Download - June 7, 2012

Page 1: June 7, 2012

Volume 100: Issue 4


June 7, 2012

Ke Alaka i

Trip to D.C.Poly Sci majors visit the U.S. capital 6

Summer A Wrap-upBBQ, FoodFest, Sadie Hawkins 8 to 10

Victory at nationalsSIFE takes third in Kansas City 4

Page 2: June 7, 2012

Ke AlAKA‘i2


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Ke Alaka iJune 7, 2012 • Volume 100: Issue 4


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Table of Contents

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SIFE f inishes third in national competit ion

Families salute loved ones by lighting lanterns for those who have passed away at this Memorial Day event in Waikiki. Photo by AP

Political science majors recently returned from a trip to Washington, D.C., where they met with elected officials and toured the U.S. capitol. BYU-Hawaii students and faculty met with Rep. Jeff Flake from Ari-zona. Pictured with Flake are Troy Smith, Crystal Crosby Empalmado, Maria Agurto, Genevieve Samia, Jennifer Kajiyama, Giselle Ramirez, Hau Thang, Emily Smithson, Junne Murdock, Issac Opehema, Noelani C. Thompson, and Siaosi Hala’ufia. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Kajiyama.

Memorial Day bbQ, Foodfest & Sadie Hawkins Dance

DC Inter ns: Poly Sci students go to u.S. capital

Hula Drama performed on campus

Marissa Elder



head photographer



Nathaniel Wasden


Lindsay bancroftChr is Workman


Dewey Keithlybart Jol ley


Michael GuldenKent Carollo


Giselle Ramirez, Makenzie Head, Cameron Kober, abigayle butler, Kasha bandmann, Morgan bouwhuis, Lisa Tutt le, Ma. Vis Taguba

Mei YinPhil l ip andrus


aaron Knudsen

Page 3: June 7, 2012

3JUNe 7, 2012

NOTEWORTHYnews headlines

Above: A screen shot of a notification that informed students that the Ke Alaka’i website was down. The website was down due to issues with outdated software. Photo by Bart Jolley

-Ma v is taguba & Mar issa EldEr




Women’s conference will begin June 15 and will be held for two days featur-ing a series of workshops and speak-ers, including a former LDS Church General Relief Society president, Young Women’s president, and Sis. Wheel-wright. The price is $50 for community members and $15 for students. For more information, contact Educational Outreach.

The Fine Arts Department hosts a silent classic film on Friday evening. The film, entitled “The Cabinet of Dr. Calligari,” will be shown with live accompaniment by composer and pianist, Wendy Hiscocks, at 7:30 p.m. in the McKay Auditorium.








BYUHSA will sponsor a closing social dance. The dance will be held in the Old Gym from 9 p.m. to midnight.

“We are ful f i l l ing President David McKay’s prophecy. The students of the organization are the genuine gold that go out every day to make a dif f erence. I t is not about the glory or the trophies; i t is about taking advantage of the opportu-nity to uti l ize your skil ls to make the world a better place. SIFE has been monumental in my develop-ment at bYu-Hawaii .”,”-asia Rikard, a senior in interdis-ciplinary studies from Oregon, shared the importance of SIFE and how she felt about their victory this year.

“We are already star t ing to plan the next semester’s Food Fest, and every single detail that we need to do in order to have another successful event. Thanks for al l the help of the volunteers, the students, and the community who participated. Most of al l the Clubs that worked hard to serve excel-lent food and made this event possible.”-Krystelle Dimaya, a senior ma-jor ing in social work from the Phil ippines, is senior VP of clubs and was one of the four executive directors in charge of Food Fest.


QUOTESthe week in

‘ Internet outage sparks discussionBYUH website,, suffered a server outage on May 16 that affected most of the university’s web pages. The outage, according to the Com-munications Department Director Michael Johanson, lasted for a day and a half during which the office of Information Technology worked diligently to restore services. “Users were notified via the vari-ous communication channels of the outage and solutions to minimize the impact on services. Links to Blackboard, Instructure, and were provided, as these opera-tional sites were still active during the outage,” Johanson explained. Johanson noted that for now, the sites are fixed and have been working well. He stated that their team has been working on some ways to prevent the same problem in the future. “With a couple of exceptions, all web services were restored as quickly as possible after the server issue was identified. Preventa-tive steps have been taken to reduce the risk of a similar outage in the future,” he said. The Communications director also said these outages were unpredictable, as BYU-Provo also experienced it. “As a side note, BYU in Provo has had a major web outage the last couple of days as well. The point is that

these outages are often unpredictable and vary in severity and scope,” he explained. While most bugs on the website and the server were remedied, some aspects of the website have remained debunked. For example, the “My Courses” tab under the testing center menu is still down, preventing students from viewing their test scores. The testing center can provide students with a print out of their test scores while the problem is being fixed. Other individual sites are also still experiencing some software difficulties. The Ke Alaka‘i website’s previous software must now be updated for the website to be up and run-ning once more. The IT department has been hard at work, communicating with staff and updating software to resolve this issue. If students are experiencing prob-lems on a BYUH computer, they are urged to call the IT department at 675-3921. While the department only fixes BYUH computers, they may be able to answer questions if students are having difficulty on their personal computer. For more information and answers to frequently asked questions about BYUH secure Internet, visit

Page 4: June 7, 2012

Ke AlAKA‘i4

The students of BYH-Hawaii’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team gath-ered together, Wednesday, May 30, to

celebrate their success of earning third place at the 2012 National Exposition held in Kansas City, Missouri, May 22-24. SIFE, a global non-profit organiza-tion, has a total of 577 active teams, with 21,216 active students and 5,032 team com-munity projects nationwide. SIFE’s mission is to “bring together the top leaders of today and tomorrow to create a better, more sustainable world though the positive power of business.” “The group this year did an incred-ible job in representing the campus and the church. They won the hearts of the judges and the audiences,” said chapter adviser Bill Neal during his opening remarks. The BYUH SIFE group – consisting of 17 students – competed against 165 teams from different and known U.S. universities and was recognized as the 2nd runner up, beating Valdosta State University who was the 3rd runner up in the final round. The Flagler Col-lege at Saint Augustine Florida and Belmont University Nashville were both named as 1st runner up and SIFE USA National Champion. Kevin Castle, co-adviser of the team, explained the significance of the chapter to the lives of BYUH-students. “SIFE is really the service arm of the BYU-Hawaii students. It teaches the students that the best way to

serve someone is not to give people a fish but to teach them how to fish. So, in addition to that, we have to ultimately listen to the people we are trying to serve first [to see] what they need.” BYUH SIFE chapters, accompanied by their supportive advisers, presented their planned and developed outreach projects that provided support to improve the standard of living of those people in need. The National Competition required each team member to present their accomplishments by giving the results of their projects, which were evaluated by approximately 60 CEOs and other business leaders who served as the panel of judges. Mustapha El Akkari, a junior BS supply chain and finance major from Lebanon, also expressed his gratitude towards the SIFE chapter. “I was lucky enough to be selected. It was just a phenomenal experience. SIFE is a family for me and I am honored to be part of it. Hopefully we’ll have a better year next year and continue to literally change the world into a better place. We follow the vision of Sam Walton to change the world – that’s the main focus. Let the voice of the children and developing countries to be heard – That’s my vision.” The BYUH SIFE members pre-sented eight of their 23 projects for 2011-2012,


including Akin Clothing, Cambodia Chil-dren’s Home, Congo Entrepreneurs Entraide, Strengthening Tuvalu’s economy and educa-tion, and Na Haku (One who Creates) – Pre-paring High School Entrepreneurs. Their video presentation was prepared by Aaron Nelson, BYUH graduate in interdisciplinary studies from Utah, now serving as Business Advising Board. Melinda Kendall Pike, senior in marketing and entrepreneurship from Oklahoma and one of the participants, also commented, “SIFE is an opportunity that every student should take advantage of. Making it to final four was a life changing and humbling experience to represent a small University with such a great purpose. Our advisers completely supported us and encouraged us throughout the competition. Our team bonded through the realization of our purpose and that the people we were representing.” SIFE is not only for students major-ing in business. It is greatly encouraged by the team that all BYU-Hawaii students should explore the opportunity and experience to be involved in this kind of activity offered by the school. Willingness to serve the Lord’s children, the school, the community, and the church is what team members are looking for.

victory being 2nd runner up at National Exposition

-Ma v is taguba

Above: The BYUH SIFE revels in their victory at the 2012 National Exposition. The team earned the position of second runner-up. Photo Courtesy of the BYUH SIFE Facebook page

Page 5: June 7, 2012

Careers while in CollegeStudents start early to pursue their dreams

5JUNe 7, 2012

Students say pursue your dreams and start your career while in college Singers Hailey and Allie Gardiner, and designer James Astle, all students in BYU-Hawaii, have started their careers even before graduating from college. They shared their successful career stories, how they are pursuing their dreams while being full-time students, and how you can start your career today too. Hailey Gardiner is a junior in com-munication from North Carolina. Her younger sister, Allie Gardiner, is a freshman in graphic design. They formed a sister musical band, “The Gardiner Sisters,” in 2008 and have a Youtube channel with their original songs and music videos. On the journey of producing their music, the Gardiner Sisters said they have been through good times and hard times. “For every seven ‘No’s,’ there is one ‘Yes,’ said Hailey. “Rejection is God’s protection.” Hailey said they sang for local festivals, charity events, and talent competitions in order to exercise their talents. The Gardiner Sisters encouraged BYUH students to be active in pursuing their dreams. “In order to be successful, confi-dence is the key,” said Allie. “Dis-couragement will always come before success.” Allie advised stu-dents: “Don’t compare. You are something unique. There’s always going to be someone better than you. It shouldn’t stop you.” Hailey shared her experiences coping with negative comments and jealousy. She said, “Don’t focus on the negative. Take it as feedback. Don’t get offended. Focus on the good. Focus on the blessings. There’re always negative things. Do it in a happy way.” Allie gave thanks to God: “If any student has a goal or career, remember to keep the Lord involved. He’ll work with you

and help you to achieve your dream. He wants to help you to be happy and be success-ful.” The sisters were invited to sing in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancou-ver, Canada. They got to participate in the DVD “Team Jonas - World Tour” produced

by the Jonas Brothers. The Gardiner Sisters’ stylists, Sarah and Sunshine, are also the cur-rent stylists of Taylor Swift, a chart-topping country singer. James Astle is a sophomore major-ing in graphic design and business manage-

-ClovEr ChEng

Careers while in CollegeStudents start early to pursue their dreams

“Don’t compare. You are something unique. There’s always going to be someone better than you. It shouldn’t stop you.”-allie Gardiner

“Don’t compare. You are something unique. There’s always going to be someone better than you. It shouldn’t stop you.”-allie Gardiner

ment from California. He designs and sells hand-sewed men’s and women’s denim jeans, wallets, and backpacks in his online store “JAME” with the theme “Awaken yourself to culture through JAME clothing.”Astle puts international customs, language, art, and folk-lore in his designs. He said his dream is to bring aware-ness and understanding of minority cultures

through clothing. He said he wants to help in “preserving culture and promoting the lost treasure [of culture] in modern society.” He also donates a portion of his profit to help indigenous peoples. “For every pocket on a jean, there is $1 given to a foun-dation of an organization for the preserva-tion and aid of an indigenous of culture,” said Astle. Following the path to reach your dreams is not always smooth, Astle said. He and his partner, Shane Hatch, another BYUH student, established JAME a year ago. He said funding was a big problem. But Astle said he raised funds from Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects. Astle said he wants students to believe that “anything is possible” and they don’t have to wait to start their careers until they get their degrees. “Start now,” Astle said. “If you have a passion, why not start right now? Take small steps now. How much better you will be when you graduate? Don’t let school be your only source of success.”

Hailey and Allie Gardiner (left); sang at the 2010 Winter Olympics. James Astle (right)

has his own clothing line.

Page 6: June 7, 2012

Ke AlAKA‘i6

Eleven BYU-Hawaii students from places such as Australia, Ameri-can Samoa, Myanmar, Papua New

Guinea, and the U.S. went to the United States Capitol, Washington D.C., from May 16 to 23. The students, alongside professors Troy Smith and Jennifer Kajiyama from the Political Science Department, spent seven busy days in D.C. networking with govern-ment and non-government officials and learn-ing about national politics from an inside perspective. The purpose of the trip, according to Smith, was “to help students learn about government in person. There are some things you can’t learn from a textbook. While in D.C., the students learned about the expecta-tions and professionalism that is required [in the working world.]” The officials they met in D.C. emphasized that students needed to “develop [their] writing skills in college. As professors we can tell students that all the time but there is something about being

with employers that helps them to know it’s necessary for success. They learned about in-ternships and career opportunities, developed a network of people they can contact for mentoring and for grad school.” The students were invited to share with their peers what they learned upon returning to BYUH. BYU Alumnus and Utah Senator Mike Lee took the group on a private tour of government buildings, including the Supreme Court. They attended church with U.S. sen-ate minority leader Harry Reed. Members of the group also had the opportunity to sit and talk with Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg. Kajiyama commented: “Justice Ginsberg said her most important accomplishment was her two children. When asked how she maintained a balance in her life, she said she could only have done it because of her sup-portive spouse.” Genevieve Samia, a senior in politi-cal science from American Samoa, said her experience was once in a lifetime. All nine

Supreme Court justices were there, which is rare. “I had the same respect for them I would for a church authority,” said Samia. Of her overall experience in D.C., Samia said it was a rewarding experience. “We met inspir-ing people who helped us to [think] outside of the box. They were kind to let us know that we could contact them for help. We saw how hard they work and learned how motivated they were. I learned about inside politics and how lobbyists stand for what they believe in,” said Samia. She encouraged students to look for opportunities to go out and get involved with local politics. She thanked BYUH for funding “this inspiring opportunity that has impacted me and my future success.” Samia received an internship this summer in American Samoa with Attorney General Vince Kruse.

Top Left: At Representative Jeff Flake’s (AZ) office. Seated in the chair

is Megan Runyan, scheduler for the Congressperson. Top Right: Giselle

Ramirez, Emily Smithson, and Jennifer Kajiyama in front of the U.S. Capitol.

Right: BYUH students meet with Hawaii’s Senator Akaka.

Poly Sci majors exper ienceD.C. and viewgovernment in act ion

Page 7: June 7, 2012

7JUNe 7, 2012

When he went with the political science department to Washington D.C., political science major and senior, Isaac Opehema felt like it was a dream come true. Because of his plans to get involved in gov-ernment in his home country of Papua New Guinea, Opehema felt “going to Washington was a stepping-stone so I can achieve my dreams.” He plans on running for governor and dreams of one day becoming Prime Min-ister of Papua New Guinea. Opehema emphasized the fact that the D.C. trip changed his life: “You always have a dream to go somewhere. I actually went there. I couldn’t believe it. I felt the stone with my hand. I could feel the power in my hands. I felt happy and free, like my feet were not even touching the ground. By visiting D.C., it changed how I saw the world. The people I met changed the world. I’m the same physically, but I am a new man [because of] the way I think. I want to be someone like Abraham Lincoln, or JFK. The American law is the world’s law. I have seen how widespread the American influence is. It’s amazing.” Isaac has secured an internship this summer with At Large Representative

Faleomavaega of American Samoa. Noelani Thompson, a junior political science major from Alaska, noticed a difference between island culture and that of Washington D.C. “D.C. has very different culture from island culture. Time seems more precious there.” One of the highlights of Thompson’s trip was meeting Senator Akaka. She said, “Meeting Senator Akaka changed how I saw his views because I saw that he actually cared for his people. We also talked to the Heritage Foundation and Sierra Club. We met with them and found out why they support who they do.” Kajiyama, a graduate of BYUH, had two purposes for going to Washington D.C. with the students. Not only did she act as a co-supervisor with Doctor Smith, but she also had an appointment to keep with the U.S. Supreme Court to be sworn in as an attorney of law. “My twin sister and I were both sworn in ‘to protect and uphold the constitu-tion,’” said Kajiyama. She continued, “I do family law. It’s a tough field, but it was good to go there and be reenergized. I was able to take one person inside the Supreme Court

Far Left: Genevieve Samia meets with U.S. officials in Washington

D.C. Above: Chief Justice Roberts is admired from a far by the BYUH

political science group.

with me. I took Genevieve Samia (randomly selected). It was like a dream. I don’t know how else to explain it.” The department goes on a field trip every year, but funding can be a challenge. Kajiyama said, “If BYUH is going to produce leaders to spread peace internationally, pro-grams like these are necessary.” Australian political science major Yeon Joon Sung said, “It’s just as applicable to us as international students. There is a need for professionalism, just as much in our countries as there is in the U.S.”

-Ph i l l i P andrus

Page 8: June 7, 2012

Ke AlAKA‘i8


Wrapping up the first half of summer classes


Students were upset by the lack of preparation at the Memorial Day barbeque held by BYUHSA at Hukilau Beach. On May 28 at 11 a.m., close to 100 students arrived at Hukilau for what was advertised as “Lots of games, volleyball, food and fun.” However when they got there, there was no food, no games, no volleyball, and not a lot of fun. Hailey Rasmussen, a junior majoring in business from Utah, said, “The only reason I came was to eat, but there isn’t any food so I’m not having a great time.” Eventually hamburgers and hot dogs showed up around 12:30 p.m. and student waited in line for lunch. BYUHSA apologized for the wait and said the food was late because the driver was slow. Matt Rodrigues, a junior majoring in biology from Wahiawa, tried to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day. “Today is a day to recognize people who defended our freedom and sacrificed for the country. Usually I go to a military cemetery and put flowers on graves with my family.”

This summer, Food Fest exceeded expectations, according to BYUH-SA representatives. Krystelle Dimaya, a senior majoring in social work from the Philippines, is senior VP of clubs and was one of the four executive directors in charge of Food Fest. “Our team put a lot of preparation into this event,” said Dimaya. “Advertising, booking inflatables, security, contacting clubs, organizing volunteers, setting up, cleaning up, getting a permit from the department of health, president’s training, preparing a map for the Little Circle...too much to mention. It was very stressful for all of us.” Fion Lau, a senior majoring in hospitality and tourism from Hong Kong, also the Hong Kong Club president, said, “We have been preparing for so long. All month we’ve had meetings to plan for tonight. On Thursday, we went to buy everything and on Friday we cooked most of it. The lemon chicken was so popular. It ran out the fastest. Our menu included either lemon chicken or beef and broccoli with a side of rice, fried wontons, a drink, and moshi.” Fijian Club President M. Matarairavule, a junior majoring in elementary education from Fiji, said, “People are happy as long

Far left: Students eat barbecued hamburg-ers and hot dogs at the Memorial Day holiday event at Hukilau Beach. Left: A member of the Taiwan Club is dressed as a bubble drink at Food Fest. Photos by Bart Jolley and Mei Yin.

Memorial Day BBQ Disappoints Food Fest: Club prep provides ono grinds

-ab igaYlE butlEr

Page 9: June 7, 2012

9JUNe 7, 2012

as we serve curry. We have for them a choice of either spicy or mild curry, roti, tomato chutney, and rice. Yesterday we went shopping and started to cook. It has all been very hectic, but people are eating which is good.” The Kiwi Club decided to go in a sweeter direction. Club member Kahurangi Waten, a senior majoring in biology from New Zealand, said, “We decided to fry everything. Oreos, bread, and the most popular dessert, fried Moro bars. Moro bars are a candy from New Zealand like Snickers but without nuts. It was lucky our presi-dent went home last week so she could buy a load.” Kiwi Club president Stacey Hettig, a senior majoring in ac-counting from New Zealand, said, “Everything is really selling quick. We make a batch and the next second it’s gone. People have to wait a long time because each order takes about five minutes to cook.” While the clubs were busy cooking, Food Fest attendees were enjoying food and entertainment. Kirtland Jones, a sophomore majoring in business marketing from Maryland, said, “I had empana-das and cotton candy. I haven’t had that in forever but it was good. Turned my mouth blue.” Chelsea Johnson, a sophomore majoring in business from Utah, said, “There are so many people here so I keep running into everyone I know.” The Little Circle was filled to capacity with people socializing, eating, and enjoying the enter-tainment. Meldon Tausinga, a junior from Cali-fornia majoring in accounting, was in charge of the performances. “We put an emphasis on involving the community. That way, students

are able to interact with community members and they’re able to give back at the same time. It’s really cool the community can participate at school events such as these. Everyone who performed was a volun-teer from Laie; no one got paid. We would like to say thank you to the community for supporting our school.” The members of the community were not the only volun-teers. Executive Director of volunteer work, Yuto Inamori, a sopho-more majoring in finance from Japan, said, ”We are trying to make sure all the kids have fun. We’ve organized attractions for the young ones. We want them to be safe, and to enjoy themselves. We also have 50 to 60 volunteers who help set up and main the booths in rotations.” Volunteer Breanna Gray, a junior majoring in accounting from California, said, “I volunteered at Relay For Life and I saw that you could do it here too, so I thought, why not? I got a free T-shirt, which is awesome. I just monitor the kids to make sure they take their shoes off and play nice.” Dimaya concluded by saying, “We are already starting to plan the next semester’s Food Fest.”

Top left: Roger Wang, from the Taiwan Club, barbecues chicken at the Summer Food Fest. Top: People crowd the Little Circle buying food from club booths. Left: Members of the Hong Kong Club hold a plate of what they made and sold at Food Fest. Pho-tos by Bart Jolley

-ab igaYlE butlEr

Kiwi Club Recipe: Fried Oreos

• Make bisquik batter according to directions• Dip Oreos in bisquik batter• Fry in oil 2 minutes

Photo courtesy of Michelle Smith,

Page 10: June 7, 2012

Ke AlAKA‘i11

The BYU-Hawaii Sadie Hawkins dance gave ladies the chance to play matchmaker for themselves. Based on the classic cartoon strip “Li’l Abner,” Sadie Hawkins Day started with the intent that women who could catch a man would be able to marry that man. Li’l states, “Sadie Hawkins was “the homeliest gal in the hills” who grew tired of waiting for the fellows to come a courtin’. Her father, Hekzebiah Hawkins, a prominent resident of Dogpatch, was even more worried about Sadie living at home for the rest of his life, so he decreed the first annual Sadie Hawkins Day, a foot race in which the unmarried gals pursued the town’s bachelors, with matrimony the consequence.

By the late 1930’s, the event had swept the nation and had a life of its own.” The event, popular in the U.S., also attracted BYUHSA. Omar Jackson, senior business major from Florida and a junior vice president of social activities helped oversee preparations for the dance. Concerning BYUHSA’s expecta-tions for the event, he said, “We expected 130 to come to the dinner and another 150 to come to the dance and to end up with around 250-300 people at the dance. We met that goal.” The dance’s décor, music, and pre-dance dinner got mixed reviews from students. Marie Pais, a junior biochemistry major from Colorado said, “I thought the dance was really

Girls Ask GuysSadie Hawkins mixes up traditional BYUH dating

Above: Students enjoy their dates and their friends at the Sadie Hawkins dance.Photos by Mei Yin and Bart Jolley

-Mar issa EldEr

awesome! The food was great, the decorations were bright and fun, and it was fun being able to dance with my date a lot before everyone else came in.” The food served included meatballs, spring rolls and chicken. The dinner finished with chocolate mousse for dessert. Becca Judd, a junior education major from Utah, disagreed with Pais about the dinner, finding the food to be subpar. She said, “We went to dinner but weren’t too impressed. It was alright but not exactly what we expected.” Some students did not enjoy the dance’s music and activities, but still had fun because their friends and dates made it fun. Matt Bledsoe, a senior accounting and finance major from California said, “The 20 minutes it took to judge the stupid costumes was lame. I just wanted to dance with my group and have fun. It seemed really unorganized and the DJ was terrible... but I had fun. I’m glad I went.” The dance’s theme, “A Match to Remember”, implied that the dance was geared towards couples. Marie Pais, a junior biochem-istry major from Colorado Springs, expressed her gratitude for having a date. She said, “I thought it was better because a lot of people had dates there anyways, and so it would’ve been awkward to be like the third wheel. It was super fun because all my friends went together with dates as a big group.” Becca Judd, a junior education major from Utah, liked the Sadie Hawkins theme. She said, “It was a lot of fun. I’m glad that we were able to have a girls ask guys dance.” Bledsoe agreed with Judd, saying, “I think it’s fun for girls to get the chance to ask guys out for a change. A lot of girls get really creative and that is pretty cool.” While the concept of girls asking out guys may seem unorthodox at BYUH, Jackson and the special events team have found that these activities are popular. “I think it was taboo at first,” Jackson said concerning the idea of a Sadie Hawkins dance. “The turnout at these events shows it’s not weird at all.”

Page 11: June 7, 2012

12JUNe 7, 2012

High school students from Ke Kula ‘O Nawahiokalaniopu’u trav-eled far from the Big Island to perform hula dances at BYU-Hawaii campus. The free performance brought in a large crowd that required more chairs to be added in the Aloha Center Ballroom as the throng continued to grow throughout the performance. The performance was based on the transition of Hula, through Kahiko which is the ancient style of Hula, up to the more modern style called Auana. Performers only used the Hawaiian language as they conveyed the beauty of the two hula forms. BYUH’s Dr. Fermantez from Hauula coordinated much of the performance. He said, “I was impressed. They had a lot of different styles of hula and were very professional for high school students.” Ke Kula ‘O Nawahiokalaniopu’u is unique because the Hawaiian language is used in their school. According to their website, their school motto is, “Ke Kula ‘O Nawahiokalaniopu’u is committed to securing a school community built upon culturally rooted principles that reflect love of spirituality, love of family, love of language, love of knowledge, love of land, love of fellow man,

and love of all people.” This motto was evident during their presen-tation of the Hawaiian culture through hula. Stephanie Craft, a sophomore majoring in math and from Oregon, said, “It was a good experience to come and see this performance. I have been interested even more in Hawaiian culture since I am taking Hawaiian Studies this semester. I enjoyed the dancing and chanting. They were a talented group.” Tess Harris, a senior majoring in HTM and from Carlsbad, said, “I really enjoyed watching Ke Kula ‘O Nawahiokalaniopu’u perform. It was a great representation of Hawaiian culture. It was great to have them speak in Hawaiian. Although I could not understand it, you could feel what they were saying and what their intent was.”

Above: Ke Kula ‘O Nawahiokalaniopu’u High School encourages “culturally rooted principles” and use of the Hawaiian language

photo by Mei Yin

Hula PerformanceTeens express their love for Hawaiian culture

- l i sa tuttlE

Page 12: June 7, 2012

Ke AlAKA‘i12

On Memorial Day, over 40,000 people flocked to the Magic Island beach near Ala Moana in Honolulu to see approximately 3,500 candle-lit lanterns sail into the ocean. Though clouds threatened as sunset ap-proached, the moment for launching the lanterns came with a glorious pink and lavender sky. Each lantern was covered in heartfelt messages and represented the loss of a loved one. The event has been orga-nized annually by the Japanese Buddhist sect Shinnyo-en, since 1999, and is free to all who participate. During Memorial Day, the public were invited to stop by and receive a lantern at Magic Island beach. The lanterns were handcrafted from wood by the Shinnyo-en community and also consisted of silk walls

for writing messages to deceased family and friends. It was a first come , first serve basis and soon the 3,500 lanterns were all dis-persed. The Shinnyo-en are a Japanese Buddhist sect with over 1 million adherents world wide. The Memorial Day Lantern Festival helps the sect gain wider recognition and greater understanding, while providing the larger Oahu community with an outlet for grief. Many participants expressed feelings of closure by participating in the launching of the glowing lanterns. The ceremony helps participants cope with loss, as though physically setting lanterns in the water enables them to spiritu-ally let go According to the Shinnyo-en’s website, the Lantern Festival “allows people a personal moment to remember, reflect and offer gratitude to those who came before us. It is also a collective experience where families, friends and even strangers extend warmth, compassion and understanding to support one-another.”

The event included performances by the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame’s Broth-ers Cazimero, as well as tributes by local Hula Halaus and was presided over by the Shinnyo-en’s leader, Her Holiness Keishu Shinso Ito. The beautiful and emotional event touched locals and tourists alike.

Remembering:Lanterns represent lost loved ones

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Above: The lanterns symbolize letting go of pain. Photo by Bart Jolley