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Justification of Selection of “The Nightingale”

"The Nightingale" is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen under the theme of

World of Stories. I have chosen it for year 3 u ils. It is about an em eror !ho referred the tin ling

of a be#e!eled mechanical bird to the song of a real nightingale. When the $m eror !as near

death% the nightingale&s song restored his health. There are multi le reasons of the selection of this


'irst of all% I have chosen the theme of World of Stories as stories are motivating and fun.

They create a dee interest and a desire to continue learning. According to $llis and (re!ster

)*++*,% Stories also e-ercise the imagination children can become ersonally involved in a story

as they identify !ith the characters and try to inter ret the narrative and illustrations.

Inevitably% this story is suitable for year 3 u ils as the readability of the te-t is !ithin the

u ils/ understanding. The le-ical and structural level are not too difficult for the u ils and the te-t

does include some ne! ey vocabulary for instances% 0 recious1% 0mending1% 0admire1 !hich ma e

the te-t challenging. Therefore% the story is at the right level of difficulty for the u ils.

2any moral values can be found in the 0Nightingale1 fairy tale. According to Andre! itt% he

stated that characters in stories often ca ture young children/s imagination and become ositive

role models. Thus% the bird itself is a ositive role model to be follo!ed. 'or e-am le% the bird

sho!ed forgiveness and saved the ing/s life des ite being treated oorly. The ing also re ented

for his !rong actions and learnt from his mista e. This art of the story !ill ins ire children toforgive and re ent% !hich are im ortant traits !hen gro!ing u .

In fact% this story also sho!s the im ortance of animals to man ind. Animals lay an

e-tremely im ortant art in the human/s live. In a child/s life% animals !ill lay various roles that of

a friend% com anion% benefactor% rotector% comforter% and more. In this fairytale% the nightingale is

magical bird !hich can sing beautiful songs and fills the eo le/s heart !ith #oy. The bird also has

the ability to save the ing/s life. Thus% children must be educated of the im ortance of the animals

to our life.

'urthermore% the themes of this story are good to be taught to the u ils. Through the

0Nightingale1% !e can derive a theme saying that regardless of a erson/s a earance% one is still

able to outshine if one is talented. The second theme is about the love of nature as distinct from

the love of mechanical things. This has reflected the 4ing/s love to!ards the real bird and the

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mechanical bird !hich by means one should actually a reciate something more on the nature

rather than something artificial.

This fairy tale is being ada ted to a musical scene or musical drama !hich is beneficial to

language learning and fun learning. According to 5ac ie Silberg% music hel s develo children/s

language s ills. 2usic is believed to stimulate a child/s brain% !hich im rove their thin ing and

!here it connects to children language. A musical drama is also a fun !ay to teach children. It

combines music and acting. When music and movement go together% children naturally res ond to

music by moving and being active. 'or e-am le% this version of my ada ted scri t is ac ed !ith

musical verse% !hich is fun to listen and sing along. Therefore% a musical drama theme is more

attractive to young learners.

In conclusion% the nightingale fairy tale has a lot to offer for young learners. The moral

values and the themes of this story hel to educate u il to be a !hole erson and it has beenada ted to a musical theme !hich is highly beneficial to $nglish language learning.