Download -ÖRTIIK KEOWEECOUUTEH. The Volunteer Fund-Jlfr, Editor:-I was muoh pleased tn,rending tho urtlelo



Jlfr, Editor:-I was muoh pleased tn,rendingtho urtlelo of .' Justice, Liberty, mid," in your papern few week« ngo. Tholiberality of your correspondent wns groot, nndh'm ?uiiiimouin ..iiQHO of tho p.uriot. But u Imwas it? In your littoral notico of tho proposi¬tion to, raise n fund for tho volunteers, yondidnot'glvo us tho linnie of this public bonofhetor."Doubtless. youAvorö not authorized to do so. bu't1 think tho publio should be informed who ltwas that proposed to bo ono of n number togivont «moo $200.00; $200.00 infix months,und $500.Q0 n year during the war! Ills mimeU Wii.MAM S. GRI-HAM. ono not unknown to.your ninny render!» und distinction. Whilstsumo ar« volunteering, others uro offering theirpurses. Bvith aro alike honorai'o. Moro anon.

Tito BONO Puniitco.July 1. 1801.

ron rnK ucowKK ear 1:11:11.Mr. Editor: At a meeting of Hie Homo Quarti,

at Anderson's Mills. June 22d, Kider ll. Ilop.Ut.ttwas called ta tho Chair, and W. O. FlKtp request;od to as Secretnry.Tho niceting being called to order by the Chair¬

man, and thc objects of thc same explained, pro¬ceeded to business. Bowral resolutions, essential¡to tho safety ntul well being of our people, Vere.offered by different members of tho company; andunanimously adopted. They aro of too great lengthfor Us to ask von to publish them, for wo seo eachnumbul'oí thc Courier well filled out willi interest¬ing war news, nnd wo know everything else mustsuccumb lo thal.

After the transaction of much bu-dm-ss, we re¬

organized by there election of sonic ofour officer?.and the election of some new ono», adjourned foru fortnight.

H. llOLDtilt, Chairman.Wt O. Pir.Ln, Secretory.We herc give a Hst ol' thc officers and privates

of tho Compuiiy above mentioned :

A. G. í Ki.n, (.'apt ain ;JACO" I-KWIO; 1st Lieutenant;lt Icu.U: 1» UARKR, 2d "

WILLIAM NIX, 3dW. (t. Fir.i.n, 1st Sergeant ]Vi. O. OAKT. 2d

Privates-Anthony Stowart, H. C. Clayton. W.Ü. Uirkney, IL F. Robertson, L. S. lbu/.onle. Jes¬see Hughes, P. ll. Poller, J. P. Perrin, W. M.¡Stewart, John Prince, Hen., Rorrymiin l'riuce, t).P. Field, A. lt. Higgins, A. H. Stewart, F.rwin.SinubonH, J. W. liiazcnlo, J. L. Laker, J. M.Clapton, J. M. Murplncc, J. M. Morgan, ThomasJohnson, ]). A. Roberta, ll. J. Roberts. Hil ilttsHendrix. A. RV Cirant, J. C. Roberts, ll. Y. Simp-is ii. John r.llinburg. Tfios. Stewart. R. J. Nix,Kider R. Hobler, H. II, Wood, Joseph Lawson, J.W. Grant, Robert Scott, J. A. Crcnsiiaw, S. J.Adams, Daniel Alexander, Wm. Crcnshuw, J. T.Lewis. William Higgins, S. H. Stevens, S. C. Y ;R. ll. Chirdy, S. C. V. ; A. P. Stewart, C. tí. V.

Jp.ckso Cfuniy, N. C.Nowhere has there boen more patriotism exhi¬

bited Ilma in this county. She has two compa¬nies 01 volunteers in the field, wc tire iuiormed,and there aro other compones organized.We have been furnished below willi an accounl

of 11 barbecue given to the volunteers ol' the colin*ly, which wo publish willi pleasure. Wo shouldba'o preferí cd, however, that it bud been seine-what more distinct :

Mr.Editor:-On the 20th June wo lind, nt thcWidow NORTON'S (Jackson county, N. (jj) one ofthe host cooked, most palatable and abundant bui-be< nos ever enjoyed in this mountain country. Thca¿Wi pork, 11.ul lon. low tu, ice . were thoroughly'lookel. and ol tko best quality. Some ol'f.iegentlemen broke into their bee hives the ovcrnigl t.and their good ladies liirnblied au ample suppl,,ol nice honey comb, 'this, with such mountainbtu i er and loaf as vichad, was not very reluctantly taken. It is no usu to mention ail thc kindsot' bread, ple'si CtlVlords, cakes, vegetables, &c.,which wo had, bul KilfliçO it to say, ibo varietyand supply were tasteful ami a bunda nt. I hisdinner was .-omowhnl ni'ler tho manner of t\ burbeeue, and I hill ol'a pic nie. given to thu Jatksonvolunteers, bul the in vi! al ion was general.' 1.0fore dinner, the whole crowd 'marched to Gisound of tho (li'dpl, in procession lo n shade, wh. ea shod "toil appropriate prober.was offered by i\NORTON. A lew speeches followed, in which,among other (billi's. Hie battle .11 Heihel was nilli-dodie as an encouragement to the. v in.Meei s

showing the ninny chancos of escapo to one ol<'a igor. It was said (hal Gie mountain boys areso skilled, auto bu able to pick a. deer rom thethicket with their ville-, if it would (mt go I lucejumps in sight, and that they no inure regarded alon rail fonce thon a three year old malu would,lt was sUggcslud thai Mio boya bad bul IO traill nithc Ruler of Gie ,Universe, lind victory will hecertain: thai mothers and sis!ero huva but io oommit thoir sons and brothers to Him, who m w.lost a battle, and they will have nothing to te n-Wo verily believe that the God of Rollies will gi.with tho volunteers, who trust in Him, to victoryand lo peace.

After the spenking. thc ladies with the volunteers?«?ero conducted to the table, burdened with richmid well prepared viands, worthy 01 the biRviboys for whom it wns prepared, oud of which ourcountry abounds in'plenly. At tho table the vo¬lunteers faced the Indies, and thal cunny (thcSoulb) which they, with so much valor oiler.lodefend,! and the beautiful Southern Flag, whichso eagerly and so gracefully kissed the breezesever their patriotic bends, stood before them, underwilloh they seem resolved lo gain n decisive mdli I victory, or drench Gie battle field witt.

'. <h*;?r bleed, orilPblodcl) ii with their 'nones.IlOMR Qi'A Rp.

PuiiiT AT MATHIAS' HOI.-.T. - -T.llO Pto.toriek«-Lurg Herald, of Friday evening. pobOsho;4 'hofollowing report of a tight at Mathias' Point, on

Thursday night, but does itOLYouch for ii* nc-.en racy 1- . .


It is «titled tbnt-a-pii>*i\ -if the Federal (Woolat.'bul from ono or m <e eo^sols, willi tamibugs, upparently foi Ibo purpose of putting nptome dolepoos.

After binding they woro attacked by thoSpurin 0'inrds and Cumliiut Crays, and ropulped. Wo aro informed that six of the Fed¬ere!-troops wore killed, some twol.vo ur fourteendrownod, nnd that- from fifteen to twenty hudtnkon to the woods, where''they were dodgingnlmut like penrod partridges.The only.damage on our sido is said to bo afle*di womid on tho cheek of ono of our men..Tho guns'of the vessel wore not fired, lostthoir own men might bo killed.A HIGH PRIVATE,-We loam tbnt our

rospcotcd townsman, J. Johnston Pettigrew,Esq., the efficient Colonbl of the 1st llegi-niont of lliflcs; has obtained of itbsencofrom tito Governor, and is now j-u mute forVirginia, ns a private in Capt. Conner's com-

pnny, tho Washington Light Infantry Volun¬teers, of Hampton's Legion. Wo regret tho'temporary loss of Col, Pettigrew ?from our

city^ns his '-military knowledge Jins boon ofVost linppi tunco boro, during tho Inst sixinontlis, not only in the immediate connectionwith bis regiment, which ho hos unido ono nfthc most efficient in tho Stntct but with his

? counsel nnd advice totliosóhigherl.ii authority.As ho hus loft us,-however, for a tone. Wotrust to hear speedily of his promotion tosome prominent position, cithor in tho Con¬federate Army, or In tho volunteer brunch,ns bo ls fully, ooipj^otetit for almost any nilli-tury office wlilcfc int^ht bo assigned him.

^(^ßi04ttjß\^fiiitji Newt*

In Advanco of tho Mall.RicllMON'O, Jgiy 3.-President Davis publish¬es a proclamation thin morning, in ihö Examin¬

er, nnnoouoing tito admission of TonnosCo intotho Confederacy completo nu other State».Ii \ i.TI voit K, 'July 3.-Tho ¿.'tn. of Tuonlny.Just rtteoiveil, has tho followingj "Tho New-

York World publishes a letter from Fort Pick-ens. confirming the capturo of tim Kojrlwl. b:;r!;Ktna, with rifled cannon for the Confederates.Also, Ibo capturo of tho prlvutcor steamerWebb."The Sn,, cooli rms tho occupation of Baltb

more, and tho soi/uro of tho tBoard of lillicoCommissioiiors; Honorai Hacks .stales io n prue*Imnat ion. that ho reeoived orders to do BO froiliWii.-hiii»ton.

Aga. tho Washington correspondent of thoSun.t-AXH that hctwoen sixty hud seventy thensand troups nie in tho neighborhood of Wash¬ington.WA-HINOTON. July 3.-About fifty members

of Congress have arrived.BOSTON. July 3.-Tho Commercial îiallciin

stu te- thal last week lhere were twelve faibuesin New Y"rk, fourteen in Boston, und fuir inPhiladelphia.H un MOND. July 3.-Joseph Laidley, RU em¬

inent chemist, formerly a druggist, had hishead nnd arms awfully mangled, to-day, by theexplosión of a lot of fill in rutting powder in tipercussion cup manufactory itt this city, neddied instantly. Hubert K." Clayton, his'nssis-taut, was seriously wounded.

Passengers report that Cenarais Ciulwnlhtderand Patterson crossed tho Pototnnc ycs.terdu.Vmorning, with a joint force of 32.000 men.-Also report that Ceticnil Johnson left Win¬chester yesterday afternoon, to meet the inva¬ding forces. They further report thai no eu-COgonion j eecurred lit Shepord's Ford yestCi-duy, between a Virginia''Regiment, under Colo¬nel Jackson, mid the enemy. -Ju^k.-ion fellhack on MurtinStitirg, capturing forty ot theilennlry. und killing and wounding many, hut

¡ the number was hunseenutned.The general impression in thal we are cn the

eve important events.

j, Pendleton Company.Roll of officers and privates of the Pott

Hill Guards, 4th Regiment S. C. V- :

J. L. SlIANIvhlN, Captain ;J. C. CHKHHY, 1st,Lieutenant;J. W. DANIKLS, 2d "


G. A. SVMMKS, 1st Sergeunt ;Aun. J. SITTON, 2d 14

J. YV. I I ILUIOUtiK, 3d "

R. W. G nu mis, 1 t b ».

DA NI Kb MAUII.L, 5th ."

J. O. SK.KI.TON, 1st COI petal ;J. A. HAltlUS, 2d iiS. E. MAXWKI.I., 3d «

W. G. JENKINS, 4th «

W. R. JONKS, 6th "

JOHN M. Joi.i.v, Otb .«<Privates'-John A. Auieck. Janies Beard,John M. Brooks, S. L. Bowden, Wm. M.

Bellottc, L. M. Bolt, N.J. Browning, J. N.Ghnstuin, John Cox, Patrick Clifford, Thus.Crowe, S II. Cromer, J. C. Cnminnde, J. A.Crocker, N. P. .Carrol, J. R. Davis, M. GDickson, 0- A. Daniels, J. L. Dickson, G.W. Dodd, J. C. Parraeott, J. Mi Duke. JacobEskiw, A. W; Poid. W. W. Gr.liam, W. T.(¿Hibbs, Thomas Goerhard. J. C.»Gant. L.llnniilton, W. W. Hamilton, S. P. IJilihoUvC,E. M. Hall, J. W. Hopkins. Horn y ll osgood.C. R. Ilix. Rotiert llitckott. Newton King,-D. C. Keasier. J. T. Lewis, D il. Lee. Tims.Massey, J. S. Marshall, Samuel Mays, D.Mays, 0 W. MeC.y. J. W. Murrin;*N T.Martin, William McCluskv, 'i. li. Osborne.W. R. Pickrell. C. M. R. Palmer. RogerPinekney, Chandler Painter, Win. Reames,C. L. Poid E. li, Stophcns, J. L N SttiitbJ. R. Simpson, W.'pSinilb. L. Treble. S. J.Taylor, J. E. Wilson, D. A. Wills, T. li.Werner, Fruuk Wbito, Jas. W. White, PliasW,IIT0 J%_

SlCKSKSS A.NU DlSAlU A.iOMJ lUU NoitTUt'.UNTimors.-A kiter neted \\ iisnitijiou, .lime ;i.-t,jiuiili.ii.. d in pbatuVdny'u BultimOro Lxcimiigi;.says ;

1 »eil il you .-oui; facts in relut lob to thc condil < uOf UthuiS livre, Which tuc uni norn ic» ivuùhl vvi.tingly liuvo suppressed. YUH lû.iy, no .vos.a' relyupyii I It is ttl un being strictly true, and ns ral liol

': uadc rsi at mg I hull exaggerating tho st.ile ul tlifngiui »viiieii 1 »peak, lor i wine irani personal kiiyul-eilgo. tl is, lillipilli, pericetly Uocioss un Ititi purlut the iJuvoiiiuiou tu conceal laois witton ur .

known io so ni liny neunte, nnd winch iona lueluiiic ui couvcr.-.'iiiou among nie ruons un holliSnies m Hie l'utomao. Tu«) trill li is. u wry coii»i-? pun ion of tim eifcuHvo btrongt;i ul thoarmy is. brokvij uoyrn by sickness. Tit. t terribieuiSOiuur.-.tjio ilysyatory or bloody flux, is apt eau-.lng Milong i tie ri-gimeiiis eneunipeil un tho Virginia

o.-./.iii rupiUiiy, mut tin- laiaiitjwi.u-u ; ....-lA.i'jMiuc.i it is porteetty frig ni in!.

,);i!ip' a Very brief pei uni, one ul Hie NuW Vol kr'irgn.1 ue >i.ive lost sixty men by tnis ahme.

, i't, i.irgé number ol' the men beiuliging lu luetV.iihj »ii Ö ai du Uuwn with it. Many ot tho oiliern ins ure beginning to fool it» tlieut.s, but, tis

y ci, na; su s veroly. Tuero arc, ur l ather were,i ,vii ilayd ugo. nu less than seven liutulreil men o.tue walli» ui Hie huspitid at Georgetown, anil it ae.or. luau probable Hutt tho number has beet»groat ly itioreasud since, ultliui.gli they are bonding.../?ne »nell ut' the three months' men as an- ubito,ho moved, tut »peodily as possible. Tito tureemontos vuiiiiueers, n.i.irly to a nv in, will rein-eti) msc service again when their tenn iii enlist-meal expires. Tue earlier 'Pennsylvania tivops,wilt bo paul ult' ami disbanded, ui uboul i .viiweoUs-inc remainder have, as yel. I rota no.-e i;¡live weeks lu serve. They aro hi-nt on getl tt(iback to meir liicml.s illld uoqtiuiutjiitccs, «.-. juni' uiey can obiiihi a discharge--more than uiüe>uiMein; nave ucl nully milt Í lilted themselves toeiVcetluis end inure speedily.

it is'KO with ike rest ol' the regi o te ..? -a me¬bul (he poor w rel cht'Si who have ito li un i-. iv tilconsent io enlist tor lh»» war. They liri mtvtug un anxious limo ol ital lilt) uuipo-u., uVur thorivur-- nut a night pusses bul ino sein in.os arepieke«! oil" hy the t'oulViior.ites. Lverv iiioriuug,Hie light'gUUVd is unit out to hi lng in tin deiiu,and ilie iitlinber' are daily inuiVu.-ing. Ai. :.i-lyHie kilhd and wuiuulcd. al- thu uutpusiK uluue,would ouitiil up hiinoieds. Yuu uro now in pus-scpsiun ol'tho mum rcusutifl why the guvnruineiitis su eagerly culling tor iidditiun.d regiments, ltis my cundid opinion (nat the anny, broken downby sickness us it is, and sooo to bu weakened hyHie loss oi the three uiuuths' volunteers, is ia nocondition to toko thc field, and tho uew comerswill scarcely larc uny butter thuti those who aroalready boro.

TUKASON iS LAÍ.T Tux.M ussSK.- /he Inion ConVolition of bast Tennessee resn'-.-d ns follows, ¡ie-cording to tho Knoxville V jitter :

A miijority of tho Convention hnvo adopted rosolutions and appointed aoo.umittee to uieiiiuriiilixo

* thu bogislnftiro lo permit Tcuncasoo lo creel a new¡ Stute, und secede from tho Southern Cou'ederucypeaceably. . If Ibo Legislature responds to thchwishes u II favorably, elect ion is tu bo held for Ked-oral officers in August noxt, mid tho shot ills oftho diih'i'cut counties oro to repon to T. A. R.Nelson.Tho rtcglstor thinks timi tho nurjovity of tho

peuple of KlIHt Tl'llllCKHOO will disCOltUtCHU 11C0 Ilillijun down the treUMinible séllenles of Nelson,

. Lrowiilow and Johnson.. Jj,.".jHAMI'T'-N'S Lf.oio.s- - Od. WAUK II A:M PTO N'S

Logion un*'te f' (!uluniie,i fi V i'/ina. -

i^jMwiWi'iii * * iw»éunU?ii»Aniwiminj-Wim- -»W«MW'

; M A un i.i i, by Rev.' Tlmmns b<>aPl'r on the ft'.iJun* hint. Mr. DAVID Fm-: KM AN lo Mrs Ki.vitUPsxni.Y, «ll of'IMokeris. . >

On ib» ÜOili J'Aim last by Uov. V, A. Slmipovrt»lr. Jl>- A. PAVw.of Nor'h Carolina, to Miss MART;;MoCAtt or lVHdictctt, ,

(nfc wu ?* un iwiy vi Hi »Miia.i »in | >i| i Ml'W" f«'IfniF»Special lío ti coe.

Ladies' Society.Thorp will bo a picoting pf 'bc Ladies of Pick¬

etts District, nt tho Methodist CMiurch in Wñl-halla, «in Tue*duy, thoO'h instont, nt 10 o'clock,ti. m., fur tho pupuse nf organizintr, u Society fortho relief of the Voluntóos»» jllid their fmnMin«.'Afc this is n onum. n which every Indy ftioltf tin

interest, it is desired tlmt every family in thoDistrict be renrôpéutod;

jiiiv_2. ism -I«J^jVT^o Ex^cutivo Oornrnittoo

Of the Piekeiifwille Homo Guard respectfullyinvite all commune* or nssocintions, andnil other persons in Picken« District, to meetthem nt thc Court House, on Snloduy in Au«gust, for tho purpose nf rnisinu funds for thcbenefit of tho families of destitute voluntcerrs.Como one ! come nil I



sf;;-siON. OCXS Ol' TÏÏB STATK. belongingto tho ' Piok.cin lîidenieii." aro hereby rennest»-eil ty leave thom ul my i (lice, with« iii «'"lay.

W M HARDEN Intendant,Ju»v ?.. ism .!«__2

A CATII).I. THOMAS IfOLUlfiiOKS, or Whetstone Real

Company, do denounce the reports tool are in cirj eolation nboiit »ny having said iinytliititr disrespct-fol ol' tho present it fl ulrs niel condition of mycounlry. as altogether luise. I ¡nil rcudy ut novtime to light for my country, will.out any offence.

I also give reference lo to the following gentío-men ns lo wi.nt my g'.norul th. pori mont is: Capt.W. C. Pow KM.. At.t.r.M T II ii i tr. JOSAS Pinta,irs,nen., .lox is Pu i i*i.i es, jr., A. Pi ICtxcuuit.

.Inly I. 1 HOI 181w«fiwa<ii»ii«rmiwwjw>»»vjwi*iws

PICKENS ACADEMY.MISS HOLCOMBE .ospocifiillv itives notice

illili, ber SCHOOL will commenco en

Muddily next. She has little experience, buthopes, by due attention, to nive satisfaction toIhme who piny patronise hov.July :i. ljftj_48_ff

Lost,A NOTE on J. C. Miller f..r about £00.00,X"V. iluled in 1N00 probnbly. Persons will not

irade for said note as (he pavmon I has hoonstopped. PATRICK MILbEW,TiiLv 1 -is_i*_

StoleT^HOM my Stable, dix miles N.u-lhwest of

AntlOrson O nm IL use. un tho night of the20tll June hist, II dark hrnwt't ÍIÓllSE. fouryears old, it lion I fifteen and a half hands high :no marks recollected, only his hied heels nie nlittle sore, his mane rather llght-^-had no idioeson when taken. An old riding bridle was takenwith him. Anv information of said Horse willhe thankfully received nt Steele'« post Olfieo.

D. T. HA INWAT RU.July t. 1S01_-IS _;_2

Strayed,T "-HOM ibo subscriber, en Chookoo Mountain.? itl)oi|l the 20tli of Miiy last, n heavy, brin¬

dle OX KN. with short crumpled horn.-. Mark :a hide in the right eur. with a erie- lind »lil inthe left. Anv information C'Uieeviiing him willhe thankfully received. »



y y (I Blt BAS, B. Morion hut ti lippihui to moI I for letters of administration Upon all and

sin¡Milur the personal estate ol' Michael KiuputH ..." I. b:te of thc Bist Hoi "f I'Joli olin and.'lite aforesaid ! The kindred and ern lu nr." ol'.aid 'loecnscd. ure. t!:-refere, oiled lu aiip In».'me mo ni pb'keVtH Al, il, un'Monday I lit» '.'2d.Inly Instant, tn BIIOW ..MUie. if any lh?y cnn why?ni Mi l o s should aol bf gr. nt.- I. (liven under

; fain! und sea! lili*' July, U'fiL>'.' tí i I (t I.« fi.MO'R o. e e.

STATK OP -Ot"i iI CAROLINA..UCKint* i...'?uiic i- ei rier.eoi i.T OKCOMMOX CI.KAS

ILL1 AM V. PAUK r.R.x» Iuris in Ote cus¬tody i-f de Shel i If of Bickens District, hy

.niue nf II writ of emriil.S il'/ ittdÍM fittllù'lidu '." a!lie suit I Nhun. W Taylor, having ii io« Ini my 'din-e. togel her with a schedule on ont hol' his estate und elfeets. his petition to thoCourt .d' Common Pleas, praying that he may. ie admitted to the benefit .<[' the .Vet ..f thc Gen¬era! Asfouibl.y ninda for fhe relief bf ln-'.lventDebtors: lt isordored, thal tho said I dunnYV. Taylor, ii'iid ali others, the creditors lowhom the said William V.- IMrkéH is In anywise Indebted; tie ami they arc hereby sum¬moned and have notice to appear hein e the mihiCourt, at Picken* pituri ll use mi the 3d M in«dav 'd October next, to shew emu-c. li tiny they

».liv the prniof ot the pet it'en itforesuid..' ! no! he «/i iiiitei).

J. P.. 1I AGOOD. cr ivOn« i inviu Pb'os April 1.1- .'.! ftm

s.Ai i; v>P .:Ol"l i . t.lAROjJj SA.i\rei.\y Ul.HT IiiOT----IN Iii' ec »I ..i C. MUON I'Mrt d. Tho n as, Adm':- I ; '.-el ri I ii a 'n A ¡ : c!.i.lent.

vs i Rood Í. Wilkes,V.. \. Bllf's Aii'va.IV BBHBAS71he phi ml i tl" lid. on IhO 'JtJlíi day of. I Gol her, !.'.. . tih- ¡.is ilocliii'titioungniust the

dolcndittit wlio (ns it is slid) is uh.-.-iii from andit ll liOUI tho. liniilH of this St tl to, und hus neil'ierwife nor nit orney known willdti t!-.e sumo uponiVhOiil a copy of tho said iloidtirullon loittht he

j served: tl is ordercl lln-rciovo. that llicsuid de-1 fendant do np|ienp,iind pleud.lo the s'aid.doclaf.tthmI on or tho-7th day of October, B?fii : oilier-wisc, final und nhsolutc judgiuenl »viii tlien hegiven mid nwnrded agaiusl him.

J. li. BAOOOT). e.c;r n.nierVMimee. Oet> 2d. 18im 1 yo

STATE OP SOUTH CAlióLl.NA.riCK/.NS IU8TIIIÇT-IX THR OOIMITOK COMMO.N lU.KAS.Sloan & .Sullivan \ Declaration in Att iehment

vs [ Orr &. lludden,H. W. Ihlldwtn ) Pi ll's Attorney"sUillßUEASj thc pVaintillVdid. on ¡ho Rill dayli of Out tibor, ISliO, fllo their declaration againsttho defendant, who (as ii is said) is ahsenl fromand without thc limits ol'this Slate, and hus nei¬ther wife nor attorney known within tho sumo up¬on wî-oin a copy of tho said decluriitioti might boservim : It Is ordeved. HeMeforo, thal the Raidilclond nt do nppear and ploud to tho said declar¬ation on or bolero tho Ut li duy of October. 1BUI.ot ber wi ie, final and absoluto .judgement will thenbe givju unit nwnrded Against him.

.1. li. ll UJOOl), o.n.i'.D.Clerk's Office. Oct. 10. 18(10_ lyqSTAT li OP SOUTH CAROLINA.

PIOKKNH DISTItlOT.-Ht THF. OOUOTOK COMMON 1M.F.A8.liughiud & Bowlay. | Uwlurulloii in AHuoliiucnt.

va > Orr & Budden,W. 9. MoroMith. J Blips"AtlovnoVs.WH BUBAS IhephtlntllTRdid. on llie28tir~ai;ch,

1801, filo their tteel urn timi n gu inst tho dc-fondant, who (as it tu said) is absent frómand with¬out thc limits of this State, 'ind hus neither wifenor attorney known within tho sume upon whom ncopy of tho said doolaratioh might bo sorVod ! 14'is ordered, therefore, that the Said do fonthill I doappear and plead to »hs said diudnvatlou ou ôr bo¬lero tho troth day of March, 180*21-othorwiito. finaland airulule judgetiionf will (.hon. bo glvon anduwarded against him. ,?7*2 "

J. %. RA'OOOO. C.c.r.¡ Clerk'* Offico; Marok 28.1861 - lyqi-1--X*-J-?-7--t. . >..«....,. ^j¿J-

.lof» Prl iiUn ffNKATIit DONK AT «414 OOÜ1GÉH eVnCE/

fl .;.:<>.;* til *M'ï'* ».ri* ) .'»>..( '<A*I'-<-! -f( SG - "I

Suato of South Carolina.ADJ'T ANit IssPKirron GcsKnu/s Omer..

Ohorloslon. H. C.. Juno If», 1801.ÔKNUllAL OIlDliltS, NO. m.T l*. KUM), ol Anderson 0. ll., H. 0, havingJ», hoon appointed «II extra A ld-de Ontop to Hin

I*)xcoll.«noy ilif Governor, will bo oh?ycd mid re¬spected accordingly, by order of tho Oovernor.

"[Signed] 8. H. 0181'Adj't nod IIIS. OOH. of Soutli Carolina.Juno 2«. 18«! 47J_

stntv ol'> omil fri ir« linn*HC.U.QrAlUT.bS. .?uno'2l, 1801.

CtENlûtAL 0HJ)lJ{St. NO. 85.1. Nino Compítalos ol' Infantry will he n'ccoplcdlo complote tko organixnt(ohs of tbo 'Jd ¡ind lilli

Regiments South Carolina Volunteers..2. Kooli Company must number not less than76. nor moro thnn lOOnggregato.3. Officers and I'ri vatos will he required tosijrnnml I- MUÍ o to tho \djutniii and inspector General'sOffice the following Knrollnicnt boforo Companieswill he accepted und assigned, viz :" We, tho undersigned, Officers mid Privates,Members ol' the-Company, do herebyhind ourselves lo euler tho service of the Confed¬

éralo Slates ol' America,, uncoiiilitioita/ly, for thctorin of i weivu months, from the - day of April,ISO.!. Uv order of the Governor.

S ll. (51ST,AdjUt aili & Inspector General.

JiUte 2ti. .|8ül._ _47_1Application7 ILL be made thc Lcjrielutiirni nt it«

next so.«sion; i" e!i.ti ter the village ni1' « tiouá, ¡md iimend tho pre-cut chart or in.-m;, h v pa tictdiu's.J ui.V :HVJ sül_ -17_Hin

4th Regihïtmt S. C. V.VII M Y UKO U LA 1 ION'S., II re wanted hy the

llb lb* rimer. 8. C. V. Conies were dis«tri Lilted tn tiri members nf tho Leizislature in! 1857.A 0. N u ris, nt Anderson C. IL, mid James

I), Hitgnnd, ut Pi ?.ken* C. H.. will pay for anycopies which'ttuiy be delivered to thom.June 28. ISO I _47_tf_ADMINI^rRATOUS"' SALE.WLL be sold. nt. the lato residence nf Jo¬

seph Winchester, deceased; on Fridavlhed'2th July. lst)i. tho 1*I2USOIV.1ÍJ KMT.tTK of nani deceased, consisting of

Five Hoad Horses;Fifteen " Cuttle. Stoek Ilngn;"Thin v tive m- 10 Sheep, lot Bacon ;Corn,' F..dder. &o ito. :

Carpenter's Tnoij«. 12 or 16 Boostattds jll 'U-olndd mid Kitchen V uniituro. and va-rions other articles ton humorous to mention.

Tt:nsi<-Nine months credit, with interest,noto m.d go ul sentir! tv.

J. WI NC ll F. .STKW. 1 Adm'x.W. WIXCHKSTKH. f AdmV.

June '?A. 1801 473

N.:tlC0.1)FUSONS indebted to the F.stnle of JosephWinchester, deccasotl, will umke payment,und lijoso having demit tuts against said Estatemust juc: cut them according to law.


June 21. I8fl|_47_3BLUE RIDCrE KAILEOAD.

j£5§3i® $$&ß. AilsI'll A SOU Ol' SCIIKIIl'l.K.

ON and after Monday, tho 2-llh of Juno, thePas'oi-gor Train will louvo Walhalla I'epoifir À'nddrWin C. II. oyorv .Monday, Wednesday

j Friday morning nt 2:30. A. M.. Will lén'vè Amlei'. H. fur Walhalla every! M i.dav. Wednesday and i'Vlduv evening ¡nt-¡indi.uclv after the arrival of the train from0 4 iimbin. C. J. BOC UN,Assistant Bnginecr B. H. II. H.

P.- dh-..n. Jone 1.",. IS01 40 if

TO TUB MOUNTAINS!By Rail, Wheel and tho Saddle '

rimífi SUlJSORIBKR has open and in fullA operation empièteLIVERY and SALE STABLES,


TOGETHE iiWJjO- W- hi"(ls nf easy and comfortable

['Vom an Omnibus to un open Jiilffffjf '

HIS STOCK is fresh mel in fine condition,and he has secured the'os nf attentiveO-ilors. und careful Drivers, who inny alway:l.e lound at ¡heir post.

His OM N 1 ¡ll'SSKS will nltond at tho Depotsj .ii Ao lersoii. Polulleton mid Wulhalht. to rei cé'ive Piij-iuingOi's, \> .io will he convoyed prompt'ly to upi point in eil her of the>o places.T'-e Su i»,- '.i-er w**uld endeavor to impress

i, -.i the publié mi ni the inlvntitnges of travelthrough i Iii- epth M. Tl n climate i-line, bru-et nj! mid snlii.hrtoijs : ». d ilia -c. ncry is nn-iir-

passed iu nov uittry Kmm either of theliboye punt4', c voyances can he had fnCiai lt'.ville, M i.'.: V- .di, 'f .a II and TallulahFulls, Tu; Rill lïiiLui (Inp, Whiteside OmiChtiivnes T o M e ij i i ti*«, t'ti-hier Valley amiOe.ugeteiVn, ri. C.. Joell ce Table Hock lindCtO-'ilf's IL'.. l>HOC ¡H..1 Co- French Bi'otldVu'llay, n'tld iniy min ;? points. t»ver good road«omi lluouijh a country where the fare is sub-*jtU ilia) ni.d Miv'.'d, waier the host, mid thc uc-Cv'iimodutîotis lii'.-t rate.

Tho Huhsiutbcr trices the business his per¬sonal ntfotïtîdn. und he is (lótorininod that thetravelling puhliA shall have nothing at whichto murmur ou h.s pari. Where a trip is in¬tended, it would hiv well to address him nt Alt-ders'pi C. H.. S C. as to time, destination, terms.«fee., ito. His experience in thc business is longund favorably known to tho travelling public,nml his charges such as to commend thom to all.

JOHN M. PARTLOW.Juno Lb 15)0| 45tf

$20 BEWARD.I> UN AWAY from the snb«cï'ihcr. on tho 0thV of Inst Ueceinber, RUUUY. nbo tt 6 feet7 inohos high, vo/ y block .dun, 20 ye vs tdd :

sonicÜ UtOs he limps slightly, from buvitlg hudono of his leg» brukpu three years ago. lip linsn wiro nt pr, ll. 0. Miller'.-', near Pendleton,and is probuhly lnrkinn in that neighborhood.The obovo rowurd will be paid for his appre¬hension mid delivery to the nearest jail. , Allpersons detected in harboring or aiding bim inanyway, will bo dealt with neeurding to law..'. ^ JULIUS N% ROSS.Fi.oitR^OBi 8. C.. April 0. 1801- ' 37-if

I For Salo,FOUlt GOOD MI LCH COWS AND CALVES, verylow. hy JQSIÍUA UAHKliH.Juno H. 1801 44.4

JAyKS h. oun., 'lc-»*dJ>v'^ rió <".?'."~


. ' ÀWOR>TH?S AXÎ/AW,' «r myrtle C. M.,tr««U«}\> In theCetvta ot th<y tYMttru Circuit


1"1VERY ONE CAN UK SUITED, AS WKJ httvo un hand und receive every mouth

tho liestITALIAN A rv ?> \n IE BR icAN


HEADSTONES OF ALL SIZESAnd us cheap tia can ho bought anywhere, withfreights lidded.

Cut ¡otters, 3 1-2 cents each. Raised letters,20 cents euell ; und thc letters cut Jeep undwell.We luive secured thc services ol Mr. JOHN

C. CHEIUIY us our Agent, who will do till timican he done to give entire satisfaction. Allbusiness transacted by Illili will be ratilicd byLEAYERL ,t WHITE.March 20. 1900 33tf

THE PENDLETON HOTELr j ll I Pi Subscriber takes pleasuro in informing1. his friends und the public, tlittt bc has ta¬ken charge of that large and commodious Housein tho village of

PENDLETON, S. C.He intends to keep a lirst class house, and

invites the tri'veiling public and his friends togivö Ililli n cull. Amongst tho comforts undconveniences added, is that of u Reading Room,where the latest papers may bo consulted

A. B. BOWDEN.Feb 2. 1KtiO_27tf


J session, authorized the issue of Bonds tothe amount td' $075,OOO, bearing an interest of7 per cent., for the purpose of providing the jfunds required to sustain thc State in thc net «d'resuming her rights of Sovereignty, this Bankis euw prepared to dispose of the Bonds. Theyare issued in Bums of $50, $100, and $150. Aliopportunity is thus a (lorded every citizen tomitko u secure and prolitahlo investment, whilecontributing aid to the cause in which the Sm«cis engaged. With the view of mubling citizenslil any part of the State to share in tho loan,the Clerks of the Courts of the several Districtshave been requested to open Books of Subscrip¬tion for the Stock. Suitnhle arrangements willhe mude for furnishing bonds on the receipt ofthe ninney, at an early dav altor each subscrip¬tion has heirn made. Engagements for thopurchase of Bonds may bc unido at the Bunk,or ut tiny of its branches. It is probable that,at tho next session of tho Legislature, thosepin tie-' wini dosiro it may havo have their Bondsconverted into Stock.

C. M. FURMAN. President.February f.\ 1801 30tf


Pendleton, S. C.fl tilt! SUBSCRIBER, who has bad several.1 years experience in Hotel business, (hav¬ing been sole proprietor of tho WillinnistonSprings Hotel for nine years,) is now propriotmof the BLI)E RIDOE' 11OUSE, where bc willlie glad tosco nil bis old friands end also thc travelling public. His house willhe provided with everything necessary for n

Well-kept house, bot ii from thc sea botud marketsand surrounding country, and his Bar willichoice Wines, Liquors and Cigurs. Ho hasgood servants, and every intention will be poid10 his guests to render their sojourn agreeable.The goitd sooiotyof Pendleton village-'he pro¬verbial good health of its inhabitant*-its tinecool water und bracing atmosphere-its prosunity lo tho mountains and its ucc-6ssj)>i|il y h\11 ai I road, all contribute to make it one < thehost su illmer resorts in the upper country. Per¬sons arriving here uti thc cars, and wishing tevisit the mountains or auy other point of thesurrounding count ry, can be accommodated with.mod conveyances mid careful drivers from thcLivery Stable kept hero.

J. W. COBB.Mav 15. 1S00_42tf


EASLEY & WICKLIFFE,Attonioys at En iv.

17 17* ILL intend punctually to all business cn-> » trusted to their care in the District*comprising thc Western Circuit.

OFKI CK AT PICKENS C. II., S. C.Sept. 2ö. 1 «r>/> 13tf

I. W. XOltKIS, Jil. .1. W. IIARlllSON. Z. C. 1'lt.I.lAM.


A N I) SOLI CI T Ó lt 8 I X E QUIT Y,ll*ILL attend promptly to all business entrüstenM to theil' care. Mn, Pei.LIAM can always I«found in thc Oflicc.

OWlCK AT P10KKNS C. H., S. 0.8opt. ft,> '.1tf


r'ïlHE SUBSCRIBER offer* fur sale his valu-JL ohio and eligibly locatedTit .KT OF li A NO,

Containing Three Hundred and thirty-threeAcres more ur less, situate on Cane Creek, nm!within three miles of tho flourishing town otWalluilln. There uro on tho pince, 50 acres olgood bottom, three settlements, dwellings andout buildings i and fine building sites, in viewot the whole runge of mountains.Thc Blue Kiibre will, in u few days,be running to Walhalla, w hich brings the placeIn easy access from almost all quarters of the

minn try.On this Trnet. wntor power abounds, and

there are also a Saw and Grist Mill ihcroon insuccessful operation.

Ternis, moderato. Address mo ut Walhalla,or apply on the promises,


BY D. BIEMANN.rill! 18 LABOE AND COMMODIOUS ES-JL TABLISHMENT bas boon com ploted amifurnished in tho best stylo, und is now open foribo reception of boarders and transient custom*ors. The undersigned gives tho Uouso his per¬sonal attention and supervision, and his tablo issupplied with thc best tho railroad and countrymarkets alford.

Walhalla is n pleasant and flourishing town,nt tho present terminus of tho Blue Ridgo Rail¬road. There uro churches and tho best schools,with fine ronda and thc usual facilities fur travelin almost every direction. Tho Inv,md andtraveller, too, have here a most salubrious eli-mate, with rt lino view of mountain scenery.Thoso 'travelling North li orotofure for healthmid plonsure aro now cut off from spending.their money amongst our enomies. The under

['"signod has been at great expense to prepare forthis oin ss nod others ; and, with his long expe¬rience In.tho business, ho flutters himself thathe cnn givo entire satisfaction. Ho respectfullysolicits tho patronage of his mend* nod the,travelling public. His farm* uro moder ito.

D. RIEMANN.Wnlbnlln. Mny 0, 1801 40 tf

The Charleston Courier will copy doilyon Munday and tri-w*. y on Thursday tillotherwise ordered.,> -.-«-., ... .-..",. i,i»t..,?,",. 1.^.1,....^.-

à Notice, .,;TIIOSE porsono indebted to me for ihe y.enr1800 mast oohio forWard'and' settle theirAccounts before tho 1st of Septembet nott, jfthey have not the money como'«nd g. vu theirnoto. Tho Books must he squared.,

JJ IErcndloton, fine l&,

' 'iffJ -Ai JU--/, '

; v.V -yo. vt ;\*« .'"'',}

At WEtíf-'üNJON. 8. C..

IS ut tho torminuR of tho. Niuo R.idgo Rn»J- '

, {rond, (»no milo from Wolhnllav öh^»t bffcdti- Iful sandy plain, in full view Ol' tho mountains.** '.§All the rund« intersecting ure snunth and woll 1kept in order. Thoowiiors, not wishing to ou? Jcupy tue iiuTKL, now .just retitled nod pHli in'complete repnlr, oflbr it for palo or rent. ThoInt Contains two and one-fourth acres, nnd ha«all the necessary nutbuildingd ih order aud wollarranged.Persons wishing to engago in th'oTIdtol: busl- '

;noss can find no ¡nore eligible nituatlon than '

thia, Por particulars, upply to J. C. NEVII.LK,on the premises, or to

GRESHAM '& NEVILLE.June 4. ÎW\ 41-5 WtdlwlhyS. W'.


ANOSoil ci for in r:<ini<y.


Jan. I. 185« 25If

A. FISCHESSER,Wa lc Bi «na Ucr an«! Jeweller.

WALHALLA, S. C.,HAS received nt his stand on .Muin-strect, li*

Inigo und beautiful assortment ofWatches and Jewelry,Which is oifercd very low t" his friends nnd ibo

trading public.REPAIRING, in nil UM branches,-done in

u moHt workmunliko manner,- mid with de¬spatch. All work warranted.June 22. 180Q- -17f

H. FAJEN,A T W A L ll A L LA, S . C . .

IS now receiving a splendid usrorlntoutDRY MOODS.

Por Ladies nnd Gontloinnn's "Wear,-ALSO-

lt ea «I y - IIB a <le VI ol li i II g".IIculso hns on hnnd the finest Ciissinicrs andLinens, for tho Springnnd Suinincr: togetherw ith ninny other articles not necessnry to men¬tion.Mr. PAJF.N continues tho Tniloring Boldness

in all its branches, nnd respectfully solicits ft-share of public putronngo._Mny 12. 18Ô0_ __12_

CABINET MAKÍN(3~AT 1WOK(¿A N'S Hlfllili, ». -C.;rilli K undersigned is prepnred to execute allJL orders in this line. Promptness nnd puno-tnnlity is promised if custom is extended.-'forms, easy.

JAMES WHITE & CO.A u sro at 2-L 1800 4 >_ tf

POWDER FOR SALE.11IIE South Carolina Powder Mills' Companyoffer for stile, on good terms, tho followingkinds of superior Powder, viz:Common Blasting powder per keg $4 25Brilliant " . \p 26Common Mining " " 5 26Brilliant " . 6 26Common Eitle . 7 25Brilliant " " " 8 50'

fliriy* Where thc keg is returned 25 coutawill be deducted.

Address JOHN Bowps & Co, Picketts Court(louse, S. C.

WM. R. BOWEN, Agont.Sept. 7. 1800 '0 "

. JjLaw Notice.

'PUK undersigned will devote himself entirely1 to tho predice uf baw and Equity on thoWestern Circuit. Mr. ll.umr.s is Iiis partnei utPickons. JAMES L. ORR.Anderson C lt.. Sin) 10. 1850 42-if

WM. G. KEITH,ATTORN E Y A T L A W ,VlfILL aitcnd promptly to nil business entrüste«!i

ll to his care in the Distriela comprising liteWestern Circuit. Oflice ut Picken» Ç, fl.Deo 5.'1859 20tf


J SABRA DA NI KbS, wife of John Daidcls, of1 «j Dickens District, hereby giros notice that, upontho expiration of the legal length of lime, I willtrade and net as a free denier or "firitimc covert ;"and public notice is hereby given accordingly. Myoccupation is that of a funner and weaver.


flUIE subscriber lins on bund and is constantJL ly receiving a large and varied ai»tu>rtniciH ifAmerican and Italian Marble,To w hich be would cal! the attention of those in

want of a suitable Monument to mark thc spotwhore repose tho remains of »heir departed rel¬ative.* and friends. Curving and lettering ufnil kinds neatly und promptly executed.ÖfcärPurlieulur attention paid to ordersbvmail'

JAM KS M. ALLEN.Greenville C. H., S. C.. Pcb 22 îH-tfN. B. Ho refers tn 1) ti Westtiold. Oowcr.Cox,Murki« A Co.. Dr. M B Eurie, W II Watson,Esq., Col D Hoke, ll McKay. Esq.

Notíco." ;

ALL persons indebted to the Estute of Jamo»Rogers, deeeusod, tire reqnostcd to make

payment-; nnd nil those having demnnds ngninst-ui<l Estate must present thom legally ntlCatc-dto either of tho undersigned.

L. ROGERS, ) . ,

_L. A. RICK. ILaw Notice..

'DUE undersigned have formed n partnership In1 Ibo practice of baw and Equity for PiekcunDistrict. Mr. IIAHOKN may bo commited at hit)otlioe in Pickens and Mr. Ona nt Anderson.

JAMI'S L. Wit,W. M. HIDDEN.Fichons.C. IL May 10. 1850 42-ff


TUE cu rs ix is UPON up:V LL porsohs indebted to W. IL DEN,BY vtxii. CO., for the year I860, ininstcome forwardund moko settlement by I» oto or Ciisli-^e<i*/ipreferred-ns wo aro needing money..Poisons indebted to the hm? of DENDY <fcPULLEN for tho years 1858^51) .must paywithin twenty days from this dato, or pity.coat,without discrimShntion.

W. JL DENDY & CO.BfeS& Vch-*.1801_*-<l" läiLTaxes l^ust bo Paid !

IPERSONS who have not yet paid their Tnxoiimud do so on Suloday tioxt. as' tho DistriotTreasurers want their (fyptioy. I do'nnt wdsh>to make cost, but havo nodisorotion in this oasb.'Thc times are hard, but the money must enmofor taxes. J. W. L. CARY, T, 0-_Juoo3,I86l_ _44 , / .4

MEDICAL NOTIdE-REMO^AEDUS. M ABUY & SLOAN bo« to Inform theirfriends and pillions that they havo removedHicIV Offieo to tho¡liviok building formerly óccuplodby Dr. T: J. PSoketis, whorp ono or tim other maynlways be found, pxcoptinhon profoíslonnlly *h--soiit. MABUY & SLOAN.Pendleton. Jan. 18. 1881 2ft If

Strayed,1,1ROM tim suhsoriber on tho 251li of M»v

. last, a Cow and yoting eulf. She is lftrgè,dork red. with houd' partly blnek \ eromplyhorns, which, ha» hoon herod"with.t smsR glmb-Ict,., She was . purchased .from >U^tn/|JhsrpeTnnd '1 suppo'so she is'in hit* tna.rk. *h«>íÍDi vraa.noA\WVi 1R 4>^y V^«ktitf&ttti< si»rd cow via 1)0. thatikfiAi* i-mm, nndany .-omnio iùoùrred kù4m oi«l«r>MlM Ö«.

J^n^mx .-..4ô;.iS.. wa -