Download - Klang Valley MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line Underground Works … · 2016. 12. 16. · Klang Valley MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line Underground Works Package Presented by Mr Satpal S.


Klang Valley MRT

Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line Underground Works Package

Presented by Mr Satpal S. Bhogal

Project Director - MMC GAMUDA KVRMT (T) SDN BHD


Key Stakeholders Project Owner:

Mass Rapid Transit Corporation SDN BHD (Government of Malaysia) Engineering Firms:

Mott MacDonald, AECOM Sub-Contractors:

Herrenknecth AG, Bauer, CEC International Malaysia, China Railway Engineering Equipment Group of Company, Nanyang Tunnel Engineering, OTA Sdn Bhd, Protext Sdn Bhd.


How ITA Criteria were addressed in the Entry Submission: The success of bringing the Project in on time and within budget is largely credited to the design and construction innovations developed for and during the project.

These include:

• Variable Density Tunnel Boring Machine

• Steel fibre Reinforced Concrete Segments and Universal Tunnel Lining Rings

• Station Depths Reduced with lifting Vertical Alignment

• Deep Soil Mixing

• Re-scheduling of TBM Drives during the Project cycle.


Relevance of the Project and the Tunneling Solution • Geological Challenges

• 50% of the tunneling alignment sitting in highly graded Karstic Limestone

• Classified as extreme karst (5 on a scale of 1-5)

• Intricate three-dimensional network of solution channels, steep side crevices and highly irregular rock head

• Overlain with soft soils

• High groundwater table


The Success Story The tunneling works were completed in April 2015 without any

major incidents of sinkhole or subsidence in the Karstic Limestone

The tunneling solution was a major factor in overcoming opposition to the selected alignment from highly influential affected stakeholders and allowing underground construction to proceed

MGKT employed 90% of all tunneling engineers locally and trained 50% of its operations crew from their own tunneling academy set up in December 2011

The VD-TBM has since won the International Tunneling award for Technical Innovation



Project site comprised 2 equal route lengths of geological areas, Karstic Limestone & Kenny Hill. For Stations, open excavation with rock blasting in Limestone to construct bottom up and D-Walls with temporary columns to support top-down construction in Kenny Hill. For Tunnels, VD machines in Limestone and EPBs in Kenny Hill.

Variable Density Tunnel Boring Machine



Tunnelling Training Academy [TTA]

Inaugrated in Dec 2010 by Dr Tun Mahathir

Training on full size TBM components

Local talents at Tunneling Training Academy (TTA)



Completed tunnels being fitted out with track works and systemwide services

TRX Station (Interchange Station Lines 1&2)


Open excavation in karstic limestone. Bottom-up construction.

Finished Station Perspective.


Variable Density Tunnel Boring Machine was recognised for its innovation and performance at the 2014 ITA Awards.

International Safety Award