Download - Keen Kutter Knives 1939

Page 1: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


K£1N KU11JR POCKET KNIV Jm,.ehH./~ftwtntH~ lIwutlmti4 q~

kE E/IIKllrr,'/!·.


Page 2: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KttN KUrrtR ..America's Jinest Gutlery .. . 9nvites 1/our 9nspection!

This attractive cutlery table is made expressly for your convenience in sele~ting merchandise that will best suit your cutlery requirements.

You may inspect a complete selection of KHN KU11£R cutlery neatly di sp layed and kept dust-proof, under glass covers. Ask the salesperson to show you KEEN KUTTER cutlery so that you may more closely examine it and appreciate its beauty ... construction ... quality ... and sharpness.

Page 3: Keen Kutter Knives 1939



KttNKUtttR Pocket Knives-Standard of America No wonder KEDI KUrrER b known throur hout the count ry &9 the fi nest pocket knife! Years of faithful service from keen cuttlnc blades Ilnd fine mel!.hanlsm have pro\'cn the "alDe of thl.!! superior pocket cutlery ..• hAve proved thllt It pays t o buy tile best. Quam)' In every piece of material used makes these knives stand out among leaders. Cl'llrl!Jman~hlp in design. tempering, and assembling l.'5 shown in their beauty and performance. Economy as years of saUsfacUon increase the value of a dependable knUe that Is always ready.

PeaTl handle. Four blades-apea1'. pen. nail scissors

and pick naU nle, full polished. Nickel-sliver sh.leld and Uning, full

mWed. Le.nfth-2% inches. KB K484S._._ .......•...•...... _ .. Each $0,15

Pearl handle. Four billde!l-large spear, 2 pen and

pick nail file, ful1 polished. Nickel-sliver tips, shJeld and Uning.

Pull mWed. LeIiCt h-3 inches. K8 K851.... ._ ......... , ..... ~EtK:h $1i. ' 1i

Purl handle. Three blD.ct_lnrge spear, pen and pick

nail lile, full polished. Nickel-sliver Shield, shackle Qnd lin­

ing. Full mUied. Lenrtb-2~ inches, lID ~'OG4S ..... _ ....... _._ .. _ .. _ .... El\clJ $4,00

PeQrl handle. Three blades-large spear, pen and pick

nQil file. full polished. NICkel-silver sh1eld and 11n1ng. MIlled

back. Le.nrth-3 incbes. KB KSOS7T ...... _ ... _ ....... _ .... .Ench $4.00

Pearl hQndle. Two blades-large spear and long nail

file. full polished. Nlckel_li llvt.r tlp.s and lining. Full mllled

back.. Length-3 inches. KB K015S ................ __ ........... F..u.cb $S.OO

Pea rl handle. Four blades---spear, 2 pen, and flIe , full

polished. Nlckel·sllver bolsters. sll1eld and llning. Lenrth-3% inches. 1m K>l208 ............. __ .............. .Eacb S!l.OO

Pearl handle. Three blades-large spear, pen aud

Curley nail file. full poUshed. Nlckel-slh'cr tips, shield and Uning. Le.n~h-3 ~~ inches. 1m KSO'S ............. _ ............ ___ Eacb $2.50

Pearl handle, Two bill.des-large spear and pen, full

pollshed. Nlckel-IUver tips and lining, Length-3% Inches. K8 KOODT _ ............................ Each $2.25

Pearl handle. Two bladu- large spear and pen. full

polished. Nickel-sliver tips and linlIl{l'. Le.nrth-3 inches. KD K08ST ._ _ F .• .'\dl $1.7/5

One-half dozen In 11 carton.

WITII FINE LEATJlER POCKET KNIFE PURSE AND INDIVIDUAL BOX ,\ tlRndsome. userul gift-both knUe and case streamlined In deslgn. Genuine pearl handle. Two blad~-lnrge spear and pen, full

poUshed. l'ilckel-,dlvr.r Ups and lining. Lenrth-3 ~ inches. KU K86S_ .. _._ .. _ ..... ___ .. .....Eacb $l.65

One in nn individual gi rt box.

Pearl handle. Two blades-large .spear and nall flle,

tull polished. Nickel-silver Ups. shackle and ILning. Lenglh- 2"i tnchea. KB KOS88SF ....... _ .......... _ ... $1.G5

Pearl handle. Two blade5-huge spear and pen, lull

polished. Nlckel·sllver tips, shleJd and linIng. Lengl.b-2 "l, Inches. KB 1{{)I88 ... __ .................... ...Each SI.65

One-half dozen in a carton. WelgM per dozen I "" Un,

Retail priCft quoted above ua tI»H found to be prerailin4 in a,.. St. Loui........ Frei,hI to dei/ifill/ion .oould bo Gded.


Page 4: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


J(£tNKUtttR Pocket Knives Outstanding for Quality and Beauty

A Girt for Enry Boy POCKET KNIFE-tuN KUmR QUBUty.

Genuine pearl handle. Two hJadl"S-Mbre a.nd pen. NlcktJ-sUvcr bolster and cap. Onus

lining. Lenrtb-2~ inches. P URSE-black leather, well aewed, with

,nap butt-on tast.cner. PRESENTATION BOX- pure white

cardboard , covered with white alli­gator pattenl paper.

KB KlSS ~.-\Velght per dozen 1 ~ lba . ......... _ ....••... _. __ .... Ea4lb $1.25

one dozen In • carton.

Pe, rl handle. Two hlad_larac . pear and pen, full -"'. Nickel-s liver bolsters and l!nlna. unph-3 inches. KB K0209R •. _ •. _ ..•.. _ •.•••. ..Ench $1.25

White celluloid-pearl handle. Two blades-larse spear and long naU

JUe, full polished. Nlckd-sllvcr tips and Ilnlng. Len(i.h-24' inches. KB K12G __ ..• _ ••.. _ •..• -Eacb $I .GO

Wblte celluloid-pearl handle. TIII"o hlades-laTge , pear and na1l rue,

full polished. Nickel-s ilver Ups and Unln,. Len~b-3 Inches. KB KOl6S0 . __ ...•..• _ ...•.. _ ....• ..Ench $l.OO

Celluloid- pearl handle. Two blades-large spear and pen. full

polished. Nlckel-" IIYer Ups and lln1ng. Lenlrth-3 inches. 1m KOBOT •. __ ~ •. _ ..Ett.cb $ 1.00

~lIuJold_pcarl handle. Two blades-large spear and pen. full

polished. NlckeJ-s.ilnr UPS. shield and Untni'. Lclll[th-3 incbes. KB K02283'N ... _ _ .. __ .. .Each $1.00

White celluloid-pearl handle. Two blades-large spear and pen. rull

polished. N"lckel-sUver Ups and llning. Len,th-3% inches. KB K86SC __ .. __ .•......•. __ .. -Each $0.75

Red and I.a.n eellulold handle. Two blade.s-lllrge spear and I)C:n. rull

pol1shed. NI c.ke1-s1lvtt bolsters, shield and linina. ~n""h-3'" inches. KB KOl880A __ ....... _ ..... ~eb $O.7i)

~ Stac' handle. Two blad_largl!i spear and pen. full

polIshed. Nic.kel-sllvtt bolsters, shIeld and lining. Lf',nrth-3 41 inches. KB KOJ88L ........ _ ... _ ........ __ •• :::lIch $0.&

Star handle. Two blade_l.o.rge spear and pen. tull

polished. N1ckel-liih'er llnlna. tipa; and ahleld. Lenlrth-3" inchea. KO K02~. ._. _._ .•. .Each $1.00

Star handle. Two blade_large spear and pen, full

polished. Nlckel-Illver tips. shield and Uning. Lenlrth-3 ~' inches. KB I<O!!8 IT ..Each $1.00

star handle. Two blades-large spear and pen, tull

polished. NlekI'J-,n\'l~:r tips. shield and lining. Leulth-3 Inches. KO K02287 _._ .......... -Eucb $1.00

Star handle. Two blndes-Iarge cUp and pen. tull

polished. N"lckel·sllver bolsters. shield and lining. Lenctb-3 ' , Inches. KO KOS706 ........ .. .......... -----Each $1.00

Stal handle. Two blades-large 5pear and pen. rull

polJahed. Nlc:kel-alh 'u bolsters. shield and IInlng. Lenlrth-3 '" inches. KD K02011 ... ElU!h $ 1.00

One-hair dozen In a carton. Weight per dozen 1 % lbs.

R.t.1I price. Quoted .too .. , IU. thoM found to be prav';/lnl. in the St. Loui, .r... Prei,ht to dulin.'ion .hoed'; be nddtKI.


Page 5: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KttNKU11tR Pocket Knives You Can Depend on These Knives for Dependable Sharp Cutting Edges!

Sial" handle. Two bllld e.---5pear and pen, Cull pol· ... "'. Nlckel·sllver tips and Hning. Len~h-2 • Inchl!L KB I{U I .... .. _____ ... -Each $1.00

Star hl\ndle. Two llu'le blad es--<:lIp and spey, fun

polished. Nh:krl -lj:l1ver bol$lel1l, shield and lining. Lencth-3I" inches. KB KOS'06 I ~ .. _.'. . __ ... Y..nch $1.00

St.,. handle. T wo blllde5-larte spear and pen, full

polished. Nlckf:l-lillvcr bolawrs. shield and Unlng. Lenr th-2::1-', Inches. J{B KO!!01R .• _. ___ .... _ ......... ..Each $ 1.00

Sta, I1andle. Two blRdes-llU'gc spear nnd pen, full

polished. Nlckel-sth'cr bolsters, 6h1eld and lln1ng. IA:nJ1 h- S"i Inches. KB K 0108_ ...... _ •..• _ ..•..• _ •. .Etu:h 51.00

St .. h •• ~dl ••. Two blad9-large spear and pen, rull

polished. Nldr:el-Ilh'cr bolster and shield. Brass

linlna. Lt'nglh-3 I , !nehel. KB KOZ.12S ..•..• _._ •.•• _ ..• _..Eacb $1 .00

OFF ICE KNIFE White celluloid handle, etched on one

side. Two LUKe bla dtt--apear and eraser

point, full poll.!hed. N!ekel -sllver lining. Lenr'-h--3~~ inches. KB K02220 .... _ ....... __ ... __ •.. _ • ...Euch $1·09

m "n eE KNIFE Whltc celluLoLd hundle, etched on one

side. Two larl'C bl4d~r and eraser

point. full polished. N{ckel-slh'er lining. Len, th-31.i inches. KB K02120 _ .••.. _ .. ..Ench $0.96

Stac- handle. Two blades-large lIhecpfoot and pcIl.

full polished. Nickc:i -511"cr rat-tun bolsters, shlcld

and lining. L cn(t.h-3'. Inches. fill KO.l527 ..• _ ._ ....... _ ... E ucll $0.05

spl!ar and pen. full

B I'1l3lII llnina.

_ •... _. ____ .. __ . .Each $0.915

_. __ ._ .. _ ..... __ .• _ ...• .Each $0.83

Sbl' handle. Two blad_l~e spear and pen. full

polbhed . Nickel-diver lips, shield a.nd IInlll8'. Lenrth-2'O inches. KJl KO.l86 ._ .. _._._._. ___ ._.Eacb $0.8:5

Sial' Two blndes- lRrge sheepCoot and pen,

full polished. Nickel-si lver rat-tall bolsters. BraSIl

lining. Lenr th--3l1l inches. KB KO.la21 _ ... __ ..• ___ ....Each $0,86

Star handle. T wo bla des-large speer and pen, fUll poUshed.

Nll!kel -sllver bolsteI"ll. Brass lining. Lcn(th-3 inches. KB K715. __ •. _ .. __ .. ___ ._._._ ..... Eac.b $0.715

Star handle. Two hla de.-large sheepfoot and pen.

full polished. Nlekel-$U" cr rat-tall bolsters. Brass

1ln1ng. l .enrtb-3 inches. lID KO.lD8 .. _._ ..•.. _. __ • __ .• .Eacb $0.75

Star handle. Two bla des-large spear and pen, full

""""''''. Nkkel-5Ih'cr bol.!lters. Bnus lining. Len,th-:iL~i Inches. KU K71 2 •. __ .... _ •. _. __ . __ ... _ . ...Each 80.15

One-half dozen in a I!arton Wetaht per dozm 114 lbs. Ret .. , price. quoted .v. are fh<>H /ound to be prey.ilin, in tlw St. Loul •• rea. Fr.i,h f 10 deltin.tion .hould be _"ed.

4 17

Page 6: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KEEN KUTTER Pocket Knives Have Proven Themselves Throughout the Years!

Stq handle. Twit bll1de¥-lal'l~ clip and pen. full

polished. Nickd-III1I'er bobteR. shield and lining. 1.<':IIIth-3'1I inches, liB IiOSSU ... __ • $I .%il

Stu, handle. Two bladt5-Iarte clip and pen, full

polLshed. Nlekel·llilver bolsten, shield and llnlnr. Lenrth-3 1.>O inches. KB K024Si'h ___ • __ --Each $1.25

St ... handle. Two bla de5-larae clip and f!mt'IlI spey,

full polished. Nlckd-.U."cr bolsten!, shield Md lining. Lenf1. h- 3"" incbf!S. KB KOI98J~ __ •• _ •• _._ .•. --Each $ 1.00

Star handle. Two blade&-large clip and small clip

shape pen, full polJ.t;.hed. NI('kr.I.,tfllver bolsters and shield. Brust

llnin<. Lf'nr th-:l\i. inches. KB Ki' La .•. _._ •.. _._ ..... __ .. Eacll iiO.O:s

Star handle. Two larre blade.--cllp and spey, full

poUllhed. Nickel'lnlo'er bolsters, shield and lining. Lencth-:l '. inches. KB KOSI.5S ._ .•..• _ ._ ... F'..ach $1.50

Stllr bandle. Three blade_large llpear, pen and

nail tile. full polished. Nkkf:l·.Uver bolsterll and shield. Brass


Lcnl"tb-3 lnches. KR I\SS01R ...• __ .............. _ .. .Eudl $1.60

Star handle. Th~ blad_large llpear, pen and

nail file, full polished. Nlokf:I·!:d lver tips, shield and IlnIng. l,enl"tb-3 Inches. KB K:BI . . _____ .. ~cb $l.50

StilI handlc. Four blades-large clJp, large sheepfoot.

larse .pey and pen. run polished. Nlckel·slh·er bolsters, sWeld and lining,

Lwrth-3" Inches. KB H'H 28 ..... _ . ,_,_",_, Each '2.00

St., handle. Four bln.des-two large shl!epfoot or

tobacco and two pen. One large blade half polished, other blades glazed finish .

Nlekel·dlvt.!" rat-tall bolsters and shield. Brass lining.

LenCth-3 tv" inches. KD K4S98 ... _ ............. _ ....... ..Ellch $1.76

Stal" handle. Four bl.d_2 large sheepfoot and 2

pen, full polished. Nlckel -slh'er rat-taU bolsters, IIhleld

and Hnlnl. Lelll"th-3~ Inches. KB K .. ~71 ..• __ .................. _._ • ..Eac.h ,1.&

SlItr handle. Four blade_large sheepfoot, :I pen

and nall file , full pollshed. Nlekel -slh'er raL-tall bolsters, lIhleld.

and ll.ning. Lcnrlb-3 ',. Inches. KB K4521 _ ............... _ ...... _ .. $1.50

Sial" handJe. Four bladl!5-)ruop llpear, 2 pen and

nail file , full polished. Nlckel·sUver tips, shield and lining. Lenrth- 3 Inches. H IS K .. "L.... Euch $1.M)

One-hall dozen In II. carton. Welaht per dozen l '~ Ibs.

Ref.illHro.. qwoled aboN are tm.. found to be pt~ ... Hin, in lhe SI. /.Qui, arN. P,.I,ht to de.ti""tion Ihould bto NdN.


Page 7: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


6iN KUrTiR HAMMER FORGED POCKET KNIVES The Beveled Blades Assure Perfect Sharpening

"Uammer For,ed" nltans u t ra Bl renrth and edjC- hOldln, quality - for which these knives are JustlY famous. Ham­mered from single bars 01 high-lT"de crucible cut ery steel. then lIhaped and t.empered. The lower portion ot the blade is then hand growld, under water, to a keen cUlLing edge.

White celluloid h andle, etched "Keen Kutter KoWe Knife" on one side and steer's head on the other.

Thne blades-large clip, IiPeY Bnd oat­ented leather punch. 'I"he new type bell punch in thls knite 1$ grooved Ilmllar to an auger bit and bor~ a hole In leather with ease and unt­tonnlty.

Nickel-IIUnr bolsters and lIning. Len, th-31)6 Incbes. KB 1('7&.163 ._ .•• _ •• _._ ..•....• _.Ench $ 1.50

White cdlulold hondle, etched "Keen Kuttu Kattle Knife" on one &Ide and steer's head on the other. T~ blad __ large clip, spey and pen. Nickel-sliver bolsters and llnlng. Lenr th--3% inches. KB I{S I6a; ••... _ ........... _ ..... -Each $1.60

Star handle. Three la r,e bJadrs--ctlp, sheepfoot and

llpey. Nlcke1'lI l1ver bolsters, shield Rnd lining. Lenr th-3l¥ incbes. KDKS925 __ ............. _._. Each $ 1.50

Kll KI098 '~

Star handle. Three blades-large clip, spey and pen. Nlckel·sllver bolster'll and 1!ohil'ld. Brass

Unlng. Lenp b-3 't4 inches. KB KS9S5 .. _._ .......... EuQh $1.60

Star handle. Three blades-large spear, spey and

patented leather punch. 'the new type belt punch In thLs knife 15 grooved similar to an auger bit and bores a hole in leather with extreme ease and uniformity.

Nlckel·sth·f'r bolsters. ahIl'ld and lining. Lt:n r th--3" inches. KB K1S906 .... _ ........ _ ... -EoQh $1.50

Three blad_largl' ellp, ..pey and pat-ented leather punch.

Nlckel·sllver bolsters. shield and lining. Lenr th-37A1 Inches. KB K1392t1 . __ ... _. Each SU O

White Nu·pearl celluloid handle. Three blades-large dip, spey alld pat­

ented leather punch. The new type belt punch Is grooved

aImllar to an augf'r bit and bores a hole In leathcr with ease and unl· tormlty.

Nlckel -slh'er bollltcrs, shield and 11nlng. Len, lh-31, Inches. KD K1S9250 ...... _ . ...Each $1.50

White Nu-pearl celluloid handle. Two blades-large cUp and pen. Nlckel·slh'er bolstera, shield and lln1ng. Lenp h-31i Inches. 1m K282MJ '_""," ...... _ ....... :;lIch $1.00

Sta, handle. Two blades-Inrge clip and pen. Nlckf'l·sllvf'r bolsters, shield and lining. L ength-311. 1nches. KH K2825 .. ~, .. ::acta $ 1.00

White eellulold · ~arl handle.

One blade-Iar'ie saber clip.

Nlckel · slh'er bolllter and long cap. Dnu lIn1ng.

Lenr t i1r-5 Inches.

Each $ 1.00

One· hall dozen In II. carton. Weight per dozen 3 Ibs. R et .. 1 prkft OlIO/ell abo" ..... t~ louml to be pre.,.mrt4 ill , ''' SI. lAui • .,..... Frllith' to dNt i,..tioll lhouJd be addod.


Page 8: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KEEH KUttER Pocket Knives with Punch Blade Useful! Sturdy I Keen Cutting Knives

Slq bandle. Thret: blades-large clip, spey and pa~

enUd lenther punch, full polished. N!c.ktJ-,dl't.r bolstns, sh.Ield and I1n1ng. Lcnrth-3r• Inchu. KB K78I3S ~~ ................. _ ... SUO

Stal" handle, Three bla.d~lllrge clip, spey and pat-

ented h:ather punch. full pollllhed. Nkktl-5iIver bolsters, Shield and l1nlne. U:nl"th-:l'4 lnchCIII, KB K18828 .• _ .•.... __ ......• _ $1.60

Su, handle. Three bindel-large cilp, large spey

and pal.cnted leather punch, full pol-

"""'. Nlckel. I Uver bol&ten. shield and. llnlng. Len&"th-3111 inches. KB K1S8 ~~ ._ •... __ .. _.-Eacb $1.56

White edlulold handle. etched "K een K utter KalUe Knlle" on one aide with sUer's head on the other.

Three bbdes-ciJp, spey and patented leather punch, full poLls.hed.

Nickel·slll'er bolstcr'3 and IIn1nl. Lellflh-311l inches. KB K7S411 ~:. . __ .. ___ . __ ..Eada $1.50

Sial' handle. Thl'ff blades-large clip, apey and pat.-

ented leaUler punch, lull pollshed. Nlckd s lh'er bolstCl1l, shie.ld and lining. Lwrlh-3~ inchee, KB K737SS ... __ .... ____ ... _--Each SUO

Gl"ffn ~arl celluloid handle. Tbree blades-large spear. spey and

new t:rpe spital belt punch. lull pol­ished.

The new type belt punch tn thls knlCe is grooved sUnllar t.o an auger bit and bores a hole in leather with eue and unUormlty.

~lckt.l-511vt.r bolsten;, IIhleld and llnina. ~nrlh-3~ inches. KB K7!8-180. E8(:b $lAO

Star hnndle. Thrc~ blades-large spenr, spey and

patented leather punch. rull pol.ished. Nlcktl-sllvcr bolsten;, shield and lining. Lcnrth-3~ Inches. KB K7S8-t8~'._ ..... ___ ..Each $1.40

Star handle. Three billdl'll-l.a.rge cUp, spey and pat­

ented leather punch. lull polished. Nlcktl-slh'cr bolsten; and shie:ld.

Nickel lining. Lenrlh-31 ' inches. KB K13706 \~ ._. Ench $1.25

Stal" handle. Three blades-Iarre clip, spey and pat-

ented Il!8ther punch, Cull pollshed. Nlckel-sllve.r bolsters, shield and lining. Le:nrth-3" inches. lID K7S5M ~~ __ .. _ .... __ ..Eacb SUS

Slar handle. Thre.e blades-large clip, spcy and pat-

ented leather punch. fulJ polished. Nlckel-slh'cr bobters. shlcld and 11n1ng. Le:nJ1.h-3% inches. KB K6SG8 ............................. .Each $1.00

Star handle. ThrN: blades-lRfic clip. lpey and pat·

ented leather punch, lUll polished. Nickel-sliver bolstCl1l, shield and llning. Lenrth-31~ inche&. KD KS059 _ ........... _ ...... __ .. .Each $1.00

Sial handle. 'rhrce blad_large clip. spey and pat-

ented leathe.r punch. tuU polished. Nlckel-slh'er bolsten;, sbleld and lining. Lenrth-3l~ inches. KB K328!) ..... _ ... __ .Each $1.00

One-halt dozen In a car ton. Weight. per dozen :14. Ibs. RettJl twice. quoted abo ... .,. t~ found to ,.. pnw .. lin~ in the S t . Lolli........ F";~ht to d .. ti ... ,ion .hould be added.


Page 9: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KttHKU11tR Pocket Knives Made of Only the finest Materials, by Expert Craftsmen!

Genuine lita, handle. Thfft. Ja rfe blades---ellp, Ihcepfoot and

sPC!y. futl polished. NlekC'l-slh'cr bOlsten, shield and Uning.

Full milled back. lA.n,ih_ 3' ;' Inches. Jill K321l8!) ..... :!IW SU5

Star hRndlc. Thr~ blad_latltc clip, lnrge sheep­

root. and pen. full polished. Nltkel_lillvrr bolsters, lhield and lJ.n1ng.

Pull milled back. Len(th-3"" inchea. KB I{sSM9 . __ •. _ . ....Each i l.i5

r ear! celluloid handle. Three la r,e bl ade.-cllp, shceptoot nnd

spey, Cull polished. Nlckcl-roUnr bolsters. shield and !lninl. Leu J th---4. lnches. KU 1{!J82U:U ._ .... _ •.. ,_. .Elich Sl.50

Red and a mber 5ta. pea.rl ceUulold handle.

ThrH' blades-la l'8'e clip. large ' pcy and patent.ed leaUler punch, full pol­lsl\ed.

Nlekcl-I'Uver bolsters, shield and Uning. Lcnrlh--4 Inches. Kll K'SIS6!A .................... .... ::uch SI.60

Genulne sta, handle. Three Jarle billdes-cllp, iiPIn' a.nd

sheepfoot, full polLshed. Nkkel.,lher bolsters, shield and lining.

Milled back:. Lenrth-3 1.:1 Inches, KB K34.889 •. _ '._ ........ Each til.1SO

BlKk celluloid handle. Three huge blade.--cllp, aheeptoot and

spey, full polLshed. Nlekel-sill'C':r bolsters, ahleld and Unlng. ~(1.h-31· Inches. KBKS825 _. . Eaeb $ I .~O

While iridesel':lIt celluloid-pearl handle T hree huge blades-large clip, I5PCY

and sheepfool, full polished. Nle.kel-lillver bolsters, Ihleld and I1n1118. Length-3iil Inches. KB K543.t •.• _ ..... _ ....... _ _ .••. .Eaeh $ 1."0

White eellulold-pearl handle. Three larre btades-clip, ape)' and

sheeptoot, full polished.. Nlekd-sU\'cr bolsters, shield and lin­

ing. Milled back. Lenrth-3r• Inches. KB K 5l!ML.... .. ... __ ElIch $ 1.40

Stag handle. Three larre blades---cllp, sheeproot and

SJX!Y, full polW1ed. Nlckel'slh' tr bo15ters, shield Ilnd llnlll&'.

Mlllcd bock. Len,th-:P~ inches. lill KS ISS ._Y..ach $1.40

Sill&" handle. Th~ l:lrce blad~lp, sheepfoot and

. pey. full polished. Nlckd-fiilh'cr bolsters, shield and lining. Ll':n,th_ 31• Inches. KB K8828 ... .._._._._ .... ~h $1.40

Star handle. Three blades-large clip, spey and pen,

full poJ1shed. Nickel-sliver bolsters, shield aod lining.

Milled bnck. Len(1.h-3 1i Inches, 1m KMSS ~~ .. _ ..... _ . __ ..... $tAO

S tili' handle. Th~ IllrrC bladelO--e1lp, sheepfoot and

spc)" full pollshed. Nlekel-li:lInr bolslers, shield aod lining. U!nrlh-3'.:" inches, KllI{53G9 .. _ .. ____ ._._ . .Eacb $1,00

One-hair doren in a canon. WelQ:ht per dozen 3 Ibs.

Rota;' prtctl, quoted abo ...... tlloao lound to be pro"lIi1J"~ in tho St. Loui • • ' .... Frei~1lr 10 de"in.tiol1 . hou/d be lidded.


Page 10: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KttHKU11tR Pocket Knives Known for High Quality and Long life

etched "Keen " on one skle

'~:;""···";:':::··""o·"n·~··· other. Three larp blad __ pear, aheepfoot

and lpe)" full pollAhed. Nkktl-,U,'cr bolsters and Len(th--3 '" inches. KB KMOl ~~ ...... _ ..... _ ..... Each ,1 .50

Star handle. Three blades-large clip, sheepfoot and

II pey, lull polished. Nlckel-slh'cr bolsters. 6h1eld and Unlnlf· ~n,th-3'!6; Inches. KB K74!S •.• _ .. __ ••• __ .. ..Eacb $1.60

White ul1ulold-pearl hfLndle with red KfIN KUrrCR trade mark.

Thru lar,e blll.des-eIiP. aheeproot and spey, full polished.

Nickel-lllvcr bolsters and llnJnr. Lc.n,th-3 ' inches. KU KS217% .. _ .• _. ____ .. -Each $1.50

Sial" handle. Th~ blades-large spear, 8ptly and

pen, lull polished. Nlckd-dlver bOlster$, shield and lining. Lcn,lh-3" Inches. KB KSIM _____ _ .Eac:h $ 1.00

Stil.I handle. Three Illfce bladcs-I'JDMl'. clip and

spey. full poUshed. Nickel -Illvcr bolsters, shield and l1n1ng. Len.rth- 3l\ Inches. Jill KMI'iS _ ..... _. ______ ..Ea<:b '1.26

Whitt! cdiuloid -peari handie. Tbret! IJlrre blades--slendcr cUp. spear

and spel'. full polLshed. Nickel-sliver bolsters and lining. Len,lb-3% inches. KB KS'7S5 . _____ . __ .. ___ _ ... _ •. .Ea.eb $1.23

Dufb.lo hom celluloid handle. Thrff lar!e bJades--cllp, sheeptoot and

• pel', fu I polished. Nlckel·sUnr bolsters, shield and lining. iA.n,tb-3'4 inches. KB KS81 5 . __ . _______ . ___ Each $1.25

Sta, hoodle. 'I 'h~ IMre blades---cllp, ahceproot and

spcy. full poUshed. Nlckd-sihrer bolsters, shield and Ilnlng. Len,lh--3~ inches. KB K881S _. __ .• ___ ..Each $1.25

Sta, handle. T hrff lar!e bhuJes--cllp, spear and

ape)'. lul pol\.shed. Nlckel·,lh·er bolsters. shield and Unlng. Len(1.h-31~ inches. K8 KS1SS _. ____ ...... __ .• Each $1.00

Blue colored celluloid handle. Three la rfe bladC!lo--Clip. spear and

spey, lui poUshed. Nickel-sOver bolsters. shield and 11nlng. Lenl th--3 % inches. KB KS1SZ .... _ . _ _ . _____ ... ..Ench $1.00

Stmg handle. T hree blad...-mrge clip, apey and pen.

fuji polbhed . NJcbl-!llIver bolsters. shield and Ilnlng.

Milled back. Len(1.h-31!t inches. KB KSOn ~~ _ ... _ . . _._ .... .Eaeh $1.26

Star handle. 1'hree hlades-large clip. spey and pen,

full polished. Nickel-.!tlh·er bolsters, shield and Ilnlng. Len(1.h-3'" Inches. KB KS100 ~~ . __ . ___ _ . F..ach $1.25

One-halt dozen in a carton. Welaht per dozen 2\i lba. Re/.1I prlcu quoted abo ... .,.. ,00.. lound to ". pre .. .;UI1I1 ill ,1Ia St. Low. are.. F,.i,ht to de.tiM';ol1 lhouJd ". edded.


Page 11: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KEEN KUttER Pocket Knives

8lu.k u lluJold handle. Thret! blade&-largo clip, small clip and

pen. Large clip lUll pol1shed. Nlckel-sUver bolalers, shield and lin1ng,

Lenrth-3116 inches. KB KSSIO ... __ ..... _.~ .. _ ... _ .. .Eaeh $1.S0

Slar handle.

Rl!d and ,reen «lIulold handle. Three blades-spellr. pen and rue, full

polished. Nlckcl-slh'er bolsters, shield and 1ln1ng.

Le.nrt-h-311j, mches. KU KSO'JOFL. . .. _._.... Each $1.215

Tbree blades-large saber clip, small G~n and black brilliant finIsh cellu-cllp and pen, lull polished. lold handle.

Nlckd-sllvu bolster!, mleld and linIng. Thl'ff blades-large clip. llpe)' and pen. Len,th-3~ lnelllS. KB KSS16 _._ .• __ ••.• _ .•...•..••.• .Enc.h $1.50

Gold celluloid handle.

full polished. Nlckd-lIi1ver bolsters, shield and linin,. Lenrth-3% inchea. KB K75SOJ __ .. _ Eseb S1.2:l

Th,ree blad_lal1f6 cUp, &heepfoot and Stal' handle. pen. full polished. Three hind_large clip, spey and pen.

Nlakel •• lh'er bolsters, shield and lining. full pollsbed.

Lenrth-3% inches. KB KS2 1S J~ G ,_ ._._ .... ..F.ach $I.:!:l

Star hMdle.

Nickel-sliver bolat.ers. ahleld and linin,. Lenph-3 Inchet. KB KS810_. _ _ ... _. __ . ,,:;acb SI.OO

8 tal" handle.

Three blades-Iare!! clip, aheepfoot and Three bladea- lD.rge clip, l pey and pen, pen, full poUshed. fun polished.

Nickel-silver bolsters. shJeld and Unin&'. Len'th-3 .... Inches. KB KS2 18 ~ ~ _ ... , ............ -.EDch $1.25

NlckeH.i1\'cr bolstel'll , shield and lln1ng.

Lenrth-3' .. Inches. KU KS287.. . Ea(lb $1.00

Clhromlum-plllud blades ProleeLcd aralnst stain Of rust

While celluloid-pearl handle. Thr~ bifid_large clip, sheeptoot. and

."",. Nlckel·s llver bolsters, ahleld and Itntnc.

Milled !mek. Leugth-3 I. inches. KB KSOOO- Wclghl per dozen

1 12 lba. _ . __ . ___ . Each $ 1.00

One-half d07.en In a carton, complet.e with an attractive easel display card,

clip, spcy and pen,

shield and lining.

.Each ' .1.00

One-hnlf dozen tn a carton.

clip. spey and pen.

shield and Ilnlng.

TEXAS JACK A large, substantlnlly con ll truoted knife, Ideal for heavy work around farms. factories and ranches. Slag handle. Two larle bllldes.--apear and clip, full

pol"""". Nlekel_"lIvl'.r bolslen and shield. 8 1'al111

linin,. Lr-nrlh-4 inches. 1m K18j' ......................... Ench $1.25

One-halI dozen In a carton. Wel&ht per dozen 1~ lbs.

Rei .. , pT~. QUOled abo" .,.. 1'- Jound 1o be plf!Jv~/in4 in lhe S I . Low......... F"i~111 10 dUli ... tio" Mould be added.


Page 12: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


K££HKU11£R Pocket Knives Sturdy Every Day Knives-Ready for Use When You Need Them!

Two bllul l.'li-large clip nnd pen, ful l Two b lad~large spear and pen, f ull polished.

polLshcd. NicktJ-slI ",C'r bolster, cap and shield.

N!ckd-slh 'er bolster. cap Dnd shield. :t~B,:~:~I;a:un:;,~ng.",-,'.",~ •. _ ............ l':acl 8 ",$11 linlnI. inches. Lconrth-4' . inches. $ 1.00 KB K $-&S1 ..•.... _... ..£neb $ L.25

SIa, ""',dl,. T~'o Ill r«1! blade&--6llber cUp and spey,

full pollshed. Nl t ktl _"J.h'u bolster, cap. ahleld and

linln&'. Lenr th-3i, inches. KIl K2018\ 4 _._.... Eacb $ 1.25

Star handle. Two blades-ill.r&'c saber clip and

full polished. Nlckel-slh'cr bolster, cap, shield

lining. Lenrtb-3~" inches. !ill Ench

Two bllld_large spear and pen, f ull poliShed.

Nldtcl-sUVl'.f bolslCr. cnp and shield. BrUli lining.

~n,th-tllil Inches. Jill K~68S _' __ '. Each $1.00

Sta, hnndle. Two blades-large spear and pen, full

polLshed. Nlckel· sllver bolster, cap and shield.

Brau linin&". Lcnrt h--4 '1 inches. liB IUI Sj'

Sial" handle.

&.'1cb $1.00

Two blade~large spear and pen, f ull poltahcd.

Nlekd·,lh·cr (ancy bolster , cap and shIeld. Brass linin&".

Len, th-3i. inchC$. KB K220S •. _ .... _ .. _........ Each $1.00

Star ~'O bhtdcs-large clip and pen, fun

poUahed. Nlt'keJ.slh'cr boLst.c.r, eap and shield.

8ratoll lining . Lencth-3N6 Inches. K8 K262SJ~ .......... _. .... Each &1.00

Brown and white cellulohl handle. Two blad~large saber clip and pen,

full poUshed. Nickel-silver bolster, cap and shield.

Draa linin,. 1'.enrth-3 !\io lnches. Kn KG8l~ .• EAch $1.00

Star hnndle. Two blndes-inrge spear nnd pen , full

poll.shed. Nk kci.,ih·cr bolster, cap and shield.

U"" llnlng. Lcnrth-3~ inches. KB K88 EIl('h $1.00

lmitaUon horn cellu loid handle. Two blades-JErrge speRr Rnd pen, full

polishtd. Nlckel-slh'er bolsters and shield. Brass

un"",. Lcncth-3 .... inches. KB K242S0 .. __ ..... Each $0.85

Star hAndle, Two blades-large spenr Rnd pen, lull

polished. Nlcke.1 ·alh'cr bolsters and !hleld, Brass

Unln&". Lw, lh-3'l inches. KB KU2SS ..Eacb $0. j'(5

One·hal! dozen in a carton, Weight per dozen 3 IbIS.

Ret.JI prie- quotH iIbove .... I Jto. IOlmd 10 b.- prevailint. in the S t . LtJui • ... ee. Froi,h. to d ... t ine/;on Mould be eddH.


Page 13: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


K£tNKUTftR Pocket Knives Quality Knives for Every Pocket, Popularly Priced

EASV OPE?Io'ER Slur handle. Two blades-large spear and pen, full

poll.shed. Nlckel -sU\'er bolster, cap and shield

Druu lining. Len,th- 3% inches. K.U 1'-035 _ .•• _ ............•. -Each SO.?5

Slur Two bladett-lnrge spear nnd pen, full

polbhed. Nkbl_5lh'er bobter, cap Ilnd shield.

DI'IUII lining. Len, th--3 inches. KD K2118S ... _ . Each $0.75

Ct: ll ulold -pearl hAndle. Two blud~1al'8e spear and pen. full

polished. :.1lckd-slh"er bolster, cap and shield

B rus linIng. Lcl1rth-3 incha 1m K!.uSC __ ........... __ . Each $O.'7ll.

l\tottled II C! Il rIa n d black M.lIulold handle.

Two blades-large spear and pen, full polished.

Nlckel-s ih'f'r bolster, cap and shield. Brus Unlng.

unath-3 lnehes. KB K272S0 . ..Eacb $O.7a

St:a( handle. Two bla des-hu'ge spear and pen, full

polished. /'Ij lckd-sllver bo15ter, cap and shield

B rass UnIng.

White celluloid -pea rl handle. Two bl.d~large clip a nd pen, lull

po"""",. Nlck cl -s llve r bolster . alp , and 5hleld.

BraSIl lining. Lenrth-3% lnehes . KnIU I OO ....... .. .. ..En.cb SMa

Star hnndle. Two bl~des-large clip and ~, lull

polbhed. Nlckel-.lh·er bolster, cap. Bnd IIhleld.

Bn.SlI IInlng. ~n&1b--3 inches. KB 1<2123 ... _

Lenrt b-3~ inches. . Each $O.7a KB K.2 16 _ ........ .Eacll $O.l :i

Wblte edJulold-pearl handle. Two blades-large saber clip and pen,

lull polished. Nldl.eI- I Uver fancy bolster. cap and

&h1eld. Brau linlng. Lenrtb-2 ~ lnches.


Stltl' handle, Two bla des-large spear and pen, full -"'. Nlckel-slh'co r bolster , cap a nd shield.

BI'IlS5 ltnlng. Lencth- 2'!i Inches, ICH KI05 ... _. . ._.Encb $0.75

Statr handie. KB K133 ~'.O ~.Q bla d_larve spear and pen, full

pollshcd. lIilckel-s ilnf fa ncy bolster and cap.

B I'1lSII llnlna', Ll'II ( th- 2'\ inches. Kll K713S ..... . ...... E neh 80.13

Cdlulold handle. T wo b lad~-larse speIlr and pen, full

pol1abed. N idr;('I -slh -er f ancy bolster and cap.

Brass Ifnlng. Lenrth-2~ Incht'S. tw 1(11 SQ .......... __ .. _ ......••... .t; nch $0,75

Star handle, Two b1a de.-lara:e salH!r clip and pen.

full pol1Shed. Nlckel-slh'er bolster. cap a nd sh ield.

Brau lining. Length- 2 ':/. Inches. KR K;3S i~ S .... _ t:nch 60.15

White celluloid handle with emboSsed KIlN I(UrrtR trade mark in red .

Two bla d_lara:c lipe8.f and pen. lull polished.

Bt:wI Ilnlng. Length_3 Inchcli . lill KlI 1 ... .... EI\cl1 $O.M

One-halt dozen In a carton. We:lghl per dozt'll 21bs. R.,';I pnc.. quoted abo ... aNt thoR found 10 b. pre.".ili". in the S I, Loui. VH.. FreiP.I to d.tiru.tlOJt .rollld too Mlded.


Page 14: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


BEN KUttER Pocket Knives Outstanding Values to Give Perfect Satisfaction

Star handle. Two bl.d~larae spear and pen, full

polished. Nlckt')-llInr bolster, cap and shield.

8r.ui11 Ilnina. IA!n,th-3' inches. KB K'77n .. .....Each SO.6~

Black ffilulold hand1e. Two blad6-laf'1c clip and new type

patented leather punch. full poUshe<l New type !)co,1t punch Is grooved s lmllar

to an aug!.'r bit. and bores holes in leaUler with ease and unlformJty.

N!t:kf:J-.lh'er boLster, cap and !Shield. Bl'llSIl lInlng.

Star handle. Two blade5-large spear and pen, full

polbhed. Nldlt.!.i:ih'er bolsler, cap and ahle:ld.

Dra.u Unlng. Lcnl1h-3, inches. KB K5S .. _..... . ........ -Endl ~.60

Star handle. 1',,0 bladu- large cllp Bnd pen. fUll

poll5hed. Nlekd-sllvl.'r bolster, cap and shield.

Brass llnJng. Lf'n .... h-3% inchea.

ern, <II • •

Two blades-large clip and pen. lull polished.

Nickel-sliver bOlllter, cap and ahleld. B rass llntng.

unrth-3,.. 1nches. K U K50 ~~ _ .. _ . ..ERch $0.60

and pen, full

and l1n.1nr. _._ ... _ . ..Each 100M

Le.nflh- 3'- inches, KB In50 ~~ ......... _ . ..,EMh $0.05 KU KG3 J~ .. , .......... Eac ll $0.60

"'",0<11 •• black enameled. Two bl!1dCll-large spey and pen, glazed

Iln"". St~1 bolster. Lenrth-3"- inchea, KB K278L. . ...... .Eaeh 5M3

EASY O PENER White ceJluloltt - pearl handle. 1'1I""Ct bllld_ lllt1l:c spea:r and pen, full

polished . NlckeJ· ... h·er bolster, cap and sWeld. BrLW I~. una:th- :l '" Inches. KB K98C . __ ._._ ... __ . ....Eaeb SD.60

Sta, h£Uldle. "1\'0 biRd_large spear and pen. full

polished. Nickel-silver bolster, cap Ilnd shield.

Brass lining. Lf:ncth-3 inches. KB K7WCS ___ ... _ .. _._ ....... ...Each 50.50

Colored celluloid handle.

Brown bone handle. 1'\11'0 blades-large razor and pen, lull

polished. J'ollshed sled b 0 1. t (I r and llnlng. 1.('111(11\--3'\ mehes. K8 K2381 Yl ... _ ......... .. _ ........ EllclI SO.GO

Bone handle. Two blUes-large blade and pen, lull

polished. Pollshed steel bolster. S lee! l ining. Mn,th-3~ Inches. KB K288I-5I.elar polo! large

blade _. ....... _ .......... _ ... Ench $0.50 Two blades-large spear and pen. full

polished . NlckeJ-sih'er bOlster, cap and ahleld, K~I:::S~ I~.~~:~~.I~ .. =

UraliA llnln(. . .. i.A:nCth-3 Inches. KB K7WGC ____ _

K8 K2381 H-ctIJl IKllnl. lnrge F'..a(!11 $0.50 blade _._ .. _._ .... ____ Each

One-hair dozen in a carton. Wel&h~ per dozen 2 lbe.

Rel,,11 pr/CH qUOlH above "te t/N)l'e 'ound ta be prflv"ilint In t~ St . 1.,,0 .. ,. at... F,fti,Ju ta d"ui ... ,ian tIIo .. Jd be add ••


Page 15: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


KttNKU11tR Pocket Knives

While. CC': IIU IOld:~"",;:;;'d'.nii-trade mark e, "". Two blad_large polished .

Nickel-silver bolster. Brass IInlu,. Len,th-3 inches.

KB I\4,S".-Ollp point large blOOe ._ •.•..••..•••.. _ ..••.• _ELw:h 50.!!)

KD K 'J~('ICar point I II r G' e b lndl) ..•..........•.. __ ........... , Eltch .SO

Welsht per dozen 1 lb.

Whllt: ct:lluloid handle with KIlN KUrttR embossed Il.lld fUloo in red.

One blllde-large cilp, full polished. Nickel-sliver bolster. BraS!! lining, Len,th-3 inches. KB KS50 ...................... _ ...... ..EIlch $0.25

Embo!l!ioed iron handle, black enameled. One blade-large spey, glazed nnlsh. Sled bols~r. Len .. lh-31,\ inches. KB KJ 181-_ .. _ __ . __ . -Eacb $0.45

IlUDDlNG on GItAPTTNG Star handle, One farce blade, glazed finish. Sleel bolster. Brass llnlng. Len, th-3'% Inches. KB KII08 ~~ -... -.-_ .. ____ .. ~h

Quality Knives for All Purposes

Sturdy KnUe lor Every Bo,. St., handle. Four blades-large spear. can opener.

combination screw driver and boWe opener and paU!nted leaU\er punch. full polished.

Nickel-silver boll t e r I, shield snd shackle. Brass Ilning.

Lellrth-3% inches. KB KG.5r,s- Welght per dozen


Heavy I';ocooolo handle.

One brae blade. Glazed ftllish.

Polished liteet boble.r. Sleel lining. Hole In end of handle to Insert wire or cord. ILnd ILtlD.c.h to belt.

3~~ Ibs. . . .EllCh $ 1.00 1m 1(110 ....... _. Each $0. 'J Ii

Red and billek i;;iiii;;;; handle.

One blade-Isrge clip, full ~~"'~OJd I Nickel-s ilve r bollller, cap a

BraSIl lln1ng. Mncth--4' lnches. KB K169.5J{ K ....... _ ......•... -Ench

White celluloid-pearl handle. One blade-tarse saber clip. full

"""'. Nickel-s Urer bolster and cap. Unlng.

lA:ncth--4 inches. K.B KM24 .......... _. __ •• __ .Eo<h

Sial" handle. One bl. tle-Iarge saber

tull polished.. Nlckd·.llvtr bolswr and cap.

Brau Un1n8. Lf'nl"lh-6 Inche:;. KB KI8!18 ~~ _ . .... Each $0.9.5

Weight per dozen 3 lba.

IJ;\RLOW PATTERS Long. Sturdy Single U1l1lly

lUad!! Knife Bone handle. One blade-large clip. full pol­

ished. Polished Ii" t~1 bolster. SIH.I lln­

ing . Name KIDI KliTTER stamped on bolster.

U-nl"th-6 lnches. KB 1{11'J1' 4 Weight per

dozen 3' . ., Ibfl ... _ . ..F.uch $1.00


This knife Is Ideal tor the eledrlctnn In an f'mf'Tgency as It cont.alns good. strong. useful blades. The screw driver blade llutornMlcally locka In position when Ol)l!n. preventing accidental closing. Cocobulo handle. Two bladn--iarge spenr. and comblnu.­

tlon screw driver and wire scraper. Nickel·sUver bolater, shield sDd shackle.

n ra.u IInJnl and center lock. U-IlJ th-3 "\i. lnches. rm KS 101- ..... .Each $1.50

One·hsll dozen In 0 carton. Wclght. per dozen 3 Ibs. R.t.,1 prl0ll16 quoIIHI abo". .,.. 'hoM lo~nd 10 be pre:,,';/in, in the S t. Loui. ....... F~;,hI to d,,"//VItlon .110,,1" be added.


Page 16: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


5JMMIlN!:i Pocket Knives • ~oDomiul beenuse you buy nne quality at a 10\\'II'r

price. Each knife II dC:$lrned by e:ropcrt eraltsmen to be nsy to h andill'. qulek lind clean euUIn,. B1lI.d~ are easy to open Ilml close.

· lIlrh- I ratlll' blades Itronr and shar p, made for Jastin, se"' ic~ready for~. Uniformly tempered, then .II harpened and wheUed on a n 011 s to lle by ba nd,

Individual GUt l'ul'KlJ and BoxC':li

Genuine pt:arl handle. Two blad_large spear and pen. polished. Nldld slh er bolslers, B rasil Unfnr. Ltn,th 3~ inches. KB SS68 Weight p II' r auorl-

mcnt. 1 ~ Ibs.. Eac'" $1.00

Assortment of one dozen In II. oarton.

White pearl celluloid bllUdlt. 'IlI.ree IlU'ic spear and t"'·o pen. Full poli&hed. Nlurl 5Uver bolsters and shield, 8 rau lining. Leneth 31,. Inches. KB 8m Weight pu doU'n 2~ Ibs ........ _....... Each &1.00

Genuine lita, handle. Three blade_lars/! olip, 5pey, nnd Pllt­entcd leather punch, Full pollflhoo Nickel slh'er bolsters, shield nnd Ilnlna. Ltnrth 3% Inches. KB SS57-Welgh t per dozen

2 lb!. ....... EllCb $1.00

G~ulnf' star I Three bladts-larre ellp. gpe)', and pen. Full poll~hed. Nkkd silver bolsters, shield and linl",. i.en)'th 3'S. Inches. KU S858--Weight per dozen

2 lba. .... ";nch 5 1.00

One-hal! dozen Itl a carton.

Star handl~ Four blades-two lnrge tobacco and two

Star handl~ Two bladfS-lat'1e Full pollshcd.

sheepCoot and pen.

peilS. Full polished. NIekf:1 sUver rat-tall bolsters. 8"", Nickel s lh'er rat-tall bolsters nnd IIn1na· shield. OrllS$ Iinlng. Length 3 Inches. Lcnrlh 4 Inches.

I{U 8227 Weight per dozen 1m 88·12- Weight per dozen 2 lbe, .................. _ ............ EDch $0.1)0

2 1,. Ibs, ................... _ ....... ..Each 51.00

SCOOT White pearl «-Uuloid handle. Imprinted WIUl Ule Scout Code and two irnatIes of scouts sllowing method oC naa: slenal-"". Four blades-large spear, new type belt punch blade. can opener. and combina­tion screwdriver and bottle decapper. Full polLshed. Nltkel ,dh'cr bolsters. Brass shield and lining. Steel shackle. lA!nrth 3~. Inches. 1m S19~Weight per dozen

2 ',.. lbs. _._.................. Each SO.'H~

SCOUT Star handle. Four blades-large !Pear, can opener. comblruu.1on screwdriver and bottle opener, and patented leather punch. All full poll~h{'d.

Nltkr:1 lillI'er bolst.e:ra, Bhleld, LIn.lng and shackle. Lell,th 3% inches. KU 8190 Weight per dozen

2" Ib!!_ ___ .... EadI $0-60

One-halt dozen in II. chrtoll.

SIMMONS ImO~fE-PLATEl Stnys IJrl,ht, Stny. Sharp

High ca.rbon steel blndC!l Rnd s.pringa, c:hrome­plated. to make them rust and stain reaLstant. A.'I.!IOrted ('!olored ctJlulold handles. Two blad~_large apear and pen. Nickel s nver tipe and shield. Brau Ilnlng. Lenrth 3-", Inches.

KB SS32KP-Welght per Il.8IJOrtment 1 lb... . _____ ._._Each S0,49 One dozen In a display ca.rton.

Assorted s tat'. pearl and "arl-col­arm celluloid bandies. One blade-large saber clip, full polished. Nickel s liver bolster and cap. Len,th 4 \i Inches.

KB SS2G-1Uaortmcnt . We.lght per 8880rtment 21~ Jba_ One dozen in a carton_

. Each SO.-I9

Page 17: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


51MMr:JN5 Pocket Knives POCKET KNIVES

!!IIMMtlHS SONNY The envy ot the neighborhood group is Ule boy with one of these snappy knives, Just lllI:e the blgQ:et boYIL have. High-grade s teel blades, unlfonnly tem­pered, sharpened and whelt.ed on an oU stone by band.

White celluloid handles, name 1lllHIJIf!l Sonny stamped in black. Two bJad_large spear and pen, full pollshed. Steel bolsten and cap and 1.I..ninB. Length 3'>i1 mohes.

KB S200--Welght per dozen 1 ).1 IbIJ . .•.....•...•.•. _ .•. _ .....• .Each $0.20

Wblte celluloid handles, Ilame I1I11.1tQlf!l Sonny stamped in black. Two blad_large clip and pen, full polIShed. Steet bolster and cap and Ilnlng. Len,-' h 3 '" Inches. KB SZ03-Welght per dozen

1 % lb.. ____ . ____ . ____ ... . Each $0.25

Easy opent':r glyle-Complete with 14-Inch nickel-plated steel chain with bul­ton CIMp. White u llulold hand los with name IiIHMCU Sonny stamped In black. Two bllLd_la~ spear and pen, (ull polished, Steel boLster and cap and 11nma. l..enrth 3'" Inches. I{V S20-l--Welght per dozen

1" IbII ... _ ........ _ . ___ .. .Euch $0 . .25


• American made knives, nicely finished. • Blades are good grade steel, hlU'dened and tempered.

ASlIOrted celluloid handles. Three blades-large cJlp, spey and pa~­cnted leather punch, lUll polished. Nlekd sliver bolster! and shleld. Brass lining. Lcnrlh 3'.4 Inches. KB L802 .. ~. .... .._ .. _._ .. .Ei1cb SO."9

AsIlorted slar and tane1 celluloid handles. Three blad_large cUp, spey and pen. full polished. Nickel slh'er bolsters and shield. Brass lining. ~l1rth :31). inches. KB J..8O.I ._ ...... _ ... _ ............ _...Each $M!)

AS!IOried s lar and t lLlley ~eUuJold handles. Three blud_lnrge cUp. spey and leather tlUnch. Nickel slIver bolatcr and shield. B rass Uning. Lenpb 3* Inches.

AMorled Itag and eolored handles. Two bbde-&x 110'1111 large spenr and pen. and six with large clip and pen. N'lektJ silver tips and shield. Brus Ilning. Lell(lh 3% inches. KB L803--Welght per dozen

1'4 Ibs. ..... .... . ... _ . ..£ach $0.2~


Oh. boy I WalCh his eyes Ilhlne when he ceLlI lhls pocket ImUe set with 11.1 loud whistle and chaln. KnUe--Whlte celluloid handle. One 91)(!l\r po1n~ blade. SlC~el lining and Up'. Lenglh-3 inches. Whl$tle-Mottled brown b8.1r::eUte wllh wood ball. Nickel-plated ring. Chllln-14 inches long with anap and button clru!p. K8 WS-Welght per dozen

1 ~ llHl ....... _ .•. ____ ... .Per Set $0.25 KB 1.808. _____ _

EAch iO.4.9 one set in a box. One dozen in •

EQUAL END JACK A.'lIOrted I tar and laney u.lluJold handles. Two blades-l9.J'ie Spca.r" and pen, tull polished. Nickel silver Upa and shield. Brass llntng. (..HIrtb 3% inches. KB L801 ............... _ ... _._ ... ..Each $0.25

Weight per assortment 2 lba. Auortment 01 one dozen in a. coWltcr

display box.




One blade-larae Sleel ilnlng. Lenrth 2~ .. lnchcll.


Complete with nlckel­plated steel ehnln with button clfUlp. Bi liek lind 'it hit e ctJlu-loid handle.

!J)(!IU'. glazed flnlah.

1m is-Weight pet dozcn " lb .... _._ ... _ ... _ .. ... __ ._Eacb $0.10

one on a card: one dor.en cards In a carton.

Page 18: Keen Kutter Knives 1939



Uandle5-Four lltal and el8ht. white celluloid pearl. . 'our billde&-two aheepfoot and two PQlS. aU full pol.iahed. Nickel silver rat.--taU bolsters. Brus linlna:. Lenrth 3% inches. Kn x.l( J 01G- We!ght per !UISOrtment 2~ lba •.. F.nch $0.98

One dozen in a bronze finish compartment box.

While celluloid pearl handles. One blade--iallJe cllp tull pollshed. Nickel sl iver bolJItcr and caps. Brass linIn,_ Assorted len,lhs 3"<. and 5 incbes. KB SON- Weight p(!r tUJ80rtment 2 1ba. ...Ench $0.49

Assortml:'nt. of one doU'Il In a bronze finish comparlment boL

Lar,e Variety of Popular Jilek Knives Well mnde of good mnlerlllls, nicely tlnished. Assortc!d oolorcd cdlulold lind celluloid pmrl handlea. Two billde&-Clip ond pen, and spear and pen. HlSh­grade tempered s!.eel, full mirror-polished. NlekellilJvcr tip' and and shield. Brass lining. Unrth 3, 3% and 3'111 Inches. KB 1200--Welght per &a9Ortment 2 .... Jbe._._Eacb $0.49

TwO dozen In B partItioned display box.



''KAI.UP-KlNG'' Assorted mottled celluloid handles. One blad_large polished cUp. Steel bolster, cap and l1n1na". Assorted lenltlilJ 3:1. .. Inches (with IrW'rd) and II Inches (wIthout Huard).

KB 2~-Welght per aB80rtmenL 2 lba •.... _ ... Enc.1i $0.25

Aasortment of one dozen on on attractive easel counter card.

"TilE TOPSY" Knives small enough to fit Into your ves~ poe.ket. yet big enough for real &erv­k •. Agorted motlled eol­ored ce lluloid handIcs. Assortment constst.s or rour each or the following knives: Two blades- large cUp and pen. Nickel silver tips and ahacllie. Brass lIning. t..enath 2% Inches.

Two blad~ (easy opener type)-larte Ilpear and pen. Nickel silver tips and /Shackle. Brass Ilnmr. Leneth 2 Inches. One blad&-&aber clip. Nickel sUver bolster IUld cap. Bralill Unlng. Length 2% Inches.

1m 21-Welghl per aBsortment ,.. Ib ..... __ .Eaeh $O.U

One assortment on fln easel cowHer card In a carton.


Assorted color et:Uulold handles, red, blnck or white.

Two bladef-larae clip and pen. rull polished.

Steel lInlllr Bnd long steel bolster. Scml-cleaned Insides.

LenC'th 3l1i lnches.

KB43~Welght per dozen 1% IN!.

Each $O.2~

One dozen In a partitklned dl5ploy boll:.

Frei'ht to datitlllt,on Mould btl edell.

Page 19: Keen Kutter Knives 1939



ElUler, Safer to Open ! J ust preas the button and the blade pops open. A safety lockinK device k~ps the blade locked open or closed. Illl you wIsh.

UUNTING PATTERN Imitation IOtaI' metal handle. "Plintflex." finish. One blade-large clip. H lgh·grade steel, glazed finish. I'ollshed steel bolster, Steel 11nln&'. ~n,lh 5 inches. . KB 700-Welght per dozen 3 Ibl ............. __ .... & cll $1.26

One· halt dozen in .. earton. Assorted celluloid handles-bone staa, green or rose peatl. 111'0 bla des-large spear and pen; larle blade, halt polished. Hi8h-grade steel. Nickel Ilh'cr bolsters. Brasil lining,

un(tb 3 ~ inches.

KB ""2--Welght per dozen ll~ lba .. _ .. XaclJ $1.10

One-halt dozen In a. display carton.



A l1anc!JiOme Chromlum­I'lnted Knife

Thin enough to slip easUy into your vest pocket. With nickel silver &hackle tor attaching to your watch chain. Wblte and ydlow metal finish handle, brightly Onlshed. Two bladu, full polished. Ll!n,tb 2~ tnches. KB Sl-Wllh Shncklc .................................... _ . .Eacb $0.26

Wl!lght per 8./I8Ortml!llt % lb. One dozen In a carton-elght wlUt white and four with yellow handles.

Each knUe tn Individual box:. KO SO-Without Shackle ....... _ .. _ ... _._ ... _ ..Each $0.26

One·haU dozen tn a carton.

lVATCII CIIAll" KNIVES Giant in Use-SmaJl in Site

JW!t the thtng for the end of your watch clu,ln. While celluloid prw-J handJe. One blade, fine qUll.lIty steel, nicely pollshed. Nickel lillver lining. S teel • .hacltJe, Lenlth I ii Inches. "-""BSIK-Welght per

doun l~ Ib .......... _ Ench $0.215

One dozen on dlsplay card; one card In an envelope.


lMI'ERIAl. An important addition to your fishlng: ouU1t that cleaM flsh easily and quickly. Cream eolored celluloid handle. Two 8pHiai bladel>-large sharp clip for cuttlng and cleaning: blade with scaler, dllsorser and botUe decap· per. Pull polished. Nickel silver shield. Steel bolster. cap IUld lining. Lenlth 5 inches. KB J\190l-Welght per dozen 2 lba ... _,_ .... .Each $0.60

One dozen in 0. carton.


Easy on Your Hands

Full al7.ed sturdy maize knlte thAt can also be used tor budding or grafting. Wide blade at point IUI­aures IOn( service, and tang Is rounded t.o prevent cuttlna or bUsterlng ftngers.

CClCobolo handle. One B1ade-Jarge special shalJe. lull-mirror po1is.hed. Polished !ltl!el lining and ftushed steel bolster. Len,th closed 3~ tnches. KO SS21-Welght per dozen 2 lba. ____ ...... .Eaeb $0.49

One-hal! dozen 111 a. Cllrton.

LllMB£IUlAN'S IIASE KNJFF. For l'Ilarkinr Lumber. CClCobolo handle. Olle blade _flneat quality stul. highest tempered, glazed Jln-"". Polished !iteel bolster. SIet'.1 Uning. ~n"th 3% Inches. KO lS51t-Welghl per dozen U !, lba .. ___ •.. $1.26

One-halt dozen in R carton.

KNIFE PVIlSES l'roled Your Knlle!

Keep your knife from rusting and from being IICrnUlhed by coins. keys, etc.. in your pocket.

These good-looking cases nrc or fIOft, ltexlble leather, al1k sewed, and futened with matching celluloid enap button. KO SS---UroWIl kid lentbe r ... ..Ench $0.10

Each .10

SpecUy length wanted_ Three dozen in a carton. Weight per dozen '.'" lb. Retail PrieN "UOfN above .,.. '''''" f ound to be ptevailin, in the St. Low, MOe, Flei,ht to de.tifllltion .hould be added.


Page 20: Keen Kutter Knives 1939


Boy Seouts Need Good Pocket Knives SCOUT KNIVES

KUN KUfflR Sturdy Knife ror EvUJ' Boy.

StaJ handle. Four bbd~lara:e spear, can opener

combination screw driver and bOttle Opener and pa!.Cnled leather punch. lull polished.

Nlek~I·~ lyer bollter. , shield Bnd shackle. Umss lining.

l,eng-th-3* inches.

Kn K65~Welght per doz{'n 3% lb$,._ ...•............... _ ...•. ...Eaeh $ 1.00

SIMMONS White pearl ecLiulold handle. Imprinted with the Scout. COde and ""'0 lma,es of SOOUtll showing method. or nag sfanal· Ing.

Four blades-large spear, new type belt punch blade, can opener, IU\d combina­tkln screwdriver and bottle decappu. Full polished. Nll'lkd sll\'et" bol.!ltera. nrass ahleld and linJng. S ltf' \ shackle. l.englh 3"l Inches.

RD S I!J~Welght per dozen 214 lbll. . ..•.... _ •• _ ...... __ .•• .Euclt $O.l /s

St." h..ndle.. Four blAd_lal'lC spear. can opener, comblnatlon screwdriver and bottle opener, and palented leather punch. All ruJl poli&hed. Nickel stlyer bolsters. shleld, IInln&' and &hackle. Lenrth 3% Inches.

KB S~90-Welght per dozen 2 ~ lba. __ .•..•..• _ ••. _____ . ___ •• Ench $0.50

One-half dozen in a cardboArd box.




emblem shield

Ki!E.~~.s.:::W:;~'hl per dozen ___ .. _. __ ._. __ ..Each $1 .50

S lar ha ndle. T hree. blades-large spear (erocus pol_ Wted and etched with Scout Insignia), c()mblnation bottle opener and screw­driver. and can opener <botb blue Itlazed). Nickel I U\,er bolsters, emblem Ihleld, lining and snap-on shackle, milled cen­ter scale. Lell(tb 3~ Inch es. 1m n S"'S3-Welght per d oz!'!n

2 % 1bs ... _ ......................... .E.acb $1.23

One in a gift box: one-hal! dozen in a cardboard box.

mah amde, tull-gauge steel blade. Laminated I eat b e r, aluminum, and nbfe handle, Cut aluminum butt. Length Of blade 4 inches, length over all 8 inches. Official Boy Scout emblem e tched 011 blade, Im printed on 5h('a th. 1m RBtn-Welght per dozen

3 lb.! ... _ ................ _ .. ____ • .Each $ 1.S5

One-hal! dozen in a carton.



Thls compad, n, hlwe.llrhl &et equip!! the Boy Scout tor an1 emer,ency. Weiaha only 16'.!. ounces, complete at lhe belt. Blades are of hlghl!llt grade alloy cut­lery Iteel, nnelY polished. with keen cuttlna edges. MancHes are checkered black Tum1 rubber. with full pl.!ilOl grip for strong. steady strokes, The fine quality tan leaUler &heaths protect the bla(les alld the wearel'--6O constructed and balanced that they can be carried fI.!I a unit, or separated and carried on opposite sides of the belt. KnUe--Lenath blade 5 inches. Heavy brau doubfe guard. Length over nil 9~ inches. Axe-H ead 3~ inches long, 2'\i inches wide, and ~ inch thick with heavy Iteel shank. over all 10'. Inchea. 1(8 K225-Welght per dozen

1 ~ IblI ................ _" .... .Per Set $2.US

One let in a ca rton.



KNIFE AND POCKET KNIFE An official Boy Secuts ot America gift that', "tops" with YOUIlI Bcout&

Consbls of: D01 Scout knife l No. KB RS3333). Doy Scout . he.tb knife (No. RB 51) . KD RS IM-WeJgbl per set

1 lb .... ____ .... __ ... _ .. Pe r Set , 2,93

Pl\Ckaged in red and ~Ut cardboArd Rift boxes with blnged cover. &lZe ""'x3~xl% Inches. One In a. carton.