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Department of Islamic Development, Malaysia"IDULADHA:THE TRUE SACRIFICE ".10 ZULHIJJAH 1435H5 OKTOBER 2014M

Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us,On the morning of the blessed Hari Raya Iduladha, let us together increase gratitude and devotion to Allah SWT with true piety. Piety full of consciousness, full of sacrifices that responsible for bringing us to obey the order of Allah SWT and leave all His prohibitions, hopefully we are loved by Allah SWT, get His protection in this world and in the hereafter. Mimbar today will deliver a Khutbah entitled "IDULADHA: THE TRUE SACRIFICE ".

Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us, Hari Raya Haji Iduladha has meant a lot to all Muslims whether being gathered at Arafat for Hajj in the holy land of Mecca or the Muslims who are in other countries around the world. By this glorious day we are often reminded of the history of Prophet Ibrahim AS to sacrifice his son Prophet Ismail AS after receiving revelation through a dream from Allah SWT to do so.Prophet Ibrahim AS execute orders of Allah after the consensus between his wife Hajar and her son Ismail AS that the dream is a revelation from Allah SWT and by saying the word in the name of Allah, sharp sword on the neck of his son. So the blood spread on the body of Prophet Ibrahim AS. As an ordinary man, the Prophet Ibrahim AS was convulsing and opened his eyes closing. But what a shock to see that it was not his son slaughtered but a type of goat. By praising the greatness of Allah SWT both of them to embrace while thanking Allah SWT for giving them the strength to be able to carry out the mandate of Allah SWT. Great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS and his family to Allah SWT can be seen in the words of Talbiah that reads,

Meaning: "O Lord, we come solely by a pledge of loyalty and obedience to your commandment. Our Lord is not affiliated Thee, we rejoined the call. Verily all praise and blessings of power, all of which are Thee, O our Lord no partner to Thee. "What is clear Talbiah is a vow expressedby the pilgrims throughout the sanctuary of Mecca solely to have faith in Allah SWT, a sign of longing the One True God and be ready to make sacrifices by doing all His commandments and leave all His forbiddance. Strength of pilgrimage lies in the appreciation of this pronouncement Talbiah expressed through the practice of Tawaf, Sai', wuquf, staying in Muzdalifah, throwing in Jamrah, and other worship. Pilgrimage which began in the time of Prophet Ibrahim AS was continued in the Prophet Muhammad's time, as described by the word of Allah in Surah al-Mumtahanah verse 4:

Meaning: Indeed you have an excellent example in Prophet Ibrahim (ohbp) and those with him.

Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us,Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam after reciting the shahadah, prayer, fasting, and obligatory alms giving. Performing Hajj has become a symbol of perfect faith and appreciation of performing Allahs commandments. They uttered words Talbiah as declared and pledged as a true sacrifice. That is why they are performing the hajj and maintain the mahmudah features or good traits that bring benefits to the family, neighbors, community and country have been regarded as a mabrur pilgrimage.Hari Raya Korban or Iduladha celebration is referring to the true sacrifice by giving everything either in the form of physical or spiritual to Allah SWT. The fact of true sacrifice is to ignore all the things that can distract from the remembrance of the Almighty. Love of the world come in various forms such as love luxury, pleasure, peace, health, position and rank. So with these things we become unaware and can not sacrifice anything that we have in the way of Allah. We think this is all we get is the result of our own efforts and not related to the grant of Allah SWT. We preferred our work than carrying out Allah's command, we neglect to sacrifice a little time to bow down and obey His commandments, and they also have not been able to sacrifice some income and property due to fear of wealth and property would be reduced, thus we prefer to consider our own interests than the public interest.Mimbar urges let urge us together to sacrifice a little of self-interest as a step to enhance and strengthen the brotherhood as the main agenda in determining the future of Muslims themselves. Cooperation and caring attitude will get rid of feeling of selfish. Next it will make Muslims stronger and able to fend off any unhealthy elements from influencing the society.Assured that the true sacrifice is sacrifice which is actually based on the interests of Islam. This is the sacrifice that must be made by each of us, in order to defend and save Islam and Muslims. All of this will require the sacrifice of one's life and property, rooted in the good faith and devotion to Allah SWT. Muslims must remember every sacrifice without sincerity and devotion to Allah SWT is futile. As Allah SWT explains this in Surah al-Hajj verse 37:

Meaning:The flesh and blood of the sacrificial animals, or the present made of them, do not reach Allah; but it is your Godconsciousness that reaches Him(1038). Thus He has subjected these animals to you, so that you may glorify Allah for giving you His Guidance. And give good news (of the best of rewards) to those who do good."Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us, Today once again we see Muslims being attacked from all directions and ways, from physical attacks until the attack of thought, politics, economy, culture and so on. With the development of technology today, especially internet technologies, we were attacked by the news that insulted Islam and its followers either through symbols, web pages, websites or blogs and social sites like facebook and twitter, whatsapp and so on. Issues on insulting Allah SWT, insulting the Prophet Muhammad SAW, insulting Muslims worship, insulting Islam and wrote verses on clothing, shoes, slippers, bags, house tiles, tattoos and others, insulting the sensitivity Muslims, Malays and Institutions King had spread widely in cyberspace. Mimbar would like to say that the abuse of internet technology and telecommunications are contrary to the claims of religion, law and ethics of community. Believe that, using social networking sites to weaken the beliefs of Muslims is actually the cunning strategies of the enemies of Islam to discredit Islam. Thus, its the duty and responsibility of Muslims to use whatever reasonable strategy including social medias to counter any attacks, propaganda, deceit of the enemies of Islam and movements which threaten the Muslims.As Muslims we should always be careful and aware against all threats that could lead to the misled faith and thought disorder and weakness of the Muslims. This is in line with the aim of Islam is prescribed which is to protect the sanctity of Islam and save Muslims from misguided and influenced by the teachings or beliefs contrary to Islamic tenets. Indeed, the true faith in the sight of Allah SWT is faith that is based on confidence and a strong belief in the oneness and greatness of Allah SWT. Allahs decree in Surah Ali Imran verse 85:

Meaning:And he who chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers"

Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us,This noble Mimbar wants to remind Muslims that we should not let any party acted arbitrarily distorting our faith and insulting Islam. Be aware of the threat that is happening now and let us hand in hand and continue to defend the sanctity of Islam in consistent with the spirit of love to Allah SWT by the event of sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS, Prophet Ismail AS and Siti Hajar. Repent! That, pilgrimage and worship of sacrifice reminds us to never forget that we are in a community based on solidarity and humanity and we must not disintegrate to fall to the enemies of Islam. Remember, the enemies of Islam are always united in the interest and success of their agenda. However, what about Muslims when our religion and race are being attacked? Are we more united or more disunited? Are we willing to sacrifice Islam because of our personal interests ?Mimbar urges, let us take advantage of this blessed day, to build unity among us to revive the culture of visiting each other and asking and giving forgiveness among ourselves. Forget all the past, be good to our brothers and sisters especially in dealing with issues affecting the religion and the future of Muslims, then we should unite together without regard for differences in economic background, rich or poor, different background or political affiliation. We Set aside all these differences.Let us appreciate the claims contained in the practice of Islamic pilgrimage and sacrifice which stems from our closerelationship with Allah SWT and strong relationship between us, for excellence in the world and well-being in the Hereafter. This Mimbar reminded that the feast of sacrifice which is celebrated without true sacrifice, will not give any meaning and effect to us. May the spirit of holy sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS, the brave Prophet Ismail AS, and his courageous mother Hajar, able to inspire us all. Let us appreciate Allahs decree in Surah al-Kauthar verses 1-3:

Meaning: Indeed, We have granted you (O Muhammad) abundance (in this world and the Hereafter).Therefore, pray to your Lord and sacrifice to Him only (as a sign of gratefulness). For he who hates you, shall be deprived (from getting what he desires).


Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us,On this blessed day we express gratitude for the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT. Indeed, all around us there are people who are less fortunate and need help from us. After this, the Muslims will perform sacrifice to enhance the tenet of Islam. Animals to be sacrificed must comply with certain conditions laid down by Islam. This shows that Allah SWT does not accept worship that is done half-heartedly, do not comply with the regulations and ignoring the adequacy of worship to be performed. Therefore thoroughness and seriousness in doing whatever work must be considered by all Muslims.

Remember that every sacrifice we do shall be accompanied with a sincere intention and practice. Should the sacrifice that we do is tainted with the feeling of arrogant, takabbur and to show off, it will end the Allah's mercy and that we do wasteful practices. Let there be no complaints or compare prices among us who join this sacrifice with the words: "In other places the price to sacrifice is lower" Or in other words: "The price of a share of a cow or a goat sacrificed is expensive this year." That was actually our personal values, integrity or sincerity in performing sacrifice or other worship either compulsory or voluntary worship. The meat should be distributed to those entitled to receive them in the form of raw meat. The meat distribution is different from the meat distribution for Aqiqah that is in the form of cooking meat. Apart from that there is not an exercise of worship to take advantage to combine it with various intentions. That was the intention to cook the meat of sacrifice or Aqiqah to make a success of marriage ceremony or a ceremony for entering a new house and other occasions that are not the original intention for the worship of sacrifice or Aqiqah. Thus, the distribution of the sacrificial meat or Aqiqah shall conform to the conditions to ensure the perfectness of the implementation of the worship. Hopefully with this we could achieve our goal to help ease the burden, improve quality of life and foster better relationships between Muslims themselves.Mimbar welcomed efforts undertaken by the parties such as mosques, NGOs and other Muslims organisations in performing the worship of sacrifice in Muslim minority countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Philippines. Most important they sacrifice their property and animals with full devotion and sincerity to Allah SWT. Mimbar appreciates the contributions of pilgrims and all Muslims who perform the worship of sacrifice either at the village, housing area or abroad.

Fellow congregants, Muslimin and Muslimat, May Allahs blessings be on us,On this day, let us the Salawat upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW as Islam presented to us through various forms of sacrifice and struggle. The sign of our love for him to be captured in the form of Salawat and greetings as Allahs decree in Surah al-Ahzab verse 56:

Interpreted to mean: Truly Allah and His angles shower blessings on the Prophet (giving him honour and graces). O Believers! Bless him and greet him with a worthy salutation.