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Nyrissa issues:

The duo Tyg Titter Tut and Pervilash pop into view. For once, you’re greeted with something other than a practical joke. The small grig and faerie dragon seem sad. In their tiny voices, they speak. Tyg: “We just wanted to say good bye.” Pervilash flaps his wings irritably. “A war is coming.” If asked more, he only laughs nervously and says nothing more.

if asked any more, they are “forbidden” to speak of it If pressed, Tyg rubs her cricket-sized legs together. “The sleeper, she wakes.” Tyg states a friend, Limm Ticklewing, may seek them out for help. (Book #6 side quest).

o Limm will seek them later, a female pixie worried for her six sisters. A month ago they were captured by a nasty man made out of worms. He and a scary witch put her sisters into a magic cage and gave that cage to a mean troll. She escaped. She cannot say where, simply “it’s forbidden.” But she says Tyg said to ask for help anyways.

If pressed, Pervilash hides his head and ducks out. “Poluma no longer protects the woods. His horn was taken.”

If seek out Tiressia, the dryad, she is tight-lipped as a tree-spirit can be. “That is forbidden. She sleeps uneasy and to speak her name brings her closer to waking.” She will speak no further. If asked about leaving, she looks shocked. “Not yet.”

Once Drelev is absorbed and a ceremony held in Fort Drelev to celebrate: in the midst of the dining hall in Fort Drelev's keep, a chill wind blows a group of leaves through one of the windows. They reshape into the visage of a thin-angled woman with not-quite elven features. Her ears arch back just a little too far, her hair seems more cords of tentacles than real hair, her nose is just a bit too small to be mortal, and her eyes are almond shaped. By all standards, she is unearthly beautiful by mortal standards. “Mortal triumph is short-lived. Goliaths of war and madness shall descend upon those who offend us, they will ravage your land with firestorms and crush your cities underfoot. The carnival massacre shall be but a pleasant memory. You were given warnings to leave these lands: the abomination that lumbered, the drunken fool, the dark trolls. Stay and your foolishness will be legend!” The leaves explode outward and the food on the tables decays and rots in seconds, as if having been left out for weeks.

Kesten Garess has announced his marriage to Tania Heuten, daughter of Belinda Heuten, a major contributor to the arts. (Set 7/20/4715) Belinda is looking for a legacy to her family name. She has told Kesten she possesses a book that a strange fortune-teller told her the leaders of the Stolen Lands would someday need (before there was a kingdom). She requests a theater and 4 monuments (in different cities) be built in her family’s honor. (Reward: mint-condition copy of Zuddiger’s Picnic worth 5,000gp).

DC Knowledge 20: Zuddiger’s Picnic is a short picture book on wood, written in Pitax 42 years ago. Karn Zuddiger was a talented painter who spent 3 years crafting woodcut illustrations and a story. A month after publication, he went on a killing spree, murdering a new victim every week and using the remains to restage scenes from his illustrations for the citizens of Pitax to find the next morning. He was caught and executed and the majority of his books burned by shocked parents.

Since then, the book has become a highly-sought collectible. Copies go for 1500gp.

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With the tourney set to begin in two weeks, the PCs are visited by Velemandr, a fleet-footed Pitax herald and emissary from King Irovetti, bearing a document with his royal seal, a stylized white morningstar in silver wax, tied with a burgundy ribbon.

Knowledge (nobility) or by use of Kingdom resources: DC 10: Irovetti has been king of Pitax for only six years DC 15: He apparently won the kingship and control of the Liacenza’s family’s assets in a

card game DC 15: The Tournament is an opportunity to meet notables of other River Kingdoms and

to present the party as the rulers of the Stolen Lands. Failure to appear could be misinterpreted as a sign of weakness or even a deliberate insult or veiled act of aggression.

DC 20: He is held in somewhat low regard by most of the other river kings

Knowledge (local) or by use of spy network: DC 10: He is a great patron of the arts and music, founding the Academy of Grand Arts

shortly after ascending the throne DC 15: His tastes are somewhat eclectic and avant garde and often unpopular with the

common folk, but he sees himself as an artistic visionary DC 20: It is rumored that attendance at performances and exhibitions is mandatory and

Irovetti must personally approve every work; artists who object are punished or sometimes disappear

DC 20: The Rushlight Tournament is one of King Irovetti’s most popular traditions, held every year since he claimed the crown; it’s a popular event drawing most competitors from Pitax

Lord Terrion Numesti (or other NPC) suggests that Irovetti’s lavish festival may be an attempt to prove himself to the other river kings, and he may be reaching out to them in an attempt to build alliances, especially to secure his borders, and the PCs might use it to do the same.

Upon arrival: The plains of eastern Pitax give way to wrinkled, terraced hills as the riverine heart of Pitax draws nigh. Marshy dells and copses of larch and alder along the Sellen River give way to irrigation canals and neatly pruned apple orchards, thick with fruit but not yet ready for the harvest pressing. Along Cutter’s Creek, the pastoral scene has been overwhelmed by a veritable town of magnificent particolored tents and pavilions. Country lanes from the River Road have been widened and festooned with banners and bunting, and the smoke from hundreds of cookfires perfumes the air with aromas both savory and exotic. The din of commerce is everywhere, hawking produce and pies, silks and velvets, ribbons and wreaths, and festive tabards and tams, to say nothing of less prosaic goods from near and far. Entire farms and their fallow fields and farmhouses have been commandeered, and a straggling stream of horses, carts, carriages, and those afoot makes its dusty way from Pitax proper, looking to enjoy the day’s entertainments and the delights of the night. The largest tent of all is a great purple pavilion south of the stream bearing a golden banner of a winged woman in black. The host’s own silver and white pavilion overlooks the bath houses erected around the Royal Blue, while across the creek lies

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the Shadow Glen and beyond the grand tournament arena itself, where the greatest of the tourney’s contests will be held. Wandering buskers jockey for space with ostlers crying their wares, whether hot from a basket or cool from a cask. Stages with juggles, minstrels, mummers’ troupes, and trained animals dancing and leaping, all vie for the attention (and the coin) of the throngs reveling in King Irovetti’s bounty.

Fiddler’s Knob: This flat-topped tor, fringed in trees, is a popular spot for nightly revels by the wealthy who lack the title to claim one of the bathhouses on the Royal Blue, but the right to host the Fiddler’s Knob for a knight is awarded by lottery. Anyone at the festival can buy a chance for 50 gp. The winner may wear the Crown of Holly for a night, inviting any they wish to attend, but must provide music, food, and drink to all. PCs who bid for the Crown of Holly may roll a d20. On a roll of 20, they win the crown and may host the Fiddler’s Knob for a night. They may provide entertainment themselves (or may hire a bard, or use one of Irovetti’s heralds if they have his favor) and must provide 1d10 x 100 gp worth of food and drink.


Part 1: The Tower of Jewels

Setup: Competitors have only a simple outfit of clothes and are forbidden from using magical abilities. Event marshals use detect magic to enforce this (but see playtest notes). A contestant who wants to bring in a weapon or tool must smuggle it in using Sleight of Hand or Stealth opposed by the event marshals' Perception of +10.

Rules: Contestants must climb to the top of a 60-foot wooden column, painted to resemble a tower, and retrieve a single gemstone of their choice from a turret-shaped box at the top, and climb back down without falling. The pole itself has been sanded smooth (Climb DC 25), and the top 10 feet of the pole have been greased as well (DC 30). A competitor may use Acrobatics to begin their climb with a high jump, requiring a DC 20 Reflex save to grab onto the pole after their jump, but they may not jump down. If they fall while climbing down, intentionally or not, they must climb back to the point where they were when they slipped and climb down again. A competitor who wishes to climb naked can take of their garment and improvise a climbing aid out of it (+2 bonus to Climb checks) with a full round action and a DC 20 Craft (cloth) or Survival check. This can be used as a 10-foot-long makeshift rope if tied to the box at the top of the pole (a standard action), reducing the Climb DC to 10 for that portion of the pole. A character who fails a Climb check by more than 5 slides 1d6 x 5 feet down. If they fail by 10 or more they fall to the ground.

The box has a simple lock (Disable Device DC 20 if the competitor has smuggled in thieves’ tools, DC 30 without tools). A competitor can also try to smash open the box (hardness 5, hit points 15, break DC 23); nonlethal damage does not affect objects, so a competitor must be able to inflict lethal damage with unarmed attacks or have smuggled in or improvised a weapon.

The box contains 6 gems, one of each worth 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 50, and 10 gp. A DC 20 Appraise check (full-round action) can determine which is of greatest worth. If the box is smashed open, the gems will be knocked off the tower top – the PC can catch one of them with a DC 15 Reflex save, and

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can make a DC 30 Appraise check as an immediate action to catch the most valuable one. Any jewels which fall must make a DC 16 Reflex save (+0 save bonus) or shatter when they hit the ground below. A competitor may palm an additional jewel with a Sleight of Hand check, or even more than one, though each jewel after the first applies a -2 penalty to the check. If the event marshals notice (+10 Perception), the competitor is disqualified; if not, they keep the extra loot.

Winning: There are two champions: The sharpest eye is given for bringing back the most valuable jewel. If more than one person retrieves a 5000 gp gem, the one who brought it back first is the winner. The sharpest eye keeps their jewel. The swiftest hand is given for coming back with any jewel first, whatever its value. The swiftest hand keeps their jewel and the jewels brought back by of the other competitors (except for the sharpest eye).

Competitors: Irovetti’s favored champion is given clues about the cut of the most valuable gemstone, granting a +2 circumstance bonus to Appraise checks to pick it out from the others.

Aliasghar Zirians (Mivon - half-orc male monk 10) Speed 60 feet, Attacks unarmed strike +11/+11/+6/+6 (1d10+2), Reflex +10, hp 65, Skills Acrobatics +22 (+44 to jump, +64 to jump when spending a ki point), Appraise +5, Climb +15, Strategy Aliasghar will spend his first round doing a Dazzling Display (Intimidate +22; the other 3 NPC competitors have Intimidate DCs of 21) to penalize other competitors’ skill and ability checks by 2. He will then make a running leap up the pole and climb as best he can, using slow fall to avoid damage if he falls. He will try to smash the box and grab any jewel and get back to the finish as fast as possible.

Jas Heydari (Tymon - halfling male barbarian 10), Speed 40 feet, Attacks Strength check to burst box +4 (+14 with strength surge), Reflex +7, hp 95, Skills Acrobatics +17 (+21 to jump), Appraise +1, Climb +17 (+29 when raging), Strategy Jas will use accelerated climbing every round. He will use strength surge to try to break the box in one blow and grab any jewel he can.

Valeda Karmakar (Gralton - human female barbarian 10) Speed 40 feet, Attacks bite +14/+9 (1d4+13 with Power Attack), Reflex +5, hp 105, Skills Acrobatics +10 (+14 to jump), Appraise +0, Climb +18, Strategy Valeda will rage and double-move up the lower part of the pole. At the greased area, she will make a bite attack tower to create a hand-hold (reducing Climb DC by 5) and single move until she reaches the top.

Zuwa Odighi (Pitax - human female rogue 10), Speed 30 feet, Attacks improvised weapon (thieves’ tools) +8 (1d3+1), Reflex +12, hp 55, Skills Appraise +12, Acrobatics +18, Climb +15, Disable Device +21, Sleight of Hand +19, Strategy Zuwa smuggles masterwork thieves’ tools (the event marshals will not see them but PCs with good perception might) and will try to climb carefully and select the best quality gem she can.

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Jousting: For the joust, competitors are matched in a random draw. Each is equipped with a heavy horse, military saddle, lance, and heavy wooden shield, with racks of extra lances and shields. Riders may provide their own nonmagical armor. Attacking a horse is grounds for disqualification.

Jousters can attempt to unhorse (bull rush) their opponent or attempt to shatter their shield (sunder). These can be done even though a lance normally cannot be used to bull rush; otherwise, these combat maneuvers work normally (including provoking attacks of opportunity if performed without the appropriate feat), with the following modifiers.

CMB: Competitors gain a +1 bonus to CMB for each mounted combat feat they possess, as well as for Weapon Specialization or Greater Weapon Specialization with the lance. The Unseat feat grants an additional +2 bonus when a competitor bull rushes.

CMD: Competitors gain a +1 bonus to CMD for every 5 ranks of Ride, for having evasion, improved evasion, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge, and for each of the following feats: Animal Affinity, Combat Expertise, Greater Shield Focus, Mobility, Shield Focus, and Skill Focus (Ride).

Tactics: Finally, a jouster can choose to charge, adding 2 to CMB and subtracting 2 from CMD, or to advance cautiously and ready an action to receive the charge, adding 2 to CMD and subtracting 2 from CMB. They may also use other feats or exceptional abilities that apply (e.g., Wind Stance, barbarian rage), though magic (including supernatural abilities) is forbidden.

Resolution: Contestants spur their mounts forward and meet in the center of the list and initiative is rolled; add 4 to this initiative roll for every 5 feet of extra reach a competitor possesses (including the Lunge feat). The winner strikes first. If her CMB check exceeds the target’s CMD, the opponent is unhorsed (bull rush) or their shield is struck (sunder). A rider unhorsed before their attack can attempt a DC 20 Ride check; success allows them to return the attack at a -4 penalty to CMB. If they unhorse their opponent as well, the pass is a draw. On any attack that hits, the lance breaks unless it makes a DC 20 Fortitude save.

The first rider to unhorse their opponent and stay mounted wins the match. If after three passes neither has done this, a point is scored for each shield broken and a point is deducted for each lance broken. If the match is still a draw, the contest continues until the tie is broken. After each pass, riders take 1 round to return to the end of the lists before charging again. Two squires at each end of the lists use their actions to replace a rider’s lance or shield as needed.

Competitors: PCs wishing to compete must best a hedge knight trainer in the practice lists to demonstrate their basic competence. Success and a 100-gp entry fee grants a place in the 5-round, single-elimination tourney. To determine a PC’s opponent, roll 1d8 and add 1 per round.

1-2 Hedge Knight (human male fighter 5) CMB +16, CMD 20, Init +1, Perception +0, Ride +5, Fort +5, Strategy charge and bull rush (provokes attack of opportunity).

3-5 Tourney Knight (human male fighter 8) CMB +26 (+28 bull rush), CMD +26 (30 vs. bull rush), Init +3, Perception +4, Ride +10, Fort +8, Strategy charge and bull rush.

6 Sir Briannel Paulson (independent – human male ranger 5/fighter 5) CMB +26 (+30 bull rush), CMD 31 (33 vs. bull rush), Init +4, Perception +10, Ride +13, Fort +10, Special favored enemy (humans +4, elves +2), Strategy charge and bull rush.

7 Chantal Urena (Daggermark – human female ranger 10/barbarian 2) CMB +23 (+27 bull rush), CMD 36 (38 vs. bull rush), Init +7, Perception +15, Ride +15, Fort +12, Special favored enemy (humans +6, elves +2, dwarves +2 CMB), rage (+2 CMB, CMD, Fort), strength surge (+2 CMB or CMD), Strategy charge and bull rush, rage and add strength surge to CMB.

8 Damanjot (Tymon – male orc barbarian 11) CMB +20 (+24 sunder), CMD 33 (+35 vs. sunder), Init +0, Perception +8, Ride +5, Fort +10, Special greater rage (+3 CMB, CMD, Fort), strength surge (+11 CMB or CMD), Strategy charge and sunder shield, rage and add strength surge to CMD.

9 Khristian Cotoio (Mivon – human male fighter 11) CMB +26, CMD 37, Init +7, Perception +5, Ride +16, Special Blind-Fight, Strategy advance and ready, bull rush.

10 Villamor Koth (Pitax – human male barbarian 15) CMB +32, CMD 42, Init +1, Perception +14, Ride +15, Fort +15, Special hide in plain sight (Stealth +23), Wind Stance, Strategy Rage (counted in), Advance and ready, bull rush.

Additional: Aurex Thewsen (Book 6 side quest) from Pitax, a steel-jawed man, often brags about his dragon-slaying skills when he was in the field. He challenges the leaders of the Stolen Lands to prove themselves by slaying a dragon. How can one remain a leader if they cannot even slay a dragon?

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The Attack:

A Sending from [Jhod] “Drelev under attack! Pitax soldiers, barbarians, trolls, massive beasts, flying horrors, river-monsters! Captain Numesti says they can hold, but only a few days. Help!” PCs may respond to the sending per the spell.

Once the PCs arrive, they will find Drelev surrounded. Drelev’s boats have been torn loose and towed away by the scrags and its waterfront deserted, with improvised barricades blocking the streets and occasionally being lit afire when trolls approach. Its walls are holed in several places, but two battering rams lie in burnt ruins outside the gates. Two wyverns fly overhead at all times.

Further, threatening clouds have been gathering to the northwest, winds rising and the day darkening. Flashes of lightning in the distance have given way to thunderclaps entirely too near. A funnel cloud reaches down from swirling clouds like the finger of an angry god. It appears to distantly circle the city, with an eerie intelligence (courtesy of Nyrissa, a tornado will hover on a major road and wreak havoc through the battle).

Drelev Missions: Each victory gives the army +2 to OV and DV.

Breaching the Gate: A monstrous assault is underway against Drelev’s gates. Three pairs of trolls, each with a battering ram assault the walls and gates, guarded by a pair of menacing troll thunderlancers mounted on mastodons. The gates have 300 hit points and walls 540. Each hit of the Ram does 3d6 + (STR bonus of each creature, starting is +30) and only misses on a 20. It takes at least 2 large to man the ram. Any troll below 50% health will abandon his post on the ram.

(leader) Pitax herald, p112 troll thunderlancers, below2 mastodons, hp 133, Bestiary. Masterwork studded leather barding6 trolls, hp 63, Bestiary 268.

MASTODON CR 9N Huge animalInit +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +24

DEFENSEAC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 23 (+1 Dex, +12 natural, –2 size, +3 armor)hp 133 (14d8+70)Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +7

OFFENSESpeed 40 ft.Melee gore +21 (2d8+12), slam +20 (2d6+12)Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.Special Attacks trample (2d8+18, DC 29)

STATISTICSStr 34, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7Base Atk +10; CMB +24, CMD 35 (39 vs. trip)Feats Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception),

Weapon Focus (gore)

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Skills Perception +24

Troll Thunderlancer CR 9Male troll fighter 4CE Large humanoid (giant)Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +3DEFENSEAC 28, touch 11, flat-footed 26 (+10 armor, +2 Dex, +5 natural, +2 shield, -1 size)hp 109 (6d8+4d10+60); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +4; +1 vs. fearOFFENSESpd 20 ft.Melee lance +15/+10 (2d6+9); or bite +14 (1d8+6); 2 claws +14 (+13 with buckler hand) (1d6+6)Ranged sling +10 (1d6+6)Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with lance)Special Attacks rend (1d6+9)TACTICSDuring Combat When charging, Thunderlancers Power Attack with their lances (+14, 4d6+22, -2 AC), followed by

a trample attack by their mount. They resort to natural weapons if disarmed or if enemies are inside the reach of their lance.

Morale Troll Thunderlancers fight to the death. They will use their potions if they see fire or acid magic being used.STATISTICSStr 22, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 27Feats Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Skill Focus (Ride), Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus

(lance), Weapon Specialization (lance)Skills Perception +3, Ride +9Languages GiantCombat Gear +1 full plate, +1 buckler, +1 lance, masterwork sling, 10 bullets, Other Gear potion of protection

from acid (60 hit points), potion of protection from fire (60 hit points)

TROLL CR 5CE Large humanoid (giant)Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +8

DEFENSEAC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14; (+2 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)hp 63 (6d8+36); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3

OFFENSESpeed 30 ft.Melee bite +8 (1d8+5), 2 claws +8 (1d6+5)Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+7)

STATISTICSStr 21, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 22Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception)Skills Intimidate +9, Perception +8Languages Giant

Bombardment: There are six heavy catapults (Pathfinder RPG 434) spaced 50 feet apart bombarding Drelev. Each has a pile of 20 stones and 5 pitch bombs (treat as Huge alchemist’s fire). Each has a crew of:

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2 Pitax soldiers, hp 82 human artillerist expert 3 (Profession (siege engineer) +10), hp 13. 1 troll, hp 63, Bestiary 268.

The real danger is from the aerial support. If she is alive, Minognos-Ushad has been lured from her lair to lead her kin and to feast. (p23). She is accompanied at all times by 4 wyverns (Bestiary 282). If the catapults are attacked, they swoop to intervene. If not alive, then an advanced wyvern leads the patrol.

After Drelev: As his armies move on Drelev, other armies circle around. Tusker Riders (area I) moving at 2 hexes a day leave to skirt north of Drelev and circle down to Erastil Springs. The Pitax Horde (area J), will move on Bein Ost at 2 hexes a day. The reserve wyvern flight (area K) will join with the Catspaw Marauders (area O) and scout ahead (moving at 4 hexes) while the Catspaws move at 2 hexes, all for Tatzleford. Once any town is secured, all forces coordinate for an attack on Haven.

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Afterwords, Spymaster approached by one of Irovetti’s tourney knights, Ambrose Pellicer, part of Myr’s spy network:

See, here’s how it is, my lord. Risking my life and exposing my cover to bring you this. Look here, with my own eyes I saw a poisoner from Daggermark at the tournament; no great thing, they are usually around any great gathering. But this man, Gaetane, I know him… hired him once upon a time, and he’s no small fish. A poisoner’s poisoner, if you mark me. A real scary spider, that one. My visor was down so he couldn’t see my face, but he seemed especially shifty somehow. I hired a lad to follow him, and he saw Gaetane turn into a rat—a rat!—and sneak into Irovetti’s pavilion, then out again a few minutes later, meeting a partner taking a barrel wagon out of the grounds. I know them ratmen are thick in Daggermark, but that’s a strike against in my book.

So the lad caught me up and told me, and I slipped him a few silver and hired another man, woodcrafty he was, to follow them into the hills over yonder. He comes back a few hours later and tells me they took their wagon up to old Whiterose Abbey. You know that place? It used to be a winery, the finest in the valley, run by a bunch of silent monks. All gone now, some say with a curse, but here’s the rub: Those monks had an altar to Cayden himself that made anything you brewed on it stronger… a lot stronger. You following me here? A master poisoner, an altar what makes his brew a whole lot stronger.

My hired man was taken a day ago. He knows nothing other than I paid fer him to follow, but mighten he described me enuf to blow my cover. Ifen I’m not careful, find myself drinking a special brew of Gaetane one night and then no more. There’s more to this story than I have, but you need to know, something’s going on.

Party will capture a spy or enemy commander who believes (having been fed false information specifically for this purpose) that Irovetti has developed means to convert Horns of Fog to produce clouds of poisonous gas, that only a prototype exists at a secret facility, and the agent is obligated to hire wizards or seize anyone capable of creating Horns of Fog.

Party can also confirm through additional network with Ilora Nuski (area H).

D6 (p30-32): Clustered around the stone altar, a group of cowled figures work around a large copper tank, dropping coals from a covered brazier into the vat and draining the dark fluid within into a barrel.

Use Pitax stats for humanoid form of wererats. The wererats pretend to brew poisoned wine, but their real function is to use lycanthropic empathy to calm the crates full of rats while they wait for the PCs to arrive. As soon as the trap is sprung and the collapsing ceiling breaks open the crates, the wererats focus their empathy to unite the rats (along with the native rats infesting the abbey) into a swarm of horrific proportions. Discerning that the crates contain something moving and scratching requires a DC 30 Perception check.

When the building collapses, this area becomes a bury zone except for the shaded area astride the altar (every square at the northern 2 pillars), which is a slide zone (DC 15 reflex or take 3d6 dmg and buried, otherwise nothing). The wererats cluster here gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their Reflex saves vs. the collapse due to knowing where the heaviest rubble should fall. Trap sense also applies to saves against the collapse. D3, D4, and D5 also become a slide zone.

For the rest of D6, 8d6 and DC 15 Reflex for half, then buried. Characters take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per minute while buried. If such a character falls unconscious, he must make a DC 15

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Constitution check each minute. If it fails, he takes 1d6 points of lethal damage each minute until freed or dead.

Characters who aren't buried can dig out their friends. In 1 minute, using only her hands, a character can clear rocks and debris equal to five times her heavy load limit. The amount of loose stone that fills a 5-foot-by-5-foot area weighs 1 ton (2,000 pounds). Armed with an appropriate tool, such as a pick, crowbar, or shovel, a digger can clear loose stone twice as quickly as by hand. A buried character can attempt to free himself with a DC 25 Strength check.

The collapse may attract the will-o-wisps of D12 from downstairs, who will arrive in 2 rounds and begin feeding on the fear of the trapped while attacking. Gaetane’s crew, following the collapse, will move to prevent anyone from escaping (while avoiding conflict with the will-o-wisps, if applicable.) The Heralds will drink potions of fly and invisibility, waiting 60’ overhead for any targets. The Wardens will hold position, pushing the barrels as cover in the northern portion, venturing out if either the wisps are destroyed or never arrive. Gaetane holds in the remaining intact rafters.

Gaetane will dip arrows in Purple Worm poison, DC 24, 1r for 6r, 1d3 Str, 2 consecutive saves.

If the rats are escaped, Gaetane has the shambling mounds of D7 under a pair of “command plants” spells. He has commanded them to feast on anyone except his crew that tries to leave D6.

HORRIBULOUS RAT SWARM CR 10N Tiny animal (Colossal swarm)Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5DEFENSEAC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 size); +2 vs. goodhp 180 (24d8+72)Fort +17, Ref +17, Will +12; +2 vs. goodDefensive Abilities swarm traits (half damage from weapons)OFFENSESpd 30 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.Melee swarm (5d6 plus disease)Space 30 ft.; Reach 0 ft.Special Attacks disease, distraction (DC 27)TACTICSBefore Combat The rats are pacified by the wererats’ empathy until the collapse of the abbey is triggered. During Combat The swarm attacks all living things except wererats, climbing and even leaping to reach creatures

and crawling through the rubble to attack buried creatures (though buried creatures take only half damage). The swarm moves every round, using Lightning Stance (double move gets 50% conceal) and Wind Stance (if move get 20% conceal vs ranged).

Morale When the rat swarm is reduced to less than 30 hit points, the surviving rats break up into 1d4 normal rat swarms. They will continue to attack prone, stunned, helpless, or nauseated creatures but otherwise will flee.

STATISTICSStr 2, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 2Base Atk +18; CMB -; CMD -Feats Ability Focus (distraction), Acrobatic Steps, Dodge, Fleet (x3), Iron Will, Lightning Stance, Nimble Moves,

Mobility, Step Up, Wind StanceSkills Acrobatics +22, Climb +14, Perception +5, Stealth +15, Swim +14SPECIAL ABILITIESDisease (EX) Filth fever: Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 25; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.

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Castruccio Irovetti - CR 16 ,XP 76,800 Male human bard (arcane duelist) 16 CN Medium humanoid Init +3; Senses Perception +18, Darkvision 60’, See Invisibility, Tongues (permanency spells)

Defense AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +3 Dex) hp 149 (16d8+74) Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +14 Speed 30 ft. (fly 60’, Winged Boots)

Melee +3 adamantine keen halberd +20/+15/+10 (1d10+9/19–20/x3, P or S, has reach 10’ but can also hit adjacent), if grappling cold iron armor spikes +16/+11/+6 (1d6+6) Ranged +3 keen adamantine arrows +18/+13/+8 (1d8+3) (full round to fire, usable 5/day)

- Arcane Strike, swift action enhance weapon to +4 damage for one round- Power Attack, -4 attack, +12 damage- Penetrating Strike, attacks ignore first 5 DR unless DR/-- Combat Reflexes, 3 AoO; Spellbreaker fail cast defensively (+4 DC) provokes AoO

Special Attacks bardic performance 40 rounds/day as swift action (DC 24), free to maintain Bladethirst: +4 wpn enhance, Speed (+3), Shock Burst (+2), Ghost Touch (+1), Wounding

(+2, +1 bleed per hit) frightening tune, 30’ save or frightened as long as can hear, immune 24 hrs if save inspire courage +3 att/dmg & fear save inspire greatness, 3 targets in 30’ get +2d10 hit dice, +2 attack, +1 Fort save

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soothing performance, 4 continuous rounds for mass cure serious (3d8+15) and cures fatigue, sicken, shaken.

Special Defenses: Armor 50% negate sneak or crit, Ring of Spell Turning, Necklace of Adaptation (ignore gases, breathe underwater), Ring of Evasion, Contingency: Dimension Door to T1 if under 50% hit points or incapacitated.

Bard Spells Known (CL 16th; concentration +22, +26 if grappled or casting defensively). Can use Arcane Bond (blade) to cast any 1 spell.6th (2/day)—overwhelming presence (DC 24) [medium, 16 creatures in 30’ Will save or drop prone to worship, helpless. Each round new save. If fail then save, take 1d6 Wis dmg and staggered 1d4r, if save staggered 1r, lasts 16r], waves of ecstasy (DC 24) [30’ cone, 16r, Will save or stun 1 round and staggered for remainder. If save, staggered 1r] 5th (4/day)—cloak of dreams (DC 23), greater dispel magic, greater heroism, shadowbard [short, 16r, conjure shadow bard to play your bardic performs without duration, move action to change performance] 4th (5/day)—dance of a hundred cuts, primal scream [verbal, 16r, free self from enchant & paralyze effects even if magically paralyzed, as Break Enchantment], shocking image [16m, as mirror image 1d4+5 (max 8) images, if destroyed by melee 2d6 electric dmg], wall of sound [med, con +16r, wall or 20’high ring, deflects bolts and small fliers, 2d4 sonic within 10’, 2d6 +16 to pass, no saves! Silence spell suppresses wall] 3rd (6/day)—blink, charm monster (DC 21), confusion (DC 21), phantom steed, slow (DC 20) 2nd (7/day)—allegro, gallant inspiration, suggestion (DC 20), tactical acumen 1st (7/day)—cure light wounds (DC 17), disguise self, feather fall, grease (DC 17), moment of greatness [50’ burst, 16m, targets can end effect to double morale bonus for one check], saving finale

Statistics : Str 19, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 22 Base Atk +12; CMB +16 (+20 trip); CMD 29 (33 vs. trip), If trip, free AoO. Doesn’t provoke.Feats interspersed as neededSkills Acrobatics +19, Bluff +25, Diplomacy +25, Disguise +20, Fly +14, Intimidate +25, Perform (sing, act, dance +20), Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +4, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +18 Combat Gear potions of barkskin +5 (2), oil of magic vestment +4, wand of shield (CL 5th, 10 charges), ring of evasion, ring of spell turning, winged boots; Other Gear mithral medium fortification +1 full plate, + 3 Rod of Razors, cloak of resistance +5, belt of physical perfection +4, headband of alluring charisma +6, necklace of adaptation, potion of gaseous form, scroll of stoneskin (CL 7th), scroll of blur (CL 3rd), Dust of Disappearance


1. If ally Jurgg, gets Shield Other to share damage for 7 hours.2. Activate Ring of Spell Turning (3/day on command, 130m reflects next 9 levels of non-area,

non range touch spells)3. Drink Barkskin potion (+5 natural AC for 120m)4. Use magic vestment oil on armor (+3 extra enhancement for 16 hours) 5. Use Stoneskin scroll (70m, DR10/adamantine until 70pts absorbed)6. Cast Greater Heroism (16m, +4 morale att/save, immune fear, +16hp)7. Cast Shocking Image (16m, 1d4+5 images, if destroyed by melee 2d6 electric)8. Use Wand of Shield (5m, +4 shield bonus, immune magic missiles)9. Activate Winged Boots (3/day fly for 5 mins)10. Use Scroll of Blur (3m, 20% concealment)11. Cast Tactical Acumen [30’ burst, 16r, when battlefield bonus gained, get extra +3 insight]

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12. Cast Shadowbard (16r) to Inspire Courage (+3 competence to attack/dmg, fear saves)13. Cast Dance of a 100 Cuts (16r),+5 morale to caster’s att, melee dmg, acrobatics, AC, must

move 10’ or attack melee or spell ends14. Activate Bardic Performance, Bladethirst, add shocking burst (+1d6 elec, on crit +2d10 extra

on crit), +1 enhance, and either Speed (if haste gone), Ghost Touch (if ethereal enemy) or Wounding (+1 bleed per hit)

15. Cast Allegro [16r, after bardic started, gain Haste as long as maintain it, immediately dismiss to reroll Reflex save. Counter slow]

16. Cast Cloak of Dreams [1r cast, 5’radius Will save or sleep 1 min, 16r] (DC 23)17. Before engaging, Dust of Disappearance (2d6r greater invis, see invis useless)18. In combat, swift action Arcane Strike each round (+4 dmg) and Power Attack (-4/+12)

Defensive: If fail attack, cast Gallant Inspiration (2nd) [Verbal immediate, close, target on failed attack adds +2d4 to attack roll retroactively]. If fail save, cast Saving Finale (1st), [Verbal Immediate, close range, target affected by bardic perform rerolls failed save, ends performance].

Strategy: If fully prepared, Irovetti will target casters, tripping enemies up to 2x per round (saving one AoO each round). Where possible, he flies above melee attackers using his superior reach. If he has allies occupying the enemy, he will withhold tactics 13-16 and instead use ranged spells, starting with Overwhelming Presence, Slow (on obviously hasted enemies), and Confusion.

AC 41 (nat +5, armor +13, dex +3, +4 shield, +5 morale, +1 haste, ff 38, touch 23) Fort +18, Ref +23, Will +18, immune fear, hp 149 +16, CMB +25 (+29 trip), CMD 38 (42 trip)

Melee +4 adamantine keen shocking burst wounding halberd +26/+26/+21/+16 (+2 if invisible) (1d10+34+1d6 electrical/19–20/x3 plus 2d10 electrical).

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Engelidis, Female spirit naga sorcerer 5 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 213) CE Large aberration

Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +22


AC 34, touch 17, flat-footed 30 (+4 armor, +4 deflection, +4 Dex, +9 natural, +4 shield, -1 size)hp 157 (15 HD; 10d8+5d6+95)Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +17


Spd 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (good), swim 20 ft.Melee +1 bite +15 (3d6+10/19-20 plus poison [DC 21])Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.Special Attacks charming gaze (DC 21), laughing touch 9/daySorcerer Spells Known (CL 12th; concentration +18)6th (4)—chain lightning (DC 22)5th (6)—breath of life, telekinesis (DC 21)4th (7)—dimension door, death ward, ice storm3rd (7)—dispel magic, clairaudience/ clairvoyance, lightning bolt (DC 19), fly2nd (8)—alter self, cure moderate wounds, hideous laughter (DC 18), invisibility, misdirection, silence (DC 18)1st (8)—entangle (DC 17), mage armor, ray of enfeeblement (DC 17), shield, shield of faith, shocking grasp0 (at will)—arcane mark, create water, dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 16), mage hand, message, open/ close, stabilizeBloodline fey


Before Combat Engelidis casts mage armor, death ward, fly, shield, and shield of faith before entering combat.During Combat On her own, Engelidis uses her area-affecting spells to damage as many foes as possible as quickly as possible. When fighting alongside King Irovetti, she takes a more supportive role, targeting those foes who seem to be specifically causing her lover the most harm and trouble.Morale As long as she's charmed by Irovetti, Engelidis fights to the death. If the charm monster spell on the spirit naga is removed or dispelled, Engelidis won't see things Irovetti's way. In fact, her rage and hatred in such a situation compels her to do everything in her power to murder Irovetti–as in the case with the remorhaz Rezatha, this gives the PCs a chance to swiftly recruit the king's allies against him in a battle. Of course, in her rage, Engelidis is unwilling to retain her loyalty to the PCs after Irovetti is dead; she tries to escape at once, and if the PCs oppose her flight, she attacks them as well. Engelidis knows about the sword Irovetti keeps hidden in area T3. She offers up its location as a bargaining chip to the PCs if she thinks that could help to buy her freedom and she's too wounded to carry on a fight against them.


Str 22, Dex 18, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 22Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 34Feats Ability Focus (charming gaze), Arcane Strike, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Improved Critical (bite), Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken SpellSkills Fly +15, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Perception +22, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +18, Swim +14Languages Abyssal, CommonSQ bloodline arcana, woodland stride,Gear spell storing amulet of mighty fists +1 (contains hideous laughter)

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Villamor Koth, Male human barbarian 15 CE Medium humanoid (human)Init +1; Senses Perception +14


AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+9 armor, +2 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural, -2 rage)hp 217 (15d12+120)Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +11, +4 vs. enchantmentsDefensive Abilities indomitable will, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +5,; DR 5/-


Spd 40 ft.Melee +1 vicious greataxe +20/+15/+9 (1d12+23/19-20/x3 plus 2d6) or mwk lance +24/+19/+14 (1d8+10/x3)

Staggering Critical (1d4+1r, one action only, Fort save 10+attack bonus to reduce to 1r. Each hit adds duration), +4 to confirm critical hits

Ranged mwk longbow +17/+12/+7 (1d8/x3)Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.Special Attacks greater rage (35 rounds/day), rage powers (guarded stance, move action to gain +5 dodge vs. melee, lasting for CON mod (6r)], knockback (once per round, bull rush with no AoO, does STR mod in dmg and moves target, barbarian does not have to follow), no escape (1/rage, immediately follow withdrawing enemy and provoke AoO for moving), rolling dodge (as guarded but vs. ranged), unexpected strike (1/rage, AoO against foe entering threat range)


Before Combat Drinks a potion of barkskinDuring Combat Rages, activates guarded stance or rolling dodge, engages using Power Attack (-4/+12).


Str 24, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10Base Atk +15; CMB +22; CMD 34Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Improved Critical (greataxe), Iron Will, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greataxe)Skills Intimidate +18, Knowledge (nature) +13, Linguistics +0, Perception +14, Ride +15, Survival +14Languages Common, HalitSQ fast movementCombat Gear potions of barkskin +5 (3); Other Gear +5 hide armor, +1 vicious greataxe, ring of protection +2

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General Avinash Jurrg, Male ogre mage bard 10 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 221) LE Large outsider (giant, native, oni, shapechanger)

Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +22


AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+8 armor, +4 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size)hp 243 (18 HD; 8d10+10d8+154)Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +16; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonicSR 19


Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)Melee +2 keen greatsword +25/+20/+15 (3d6+15/17-20)Ranged +1 composite longbow +19/+14/+9 (2d6+1/x3)Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.Special Attacks bardic performance 28 rounds/day (move action; inspire courage +2)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +9)Constant—fly At will—darkness, invisibility1/day—charm monster (DC 17), cone of cold (DC 18), gaseous form, deep slumber (DC 16)Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +16)4th (2/day)—dimension door, hold monster (DC 20)3rd (4/day)—confusion (DC 19), dispel magic, good hope, haste2nd (6/day)—blur, cure moderate wounds, mirror image, rage, suggestion (DC 18)1st (7/day)—charm person (DC 17), cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, grease (DC 17), remove fear0 (at will)—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 16), know direction, mage hand, message, summon instrument


During Combat Jurrg lets his minions engage foes in melee so he can take the time to bolster their powers, first by casting good hope and activating inspire courage, followed by casting haste, rage, and mirror image before he enters melee. Uses Arcane Strike to add +3 damage as swift action. Will attempt to disarm with first attack wave. Morale As long as any of Jurrg's minions still stand, he fights to the death. If he's alone and Irovetti still lives, he fights until reduced to 100 hit points or fewer, at which point he casts dimension door to go wherever he believes Irovetti is located to report to his king. When fighting at Irovetti's side or defending the throne room itself, he fights to the death.


Str 28, Dex 19, Con 26, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 22Base Atk +15; CMB +25 (+29 disarm); CMD 39. Disarm weapon lands 15’ randomly.Feats Arcane Armor Mastery, Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Strike, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Combat Expertise, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Vital StrikeSkills Acrobatics +22, Fly +17, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (engineering) +19, Knowledge (nobility) +19, Perception +22, Perform (oratory) +27, Perform (percussion) +27, Perform (wind) +27, Spellcraft +14Languages Common, GiantSQ change shape (Small, Medium, or Large humanoid, alter self or giant form 1), bardic knowledge +5, jack-of-all-trades (use any skill), lore master 1/day, versatile performance (oratory, percussion, wind)Combat Gear +2 mithral breastplate, +2 keen greatsword, +1 composite longbow with 20 arrows, cloak of resistance +2