Download - Kim, Museum, The National Museum of Korean Jin-Kyu Shim ... · LEE, Young-Koo He has been teaching at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies since 1982, and served as Director of Academic

  • Kim,

    Jin-Kyu (General Director,

    Future Convergence

    Content Industry

    Division , KOCCA )

    ○ Samsung Electronics Co. (1985~2000)

    - Strategic Planning, New Business

    Development (Media content)

    ㅇKOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency)

    General Director (2001 ~ 2011)

    - Industries Promotion Division (Animation,Co

    mic,Music,Character,Mobile content)

    - Industry Policy Strategy Division

    - Future Convergence Industry Division

    ( Smart content, CG, 3D content)

    Yoo, Dong-Hwan. Professor, Ph.D.(Department of Multiplex

    Contents, Andong National University Graduate

    School of Creative

    Industry.) Museum &

    Theme-park Concept

    Designer, Specialist

    of Heritage Digital

    Restrology, Planner of

    Ubiquitous Museum

    Main Works

    Andong Tcc(the Traditional Culture Contents)

    Museum, The National Museum of Korean

    Contemporary Museum, Expo 2012 Yeosu

    Korea(Marine Civilization Pavilion & Marine City

    Pavilion), Korea Job-world

    Shim, Sung-Koo Doctor of Literature

    (Korean History)

    Cultural Strategy


    Professor of Korean

    Nat iona l Spor t


    Expert Adviser of

    Cultural Heritage Administration

    Vice president of Academic Association of

    Global Cultural Contents

    Editor-in-chief of Human Contents of


    준비위원장 이건웅

    준비위원 김평수, 박강미, 박성은, 언규, 왕택휘, 위군, 장규수

    스태프 김금미, 김성수, 박지훈, 신춘호, 엄혜진, 오혜, 장정희, 종전휘, 초위

    일시: 2011년 8월26일(금)~27일(토)

    장소: 한국외국어대학교 대학원 226호

    주최: 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회, IACCI

    후원: 한국외국어대학교, 문화체육관광부, 한국콘텐츠진흥원,

    GCRC, 차이나하우스, 떡박물관

    Date: August 26th~27th, 2011

    Venue: 226#, Graduate School Building, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

    Hosted by: Academic Assocation of Global Cultural Contents / IACCI

    Sponsored by: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies /

    Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism / Korea Creative Content Agency /

    GCRC/ ChinaHouse / Institute of Traditional Korean Food

  • Zhang



    [email protected]

    Date of Birth

    Aug 22, 1957


     1980-1984 Yunnan University

           Major: Literature

           Received BA in Literature

     1987-1990 Yunnan University

           Major: Literature and Arts

           Received MA in Literature

     2002-2004 Wuhan University

           Major: Aesthetics

           Received Ph.D in Philosophy

    Language   Chinese and English

    Professional Experience

     1984-1992 Assistant of Literature

           Yunnan University

     1992-1996 Lecturer of Literature

           Yunnan University

     1996-1998 Associate Professor of Literature

           Yunnan University

     1998-2002 Professor of Literature

           Yunnan University

     2002-2003 Professor of Literature

           Guangdong Polytechnic

           Normal University

    2003-present Professor of Cultural Industries

           Dean, Dept. of Cultural Industries

      Ocean University of China

    LEE, Young-KooHe has been teaching at Hankuk University

    of Foreign Studies since 1982, and served as

    Director of Academic Office of Graduate School

    of HUFS, and President of Korea Esperanto

    Association, President of The Society of

    Chinese Studies. He is currently Dean of the

    College of Chinese and President of Academic

    Association of Global Cultural Contents. He

    has been researching in Chinese literature and

    cultural studies for about 30 years. Presently,

    his research focused on Korean war-time

    literature, contemporary and modern Chinese

    Literature, and overseas Chinese writers. His

    major works include Chinese articles “Gao

    Xingjian’s Soul Mountain”, “Hong Ying’

    s Hungry Daughter”, “Ba Jin and the Korean

    War”, “Liu Baiyu and the Korean War”, “Wei

    Wei and the Korean War”, “Lu Ling and the

    Korean War” , and books “World Novelist-

    Nobel Prize Winner Gao Xingjian and his

    World in Novels”, “Gao Xingjian’s The Case for

    Literature”, “the Origin of World Literature”,

    “La Literatura Mondo de Elpin”. In January

    2005, he presented a paper “Investigating the

    Theme of Gao Xingjian’s Soul Mountain” in

    the International Conference of Gao Xingjian’

    s Novels and Dramas in Provence, France. Prof

    Lee is also active in cultural exchange between

    Korea and China. He presented a paper “An

    Analysis of Cases of Cultural Industries in

    Cultural Exchange between Korea and China”

    at the International Conference in July 2007.

    In the 2008 New Year International Forum

    organized by Research Institute of Cultural

    Industries in Peking University, he presented

    a paper “World Cultural Heritage-a Case

    Study of Suwon

    Hwaseong Fortress”.

    In April 2008, at

    the invitation of

    Peking University,

    he presented a paper

    “The earliest Slow

    Cities in Asia and

    the globalization of

    its brand”.



    개회사 이영구(한국글로벌콘텐츠학회 회장)

    축사 박 철(한국외국어대학교 총장)유인촌(대통령 문화특별보좌관)이재웅(한국콘텐츠진흥원 원장)

    11:10~12:00 1부


    사회 /총평문현주(주식회사 성광기업 이사)송희영(서울예술대학교 교수)

    Prof. Pat Wood (Director, Corporate and Community Synergy, London Metropolitan Business School) "창의력과 도시의 지속가능한 발전"

    Prof. Stuart Cunningham (Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology) "창의경제란 무엇인가? 정부는 어떻게 지원하는 건가?"

    Prof. Wong Dixon (Director, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Hong Kong, HK) & Dr. Yau Hoi-yan Yvonne(University College London) "문화자원개발: "홍콩에서의 일본 소년만화에 대한 사례분석" 12:00~14:00 오찬(본관 13층 스카이라운지)

    14:00~14:50 2부 1분과 사회 / 총평

    사회 / 총평

    박정원(경희대학교 교수)

    장규수(연예산업연구소 소장) / 김평수(한국문화전략연구소 소장)

    김정희(선문대학교 교수) / 김상범(한국외국어대학교 교수)



    向勇(北京大學 文化産業硏究院 副院長) "디지털 시대의 중국 인터넷 저작권"

    肖永亮(北京師範大學 敎授) "디지털 기술과 문화산업"

    張勝ㅤ(中國海洋大學 敎授) "지역문화자원의 활용 및 지역문화산업의 발전-중국을 중심으로"

    楊 鵬(中國貴州民族學院 敎授) "중국 소수민족의 창의문화산업의 발전"


    10:30~10:40 기념사진 촬영

    기조 발표


    15:40~16:00 티타임



  • Dr. Leon Xiao is a Professor and

    Vice Dean of the

    School of the Art

    & Communication

    at Beijing Normal

    University in Beijing,

    China. He created

    digital media curricula

    at BNU and founded

    theInstitute of Digital

    Media, a pioneer project and state of the arts

    technology as the model for the whole nation.

    He is also a head of the Jingshi Institute of

    Cultural & Creative Industry. Dr. Xiao is a

    member of the Joint Ministry Committee for

    Promoting Animation & Comics Industry, an

    executive member of New Media Arts Curricular

    Development Committee under the Academic

    Degrees Committee of the State Council,

    PRC. He is also members of other expert

    committee of Minister of Education, Minister

    of Information Industry, etc. Dr. Xiao has been

    living in the United States for almost 20 years,

    he earned his MA and PhD there and continued

    his postdoctoral work, he was a Systems Chief

    at Blue Sky Studios of 20th Century FOX for 5

    years and joint New York University for over 5

    years and created new program and taught in

    Tisch School of the Arts. He is the Chairman

    of Beijing ACM SIGGRAPH, a member of

    Emmy-- International Academy of TV Arts &


    Dr. Yong Xiang is an Associate Professor of the School of Arts, Peking

    University (SAPKU) and Vice Dean of the

    Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking

    University (ICIPKU), where he is working on a

    Creativity and Management project. He joined

    the PKU cultural industries research group in

    2003. He gained his PhD in Management at

    School of Government, PKU for work on The

    Research on Competency Model of Creative

    Managers in Chinese Cultural Industries. He

    gained his MA in Arts Administration at School

    of Arts, PKU and his BA in Philosophy (Major),

    Economics (Minor), Department of Philosophy

    & China Center for Economics Research(CCER),

    PKU. Since 2005, he taught the courses,

    S t ud i e s on t h e

    Management o f

    Creativity, Strategy

    and Management of

    Culture Industries

    etc. at School of Arts,

    PKU, Beijing, P.R of

    China. He has visited

    some universities in

    USA, Japan, South

    Korea in these years.

    YangPeng Hmong People,I was born on 15/02/1979 in

    Zhaotong city ,Yunnan province and graduated

    from Yunnan university (Bechelor, 2000)and

    Peking University (Master, 2009).Now I am the

    executive director of the Ethnic culture industry

    research center of Guizhou university for

    Nationalities、the head of the culture industry

    teaching and research section and the director

    of graduate affair office of the school of

    ethnology and sociology of Guizhou university

    for Nationalities.

    3부 1분과 사회 / 총평

    사회 / 총평

    16:00~17:10박치완(한국외국어대학교 교수) / 김상헌(누리미디어 이사)

    이재영(한국외국어대학교 교수) /신광철(한신대학교 교수)

    심승구(한국체육대학교 교수) "한국의 문화원형과 문화콘텐츠: 무형문화를 중심으로"

    유동환(국립안동대학교 교수) "한국의 문화원형과 문화콘텐츠: 유형문화유산을 중심으로"

    박진호(KAIST 연구원) "Asia Tower Road Project : 韓.中.日 고대 목탑 디지털 복원을 중심으로"


    이영구(한국글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 회장) "한국문화콘텐츠산업의 현황 및 전망"

    김진규(한국콘텐츠진흥원 차세대콘텐츠산업본부 본부장) "한국 스마트콘텐츠의 현황 및 전망"

    10:00~10:30 (A.M)


    Opening Speech: Prof. Lee, YoungKoo(President, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents)

    Welcome Speech: Prof. Park, Chul(President, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Yoo, InChon(Speicial Presidential Advisor on Cultural Affairs) Lee, JaeWoong(President, Korea Creative Content Agency)

    Moderator Prof. Park, JungWon(Kyung Hee University)

    9:30~10:00 (A.M)


    10:40~11:00 (A.M)

    10:30~10:40 (A.M) Photo Session

    11:00~11:10 (A.M)

    18:00~18:10 폐회식 사회 최용호(한국외국어대학교 교수)


    11:10 (A.M)(P.M)

    Session I Moderator / General Review

    Dr. Moon, HyunJoo(Executive Director, Sungkwang Group Inc.)/Prof. Song, HeeYoung(Seoul Institute of the Arts)

    Prof. Pat Wood (Director, Corporate and Community Synergy, London Metropolitan Business School)

    Prof. Wong Dixon (Director, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Hong Kong, HK) & Dr. Yau Hoi-yan Yvonne(University College London)

    Keynote Speech


    Coffee Break


    Prof. Stuart Cunningham (Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology)


  • Pat Wood MADirector Corporate &

    Community Synergy

    London Metropolitan

    University Business School

    Champion, enabler and

    leader of ‘glocal’ industry,

    community and education

    partnerships empowering and inspiring student

    added value, enterprise and employability

    An international background spanning six

    decades. Educated in thirteen schools, Edinburgh

    and London universities. An entrepreneur,

    keynote speaker, ministerial consultant,

    academic and industry project leader.

    UK first hospitality industry female 1987

    conferred with a Master’s degree for the

    thesis ‘Hotel Productivity Models in Berlin and

    London’ advising on strategic publications with

    the National Institute of Economic and Social



    Textiles, design, ‘decreasing consumption

    increasing appreciation’ of single malts, wine,

    chocolate appellations

    Stuart Cunningham is Distinguished Professor of Media and

    Communications at Queensland University

    of Technology, where he is Director of

    the Australian Research Council Centre

    of Excellence for Creative Industries and

    Innovation ( Stuart has

    been a leader in research and advocacy

    for the relevance of culture and creative

    industries to innovation policy, and directs

    the only nationally-funded research centre

    in Australia dedicated to this objective. He is

    currently completing Hidden Innovation: Policy,

    Industry and the Creative Sector, a book

    which addresses this agenda. His most recent

    books are The Media and Communications

    in Australia 3rd ed (with Graeme Turner,

    2010) and In the Vernacular: A Generation of

    Australian Culture and Controversy (2008).

    He is well known for his writings on media,

    communications and cultural policy

    Wong Heung Wa h o b t a i n e d a

    PhD from Oxford

    University in 1996. He

    is currently Associate

    Professor in the School

    of Modern Languages

    and Cultures, The

    University of Hong

    Kong. His research interest lies in the study of

    the globalization of Japanese popular culture,

    the global expansion of Japanese companies,

    and the production of popular culture in the

    context of creative industries. He teaches

    courses on Japanese popular culture, creative

    industries in East Asia, and Japanese business

    at The University of Hong Kong. His major

    publications include Japanese Bosses, Japanese

    Workers: Power and Control in a Hong

    Kong Megastores (Curzon Press and Hawaii

    University Press 1999) and a number of journal

    articles and book chapters.

    14:00~14:50 (P.M) Session II Moderator /

    General Review

    Session III

    15:40~16:00 (P.M) Coffee Break

    16:00~17:10 (P.M)

    Dr. Jang, GyuSoo (Director, Institute of Entertainment Industry) / Dr. Kim, PyungSoo (Director, Institute for Cultural Strategy of Korea)

    Prof. Kim, JeongHee(Sun Moon University) / Prof. Kim, SangBum (Ha nkuk University of Foreign Studies)

    Prof. Park, ChiWan(Chairman, Department of Global Cultural Contents of the Graduate School, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) /Dr. Kim, SangHeon(ExecutiveDirector, Nurimedia Co., Ltd)

    Prof. Lee, JaeYoung(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) /Prof. Shin, KwangChul(Hanshin University)

    Prof. Xiang, Yong(Vice Dean, Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University)"A Preliminary Research on Chinese Internet Copyright in the Digital Age"

    Prof. Xiao, YongLiang(Executive Dean, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries, Beijing Normal University) "Digital Technology and Cultural Industries"

    Prof. Zhang, ShengBing(Dean, Dept. of Cultural Industries, Ocean University of China) "Regional cultural resource utilization and development of local cultural industries A Case Study of China "Prof. Yang, Peng(Director, Graduate Affair Office of the School of Ethnology and Sociology, Guizhou University for Nationalities) "The development of minorities Cultural & Creative Industries in China"

    Prof. Shim, Seung Koo(Korea National Sport University) "Korea's cultural archetype and cultural contents: centered on intangible cultural heritage"Prof. Yoo, Dong Hwan(Andong National University) "Korea's cultural archetype and cultural contents: centered on tangible cultural heritage"Prof. Park, JinHo(Researcher, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) "Asia Tower Road Project : centered on digital restoration of ancient moktap of Korea, China and Japan"

    Prof. Lee, Young Koo(President, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents) "Status and prospects of Korea's cultural contents industry"Kim, Jin Gyu(General Director, Future Convergence Content Industry Division, Korea Creative Content Agency) "Status and prospects of Korea's smart contents"

    12:00~14:00 (P.M) Lunch (Sky Lounge, 13th Floor, Main Building)

    Moderator / General Review

    Moderator / General Review

    Moderator / General Review

    18:00~18:10 (P.M)Closing

    Ceremony Moderator Prof. Choi, YongHo

    (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

    18:30 (P.M) Banquet

    14:50~15:40 (P.M)

    17:10~18:00 (P.M)

  • Zhang



    [email protected]

    Date of Birth

    Aug 22, 1957


     1980-1984 Yunnan University

           Major: Literature

           Received BA in Literature

     1987-1990 Yunnan University

           Major: Literature and Arts

           Received MA in Literature

     2002-2004 Wuhan University

           Major: Aesthetics

           Received Ph.D in Philosophy

    Language   Chinese and English

    Professional Experience

     1984-1992 Assistant of Literature

           Yunnan University

     1992-1996 Lecturer of Literature

           Yunnan University

     1996-1998 Associate Professor of Literature

           Yunnan University

     1998-2002 Professor of Literature

           Yunnan University

     2002-2003 Professor of Literature

           Guangdong Polytechnic

           Normal University

    2003-present Professor of Cultural Industries

           Dean, Dept. of Cultural Industries

      Ocean University of China

    LEE, Young-KooHe has been teaching at Hankuk University

    of Foreign Studies since 1982, and served as

    Director of Academic Office of Graduate School

    of HUFS, and President of Korea Esperanto

    Association, President of The Society of

    Chinese Studies. He is currently Dean of the

    College of Chinese and President of Academic

    Association of Global Cultural Contents. He

    has been researching in Chinese literature and

    cultural studies for about 30 years. Presently,

    his research focused on Korean war-time

    literature, contemporary and modern Chinese

    Literature, and overseas Chinese writers. His

    major works include Chinese articles “Gao

    Xingjian’s Soul Mountain”, “Hong Ying’

    s Hungry Daughter”, “Ba Jin and the Korean

    War”, “Liu Baiyu and the Korean War”, “Wei

    Wei and the Korean War”, “Lu Ling and the

    Korean War” , and books “World Novelist-

    Nobel Prize Winner Gao Xingjian and his

    World in Novels”, “Gao Xingjian’s The Case for

    Literature”, “the Origin of World Literature”,

    “La Literatura Mondo de Elpin”. In January

    2005, he presented a paper “Investigating the

    Theme of Gao Xingjian’s Soul Mountain” in

    the International Conference of Gao Xingjian’

    s Novels and Dramas in Provence, France. Prof

    Lee is also active in cultural exchange between

    Korea and China. He presented a paper “An

    Analysis of Cases of Cultural Industries in

    Cultural Exchange between Korea and China”

    at the International Conference in July 2007.

    In the 2008 New Year International Forum

    organized by Research Institute of Cultural

    Industries in Peking University, he presented

    a paper “World Cultural Heritage-a Case

    Study of Suwon

    Hwaseong Fortress”.

    In April 2008, at

    the invitation of

    Peking University,

    he presented a paper

    “The earliest Slow

    Cities in Asia and

    the globalization of

    its brand”.



    개회사 이영구(한국글로벌콘텐츠학회 회장)

    축사 박 철(한국외국어대학교 총장)유인촌(대통령 문화특별보좌관)이재웅(한국콘텐츠진흥원 원장)

    11:10~12:00 1부


    사회 /총평문현주(주식회사 성광기업 이사)송희영(서울예술대학교 교수)

    Prof. Pat Wood (Director, Corporate and Community Synergy, London Metropolitan Business School) "창의력과 도시의 지속가능한 발전"

    Prof. Stuart Cunningham (Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology) "창의경제란 무엇인가? 정부는 어떻게 지원하는 건가?"

    Prof. Wong Dixon (Director, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Hong Kong, HK) & Dr. Yau Hoi-yan Yvonne(University College London) "문화자원개발: "홍콩에서의 일본 소년만화에 대한 사례분석" 12:00~14:00 오찬(본관 13층 스카이라운지)

    14:00~14:50 2부 1분과 사회 / 총평

    사회 / 총평

    박정원(경희대학교 교수)

    장규수(연예산업연구소 소장) / 김평수(한국문화전략연구소 소장)

    김정희(선문대학교 교수) / 김상범(한국외국어대학교 교수)



    向勇(北京大學 文化産業硏究院 副院長) "디지털 시대의 중국 인터넷 저작권"

    肖永亮(北京師範大學 敎授) "디지털 기술과 문화산업"

    張勝ㅤ(中國海洋大學 敎授) "지역문화자원의 활용 및 지역문화산업의 발전-중국을 중심으로"

    楊 鵬(中國貴州民族學院 敎授) "중국 소수민족의 창의문화산업의 발전"


    10:30~10:40 기념사진 촬영

    기조 발표


    15:40~16:00 티타임



  • Pat Wood MADirector Corporate &

    Community Synergy

    London Metropolitan

    University Business School

    Champion, enabler and

    leader of ‘glocal’ industry,

    community and education

    partnerships empowering and inspiring student

    added value, enterprise and employability

    An international background spanning six

    decades. Educated in thirteen schools, Edinburgh

    and London universities. An entrepreneur,

    keynote speaker, ministerial consultant,

    academic and industry project leader.

    UK first hospitality industry female 1987

    conferred with a Master’s degree for the

    thesis ‘Hotel Productivity Models in Berlin and

    London’ advising on strategic publications with

    the National Institute of Economic and Social



    Textiles, design, ‘decreasing consumption

    increasing appreciation’ of single malts, wine,

    chocolate appellations

    Stuart Cunningham is Distinguished Professor of Media and

    Communications at Queensland University

    of Technology, where he is Director of

    the Australian Research Council Centre

    of Excellence for Creative Industries and

    Innovation ( Stuart has

    been a leader in research and advocacy

    for the relevance of culture and creative

    industries to innovation policy, and directs

    the only nationally-funded research centre

    in Australia dedicated to this objective. He is

    currently completing Hidden Innovation: Policy,

    Industry and the Creative Sector, a book

    which addresses this agenda. His most recent

    books are The Media and Communications

    in Australia 3rd ed (with Graeme Turner,

    2010) and In the Vernacular: A Generation of

    Australian Culture and Controversy (2008).

    He is well known for his writings on media,

    communications and cultural policy

    Wong Heung Wa h o b t a i n e d a

    PhD from Oxford

    University in 1996. He

    is currently Associate

    Professor in the School

    of Modern Languages

    and Cultures, The

    University of Hong

    Kong. His research interest lies in the study of

    the globalization of Japanese popular culture,

    the global expansion of Japanese companies,

    and the production of popular culture in the

    context of creative industries. He teaches

    courses on Japanese popular culture, creative

    industries in East Asia, and Japanese business

    at The University of Hong Kong. His major

    publications include Japanese Bosses, Japanese

    Workers: Power and Control in a Hong

    Kong Megastores (Curzon Press and Hawaii

    University Press 1999) and a number of journal

    articles and book chapters.

    14:00~14:50 (P.M) Session II Moderator /

    General Review

    Session III

    15:40~16:00 (P.M) Coffee Break

    16:00~17:10 (P.M)

    Dr. Jang, GyuSoo (Director, Institute of Entertainment Industry) / Dr. Kim, PyungSoo (Director, Institute for Cultural Strategy of Korea)

    Prof. Kim, JeongHee(Sun Moon University) / Prof. Kim, SangBum (Ha nkuk University of Foreign Studies)

    Prof. Park, ChiWan(Chairman, Department of Global Cultural Contents of the Graduate School, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) /Dr. Kim, SangHeon(ExecutiveDirector, Nurimedia Co., Ltd)

    Prof. Lee, JaeYoung(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) /Prof. Shin, KwangChul(Hanshin University)

    Prof. Xiang, Yong(Vice Dean, Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University)"A Preliminary Research on Chinese Internet Copyright in the Digital Age"

    Prof. Xiao, YongLiang(Executive Dean, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries, Beijing Normal University) "Digital Technology and Cultural Industries"

    Prof. Zhang, ShengBing(Dean, Dept. of Cultural Industries, Ocean University of China) "Regional cultural resource utilization and development of local cultural industries A Case Study of China "Prof. Yang, Peng(Director, Graduate Affair Office of the School of Ethnology and Sociology, Guizhou University for Nationalities) "The development of minorities Cultural & Creative Industries in China"

    Prof. Shim, Seung Koo(Korea National Sport University) "Korea's cultural archetype and cultural contents: centered on intangible cultural heritage"Prof. Yoo, Dong Hwan(Andong National University) "Korea's cultural archetype and cultural contents: centered on tangible cultural heritage"Prof. Park, JinHo(Researcher, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) "Asia Tower Road Project : centered on digital restoration of ancient moktap of Korea, China and Japan"

    Prof. Lee, Young Koo(President, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents) "Status and prospects of Korea's cultural contents industry"Kim, Jin Gyu(General Director, Future Convergence Content Industry Division, Korea Creative Content Agency) "Status and prospects of Korea's smart contents"

    12:00~14:00 (P.M) Lunch (Sky Lounge, 13th Floor, Main Building)

    Moderator / General Review

    Moderator / General Review

    Moderator / General Review

    18:00~18:10 (P.M)Closing

    Ceremony Moderator Prof. Choi, YongHo

    (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

    18:30 (P.M) Banquet

    14:50~15:40 (P.M)

    17:10~18:00 (P.M)

  • Dr. Leon Xiao is a Professor and

    Vice Dean of the

    School of the Art

    & Communication

    at Beijing Normal

    University in Beijing,

    China. He created

    digital media curricula

    at BNU and founded

    theInstitute of Digital

    Media, a pioneer project and state of the arts

    technology as the model for the whole nation.

    He is also a head of the Jingshi Institute of

    Cultural & Creative Industry. Dr. Xiao is a

    member of the Joint Ministry Committee for

    Promoting Animation & Comics Industry, an

    executive member of New Media Arts Curricular

    Development Committee under the Academic

    Degrees Committee of the State Council,

    PRC. He is also members of other expert

    committee of Minister of Education, Minister

    of Information Industry, etc. Dr. Xiao has been

    living in the United States for almost 20 years,

    he earned his MA and PhD there and continued

    his postdoctoral work, he was a Systems Chief

    at Blue Sky Studios of 20th Century FOX for 5

    years and joint New York University for over 5

    years and created new program and taught in

    Tisch School of the Arts. He is the Chairman

    of Beijing ACM SIGGRAPH, a member of

    Emmy-- International Academy of TV Arts &


    Dr. Yong Xiang is an Associate Professor of the School of Arts, Peking

    University (SAPKU) and Vice Dean of the

    Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking

    University (ICIPKU), where he is working on a

    Creativity and Management project. He joined

    the PKU cultural industries research group in

    2003. He gained his PhD in Management at

    School of Government, PKU for work on The

    Research on Competency Model of Creative

    Managers in Chinese Cultural Industries. He

    gained his MA in Arts Administration at School

    of Arts, PKU and his BA in Philosophy (Major),

    Economics (Minor), Department of Philosophy

    & China Center for Economics Research(CCER),

    PKU. Since 2005, he taught the courses,

    S t ud i e s on t h e

    Management o f

    Creativity, Strategy

    and Management of

    Culture Industries

    etc. at School of Arts,

    PKU, Beijing, P.R of

    China. He has visited

    some universities in

    USA, Japan, South

    Korea in these years.

    YangPeng Hmong People,I was born on 15/02/1979 in

    Zhaotong city ,Yunnan province and graduated

    from Yunnan university (Bechelor, 2000)and

    Peking University (Master, 2009).Now I am the

    executive director of the Ethnic culture industry

    research center of Guizhou university for

    Nationalities、the head of the culture industry

    teaching and research section and the director

    of graduate affair office of the school of

    ethnology and sociology of Guizhou university

    for Nationalities.

    3부 1분과 사회 / 총평

    사회 / 총평

    16:00~17:10박치완(한국외국어대학교 교수) / 김상헌(누리미디어 이사)

    이재영(한국외국어대학교 교수) /신광철(한신대학교 교수)

    심승구(한국체육대학교 교수) "한국의 문화원형과 문화콘텐츠: 무형문화를 중심으로"

    유동환(국립안동대학교 교수) "한국의 문화원형과 문화콘텐츠: 유형문화유산을 중심으로"

    박진호(KAIST 연구원) "Asia Tower Road Project : 韓.中.日 고대 목탑 디지털 복원을 중심으로"


    이영구(한국글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 회장) "한국문화콘텐츠산업의 현황 및 전망"

    김진규(한국콘텐츠진흥원 차세대콘텐츠산업본부 본부장) "한국 스마트콘텐츠의 현황 및 전망"

    10:00~10:30 (A.M)


    Opening Speech: Prof. Lee, YoungKoo(President, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents)

    Welcome Speech: Prof. Park, Chul(President, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Yoo, InChon(Speicial Presidential Advisor on Cultural Affairs) Lee, JaeWoong(President, Korea Creative Content Agency)

    Moderator Prof. Park, JungWon(Kyung Hee University)

    9:30~10:00 (A.M)


    10:40~11:00 (A.M)

    10:30~10:40 (A.M) Photo Session

    11:00~11:10 (A.M)

    18:00~18:10 폐회식 사회 최용호(한국외국어대학교 교수)


    11:10 (A.M)(P.M)

    Session I Moderator / General Review

    Dr. Moon, HyunJoo(Executive Director, Sungkwang Group Inc.)/Prof. Song, HeeYoung(Seoul Institute of the Arts)

    Prof. Pat Wood (Director, Corporate and Community Synergy, London Metropolitan Business School)

    Prof. Wong Dixon (Director, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Hong Kong, HK) & Dr. Yau Hoi-yan Yvonne(University College London)

    Keynote Speech


    Coffee Break


    Prof. Stuart Cunningham (Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology)


  • Kim,

    Jin-Kyu (General Director,

    Future Convergence

    Content Industry

    Division , KOCCA )

    ○ Samsung Electronics Co. (1985~2000)

    - Strategic Planning, New Business

    Development (Media content)

    ㅇKOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency)

    General Director (2001 ~ 2011)

    - Industries Promotion Division (Animation,Co

    mic,Music,Character,Mobile content)

    - Industry Policy Strategy Division

    - Future Convergence Industry Division

    ( Smart content, CG, 3D content)

    Yoo, Dong-Hwan. Professor, Ph.D.(Department of Multiplex

    Contents, Andong National University Graduate

    School of Creative

    Industry.) Museum &

    Theme-park Concept

    Designer, Specialist

    of Heritage Digital

    Restrology, Planner of

    Ubiquitous Museum

    Main Works

    Andong Tcc(the Traditional Culture Contents)

    Museum, The National Museum of Korean

    Contemporary Museum, Expo 2012 Yeosu

    Korea(Marine Civilization Pavilion & Marine City

    Pavilion), Korea Job-world

    Shim, Sung-Koo Doctor of Literature

    (Korean History)

    Cultural Strategy


    Professor of Korean

    Nat iona l Spor t


    Expert Adviser of

    Cultural Heritage Administration

    Vice president of Academic Association of

    Global Cultural Contents

    Editor-in-chief of Human Contents of


    준비위원장 이건웅

    준비위원 김평수, 박강미, 박성은, 언규, 왕택휘, 위군, 장규수

    스태프 김금미, 김성수, 박지훈, 신춘호, 엄혜진, 오혜, 장정희, 종전휘, 초위

    일시: 2011년 8월26일(금)~27일(토)

    장소: 한국외국어대학교 대학원 226호

    주최: 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회, IACCI

    후원: 한국외국어대학교, 문화체육관광부, 한국콘텐츠진흥원,

    GCRC, 차이나하우스, 떡박물관

    Date: August 26th~27th, 2011

    Venue: 226#, Graduate School Building, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

    Hosted by: Academic Assocation of Global Cultural Contents / IACCI

    Sponsored by: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies /

    Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism / Korea Creative Content Agency /

    GCRC/ ChinaHouse / Institute of Traditional Korean Food
