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Assignment Week 5

We invited the parents and teachers to a school event to showcase the student’s work during the year. They saw some examples from Unit 3, the story board the children made about the Farm animals, and how they used the computer to make a short video. They also saw the story board about the little donkey looking for his shadow. The parents liked the fact that their children made these story boards and could even talk about the processes of how they did it.

Noura (Mahamed and Nashad’s mother) was very impressed with the video about colours in which her son participated, and she thought it was a great way of explaining lessons to students. She also said the her son was very excited and proud to show, and explain to her his role the activity.Mahamed and Nashad: “We are happy to be able to show our mother what I have learned, and what we have achieved”.

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Nawal (teacher): “The story board idea was great way to explain and reinforce new informations to the children, it is easy, fun and very practical”.

Second lesson of Unit 3 about Entrepreneurship, as a part of a campaign initiated by the government of Somaliland to help the people in the country who suffered due to the lake of rain. The students organized a sale to collect donations for this cause. They sold toys and snacks, and the parents were happy to participate and encourage their children in thinking about others, they also donated extra money to show their support.

Muna (Sumay’s mother) said “I was very happy that my daughter was a part of this project. I think my she has gained so much from this, she has learned about the real values, and principles of life. She has learned about the spirit of initiative and team work. They learned to rely on them selves in achieving what they want, and the desire to help others. I’m so delighted to have come today and be a part of this”.

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Layla (Abdibasid’s mother) had heard about the previous activity the children had done at the beginning of the year to help their fellow classmate. And she was happy to be a part of today’s event. To see the children be part of the national campaign for helping people affected by the lack of rain, it taught them to help people in need and be unselfish.

We also organized a talent show, were each student showed there talent in front of their parents. The winner at the end was Muntaha (who was participated in Assignment 3) she sang to the crowd to surprise her mother, who was happy to see her not being held back by her shyness. Se had been a very shy and withdrawn girl before participating in the Creativity Assignment. But since the she has become more open.

Her mother happy with her

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Hinda (Muntah’s mothe): “My daughter use to be very shy, and would never sing in front of people, even our close family, and to see her today overcome that and sing in front of a crowd of strangers and win the talent show was amazing. I can’t express my happiness to see her confident and excited. I’m thankful to the school and teachers who were able to build her confidence and make her believe in her self”.

For me it was very rewarding to be able to orginaze this event, to showcase what the students have done all year. The story board proved that it is a very successful and good way to improve the level of understandment between students. Using the computer is creating the videos and in other various activites was very exciting for the children and to me it is an amazing way to left the level of education in our school and the country. More and more schools are starting to use ICT as a part of the educational curriculam and most people have computers in their houses. Nowdays, computers are becoming an important part of the modern life and the modern education system.

I was also happy that the students have learned entrepreneurship, the sprit of initiative has made the children more aware of the world that surrounds them. It helped them think outside the box. Another thing that made pleased was to see so many students participate in the talent show. I was able to make them follow their dreams at a very young age, to build their confidence and self belief. That was the most thing that affected me in working on the lessons of Unit 3, to be able to influence these young minds and show them what they can do if they put their minds to it.