Download - K. Y. Andes, Roxhury, Fleischmanns To Hold … · Second row, Sylvia Lutz, Patricia Numann, Harry Munsell, Arthur


f t .


VoL M. M A B G A B irrv m ^ NBW X O ^ BUD AT, JUNE 20, 1 9 5 ^ > M «a« • ■ SwQud CtaM I b M r i s A * F o rt OffiM a t U iM m ttO * . K . Y. 7o Pep Copy. fS P er y e a r

Andes, Roxhury, Fleischmanns To Hold Commencement Tonight

Graduates in the Andes central school class of 1958 are as follows: Seated, left to ^right, Rosemary Stew art, Irene Stock- sidcer, Shirley Briscoe, Carol Ann Fleury, Joyce Lare. Second row, Alice R e ^ Helen Babel, H arrie tte c iry , Iris Crosley, Gene­

vieve Miners Joyce All. Third row, Woodrow Lakin, Richard Brannen, Wilbur Parks, Andrew Miller, Ronnie Tait, Andrew Liddle, Wayne Gustafson. Class will hold its conunencement exercises a t school auditorium tonight, Friday.

Sixteen members of th e sa ilo r class of 1968 will com idete' th c^ sdumliiig tonight At Roxbury central school They are, front row, to j^ t , .3 u s a ty ^ v ^ Sw<wtmw, J i ^

Etts< Nancy Morse, Dora Fuller, M arietta Jcdinson, Rose Aaqtiish. Second row, Sylvia Lutz, P atric ia Numann, H arry Munsell, A rthur More, Jim Ross, Steve Collins, Alice DeMcmie, P atricia Van Dyke.

N e w B u d g e t

F o r M C S H a s

H i g h e r T a x e s

Salary Increments And Lower Balance Two Chief CausesTax ra te increases ranging

from $3.16 to $4.19 per th o u ^ d are in prospect for property own­ers in the M argaretville central school district to m eet the ^958- S9 budget S ^e-m anda ted s^ a ry {Adjustments ’for teachers, and other -Instructional services, plant maintenance, auxiliary agencies and fixed charges mainly account for & e to tal budget increJtse froiii $337,301.21 to $368,049.51;

Tfie budget will be presented for voters’ approval a t the annu­al -sfi&ool meeting on Tuesday, July & Area meetings where the budg^ is being discussed inform- ciliiti bave had a disappointing at-teadanv-

T h « are three more area m eet­ings. They will be- held Thursday, June 19, a t the New Kingston U n } t e d Presbyterian church; Tuesday, Jime 24, a t the Arkville sc^otd gym; Thursday, June 26, a t MGS cafeteria. AU are a t 8 p, ib. Members of the school board, along with Principal Elton F. S. Sbaver and the d erk of the board, have detailed budgets to explain item s in the six-page con-

the district.ITie to tal of elem entary teach-

ei^’ . salaries is up $7,610 to $80,- 510. However, there is no prc^ vision this year for a grade super­visor's salary because Miss Ger­trude Klapper w ill teach fifth grade next year. The high school teadiers’ to ta l is up $7,490 to 189,890 and substitutes’ to tal up $?500 V $2,500.

Ihstractional supplies are up $1,310 to $5,735. Next year the School w ill furnish workbooks, which heretofore have been paid for directly by the parents of pupils using them. O ther expense of iostruotion, induding oom- m encem ^t, faculty trav d , visual eduealto^ study council fees and m onitor are up $900. The $900 re^iresents'tiie noontiiQe monitor’s'

Big Letting Did Not Name Pine Hill

Albany — John W. Johnson, S tate Superintendent of Public Works, annoimced Monday th a t sealed bids on ^ proposed high­way improvement' projects esti­m ated to cost* near $25 million will be openeil on July 17.

The 30 jobs -Hivolve 88.32 miles of work in 26 coimties of the state, and have been estim ated to cost a to tal of $24,475,000. Here is the only letting of interest to Delaware and U lster counties.

Delaware county— Reconstruc­tion of bridge and a culvert on route 30 about one mile south of KeUy Comers northeast of Meu:- garetville. Work will include con­struction of 0.46^mile of new 22- foot wide asphalt concrete pave­ment. The surface will be raised four feet. Estim ated a t $243,000.

This was the letting which people of the C entral Catskills hoped would name the recon­struction of route 28 a t Pine Hill in U lster county. There was no mention of route 28 a t Pine Hill.

Science, Mat)i Study Encouraged At MCS

Miss Eileen Millward, second grade teacher a t M argaretville central school, will attend an in­stitu te for the teaching of m athe­m atics and science in th « ele­m entary grades' to be held dtunng the summer session a t the S tate University College for Teachers a t Oneonta.

The institute, which is spon-

Miss Millward w ith two courses, one required, the other elective within a prescribed group. The expenses are underw ritten by the state.

MCS will be the center of a sdence and mathem atics ti;aining course for area teachers during the next school year. Thirty ses­sions, one a week, will be held to acquaint elem entary teachers w ith these subjects. Thomas M atalavage of the MCS faculty will be in charge of the m athe­matics sessions. .Miss M arian Connell, MCS sdence teadier, will conduct the sdence training.

These are part of the Legisla­ture’s "crash program ” to pro­m ote more in terest and in s ^ c - tion in sdentific subjects in grade and high sdiools.

Prof. Elton F . S. Shaver said

class of 1959, will providp accom­paniment for the processional and recessional on baccalaureate eve­ning. The Onteora central sdiool band, imder the direction of H arry Simon, ^yill perform on commence­m ent evening.

L eft to right, M ary Myers, valedictorian of the dass of 1958 a t F ldsdim anns high school, Jam es Todd, Miss Clara Goslee, class advisor, Ellen Ballard, salutatorian, and Evelyn Moseman. Class will receive diplomas a t cercimonies tonight, Frigay, in auditorium.

Graduation MondayO n t e o r a G r a d u a t i o n S t e i r t s

W i t h B a f c c a l a u r e a t e S u n d a yThe fifth ium u^ baccalaureate

and commencement services will be h d d in the Onteora central school auditorium on Simday and Monday evenings, June 22 and 23.Ttie program s will begin prompt­ly a t 8. Seats in the auditorium will be reserved for those holding reserved tickets, im til 7:45 p. m.(Bi both evenings. A t 7:45 p. m. general adinission will be per­m itted.

The following members of the dergy^w ill take p art in the exer­cises: Baccalaureate—^Invocation,Rev. L arry Wincentsen, pastor of t i e M ethodist Church of Phoe- n id a ; sermon, Rabbi H erbert I.Bloom, T ^ p le Emannuel Reform .fynagogue; benediction. Rev. H ar­vey I- Todd, pastor Dutch Re­formed P iu rch of Woodstodc.Coanmencement—^Invocation, Rev.Robert Pepper, pastor Wesleyan M ethodist Chuixli of Chichester; b^hedii?tion, Rev. E rnest Estes, pastor Baptist Church of Phoe- n ida.

On commencement, evening,John W etterau, valedictorian, ^ d Noim an Boggs, salutatorian,. will deliver m ess^es of farewell on hphnif of the graduating members.Additionally, O tto Krein, student coim dl president, and Henry Rank, d ass president, will present a tum m ary of the activities of the past year. Philip Gordon, presi­dent of the Board of Education, will bestow diplomas to the grad­uating seniors. William H. Dem- ing, high sdiool prindpal, will

, present the annual prizes and awards. ■"

I ra Deutsch, a member of the

Fresh-Air Homes Sought For Kids

The Oneonta-Delaware county area wall have 85 d ty youngsters for a large p art of the summer visiting through the Fresh Air fund. Three MargaretvQle area householders have already ar­ran g ed 'to be host to the young d ty visitors. They are Mr. and Mrs, Richard Fairbaim of Dun- raven, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mathis of Hubbell Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greene of Denver.

O ther householders desiring to cfure for youngsters may call Jam es N ^ b itt collect a t Oneonta.

Complete Plans For Bible School

The Fleisdim anns M ethodist parish completed {dans for a vacation Bible school to- be h d d from July 7 through July 13, ac­cording to Mrs. William Gr&ene, chairm an of the commission on education. All children from the communities of Dry Brook, Hal- co tt Center and F le{s< ^anns are invited to be a p art of this .pro­gram. The week of daily m eet­ings will be conduded w ith 'a program given by the diildren during the^-morning worship a t the F ldsdim anns church July 13.

A t F l e i s c h m a n n s C ^ e m o n t i ^The • 48th annual commence­

m ent will be held a t Fleisch­manns high school Friday a t 8 p. m.

The high school band, under the direction of Mrs. Robert Jaeger, will play, and the mixed chorus will sing. Rev. Forrest Robinson will give the invocation, followed by Ellen Marie Ballard w ith her salutatory address. The valedic­tory will be given by M ary Myers.

Guest speaker is ^ n ja m in Schecter, vice-president of the G reater Q ty PTA council of Kingston. He is also past p;:«si- dent of Myron J. Michael School Education assodation)vpa^t presi­dent Eiiipire S on ist rgeion; vice- president Jewish Community coun­cil; Member of Executive Boaiil, Troy Home for the Aged; past president Kingston Board of W ater Commissioners; chairman of m uscular distrofdiy campaign of Kingston; past chairman U niter Jewish a j ^ a l in U lster county; executive member U lster Coimty Cerebral Palsy committee.

Prindped Lawrence A. Gilmour will present the awards, followed by presentation of diplomas by the bosoti of education president, HoweU T. Birdsall.

Phoenicia Library Has Member Drive

Phoenida, June 17.—^Dr. John G. McKe<m, president of the Phoe­nicia Library assodation, and his hard-working staff of officers and committees, are carrying out the wishes of the m ajority of the resi­dents to establish the Phoenida library as a going institution. 'Hie success of this effort depends on friends and neighbors, who will, together with their children, bene­fit greatly frota this local modem l i b r ^ .

M^nberSbips are solidted now.Mail chedc to Rae Gregg, treas­

urer,' Phoenida.Memberships:P a tr o n __ __________ -$25.00S usta in ing___ .1----------10.00S upporting---------------- 5.00General ______________ 1.00

Pla^ouse Names Summer Plays

Phofflida, Jime,14. — Four h it Broadway c(»nedies, three dramas, and two farces will comprirc the 1 ^ sdiedule of the Phoenida playhouse.

Ihduded will be “The Match­m aker,” "Separate Tables,” “Visit to a S h i^ Ptonet,” “C at c*i a Hot T in Roof,” ‘̂ o Time for Ser­geants,” "Sailor Beware,” "Tobac­co Road,” and "ThievM’ Carnival.”

Benjamin Schecter

Downsville Repeats Over Local Club

Downsville dropped M argaret- vUle, 2-0, for the second.Jime ia Delaware-SuUivan lea s ie compe­tition Sunday bdiind Chip Town­send’s three-hit moimd Vdzardry. The game was a tigh t, pitcher’s duel between- Townsend imd Dick Hood of M argaretville.

Townsend stm ck o u t. 10 M ar­garetville batters. Hood whiffed seven. Hood kept Downsville’s eight hits s c a t te r^ but after he gave up two consecutive singles in the seventh and h it' Howard Neff w ith a pitched ball, A1 Glad­stone drove in the firs t Downs­ville with a sacrifice fly.■ Downsville scored again in the eighth when Neff doubled in W. Slauson, who had reached second* on a single and a wild pitch.

In the field M argaretville of­fered a tighter defense. One error was diarged against M ana­ger Orville Edwards’ .boys.' H ie Downsville dub had four errors, but M argaretville was not in ixtsi- tion to take advantage of any.

Margaretvifle plays a t W alton Sunday, hoping to avenge an earlier season defeat by Walton.

Will Reopen Onteora Theatre

Eleisdimanns, June 9.—^Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis, who own the Onteora theatre, have arrived from Miami Beadi' for the sum^ m er M d will r e c ^ n the theatre the -flatter p art of the present month.

$MW06.P lan t m aintenance Indudes the

r e p ^ and r^lacem en t of mis- cdlSneous mcahinery, plus pur- d iase of a new station wagon and driver training car in the $2,602 which raised this budget item to $16,167.44.

Auxiliary agendes account for a to tal rise of $5,235 o r $49,285.

.Induded are increases of $450 in librarian’s salary to $6,300, $600 in nurse’s salary to $4,900, $300 in cafeteria m anager’s salary to $3,100. Medical inspection is doubled to $1,200. An appropri­ation of $1,000 has been made to replenish cafeteria inventories be­cause of loss of income occasioned by the closing of school last.w in ­te r during the Asian flu and bliz­zard epidemics.

Income finds the balance an­ticipated off $7,564 to $4,000. S tate aid is up more than $8,000. Amounts deducted for teachers’ retirem ent are up a to tal of near­ly $7,000, and* the sta te is con­tributing an additional $8,020.95 towar<te coo i^ative board serv­ices. 'Ime sale of m otor vehides has brought $3,000. The remain­ing $127,474 will have to be raised by taxes, a to tal of $13,400 more than last year,, Also to be voted upon a t the

school meeting is Jferoposed bond i ^ e ' for the p u iflp se of a new 30-paiksenger schooi^us to replace a 16-passeng^ vehide which has b e ^ condemned 1^ the sta te .

Nfune Two Boys For DeBruce Camp

Roxbury, Jime 13.—^The Rox- •bui^ Pish and Game dub m et on Tuffiday evening a t the fire hall. Movies on a Conseivation subject were shown and a suK>er was served by Mrs. Jam es Ploutz, George W. Tupper, Joseph Jo- hannsen and Edwin Luhrs.

TTie du b send two boys, Jam es Howard and Howard Rose, to the Conseivation camp a t De- Bruce th is ye£u*. If either of the boys cannot go, Ralph Ives and Rcmdy VanVaUcenburgh are al­ternates. '

Mayer, McCaim Lose In Union Balloting

George B axter was r^ lec te d Sunday as business representative of L o ^ 17, .b tem atio n al Labor­ers and H ddcan^rs, ^3-373, de­feating C. H. M ayer of Pleasant Valley. \

Charles McCann of M argaret­ville, incumbent secretary of the ^ocal, was defeated for redection by F rank Monaco, 504-473.

The unicm fiKiiishes laborers; on large projects in and around U n­aw are county, induding the M ar­garetville Main street and sewer cbnstnu^on pirojeets. *

e le n ^ ta iy te a d b ^ . Tm s feri-' gram has been in effedt for more than a year, several m onths be­fore the firs t Russian Sputnik, Shaver pctoted out.

Shandaken Visit Seeks Blood Donors

Phoenicia, June 17.—A mobile blood unit will be a t the Shan­daken town hall on Wednesday, June 25, from 7 to 9 p. m. to re­ceive blood donations. This bank is not assodated w ith the Red Cross. I t is fojr the exdusive use of the residents of the Shandaken and is sponsored by the town of Shandaken nursing committee.

Miss M. K. Wiseman, the blood bank’s nurse from the Kingston laboratory, will be on hand to take blood. Blood pressure, he­moglobin and ' tem perature is checked by the nurse before the blood is withdrawn.

Donors are asked to eat a light fat-free m eal for supper, such as dry toast, d e a r coffee, tea, fru it or fru it juices and to abstain from alcoholic beverages. Re­freshm ents will be served to the donors after the withdrawal of blood. Persons unable to donate blood may help by transporting a donor, donating sandwidies, cake or money. Rae Gregg a t OV 8-5653 is in charge of the bloodmobile visit.

Two Local Troopers On Top Pistol Team

Cpl- Michael Lisman of the sta te police BCI and Trooper Fred Baessler, both of whom are sta ­tioned in M argaretville, are mem­bers of the Troop 'C pistol team wluch won the K atherine Mayo trophy for inter-troop* competi­tion last week a t B ear Moimtain.

Trooper Baessler was high man for the team w ith a possible 296 points out of 300. Lismanshot 295. A competing trooper scored a perfefet 300.

'The Troop C team becomes eli­gible to represent the New York S tate J*olice a t 22 team pistol m atches throughout the E ast dur­ing the coming year.

Sunday School Will Have .Picnic Sunday

Fleisdim anns, Jim e 16—^The an­nual M ethodist church Sunday sdiool picnic w ill be held a t the Woodland Valley sta te park Sun­day, Ju n e 2% a t 1 p. m.

Each fam ily is to furnish sand­wiches and a covered dish to pass, and its own taU e s e ^ c e .

A n ^ n e desiring transportation may call Robort To^d, Sunday school siq>erinteident or the par­sonage.

In case of rain, the lunch will be held in the dining hall of the .^ tird i.

T r a f f i c B o t t l e n e c k

W i l l B e g i n E a s i n g

B y F i r s t O f W e e kSecond Strip Of Concrete Well Underway As State Permits Temporary Rerouting; Tibbetts Hopes To Finish Mains MondayThe high point in M argaretville traffic tie-up has been reached

during the week. A release will come soon. Both contractors, the Tibbetts company emd the Jorge company, are working a t top ca-

♦p a d ty . Tibbetts expects, w eather

Mrs. Ackerley Won Two Cookie Prizes

Mrs. M yrtle Ackerley, who was the winner of the molasses cookie

perm itting, to complete the lay­ing of sewer mains by next Mon­day or Tuesday.

FoDowing’ th a t laterals are to be put in. B ut this does not tie Up the entire width of a street.

c o n t^ t in the Andes Grange, sent Following the laterals streets will ^ W e s to the Pomona meeting in be repaved where they have beenDelhi emd again won first prize. There were 14 entries a t the Po­mona meeting.

About 25 attended th% meeting of the Andes Grange Tuesday evening, June 10, in the Andes central school cafeteria.

A communication was read from Mrs. Lillian McLean, secretary of the Andes PTA in regard to the school health fund. I t was voted

opened. This will complete the Tibbetts contract.

The Jorge company completed a 12-foot wide strip from the school to the bank com er Tues­day night. They moved thd paver a t once and began a second 12- foot strip a t the school Wednes­day morning. If w eather is agree­able,/the stone and sand arrive in sufficient quantities, the Jorge

to contribute $10 toward this fund. I company can lay 500 feet per day.A nother communication read by the secretary, Mildred Ackerley, was a thank you note from Mrs. W alter Sprague for a remem­brance during her illness.

A word of thanks goes to Shel­don Ackerley for his donation of board and labor in sawing out road signs imder the Commimity Service project.

For the literary program. Miss Edna Hawkins spoke and showed

The second strip should be com­pleted early next week. TTiere would then be an eight-foot strip . B u t' traffic could flow on th e first strip which will soon be cured.

Village traffic should flow in nearly nonnal volume by the July 4th holiday.

A perm it to reroute through traffic around the village via F air street and the old railroad bed

slides on Germany. She provided ^ a s granted untU Friday by the a very m teresting and educational | state. This will ease the task of meeting. contractor in pouring the sec-K-ax.., " provided two 0^^ of concrete. I t will alsob i ^ ^ y cak® for those h ^ g be necessary to oil the new con- b irthtoys m June and July. There I t^ r the seams beforewill be no meeting in July.

Rabies Clinics Set In Town Next Week

Four clinics for anti-rabies vac- dnation for dogs in the town of

have been scbedulied

ing (Hi route 28;24, from 9"a. m. until noon, a t the Fleischmanns fire hall, a n d ‘from 1 to 3 p. m. a t the Halcottville creamery; Wednesday, June 25, from 1 im til 3 p. m. a t New Kingston, and Thursday, June 26, from 7 to 10 p. n^ a t the office of Dr. Reuben E. Sm ith in M argaret­ville.

Dr. Smith, who will give the in­jections in tliis town, said th a t all dogs who were last innoculated prior to 1957 should have the serum this year. If there is any doubt. Dr. Sm ith recommended th a t the dog be innoculated this year. The serum will not be given to puppies under five months of age. There is no charge for the vaccination.

traffic will be perm itted on th e first strip.

Elimination of parking on M ain street wiU aid in speeding the pav­ing work. Numerous tim es woric has been held up or traffic bottle­necked because businessmea and other drivers have left cars

in ^ r o ^ « r fa t long

ro a d w ^ to the 'C hilf has been established. I t is neces­sary to keep a lane d e a r to re a i^ the lot and the i>ost c ^ c e bridge.

Children Conducted Worship At Church

Fleischmanns, June ̂ 6 — The Sunday school children conducted a worship service a t the H alcott Center church Sunday evening.

Rev. Forrest Robinson gave a serm onette for the children. The pr<%ram was imder the direction of Mrs. C laretta Reynolds.

During the service, B arbara and W arren Reynolds, diildren trf Mr. and Mrs. W ard R ey i^d s of H al­cott Center, were topGbed.

Helped Top QuotaT h r e e B l o o d D o n o r s R e a c h e d ^ .

G a l l o n M a r k o n L a s t V i s i tTliree people became members of

the gallon dub, donors of eight pints of blood, when the American Red Cross bloodmobUe made a visit to M argaretville June 11. n ie y were Robert H ill of Marga- retvDle, Robert Hubbell of K dly Comers and Daniel Underwood of Roxbiffy. Contributing enough to make up two gallons were Gerald Q ark , Steve Enderlin, Ed- w rad Snegoski and Mrs. Stanley Mead. Of spedal note were Stan­ley Mead donating for the 19th tiinp and LeRoy Monroe and Marion Bookhout for the 18th and Dr. Charles .Ives for the 17th.

Donors tn m RoxbiHy induded: Harold Van Valkenburgh, Mari<Hi Munro, Jd m Dugan, Leighton Hinkley, Eber Cartwright, Ru­dolph Gorsdi, John Hewitt, Gerald Bosto<*, George Freer, John Hop­kins, Steve Enderlin, M’erlin Cable, Hanford Shultis, Shirley Dorrance and lindon Morse.

Also Stanley Toung, Alvin Van Aken, Henry M unsdl, Daniel Un­derwood/ Edward Snegoski, John Lanzilotti, Robrart W h itn ^ , Mari­on B oo^out, Gary^ Hhddey, lU n Johnson, Robert Munro, Charles Slater, H erbert ' M inray and Gerald litz .

Also Roger Harrington, Dorothy Cower, Joe Co^^er, Charles Ires, H erbert S tew art, Louise Koutz, Nancy W hite, E thel Higgins, R idi- ard Bouton, Carlington DuBois, Robert Gordon and Irvm g Tyler.

Also Raymcmd Higgins, Jean Jordan, Stanley E tts, .Clara Miller, F rancis Hinkley, Ronald BalliEird, Clifton Kirk, Raynumd Miller, Donald Weyl, Howard Gibbs, San­ford Hinkley, R o ^ r IBnkley, Hans Mallasch and F rank Rhyner.

M argaretville: Florence Coons, Edna Hait^dns, John Constable,

Bfary Avery, Josej* Carli, A lbert M uri^y, Robert Hill, Donald Kelly, Clifford Twfiedie, Ivan lifisner, B arbara Kapitko, Bernard Davis, E a il Sanford, Edith David­son, Richard Miller, ^ ^ a r d M eister and Alvin Farber<^

Also Alfred Mathis, Evelyn B(^gs, Robert Jaeger, R a !^ TryMij E verett P latt, Carlton Hillriegel, W alton Heley, Kathei^ ine Oliver, Charles Dietrich, B etty M atalavage, Paul Smith, Beulah Adee, Hannah Delameter, MarfAii M dtlurray, - Kenneth D ^ ilv a , L a u r^ Davis and Robert Gevert.

Also Millicent Buerge, Bernard ~Boxer, LeRoy Mcmroe, Ray ^ u l t is Jr., Isabelle Haddow, Doris Stahly Ellsworth Stahl, R a li^ Chase, Ju lia d a rk , MiltCHi McGorrill and M ary Lu Glazier.

Fleischmanns: John M ariotti, W alter Altmi, Andrew Sorahan. Marion Morse, Robert M nse, £Sora Todd, Richard Lathan, Jam es Bar­ton, m ro ld W right, V^Hiam Myers, H erbert Blish, Daniel S aw y ^ and Elwood K dly.

Arkville: M aurice Davis, CSadys Ki^om, Claude D u n h a^ Robert Griffin, Stanley Oliver jmd Robert KimbalL

New Kingston: K atho ine T rtiy , Phyliss O’Connor, W anda Lanz^ Mina Terry, Donald Robertsoiv Norman Frey, E ric Stange and Ivan Ingles.

H akottviUe: Arline Mead, S tan­ley Mead, H arvey Slauson and Floyd Ccxiklin.

KeUy Com ers: RaljA Hubbell and Robert HubbelL

H alcott Center: S ta n ly Kelly. Vestal: Gerald Clark. Chichester: George Meister. Callicoaa Center; David Mc­

Cabe.Yonkm : Harold j^ustak.