Download - KAPPA DELTA PI BIENNIAL CONVOCATION OCTOBER 22–24, 2015 … · brand recognition at Convo 2015 and continued brand exposure to more than 38,000 ... Platinum Partnership sponsorship:

Page 1: KAPPA DELTA PI BIENNIAL CONVOCATION OCTOBER 22–24, 2015 … · brand recognition at Convo 2015 and continued brand exposure to more than 38,000 ... Platinum Partnership sponsorship:


Opportunities for Sponsors,Exhibitors, and Advertisers

Page 2: KAPPA DELTA PI BIENNIAL CONVOCATION OCTOBER 22–24, 2015 … · brand recognition at Convo 2015 and continued brand exposure to more than 38,000 ... Platinum Partnership sponsorship:

REACH EDUCATORS, FACULTY MEMBERS, AND ADMINISTRATORSYou are invited to take advantage of this special opportunity to become engaged with education’s leaders as they converge on Orlando, Florida, for professional development, networking, and celebration. At this international conference, more than 1,000 educators will come together providing a great occasion for you to network directly with potential customers and clients.

Opportunities to ConnectDedicated exhibit hall hours. The conference schedule has dedicated exhibit time for participants to visit the vendors. General session and elevator proximity, along with staggered session times, encourage a steady flow of attendees through the exhibit space.

Traffic builders. KDP’s highly trafficked on-site store will be strategically placed adjacent to the exhibit hall area. Also, KDP will be holding fundraising activities and giveaways in the exhibit area throughout the entire Convocation. Introduce your company to attendees with a donated door prize or giveaway. Have recipients pick up their prize at your booth for an additional way to promote your products or services.

You’re an attendee too. All exhibitor registrants and sponsors receive complimentary full-conference registrations. This means you may enjoy sessions and activities alongside our attendees.

CONVOCATION 2015 PARTNERSHIP PACKAGESOur partnership packages go beyond your traditional event sponsorship with concentrated brand recognition at Convo 2015 and continued brand exposure to more than 38,000 member educators of Kappa Delta Pi. This extended partnership aligns your company with top KDP programs and communication outlets that have a proven track record of success. Together, we can support teachers throughout their career, strengthening the impact these individuals have on their students.

Concentrated recognition at Convo 2015 offers high visibility and benefits, including:

• Recognition for a selected event or activity• Exhibit booth package• Complimentary program ad• Visibility on-site, in Convocation-related materials, and on the event mobile app• Corporate acknowledgment on our website,, visited by 31,000 users per

month• Recognition in KDP’s award-winning publications, distributed to more than 38,000

educators worldwide

Extended partnership opportunities include:

• Sponsorship of the highly successful KDP Webinar Program of more than 60 events annually, hosting an average of 300 educators in real time. Hundreds of others are served through webinar podcast and webcast downloads.

• Direct underwriting for the KDP Teacher Literacy Fund, providing individual teachers with $100 stipends to host high-quality literacy programming in their local communities.





The Rosen Plaza HotelThe conference hotel gives you excellent opportunities for networking, as well as convenient access to all sessions, restaurants, area attractions, and the airport.

Page 3: KAPPA DELTA PI BIENNIAL CONVOCATION OCTOBER 22–24, 2015 … · brand recognition at Convo 2015 and continued brand exposure to more than 38,000 ... Platinum Partnership sponsorship:

PLATINUM PARTNER $7,500Event recognition

market value $8,900

• Recognition as the Platinum Convocation sponsor• Sponsorship recognition for one selected event or activity• Complimentary exhibit booth with double space upgrade • Full-page, full-color ad in Convocation program• Enhanced company profile on the mobile event app• Two complimentary full-conference registrations• Inclusion of promotional item in tote bags (item must be provided)• Verbal recognition at opening and closing sessions• Logo recognition in a minimum of four promotional emails and our member

e-newsletter KDP News• Logo acknowledgment in two issues of Kappa Delta Pi Record and New

Teacher Advocate• Sponsorship recognition, web link, and company description on our website,• Preferred seating at closing banquet

Select one of the following options for exclusive recognition with the Platinum Partnership sponsorship:

•OpeningGeneralSession—KeynoteTBDKickoff event for all Convocation attendees features a dynamic keynote speaker.

• SaturdayGeneralSession—KeynoteTBDThe final all-attendee session of the conference.

• ClosingBanquetFormal banquet features the current National Teacher of the Year recipient, distinguished chapter, and volunteer awards.

• ConvocationTote-BagPartnershipYour company can make a lasting impression with prominent logo placement on the Convocation tote bags, distributed to all attendees.

• LaureatePanelandChatsTop scholars in the field of education discuss hot topics in education at this highly attended panel discussion followed by a group chat opportunity.

Extended partnership included with packagemarket value $3,400

• KDPWebinarProgramSponsorship of six KDP webinars, including verbal recognition in real time and in the downloadable webcast, visual recognition during Q&A for each

webinar, and print recognition in webinar marketing to 38,000 members.

• Literacy Alive!TeacherLiteracyFundDirect underwriting of four $100 sti-pends to fund literacy programming in communities across the United States, including partnership recog-nition at the literacy event and on the KDP Literacy Alive! website.

• KDPAnnualReportandRollofHonor

Partnership recognition in both the KDP Annual Report and Donor Roll of Honor.

Platinum Partner Package Value $12,300

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GOLD PARTNER $5,000Event recognition


• Recognition as the Gold Convocation sponsor• Sponsorship recognition for selected event or activity• Complimentary exhibit booth• Half-page, full-color ad in Convocation program• Enhanced company profile on the mobile event app• One complimentary full-conference registration• Inclusion of promotional item in tote bags (items must be

provided)• Verbal recognition at opening and closing sessions• Logo recognition in a minimum of two promotional emails• Logo acknowledgment in one issue of KDP News, Kappa

Delta Pi Record, and New Teacher Advocate• Sponsorship recognition and web link on our website,• Preferred seating at closing banquet

Select one of the following options for exclusive recognition with the Gold Partnership sponsorship:• Day1—Thursday—WorkshopPartner

Each day of Convocation includes workshops structured to follow three key strands of professional development. The daily workshop partner will have visual signage in each workshop area, special recognition in the event program, and verbal recognition at the premier all- attendee event that day.

• Day2—Friday—WorkshopPartnerSee description above.

• Day3—Saturday—WorkshopPartnerSee description above.

• KDPDonorAppreciationLuncheonThe KDP recognition event honors donors and scholar-ship recipients.

• CounselorsLuncheonNetworking and recognition event is for university faculty representatives from KDP’s 600 chapters.

Extended partnership included with packagemarketvalue$1,800

• KDPWebinarProgramSponsorship of three KDP webinars, including verbal recognition in real time and in the downloadable webcast, visual recognition during Q&A for each webinar, and print recognition in webinar marketing to 38,000 members.

• Literacy Alive!TeacherLiteracyFundDirect underwriting of three $100 stipends to fund literacy programming in communities across the United States, including partnership recognition at the literacy event and on the KDP Literacy Alive! website.

• KDPAnnualReportandRollofHonorPartnership recognition in both the KDP Annual Report and Donor Roll of Honor.

Gold Partner Package Value $8,000

SILVER PARTNER $2,500Event recognition marketvalue$3,500

• Recognition as the Silver Convocation sponsor• Sponsorship recognition for selected event or activity• Complimentary exhibit booth• Quarter-page, full-color ad in Convocation program• Company profile in the sponsor/exhibitor directory on the

mobile event app• One complimentary full-conference registration• Inclusion of promotional item in tote bags (items must be

provided)• Verbal recognition at one event• Logo acknowledgment in one issue of KDP News and

Kappa Delta Pi Record• Sponsorship recognition on our website,• Preferred seating at closing banquet

Select one of the following options for exclusive recognition with the Silver Partnership sponsorship:• BusinessMeeting

Delegates vote on Society bylaw changes.• President’sReception

VIP event is exclusively for past and present KDP lead-ers, honored members, and special guests.

• NetworkingLuncheonSpecial interest groups, committees, and regions ex-change ideas.

• VolunteerLeadersTrainingSessionWell-attended session for KDP chapter counselors and officers is focused on building robust chapters.

Extended partnership included with packagemarketvalue$700

• KDPWebinarProgramSponsorship of one KDP webinar, including verbal rec-ognition in real time and in the downloadable webcast, visual recognition during Q&A for each webinar, and print recognition in webinar marketing to 38,000 members.

• Literacy Alive!TeacherLiteracyFundDirect underwriting of two $100 stipends to fund literacy programming in communities across the United States, including partnership recognition at the literacy event and on the KDP Literacy Alive! website.

• KDPAnnualReportandRollofHonorPartnership recognition in both the KDP Annual Report and Donor Roll of Honor.

Silver Partner Package Value $4,200

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BRONZE SPONSOR $1,000Event recognition marketvalue$3,500

• Recognition as the Bronze Convocation sponsor• Sponsorship recognition for selected event or activity• One complimentary full-conference registration• Inclusion of promotional item in tote bags (items must be

provided)• Company profile in the sponsor/exhibitor directory on the

mobile event app• Verbal recognition at one event• Logo acknowledgment in one issue of KDP News and

Kappa Delta Pi Record• Sponsorship recognition on our website,

Select one of the following options for exclusive recognition with the Bronze Sponsorship:• ChapterSuccessPosterSession

Motivated and knowledgeable counselors and trained officers share keys to member involvement.

• HospitalityRoomsMultiple rooms are specifically designated for small meetings with KDP leaders planned throughout the Convocation.

• IdeaSwapforP–12PractitionersVeteran teachers share best practices at this popular exchange session.

• First-Timers’OrientationWelcome activity for those attending their first KDP Convocation.

Extended partnership included with package marketvalue$200

• Literacy Alive!TeacherLiteracyFundDirect underwriting of two $100 stipends to fund literacy programming in communities across the United States, including partnership recognition at the literacy event and on the KDP Literacy Alive! website.

• KDPAnnualReportandRollofHonorPartnership recognition in both the KDP Annual Report and Donor Roll of Honor.

Bronze Partner Package Value $3,700

CONVOCATION 2015 EXHIBIT BOOTH PACKAGE $500Early Reservation (prior to March 31, 2015) $450Promote your company or organization to all attendees at the 50th Biennial Convocation with prime exhibit space, dedicated exhibit hours, and traffic-building activities to keep attendees engaged in what you offer.

Includes:• 10’x10’ booth• One complimentary full-conference registration• Listing in Convocation program and recognition at opening

reception• Company profile in the sponsor/exhibitor directory on the

mobile event app• 6’ draped table• Two chairs• Booth identification sign• Electricity (must be requested by October 1, 2015)

Official Lanyard Sponsor $1,500Custom imprinted lanyards for all attendees proudly display your company’s name.

Double the Space $400Receive a second 10’x10’ adjacent booth space, 6’ draped table, two chairs, and one additional complimentary conference registration.

Tote Bag Access $200 Exhibitors are offered an exclusive upgrade to include your company’s coupon or promotional item in the conference tote bag distributed to all attendees. A quantity of 1,500 of your promotional item must be submitted by October 1, 2015.

Enhanced Mobile Event App Profile $100 for exhibitors Upgrade for more than a company listing on the general sponsor/exhibitor directory. Transform your profile to include a logo, social media links, resources, and coupons. Increase exposure and drive traffic to your booth while decreasing print costs for materials.

All sponsors and exhibitors are encouraged to support the fund-raising activities at Convo 2015.KDP will be hosting fundraising activities throughout Convoca-tion. Exhibitors are encouraged to donate an item for a prize giveaway while increasing brand exposure to attendees. Prize donors receive on-site recognition at the fundraising booth.

An exhibitor information packet will be sent upon booth registration.

Upgrade Your Visibility

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50th Biennial Convocation Sponsor & Exhibitor Commitment Form

COMPANY/ORGANIZATION __________________________________________________(How you wish to be recognized) CONTACT PERSON________________________________________________________________________



TELEPHONE _______________________FAX___________EMAIL__________________________________

We are committing to (check all that apply):q Sponsorship Package q Exhibit Booth q Raffle/Door Prize Donation

Complete the appropriate information below for your commitment.


Designate your level: Platinum $7,500 Selected exclusive event/activity:_______________________ Gold $5,000 Selected exclusive event/activity:_______________________ Silver $2,500 Selected exclusive event/activity:_______________________ Bronze $1,000 Selected exclusive event/activity:_______________________

Increase your visibilityUpgrade your exhibit booth below or expand your advertising impact with print and digital opportunities.


Standard exhibit booth $500 Early reservation (prior to March 31, 2015) $450 Upgrade: Lanyard sponsor Additional $1,500 Upgrade: Tote bag insert Additional $200 Upgrade: Double booth space Additional $400 Upgrade: Mobile app profile Additional $100

Total $_____________

DESCRIPTION of Exhibit (no more than 30 words). Your description may be edited. It must be received by August 31, 2015 to be included in the conference materials.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Check one q Check enclosed (Make check to KDP) q Please bill q Purchase order enclosed

Received and accepted by KDP________________________________________________

Deadlines:March 31, 2015Last day to receive $50 discount on exhibitor booth

August 31, 2015Ads due for conference program

For information:Kristen Jackson800.284.3167 or [email protected]

Please complete and return forms to:

Kappa Delta Pi 3707 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268

Or fax to 317.704.2323


Please charge:

q VISA q MasterCard q DISCOVER q AMEX ________________________________________________Name on card________________________________________________Card account number________________________________________________Expiration date 3- or 4-digit security code

Page 7: KAPPA DELTA PI BIENNIAL CONVOCATION OCTOBER 22–24, 2015 … · brand recognition at Convo 2015 and continued brand exposure to more than 38,000 ... Platinum Partnership sponsorship:

Advertising OpportunitiesPRINT ADVERTISING OPTIONSKappa Delta Pi Convocation Program Book


EXCLUSIVE OFFER—Convocation Program—Full back-cover ad $2,000 Full page $ 1,000 1/2 page $ 500 1/4 page $ 250 1/8 page $ 125


EXCLUSIVE OFFER—Presenting Advertiser for the Mobile Event App $1,000Exclusive brand recognition with splash screen exposure displays your logo every time an attendee accesses the app. Includes enhanced company profile.

Rotating Banner Ad $500Attendees refer to event app for session details, speaker bios, survey responses, exhibitor directory, and much more. Includes enhanced company profile.

Enhanced Mobile Event App Profile $200Offer attendees a customized company profile that includes your logo, social media links, resources, coupons, and more!

Total cost of advertising commitment: $_________________

COMPANY/ORGANIZATION ___________________________________________________________________________________(How you wish to be recognized)

CONTACT PERSON_______________________________________________ TITLE______________________________________


TELEPHONE __________________________FAX__________________________EMAIL__________________________________


Check one q Check enclosed (Make check to KDP) q Please bill

q Purchase order enclosed

Approved and accepted by advertiser____________________________________________________________________________

8.5 x 11Live area8 x 10.5

8.5 x 5.5 Live area8 x 5

4.25 x 5.5Live area 3.75 x 5 4.25 x 2.75

Live area 3.75 x 2.25

Please charge:

q VISA q MasterCard q DISCOVER q AMEX ___________________________________________________________________________Name on card___________________________________________________________________________Card account number___________________________________________________________________________Expiration date 3- or 4-digit security code

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3707 Woodview • Indianapolis, IN 46268-1158 •

About Kappa Delta Pi Leading the way in education, innovation, and excellence. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), International Honor Society in Education, was founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching.

Through its programs, services, and products, KDP supports and enhances the professional growth of its members throughout all phases and levels of their teaching careers.

More than 1.2 million men and women have been initiated in KDP, including Albert Einstein, Margaret Mead, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jean Piaget, and George Washington Carver. More than 38,000 educators enjoy the benefits of KDP active membership today.

Members of KDP have the knowledge to be at the forefront of education. They have the duty to redefine what excellence means to them, to their students, and to the world. And they have the power to be leaders and change makers in the field of education.

We invite you to check out to learn more about our rich tradition and promising future!