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Dearest Darling Friends,

Kintsukuroi is a Japanese art form. It means “to repair with gold”. When the Japanese mend

broken objects (especially pottery), they increase its reputation by repairing the damage by filling the

cracks with a lacquer resin sprinkled with powdered gold.

The Japanese believe, when something has suffered damage,

it can become more beautiful than before. Earlier it was an

object, now it has a history. Its value has increased. Its

significance has increased.

Some might say, it does not ‘look’ beautiful, so, how can it be

an art form?

Well, art is not supposed to look beautiful. It is supposed to

make us ‘feel’ something.

I love the symbolism in this amazing form of art. It makes me

feel broken but better. It makes me feel damaged yet

significant. It makes me feel incomplete yet wonderful. Its

make me feel limited yet filled with possibilities.

Its a great visual reminder that all of us have our cracks. All

we need to do is to fill the cracks with gold. The gold reminds us of our experiences when we were broken yet

we mended ourselves. The gold also reminds us, the broken pieces can be and must be repaired; its value

will increase. The gold also reminds us, in joining the pieces, lets enhance the wonder and majesty of our life.

Kintsukuroi makes me feel I am more interesting than I cared to believe earlier! It makes me recognise my

weaknesses that caused me to break. It also makes me aware those weaknesses must be filled for my value to


With a smile, on a philosophical note, I ask myself, does the life of the clay bowl, begin, when the potter

completes his work? Or, does the true life of the clay bowl begin, when it is dropped and broken?

Does our life begins when we are born on this planet? Or, does our life begins, when we are dropped,

chopped, chipped, bruised, beaten, kicked or broken. Or, does our life begins, when we join the broken

pieces with gold.

With loads of love, prayers and exceptional wishes,

Narendra Goidani

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As I Live…I Learn

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