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Dual Type Higher Education in Hungary - Model of Kecskemet

Károly BelinaKecskemét College, Hungary

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

Conference on University and Business Cooperation in Central Europe (CUBCCE)

Budapest, Hungary28-29 January, 2016

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Kecskemét College• Three faculties• More than 3200 students • 150 employees• Full-time, part-time learning courses • BSc courses, postgraduate training

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation2005: 3000 students

2015: 1935 students


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Analysis of the situation• Shortage of well-qualified engineers• German education-reorganized– new type (dual) of education (DHBW)– to improve professional knowledge

• Goal– highly qualified academic staff, advanced

infrastructure, workshops high standard of technology.• Advantage– students acquire academic knowledge and related

practical training in real-world

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Practice quantity

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Expectations• INDUSTRIAL

– Short education (3-4 years)– Well-qualified, trained workforce COMPETITIVE– Acquiring soft skills ENGINEER– Strong attachment and commitment

• EDUCATIONAL– Harmonisation of academic and practical knowledge– No new accreditation– Fit to the present time frame– Interoperability between normal and dual type education

• SOCIAL– Flexible short-term training– Quality training– Meeting local needs– Reducing labor migration

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Professional education - German-based model at Kecskemét College

Professional education

Technical knowledgeUniversity/College: Theory

Industry: Practical knowledge

MethodologyUniversity: research,

calculationIndustry: project work

Social skillsCollege: presentation

technicsIndustry: negotiation


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Dual system

Structure of the system Dual training

College13 weeks

Company8 weeks

College13 weeks

Company16 weeksS


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Dual training in the light of dataStarted• 25 students at the Faculty of Vehicle Engineering • two companies 2013• two new courses, BSc in Mechanical Engineering and

Technical Management specializing in logistics At present • 125 students• 25 companies

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Learning results

Acquired credit in average Fulfiled credit in average0












98Dual students

Non-dual students

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Students• Not sufficiently developed

teaching materials• Coordination and

communication between the companies and the College

• Lack of cooperation• Problems in time schedule

Companies• Not sufficiently developed

teaching materials• engineers imperfect

knowledge of pedagogical skills

• students require much time besides daily work

• Not sufficient pre-knowledge

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Students• Focuses on one specialized

field• It is adapted to only one

company's needs• Overburdened (not well-

balanced curricula)• Lack of adapting new


Companies• Focuses on one specialized

field• It is adapted to only one

company's needs• The difficulties with the

students’ schedule • Economic risk if the student

will not take a job with the company after graduation

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Questiones to discuss

• Curricula– Academic– Company

• Cooperation– Time frame– Number of companies– Dual and non dual students

• Education– Teaching the teachers