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Private Dining Wine Tasting Cookery Classes 5



Private Dining Wine Tasting Cookery Classes 5

KIDS & SCHOOLS - HOW DOES IT WORK?Kids of all ages love to cook and we love having kids in the kitchen and chanelling their (considerable!) energy into beating cake batter, kneading bread dough or rolling out fresh pasta. We teach them “real cooking” with great fresh and natural ingredients yet speedy recipes where they can see the results fast (and eat the results fast!). Time flies by and they have a lot of fun yet they also learn heaps of new skills too.

Schools & Cooking Awaydays: Class teachers can use a cooking outing to explore and reinforce subjects and learning objectives. A few examples of class cookings we have done include:

“Count Me In “ – Baking for KS1 level

“Patiserie Francaise” – entire French meal for KS4 level

“Hey Pesto” – healthy cooking for KS3 level:

Personal, Social, Health Education: Cooking is a great social leveller and as they cook in groups they have to share, take responsibility and co-operate and make decisions as a team. For older kids it’s a chance to learn life skills about shopping, cooking for yourself healthily and on a limited budget. Some kids really find their niche in the kitchen and its great to nurture their budding skills and build confidence.

Maths: Baking is all about math precision!

Kids Cooking Club Saturday mornings Classes start at 200 Ron pp including wine. We require a minimum of eight people. with a 30% deposit and numbers finalised three days in advance Tea, coffee, water and home made bread are included.

Birthday Cooking Parties All of our cooking is light and natural. We do not use weird chemicals, trans fats, chemical sweeteners or E numbers and we want to teach you how to create great food without using huge amounts of saturated fats and high levels of sugar.


Private Dining Wine Tasting Cookery Classes 5

COOK YOURSELF HEALTHY - SAMPLE CLASSESCook as a team, laugh and have fun, enjoy good wine - feed your soul

Heh Pesto! : Pasta, Gnocchi & Pesto Fresh herbs, healthy nuts, olive oil – what can be healthier than freshly made pestos? fabulous dried tomato red pesto, classic pesto genovese, an almond, parsley and lemon pesto and a sunflower seed, sunflower oil and wild garlic one too. Make low fat high protein “urda” gnocchi, fabulous fresh pasta, a salad with a fresh herb dressing. Make crostini with pesto as starters. Create caramelised oranges for dessert.

Knead to Know Basis: Real bread is full of calcium, protein and vitamin B. It provides you with slow energy and helps stabilise blood sugar thus helping weight control and preventing diabetes. We will make four breads including our Omega rich “OMG” bread made with sunflower seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, pomegranate syrup and “ulei de canepa” (hemp oil). We will also make a wholemeal bread made with beer and use it as a pizza base, a black pepper and rye (“secara”) bread and a walnut bread. Create you own pizzas, a seasonal salad, poached pears in red wine and dark chocolate sauce and eat with your colleagues. Take your breads home.

Flavours of Asia (Vegan):take a culinary tour around Asia with Vietnamese canapés, a Thai soup, Indian main course dishes and a delicious coconut and lychee ice cream. Learn about the medicinal and health properties of all the herbs and spices, the philosophy of balance of “ying and yang” in Asian cusines and go away feeling confident how to use them. Create your own beautiful Asian buffet and share the feast!

Middle East Mezze (Vegetarian): All over the Middle East vegetables and pulses are championed in small plates or “mezze” to create fabulous feasts. Create your own buffet feast: Baba Ghanoush, Zuchini fritters, Tabbouleh with fresh herbs and preserved lemon, Tomato, onion and pomegranate molasses salad with sumac, cauliflower salad with tahini dressing, falafel “burgers”. Drink black Turkish tea (powerful antioxidant) and iced hibiscus tea (anti blood pressure).

Healthy Baking (Gluten Free, Low fat, Low Sugar): Learn the secrets of incorporating vegetables into your cakes instead of butter, of using sugar replacements such as honey and agave nectar and making natural gluten free delicious treats. Learn about the importance of Glycaemic Index in foods.Learn about the health benefits of dried fruit. Make Orange, almond and polenta cake, beetroot brownies (half the calories of regular brownies), zucchini & lemon cakes and vegan fruit and ginger cake. Take home format.



Private Dining Wine Tasting Cookery Classes 5

COOK YOURSELF HEALTHY - SAMPLE CLASSESCook as a team, laugh and have fun, enjoy good wine - feed your soul too!

Modern Romanian (seasonal): Use fabulous seasonal produce to create fresh and healthy food with locally sourced ingredients. Start with an uber healthy soup of spring leaves such as spinach, wild garlic, stinging nettles, “loboda” and parsley. Create light stuffed vine leaves delicately flavoured with lemon and wild oregano. Make “mamaliga’ interesting by adding herbs such as rosemary and sage and then char grilling it! Make light boiled “papanasi” and serve with a fruit salsa.

Sooper Duper: Soups are easy to make and great to freeze. Cold soups are also great for dinner parties and entertaining. Whether it’s the vitamin laden summer gazpachos or betacarotene rich winter soups using carrots and squash, soups give us part of our five a day in an easy format. Make two soups to take home and a home made whole meal bread too. Have a healthy light meal of soup, wholemeal bread and salad.

Perfect Pastry: Once you have mastered pastry you can create healthy oil based pastry for quiches, and a pastry so thin that you only use a tiny amount in your tarts. These are the tips and tricks you need to enjoy pastry cooking but in a healthier way. You will make olive oil and polenta quiche pastry and a wonderful seasonal quiche, a butter rich pastry that rolls so thin you use way less than with regular pastry and you will make a classic French fruit tart also making “crème patissier” too. We will use agave nectar to sweeten our crème. Make canapes with the left over pastry and tapenade or pesto. Make a couscous salad and a green leaf salad too with classic vinaigrette and eat your feast!

Conserve It! – Jams, Pickles & Chutneys: Before we had refrigerators and our energy eating

modern conveniences we had preserving. Learn about lower sugar jams and preserves, pickles, and chutneys. Make a mixed citrus marmalade, apple and cinnamon jam, plum chutney and chilli jam. Use the jams to create a beautiful store cupboard of all natural products for your family or give as wonderful gifts!

Pasta & Tiramisu: Home made pasta is nutritious and full of protein, vitamin B and calcium as well as being low fat. Create home made tagliatelle (just kneading the dough is a tough work out!) and a fresh tomato and chili “arabiata” sauce. Create a warm chicken breast salad (marinating the chicken in pesto first). Learn how to make a lighter Tiramisu by using agave nectar as a sweetener, fluffing up the mascarpone to reduce its weight by half and using fruit in place of coffee and alcohol.