Download - “Key IT initiatives in many cases are proceeding as planned, partly because of a desire among business executives to rely even more heavily on technology.

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  • Key IT initiatives in many cases are proceeding as planned, partly because of a desire among business executives to rely even more heavily on technology to help reduce corporate costs and boost revenues. Economic crisis means hard times, hard decisions for IT, ComputerWorld, March 2009 ... cutting IT costs through infrastructure investment and improving end-user productivity dominate [CIO] technology priorities for now and into the foreseeable future. The State of the CIO 09, CIO, January 2009 Organizations should be careful not to ignore the value-generating opportunities of IT in favor of cost-cutting. IT has the power to add competitive advantage and significant business value. ISACA quotation, Signs of IT spending recovery emerge in surveys, Network World, April 2009 Senior enterprise executives...expect IT to play a role in reducing enterprise costs, not merely with cost cutting but by changing business processes, workforce practices and information use. Gartner Press Release, Gartner EXP Worldwide Survey of More than 1,500 CIOs Shows IT Spending to Be Flat in 2009, January 2009
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  • Using technology to lower the cost of doing business Taking advantage of technology delivery innovation Maximizing the efficiency of your IT infrastructure
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  • Business is challenged toMicrosoft offers
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  • Replace multiple under-utilized servers with virtual servers 80% utilization Address database sprawl Improve database performance 11% utilization 12% utilization 6% utilization 13% utilization 18% utilization 5% utilization 2% utilization3% utilization 7% utilization MULTI- DATABASE SUPPORT MULTI- INSTANCE SUPPORT SERVER VIRTUALI- ZATION
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  • Reduce energy consumption by reducing physical servers Reduce overall power consumption with PC and server power management Gain server power savings of up to 10% over earlier operating system versions on the same workload Centralize client/server power management with Group Policy Power management software can reduce a PCs power consumption by 80 percent, allowing companies to save between $25 - $75 per desktop PC. PC Energy Report 2007: United States, 1E
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  • Reduce desktop deployment and management burden: Multi-language operating system support Task automation Self-support/help-desk tools Problem resolution tools Application virtualization Simplify systems management with a single pane for virtual and physical workloads Reduce database administration burden: Task automation Policy compliance tools Centralized system monitoring and compliance logging
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  • Minimize the risk of exposing sensitive data if laptops or portable storage devices are misplaced or stolen Use built-in disk encryption capabilities to: Help ensure only authorized users can read protected data Establish strength of protection required Restrict use of non-approved devices to read-only mode Seventy-six percent of firms are investing heavily in PC encryption solutions in order to avoid the potential damage to their organizations reputation, the replacement costs for hardware and software, legal expenses, compliance fines, refunds and compensation, and extra staffing and postage costs.... A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft; September 2009
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  • Business is challenged toMicrosoft offers IT averages only about 5% of the total cost in a business. Shrinking IT costs by 50% will generate fewer savings than cutting business operations costs by 3%. MIT, February 2009
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  • Use unified communications capabilitiesincluding messaging, voice, fax, conferencing, calendaring, and videoto help reduce travel and communications expenses: WEB AND VIDEO CONFERENCING Reduce travel costs (potential savings up to 40%*) VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL (VoIP) Reduce telephony/audio conferencing charges (potential savings up to 40%*) UNIFIED MESSAGING Lower messaging and voice mail costs (potential savings up to 40%*) CONSOLIDATED SERVERS/SOLUTIONS Reduce the cost of communications systems (potential savings up to 50%*) *Results are based on customer evidence; visit and to learn more.
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  • Enable offsite workers to stay in touch as effectively as if they were there in person Simplify information sharing and collaborative working with project and team workspaces Replicate in-person connections with social computing tools Enable corporate network access seamlessly and more securely Simplify IT updates of offsite computers UNIFIED CONFERENCING Lower real estate and facility costs (potential savings up to 40%*) *Results are based on customer evidence; visit and to learn more.
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  • Gain visibility, insight, and control across projects to: Reduce redundant work, schedule slips, and cost overruns Optimize staffing levels Increase accountability for time and dollars invested Prioritize projects based on financial returns Eliminate non-performing projects
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  • Business is challenged toMicrosoft offers
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  • Reduce capital expenditures: Cut associated hardware/data center costs Reduce planning and deployment effort Reduce operating expenditures: Relieve administrative burden/downtime Online Services TCO Service license One-time migration Reduced administration On-Premises TCO Software license Hardware/data center Maintenance Operations/administration Deployments Upgrades Migrations
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  • Reduce upfront costs Adjust annually to avoid paying for unused licenses Gain platform pricing Save on potentially costly integration Streamline processes in software acquisitions, support, maintenance, and management Free up cash flow at time of solution implementation Align payments with benefits
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  • Online services Volume licensing Software subscriptions Financing Unified communications Collaboration Remote connectivity Project and portfolio management Virtualization Consolidation Power management Streamlined deployment and management Built-in disk encryption Using technology to lower the cost of doing business Taking advantage of technology delivery innovation Maximizing the efficiency of your IT infrastructure
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  • Unique depth and breadth of products and solutions to help reduce IT costs and use IT to reduce business costs Comprehensive approach to help you: Maximize the efficiency of your infrastructure Use technology to lower the cost of doing business Take advantage of technology delivery innovations I believe the new normal requires a new kind of efficiency built on technology innovations that enable businesses and organizations to simultaneously drive cost savings, improve productivity, and speed innovation. Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft Corporation, September 2009
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  • 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. Microsoft, BitLocker, BitLocker To Go, Hyper-V, the Microsoft Dynamics logo, the Office logo, the Server Identity logo, SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows, the Windows logo, and Windows Server are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA
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  • Estimated annual savings of $61/PC in deployment, $97/PC in management costs IT Mgmt/Deployment The real story is that Windows 7 delivers great potential to free up our IT resources, so that their efforts can be invested in improved processes. Simon Harding-Rolls, IT Director, Baker Tilly Lower operating costs Ability to provision best technology at lowest cost Online Services Microsoft Online effectively addressed the TCO challenge because no infrastructure investment was required by Ingersoll Rand. John Kalka, Vice President Deployment, Office of the CIO, Ingersoll Rand Cut conferencing costs Increased productivity and efficiency Unified Communications We currently spend $80,000 a month on conferencing. With Office Communications Server, we expect to reduce that by 30 percent. Jeremy Turner, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, The Shaw Group
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  • Lower storage costs by $65K/yr Reduction in I/O, energy costs, data center space requirements Database Consolidation ...our average compression ratio with SQL Server 2008 has been 63 percent, so we expect that we will be able to reduce the size of our databases by almost two-thirds.... Sven Otromke, SAP System Manager, TV NORD Group Significant communications savings with VoIP Lower capital expenses Unified Communications Over a three or four year period, savings from Office Communications Server 2007 could be in the millions. Oyvind Kaldestad, Director of Information Technology, Lionbridge Estimated deployment savings of $27/PC/year, plus $46/PC/ year in reduced help-desk labor IT Mgmt/Deployment Windows 7 capabilities, which automate many aspects of IT operations..., remove serious obstacles to the development and distribution of our solutions worldwide. Lee Nicholls, Global Solutions Director, Getronics
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  • Significant savings in license costs Reduced burden on IT IT Mgmt/Deployment Tracking software...with Configuration Manager will enable us to identify and eliminate licenses that were not using, saving us significant sums in software licensing. Vivienne Flores, Senior IT Developer, Freightliner LLC Better services for less money Increase cost control and reduced IT burden Online Services ...We are going to get better service for less money than we otherwise would have had. Dan Sescleifer, CFO, Energizer Holdings, Inc. Savings of up to U.S.$27.7 million/year Reduced facility requirements Remote Working Office Communications Server 2007 aligns with our corporate strategy, and makes it possible for employees to spend less time traveling. Franois Marsollier, Environment Tools Strategy Consultant, Renault
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  • Expected power savings of $1.52 million/year Reduced carbon footprint Power Management We estimate our annual energy savings from deploying [Windows Vista] to 18,500 PCs will be 33,264 megawatts. Eric Craig, IT Manager, Continental Airlines 16% lower licensing costs ~50% savings over individual licenses ($1.5M) Volume Licensing With the Enterprise CAL Suite, were actually spending less money to use more Microsoft technologies than we did three years ago. Jonathan Wynn, Manager, Advanced Technology & Collaborative Services, Del Monte Foods Costs avoided with data-based project decision making Project manager time savings Project & Portfolio Mgmt The time our project managers will be saving by using Project Portfolio Server 2007 will result in a cost savings of approximately $25,000 dollars annually. Leslie Coston, PMO Manager, J.B. Hunt
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  • $100K savings on telephony Reduced costs and improved efficiency with customer service Unified Communications With VoIP, we saved $100,000 on the switches and other hardware we would have needed for a dedicated phone system. Dick Clark, Chief Information Officer, State of Montana Hardware/software cost benefits Estimated $85K savings annually in new server costs Virtualization Weve already paid for the server, and now were able to get as much use from it as possible. Janssen Jones, Associate Director, Auxiliary Information Technology (AIT) Infrastructure, Indiana University Expected average power savings of $45/PC/year Central PC power management Power Management It costs us $30 to $40 of tech-time to upgrade a machine...over the next year well save more than that just through power management. Thats a strong justification for Windows 7 all by itself. Jim Osteen, Assistant Director of Technical Services, City of Miami
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  • Huge potential cost savings Significant efficiencies and time savings Database Administration Looking at the efficiencies and time savings we'll be gaining, Policy-based Management has an enormous potential for cost savings. Claudia Schrammel, Project Manager and BI Architect, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Radio & Television (ORF) Predictable IT costs Simplified software licensing acquisition Financing When we approached Microsoft Financing, we were impressed by the flexible payment options it offered. We were able to come to an arrangement that made excellent financial sense for IMG Group. Ian Carter, IT Director, EMEA, IMG Could save >$33,000/year in long distance charges Reduced travel Unified Communications If we decide to deploy Office Communications Server 2007 to all our offices, we estimate that we could save about $33,000 in call charges. Martin Oliver, IT Project Manager, BBC Worldwide
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  • >$1.5M in hardware savings, plus ~$20K/year license savings Expected 8:1 consolidation ratio Virtualization With Microsoft virtualization technologies, we have opened up new ways to save money and better serve our patients and physicians. Paul Acampora, Manager of Customer Service, Saint Raphael Healthcare System Up to U.S.$59,325 in annual audio conferencing savings Less dependent on PBX solution Unified Communications OACCAC is spending [CDN] $75,000 on an audio conferencing service. I expect that most all of these costs will go away. Dean Gillan, Technical Architect, Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres Expected lower hardware, licensing, and maintenance costs Improved efficiency Database Consolidation ...SQL Server 2008 will give us a more trusted, productive, and intelligent data platform. This is exactly what we need to improve efficiency and reduce costs, and to prepare for growth. Curtiss Pope, Enterprise Solution Developer, Community Medical Centers