Download - kepri bridge festival 16th Kepri International Bridge kalah pentingnya adalah hadir bersama-sama kita disini Ibu Miranda S.

Page 1: kepri bridge festival 16th Kepri International Bridge kalah pentingnya adalah hadir bersama-sama kita disini Ibu Miranda S.

Welcome to Batam, Indonesia!

Barelang Bridge: Architectural Icon of Batam

CONTENTS2 Welcome Message4 Condition of Contest9 Championships Programme10 Hall of Fame11 Indonesia vs Shanghai Chenyi, APBF Girls U2614 White House Junior Invitational 201917 Djarum Black vs Bapenda Manado, 1st TIBT20 Golden View Facilities22 Free Shuttle Bus

TODAY’S SCHEDULE08:00-08:45 Technical Meeting 14:25-15:40 Q308:45-10:00 Q1 15:50-17:05 Q410:00-11:30 Opening Ceremony 18:15-19:30 Q513:00-14:15 Q2 19:40-20:55 Q6

kepri bridge festival

16th Kepri International Bridge Tournament13th STUDENT BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP

23-25 AUGUST 2019Golden View Hotel, Batam, Indonesia

DAILY BULLETIN Editor: Deddy Wirata

Issue No. 1Friday, 23 August 2019

Welcome to Batam! It is truly an honor for us to be the host to all of you. For the convenience of the participants, we try to provide various

facilities in the arena of competition. Please contact the Committee Secretariat on the 2nd floor to get various good information about the competition and hotel facilities. Especially for bridge fans who are unable to attend, you can watch the live broadcasts through and get the continuous update from our facebook page, 16th Kepri International Bridge Tournament.

We will also publish daily bulletins that contain various interesting events from the championships. In order for this bulletin to be more interesting, it is hoped that you can also inform various interesting things around the arena of competition. You don’t need to specifically write articles for the stories that are obtained, but just summarize them and the editor will help to write them for you.

Subsequently, congratulations to the ICBA Kepri who has continuously managed to hold this event for sixteen consecutive times!

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2 Friday, 23 August 2019

Deputy Governor of the Riau Island’s Welcome

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh,

Salam Sejahtera bagi Kita Semua.

Puji syukur yang sedalam-dalamnya senantiasa kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, karena atas izin dan karunia-Nya kita dapat hadir bersama disini dalam acara PEMBUKAAN 16TH KEPRI INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE TOURNAMENT 2019 DAN 13TH STUDENT BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP yang diselenggarakan oleh Gabungan Bridge Seluruh Indonesia (GABSI) Kepulauan Riau.

Hadirin sekalian yang kami hormati,Mewakili Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, saya menyampaikan penghargaan dan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya kepada GABSI KEPRI yang secara aktif dan konsisten menyelenggarakan KEPRI INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE TOURNAMENT ini, di mana pada tahun ini penyelenggaraannya telah memasuki tahun yang ke 16 (enam belas) dan menjadi “event” yang terbesar di Indonesia untuk kategori Internasional karena berhasil mendatangkan 11 (sebelas) peserta tim mancanegara

Pelaksanaan turnamen kali ini juga berbeda dibandingkan sebelumnya. Sebagaimana dilaporkan bahwa pada tahun ini Tim Lokal kita yang telah bersertifikat nasional akan banyak berperan selama kejuaraan berlangsung, termasuk kehadiran Juri Bersertifikat Internasional. Saya yakin dan percaya, para peserta yang berlaga pasti telah memiliki sederet pengalaman dan prestasi, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Tak kalah pentingnya adalah hadir bersama-sama kita disini Ibu Miranda S. Gultom selaku Ketua PB GABSI. Kehadiran beliau juga merupakan bentuk dukungan sekaligus motivasi, baik bagi para peserta maupun official dan pendukungnya. Bentuk motivasi lain yang kita berikan adalah dengan diperebutkannya Piala Gubernur Kepri dengan total hadiah senilai Rp 200.000.000,- (Dua Ratus Juta Rupiah).

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Friday, 23 August 2019

Hadirin yang kami muliakan,Pelaksanaan berbagai event di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, khususnya Kota Batam, terlebih lagi event yang bertaraf internasional, tentu menjadi ajang penopang sektor pariwisata dalam negeri. Kedatangan tim dari mancanegara tidak sekedar mengikuti kejuaraan semata, mereka dapat kita tawarkan berbagai pilihan tujuan wisata yang ada di Batam dan sekitarnya. Untuk itu saya menyambut baik tema “KEPRI BRIDGE FESTIVAL” ini yang turut mempromosikan pariwisata di Kepulauan Riau yang akan membawa peserta mancanegara ke Belakang Padang.

Sebagai tuan rumah, tugas kita adalah menyelenggarakan kegiatan ini dengan sebaik-baiknya, menyiapkan dan memberi pelayanan terbaik, mulai dari sarana prasarana, dewan juri, jadwal kejuaraan, dan lain sebagainya. Kesan yang baik akan menggugah mereka untuk kembali lagi kesini pada kesempatan yang lain, serta menjadi cerita bagi teman-teman mereka yang belum pernah datang kesini.

Besar harapan kami semoga penyelenggaraan 16th KEPRI INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE TOURNAMENT 2019 ini sukses dan terlaksana dengan baik. GABSI Kepri juga diharapkan tetap konsisten untuk terus memasyarakatkan dan memajukan Cabang Olahraga Bridge, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Harapan kita juga sebagai masyarakat Indonesia adalah semoga Cabang Olahraga Bridge dapat menyumbangkan medali bagi Kepulauan Riau pada pelaksanaan PON di Papua mendatang.

Demikianlah beberapa hal yang dapat saya sampaikan. Semoga Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa senantiasa memberikan petunjuk dan bimbingan-Nya kepada kita semua dan apa yang kita laksanakan memperoleh berkah darinya. Aamiin.

Kain Songket Dibawa MenariSerampang Dua Belas Nama DiberiKita dukung pelaksanaan Turnamen Bridge di KepriSemoga berjaya mengharumkan negeri

Riuh Nyanyian Suara PengamenMemetik Gitar dalam Bis KotaMelalui Kepri International Bridge TournamentAjang Berlaga Sekaligus Wisata

Sekian, terima kasih.Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Plt. Gubernur Kepulauan Riau H. ISDIANTO, S.Sos., M.M

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Pertandingan Bridge ini di selenggarakan berdasarkan “Laws of duplicate contract Bridge 2017” serta di lengkapi dengan Peraturan Tambahan. (16th Kepri Internationanal Bridge Tournament is conducted in accordance with Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017 and is completed with this Supplementary Condition of Contest).

1. Sifat Pertandingan Kejuaraan ini bersifat terbuka (Open Tournament)

2. Waktu dan Tempat Pertandingan (Schedule)Hari / Day : Jumat s/d Minggu (Friday - Sunday)Tanggal / Date : 23 – 25 August 2019Pukul / Time : 08.00 – Selesai (Finish)Tempat /Venue: Golden View Hotel

3. Sistem Pertandingan (Types of Contest)Pertandingan di laksanakan :

A) Even Utama (Main Event) :1. Babak Penyisihan (Qualification Round), Swiss 7 (tujuh) Session @ 10 Boards.2. Babak Final (Final Round) Round Robin 7 (tujuh) Session @ 16 Boards.3. Swiss Pair

B) Side Event :1. Consolation Round, Swiss 7 (tujuh) Session @ 8 Boards.

A. Even Utama (Main Event).

I. Babak Penyisihan (Qualification Round).1. Pertandingan menggunakan sistem SWISS 7 Session, memainkan 10 papan setiap sesi. (The tournament

consists of 7 session Swiss with 10 boards each).2. Setiap regu berhadapan dengan lawan sama maksimum 1 (satu) kali. Bila menurut skema ada regu-regu

yang sudah pernah berhadapan, maka pairingnya dirubah menurut rangking / kemungkinan yang terdekat. (Every session, table scheme will be arranged based on ranking and each team will meet maximum 1 time only.)

3. Seluruh meja akan memainkan kartu duplikasi. (All tables will play the duplication board)4. Total VP (Victory Point) sama. Apabila terdapat lebih dari 1 (satu) regu yang memiliki total VP sama,

rangkingnya disusun sebagai berikut: untuk menentukan pairing : ditentukan berdasarkan moyen, total selisih IMP, dan jika masih sama, maka regu yang bernomor lebih kecil untuk sementara dianggap berada pada rangking yang lebih tinggi. (If more than 1 team have the same VP, the rank will be arranged as follows; the team pairing will be chosen based on Moyen, IMP differences, and if still same, the smaller team number will have the higher rank.)

5. Peringkat 1-7 hasil babak penyisihan (Qualification Round) berhak maju ke babak final (final round). (1st rank till 7th from qualification round will automatically go to final round)

6. Bila jumlah regu peserta ganjil, maka regu yang mendapat bye diberi nilai 12 VP, dan untuk sesi berikutnya yang mendapat bye adalah regu yang pada saat itu berada pada rangking terendah. Giliran bye hanya diberikan 1 (satu) kali. (If the number of participants appears to be odd, then the team who is bye will get 12 VP, and for the next session, the team who gets a bye is a team which at that time is at the lowest rank. Bye turn is only given 1 time / team)

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II. Babak Final (Final Round).1. Diikuti oleh 7 (tujuh) regu terbaik hasil babak penyisihan (Qualification Round) di tambah 1 (satu) regu

tuan rumah. (Final Round consist of the Best 7 teams from qualilfication round plus 1 from Home team).2. Babak final menggunakan sistem Round Robin, 7 (tujuh) sesi, dengan nomor urut berdasarkan rangking

pada babak penyisihan dan tuan rumah nomor urut 8 (delapan). (Final round will use 7 sessions of round robin and the team number is decided based on rank which home team will use number 8th.)

3. Setiap sesi memainkan 16 (enam belas) papan (board) tanpa pindah tempat dengan kartu distribusi yang sama. (Each session, each team will play 16 duplication boards)

4. Apabila terdapat regu yang dikenakan diskualifikasi karena melakukan WO lebih dari 1 (satu) kali, atau karena alasan lain yang menyebabkan regu tersebut tidak dapat melanjutkan pertandingan maka berlaku ketentuan sebagai berikut : (If a team is disqualified because of more than 1 time WO or other reasons that cause that team cannot compete anymore, the score will be as follows : )a. Apabila regu tersebut baru bertanding 3 (tiga) sesi, maka semua nilainya (score) dan nilai (score) yang

diperoleh lawan- lawannya dihapus. (If they just compete less than 3 sessions, all scores will be deleted).b. Apabila regu tersebut telah ikut bertanding sebanyak 4 (empat) sesi atau lebih, semua nilai (score) yang

diperoleh yang bertanding dengannya mendapat kemenangan WO, nilainya sesuai dengan peraturan WO. (If they already have scored more than 3 session, next score will follow the WO regulation.

5. Regu yang terlambat hadir pada sesi pertama pada babak final, belum dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku, dengan ketentuan bahwa bila terlambat lebih dari 15 menit dinyatakan diskualifikasi dan tempatnya akan digantikan oleh regu peringkat ke 8 (delapan) atau regu berikutnya dari babak penyisihan. (If one team is late in first Session of Final Round more than 15 minutes, this team will automatically be replaced by the next following rank (rank 8th)).

6. Penentuan peringkat sama dengan penentuan peringkat babak penyisihan. (Rangking determination will be same with the qualification round).

B. Side Event.1. Consolation Round.a. Peserta adalah regu yang gagal masuk ke babak final ditambah dengan regu yang baru mendaftar.

Consolation Round dilakukan dengan sistem Swiss 7 (tujuh) session dan setiap session memainkan 8 (delapan) papan (board). (Participants come from the teams who fail to qualify for final round and the new registered team).

b. Penentuan peringkat sama dengan babak penyisihan. (Rangking determination will be same with the qualification round).

2. Open Pair (Pasangan Terbuka).Akan dilaksanakan 6 (enam) sesi, dan setiap sesi memainkan 8 papan (board) penilaian adalah Sistem Swiss. (Open pairs will be held for 6 session which each session plays 8 Boards with SWISS.)

3. Ketentuan Lainnya (others)1. Hal-hal atau ketentuan lainnya yang belum tercantum pada peraturan ini masih dapat ditambahkan oleh

pimpinan pertandingan dengan cara diumumkan terlebih dahulu. (Other Regulation can be added during the tournament by Tournament Director)

2. Dalam keadaan darurat dan/atau demi lancarnya jalan pertandingan, pimpinan pertandingan (Tournament Director) bersama panitia pelaksana dapat mengambil tindakan yang menyimpang dari peraturan ini. (At an Emergency situation, Tournament Director together with Organizing Committee can make/take an action that is different from current regulation).

4. Review Setelah Ruling dari TD (Review Following a Tournament Director’s Ruling)a. Ajuan untuk Review (Request for a Review).Ajuan untuk review harus dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 30 menit setelah hasil resmi diumumkan pada sesi yang di mana papan tersebut dikenakan ruling. Pengajuan ini dilakukan oleh kapten tim / yang ditunjuk atau

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salah satu pemain pada event pasangan. (A request for a review of a Tournament Director’s rulling must be lodged within 30 minutes of the first posting of the official score for the session in which the board was played that is subject of the rulling. All such requests must be lodged by the team’s Captain or his designee, or by one member of the pair in a pair’s events).

b. Ajuan untuk Review Deposit (Requests for Review Deposit).Ketika pengajuan untuk review dilakukan, pengaju harus melakukan deposit sebesar IDR 550,000 (atau setara) kepada Tournament Director. Deposit ini akan dikembalikan kecuali Reviewer menganggap pengajuan ini tidak layak. (When lodging a Request for Review, the appellant must make a monetary deposit with the Tournament Director. The amount of deposit required will be IDR 550,000 (or its equivalent). This deposit will be refunded unless the Reviewer determines that the request was without merit.

c. Prosedur Review (Review Procedure).Kasus akan direview oleh seseorang yang tidak terlibat dalam kasus orisinil. Reviewer akan melakukan pengecekan jika TD telah mengumpulkan bukti-bukti penting terkait apa yang telah terjadi. Reviewer perlu diyakinkan jika peraturan yang tepat telah diaplikasikan dan TD lainnya telah dikonsultasi jika diperlukan. Pada kasus yang melibatkan penilaian yang dilakukan oleh pemain setelah informasi yang tidak sah, penjelasan yang salah atau kegagalan untuk memberi tahu, Reviewer akan mengklarifikasi bahwa pemain yang sesuai telah ditanyai pertanyaan yang sesuai untuk memungkinkan diperolehnya pandangan penilaian. Pada akhirnya, Reviewer akan memeriksa putusan yang dikeluarkan berdasarkan semua informasi yang tersedia untuk TD berada dalam batas kewajaran. Fakta bahwa Reviewer mungkin menentukan putusan yang sedikit berbeda tidak akan menjadi alasan yang baik untuk membuat putusan divariasikan. Jika ditemukan bahwa TD tidak melakukan proses untuk menentukan putusan sebagaimana mestinya, Reviewer akan meminta Chief Tournament Director untuk memperbaiki kesalahan dan mengeluarkan putusan baru.(The case will be reviewed by a person who was not involved in the original decision. The reviewer will check that the TD has gathered the necessary evidence of what occured when the infraction arose. The Reviewer will then need to be satisfied that the correct law was applied and that other TDs were consulted where appropriate. In matters involving the judgement that was exercised by a player following unaothorised information, incorrect explanation or failure to alert, the Reviewer will clarify that suitable players have been asked appropriate questions to enable a judgmental view to be obtained. Finally the Reviewer will check that ruling that was issued based upon all the information available to the TDs was within the bounds of reasonableness. The fact that the Reviewer might have determined a slightly different ruling would not be good reason for the ruling to be varied. In the event that the process had not been followed properly in some material way, the Reviewer will ask the Chief Tournament Director to correct the failings and issue a new ruling).

5. Etika (Ethics)1. Setiap pemain harus menjunjung tinggi sportifitas, serta etika dan norma-norma pemain bridge. (All

athletes must show sportive and code of conduct)2. Selama pertandingan, seluruh peserta harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris. (During

the tournament, all players must use Indonesian or English language).3. Untuk menghindari adanya kesan memberi informasi yang tidak sah, selama penawaran dan permainan

para pemain hendaknya tidak memandang partnernya, atau melakukan gerakan-gerakan mencurigakan. (To avoid any impression of giving unauthorized information, during bidding and the game the player should not look at her/his partner, or make any suspicious movement).

4. Cara memegang kartu hendaknya lebih rendah dari meja. (Please hold the card lower than table surface.)

6. Sistem Penawaran Dan Konvensi (Bidding and Convention)a. Setiap pasangan wajib mempunyai kartu konvensi sebanyak rangkap 2 (dua) dan selama pertandingan

kartu konvensi tersebut hanya boleh dibaca oleh lawannya. (Each player should bring their convention card and may be read by the opponent only during the competition.)

b. Penjelasan mengenai sistem dan konvensi yang digunakan harus ditulis singkat dan jelas. Apabila diperlukan

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penjelasan terhadap suatu konvensi, maka penjelasan dimaksud dapat ditulis pada lembar tambahan, maksimum 6 (enam) lembar. (Description of system and convention that are used should be written clearly and concisely. Where an appropriate explanation to a convention is needed, then the explanation is to be written on an additional sheet, maximum 6 (six) pieces.

c. Setiap pemain harus memberikan tanda Alert partnernya melakukan penawaran artificial atau tawaran yang mempunyai arti tertentu, termasuk “weak no trump”. Alert tersebut dilakukan sebelum lawannya melakukan penawaran. Penjelasan tentang arti tawaran dimaksud agar disampaikan secara jelas apabila lawannya bertanya pada waktu lawannya tersebut mendapat giliran. (Each player must provide a sign alert artificial partner’s bid or bids that have a particular meaning, including "weak no trump". Alert is done prior to his opponent's bid. An explanation of the meaning of the bid is clearly intended to be submitted at the time when his opponent asks and gets a turn.)

d. Pada meja tanpa tirai, alert dilakukan oleh partner yang melakukan penawaran tersebut dengan cara mengetuk meja atau mengetuk kartu alert. (In the table without a curtain, alerts is made by his/her partner who makes such offers by tapping the table or knock alert card).

e. Pada meja tirai, alert dilakukan oleh pemain yang melakukan penawaran, dan setelah baki penawaran dipindahkan ke sisi lain, maka partnernya harus melakukan alert. Pertanyaan mengenai arti tawaran tersebut dapat dilakukan kepada pemain yang berada pada satu sisi tirai, dan pertanyaan maupun jawaban harus dilakukan secara tertulis agar tidak terdengar oleh pemain pada sisi lain. (In Curtain table, alert is made by players who do the bidding, and after the bidding tray moved to the other sides. Then the partner should do the alerts. Questions about the meaning of the bidding can be made to player who is on one side of the curtain, and the questions and the answers must be in writing so as not to be heard by players on the other side.)

f. Setiap pemain yang melakukan penawaran lompat (skip bid), baik berupa tawaran pembukaan atau lebih tinggi (jump overcall, jump response, splinter) dan lain-lain harus terlebih dahulu memberi tanda stop (atau berkata stop) kepada lawan sebelah kirinya, selanjutnya lawan tersebut wajib menunggu selama 10 sepuluh detik sebelum melakukan penawaran. (Any player who makes an initial jump (skip bid), both in the form of bid opening or higher (jump overcall, jump response, Splinter) and others must first stop signal (or say stop) to his left opponent , then the opponent must wait for 10 ten seconds before making a bid.)

g. Opening lead (kartu pembuka) diletakkan di meja dengan keadaan tertutup (face down). Kartu ini harus segera dibuka jika partnernya tidak mengajukan pertanyaan kepada lawan. (Opening Lead (card opener) is placed on a table with a closed state (face down). This card should be opened up if the partner does not ask questions to the opponent.)

7. Hak Pimpinan Pertandingan (Chief Tournament Director’s right)Pimpinan pertandingan berhak menolak seorang pemain untuk melanjutkan pertandingan, jika pemain yang bersangkutan tidak sportif atau mengganggu kelancaran pertandingan. (Tournament Directors have a right to refuse a player to continue the match, if the player in question was not sporting or interferes with the smooth game.)

8. Batas Waktu (Time Limitation)Setiap papan (board) disediakan waktu kurang lebih 8 (delapan) menit. Jika ada papan (board) yang belum dimainkan, maka pimpinan pertandingan berhak mencabut papan tersebut, dan bila peraturan ini dilanggar, maka akan diberi pengurangan IMP atau VP. (Each board (board) provided a period of approximately 8 (eight) minutes. If there is a board (board) that have not played, then the Tournament director have the right to cancel the board , and if these rules are violated, it will be given a reduction of IMP or VP)

9. Hukuman (Penalty)a. Pemain yang meninggalkan pertandingan tanpa memberi alasan atau alasan yang tidak dapat diterima

oleh pimpinan pertandingan akan dinyatakan tidak disiplin. (Players who leave the game without giving a reason or reasons that can not be accepted by tournament director will be declared no discipline)

b. Pemain yang sengaja bermain tidak wajar, atau memberi keuntungan kepada lawan, atau dengan sengaja

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melaporkan hasil akhir suatu sessi yang tidak benar, akan dikenakan hukuman yang seberat-beratnya. (Players who purposely do not play fair, or give advantage to the opponent, or deliberately report the results of the end of a session that is not true, will be subject to penalty as severe.)

c. Terlambat datang. (Late Coming)• 00 – 05 menit, Peringatan dari pimpinan pertandingan. (Warning from tournament director)• 06 – 10 menit, Hukuman 3 IMP / 1 VP, (3 IMP/1 VP deduction)• 11 – 15 menit, Hukuman 6 IMP / 3 VP (6 IMP/3 VP deduction)• Lebih dari 15 menit, dinyatakan WO. (More than 15 minute, will be considered as WO )

d. 1 (satu) kali absen dinyatakan WO dengan 0 VP. (One time absent will be declared as WO with 0 VP)e. 2 (dua) kali absen dinyatakan gugur. (2 (two) times absent, will be disqualified).f. Tiap 1 (satu) papan (board) yang tidak dimainkan oleh regu yang terlambat, akan dikenakan hukuman 3

(tiga) IMP. (Each 1 boards which ais not played by late team will get penalized 3 (three) IMP.)

10. Kemenangan WO (Forfeit in Team Tournaments)Jika ada tim yang tidak dapat bermain atau menyelesaikan permainannya, tim tersebut akan diberikan skor 0 VP, sementara tim yang berhadapan dengan tim tersebut akan diberikan skor terbaik dari antara: (If a team is unable to play or complete a match, that team to be in default and declare the match forfeited or postponed. The team in forfeit shall score zero Victory Points for that match. The team winning the forfeited match will receive the best score between, whichever is greater:)

a. 12 VP dengan 20-0 VP scale (12VPs using the 20-0 VP scale)b. Rata-rata dari VP team yang menang WO (the team’s average)c. Rata-rata skor yang diperoleh dari lawan yang pernah bertemu dengan tim yang tidak hadir (the average

score obtained by all the other opponents against the team at fault).

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Championships Programme

Friday Saturday


Open Team08:00–08:45 Technical Meeting08:45–10:00 Qualifying Round 110:00–11:30 Opening Ceremony13:00–14:15 Qualifying Round 214:25–15:40 Qualifying Round 315:50–17:05 Qualifying Round 418:15–19:30 Qualifying Round 519:40–20:55 Qualifying Round 6

Final Round08:30–09:45 Qualifying Round 7 10:15–12:15 Final 113:30–15:30 Final 215:45–17:45 Final 3

Consolation Teams10.00–11.00 Consolation 111:15–12:15 Consolation 213:30–14:30 Consolation 314:45–15:45 Consolation 416:00–17:00 Consolation 517:15–18:15 Consolation 6

Final Round08:20–10:20 Final 4 10:30–12.30 Final 513:30–15:30 Final 615:40–17:40 Final 7

Consolation Teams/Swiss Pair08.20–09:20 Consolation 709.45–10:45 Session 110.55–11:55 Session 213.00–14:00 Session 314.10–15:10 Session 415.20–16:20 Session 516.30–17:30 Session 6

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Year Tournament Champion Players

2004 Kepri Governor Cup I Hang Tuah (Jakarta) Rustam Effendy, Donald Gustaf Tuerah, Robert Parasian Tobing, Taufik Gautama Asbi, Erwin Lienanda

2005 Kepri Governor Cup II Geologi Hijau PTBA (Bandung)

Parpar Priatna, Irwan Nimara, Fikar, Ong Keng Hin

2006 Kepri Governor Cup III Geologi PTBA (Bandung)

Felix Tua Sumendap(NPC), Wimpy S Tjetjep, Noldy George, Bert Toar Polii, Memed Hendrawan, Maruf Jusuf

2007 Kepri Governor Cup IV International Team (UK - Singapore - Malaysia - Japan)

Derek Maggs, Wong Choo Wai, Alan Sia, Endo Kimiko

2008 Kepri Governor Cup V Putra Nasional (Jakarta)

S. Panelewen, Franky Karwur, J A George, T G Asbi, JB Bojoh, L Gontha

2009 Kepri Governor Cup VI Swara Kita Bridge (North Sulawesi)

Hengky Lasut, Edi Manoppo, Taufik G Asbi, Robert P Tobing, Chris Hambokau, Sawan Mandey

2010 Kepri Governor Cup VII

Team Kepri Frangky Liogu, Hidayatullah, Zulkiri, Heri Prianov, Rusliden, Ishak, NPC : JATNO

2011 Kepri Governor Cup VIII

Djarum Super M Bambang Hartono, Munawar Sawiruddin, Hengky Lasut, Edi Manoppo, Yopie Arianto, Donal G Tuerah

2012 09th Kepri International Bridge Tournament

Mutiara Tambun I Beni Ibradi, Gunawan Zafri, Taufik G Asbi, Jemmy Bojoh, Giovannya Watulingas, Tenny Sompotan

2013 10th Kepri International Bridge Tournament

Bangkok Festival Team (Thailand)

Wanchai Danwachira, Kirawat Limsinsopan, Kridasadayut Plengsap, Patnarin Kitchakarn

2014 11th Kepri International Bridge Tournament

PKB Sinode GMIM (North Sulawesi)

Jeffry Moningkey, Cliff Tangkuman, Tommy Rogi, Okta Wohon, Bill Mondigir, Giovani Watulingas

2015 12th Kepri International Bridge Tournament

Pertamina DKI (Jakarta)

T Gautama Asbi, Robert Parasian T, Leslie Gontha, Franky Steven Kawur, David P Hutahean, Beni J Ibradi

2016 13th Kepri International Bridge Tournament

Statusquo Team (Singapore)

Kelvin Ng, Lam Cheng Yen, Zang Yuk, Luo Cheng

2017 14th Kepri International Bridge Tournament

Baimao Team (Singapore)

Kelvin Ng, Lam Cheng Yen, Zang Yuk, Luo Cheng

2018 15th Batam International Bridge Tournament

PKB Sinode GMIM (Sulut)

Dr. GS Vicky Lumentut (Pimpinan Rombongan) Rommy Pondaag, SH(Manager), Ir.Chris Hombokau, MT(NPC), Drs. Harke Tulenan, M.Si, Maria Mambu, Cliff Tangkuman, Novri Kaligis

Hall of Fame

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Friday, 23 August 2019

APBF Girls U26, Final Segment 3 of 3Indonesia v Shanghai Chenyi

Indonesia, having led 28 IMPs after two segments, would still need maintain their performance against China who came to Bangkok to regain their Xiang Huaicheng Cup they won last year at Indonesia.

Though this Girls Vugraph was shown at the same time with the Junior table, I do not think that people were more interested to a match that had 46 IMPs differences, do you?

Let’s see our first board straight away.

Board: 1. Dealer: North/None ♠ J 9 8 5 ♥ 10 7 3 ♦ K 7 5 2 ♣ 7 2♠ K 6 4 3 ♠ A♥ A Q 8 ♥ K J 6 4♦ 8 6 4 ♦ A 3♣ A 9 6


S ♣ K Q 10 8 4 3 ♠ Q 10 7 2 ♥ 9 5 2 ♦ Q J 10 9 ♣ J 5

Open RoomWest North East South Wu Xiao Fortina Shiyun Vila Pass 1♣ Pass1♠ Pass 2♥ Pass2NT Pass 3♣ Pass4♣ Pass 4♦ Pass4♥ Pass 4NT Pass5♥ Pass 5NT All Pass

I am not sure the agreement that Wu Xiaotong and Mao Shiyun had, but 4♣ appeared to be fit in clubs, and after 5♥ response to show two key cards without queen, I think 5♠ would be a question to the king or perhaps second round control in spades, so 5NT might be no meaning or in other words, a stop because of losing one key card and the queen as well?That was how Wu Xiaotong judged so she passed the 5NT and obviously score two overtricks.

Closed RoomWest North East South Shaumi Wang Yici Joffani Li Shiyi Pass 1♣ Pass1NT Pass 2♣ Pass2NT Pass 4♣ Pass4♥ Pass 4NT Pass5♥ Pass 5NT Pass6♣ All PassFortina Mora Sibuea, Indonesia

Vila Rosa, Indonesia

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12 Friday, 23 August 2019

Here, the Indonesian duo also reached the same 4NT-5♥-5NT, however they were on the same wavelength so they played the 6♣ and gained 9 IMPs on the one overtrick.

Board: 2. Dealer: East/NS ♠ 9 8 5 4 3 ♥ A Q ♦ 5 4 3 ♣ 10 8 3♠ K Q J 7 6 ♠ --♥ K 10 6 ♥ 9 5 2♦ 10 6 ♦ Q J 9 8 7 2♣ K 6 4


S ♣ J 9 7 2 ♠ A 10 2 ♥ J 8 7 4 3 ♦ A K ♣ A Q 5

Open RoomWest North East South Wu Xiao Fortina Shiyun Vila Pass 1♣1♠ Dble Pass 1NTAll PassVila showed a 18-19 balanced hand with her 1NT and played there. Wu Xiaotong led the king of spades to declarer’s ace. Vila did her best to continue with the ten to the queen of spades, won the next trick with the queen of hearts, and crossed to hand with ♦K before playing another spade which Wu Xiaotong ducked to dummy’s ♠9. Vila unblocked the ♥A and another club to the queen and king took place. Wu Xiaotong next played the ♠J then exited with a club to the ace. West won the next king of hearts, and it

eventually became the last trick of defense when she wrongly picked a diamond as an exit, declarer quickly claimed her nine tricks for +150.

Closed RoomWest North East South Shaumi Wang Yici Joffani Li Shiyi 3♦ 3NTAll Pass

With a proper defense, Li Shiyi was quickly down in 3NT, and another 7 IMPs to Indonesia.

Board: 4. Dealer: West/All ♠ A 5 4 ♥ K 7 2 ♦ Q 6 2 ♣ 10 8 5 3♠ Q 9 ♠ K 8 6♥ Q 8 4 ♥ J 9 6♦ K J 8 7 ♦ A 10 9 3♣ A Q 9 4


S ♣ J 7 6 ♠ J 10 7 3 2 ♥ A 10 5 3 ♦ 5 4 ♣ K 2

Open RoomWest North East South Wu Xiao Fortina Shiyun Vila1♦ Pass 1NT All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Shaumi Wang Yici Joffani Li Shiyi1♦ Pass 1NT All Pass

Rachma Shaumi, Indonesia

Roro Joffani Tungga Dewi, Indonesia

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Friday, 23 August 2019

Both Easts landed at the same contract, 1NT. However, Vila led a low spade so Fortina raised the ace and declarer guessed the queen of diamonds correctly to bring the contract with two overtricks with no game bonus. At the other table, Li Shiyi put the declarer under pressure by leading the jack of spades to the queen and ace. Declarer ducked the spade continuation and won the third, but this misled declarer to finesse the diamond into the North who still had no difficulty to cross to her partner with the ace of hearts, hence the contract stood no chance. This provided the needed 6 IMPs for Shanghai Chenyi.The next four boards did not seem to favor us, and the board 9 came.

Board: 9. Dealer: North/EW ♠ Q J 10 6 ♥ A 3 ♦ K 6 5 3 2 ♣ 7 3♠ K ♠ 9 8 4 3♥ Q 10 8 5 2 ♥ 9 6♦ J 7 ♦ 10 9 8♣ A J 6 4 2


S ♣ K 10 8 5 ♠ A 7 5 2 ♥ K J 7 4 ♦ A Q 4 ♣ Q 9

Open RoomWest North East South Wu Xiao Fortina Shiyun Vila Pass Pass 1NTPass 2♣ Pass 2♥Pass 3♣ Pass 3♠Pass 3NT Pass 4♠All Pass

West led the ♦J and South took the ace. I loved the card declarer put on the next trick, ♠A. With five diamonds (if the diamond behaves) and two hearts, declarer is guaranteed to bring the game home with three tricks in spades (or four if the diamond 4-1). Having king fell at the first spade trick, Declarer was bound to chalk +450.

Closed RoomWest North East South Shaumi Wang Yici Joffani Li Shiyi Pass Pass 1NT2♥ Dble All Pass

Shaumi chanced her arm by bidding 2♥ under vulnerable condition. Li Shiyi converted the double into penalty and defended there. Declarer lost the trump control when the defenders kept forcing with spades, +800. It added up to an 8 IMP swing for Shanghai Chenyi. Indonesia won the match by 1 IMP for this segment, but the overall was 29 IMPs, which is more than enough as the champion of Xiang Huaicheng Cup (APBF Girls U26) 2019.

Monica Ayu Triana, Indonesia

Fransisca Tri Martanti, Indonesia

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14 Friday, 23 August 2019

The White House Invitationals is an annual event organized by the dutch for Juniors and Youth players all over the world. Although I was not part of the Juniors representatives to the Asia-Pacific Bridge Federation (APBF) Youth Teams Championships (also World Youth qualifiers for our zone) in Bangkok, Thailand this year, I had the fortune of being able to join the team in this event (in Amsterdam).

Playing with my previous partner (whom learned the game with me since the beginning), I insisted that we play the same system that he is going to play in the APBF so that any issues arising from bidding can be used as topics of discussion with his current partner before they head to Thailand for the World Youth Qualifiers in April.

I certainly wasn't playing the best bridge of my life, but as a learning experience and a social experience I do believe it was a great trip. And yea, I also dis-covered how cool the Australian bridge players are. Hey Matt, Jamie, John and Nico, sorz I can't meet yall in APBF man, but we'll definitely see each other in international youth competitions in the future.

Well, I might have a separate post for the 2am drink-ing sessions, but for this short series, I'll just be going

through boards. The good, the interesting, and of course, all the bad boards. No matter the result.

Let's first take a look at the good,

Dealer: North/NS

♠ 9 8 4 2 ♥ J 8 6 4 3 ♦ J 9 ♣ K 8♠ K ♠ Q 10 5♥ 10 9 7 2 ♥ 5♦ K 8 7 ♦ A Q 10 6 4 3♣ Q J 10 9 2


S ♣ 6 5 4 ♠ A J 7 6 3 ♥ A K Q ♦ 5 2 ♣ A 7 3

West North East South Yang Gan Partner Pass 3♦ Dble4♦ Pass Pass DblePass Pass 4♥ All PassAgainst 4H my partner led the diamond A and continued a diamond. After getting in with the K,

White House Junior Invitational 2019

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Friday, 23 August 2019

it seems clear that whatever club and spade tricks defence is entitled to cannot really run away as I have a lot of safe club exits. I continued a third diamond knowing that declarer cannot really afford to ruff in dummy. When declarer ruffed in hand he can only make by ducking a small spade to me. I will find myself with no more diamonds to play and will have to allow declarer to draw trumps and pick up the rest of the spade suit.

At the actual table however, I believe Jamie tried to play me for KQ doubleton, or Kx and failing to un-block by drawing trumps and playing a small spade to the A. When the K dropped, he could only exit a spade for my partner to get the rest.

The Australians are known for their aggressive and often creative bidding at the table. It was not their day, however, as we returned with a fully positive scoresheet, noting the various 4M contracts that were cold downing. I had the fortune of declaring a pretty exciting 4S hand.

Dealer: East/Both ♠ K 10 9 7 4 ♥ 8 3 ♦ K 9 ♣ A 10 9 4♠ 5 3 2 ♠ J 8 ♥ A J 7 6 5 2 ♥ K♦ 6 3 ♦ Q J 8 7 5♣ K 8


S ♣ Q J 6 5 2 ♠ A Q 6 ♥ Q 10 9 4 ♦ A 10 4 2 ♣ 7 3

West North East South Yang Gan Partner Pass 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ Pass 2♠Pass 3♠ Pass 3NTPass 4♠ All Pass

First all of all , holding 2 small hearts, I should have left my partner in 3NT, which was a better contract than 4S. Now I found myself in 4S on the lead of a heart K (which held) into a trump return of the 8.

If trumps behave, I have 8 tricks, with a club ruff being my 9th. With the trump return it is now hardly

possible to get a second club ruff, so I needed to look elsewhere for my 10th trick. My initial thought was to try to catch West with a high minor honor and endplay him with it. For instance if I managed to catch him with QJx diamonds or Qxx and he fails to unblock, I can endplay him with the third diamond. With the latter combination, however, it will be far too easy for him to find the unblock as there is absolutely no reason for me to cash AK diamonds had I held KJx of diamonds.

In any case, I figured my chances were best if I get my club ruff first. So I took in dummy and played a club down. When West rose the club K, I won the A and exited the T club. Sure enough, East was forced to win it.

I was pretty sure now that clubs were 2-5 or 4-3 (count signal from East should be accurate in this position). At this point, I was ready to run the club to my 9 if he returned one. If he tried to draw another trump, I would run it to my hand, ruff a club high, cross back with the dime K, draw trumps then either strip diamonds and exit the 4th club to West (if 4-3) or simply exit the third diamond (if 2-5).

East however chose to return a small diamond. I was quite baffled by the lack of a trump return. Great, now I have to guess the diamond honors situation. The good thing now, however, is that I do not have to worry about West unblocking with Qxx diamonds. Surprisingly, the diamond ran around to my 9. Due to all the weird series of events happening, I thought that diamonds were splitting 6-1 and that I had no re-entry to ruff two clubs. Looks like I was going down... so I started my sequence with a club ruff with the 6, West showing out. Wait. This made no sense. If West had 4-6-1-2, then he surely would have overruffed this trick. So I cashed the spade A, the J dropping.

At this point, if the signalling has been accurate, the hand is essentially double dummy (count wise), and I realized I was screwed even with the weird defense. There was no way I could score my diamond AK separately as I had no entries. No endplay on East can work if I don’t draw trumps, and I have no throw in cards to West.

After tanking for a bit, I found my solution. I could engineer a pseudo strip-squeeze on East. If I come

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16 Friday, 23 August 2019

back with the diamonds K and run all the trumps, if East has been paying attention he will realize that all his diamonds were useless, but if he tries to guard the diamond, however... So I cashed the diamond K (as quickly as possible to avoid the diamond signal from West) and immediately placed my spade K on the table. First was a diamond pitch. Then I cashed another trump... and he threw a club! At this point I knew I was home, so I simply exited my fourth club, showed my hand and pointed to the diamond A on the table (I’m sorry bruh).

There was a lot of guesswork to be done and I by no means played the hand in the most optimal way, but it felt good knowing that I managed to make do with the entire myriad of problems I had despite reading the hand wrongly initially.

Double dummy the hand on perfect defense (not one that allows for two club ruffs...) is making on a squeeze without count on East, but it is hardly percentage unless given clues by defenders, given that West is missing 7 cards split amongst 3 suits missing 5, 7 and 7 cards respectively. (more like to be 2-[2-3]).

Next up, the interesting.

Dealer: North/None

♠ Q 10 6 ♥ 8 4 3 ♦ Q 9 7 3 2 ♣ 5 2♠ A K J 9 5 4 ♠ 8 3 2 ♥ K 10 6 ♥ Q J 9 7♦ 5 ♦ A 10 6♣ A 10 7


S ♣ Q 8 3 ♠ 7 ♥ A 5 2 ♦ K J 8 4 ♣ K J 9 6 4

West North East South Partner Yang Gan Pass 1♠ Pass 2♠ All PassFirst things first, let’s be clear: when it comes to pulling stunts, it is all a “feeling” thing for me. My psyches are still considered rare, if I have any reason not to do weird stuff I’ll try my best not to do so, and I am well aware that the equity really isn’t there for most of these actions.

Take the 1S psyche for example. The only reason it saved against 4S was because my partner had barely anything you can call useful in his hand. While one can argue that I may be able to pass a 2C drury if my partner produces any stronger hand, he could just as easily jump to 4S (we were playing precision).

I didn’t actually figure it was the percentage action. The vulnerability wasn’t the best, I had too many values, trumps look to be breaking badly.

However, the impact of a board 1 psyche can be dev-astating to opponents, whether it works or not. I can leave them second guessing me the entire set, while my partner is still (forced) to treat my bids as per normal. And more importantly, it felt right.

Singapore bridge, after all, has two rules:1. Follow the laws of bridge2. Win

Singaporeans don’t argue against results. And thus I ran away with 4 tricks in 2S and 6IMPs, but the true gain came when my opponents misjudged in later boards. And hence, nothing was said. YANG GAN

WHJI 2019 is the 27th edition of the international junior event in the Netherlands, which started in Den Bosch and moved to café Twee Klaveren (Two Clubs) in Amsterdam in 2005. In 2006 it was first played in Het Witte Huis (The White House), becoming the White House Junior Event. (source:

White House Junior Invitational

You can find this post at

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Friday, 23 August 2019

For the penultimate match of the second day, it was seen that the Djarum Black lying fourth against Bapenda lying seventh. As I was carrying the torch, I was hoping for some exciting boards worthy of a place in my bulletin report.

Board: 16. Dealer: West/EW ♠ 5 2 ♥ Q 8 4 3 ♦ 9 6 5 4 ♣ K 6 4♠ K 10 8 7 3 ♠ A J♥ A K 10 7 ♥ 9 6 2♦ J ♦ A K Q 10 8♣ 10 7 5


S ♣ A J 9 ♠ Q 9 6 4 ♥ J 5 ♦ 7 3 2 ♣ Q 8 3 2

Open RoomWest North East South Nixon Santoso Umboh Komodo1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass2♥ Pass 3♣ Pass4♣ Pass 6NT All Pass

Komodo led with ♥J to declarer’s ace and declarer played a spade to the jack, covered by queen so 12 tricks were available there. The contract might have gone down if South started with a low club opening lead.

1st Tomohon International Bridge Tournament - Final RR2Djarum Black vs Bapenda Manado

Closed RoomWest North East South Kamto Murphy Anthony Rizky1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass2♥ Pass 2NT Pass3♣ Pass 4NT All Pass

Having no fit, Anthony preferred to provide the 4NT quantitative option and got passed by Kamto for his minimum hand. Rizky Watuseke led from a low club to the king and ace, declarer crossing a diamond to perforce ♦J and led a low spade to the jack and queen. However, since declarer only played in 4NT, Rizky thought that he had no hurry to cash the ♣Q so exited with the jack of hearts and declarer could get the rest of tricks for +690 but 13 IMPs to Bapenda Manado.

Board: 21. Dealer: North/NS ♠ 5 ♥ 10 9 6 3 ♦ Q 5 4 2 ♣ 10 7 3 2♠ Q J 10 8 2 ♠ K 7 6 3♥ K J 4 ♥ A 8 7 5 2♦ A K 3 ♦ 7♣ 5 4


S ♣ K J 6 ♠ A 9 4 ♥ Q ♦ J 10 9 8 6 ♣ A Q 9 8

Open RoomWest North East South Nixon Santoso Umboh Komodo Pass 1♥ DbleRdble 2♦ Pass Pass3♦ Pass 3♥ Pass4♥ All Pass

After 3♦, would it be better for Umboh to bid 3♠? Since Umboh came with 3♥, they arrived in 4♥ and received the diamond lead. Declarer took the ace, crossed to hand with the ♥A, seeing the ♥Q fall. Umboh then cashed the hearts two more rounds and two rounds of spades took place, before Komodo exited with a low diamond to dummy’s king.Anthony Soebroto, Djarum Black

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18 Friday, 23 August 2019

Declarer mistakenly ruffed this trick and got one more trump only for two down, -200.

Closed RoomWest North East South Kamto Murphy Anthony Rizky Pass 1♥ DbleRdble 2♦ Dble All Pass

Was the double after 2♦ considered as the penalty double by Kamto? Declarer won the spade lead with the perforce ♠A and called the ♥Q. Kamto won the ♥K and cashed three diamonds. Since declarer performed deep finesse on clubs, one overtrick was rewarded for +380 or 7 IMPs for Bapenda Manado.

Board: 22. Dealer: East/EW ♠ A J 9 6 ♥ A K Q J 8 ♦ 8 2 ♣ A 6♠ 8 7 4 2 ♠ Q 5♥ 4 3 ♥ 10 6♦ A J 7 6 5 ♦ K 10 9 4 3♣ 10 3


S ♣ J 9 5 2 ♠ K 10 3 ♥ 9 7 5 2 ♦ Q ♣ K Q 8 7 4

Open RoomWest North East South Nixon Santoso Umboh Komodo Pass PassPass 1♣ 1♦! 1♠Pass 2♥ Pass 4♦Dble Pass Pass 4♥Pass 4♠ Pass 5♣Pass 6♥ All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Kamto Murphy Anthony Rizky Pass PassPass 1♣ Pass 2♣Pass 2♥ Pass 4♦Pass 4♠ Pass 5♥All Pass

In th Closed Room, after the 2♣ positive response over 1♣ strong, and 4♦ splinter, I am not sure why

Open Room Match, Santoso/Komodo (Djarum Black) against Umboh/Nixon (Bapenda Manado)

Kamto, Djarum Black

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Friday, 23 August 2019

Murphy chose to stop in 5♥ given 4 keycards plus the solid trump he held in his hand, they deserved the 11 IMPs swing to Djarum Black.

Board: 23. Dealer: South/All ♠ 9 8 6 5 ♥ K ♦ J 6 2 ♣ A K 9 8 5♠ A K J 7 2 ♠ Q 10 4 3♥ 10 7 5 ♥ Q 8 4 3 2♦ 10 4 ♦ 9♣ 10 3 2


S ♣ Q 6 4 ♠ -- ♥ A J 9 6 ♦ A K Q 8 7 5 3 ♣ J 7

Open RoomWest North East South Nixon Santoso Umboh Komodo 1♦1♠ 2♣ 2♠ 3♠Pass 4♣ Pass 6♦All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Kamto Murphy Anthony Rizky 1♦Pass 1♠ Pass 2♥Pass 5♦ All Pass

I don’t think that Rizky’s hand was only worth 1♦ given the system they used was precision. The strong 1♣ could be either 16+ HCPs or some players play it as 4 losers hand. Murphy straightly went to 5♦ as he thought that the their cards combination was only worth for game and his hand was much useful, i.e. to ruff some hearts in declarer’s hand, rather than 3NT. Since Rizky did not chance his arm to the slam, they lost 13 IMPs to Djarum Black who raced the score by 24-31.

Board: 24. Dealer: West/None ♠ 7 2 ♥ 4 3 2 ♦ 10 8 3 2 ♣ K Q J 2♠ K Q 9 5 4 ♠ 10 6 3♥ Q ♥ A K 10 9 7 6 5♦ A Q 7 6 5 ♦ K 9 4♣ 6 5


S ♣ -- ♠ A J 8 ♥ J 8 ♦ J ♣ A 10 9 8 7 4 3

Open RoomWest North East South Nixon Santoso Umboh Komodo1♠ Pass 2♥ 4♣4♦ 5♣ 6♣ Pass6♦ All Pass

Closed RoomWest North East South Kamto Murphy Anthony Rizky1♠ Pass 2♥ 3♣3♦ 3NT 4♥ All Pass

In the Open Room, Komodo’s 4♣ proved to be effective to cause their opponent to land in the wrong contract, 6♦, as either 6♥ or 6♠ would make anyway. But since the slam in minor went down anyway, Anthony’s underbid, 4♥, was enough to score 11 IMPs swing for the Djarum Black to outscore Bapenda Manado by 35-31 or 11.38-6.32 VPs.

Frangky Umboh, Bapenda Manado

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22 Friday, 23 August 2019



10.00 AM 12.50 PM 01.05 PM12.30 PM 03.20 PM 03.35 PM03.00 PM 05.20 PM 05.35 PM05.00 PM 07.20 PM 07.35 PM07.00 PM 09.20 PM 09.35 PM

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