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Neeta Goes to Kindergarten

Let’s find out :Who is the story about?Where does the story take


It is the first day of school.Neeta is going to

kindergarten.”There’s the school,”says Mother.””Is that a

teacher ?”asks Neeta.””Yes,it is ,”says Mother.””This is

Mrs.Brown,”says Mother.””Hello,Neeta,”says

Mrs.Brown.””Welcome to kindergarten.”Neeta sees her friend

Luis.””Hi!”she says.”How are you ?””I’m fine,”says Luis.Neeta

and Luis make a new friend.””What’s your name?”asks

Neeta.”My name is Ana,”says the girl.””Go to your tables,”says

Mrs.Brown.Neeta sits in her chair.She sits with Luis,Lee,and

Pam. It is work time.Lee colors a picture.Neeta writes her

name.It is activity time.Neeta and Pam use play dough.Working

with play dough is fun!It is time to read.Neeta says the

alphabet,”A,B,C….”Reading letters is fun!

It is time for math.Neeta says ,”One,two,three,…”Counting

blocks is fun!

It is time for recess.Neeta plays with Ana.Playing is fun!It is

time for lunch.Neeta eats in the cafeteria.Lunch tastes good!The

day is over.”Good-bye,”says Neeta.School is fun!


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Having good manners means being kind.From early in the

morning till the end of the day,do the say things in the kindest

way.Good manners begin at home.Close doors quietly.Do not

run in the house.Cover your mouth….When you cough,when

you yawn,when you sneeze.Don’t be like….Sulky Sue, Me-first

Megan,Look-at-me Leo,That’s –mine Mark.

There are some very special rules to follow when you go to

school.Do not run in the halls.Never push or shove.Help take

care of the building.Help take care of the playground.Follow the

rules.Obey the teacher.Be a good loser.Listen when others

talk.Be kind.Do not make fun of others.Do not brag.If you want

a friend,you have to be one.

How do dinosaurs go to school?

How does a dinosaur go to school?Does he walk?Does he ride

in a car?Is he late for the bus?Does he grab his classmate’s

lunch?Is he late for class?Does he interrupt class ?Does a

dinosaur yell?Does a dinosaur fidget in the classroom?Does he


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like to growl during chalk talks?Does he make it too hard for the

others to learn?Does he stir up the classroom by making a

noise ?Does he pick on the boys?A dinosaur carefully raises his

hand.He helps out his classmates with projects they’ve

planned.At recess he plays with a number of friends,and growls

at the bullies till bullying ends.He tidies his desk,then he leaps

out the door.Good work.Good work,little dinosaur.

Where is my cake?

What is the story about ?Where does it take place?Today is my

birthday.I am six years old.I am going to have a party.My father

is in the kitchen.He is making dinner.”Dad,do you have my

cake?””No,Julio,I don’t,”says Dad.My mother is in the living

room.She is dusting the coffee table.””Mom,do you have my

cake?””No,I don’t,”says Mom.My sister is in the dining

room.She is setting the table.”Gaby,do you have my

cake?””No,I don’t,”says Gaby.My brother is in our bedroom.He

is making his bed.”Jorge,do you have my cake?””No,I

don’t,”says Jorge.”Where’s my birthday cake?I can’t have a

party without a cake!”Knock!Knock!Someone is at the front

door.”Hi,Grandpa!Do you have my cake?””No,but I know

someone who does!””Surprise,Julio!””Thank


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you ,Grandma.This is a great birthday!”

The outdoor Market

Where are the characters?What are they doing ?What time of

day is it ?

Today is shopping day!Mom and I are going to the market!After

breakfast,we make a shopping list.”Are there any apples?”Mom

asks.I check the refrigerator.”Yes,there are four,”I say.”Are there

any carrots”Mom asks.”No,there aren’t any carrots,”I

reply.Mom writes carrots on the list.We drive to the outdoor

market.There is a produce stand.We always buy fruit and

vegetables.”Do you like peaches?”Mom asks.”I don’t know ,”I

reply.So Mom buys one for me to taste.There is a seafood

stand.We sometimes eat fish.”Is there any shrimp?”Mom

asks.”Yes,there is ,”the man says. There is a bakery at the

market.”Do you want cookies or muffins?”Mom asks.”I want

cookies and muffins!”I shout.Mom buys bread and cookies.We

stop at the meat stand.”Let’s have chickent for dinner,”Mom

says.”I don’t like chicken.I want steak,”I say.”May I have four

steaks,please?”Mom asks.”I only have three steaks,”says the

butcher.Mom buys them all.Before we go home,we eat lunch at

the market cafe.Mom alwys eats a salad.I always eat pizza.After


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lunch ,we put our groceries in the car.Then we go home.We take

the groceries into the house.I help Mom put all the food

away.Mom and I are happy!Shopping was fun.Mom gives me

my peach.It is yummy!

Robert’s Pet.Where is the boy?What can you find at a pet store?My name is Robert.I am at the pet store.There are many animals here.I am picking up my pet.His name is Lukcy.Can you guess what he is ?This dog can bark.Lucky cannot bark.He is not a dog.This cat says,”Meow.”Lukcy does not say anything.He is not a cat.This lizard has a long nose .Lucky does not have a long nose.He has a round ,pink nose.This turtle has a shell. Lucky does not have a shell.He has soft fur.These guinea pigs have short ears.Lucky does not have short ears.He has long ears.Lucky does not run.He likes to hop.What is he ?These birds can fly.Lucky cannot fly.He is not a bird.This snake can slither.Lucky has feet.He is not a snake.These fish have scales.Lucky does not have scales.He is not a fish.This mouse has a long tail.Lucky does not have a long tail.He has a short,fluffy tail.Why,he’s a rabbit!And he’s my best friend in the whole world!

The little red henThe little red hen had a wheat seed.”Who will help me plant the wheat seed?”said the little red hen.”Not I ,”said the duck.”Who will help me pick the wheat ?”said the little red hen.”Not I ,”said the cow.”Who will help me bake the wheat into bread?”said the little red hen.”Not I ,”said the dog.”Who will help me eat the bread?”said the little red hen.”We will!”said all the animals.”I will eat the bread with everyone who helped me ,”said the little red hen.And she did.

.Baby Animals Learn

Baby animals have a lot to learn.They learn to walk.They learn

to run.They learn to jump.They learn to climb.They learn to

drink.They learn to groom.They learn to swim.They learn to


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fish.They learn to play.They learn to hunt.They learn to love.

What do animals learn?They learn…….What do you learn?i

learn to draw.sing,dance.

My Dad Loves Me!

My dad protects me.My dad kisses me..My dad tickles me.My

dad hangs out with me.My dad feeds me .My dad naps with

me.My dad swings with me .My dad plays with me .My dad

teaches me .My dad swims with me .My dad walks with me.My

dad loves me .


What sound do dogs make?Woof!What sound do cows make?

Moo!What sound do frogs make?Ribbit!What sound do birds

make?Tweet!What sound do horses make?Neigh!

On the farm

All the animals on the farm are having fun today.The pink pigs

are playing with balls in the barn.The balls aren’t shaped like

stars.And they are’t shaped like triangles.The balls are

round ,like circles.”Baa,baa!””Moo,moo!”The sheep and cows

are playing hide-and-seek.”I’m going to hide in the bush,”Says


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one cow.The big brown cow counts to 10 while everybody else

hides.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.Here I am,I’m inside the

stable.Now ,let’s all play together!”Moo,moo!”says the big

brown cow.”Quack,quack!”say the yellow ducks.”This is

fun!”says the sheep.”Cheep,cheep!”chirp the little fluffy chicks.

Best friends

Who is the story about ?Where are the characters?What do you

do at the park?

I am Diana.This is my best friend,Kurt.We

are the same!We like the same things!Kurt has two arms.I have

two arms.Kurt has two legs.I have two legs.We each have a

mouth,two eyes,and a nose.We are also different.I am a girl.Kurt

is a boy.I am five years old.Kurt is six years old .Kurt is wearing

a pair of pants,a shirt,and shoes.I am wearing a dress,a

sweater,and sandals.We are different, and we are the same.This

helps us to be really good friends! Robert’s Pet.

Where is the boy?What can you find at a pet store?My name is Robert.I am at the pet store.There are many animals here.I am picking up my pet.His name is Lukcy.Can you guess what he is ?This


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dog can bark.Lucky cannot bark.He is not a dog.This cat says,”Meow.”Lukcy does not say anything.He is not a cat.This lizard has a long nose .Lucky does not have a long nose.He has a round ,pink nose.This turtle has a shell.What a Beautiful Sky!Look way up high!What can we see in the beautiful sky?We can see the Sun.It’s so big and bright.It looks like a fireball in the beautiful blue sky.We see so many clouds.They all look like coton balls in the beautiful blue sky.sometimes we see a lightning show.After the storm,the ground starts to dry.We might see a rainbow in the beautiful sky.What else can we see in the beautiful sky?We see birds and a plane!We see butterflies!We can see stars when the Sun says goodbye.We can see the moon.What else can we see in the beautiful sky?We can see fireworks.

A Week AwayWho is the story about ? Where is the boy going ?Who is the boy going with?Tom lives in a big city.Last week,he visited his grandparents.They live in a small town.Grandpa wanted to show Tom the town.So every day they went for a walk.On Monday,they went to the fire station.They saw firefighters.On Tuesday,they went to the hospital.They saw docors.On Wednesday,they went to the school.They saw some teachers.On Thursday,They went to the Town Hall.On Friday,they went to the police station.On Saturday,they went to the library.On Sunday,they went to the park.Tom went down the slide.On the way home,they went to a restaurant.Grandma was inside the restaurant.The next day,Tom went home.”What a great town,”Tom told his parents.

I SAY,YOU SAY ANIMAL SOUNDS!I say dog,you say….Woof.I say pig,you say…Oink!I say cat,you say….Meow!I say cow,you say….Moo!I say duck,you say…Quack!I say lion,you say…Roar!I say owl,you say…Hoot!I say animals,you say…Woof!Quack!Hoot!Roar!OinK!Moo!Meow!

Buzzy BEE

Buzzy’s in a rush today.He’s collecting pollen on his way.He

needs it to make honeycomb.Follow Buzzy all the way

home.Buzzy flies over the tulip bed collecting pollen that ‘s

bright red!Pink apple blossom tastes so sweet!Buzzy scoops up

pollen with his feet.These orange flowers are so yumm,their


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pollen makes delicious honey!Buzzy scatters pollen in the

sky.”Follow the trail!”the others cry.Knock!Knock!Buzzy,are

you home?We’ve come to share your…honeycomb!

Night lights

Street light ,head light,porch light,lantern

light,firelight,candlelight,firefly light,lightning!bathroom

light,reading light,flashlight,spotlight,night-light,moonlight,

Starlight,good night,


When the kitten grows up what will it be ?A cat.When the

puppy grows up what will it be ?A dog .When the caterpillar

grows up what will it be?A butterfly!When the tadpole grows up

what will it be?A frog.When the egg hatches what will it be ?A


David Smells!

David has 5 senses:see,hear,touch,taste,smell.Touch-Leave him

alone,David.Taste-don’t eat that!Smell-Are you stinky,David?

Hear-David!That’s too loud!See-Peekaboo,Davey!!



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Cars go everywhere.They go on six-lane turnpikes,and on

dusty,country roads.They go through dark tunnels and over airy

ridges.They go fast.They go slow.Gasoline makes them

go .There are big cars and small cars,old cars and new cars.Cars

take us far away and down the street to the store.Our care is red

and shiny.We get in our car,and away we go !

Hooray for snail!

Snail is on the bench.Snail listens.Snail gets the bat.The bat is

heavy.Snail slams the ball.The ball flies up.Snail tips his hat.The

ball goes into space.Hippo shouts.Snail runs.Snail is slow.Snail

is tired.The ball hits the moon.Snail is thirsty.The ball starts

back.Snail is sleepy.The ball bounces.Snail races on .The ball

comes down.The fielder sees the ball.Snail runs faster.The

fielder throws the ball.Here comes Snail.Here comes the

ball.Snail slides home.Boom!Snail is out.No.Snail is safe.Snail

wins the game.

Follow the bee

This busy bee sets off on its journey.Follow its trail with your

finger.How many butterflies can you count?one,two,three.The

busy bee flies along a busy street.Look at all the people.Follow


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the bee’s trail with your finger.What is the boy holiding?a

balloon?a bag?The busy bee arrives at a farm .Look at all the

animals.Follow the bee’s strail with your finger.What colour is

the tractor? Red.The busy bee reaches the beach.Look at the

child making a sandcastle.Follow the bee’s trail with your

finger.What shape is the kite?A triangle.

Under the sea

Today is whale’s birthday and his friends are planning a surprise

party.Shark tells the big fish and Sea Horse tells the little

fish.Crab tells everyone else.Soon,everybody knows about the

party.Crab is having fun wrapping the presents .His sharp,orange

claws help cut the paper and ribbon.He wraps some presents in

plain paper.He wraps some presents in patterned paper.He ties

some with pretty ribbon.This present is big and is shaped like a

circle.These presents are small and are shaped like triangles.This

present is star-shaped and is wrapped in paper with dots.All the

fish work together to make a big,tasty birthday cake.They put

pink icing and candles on top.They put whale’s special filling in

the middle-seaweed.Soon,it’s time for the party.Turtle and

Jellyfish put up the decorations.Octopus brings the balloons and

Crab carries the presents.Suprise!”Happy birthday!” say the big


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fish.”Here’s a stripey present for you !””Now blow out the

candles!””Thanks everyone.What a great surprise!”

The Apple Pie TreeMy sister and I have a tree .Apples!And every year , we watch our apple tree grow.In winter,our apple tree is brown and bare.But in spring,leaves grow on every branch.Tiny pink flower buds appear on the branches.Now our tree is coverd with blossoms.When breezes blow,the petals fall to the ground.Small green apples grow.Soon it is summer.The apples get bigger and bigger.The branches bend down low.They are covered with big,round apples.Now it is autumn.The apples are red and ready to be picked!Mom and Dad help us peel the apples,cut them up.Mom puts the pan in the oven.At last ,the pie is cooked and ready to be eaten.Our tree has grown

an apple pie!It smells so good!And it tastes delicious! There’s nothing

as good as an apple pie you grew yourself.

A trip to MexicoWho is the story about ? Where did he go ? How did he get there?What did he do there?Juan visited his cousins in Mexico last year.Before they left,Juan packed his suitcase.He packed his clothes.He also took his favorite book and teddy bear.Dad drove them to the airport.Uncle Pedro met them at the airport.He put their suitcases in his truck.Aunt Rita was making tortillas and chicken soup.Juan met his cousins.The next day was September 15.They were going to celebrate Mexican Independence.The next week,Juan went to school with his cousins.They walked to school.They played soccer.Soon it was time to go home.Juan and his mother rode to the airport tin a bus.

Farm animalsFarmers milk their cows evry day,so that we have fresh milk to drink.A baby cow is called a calf.They eat a lot of grass.A mother sheep is called a ewe.A baby sheep is called a lamb.A baby chicken is called a chick.A mother pig is called a sow.A baby pig is called a piglet.Some farmers keep work horses to pull heavy carts and machinery.A young duck is called a duckling .A mother goat is called a nanny goat.A baby goat is called a kid.Farm dogs work hard for the farmer.

Learning to fly


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One day ,a mother bird and her young looked out of their nest.Way up high,high up in the sky,they saw a remarkable sight.”Mama,what is tht ?”asked the young .”That is a kite,”said the mother bird.”We wish we could fly like a kite,”said the young.”You will fly better than that.”Mama,what is that ?”asked the young.”That is a balloon,”said the mother bird.”Mama,What is that ?”asked the young.”That is an aeroplane,”said the mother bird.”Mama,what is that ?”asked the young.”That is a helicopter,”said the mother bird.One day ,the mother bird looked out of her nest .Way up high,high up in the sky,She saw a remarkable sight.Her young were flying just as she said they would.

The seasons What is the name of our planet?We live on the planet Earth.Earth moves in two ways.It spins and it orbits.This movement affects earth in many ways.Earth spins on its axis.Earth’s spinning causes day and night.As Earth spins ,it orbits the sun.Earth’s tilt and orbit cause the seasons.The seasons are winter,spring,summer,and autumn.Winter is the coldest time of the year.In some places,it snows.We have to wear heavy clothes to keep warm.Winter changes into spring.The weather is warmer in spring.Trees get leaves and flowers bloom.Days are long and nights are short in summer.Summer is the hottest time of the year.We can swim and sunbathe.Summer changes into autumn.The weather is cooler in autumn.The leaves on trees change color and fall off.

Jump into January. Jump into January ,come along with me !What can you see ?Fly into February,come along with me !What can you see ?Whirl into March,come along with me !What can you see ?Splash into April,come along with me !What can you see ?Move into May,come along with me !It’s time to make our gardens grow-what can you see ?Race into June,come along with me !What can you see ?Jive into July,come along with me !What can you see ?Sail into August,come along with me !What can you see ?Slide into September,come along with me !What can you see ?Twirl intor October,come along with me !What can you see !Sweep into November ,come along with me !What can you see ?Dance into December ,come along with me !Let’s celebrate the turning year,and everything we see..