Download - Juniper Jargon - Juniper School | School District of ... 2018 Newsletter 1.pdfFilipe - “Dancing Oobleck. 2nd: Amber Marofke -“Oobleck Buoyancy”. 3rd: Preston Cordell & Logan

Page 1: Juniper Jargon - Juniper School | School District of ... 2018 Newsletter 1.pdfFilipe - “Dancing Oobleck. 2nd: Amber Marofke -“Oobleck Buoyancy”. 3rd: Preston Cordell & Logan

School News: Volume 10, Issue 8, Page 1

Virtue of the Month:


Enthusiasm is being inspired &

full of spirit. It is being cheerful &

happy. It is doing something whole-

heartedly, with zeal & eagerness,

giving 100% to what you do. Being

enthusiastic is being excited about

something & looking forward to do-

ing it. It comes from having a posi-

tive attitude. Mr. Ricky Pronteau

enthusiastically jigging for our

kindergarteners at this yr’s Winter-


“April - Happy Easter”

Juniper Jargon

Juniper Elementary School


April, 2018

April Reminders:

March 30th: Good

Friday, no school. April 1st: April Fool’s


April 2nd: Easter Mon-

day—Yes, there is


April 12th: MADD

presentation AM - Gr. 7

& 8.

April 12th to 18th: Sr .

Music Tour in Orlando.

April 18th: Student

Led Conferences.

April 20th: Knights of

Columbus (TRCC).

April 25th: Spring Pic-


April 27th: “We walk

For Water” event.

May/June Reminders:

May 11th: Distr ict PD,

no school.

May 21st: Victor ia

Day, no school.

June 5th: Welcome to

Kindergarten @ 6:30

p.m. in the library.

June 11th: School

Planning Day, a.m. only

(no school).

June 25th: Grade 8


June 26th: Kindergar-

ten Grad. @ 1:30 p.m.

June 29th: Last day of

school, 2:30 p.m. dis-


Why Practise Enthusiasm?

Everyone becomes boring to a person

without enthusiasm. A person without en-

thusiasm becomes bor ing too. Enthusi-

asm is catching. When you are enthusi-

astic, other people like to be around

you. Enthusiasm makes life more enjoya-

ble. “How to Practise Enthusiasm”

Enthusiasm is a positive attitude. When

you enjoy whatever you are doing, even

the dullest job can be fun. Use your imagi-

nation to find ways to enjoy what you are

doing. Take time for simple pleasures &

enjoy the wonders of life. Show enthusi-

asm to others by celebrating with them

when something wonderful happens. Your

enthusiasm shines through your smile.

“Enthusiasm Quotes”

“When an optimist gets the worst of it,

he makes the best of it.” Anonymous

“All that we need to make us happy is

something to be enthusiastic about.”

Charles Kingley

“To successful, the 1st thing to do is fall

in love with your work.”

Sister Mary Lauretta

“Man is just about as happy as he makes

up his mind to be.” Abraham Lincoln

Ms. Stanley

and a group

of students


cally enjoy-

ing a good

laugh at this

year’s Win-




Page 2: Juniper Jargon - Juniper School | School District of ... 2018 Newsletter 1.pdfFilipe - “Dancing Oobleck. 2nd: Amber Marofke -“Oobleck Buoyancy”. 3rd: Preston Cordell & Logan

School News: Volume 10, Issue 8, Page 2

“The Green Team”

Our Green Team has completed 1092 green action initiatives. As a result, Juniper School

has earned its’ Earth Banner & Certificate. This is just in time to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd. This year’s theme is to “END PLASTIC POLLUTION”. Further, Juniper

School is committed to reducing school waste. For the 2nd year during our annual Win-terfest we reduced plastic waste by using reusable cups for our hot chocolate station in-stead of Styrofoam cups. All cups were washed after each group had enjoyed their hot

chocolate. 300 students were served throughout the day. We also REFUSED Styrofoam use during our guest & staff luncheon & used regular dishes. This stopped 50 Styrofoam

bowls from making it into the landfill where it would never biodegrade, meaning it would be with us forever. Please stay tuned for more Green Action Adventure.

Science Fair Awards

Grade 3 (General): 1st: Augustine Harper -“Volcano”. 1st: Katrina Lennan - “How

To Grow a Snowflake” . 2nd: Ross McLeod - “Bubble -ology”. 2nd: Kayla Vokey -

“Ice Castles”. 3rd: Deziree & Leaya Beaulieu - “Melting Ice Cube Test”.

Grade 3 (Life Science): 3rd: Canasia Oster - “Freaky Flowers”.

Grade 4 (General): 1st: Mrs. Taite’s Grade 4 Class - “Germs”. 2nd: Lexie Colbourne:

“Instant Ice”.

Grade 5 (Life Science): 1st: Emma Whitmore - “Changing Color of Roses”.

Grade 5 (General): 1st: Cher ish Cooper & Chelsey Michelle - “Crystal Majic”.

1st: Quinn Graham & Rylan Bee - “Salt Tunnels”. 2nd: Dunmininu Oluboye & Aundre

Filipe - “Dancing Oobleck. 2nd: Amber Marofke -“Oobleck Buoyancy”. 3rd: Preston

Cordell & Logan Robertson - “Apple Science”. 3rd: Vincent Cole & Donovan Morris -

“Dancing Gummy Worms”. 3rd: Chad Cordell & Dennis Baker - “Bounce”. 3rd:

McKenna Pronteau - “Oobleck, Does It Float or Sink?”. 3rd: Dreden Halcrow-Ross &

William Spence - “Sparky Explosion”.

Grade 6 (General): 3rd: Jor ja Halkett - “Do It Yourself Blubber”.

Grade 7/8 (General): 1st: Clayton Stoddar t - “Growing Gummy Bears”.

Parents: Please

stay up-to-date

with school infor-

mation by logging



www.mysterynet. Contact the

school if you need

support for log on

information or


Parent Council

Reminder to par-

ents and commu-

nity members

that our next Par-

ent Advisory

Council Meeting

is April 5th @

6:30 p.m. in the

library. All are


Page 3: Juniper Jargon - Juniper School | School District of ... 2018 Newsletter 1.pdfFilipe - “Dancing Oobleck. 2nd: Amber Marofke -“Oobleck Buoyancy”. 3rd: Preston Cordell & Logan

School News: Volume 10, Issue 8, Page 3

Imagine A Canada

Please go to You Tube Imagine a Canada to view Juniper Elemen-tary School’s entry for the Imagine a Canada contest. Many staff, El-ders, knowledge keepers and stu-dents worked hard to make this video happen. The video can be found at this link:

“World Math Day” Three students from Ms. Porth's grade 7 class were awarded the Mathlete Award at our March assembly: Isaac Rempel, Fadwah Alabi and Debby Oluboye. They came to school during spring break to celebrate World Math Day on March 7th. We celebrated with Mathletics and pizza! Now that’s dedication.

“WE WALK FOR WATER” On APRIL 27th our Juniper Student Coun-cil will be hosting a walk for water fund-raising and awareness event. We encourage all Juniper students, staff, family and friends to donate $1 and join our walk. Clean water is a basic human right. Yet, more than 800 million people lack access to it. You have the power to help change that. With access to clean water, girls can attend school, parents can run sustainable farms and families can break the cycle of poverty. Join us on April 27th for WE Walk For Wa-ter, our fir st ever international fundrais-ing event. To date, 1, 500 classes from 10 provinces, nine states and three countries have already signed up. Don’t miss your chance to join the movement that believes in access to clean water for all.

March for Our Lives "Summoned to action by student survivors of the Florida school shooting, hundreds of thousands of teenagers and their supporters rallied in the U.S. capital and cities across the U.S., Canada and the globe on Saturday (March 24th) to press for gun control in one of the biggest youth protests since the Vietnam War era. " Our SOS group from RDPC organized a March For Our Lives event in coordination with others around the world. Students from SOS came to Juniper School and talked to the junior high students about why they were organizing the march and to invite students to join them. Former Juniper students, Tyrone Ross and Shanika McFarlane, were two of the passionate SOS members at the event. Juniper was also represented at the march by Sherri Alexander, Abby Muirhead and Sheri Porth. Thompson was the only registered school to organize an event in Manitoba and the closest other school was in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Page 4: Juniper Jargon - Juniper School | School District of ... 2018 Newsletter 1.pdfFilipe - “Dancing Oobleck. 2nd: Amber Marofke -“Oobleck Buoyancy”. 3rd: Preston Cordell & Logan

School News: Volume 10, Issue 8, Page 4

“Claws Is A Winter Cat”

Ms. Ellis and her grade five class are enthusiasti-

cally posing for a picture with “CLAWS” (our

Juniper School Mascot), and the Manitoba Winter

Games Logo. The snow sculpture was entered into

the LAMBERT’S snow sculpture contest and

won. Congratulations to Ms. Ellis and her class on

a job well done.

“Jaguar Jungle–Bytes”

“Reconciliation” To me reconciliation is about love and laughter and car-

ing about others. My project is about showing that it is

important to know and learn about reconciliation. My

project means a lot to me because not many people in this

world know what reconciliation is and that’s not okay!

We should all know about and work towards reconcilia-

tion. I really tr ied to show and tell people what it is by

using game pieces. I feel like people don’t want to look at

big long boring words, but people will look at big, fun,

colorful things. I think that’s why I wanted to use the

medicine wheel because the colors on the wheel mean

something and they aren’t just random colors. The red

means spiritual, the yellow means physical, the black

means emotional and white means mental.

The girl on my project is the best part of my project. I feel like girls had it hard for a lot of years. In the begin-ning, girls were not allowed to vote, they didn’t get paid the same amount as guys and girls only were there to cook and clean. I really don’t think that is okay. I also drew her with no face because she reminds me of a girl that is shy and scared and broken and alone. Her braid represents how some Aboriginal girls and boys grew out their hair and the only time the girl or boy would cut their hair is if someone in their family or a friend had passed away. This girl also represents all the missing and mur-dered Aboriginal women. Why is this happing? Does it have something to do with residential schools? The rea-soning to my project added more questions. Once we un-scramble the letters (or meaning) to the word reconcilia-tion, Canada will become a better country. By: Kaylin Anderson Note: Ms. Por th’s grade 7/8 class entered their reconcili-ation projects in the U of M contest inviting students to imagine a Canada through the lens of reconciliation. Congratulations to all on a job well done.