wearing something that was so tight

    to his skin, knowing now better than to start arguing with the man. Tar had nearly stabbed

    him when he had asked about white magic one time too many.

    The padding made more sense, when Tar started pulling out the pieces of the armour set. First guard

    that covered his shoulders, shoulder blades and upper arms, which were connected to each

    other and to guards that went to either side of his hips by long leather straps that went

    neatly over the padded points of the jacket. Then a chest plate and the matching plate on

    the back, also connected by straps.

    As Harry marvelled the craftsmanship and felt fairly brilliant under the weight of the armour, Tar

    went about fastening shin guards around his legs and over his knees, before taking out

    plates which went over his thighs and were strapped to the guards at Harrys hips. The

    assembly was complete with long gauntlets and gloves of sturdy, thick leather.

    All in all, the get up was heavier than he had thought, but not as heavy as he has feared - it definitely

    had a presence, but it wasnt overwhelming. The padding buffered the whole thing nicely

    and the weight wasnt concentrated anywhere, but rather spread all throughout. Harry alsosuspected that hed be thanking the padding to high heavens after few hours of wearing the

    armour - it didnt feel that much weight now, but after a while it probably would.

    There, Tar said, after testing the armour by tugging on it here and there, and finally handed him a

    helmet. Now you look like a Chocobo Knight.

    Harry eyed the helmet for a moment. It was definitely designed with the chocobo motif in mind - the

    visor was sharp and the entire helmet kind of reminded him of a chocobos head, especiallysince it had a tail of long yellow feathers.

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    The armour obviously has some openings - we cant make it fully covering without making it too

    heavy, Tar said. Im still trying to get the Captain to approve some chain mail, but that

    might have to wait until after the operation, if it ever happens.

    Okay, Harry nodded, before lifting the helmet up. It at first felt a little loose around his head, and

    he said as much.

    Ill see if I can add some padding, Tar agreed, taking the helmet. Not all knights wear a helmets,

    mind you, but the ones that dont arecomplete idiots. You fall of a chocobos back on full

    run and dont have a helmet - and its a trip to the Farplane for you next. Give me a


    Harry nodded thoughtfully as the man went to get the padding and waved his hands around a little

    to see how well he could move. It was a bit constricting around the shoulders, he couldnt

    lift his arms straight up, but other than that the armour wasnt really that stifling. And he

    wouldnt have minded even if it had been because he was wearing armour. He was a knight.

    How bloody awesome was that?

    If all Chocobo Knighs dont wear helmets, does it mean that not all of them wear armour either?

    Harry asked.

    Well, theres no form as far as the knights go. Were still new and we have next to no rules as far as

    gear goes - hell, most of us dont have the funds to kit ourselves properly. We Bevelle

    Knights got lucky with Captain Adrak - he can raise funding like no other, Tar said, coming

    back and lifting the helmet to Harrys head. Hows that?

    Definitely better, Harry nodded, and lifted his chin as the man strapped the helmet strap under his


    With a satisfied nod, Tar slammed the visor down to cover the upper half of Harrys face. How well

    can you see?

    Pretty well, Harry answered. Especially since he hadnt even thought of needing glasses since

    coming to Spira. Maybe death cured people of their eyesight problems? What about else

    where? There are other factions of knights, arent there?

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    Us Bevelle Knights, then the Djose Knights and the Miihen Knights. They both operate in mostly

    Miihen highroad, but the Miihen Knights also have people from Kilika and Besaid, while

    Djose Knights have people from above Miihen highroad and from Djose obviously, Ta r

    nodded. We Bevelle Knights wear heaviest armours of all of the Chocobo Knights, he

    added proudly. Mostly thanks to myself, of course.

    Of course, the wizard answered with a straight face. What kind of armour the others wear then?

    Tar scoffed. The Miihen Knight barely wear any armour at all at times, just jackets and such. Were

    also the only ones who seriously carry shields - some of the Djose Knights carry them too,

    sure, but theyre mostly more spear and lance oriented. We have the benefit ofbigger

    chocobos, though - the Calm Land chocobos grow good hundred pounds heavier than other

    chocobos do.

    Cool, Harry nodded. So, when will I get a shield?

    Right now, Tar said, and clapped him heavily on the armoured shoulder. Come this way and well

    find something that fits you and your naginata.

    Harry ended up getting fairly light and small shield - usable, but definitely smaller than most of the

    Bevelle Knights used. It was Tars decision, the man had said that he needed a shield hecould easily release if he needed to grip his weapon with both hands, but it was fine for

    Harry. He had only been in the knights about a week but he knew well enough it would take

    months and years before hed be good enough to make that sort of decisions.

    Now. Lets find Mertyn and see what we can cook up for that bird of yours, Tar said, and Harry

    followed him out of the tent. To be one armoured man among couple of dozen was

    definitely better than to be the cloth-wearing novice, he decided, and smiled proudly to

    himself as they went hunting for the chocobo specialist.

    It turned out that the chocobo that had been dubbed as Harrys chocobo had already been kitted up.

    The bird was now wearing a fairly new looking breast plate proudly, prancing around among

    the other chocobos and preening all the way. I didnt try putting a chamfron on her yet -

    figured you ought to do that.

    Chamfron? Harry asked, a bit confused, and was promptly handed what looked like a helmet for a

    chocobo. Oh, okay then. Chamfron, Harry agreed and made a mental note to see if the

    pieces of his armour had names. They probably werent all called guards or plates.

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    Shaking his head, he tugged the chamfron under his arm, before approaching the bird that had taken

    liking to him. She warbled with slight confusion, tilting her head to the side, before letting

    out an excited warble and coming closer. Realising that she probably hadnt recognised him

    under the armour, Harry chuckled softly and scratched the underside of her beak. He had

    yet to try and ride her, but in the last days she had gotten used to all sort of saddles and had

    carried even some luggage without a problem.

    Lets see what kind of mood youre today, shall we? he asked, and as she cooed happily into his

    hand, he lifted the chamfron to her head. She took it surprisingly well, pulling back a couple

    of times and shaking her wings a little, but staying still as he, with Metryns directions, tied

    the chamfron on. Whos my pretty girl? You are, yes you are, Harry cooed to the bird once

    the face guard was in place, giving her all the scratching she desired.

    Probably better you try riding her now, Mertyn said, as the bird cooed happily at Harry and Tarheaded off to pack his things. If I know the Captain, well be moving out within couple of

    hours. Well need to know if you can ride her or if you will be riding with someone before

    then, the man explained and then grinned. Youre suitably protected now too, if she

    decides to throw you off.

    Lets try it then, Harry agreed, chuckling.

    The bird didnt end up shaking him off- somewhat anticlimactically, she only seemed slightly puzzledto have him on her back, but not too bothered by it. Steering proved out to be a bit of a

    problem as she wasnt used to be commanded around like that, and Harry, though he had

    learned some about chocobo riding, was no expert at it. After few starts and long moments

    spent just standing still, they managed to find something resembling of unity, and managed

    to ride a couple of times around the camp without trouble - before she decided that they

    were going for a run and nearly carried him off the camp entirely.

    Harry managed to persuade her to turn back just in time, for couple of knights to see him and decide

    that him and his overly excited bird needed some weight to slow them down. While Harry

    tried to keep his chocobo still, the knights added some bags to the saddle, along with one ofthe already packed tents and some cooking supplies. The chocobo faltered a little under the

    weight, but mostly because of surprise than strain, and seeing that the other birds were

    getting even heavier loads, Harry didnt feel too worried.

    Hour or so later, after everything had been packed with surprising speed and everything had been

    checked and re-checked, the entire company was ready to move. Harry, who hadnt seen all

    of the knights in one place before, was both surprised how many of them - and somewhat

    disappointed, because really, twenty seven knights wasnt that many when you knew that

    they were about half of the entire regiment. Fifty, sixty knights wasnt that much - and some

    eight of them were rookies like him.

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    Alright,Chocobo Knights. Its been a good training weve been doing, everyones been working

    hard, Captain Adrak said, as they lined up - Harry with some difficulty, since his chocobo

    wanted to get going already and standing still wasnt apparently fun for her.

    Good job everyone, Adrak nodded, before looking ahead. Theres still a long way to go, but were

    definitely getting there. Now, first well go to Macalania woods, before we move onto

    Bevelle where we will spend the night. Depending on the time we arrive at Bevelle, you may

    get the night off. He eyed them in silence for a moment before nodding. Lets move out,

    he then said, and turned his chocobo around.

    Harry shifted into a better position on his chocobos saddle, before leaning forward and setting out

    with the others, as with impressive thunder of talons against the soil of the plains, they left

    the camp site. He had no idea how long the journey would be or how fast it would be

    crossed - chocobos could run pretty fast, after all - but either way, he was fairly sure he was

    going to be sore by the end of it and, as wonderful as it was to feel things, he wasnt sure if

    that was a feeling he much liked.

    Do you have a plan? the ghost boys voice asked, and glancing over his shoulder Harry saw the kid,

    sitting behind him with his back against the back plate of wizards armour.

    Im working on it, the wizard answered, more in his head than out loud, and looked ahead again,

    grinning. I want to see Sin. As a knight, I think I will get the chance pretty soon.

    The boy didnt answer for a long while. The others are considering alternatives, he then said,

    leaning his head back against the metal of Harrys armour. Or maybe youre the alternative.

    We didnt plan for you, but we planned other things. They think we should hold onto those


    Its always good to have backups. I might as well fail, Harry shrugged and glanced at the kid over

    his shoulder. Do you have other ghosts in your back pockets you can drag onto this world?

    No, the boy shook his head. But we have dreams.


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    Macalania woods were incredible. Harry was sure he hadnt seen anything so beautiful in eons and

    he had seen the most incredible super novas and gas clouds - even gone through some of

    them. A forest seemingly growing out of ice as ice, glimmering and sparkling even in the

    slightest bit of light. And yet, despite being so icy, the place wasnt all that cold - it was

    damp, sure, but oddly warm considering that there was ice, everywhere.

    The winds of the Calm Lands keep this part of the forest warm. Below Bevelle, the Macalania area is

    cold, Tar said when he mentioned the warmth. Better enjoy the warmth while it lasts

    because after Bevelle its Macalania lake for us, and then the Thunder Plains, and those are

    just miserable.

    Now youre making me all happy and gleeful that I joined the knights. All the wonderful travelling

    you get to do, Harry grinned, lifting his visor and peering up to the sky. The woods had a

    canopy of what looked like ice flowers. It was just so incredibly pretty, making himseriously wish he had a camera. How long until we make it to Bevelle?

    Not long - we should be there well before night fall, Tar answered. Well be on the actual road

    soon - travelling will be quicker then.

    Harry hummed a little at that and shook his head. He wouldnt have minded if they had spent an

    eternity in the wood - but to know that there would be move of them after Bevelle was

    welcome. He could keep on staring them after wards. He needed to get a map of Spira,seriously. Or at least the local areas, just so that he wouldnt be completely in the dark about


    Sighing, he leaned his head back, and let the chocobo follow the others as it willed, and just stared.

    Calm lands had been a practical feast for his sense of smell, and Macalania woods was

    definitely one for his eyes. The passing gratitude for having miraculously repaired eyesight

    returned now with full force and contently he smiled, knowing hed remember the place

    long after he had left Spira behind. It was just so very pretty

    It was in the Macalania woods that both Harry and his chocobo started to feel the weight of their

    respective armours. Harrys shoulders were starting to ache and it felt like he couldnt move

    his arms at all, while below him the chocobo drooped a little, swaying as it took steps. While

    Harry considered cheating and starting to add featherweight charms onto everything, or

    maybe loosing some of the plates - of all the knights, only he and Adrak were wearing full

    sets - the knights at his side chuckled.

    You dont think I put you in full armour for no reason, do you? Tar scoffed. No, you need to get

    used to the weight. You and especially your bird.

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    Oh. That makes sense, Harry nodded slowly. No feather weight charms then, it wouldnt be much

    of a training if he cheated. Sighing he patted his chocobos neck. Hang in there, girl.

    Well be in Bevelle soon, you both can loosen some of the weight then, Mertyn chuckled and then

    gave him a thoughtful look. Have you thoughtof a name for your bird yet?

    Harry frowned. He hadnt given it any thought. Glancing down, he gave the brilliant yellow chocobo

    he was riding a thoughtful look, wondering. Reaching out, he ran his gloved hand over the

    bright feathers of his birds back and nodded to himself. Sol, he said, and the bird let out a

    happy warble in answer.

    Sol, Mertyn said slowly and nodded. What does it mean?

    Its the old name of a star I once knew, Harry answered, smiling a little at the memory. When Earth

    had gone to icy sleep, sun really had tried to keep it warm. It hadnt felt so cold, with the sun

    always shining, even when the entire planet had been covered by miles of ice.

    Shaking his head, Harry patted Sols neck before looking up ahead. By the looks of it, they had finally

    found the road - if it could be called that, it was really only a slightly wider path through thebeautiful frozen forests. Ten more miles until Bevelle, Adrak called from the front. Lets

    step up the pace a little.


    Bevelle was like nothing Harry had imagined. After seeing the tent-building of the Calm Lands store,

    and the tents of the Chocobo Knights, he had suspected that the city would be fairly

    simplistic, maybe a bit exotic in terms of design, but probably kind of plain.

    It was so far from plain and simple that he felt a little embarrassed. It was incredible. It stood some

    twenty meters high on a sort of enormous platform, with walls looping around it, most likely

    to protect it from Sin. Inside the walls the buildings were mostly made of red stone and the

    designs were incredibly artistic - in the way Earths architecture had been once, before

    function had started became more important than outlooks, except in completely different

    way. The city arched and looped and so did the buildings - and more than that, the city

    reached upwards in form of sturdy towers and bridges that crossed between sections of

    what seemed to be a palace.

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    The temple gets me every time, Metryn sighed, looking up to the palace and making a strange

    gesture with his hands, like holding a ball, before bowing his head. Harry gave him a

    considering look and then glanced at the others to see that many of them were making the

    same gestures, bowing their heads at the temple. Looking up again, Harry wondered if he

    was seeing Spiras version of Mecca or something.

    Alright. We will go straight to the barracks and tend to our chocobos, Adrak called to them, as they

    made their way idly down a wide, carefully paved street. Once we are done, you can have

    the night to yourselves. Go see your families if you have them - it is unlikely we will make it

    back to Bevelle in a while, once we join our brothers in the Miihen highroad. Just be back

    and ready to go by sunrise.

    But just because youre going to have a night off, that does not mean you get to neglect your

    birds,Mertyn added sharply. I see one feather out of line and I will have your hides!

    The knights chuckled at that, but Harry could see a couple of them sharing a slightly guilty glances,

    apparently having considered it. Grinning, Harry patted Sols neck and then leaned a little

    forward to urge the bird to follow others, as Adrak sped up and the others followed suit.

    The Chocobo Knight barracks were a bit grander than he had suspected they would be, after the

    tents - but considering how rest of Bevelle looked, maybe it wasnt that big of a shock. The

    building was grand, with four stories and that same arching beauty that seemed to bedesigned into every building of Bevelle. The stables were in the first floor and the quarters

    for the knights were above judging by the looks of it - and there was a small pasture for the

    chocobos on the side.

    They got down from their saddles in the front of the stables, and judging by the warbling and

    kwehing of some of them, they knew they were home. Harry and Sol followed Mertyn and

    Berka inside through high double doors obviously made to fit a chocobo, to see that the

    stables, while not exactly high fashion, also followed the same designs as the front of the


    That ones empty, you can put Sol there. You can get some fresh hay from the back - and there

    should be chocobo feed on the pails to the left, Mertyn said. Better remove his gear and

    armour first, though.

    Harry did, glad that he had been taught the motions even if he hadnt practiced them on Sol first. He

    undressed the chamfrom and the chest plate before going about taking off the packs and

    finally freeing his bird from the saddle and reigns. While Sol flapped her wings and stretched

    her neck, happy to be free of the burden, Harry turned to the stable.

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    Keeping a chocobo in the fields and keeping one in a stable were two different things and stables

    took some work than a simple green pasture did. Harry didnt mind the work, as he spread

    some hay for his chocobo to rest on, and then got Sol something to eat - though he wouldve

    preferred not being in a full bleeding armour while he was doing it. By the time he was done

    and Sol was happily making herself comfortable in the spot he had painstakingly made for

    her, he was sweating like a river and actually getting pretty tired.

    A dead man getting tired. What a notion.

    Come on, rookie, Tar said, after getting his own sturdy bird into a stable. Lets go upstairs, I want

    to see you removing that armour.

    Yes, sir, Harry answered. After carefully hanging the saddle and the plates into their designated

    places, he collected what little belongings he had - which mostly consisted his old clothing,

    his naginata and shield - and followed the elder knight. Tar led him to the stairs and up to

    what seemed to be a common room of sorts, and then into a changing room where there

    were racks especially set out for peoples armour and gear.

    Alright. Heres a spot for you. Get to it, Tar said, pointing at a locker and a rack and folding his

    arms expectantly. Sighing, Harry got to work.

    Wearing armour was awesome. Getting it off after wearing it for hours was heaven.

    Okay, passable, Tar said, after Harry has finished by hanging the shin guards to the rack. Well

    have to go through the motions a couple of times for you to get efficient at it, not to

    mention about the fact that you probably have no idea how to put the armour on, but well

    get to that later. Now, lets stretch you back to shape before your back gets permanently

    stuck in that slouch.

    Correction, Harry groaned in his head. If getting armour off always included torturous session of

    stretching afterwards, then it was hell.

    By the time Tar pronounced him about ready and went to get another poor novice to stretch out of

    shape, Harry felt like a all the bones in his body were screaming for a vacation, and his

    muscles were already trying to escape to one. The high of having a body was definitely

    coming down, he decided as he leaned his head from side to side and listened to his spine

    crackle. He hadnt though that, despite not needing food or sleep, he could still feel this sort

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    of tiredness and pain. It was still probably nowhere near as bad as it couldve been if he had

    been alive, but still. The deal with the dead of this world wasnt looking as perfect as it had.

    Come on, one of the other novices said, clapping him on the shoulder. Lets get washed and

    changed and see if we can find a place to soothe our sores and aches in. Preferably with

    large amounts of liquor.

    I like that plan, Harry groaned in answer and rubbed his aching shoulder. What was with these

    people and clapping other people on the shoulders? Especially when those shoulders were

    covered by armour-bruises and sores.

    Regardless of that or how the other novice laughed at him he went, after a nice warm bath and

    quick change into his robe-cloak which was really a jacket. Bevelles nightlife turned out to

    be about as nice looking as its day life, with the pub they went to being one of the fanciest

    pubs ever - regardless of the fact that it was also, apparently, Bevelles cheapest. It had

    fancy lightning and fancy tables and fancy chairs and the waitresses were all very fancy too.

    After a few shots of some berry liquor from Besaid, though, Harry didnt really care. Dead people

    could get drunk. Who knew?


    Dead people didnt get hangovers, apparently, of which Harry felt very glad of in the morning when

    Tar kicked him and the other novices off their bunks. He wasnt entirely sure how or when

    he had gotten there in the previous night - or why he had decided to go to sleep when he

    even didnt need sleep. Things had gone a bit blurry after the fifth shot, and all he could

    remember was that there had been a really nice statue in the bar and that he had probably

    spent most of the night marvelling it.

    Get up, you knaves, Tar spat at them. Were setting off in a hour and Adrak wants you lot washed

    and tidied before we go. Up, up and to it!

    While the other novices moaned about sadists and Sin spawns, Harry stretched his arms

    experimentally. The kinks of wearing armour were still there, but not as bad as in the

    previous night. Happy and not just a little bit gleeful, he jumped up, and left his hangover

    suffering novice mates to their gruelling tasks of trying to get up from their beds, and went

    to find a shower.

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    You know, I say this with all the respect I can possibly muster, but youre weird as hell, said one of

    the other novices, after staggering to the shower as well.

    It was a pretty statue, Harry said a bit defensively, though he couldnt remember much about it.

    You are talking about the statue, right? he then asked, wondering if he had done

    something else except marvel the statue. He mightve.

    Well, that was weird too, but Im talking about the girl. She kept throwing herself at you and you,

    what, taught her how to do tricks with gil? the other man frowned, trying to remember.

    Oh, that. Meh, Harry answered, and turned to the shower. He remembered it, vaguely. A young

    woman with long bright red hair. She had been pretty alright. She had also been a she. And a

    redhead. Not my game, that.

    Not your game? The hell?

    Harry shrugged. Lost my taste in women after my first marriage, he answered honestly. Ginny had

    been a handful, yes she had been. And you dont need to be so mad about it - I tried to

    push the gal to you, didnt I? Can you pass me the soap?

    The other novice gave him a strange look but passed the soap. After your first marriage. You still

    got married again?

    Yeah, did. Three times. Just, not to women, Harry shrugged and got back to washing. There was a

    long silence before the other novice barked a laugh and got to work as well, shaking his head

    and chuckling every now and then. He probably thought it was a joke. Harry shrugged again

    and ignored it in favour of washing his hair.

    After washing and drying and dressing up to the padded leathers, Harry got back to his armour with

    Tar watching the process carefully and correcting him when he was about to strap

    something wrong. Once he was done and Tar had moved onto helping the other novices,

    Harry got his things, his shield and his naginata, and then headed down to the stables to see

    Sol - who, like other chocobos, were warbling and kwehing in their stables, all ready to go.

    Well, not quite. Harry sighed and set his things down so that he could tend to Sol - to gear her and

    get her ready for travel. Once she was set and waiting in the pen, he went about cleaning

    the stable. Another thing that had been easier to handle in the plains, he mused.

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    Good, were all here, Adrak said once they had all gathered outside - and that was really all of

    them. Harry, who stood in the side with Sol and the other novices and their birds, watched

    with little bit of awe as the fifty senior knights all stood in neat line with their armoured

    birds standing stock still beside them. How long had they trained, he wondered while doing

    his best to keep Sol from acting up.

    Well set out in a moment. Lieutenant Darak will go first with his squadron, as theyre the fastest,

    then Lieutenant Harna and her squadron. Myself, my Knights and the novices will keep the

    tail. We will meet at the Macalania temple in two days, the Captain said. Any questions?

    he waited for a moment and when no one said anything he nodded. Alright. Darak, you can


    Yes, sir! the man snapped and turned to the dozen knights around him. Chocobo Knights, move


    As the first squad headed off, the talons of their birds drumming a tattoo onto the pavement, Adrak

    turned to the novices. Any of you unfamiliar with the southern Macalania? Dont be shy, we

    need to know if youre poorly kitted for the weather.

    Harry lifted his hand, along with one other novice. Adrak eyed them and then nodded. Tar, see to

    that they have proper gear. We dont want any of us catching cold, he said, glancing at the

    armourer before turning to the novices again. Macalania mountains are cold, the coldest

    place you will probably ever see. The winds can push you down and if you fall into the rivers,

    it is unlikely that you will survive the aftermath. So I dont want any fooling around on the

    road - you stick to the path and follow your seniors, they know what to do better than you

    do. And if you know whats good for you, you will keep your bird constantly on move and

    warm. Their feathers will protect them, but not from everything. Any questions?

    Harry lifted one hand. Just one, sir. Is it wise to wear armour in there if its so cold? The metals not

    exactly good for keeping warm. Even the senior knights were all in full armour now - aswere their birds. It was very impressive looking, all the men and women gleaming in sunlight

    with their helmet tails bright and proud, but it wasnt very functional in cold weather.

    Good point. However, the mountains are infested with fiends. We need the protection of armour

    more than we need to stay warm - fiends will kill us faster than the weather will, Adrak said

    and nodded to them. Tar, see that the novices are kitted, he said, turning away. You have

    half an hour.

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