Download - Kirael the Secret of the Great Shift


Channeling, the Secret of the Great Shift Master Guide Kirael through the loving mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling

KIRAEL: Good evening. We want to talk about the role of channeling in this Great Shift. In your daily life you are surrounded by people who are aware that their own time and space is crossing into a time and space that is the purity of the Shift. The Shift is taking place in the Now, and now is when you will open your channels and let yourselves be free. Many of you know that you can get to the other realms through channeling. You might be tentative at first, but, with practice, you will go farther and farther out of the way to let the other energies in.Many of you wonder if you are already channeling because you recognize that youre thinking in a different state of mind, a different consciousness or awareness. Take a moment and think back to a time when you were sitting in the twilight of the evening or whenever, and your mind was quieted and suddenly you recognized the presence of another voice, another person or entity. Such events are happening more often now. The energy you hear may not be loud. It may be a soft whisper, a light energy that stays with you.At some point, you will question who it is youre hearing. This sort of experience, the crossing of energies from other dimensions with energies in this dimension, is evidence of the Great Shift. My friends, the secret, if you will, is that everyone is already in the channeling mode.Close your eyes and let yourself be free, free to go into the realm where I am right now. My voice is coming through the medium, but you can find out where I am if you come with me. Come out of your body and allow yourself to go where I am. Youll notice colors around me, colors of the Goddess weave, colors of light, and then youll recognize that thats what I look like. I am light and I am a color. Youd like to see me as a man or a woman, but youll come to the understanding that Im just spirit, a guide. Youll understand that the journey of channel is open for you. Go out of your body to the other realms one more time, especially those of you who want to channel or become a medium. Come with me. If you can see the colors surrounding youthe yellows and the pinks and the greensfocus on them. I am there. Dont try to shape me into anything; just let yourselves be free.What you were looking at, my friends, was the world of spirit, spirit in colors more lovely than any youve ever known or could have designed. Thats how quickly the Shift can happen for you. That is the Shift. Everyone is looking to experience this dynamic, to feel the shift within in a matter of seconds, finding yourselves embedded in all of these colors, knowing that you dont have to conjure me up as a spirit guide or a spirit person or a spirit anything. Youll know that Im in those colors. You see, this Shift is the world that is reclaiming itself. It is the world of spirit, and in its reclaiming itself, you will stay in the Now. Youll be in the moment. Be thankful for where you are at any given moment. You cant be thankful for something that youre looking for. Be thankful for what and where you are, because thats whats important.Ive kept me opening statement brief. If youve got a question, Im here to talk to you about it.Q: When I channel, I have problems coming back to the Earth plane. It feels wonderful to be in the other realms because my thoughts manifest immediately, but when I return, I vibrate down to the third dimension and its a letdown. All the aches and pains return. How do I cope with that transition?KI RAEL: What if every time you returned to this third dimension, you had the will and the means to stay in your own truth? Thats not as easy as Im making it sound. Working in this third dimension, the matrix portion of this world, where you deal with the people every day, is an illusion that is difficult to avoid. When you open yourself to channel and you return to this dimension, this so-called reality thats not real, come in absolute truth. When faced with a situation youre having trouble with, speak with your guide. What am I going to say? I dont know what to say. Im lost. I dont know how to say this. Let your guide answer for you. Make sure your guide is fully part of you. Whether you meditate, or pray, or do ceremony in a group or alone, whenever you go into anything that takes you off of this dimension, you feel the truth, and the truth becomes a collective way of life until you return to this dimension.When you return to this dimension and you experience aches and pains or whatever, remember that they are the product of your thoughts. If you do not entertain that thought vibration or tone, then that vibration or tone will not have a place to exist. Everyone leaves this dimension at some point, and when you do, you can see absolute truth. When you return, you have to make a choice to stay in absolute truth or not. The truth will set you free. Without doubt, the truth will set you free. Every time youre not in truth, you will pay a certain price. Youve got to get to the point where you dont have to pay a price so often.You may hear what Im saying with your physical ears, but your cells are listening to me deeper than you know, because, you see, when Im present, when I come in through the medium, I talk to your whole body, the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental. All the bodies get to participate. Your tone or vibration hears me differently from the way you hear me with your ears.Most of you are already channeling. You will bring the other part of yourself, your spirit, into the three remaining bodies, mental, emotional, and spiritual. You will have to give each body a voice and that means that youre going to have to give them a wake-up call.Q: I have received a lot of information from a lifetime in Lemuria when I had a lot of skills and abilities. I feel there are obstacles to my accessing this information. Do you see any obstacles to me receiving all of my skills and abilities from that lifetime now? Am I just being impatient or is there something you can point out that will open that access further?KIRAEL: While you were asking your question, I went and checked the Akashic records to see what I could find for you. Youre remembering skills that you used in the time of Lemuria to awaken yourself into this new time and space. Thats going to work out very well for you. As you go into this journey of healer and you remember and use the skills and abilities you had, the people youre working with will know that somethings happening, but they wont understand what it is. These obstacles you feel are really magical points. When you go into your meditation each night or before you go into your sleep state, say a prayer. When you return in the morning, ask to remember where youve been.You served in the Goddess realm at the closing times of Lemuria. You were an energetic being of light in crystalline form. Your journey was often involved in a weave of energies that most know nothing about now. You already know about this, my friend. Now your knowing will get stronger just because you and I have had this conversation. I will go with you tonight in your sleep time and I will give you some beautiful journeys that you can then relate to the people here on this Earth plane. People want to hear what you have to say, my friend. So, be willing to share and let the energies open up and then you will know exactly what you have come here to do.Q: What role did the Elven realm play in the Great Shift in Lemuria and how are they guiding us now in our Great Shift?KIRAEL: The Elven world is older than your human world. The Elven lived in Lemuria and Atlantis. They are here in your present shifting energies. These beautiful spirits have been through many shifts and every time they go through a shift, they pray that they will be available for whoever needs them and to share their ideas. They also know that everything in time and space occurs in a current, and in that current, these Elven are fully aware of everything that occurs around them.The Elven have so much light in them that most of them cannot do their journey without letting the light come out through them. When youre motivated to be a particle of this energy we call the Shift, that particle will always be, in one form or another, aligned with the Elven world. The Elven know that they will be here as long as they need to be and they will do what is necessary in perfect measure.Everybody has some Elven energy. If you look deeply inside, you will know that the Shift is already upon you. You will be aware of those who are vibrating to the Shift. The greatest times of the Earth plane occurred when the Elven were predominant here. When the Elven energy is not allowed to be part of the journey, the matrix expands. When this happens, the Elven, like the angels, remain quiet and do not interfere. They understand that this is your dimension right now and they let you do your collective journey. They know that youre in control of your destiny. In that light, when you think that certain people have more power than you do, or whatever, you will have to come back to Truth, Trust and Passion, the first three Principles of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating. You will have to get those Principles up and running, so to speak, because when you do, you will understand that no one is better or worse than anyone else. The Elven wont do thatjourney for you, but they will be available to help when you call upon them.It will always come down to how much of your truth you use. The Elven have the ability to be so truthful that it hurts in some cases, but it will hurt only those who have gotten outside of the truth. When youre outside of the truth, you cannot hear the truth, and thats when you get hurt. When youre in absolute truth, you will find someone who wants to listen to you. When you hear and feel truth, you will know what your path is and that is what the Shift is all aboutbeing your truth.Q: Would you take us on a journey that will assist us in expanding our ability to feel love and compassion for all things on our journey during this Great Shift in Consciousness?KIRAEL: Go with me on a journey. Let go of your body. Imagine yourself floating on the breeze, flowing with the wind. Look beside you. Notice the person with you. It might not be anybody you know. Imagine someone on the other side of you now and another in front of you and another behind you. Feel the reality of being free to flow. In the flowing, you become aware. I want you to become love, truth. You can feel love in any way you want. Come with me. The journey will be ever so smooth. What I want you to see I want you to feel, and what I want you to feel I want you to be. Just be free, free in love. Love is truth. If you want to know what love looks like, picture a truth, a truth that sets you free. Can you feel it now? Feel the truth. Feel love. Notice that truth and love weave together. Truth is all that you have, my friends.Let yourselves be free. Set yourselves down upon earth, no buildings, just the dirt. This is a space in time on your Earth where truth is looking for a place to be. It is looking for someone to seek it. When people want to do things that do not fit into your truth, its their problem, not yours. Walk away and stay in love. When you get into this truth, thats where love is, my friends.Q: In one of my meditations, I saw a tall, brown person. He didnt look like we look. I believe it was in Lemuria. Is this the person or the entity who wants me to channel through the turquoise light? If so, how can I enhance the turquoise light to bring the entity out?KIRAEL: You are already channeling an entity, but you havent been fully introduced to it yet. The vision that you see is only what you are allowing yourself to see. It is your journey to help this energy get its freedom, get a hold here on this Earth dimension. It is from Lemuria, and it is important for you to understand that your journey will take center stage on this entitys back. This energy is here because it is looking for an opportunity to share with the people going through these great shifting times. Allow this person or this energy into your presence more fully. Get out of its way and allow its energies to be free. In this journey, my friend, this energy that you will bring in has been in your dimension for quite some time, and it will continue to be, because it has something great to share. It will use you to share its message. Many of you will have the same situation.I want you all to be aware of this, my friends. All of you will bring in a new spirit light. A new portal of energies is opening. These energies will come into this realm because you will allow them in, and when you get used to them, they will have the ability to speak with and through you. They will come with more information than you can dream of.When you speak and you dont know where your words come from but they make good sense to you, youll know that the other energys coming in. Theres a bounty of beautiful energies who want to come in and express themselves in your shifting energy. Theyre coming here because they can be of service to you. They have great gifts. They may not be here for any length of time, or for a great length of time. They may come out one time or ten times or a hundred times. A whole project of energies will come into this Earth plane. They dont have time to get a body or be a walk-in. Theyve just got to get in here and deliver their message. You will be astounded with their gifts and their information, but youve got to open your channels. Dont let just any energy in. Be there for the energy who wants to share information with you to make your journey a little bit smoother. Thats what Im doing, making your journey a little bit smoother.People have got to let this other world in. You cannot exist where you are in this dimension without letting the other worlds in. There are so many of us out there trying to get here to let you know what were doing. Let it happen now.When an entity is there for you and you feel secure with it, open up and let it express what it wants to express. The love that these energies bring is beyond anything youve known or experienced.Q: In these shifting times, when a healer is working with a client, or a healee, how can the healer help the healee focus so that fear doesnt set in?KIRAEL: For those of you who are healers, which is everybody, but especially those of you who are practitioners, you know as well as I do that you cannot heal everybody who comes to you. You must pursue the healing until you get to the truth, and the truth will set you free. When youve done everything that you can do and the person has not healed, then only one thing is left and that is to love this person beyond his or her own dreams. Ultimately, love will have to take the healing to the next point, whether it is to remain here on the Earth plane or to return to the Creators Light.Now, when you feel the love of yourself coming out of your fingers into the body of the healee, you will see the healee relax. You will know what youre doing is right, and whatever takes place from that point is up to the person youre healing. The healing no longer has anything to do with you. Youve got to know when you need to let go and give the healee even more love.In the third dimension you all want to hold onto life because you dont know whats on the other side. Well, I know whats on the other side, but I cant tell you what to do, because youve got to get free on your own. When youre free, the healer and the healee become one and then the healee is free to go anyplace he or she wants to go, including the return trip into the Creators Light. Have no fear. You will find freedom. When you love yourself enough to put everything that you can give into this person and he or she receives it, then you will have a moment in time and space when everything comes out perfectly and the healee will go on his or her own journey.You just have to be in love. Love is where the real healing occurs. You know your healing technique, where to place your hands, and what to do, but youve also got to get inside the healees love, because that love will set you both free. Thats the whole truth.Q: Would you speak to those who are working on healing themselves but feel the odds are against them?KIRAEL: There are those who are at deaths door, or whove been told that theres no hope, yet theyre not dying, theyre living. Sometimes theyre not in pain and sometimes they are. They have good days and bad days. The quality of their days comes down to the amount of love they have for themselves.In your journey, my friends, no matter what youve chosen to use as your disease or whatever, a way exists for you to avoid the pain that goes with the journey. It may be no more than going into the sleep state and looking for me. I will go with you. No matter when you want me, I can be there in the moment. Ill take the time to help you understand what love is. The truth is still there and thats what you will have to get to.The healer must put as much love as possible into this person. Let him or her feel your love, then release your love and walk away. That love will stay with the healee. He or she will learn from it. The healee will get love from you and thats how he or she will heal.If you leave all of your love in the healee, and he or she doesnt heal, and you dont know what else to do, just continue to love him or her. Your love will be there for the healee to draw upon in that space in time when youre with the healee. Thats the most you can do.At that point, if the healee decides he or she doesnt want to stay, that he or she wants to go home to the Creator, thats all right. On the other hand, if the healee decides to stay here to do this journey, he or she has to realize what the journey means, how much its going to take to get through this journey, to get back up and feel whole.Q: Where did the Lemurians go after the Shift? Are they still here? Are some of them in Mt. Shasta?KIRAEL: A great number of them have gone beyond any form of incarnate space. In other words, they no longer have bodies. Some Elven have gone into the angel realm and others into myriad other realms. Those of you in this dimension struggle with whether this world of yours is all there is. You know its not true, but part of you wants to hang onto that idea. At the time of their Great Shift, the Lemurians were in complete discernment that they would go out into the other worlds to be in service to others. You dont know how many worlds there are out there for you. You have no idea how many lifetimes youll spend being in service to somebody who is a little less informed than you. You will come into a space where all of these other energies are working at getting better at what they do, and you will assist them.Now, many of you will remain embodied because you will be needed to get Earth through this Shift. I dont want to make it sound simple, because it isnt. You can call yourselves Lemurians, or angels, or whatever you want to be called. I dont care. Some of you will come here embodied like a Lemurian, in the Now, to help people in this journey. Earth may be a small planet, but you know it and understand it because of your Lemurian ancestry.Those of you doing Goddess work know the Goddess Light is powerful. It is part of the Creators Light. Is it God-is? God is all things in Oneness. The Lemurians are with you now. Youre Lemurian. The Goddess Love within you informs you that a major shift is in store for everybody. Everybody will be part of it and you are no exception, my friend.Q: Master Kirael, would you speak on how we, as lightworkers, can reach others with news of the Shift?KIRAEL: At this moment in time, people are aware that theres something happening that they dont understand and they will listen and read and search for answers. They will keep you in their sphere of influence, so to speak, because they know they might need you. You will get better at what youre doing because you have the courage to speak your truth. You will tell people what youre doing and they will get used to it.In your case, what you do with feng shui and astrology is what the Shift is all about. You go out into the world and show people that a positive aspect exists for everything out there. You give people a positive spin on their lives, their work, their relationships and that helps them refocus their lives, see things in a more powerful way. When you make people feel safe, theyll want to hear what you have to say. Im not trying to compliment you. Thats who you are. As long as you do feng shui consultations, astrology, mediumship, anything, youll succeed because you stay positive and you make others feel positive about their lives.Q: I channel the One-voice Council comprised of three whales and three dolphins, and at times, all six want to speak at the same time, yet they all have different messages. At those times, Im not sure where to go. Part of me feels overwhelmed, part of me gets nervous, and part of me doesnt trust. What is your advice on taking the next step?KIRAEL: Remember that three whales and three dolphins total six, which, in my numerology, is mastery. You have to give them a focus point and then go into your channel with them. You must say to them, Heres what were going to do. Were going to have a person, or a group of people, ask questions. Im leaving it up to you in your own mastery to know which of you will speak through me. I will not make this decision. Im only available as the channel. When youve done that, they will adjust quickly, just as quickly as I travel when I say, Im going to Germany. All right, Im back. Thats how long it takes for me to get from here to Germany. The moment I have the thought, Im there.You tell these six beautiful energies what you want to do, that you want to be of service to humankind and that you will be the spokesperson for them. Tell them that they must use their own mastery to determine who speaks and when. It will take them a matter of a second or two, maybe three at the most, to figure out what they want you to do and then you will speak in one voice, as one channel, one journey. It always comes down to you feeling free enough to say to them, Heres how it works and this is how I will play. They will collectively come into one voice. If all six of them wish to speak, they will do so one at a time. You will feel the presence of their love.Q: How can we, as stewards of Mother Earth, learn the secret that the children hold within them?KIRAEL: The children coming onto your Earth plane right now come with a grand purpose. They have a special journey beyond your wildest dreams to share with the human world. When the children have their say, you will hear it and decide whether to embrace it in love or to fear it. Fear separates you from these children. In love, you will recognize these children and they will get stronger in what they do and say. Theyre getting stronger because their love is the one true particle of their light.You each have a particle of love within you. When it expands, when you bring it to the forefront and let somebody else touch it, feel it, smell it, be part of it, you will see love grow exponentially. Thats what these children will show you. When these children approach you, you will have to free the love particles within. Give your energy in love. If somebodys coming at you in the wrong way, youve got to walk away. These children know when your love is showing. It is so magical. The truth of truth or love is already upon you. So, when you act, act in love. Love is all that you will ever have to be or give. Closing StatementKIRAEL: In this journey of being in love, truth is paramount. You dont look at the person next to you and measure his or her truth. You dont measure his or her love, because if you are truly in love yourself, you will be strong enough to get over and above measuring. When you are high on the scale of love, you dont have to climb higher. At that point, love is the focus of everything. When youre not climbing to get up this ladder of love because youre already there, the ladder falls away and you understand something youve never before understood. Love is just another project of the All That Is. I am speaking of the God Creators Love. Everybody understands the Christ Consciousness and the Goddess Love. Well, you are the Goddess Love. You are the Christ Consciousness. You are the God Creator. God Creator is not hovering above you. You are made of those same particles that the Creator is made of, and if thats the truth, then the Creator is visible foreverybody to see. If you know love, you are love, and in love, my friends, you are the God Creator, the Christ Consciousness, the Holy Spirit, and the Goddess Light.

Good evening.