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E I G H T L O C AT I O N S : A Z U S A | H I G H D E S E RT | I N L A N D E M P I R E | L O S A N G E L E S | M U R R I E TA | O R A N G E C O U N T Y | S A N D I E G O | V E N T U R A C O U N T Y | O N L I N E

Same quality Christian education,now available wherever you are.

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worldview should be accessible to everyone. APU’s online programs are designed to fit into a

working professional’s schedule, helping students reach their educational goals. Whether you

seek an online graduate degree or a bachelor’s degree completion program, we’re confident

APU has the online degree that’s right for you.

Earn Your Degree Online with Azusa Pacific University Today!


• Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership

• Bachelor of Arts in Human Development (Teacher Preparation)

• Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing

• Master of Arts in Management

• Master of Arts in Educational Technology

• Master of Arts in Education: Teaching with a concentration in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

• Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

• Master of Arts in Education: School Librarianship

• Teacher Librarian Services Credential

• Master of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies

• Master of Arts in Teaching English toSpeakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

• Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

PLEASE NOTE: Since APU continues to expand its online program offerings, this list may not represent all programs available. For the most current list of online programs, visit

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Learn more about APU’s online programs. Contact us today!

CALL: (877) 816-6546

CLICK: EMAIL: [email protected]

E I G H T L O C AT I O N S : A Z U S A | H I G H D E S E RT | I N L A N D E M P I R E | L O S A N G E L E S | M U R R I E TA | O R A N G E C O U N T Y | S A N D I E G O | V E N T U R A C O U N T Y | O N L I N E

Same quality Christian education,now available wherever you are.

We believe that a high-caliber, accredited education grounded in a Christian

worldview should be accessible to everyone. APU’s online programs are designed to fit into a

working professional’s schedule, helping students reach their educational goals. Whether you

seek an online graduate degree or a bachelor’s degree completion program, we’re confident

APU has the online degree that’s right for you.

Earn Your Degree Online with Azusa Pacific University Today!


• Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership

• Bachelor of Arts in Human Development (Teacher Preparation)

• Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing

• Master of Arts in Management

• Master of Arts in Educational Technology

• Master of Arts in Education: Teaching with a concentration in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

• Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

• Master of Arts in Education: School Librarianship

• Teacher Librarian Services Credential

• Master of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies

• Master of Arts in Teaching English toSpeakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

• Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

PLEASE NOTE: Since APU continues to expand its online program offerings, this list may not represent all programs available. For the most current list of online programs, visit

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TThe month was October. The year was 1985. The day was October 1st. On that day we were notified by the FCC, the Federal Communica-tions Commission, that our application to op-erate a radio station at 99.5 FM in Southern California was granted. This license was the culmination of a seven year process for us, and little did we know what the Lord had in store for KKLA and for our parent organiza-tion Salem Communications.

But the FCC gave us just two weeks to get on the air. So we quickly found office space in North Hollywood, hired radio engineers and put together a make shift broadcast studio in a converted closet and on October 15, 1985 KKLA was born!

As we celebrate KKLA’s 25th anniversary this year, we thank the Lord for His faithful-ness to us. Psalm 100:5 says “For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. And His truth endures to all generations.”

As we have sought to be faithful in proclaim-ing God’s word over the airwaves He has blessed KKLA. Today 99.5 FM is the larg-est Christian radio station of its kind in the United States! And Salem Communications has grown to be a leading U.S. radio broad-caster, Internet content provider (,, and magazine and book publisher targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values. Today Salem operates nearly 100 radio stations and the Salem Ra-dio Network syndicates talk, news and music content to approximately 2000 affiliates na-tionwide.

We would have never had the ministry im-pact on KKLA without our broadcast partners James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll, Greg Laurie, John MacArthur and many others. (For a complete list of our program ministries and broadcast times see page 18.)

But without you, our “partners in the gospel,” there would be no KKLA. The apostle Paul told his friends in Philippi:

“I thank my God upon every remem-brance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request of you all with joy, for your partnership in the gospel until now.”

You might say: “How am I a partner with KKLA?” There are four ways:

First—when you listen and respond to God’s word, it bears fruit in your life (that’s discipleship.)

Second—when you tell others about KKLA, it introduces them to Jesus and God’s word (that’s evangelism.)

Third—when you pray for us, that we remain true to the gospel without compromise, (that’s intercession.)

Fourth— when you financially sup- port our ministry partners or patron- ize our sponsors (that’s partnership!)

I hope you enjoy this special 25th Anniver-sary edition of KKLA Magazine. It is packed with articles from our Bible teachers—J. Ver-non McGee, Raul Ries, John MacArthur and Steve Arterburn. And don’t miss the book excerpt from Frank Pastore’s new biography “Shattered” on page 24.

Partnering with you in the gospel,

Terry FahyVice-President / General Manager KKLA

04 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

Partner With Us /// partners in the gospelTerry Fahy Vice President / General Manager

;Any Thoughts on KKLA Programming? Email Terry at [email protected]




KKLA Magazine Issue 6 05

In this issue...I S S U E 6

04 | Partner With Us

06 | 5 Reasons you can Trust Gods Word 09 | Developing Self Discipline 13 | Is Tiger out of the Woods?

18 | 99.5 KKLA Program Guide

24 | Shattered

32 | Have the Assurance of Salvation

by Raul Ries

by Frank Pastore

by Terry Fahy

by Stephen Arterburn

by John MacArthur

by Dr. J. Vernon McGee

TBy Raul Ries


5 Reasons you can trust God’s Word /// the infallible word of god

The Bible is an incredible book of his-tory and facts that proves that there is a God that created all things. Most important of all, the Bible is the Word of God. It contains the mind of God and His will for each one of our lives. That is why the Bible was given to us.

Paul the Apostle says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is given by in-spiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thor-oughly equipped for every good work.”

Why should we study the Word of God? The following are a few scrip-tural reasons that we should consider when answering this question.

First, the Word of God is infalli-ble. There is no error in God’s Word. The law of the Lord is perfect concern-ing our soul. The testimony of the Lord is not only infallible it is iner-rant. Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those

who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.” The purity of

All you need is God’s Word

because it is the holy Word of God.

It is complete.

06 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

Raul Ries is heard daily on 99.5 KKLA Radio at 1:00pm.

His words does not need anything added to it. God warns us not to misrepresent His scripture.

Second, the Word of God is complete. The Bible does not need any new chapters or verses. It is all given to us already. Many cults add their own books or com-mentaries to the Bible. All you need is God’s Word because it is the holy Word of God. It is complete. In Revelation 22:18-19, God gives us a warning, “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds

to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Third, the Word of God is authori-tative. The book of Psalms 119:89 says “Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.” The Word of God is the only source for absolute divine authority. This divine authority is for you and me as ser-vants of Jesus Christ. When some say, “I have a word from the Lord for you,” write it down and as you study God’s word see if the Lord speaks to you through His Scrip-tures. Only then will you know if the Lord is truly speaking to you.

Fourth, God’s Word is sufficient for all of our needs. We don’t need any-thing else. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it reads “All Scripture is given by inspiration of

God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for ev-ery good work.” We can be totally secure in the Lord by studying the Bible because it is God’s plan for our life.

Fifth, the Word of God is reliable. It will accomplish what it promises. If God told you something will happen, and you wait, it will happen. In Isaiah 55:11 it says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to

Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” God sent His word to accomplish His perfect will in our lives. If God makes a promise to you He will fulfill it in His own time. There are so many promises given to us in the Bible. These promises reassure us and bring comfort to our lives in our times of trial. I challenge you to take time to study the Word of God. The Lord will show you wonderful things that will change your life.

Raul Ries is Pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, in Diamond Bar.

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 07

This decision puts a bookend on the litigation surrounding the display of the Ten Commandments that’s been taking place for

years across the country.

;Any Thoughts? Search keyword“Ries” on

U HearRaul Ries on “Somebody Loves You” weekdays at 1:00pm on 99.5 KKLA.

08 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

SSelf-discipline is the ability to regulate your conduct by principle and sound judg-ment, rather than by impulse, desire, or social custom. Biblically, you can sum-marize the concept of self-discipline with one word—obedience. Keeping you from evil and within the bounds of God’s law, self-discipline is a paramount Christian virtue (cf. Gal. 5:23; 2 Peter 1:6).

Since self-discipline is so impor-tant, how do you develop it? How can you help your children develop it? Here are some practical tips I’ve found helpful:

Start with small things.

Clean your room at home or your desk at work. Make it a habit to put things back where they belong. Then extend that discipline of neatness to the rest of your house and workplace. When your envi-ronment is clean and clear, you’ll function better without a myriad of distractions.

Get yourself organized.

Make a schedule, however detailed or general you are comfortable with, and stick to it. Make a daily to-do list of things you need to accomplish. If you don’t con-trol your time, everything (and everyone) else will.

Don’t constantly seek to be enter-tained.

When you have free time, do things that are productive instead of merely enter-taining. Practicing self-gratification is counterproductive to developing self-dis-

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 09



By John MacArthur

Discipline in small, insignifi-cant matters transforms your

character, increasing your integrity and credibility.


/// small things in life

John MacArthur is heard daily on 99.5 KKLA Radio at 6:30am.

10 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

cipline. So read a good book, take a walk, or have a conversation—in other words, learn to entertain yourself with things that are challenging, stimulating, and creative.

Be on time.

If you’re supposed to be somewhere at a specific time, be there at that time. Prop-er use of time is a mark of spiritual wis-dom: “Be careful how you walk, not as un-wise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16). Being punctual marks a life that is organized; it shows your de-sires, activities, and responsibilities are under control.

Keep your word.

If you say you’re going to do something,

do it—when you said you would do it and how you said you would do it. When you make commitments, see them through. That calls for the discipline to evaluate properly whether you have the time and capability to do something. Self-discipline gets you into the commitment, and self-discipline will help you keep it.

Do the most difficult tasks first.

Many people do just the opposite, spend-ing time doing easier, low-priority tasks. Spend your time and energy on difficult, high-priority tasks, and everything else will fall in line.

Finish what you start.

John Greenleaf Whittier wrote, “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’” Don’t let your life become a sad litany of un-finished projects. If you start something,

finish it—that’s crucial to developing self-discipline.

Accept correction.

Correction helps you develop self-disci-pline by showing you what you need to avoid—don’t reject it; accept it gladly. “He whose ear listens to the life giving reproof will dwell among the wise. He who neglects discipline despises himself” (Prov. 15:31-32a).

Practice self-denial.

Learn to say no to your feelings and im-pulses. Occasionally deny yourself plea-sures that are perfectly legitimate for you to enjoy—e.g., skip dessert or pass on the doughnut. It’s a matter of reminding your body who’s in charge.

Welcome responsibility.

Volunteering for special projects forces you to have your life organized enough to have the time for them, making you use-ful to others.

Those suggestions may not seem to in-volve any deep spiritual principles, but putting them into practice in the routine, mundane issues of life will spill over into the spiritual realm. Discipline in small, insignificant matters transforms your character, increasing your integrity and credibility. And godly character makes you fruitful for eternity, where all who are in Christ enjoy heavenly reward.

If you say you’re going to do something, do it —when you said you would do it and how you

said you would do it.

U Hear John MacArthur on “Grace To You” weekdays at 6:30am on 99.5 KKLA.

; Any Thoughts? Search keyword “MacArthur” on

12 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

With a two story house full of alumi-num windows, Bill and Kathleen, own-ers of American Vision Windows, were constantly battling drastic temperature difference between upstairs and down-stairs. Also, with a new baby in the house, they were tired of always feeling a

draft near his crib. Seek-ing a resolu-tion, they embarked on a win-dow buying adventure, just as you may be about to do. Un-fortunately, what should have been a pleasant and

exciting expe-rience, turned

out to be nothing short of a stressful disaster. After three months of contrac-tors showing up late or not at all, and having many calls avoided, they became disgruntled and disappointed customers. The only positive outcome is that Bill and Kathleen were inspired to create what would eventually become the larg-est window sales and installation com-pany in California, and one of the largest in the nation. Many people are turning to dual or triple paned energy efficient windows to reduce their energy bills. Want an updated look for your home that can help save on your energy bill? You may have a bigger window of opportunity than you think. Replacing your old windows can give you a new look without the pain and expense of a total remodel. Telltale signs of ag-ing windows can include warping, wood rotting or discoloration and difficulty in opening and closing your aluminum

frames. If you are considering replac-ing your windows, exciting new advances are available with custom fitted vinyl windows. Vinyl windows offer a fresh new look with an array of advantages in today’s home.

Custom vinyl windows can usually be ready in three to six weeks and most can be installed in one day without incurring stucco damage. When retrofitting the new windows, an insulating foam sealer can be used to fill the gap and secure your windows tightly. In fact, you can literally achieve an airtight installation. This is especially important for fami-lies with allergy problems. Drastically reducing the dust and pollutants coming into your environment will enhance the air quality inside your home.

American Vision Windows is a faith-based family owned business that began

with the sole purpose of revolutionizing the window installation industry. They began, just as you are now, as customers, seeking information about something they had heard little about, “vinyl win-dows”. If you have old wood, aluminum or even vinyl windows, and enjoy saving money and the feeling of a well insulat-ed, secure, efficient home, then you may be in the market for new vinyl windows and doors from American Vision Win-dows.

For more information please call American Vision Windows at (888) 348-8989 or visit us online at


Bill and Kathleen and the Story Behind American Vision Windows

Owners, American Vision WindowsBill & Kathleen

“Revolutionizing the Home Improvement

Industry one customer at a time.”

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 13

EEver since the news broke about Tiger Woods, questions have come my way about his situation and what is really going on there. Having co-authored Every Man’s Battle there were some folks that thought I might have an opinion or two. Well I do.

I was shocked along with most people as to the extent of the problem and the number of people involved with Tiger. It shocked me because he is such

a celebrity with press follow-ing him on a regular basis. It seemed strange that this had not come out sooner. But once it did, it was a new beginning for him and his wife.

He went to treatment. In fact he spent two months in treat-ment and said he had more treat-ment coming in the future. It was a very good sign that he had come to the

end of himself and saw just how serious his problem was. And when interviewed recently and asked about the extent of his infi-delity he responded that just one

... calling this an addiction is not a cop out or an easier path. It is signing up for a lot of elements that are part of recovery.

Is Tiger Out of the Woods?

By Stephen Arterburn



continued on page 15

Stephen Arterburn is heard daily on 99.5 KKLA Radio at 2:00pm.

14 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

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KKLA Magazine Issue 6 15

infidelity was too many. He made no excuses. How much detail he reveals is his business, but if you look at what he has done since crashing his car in his driveway Thanksgiving night, it is a very positive sign of recovery.

When he re-vealed he would cling to the Bud-dhist faith he had been taught as a child I was disappointed. No religion has the cleansing power to completely wash away the residue of the offense and the long term guilt and shame as does the Christian faith and what Christ did for us. Tiger’s journey is not over and perhaps there is hope for a change of heart and faith in the future.

One of the biggest issues in this whole matter with Tiger is the use of the word addic-tion. Is it an addiction? Or is using that word a way of c o p p i n g out and not taking responsibil-ity for what was done? And what about the word sin? Where does that fit in all of this? First of all, I have never met an addict

who was not deeply involved in sin. The two go hand in hand. I might add that I have never met a sinner who has not been deeply addicted to their own, favorite sin. But if it is only sin, then all that is needed is a confession

of the sin and a commitment to not sin in that way again. Using the word ad-diction requires much more. If I am an addict I have a problem that lasts a lifetime. I need treatment. I will need lifetime support. I need to work a pro-gram. I need a path for character de-velopment. What I am trying to say is that calling this an addiction is not a

cop out or an eas-ier path. It is

signing up for a lot of ele-ments that are part of recovery.

There are some defi-nite signs

in Tiger’s case that

make this look like an addic-

tion. Tolerance is one of them. An addict builds up tol-erance and it takes more and more to produce the same result of mood al-

No religion has the cleansing power to completely wash away the residue of the offense and the long term guilt

and shame as does the Christian faith and what Christ did for us.

16 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

teration. Another is continuing in the midst of adverse consequences, and in this case, the monetary consequences were huge. But the addict is willing to risk it all to maintain the addic-tion. These are just a couple of the hallmarks of addiction and they seem to be very present in the Tiger Woods case.

So what are us Christians sup-posed to do? Pray for him. Pray that this horrific ordeal that was in-tended for evil will one day produce something good. And pray for his wife and kids. They have all been hurt and his wife has some tough choices to make. I think the prognosis is good for Tiger and his marriage. The more we pray for them the greater likeli-hood for a good ending.

Remember, the Apostle Paul’s life was completely transformed when he en-countered Christ. I pray for Tiger to have a life-changing encounter with the living Christ as well.

U Hear Stephen Arterburn on “New Life Live” weekdays at 2:00pm on 99.5 KKLA.

; Any Thoughts? Search keyword “Arterburn” on

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18 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 19

20 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

ECOLA Announces Pest Control InsulationInsulation Product Eliminates Pests and Saves Money on Energy Bills

You’ve heard the adage, “kill two birds with one stone”. At ECOLA we now can solve two of your homes most expensive problems with one solution. ECOLA Pest Control

Insulation. That’s right, energy efficient attic insulation that helps keep your home warmer in winter, cooler in the summer and saves money on your energy bills. Plus this attic insulation is treated to provide long lasting termite, pest and rodent control.

The attic is a main entry point for insects, termites and rats, so this is the perfect place to stop them in their tracks before they do any damage. ECOLA simply cleans out the existing insulation and replaces it with clean, new, environmentally friendly ECOLA Pest Control Insulation.

The reason we replace the old insulation is because if you have or have had rats up there (which is quite common) they defecate frequently, which leaves the attic unsanitary and the air unhealthful to breathe. Additionally rats will chew into wires and have been known to be the cause of attic fires. Removing this old insulation removes everything the rats left behind and allows you to start with a clean slate. If the existing insulation is clean, we can add the ECOLA Pest Control Insulation on top of the existing insulation.

Energy costs continue to rise rapidly through the state as “green energy” initiatives are implemented. The U.S. Department of Energy says that approximately 57% of a typical home’s utility bill is because of heating and cooling losses through the attic. ECOLA Pest Control

Insulation will lower your energy bills paying for itself in no time and continues to pay you over the years. Our thermal insulation creates an excellent noise barrier as well.

ECOLA’s Pest Control Insulation is 87.5% recycled materials, keeping waste out of our landfills. The other 12.5% is a product of boric acid, a very low toxicity pesticide. This results in a greatly reduced carbon impact on our environment. Plus, it carries the EnergyStar label.

The federal government is currently offering you a 30% (maximum $1500) rebate for adding this unique pesticide to your home. Your local energy company may also offer rebates, credits, or low interest loans for adding the insulation to your attic. The rebate money is only available for a short period of time so you should act quickly to take full advantage of it.

You can get more information on ECOLA Pest Control Insulation by calling ECOLA at (800) 332-BUGS (2847) or

In addition to the ECOLA Pest Control Insulation, ECOLA also offers fumigation and the ECOLA Heat process for full structure treatment as well as local treatment methods like ECOLA Heat, Microwave, Electro-Gun and Borates for a lasting barrier. ECOLA has 7 offices serving you from San Luis Obispo to San Diego.

By Susan Fries

ECOLA Pest Control Insulationpays for itself with lower energybills and rebates.

Susan Fries, also known as The Termite Lady, is the President and CEO of ECOLA Termite and Pest Management Services. You can hear ECOLA and The Termite Lady on 99.5 KKLA-FM.


● Smart Choice ● Simple Solutions● Problem Solved™ ● Mother Approved™

Residential ● Commercial ● Multi-Unit● Ecola Heat™ ● Fumigation or For Local Treatments:

● Ecola Termite Control Insulation For Your Attic● Electro-Gun ● Microwave● Foam/Precision Injection● Borates (Salt Treatments)

● Individualized Solutions to Fit your Lifestyle and Minimize Chemical Use● No Poison Gas and No Overnight Move Out Hassle with Heat● Annual Renewable Warranty

7 ECOLA Offices - Open Monday thru SaturdayServing You From San Luis Obispo to San DiegoCall Now for a FREE Estimate for Qualified Homeowners

As Gentle as a Butterfly

(800) 332-BUGS

Powerful Termite & Pest ControlAs Gentle as a Butterfly


Termite Lady

President/CEO, Sue Fries

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 21

ECOLA Announces Pest Control InsulationInsulation Product Eliminates Pests and Saves Money on Energy Bills

You’ve heard the adage, “kill two birds with one stone”. At ECOLA we now can solve two of your homes most expensive problems with one solution. ECOLA Pest Control

Insulation. That’s right, energy efficient attic insulation that helps keep your home warmer in winter, cooler in the summer and saves money on your energy bills. Plus this attic insulation is treated to provide long lasting termite, pest and rodent control.

The attic is a main entry point for insects, termites and rats, so this is the perfect place to stop them in their tracks before they do any damage. ECOLA simply cleans out the existing insulation and replaces it with clean, new, environmentally friendly ECOLA Pest Control Insulation.

The reason we replace the old insulation is because if you have or have had rats up there (which is quite common) they defecate frequently, which leaves the attic unsanitary and the air unhealthful to breathe. Additionally rats will chew into wires and have been known to be the cause of attic fires. Removing this old insulation removes everything the rats left behind and allows you to start with a clean slate. If the existing insulation is clean, we can add the ECOLA Pest Control Insulation on top of the existing insulation.

Energy costs continue to rise rapidly through the state as “green energy” initiatives are implemented. The U.S. Department of Energy says that approximately 57% of a typical home’s utility bill is because of heating and cooling losses through the attic. ECOLA Pest Control

Insulation will lower your energy bills paying for itself in no time and continues to pay you over the years. Our thermal insulation creates an excellent noise barrier as well.

ECOLA’s Pest Control Insulation is 87.5% recycled materials, keeping waste out of our landfills. The other 12.5% is a product of boric acid, a very low toxicity pesticide. This results in a greatly reduced carbon impact on our environment. Plus, it carries the EnergyStar label.

The federal government is currently offering you a 30% (maximum $1500) rebate for adding this unique pesticide to your home. Your local energy company may also offer rebates, credits, or low interest loans for adding the insulation to your attic. The rebate money is only available for a short period of time so you should act quickly to take full advantage of it.

You can get more information on ECOLA Pest Control Insulation by calling ECOLA at (800) 332-BUGS (2847) or

In addition to the ECOLA Pest Control Insulation, ECOLA also offers fumigation and the ECOLA Heat process for full structure treatment as well as local treatment methods like ECOLA Heat, Microwave, Electro-Gun and Borates for a lasting barrier. ECOLA has 7 offices serving you from San Luis Obispo to San Diego.

By Susan Fries

ECOLA Pest Control Insulationpays for itself with lower energybills and rebates.

Susan Fries, also known as The Termite Lady, is the President and CEO of ECOLA Termite and Pest Management Services. You can hear ECOLA and The Termite Lady on 99.5 KKLA-FM.


● Smart Choice ● Simple Solutions● Problem Solved™ ● Mother Approved™

Residential ● Commercial ● Multi-Unit● Ecola Heat™ ● Fumigation or For Local Treatments:

● Ecola Termite Control Insulation For Your Attic● Electro-Gun ● Microwave● Foam/Precision Injection● Borates (Salt Treatments)

● Individualized Solutions to Fit your Lifestyle and Minimize Chemical Use● No Poison Gas and No Overnight Move Out Hassle with Heat● Annual Renewable Warranty

7 ECOLA Offices - Open Monday thru SaturdayServing You From San Luis Obispo to San DiegoCall Now for a FREE Estimate for Qualified Homeowners

As Gentle as a Butterfly

(800) 332-BUGS

Powerful Termite & Pest ControlAs Gentle as a Butterfly


Termite Lady

President/CEO, Sue Fries

22 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

Here are three starter keys to investing from the “Money Guys” of Applied Financial Plan-ning :

Long-term compounding can help your investment grow It’s the “rolling snowball” effect. Put simply, compounding pays you earnings on your re-invested earnings. The longer you leave your money at work for you, the more exciting the numbers get. For example, imagine an in-vestment of $10,000 at an annual rate of re-turn of 8 percent. In 20 years, assuming no withdrawals, your $10,000 investment would grow to $46,610. In 25 years, it would grow to $68,485, a 47 percent gain over the 20-year figure. After 30 years, your account would to-tal $100,627. (Of course, this is a hypothetical example that does not reflect the performance of any specific investment.)

This simple example also assumes that no taxes are paid along the way, so all money stays invested. That would be the case in a tax-deferred individual retirement account or qualified retirement plan. The compounded earnings of deferred tax dollars are the main reason experts recommend fully funding all tax-advantaged retirement accounts and plans available to you.

While you should review your portfolio on a regular basis, the point is that money left alone in an investment offers the potential of a significant return over time. With time on your side, you don’t have to go for investment “home runs” in order to be successful.

Automatic Monthly Investing: investing consistently and often Dollar cost averaging is a method of accumu-lating shares of stock or a mutual fund by purchasing a fixed dollar amount of these se-curities at regularly scheduled intervals over an extended time. When the price is high, your fixed-dollar investment buys less; when prices are low, the same dollar investment will buy more shares. A regular, fixed-dollar investment should result in a lower average price per share than you would get buying a fixed number of shares at each investment in-terval.

Remember that, just as with any investment strategy, dollar cost averaging can’t guaran-tee you a profit or protect you against a loss if the market is declining. To maximize the

potential effects of dollar cost averaging, you should also assess your ability to keep invest-ing even when the market is down.

An alternative to dollar cost averaging would be trying to “time the market,” in an effort to predict how the price of the shares will fluctu-ate in the months ahead so you can make your full investment at the absolute lowest point. However, market timing is generally unprof-itable guesswork. The discipline of regular in-vesting is a much more manageable strategy, and it has the added benefit of automating the process.

Buy and hold, don’t buy and forget Unless you plan to rely on luck, your portfolio’s long-term success will depend on periodically reviewing it. Maybe your uncle’s hot stock tip has frozen over. Maybe economic conditions have changed the prospects for a particular investment, or an entire asset class.

Even if nothing bad at all happens, your vari-ous investments will likely appreciate at dif-ferent rates, which will alter your asset allo-cation without any action on your part. For example, if you initially decided on an 80 per-cent to 20 percent mix of stocks to bonds, you might find that after several years the total value of your portfolio has become divided 88 percent to 12 percent (conversely, if stocks haven’t done well, you might have a 70-30 ra-tio of stocks to bonds in this hypothetical ex-ample). You need to review your portfolio pe-riodically to see if you need to return to your original allocation. To rebalance your port-folio, you would buy more of the asset class that’s lower than desired, possibly using some of the proceeds of the asset class that is now larger than you intended.

Another reason for periodic portfolio review: your circumstances change over time, and your asset allocation will need to reflect those changes. For example, as you get closer to re-tirement, you might decide to increase your allocation to less volatile investments, or those that can provide a steady stream of in-come.

For a free copy of “The Money Guys” full article, “Six Keys to More Successful Investing” simply call 866-SEEK COUnsel (866-733-5268) and ask for the article.


Proverbs 21:5 teaches… “Steady plodding brings prosperity.”

I In 1996, Biola paid to have Warren Duffy, host of the Live from LA show on the big Christian radio station 99.5 FM KKLA, come on campus to do his live, three-hour afternoon-drive-time show. In the agree-ment, Biola got three 15-minute seg-ments, and Talbot was given one of them.

Dennis Dirks, the Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, asked me to go on and talk about TIBS, the Talbot Institute of Biblical Studies. The seg-ment went well, and as soon as we went to break, the producer of the show, Duane Patterson, asked me if I’d like to guest-host for Duffy a few weeks later. I leaped at the opportunity.

I arrived at Duffy’s studios a nervous wreck. I had been a guest on radio and television shows but had never carried a show on my own— let alone for three hours, and let alone on what’s called a “hard clock.” That means, because the show is networked, you have “hard breaks”: You have to finish a segment exactly on time, or you’re simply cut off.

No such thing as running long. No such thing as a graceful exit if you misjudge your time. I was told that music would start in my earphones 45 seconds prior to the hard break. It would get progres-sively louder until the cutoff moment. That would give me warning, and time, to organize my thoughts and segue to the break.

I gathered all my notes and braced for my first nine-minute segment. I was more nervous than I ever was on the mound pitching to some Hall of Famer with the game on the line. The show got under way, and I started talking. You know how you can carry an internal conversa-

tion with yourself while you’re talking aloud? On the outside, I don’t even remember what I was saying, but on the in-side, my mind was thinking, “What’s the matter with that red clock? Why’s it going so slow? I’ve been on the air a lot longer than four minutes. I’m running out of things to say here, and I’ve got another five

minutes to go! Argghhh!”

Then I realized that it wasn’t just five more minutes, of course. After the break I’d still have nearly three more hours of this torture! “How can anyone possibly do this?” I moaned to myself. My shirt was soaked, I had to go to the bathroom, and I felt as if I was going to throw up.

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 25

/// Struck down but not deStroyed


My shirt was soaked, I had to go to the bathroom, and I felt as if I was going to throw up.

Frank Pastore is heard daily on 99.5 KKLA Radio at 4:00pm.

The following is an excerpt from Frank Pastore’s new autobiogra-phy Shattered: Struck Down But Not Destroyed, released on May 18th by Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers, in which Frank tells the story of the first time he ever guest-hosted the

“Live From LA” afternoon talk-show on 99.5FM KKLA.

By Frank Pastore

26 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

10153-ADS-Biola Full Page Ad in KKLA Mag3.indd 1 4/15/10 4:30 PM

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 27

Somehow, however, I kept talking. Then, thankfully, I heard deliverance on the way: The music Duane had talked about was wafting ever so softly into my head-phones. “Hallelujah!” my brain shouted. I did my “out” as Duane had taught me, and the instant I thought I could begin to relax, as the music was playing in the back- ground, I heard Duane’s voice in the headphones.

“Well, Frankie,” he said, “this is the most expensive 40 seconds of music KKLA has ever played. You went out a little early, buddy.”

I died inside. I’d signed off nearly a full minute early—an eternity in radio, and it was time they could have sold to advertisers.

Duane’s voice continued reas-suringly in my ear. “Hey, don’t worry, buddy. It can only get bet-ter . . . because it can’t get any worse.” Thus began my guest-host radio career.

Actually, it did get better. I was asked back again and again, sitting in for Duffy more than a hundred times over the next

seven years. Duane went with Hugh Hewitt to start his national radio show a few years later, and I guest-hosted on Hugh’s show about 50 times.

But back to ministry at Biola.With the ongoing success of TIBS and my growing radio experience, Dennis Dirks gave me the green light to pursue getting Talbot on the radio. I had developed a re-lationship with Ambassador Advertising,

which handles a lot of the big Christian shows, and they loved the idea of addressing cur-rent news from a Christian worldview. They asked me to put together a demo for them.

We put a Talbot panel to-gether and taped a couple of shows at Ambassador in January 1998. They were raw; I’d need experi-ence running that model of program as opposed to guest-hosting someone else’s show. But the core was there.

With Ambassador’s en-couragement, I raised the money to buy 13 weeks of broadcast time on a little station in Los Angeles. My assistant was Marty Russell, who helped me run the TIBS

program and was also my producer for the Biola radio show. She and I remod-eled the Biola radio studio ourselves. We bought the furniture, painted the walls, and even changed out the soundproofing, all on the TIBS budget. We would be on

“Hey, don’t worry, buddy. It can only get better . . . because it can’t get any worse.” Thus began my guest-host radio career.

28 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

the air in about 4 weeks.

In February 1999, Biola president Clyde Cook invited me to dinner to bring him up to date on the latest developments. He congratulated me on my success thus far and assured me that since I had raised all the money and remodeled the studio at our own expense, costing the university nothing, I had total control of the radio show under Dennis Dirks’s leadership. I shared with him the even better news that Ambassador had a million-dollar do-nor interested in funding Biola’s return to national radio, once I had gained the nec-essary experience to run the Talbot-panel style show. He was thrilled.

Life was beautiful. We’d refine the mod-el for 13 weeks and then put Talbot on national radio. TIBS was reaching about 300 adults a week in a dozen churches around LA. I was teaching another Biola undergraduate course in the apologetics department, in TIBS twice a week, host-ing for Hugh and Duffy, and speaking at a lot of conferences and men’s retreats.

My ministry had never been more effec-tive. Gina was happy that our life had fi-nally stabilized. We were no longer living on the little baseball savings we had left

after our experience with the IRS. Our son, Frank, was 18 and in college. He was going to Biola at a reduced rate because I was on staff. Our daughter, Christina, was almost 15 and flourishing at the lo-cal Christian school. Our marriage was great. We loved our friends and enjoyed our times together. The bluebirds were singing.

Then the bluebirds hit the fan, and feath-ers flew everywhere.

Like its author, Shattered is “fun, fast, and real” and an intriguing mix of paradoxes. Frank Pastore was a physically awkward kid who became a professional athlete. An okay student who goes on to earn two masters de-grees in philosophy. A former atheist who ends up hosting the biggest Christian radio talk show in America. Shattered is part sports book, because you’ll go on road trips, enter clubhouses, and walk on the fields of profes-sional baseball. It’s part romantic novel, be-cause you’ll journey with two young kids who fall in love and eventually elope, evading not only her family, but the law as well – for she was only 16. It’s also a story of brokenness, betrayal, and burn-out. If you were raised in a dysfunctional family, if you’ve ever had your dreams fall apart, been betrayed by close friends, or hit the psychological “wall” in your professional career, this is your book too. But, most of all, this is an uplifting story of how an unpredictable God can surprise any of us with His goodness and love when we allow Him to make beautiful the shattered fragments of our lives.

To order your copy of Shattered, just click the link on the homepage.

Talk Show of the Year

;Any Thoughts? Search keyword “Frank” on

U National Religious Broadcasters “Talk Show of the Year”,

The Frank Pastore Show is heard weekdays 4:00pm -7:00pm

on 99.5 KKLA.

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 29

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Azusa P a c i f i c Univers i -ty believes that a qual-ity Chris-tian educa-tion should be accessible to all students. This belief has paved the way for offering several academic programs online. APU’s online programs are rooted in the same rich tra-dition of academic excellence as all 61 ar-eas of undergraduate study, 26 master’s degrees, and 7 doctoral programs. In ad-dition to APU’s main campus and seven regional centers conveniently located throughout Southern California, stu-dents can now choose to earn their degree in a dynamic, interactive, online learning environment.

APU online students complete course-work when and where it fits their sched-ule, while still enjoying access to the ex-cellent resources of a brick and mortar university with over 100 years of history.

At APU, every student studies under car-ing faculty who are real-world experts in their field, receives personalized atten-tion from registration to graduation, and earns a degree from a regionally accred-ited, nationally ranked university.

Azusa Pacific’s featured online programs include: Bachelor of Science in Organiza-tional Leadership, Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies, and Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languag-es (TESOL). The tremendous success of these programs, coupled with the grow-

ing demand for quality online edu-cation, has p o s i t i o n e d APU to ex-pand their online pro-gram offer-

ings. To learn more about Azusa Pacific’s current online bachelor’s, credential, and master’s programs and those they’ll be launching soon, visit online today.


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KKLA Magazine Issue 6 31

At APU, every student studies under caring faculty who are

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32 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

“How You Can have the Assurance of


T /// EvErlasting lifE


Dr. J. Vernon McGee is heard daily on 99.5 KKLA Radio at 5:55am & 8:00pm.

There is a gift that I would like to present to every Christian. It is not a material gift of this secular world but a real gift of the spiritual realm. It is intangible, but it is of inestimable and intrinsic value. As we face a future filled with fear and foreboding, it might appear as a will-o’-the-wisp.

The world lists this gift as peace of mind, as a feeling of security that all is well for the future. Scripture is more specific. The Bible sets forth this gift as a knowledge, a certain-ty, and an assurance concerning one’s personal relationship to God. Simply stated, it is the assurance regarding one’s salvation.

Can we know experientially that

we are saved and that we are the children of God? For years, my soul was tossed on the troubled sea of uncertainty and insecu-rity. Finally, there dawned upon my darkened mind the light of Philippians 1:6 –

Being confident of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good work in you will perform [perfect] it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Assurance is your rightful posses-sion, and God wants you to have it as your portion.

God is offering eternal life – ever-lasting life – to those who believe in Christ. It is not temporary or uncertain. It is not paid for on the

By Dr. J. Vernon McGee

installment plan. It is a gift the moment one believes, but for longer than a mo-ment – for eternity.You may or you may not have the assur-ance of this salvation that God offers as everlasting life. An anomalous situation exists today. Some Christians believe in the security of the believer but do not themselves have the assurance of their salvation; “My brethren, these things ought not so to be” (James 3:10), but they do exist.

God wants you to know that you are His child through faith in Jesus Christ:

But as many as received him, to them gave he power [the right] to become the children of God, even to them that believe on his name; who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12, 13)

It is not honoring to Him for you to have misgivings, doubts, and a lack of assur-ance. “Maybe” and “perhaps” should not be in the vocabu-lary of a born-again Chris-tian when the matter of sal-vation is the subject. It is not a “hope so” but a “know so” salvation that God offers. It is always described as everlasting or eternal life; it is not temporary or conditional.

There is a remarkable passage in this connection expressed in Isaiah 32:17 –

And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness,

quietness and assurance forever.

The righteousness mentioned here is not man’s, but it is the righteousness of God revealed in the gospel. This is the righ-teousness of Christ, which is made over to us and gives us a standing before God. It cannot be improved upon because it is perfect, and it cannot be disturbed be-cause it is given to the lost sinner who trusts in Jesus.

God wants all who trust the work in Christ to come to a place in experience where each can say with confidence, bold-ness, and much assurance, but with true humil-ity:

…I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. (2 Timothy 1:12)

To fall short of this goal is to miss the best that He has for us. It reveals a de-fect in our understanding and in our appreciation of His “so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3).

And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. - Isaiah 32:17

U Hear Dr. J. Vernon McGee on “Thru The Bible” weekdays at 5:55am

and 8:00pm on 99.5 KKLA.

; Any Thoughts? Search keyword “McGee” on

It is not a “hope so” but a “know so” salvation that God offers. It is always

described as everlasting or eternal life; it is not temporary or conditional.

KKLA Magazine Issue 6 33

34 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

Listen to “Saving America” with Patrick Bet-DavidSundays at Noon on 99.5 KKLA

Topics include: Business, Entrepreneurship, Free Enterprise, Keeping Priorities Straight


hosted by Patrick Bet-David - Sundays from 12:00 to 12:30pmThe “Saving America” Show

“What is the American Dream? I can’t tell you how many times I ask myself that question. I will never forget how difficult of a journey it was for us to fight for our free-dom as we came here from Iran. I constantly remind myself why we came here.

This is a special type of country. Where else can you and I go to have the chance to achieve anything we would like to achieve. I think many times we forget what country we’re living in and what is pos-sible.

My wife and I have had a chance to experience many of those dreams in this country. I never imagined traveling to Croatia, San-torini, Athens, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cayman Islands, 5 times to Hawaii, St. Mar-tin, Guatemala, Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta, Bahamas, Disney World, Ken-tucky Derby, Pebble Beach, Lake Louise Can-ada, Lake Placid New York, Super Bowl before turning the age of 30.

This can only happen in America. I wasn’t born into a wealthy family. My parents sacrificed everything they had to bring us here. My father was a cashier at a 99 Cents Store in Inglewood for 15 years. My mother went back to Iran due to us running out of money. I joined the mili-tary because we didn’t have the resources for me to attend college. But once I got out of the military I was determined to make my dreams

a reality. I promised my parents that I would make them proud. Around that time I was in-troduced to this beautiful industry of finance. It amazes me how few people actually know about how money works.

The fact that many of these large corporations are only focused on helping the rich get richer. Yet this great country was founded on average and ordinary peo-ple like you and I who had the guts to get after their dreams. Those of us who didn’t grow up on right side of the track. It’s amaz-ing what we are capable of doing once we have a made up mind about what we want.

I met my wife, Jennifer, in this industry. We were friends for 6 years before we got married. Because of

this business I was able to meet someone who shared the same values as I did. She’s amaz-ing at what she does. God has given her certain gifts that I don’t have and put together there are no limits to what we can accomplish.

In PHP, we have many special couples that are pursuing their dreams together. We understand this is controversial, however we believe that you can’t separate your business life from your personal life. What does it mean to be success-ful in business but not in your personal life? We believe magic happens when you set your priorities in place with faith first, family sec-ond, and business third.”

Let me know if this is what you are looking for.

Your friend,Patrick Bet-David818-891-7800

36 KKLA Magazine Issue 6

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The next time you attend a party or a gathering and you meet someone new. Don’t ask them the normal, “What do you do?” or “How are you?” Ask them the deeper more thought provoking question, “Who are you?” I started asking myself that question, without really realizing it, many years ago. You go through life… school, homework, dealing with friends, siblings, parents. Then college, work and more work. We tend to define ourselves by what we do. I was a cheerleader in high school – that’s who I was. We go through life finding successes and failures along the way… how many of us have defined who we are based on our most recent relationship? There is a new program on 99.5 KKLA-FM every Saturday from 4 pm to 5 pm, hosted by yours truly, The Termite Lady. However, we are not talking termites. We are talking relationships, connections, who we are as individuals through God’s perspective.

Do you believe God works through us? I do. I believe that God puts people in our lives to help us learn in the same way He would teach us. Have you ever thought or said, “I want to ask Jesus about that when I get to heaven?” I have too. God can place people in our lives to help us now. There are experiences that I’ve gone through that may help you with something you are dealing with. You’ve had experiences that I can learn from. If we collectively put our experiences, successes, failures, relationships, heartbreaks, etc… together and seek God’s wisdom we can live better lives. There are many people God has placed in my life that I have learned from. I plan to have them on my radio program. My desire is that this program will reach out to people and give them hope.  I want to let them know they are not alone.  Satan tries to get us to believe we are not worthy to receive Gods love.  That lie is from the devil.

Our lives are filled with lessons if we pay attention.  Being connected to ourselves and others, always seeking to understand is healthy.  We are a summation of our life experiences. How we respond to what gets thrown our way is a choice either consciously or unconsciously by our belief system. What do you believe?  What you believe is who you are?  What you believe helps you or hinders you at any given moment. Who you are when no one is looking is who you truly are. I’m a competitive dancer.  The important element in dance is connection.  Knowing the tension, the give and take is what  makes or destroys the dance.  In my opinion life and relationships are like a dance.  There is give and take; there is a lead and  follow. At times that role changes depending on the result desired. There is a mission for the dance and that is to keep connection, pay attention, be individual but be together, balance, confidence, constant conversation, eye contact, physical touch of hands and back. In order to get really good you need to put in the time.  It’s a process, and the joy is not in the arrival but in the journey. Take this journey with me. Every Saturday from 4 pm to 5 pm on 99.5 KKLA-FM.

Susan Fries, known as The Termite Lady, is the President of ECOLA Termite and Pest Management Services. She is also a wife, mom and a woman with a heart to help others.


Satan tries to get us to believe we are not worthy to receive Gods love!


Our retirement fund haddwindled. Selling our policy was a real blessing.

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