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    Kingdom of the Three Trees

    By Marlon Sean Hollis

    Chapter One

    On his way home from Denton, Thomas approached the forest on the eastern end

    oftown. He had decided to walk, since Denton wasnt too far from home. The butcher

    told him that he needed to take the forest road home, for there were no other routes out of

    Denton that headed east. The forest, Thomas learned, went by many names, including:

    the Big Forest, the Eastern Forest, and the Dark Forest.

    It was twilight, and he began to think the innkeeper was right to wait and travel

    the forest in the morning. He said a twelve-year old boy had no business hiking around

    the countryside alone, especially at night, because hes either going to be victim of

    mischief or the perpetrator of mischief. As he peered into the forest, dark shadows

    seemed to move in its depths. Normally prudent, Thomas would have waited the night in

    Mr. Tals warm inn, sitting in front of a bowl of tasty rabbit stew and a cup of wine.

    Money was no issue. He still had at least three kilograms of diamonds left from his time

    at Mr. Nells Factory. He considered it his severance pay for his final service rendered

    there. He had just given half of his fortune to the family of his friend, co-worker, and

    Denton native, Dot, who was murdered at the factory.

    The cautious side of him sounded many alarms in his head. Yet, he felt called to

    the forest. Something inside him broke through his reservations and pulled him along

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    into the forest like a fleck of metal to a strong magnet. He looked at the darkening sky

    and the suns last orange embers, and sighed. He took a step, then another, and before he

    knew it, the forest had swallowed him.

    He kept walking for what seemed like hours. Moonlight glinted through the

    canopy, revealing the path ahead to him snippets at a time. Then a bright light to his right

    pierced through the gloom. A small trail met the main pathway and lead towards the

    light. Thomas took the trail, walking perhaps sixty meters.

    At the end of the trail was a pearly white temple. It was a rounded dome

    supported along the edge by twelve ice white columns. The dome looked to be about six

    meters in diameter, and the columns stood five meters high. A single step led into the

    temple. The temple was slightly luminescent.

    This is it, Thomas thought. This was the place. He could feel its pull on his soul.

    It was not like an involuntary compulsion. He wanted to be here more than anywhere

    else in the world. He entered.

    At the center was an ornate golden chest. Engraved on each side was a picture of

    a star sitting on a throne. A vivid painting on the inside of the dome drew his gaze

    upwards. There was the star on the throne again, surrounded by millions of glowing

    beings. They each held bolts of lightning like swords. A group of human-looking

    creatures appeared to be falling from the height where the throne was. They burned as

    they fell. One of the singed falling creatures looked out of the painting with menacing

    yellow eyes, as though it knew that Thomas watched him. Thomas felt its hatred.

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    Beautiful isnt it? asked a voice behind him. The Fall of Druin, the Evil One.

    I know the person who painted it.

    Thomas turned. His eyes met the gaze of a man in a white garment. Around his

    waist was a golden belt and a sword. His hair was like strands of fire. His cerulean eyes

    were like the ocean, deep, mysterious, serene, active, full of life and destruction. Thomas

    had never seen anything so beautiful and fearsome in his life. At once fear consumed

    him, and he fainted.

    The next thing he knew was the creature helping him up. At his touch, Thomas

    fear disappeared. Whowhat are you? asked Thomas.

    Thomas looked again at the painting, and the glowing beings surrounding the

    throne. I amPeter.

    What do you want from me? asked Thomas.

    Peter placed his right hand on Thomas shoulder. Today, your life is required of

    you, said Peter.

    Thomas sighed. Am I going to die?

    Peter smiled reassuringly. Most of humanity will die, but not all. Not many

    know the whys of their lives, why they choose the things they do and paths they take, and

    thus have no joy or meaning in fulfilling the purpose they were made for. But, take heart,

    you are about to choose the destiny for which you were born.

    Thomas shuddered. He started to glow, rising in luminescence until his body was

    as bright as the sun at noon.

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    Thomas felt more alive than he ever felt possible. As though he had been in a

    coma, but now was fully awake. He smelled everything, every flora and fauna in the

    forest, every molecule of air. He could see to the edge of the forest and beyond. When

    he focused, he could see the very atoms of the trees around him. He placed his hands on

    his chest. It was real, solid, and not airy like he expected a ghost to be.

    What happened?

    Youve been changed. Your old body cannot survive where we are going, said

    Peter. There are different kinds of bodies, Thomas, there are mortal bodies and spiritual

    bodies. He tookThomas hand, and said, But now it is time to go.

    They lifted up and passed through the dome, and swiftly disappeared into the sky.

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    Chapter Two

    Thomas and Peter landed in one end of a large ornate golden hall, perhaps a

    kilometer in length. The ceiling reached higher than Thomas could see. There appeared

    to be no floor, for below them was outer space. He stood above myriads of galaxies,

    even universes. Someone was sitting on a throne at the far end of the hall. A rainbow

    stretched above the throne.

    Then smoke and fire flowed from the throne, and clouds dropped down from

    above. Lightning arced from the throne, and thunder echoed off the walls. Thomas


    He didnt know how long he was out, but the next thing he remembered was a

    hand touching him on his left shoulder. A man helped him up. Peter was no longer

    present. Thomas had many questions, but the one question he didnt have was who the

    man was. He knew instinctively who he was. No doubt, no philosophy, no science could

    deny what every cell in his body knew.

    Thomas didnt dare raise his head. My lord, High King, he said.

    I have a task for you, said the man. Thomas could see that he was wearing a

    bright white robe, and that his sandaled feet were like smooth bronze.

    Am I in paradise? asked Thomas.

    No, said the man. What you see here is a copy of the splendor of paradise.

    For my abode is too glorious for you to see even in your current translated state.

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    Thomas began to cry. To be denied even the possibility of seeing incredible

    beauty tore his heart.

    Dont worry, Thomas, when all that I have planned is completed you will be

    with me, and you will see me as I am. But, now I have something for you to do.

    A section of the floor split open and a large tree rose up. Thomas scanned its lush

    foliage. An oak tree, said Thomas.

    From the kingdom of the three trees, said the High King. I created that world

    to be sustained by the power of three special trees. Each tree contains a crystal which

    together generate the life force that allows that realm to sustain life.

    A golden light emanated from the midst of the leaves. Its beautiful, said


    The High King knelt down to look at him face to face. His expression was grim.

    A thief has stolen one of the crystals. He plans to use its powers to turn evil into good

    and good into evil. If he is not stopped, then I will destroy the kingdom.

    What can I do? asked Thomas. Im just a kid.

    Have faith, little one, said the High King, smiling. Ive given you all that you

    need. Ive known you before you were born. I will never leave you.

    Thomas heart leapt. I am ready, my king.

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    Chapter Three

    Thomas and Peter landed in a cave, passing through the ceiling and solidifying

    when they touched the floor. Their bodies lit up the cave as though it was daylight.

    Thomas noticed the exit.

    Stay inside the cave for a while, said Peter. You are brighter than their sun

    right now, reflecting the glory of the High King. It will fade in time.

    How long? Thomas meandered toward the exit.

    A week.


    Peter sighed. Our true form would greatly frighten them. Many here do not

    follow the High King, nor believe in the existence of the Three Trees. To them it is all

    myth. Peter shookhis head. I remember when water, air, heat, and other forces were

    created and bound to the crystals. The three work as one crystal, upholding the forces that

    make this realm livable.

    Someone believes in the existence of the crystals, said Thomas. Hestole one.


    * *

    A week later, Thomas and Peter walked into a small town. Their shoes caked

    with mud; Thomas nearly lost a shoe several times in the muck and horse manure. The

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    residents, in drab clothes and ashen faced, nary looked at him and Peter. As they walked

    toward the center of town, Thomas noticed many individuals lying in the streets, most

    were alive but some seemed dead, or perhaps merely asleep. Thomas realized that he had

    left one destitute and desperate world, his home, for another.

    They came across a three-story stone and wooden building, topped with a flag. It

    contained three green trees with their branches interlinked on a white field. Many

    huddled on the steps of the building, while still more stood or sat in the square in front.

    Thomas saw a red-haired woman sitting in the mud, leaning against the building.

    Her freckled face was deeply lined from perhaps many years of fear, pain, and

    hopelessness. The memory of once being beautiful hung about her. A little redheaded

    girl, perhaps two or three, stood beside her. She wore a filthy gray smock and peered at

    him with green eyes.

    Why are all these peoplehere in front of this building? asked Thomas.

    Its where the poor and unfortunate should receive help, said Peter. There is

    none to give nowadays.


    Times are hard here, said Peter. The kingdom can no longer afford it.

    Money doesnt just disappear, said Thomas. Where did it go?

    With hard times comes hard hearts, said Peter. Out of fearover the fragility of

    their own fortunes, or greed, or the idea that the poor are just lazy and that money spent

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    on the them is inherently wasteful, those who could help choose not to help. There are no

    jobs and no help.

    Thomas saw a man walking in the square past the outskirts of the crowd. He

    seemed in a powerful hurry. He was tall, lanky, clean, and dressed in green trousers, a

    blue shirt, and a brown leather coat. His boots were muddy, but appeared to be made

    from fine, sturdy leather. His black hair was elaborately coiffed.

    A ragged man from the crowd saw the man and grabbed his arm. Please, I

    havent eaten in three days, said man.

    The well-dressed man wrenched his arm free. Get a job! he said with disdain.

    He kept walking.

    Thomas shook his head and walked on.

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    Chapter Four

    Thomas and Peter pitched their tents in the prairie on the eastern side of the town.

    The Bear Moons, as Peter called them, a mother and her three cubs, illuminated the night.

    Thomas stared at the moons. He remembered the view of the heavens from the other side,

    from the High Kings abode. Peter was busy roasting two small four-footed creatures

    that he called groat. They reminded Thomas of squirrels back home, with almost as little


    Peter, when Druin fell, where did he fall to? asked Thomas.

    Into the created order from heaven, said Peter. Hes a tireless enemy, who

    seeks to subvert the rule of the High King and to rule instead.

    Just then Thomas saw a small white hand reach out of the surrounding dark and

    swipe his backpack. Whoa! said Thomas, standing. Peter, thieves!

    Peter disappeared into thin air. One of the small moons intensified and focused

    its light like a spotlight on a small figure running away. Peter reappeared in front of the

    thief, who ran into him and fell backwards onto the ground. Peter stretched out his hand

    and the thief was lifted back onto his feet.

    My lord! cried the thief. Thomas caught up with them. He saw his pack sitting

    at the feet of a trembling scrawny boy. He couldnt be more than seven. Please dont

    hurt me! I just wanted something to eat.

    Who are you? asked Thomas.

    My name is Galt, said the boy.

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    You dont need to steal from us, Galt, said Peter. Come, eat with us tonight.

    Peter led the way back to the campsite. Roasting on the fire, Thomas noticed a

    third groat. It looked as though it had been on the fire the same amount of time as his and

    Peters dinner.

    Peter took the groats off the fire and placed them on steel plates. He handed

    Thomas and Galt each a plate as they sat around the fire. He looked skyward and said,

    Thank you, my lord, for this meal.

    Galt tore into his dinner, stuffing his mouth and swallowing wordlessly for five


    Are you magicians? asked Galt.

    No, said Peter. There is no such thing as magic.

    But you do stuff like the man I saw yesterday, said Galt. He made things

    disappear, including people. When he speaks, things come out of nowhere. Food.

    Money. He made fresh water come out of a stone once, the purest stuff you ever tasted.

    Thomas looked at Peter.

    The crystal? asked Thomas.

    Most certainly, said Peter. He cast Galt a stern expression. Galt, you will take

    us to where you saw this man.

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    No way! said Galt. Hell make anyone who wont kiss his hand disappear.

    The mayor is gone, then the constable and his men all fell in with them. I wont kiss his

    hand! I escaped, and Im not going back!

    At this very moment, you are in the presence of a very powerful being, someone

    who will not take no for an answer! said Peter. He began to glow brightly. If you

    insist, I will show you whom you should fear more!

    Galt dropped face down to the ground. I will take you! I will take you! Please

    dont hurt me!

    Peter ceased glowing and helped Galt on his feet. Good. Now, time to get some

    sleep, we have a long day ahead of us, said Peter. Thomas glimpsed Peters wink and

    smile at him.

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    Chapter Five

    Early in the morning Thomas, Peter, and Galt began their journey to the town of

    Honeyville. As they walked, Thomas asked Peter What do you mean that there is no

    such thing as magic?

    If you built a machine and daily tended it to keep it running, is that magic?

    asked Peter.

    No, said Thomas.

    If you replaced a part with another part, either the same type or perhaps one

    made from some different material, is that magic?


    If you slowed the machine or sped it up, or turned it off, or changed its function

    is that magic?

    I guess not.

    Then neither is what the creator of all things does within his own creation, said

    Peter. Magic is the attempt by others to circumvent the order created by the High King.

    But arent manmade machines circumventing the created order? asked Thomas.

    We have automobiles in my world that allow us to go faster than we can naturally walk

    or run.

    To understand the rules of a realm and use them is not circumventing them, said

    Peter. Man observes the nature of things and works within the rules he sees to make

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    things. Only the High King can suspend the natural rules as he chooses and act outside of

    them. My power comes from my lord, and thus it is not magic.

    I see, said Thomas. I think.

    After a long silence, Peter said, Thomas.


    Be courageous.

    Peters footsteps stopped. Thomas looked around and Peter was gone.

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    Chapter Six

    Galt led Thomas to the outskirts of Honeyville.

    I aint going any further, said Galt. I took you to Honeyville.

    Thomas nodded. Thank you. You can go now.

    Galt turned and ran away.

    Thomas walked past dozens of large empty buildings along a wide river,

    which cut through the town. Gigantic waterwheels jutted out from each building, sitting

    still in the water. He saw no signs of life. He was starting to feel even lonelier than when

    Peter left him.

    Hey little boy, called out a womans voice. A dozen meters ahead, a couple had

    stepped out of an alley in between one of the massive buildings. Are you lost?

    The couple seemed to be the same age as his parents. His heart panged for them

    for the first time since leaving his own world. The woman was plainly dressed in gray

    slacks and a gray shirt. She was rangy. Her graying black hair was tied in a short

    ponytail. Her face was leathery, hard, but kind.

    He looks lost, said the man, a short, bald, stocky man in a similar gray outfit.

    Well be late.

    The woman knelt down to him. We cant leave him, she told the man. Well

    take him with us to the talk, then take him home. Whats your name, child?


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    Im Margret and this is Gus, my husband, she said, standing. She took his hand

    and led him behind her husband down the street. Come, well be late if we dont hurry.

    Where are we going? asked Thomas, trying to keep from being dragged. What

    is this talk?

    Professor Gerards talk, said Margret. Hes hope, dear.


    The real thing, dearie, with the will and power and to keep his promises, said

    Margret. Hes going to give us our country back.

    Gus and Margret led Thomas to the street in front of the town hall. It was an old,

    ornate, gothic stone structure with a bell tower. A large murmuring crowd stood at the

    bottom of the steps to the building. A lectern stood at the top of the steps. To the right of

    the lectern, three burly men in brown leather uniforms and badges stood behind three

    men on their knees. The three men on their knees were gagged with their hands tied

    behind their backs.

    Thomas managed to retrieve his hand from Margret. In her rapture, she didnt

    seem to notice that he was free.

    The town halls heavy wooden doors opened. Thomas climbed up a lamppost and

    stood on the topmost handholds for an unobstructed view. A middle age, professional

    looking man in white pants, a white jacket, and a sky blue shirt marched out to the lectern.

    He wore a crystal around his neck on a gold necklace. The crowd cheered.

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    Thomas couldnt help staring at him. He was mesmerizing. Thomas watched

    him stand silently, seemingly oblivious to the wild emotion of the crowd. After several

    minutes, he motioned for the crowd to quiet down.

    Here we are in Honeyville, said Professor Gerard. They are closing down all

    the factories. They promised that if you got a job and played by the rules you would

    receive a good life. What a lie. What a lie! They take away your jobs, and then they

    take your homesbecause you cant pay! Then they have the gall to blame you! They say

    youre just lazy! That its your fault! Because you wont work for scraps so they can

    inflate their purse, they take away your jobs to some far away place! If youre fortunate,

    you can stand in line at the poor office, filling out forms to get your share of nothing.

    The kingdom is too poor to help you. Theyve succeeded in starving it, so it could not

    help you. They took everything and left you to die! They sit in their mansions, feasting

    and drinking, and plotting against you!

    Professor Gerard pointed at the three men on their knees to his left. Theyleft

    you to die! They sucked away the marrow of your labor! They took from you what was

    most precious, and when they were done with you, when they satiated their lust on you,

    they left you in some dark place!

    Kill them! shouted someone from the crowd.

    Thomas heard the High Kings voice in his ear. Get up there!

    He looked at the crowd and froze. They were thirsty for blood. The monster at

    Mr. Nells factory had nothing on a mad mass of humanitys capacity to invoke fear in

    even the stoutest of hearts.

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    Professor Gerard seemed the consummate actor, shaking his head in resignation.

    It must never be said that the working man is without compassion and mercy, he said.

    How about we leave one alive?

    He turned and faced the three men. The one farthest from the professor just

    closed his eyes. The second nearest man began to sob uncontrollably. The nearest man

    looked defiantly at the professor.

    The crystal around the professors neck began glow. The defiant man screamed.

    His head collapsed as though some invisible vise had crushed it.

    One thousand jobs, homes, and lives, avenged! said the professor. The crowd


    No! said Thomas. Stop! He was surprised that his voice carried over the

    crowd. Everyone fell silent.

    Thomas suddenly materialized at the top of the town hall steps between the

    professor and the three men. He recoiled at the sight of the defiant mans mangled,

    bloody head.

    The crowd gasped at his sudden transport from the lamppost to the top of the

    steps. The professor, however, did not seem surprised.

    You cant stop me, boy, said the professor. Only the pure in heart can claim to

    be a servant of the High King. You are anything but pure, murderer.

    What are you talking about? asked Thomas.

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    Thomas heard the High King say, Dont listen to him! Take the crystal and

    smash it!

    You trapped your former boss, Mr. Nell, in a room with a creature you knew

    would kill him, said the Professor. You murderedhim.

    He was killing the other kids! said Thomas. He killed my friend!

    You sought vengeance, said the professor. I understand. Weunderstand

    how you felt. Its natural.

    Thomas shook his head. No! Youre wrong! He reached out and the crystal

    flew from around the professors neck into his hand. He threw it against the concrete

    steps with all his might and smashed it to pieces.

    Thomas heard a loud bang behind him. He didnt feel anything. He looked down

    and saw a large hole in his stomach. One of the guards must have shot him.

    I dont need the crystals power to rule now, said Professor Gerard. I already

    command their hearts and minds.

    Thomas collapsed. In his last moments he saw a glowing object rise from his

    chest. It looked like his heart! It glowed like fresh hot steel from the furnace, fiery

    tendrils danced on it surface. Bolts of electricity exploded from it and struck the police

    officers, vaporizing them. The ground began to quake. The sky burst into storm and

    thunder. A bolt of lightning reached from the sky and burned Professor Gerard to ash.

    The ground opened up and swallowed the crowd. Amid the screams, a giant oak tree rose

    from the open earth. Its canopy shined like gold. His heart flew towards the tree and

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    disappeared inside the trunk. Just as quickly as the turmoil came about, the storm

    receded, and the ground closed up, and there remained a normal looking, old oak

    standing in the square. Thomas closed his eyes.

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    Chapter Seven

    Thomas opened his eyes. He lay on the ground in front of the temple in his home

    realm, where he first met Peter.

    Peter knelt over him, smiling.

    Im alive? asked Thomas.

    Peter helped him up. Yes, said Peter.

    I thought I died, said Thomas.

    You did, said Peter.

    What happened? asked Thomas. I saw the tree being restored. But how is it

    going to help those people?

    Galt didnt turn back as he said he would, but followed you from a distance,

    said Peter. He saw everything that happened at the town hall. He has begun to tell

    everyone who will listen about what he saw. Most will dismiss him, but some will listen

    and come to Honeyville to see the evidence. He will have many more visions from

    which he will write a book calling the people to return to the High King. If they do, then

    he will heal them.

    I dont think I understand, said Thomas. But I do believe what you say.

    Good, said Peter. Now, you have a decision to make. You are being called.

    Service to the High King requires the deepest and total commitment. There is no one

    with a higher claim to your life. Besides, there are never-ending adventures to enjoy!

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    Thomas hesitated. My parents, my family?

    The High Kings voice thundered from the sky, Follow me!

    Youre part of our family now, Thomas, said Peter.

    But Professor Gerard was right, said Thomas, glumly. I did murder my boss,

    Mr. Nell. I trapped him in a room with his monster and let it kill him. I did do it. Im

    not pure.

    I have made you clean, said the High King. I have forgiven you.

    Then, yes, I will! replied Thomas.

    Whoohoo! said Peter as he took off into the sky.

    Thomas lifted up and raced to catch up.