Download - Jurassic island

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Written and Illustratedby

Lee, Oh, Pan, Pat and Pete

Jurassic Island

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The sky was clear and the sun was shining it was the perfect time of the year for a holiday. The 3 best friends, Günther Mcmichaels, Aarti Patel and Bill Franks, were on their way to Heath-row airport, London. They were all very excited for what lay ahead.

As they arrived at the airport Aarti Patel went to the toilet while the others checked in. Their destination was a newly discovered Island called Zulu in the Pacific Ocean, the flight would take 20 hours. The Island Zulu was famous for its famous mountain surrounded by the harsh desert and the beach surrounding the magnificent Island. The visitors could go abseiling in the morning and relax on the soft, white sand in the evening. There were many activities that at-tracted the three young explorers .

Luckily, they arrived early therefore they went shopping around the rather large airport, stuff-ing burgers and French fries into their mouths cheerfully. They were glad they finally had time for a vacation after one whole year of saving up money. The trio had planned to stay at Zulu Island for 5 days and moreover they were going to visit Günther's cousin who lived in New Zealand. From then onwards they were going to head home.

Soon, it was time for their flight. Gunther ,who was the richest of the three, said goodnight and went to take a seat in the business class. Whilst Aarti and Bill sat down in the economy class. Fortunately the flight wasn't delayed and so they took off right away. It was still 7:00 pm when the plane took off hence the 3 friends watch a movie before drifting off to sleep.


Jurassic Island

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"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" The irritating sound woke Gunther and Bill up. Aarti who was a deep sleeper had to be slapped by Bill to be woken up. Suddenly oxygen mask were dropped from the ceiling of the plane. All three adventurers then realized that something was wrong.....

The plane started to shake lightly, a few passengers asked the flight attendant what was go-ing on. The flight attendant answered " the turbulence will be over shortly"

But then the turbulence started to get worse and all the passengers started to panic. There were only 4 spare parachutes for the passengers and Günther was really lucky and got hold of one of them. But Günther could not bear leaving his friends to die on this plane so he got both of his friends and jumped off the plane 3 all together. The parachute was falling down from the sky really fast but all 3 survived since they landed on the sea not too far from an island. They all started swimming towards the island

as fast as they could so that they could reach it before sunset. When they arrivedtheir faces were filled with horror, they looked down on the beach and saw this huge foot-print. Not from a person, not from an ordinary animal, from a huge bear of some sort. Günther told his buddies to try find firewood and meet back on the beach. He warned them not to go too far into the jungle. Meanwhile Günther took out his sleeping bag and a pillow out a waterproof bag. Günther sneaked in a swiss army knife onto the plane in case of an emergency. He took it out and cut out his clothes into a sheet for his friends.


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The following day, the sun made it impossible to keep sleeping on the beach. Günther was first to wake up in the melting sun. He then dragged Aarti and Bill towards the jungle be-fore they woke up and before the sun burnt them. Since they had eaten a lot the day be-fore, their stomach was not bugging them. But it did not mean that they didn't have to look for a source of food and clean water. Günther was in charge of finding clean water, Bill was in charge of finding food and Aarti was in charge of starting a fire by the beach where camp was at. When Gunther was looking for clean water, he came across a bunch of plants he did not recognize. It took Gunther a whole day until he found a river with fresh and clean water. He started to go back to camp with a bundle of water he collected with a plastic bottle that originally held Pepsi in.

When he got back to the camp he found that the place was ransacked, Bill was out cold and Aarti was gone, nowhere to be seen. The next morning, Bill had recovered and he was ready for the long journey. They gathered some food and made make-shift weapons which consisted of long, sharp tree branches, large rocks and spiky dinosaur ribs.

As they left, they found a trail of lizard-like footprints and began to follow it. The path led them through a dense jungle full of greenery and all sorts of insects and dinosaurs which until now have been known to be extinct.

After a many hours of traveling through the jungle they decided to make camp asthey needed rest and food. After sleeping for merely an hour, Günther saw a strange, lumi-nous light glowing in the distance. He woke Bill up and raced to the light which seemed ever so close. However, when they got there they found that the hopeful light was a small 3

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ball of fire, as the curious Günther reached out to touch it the ball exploded and engulfed the whole island.

Suddenly, Günther felt something nudging him, it was Bill which meant that the terrifying event was just a dream. Günther gasped in relief and soon afterwards the two began to con-tinue making their way through the jungle along the footprints. Finally, they reached the end of the jungle and the footprints disappeared.

There was a great valley on the doorstep of the forest and in that valley there were thou-sands upon thousands of raptors! Then out of nowhere, a man appeared holding Aarti by the throat, "I am Guy Parkinsons, I am here to make sure that none of you will leave here alive! Starting with this young lad." the man yelled. He then tossed Aarti into the valley where the raptors ate him, Günther screamed in terror and tried to stab Parkinsons with his bone-knife.

But Parkinsons disappeared before Günther could strike and in his place were two man- dinosaurs who were Parkinson's bodyguard. They easily snapped the knife in two and hit Günther and Bill's skulls with their great clubs.

Gunther and Bill fainted and fell on the floor of the valley. A few hours later, Gunther woke up and shouted loudly! “OH MY GOD!! BILL WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!!” Bill ob-viously woke up and realised that the both of them were being held above a pit of fiery hot lava!


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Gunther started panicking and disturbed Bill who was trying to think of a escape. “Stop this nonsense!” Bill shouted, the two friends started collaborating and thinking of a way to get out of this situation. Gunther suddenly came up with an idea, he used his acrobatic skills to get his phone from his pants pocket, Bill confusedly asked “what are you doing Gunther?”, he replied “calling the police of course”.

Even Though the idea was stupid and they didn't try before because they thought it wouldn't work, it was their only choice. Gunther used his toes to call his grandpa the po-lice chief 's number, 081 6969 555. Suddenly, an old voice replied, “hello, who is this?”, Gun-ther had no time to explain, he just chaotically described the situation on Jurassic island and hopefully his grandpa would understand.

Boom! A rock hit Gunther's head and he dropped his phone, he turned around and saw Guy Parkinsons with a red button, they could guess that the button would be the end of their lives. “In case you try to escape, my man-dinosaurs are guarding every inch of this val-ley”, now their chances of surviving have dropped to 0, they all ran out of hope.

“Any last words explorer?”, “Yes!” Gunther replied, “Why are you doing this to us?”, Guy answered “well first, I like to see people suffer, second,it is what the island wants! Bye Bye!”. Gunther and Bill were terrified, Guy pressed the button and Gunther and Bill fell to their deaths. Gunther while falling started thinking of all the things he did in this life, he thought to himself,"I was pretty useless” he said.

Few seconds later they were saved by a giant metallic robotic hand! A voice started speak-ing “you're under arrest sir parkinson!” That was the happiest moment in Gunther and Bill’s life!


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Gunther's grandpa appeared from nowhere on top of the volcano. He swung some ropes at Guy who was caught and could then no longer move. Grandpa controlled his robot arm and tossed Guy into the burning lava. "AARRRGGHHH" Guy screamed in pain and in about 10 seconds he seemingly burnt to death.

Grandpa quickly helped both Gunther and Bill up the volcano. Bill sighed in relief. Gun-ther gave his beloved grandpa an enormous hug

."How did you get here so fast" asked Gunther "Oh, I used my teleporting machine i built weeks ago with you, dont you remember" his grandpa replied sarcastically

"Oh right, totally forgot about that" Gunther said.

Grandpa took some time to set up some sort of strange machine so that they could travel back home away from this horrific island. Once he was done setting up his gadgets they were ready to go when suddenly "Grandpa" horrifyingly tore his skin off and a familiar face


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appeared in front of them, it was Guy Parkinsons."I love magic tricks, don't you?" Guy joked. While Gunther and Bill were still confused at what was happening Guy took the chance and shoved them both down the volcano.

They were falling from an insane height at a very rapid speed. Gunther closed his eyes shut getting ready to die in the fiery abyss along with Bill. His last thoughts were "I never thoughtit would end this way, there were so many things I wanted to see and do. Have kids with my future wife, grow old and die peacefully, I guess it's all over now." In that final moment he took Bill's hand and plunged into the volcano.