Download - June 2000 Rebuttal-RCG

  • 7/30/2019 June 2000 Rebuttal-RCG



    Due to the damage that Mr. David C. Pack has done to several people during recent weeks, we feel that people

    need to have access to the facts behind these events to be able to evaluate what has really occurred.

    By commenting on Mr. Packs Updates since June 5th, we will clearly show various inconsistencies and

    misstatements that are being perpetrated on the people of God, resulting in further division and discord in God's

    Church. The facts need to be set straight in fairness to the injured parties, primarily Don Tiger and Robert

    Papay. These facts include the following:

    1. Long before Don Tiger was hired, Dave Pack knew what was on the CDs. He mentioned to the RCG staff

    that he was very eager to acquire the CD program for RCG AND the associated library of WCG literature.

    2. Don Tiger made it clear to Dave Pack and the RCG staff that TCOG and PCG owed him money for

    producing the CDs. Dave Pack felt it was a coup to acquire the CD program from them, and told this to the

    RCG staff numerous times.

    3. Dave Pack publicly said that the HWA Trust fund (what ever it was to be legally named) to produce the

    CDs would be completely apart from RCG so that people who wanted to support the program (but not RCG)

    would be able to do so. Now he is telling these people to send the money directly to RCG even though no CDs

    will be distributed.

    4. Currently there are three people on the staff of RCG, not including the attorney on retainer, people who

    donate their time, and Mr. Pack and Mrs. Pack. The original six staff members, and the next four employees

    hired, are all gone. The three currently at RCG are recent hires. All of the people who left have the same story

    to tell about their experience at RCG that Mr. Pack continually sowed discord, disdained people who

    questioned him, made frequent misstatements, made disparaging remarks about people who he felt should be

    sending in larger tithes and offerings, and engaged in various conspiracies against staff members when he

    wanted to sever them from the staff.

    5. A key reason that ministers do not come into RCG is that he has been known for sowing discord and hurting

    the flock since his early days as a ministerial trainee in WCG.

    6. Mr. Pack likes to characterize himself and RCG as being persecuted, but he is often the instigator of

    accusations and persecutions against others. Virtually everyone who has left RCG has been the target of

    mistruths and accusations that originated from Dave Pack.

    7. Please be aware that some of the things we quote are no longer on the RCG web site as Mr. Pack has his

    Updates edited after posting. A very glaring point on this will be shown with the June 7th Update/Letter. Note,

    it wasnt even up for a month before it was edited. Lastly, the earlier updates have been removed as he doesnt

    have room for them with his new ISP (Internet Service Provider) domain host.

    All this said, let us examine the updates from RCGs web site for the 5th, 7th, and 10th of June, 2000 and

    compare these against some of the prior original updates. Since doubt has already been cast on the validity of

    the RCG web site contents, the reader needs to understand that the old Updates referred to are the original

    copies the web site at one time was backed up to CDs by the original RCG web master, Mr. Tim Mobley. We

    also save the Updates as they are posted, and have them backed up on external media as well, and, there is at

    least one other web master who made copies of some of the Updates as they were posted. So, if one wants to

    get the original Updates, all you have to do is ask.

    Now, here is Mr. Packs June 5, 2000 letter, with explanations, and pointing the reader back to the original

    Updates. Again, Mr. Pack had the Updates edited to remove all references to his original staff members, and

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    other things which he didnt want people to remember or be able to research. In this expose, >> some text

    > Let us start with Mr. Papay, who was fired over

    this not lying to those who called in. He was told, as was the rest of the staff, to tell people that they were out

    of the CDs. > His reasons might have a doctrinal spin, however, his reasons are

    political, having to do with Mr. Don Tiger. Mr. Tiger refused to allow Mr. Pack to have control over the CD

    project, OR, the trust fund. > In this sermonette, Mr. Pack states that he did not know what the CDs contained. For those of

    you at the Feast of Tabernacles in Grimsby ON in 1999, Mr. Tiger gave the stats on the whole CD project. Mr.

    Pack was in the audience, having arrived from the west coast site to be at the Canadian site for the last half of

    the FOT. Prior to this, Mr. Pack had told everyone on the staff about these CDs and that they were wonderful,

    in that they contained all this great literature. See Mr. Packs update from August 6, 1999 the group he met

    with was TCOG, where Mr. Tiger was leaving to join RCG at Mr. Packs invitation. The September 10, 1999

    update discussed make up which Mr. Pack was changing so he could get the TCOG members to join RCG.

    The September 22, 1999 update is where Mr. Pack discussed Mr. Tiger and the CDs. In fact, if you will re-read

    that update, you will see that Mr. Don Tiger wrote part of it. Therefore, Mr. Pack cant claim ignorance as to

    the contents of the CDs! > Mr. Pack knows that RCG nor himself, personally, is or can be the owner of the CD program. Mr.

    Pack explained to the staff at that time that TCOG owed Mr. Tiger $30,000-50,000 for doing the CDs. He also

    stated that Mr. Tiger had paid for this out of his pocket and now TCOG was stiffing him on it. As a result, he

    was going to assist the Tigers in moving to the Akron, OH area. > See the prior comment. Now with that established, Mr. Pack knew the whole

    story about TCOG and Mr. Tiger before he [Pack] assisted him [Tiger] in coming to RCG. (In fact, this is the

    same tactic that Mr. Pack perpetrated on Mr. Berkey when Mr. Pack had Mr. Berkey send RCG a check from the

    church that Mr. Berkey was directing. That check was approximately $30,000! At the time, Mr. Pack said he

    had no problem with letting Mr. Berkey continue to serve the people in the church as he had been doing, and

    maintaining it as a subsidiary type of organization to RCG. Later, Mr. Pack told RCG members that he had

    discovered that Mr. Berkey was running a church within the church. He [Pack] had known about this from

    day one!) In bringing the CD program into RCG, Mr. Pack was again trying to get his hands on the money it

    would bring in. Now that Mr. Tiger is gone, Mr. Pack is suddenly doing the righteous thing and checking into

    the true owner of the CD program.> Prior to this point, Mr. Pack did not have many kind things to say about these

    people in front of the original staff members, but now he is quick to use them to discredit Mr. Tiger > It needs to be noted here, WCG has sent two

    letters to cease and desist to RCG/Pack, per Mr. Ralph Helge. Prior to all this, Mr. Pack stated that he would



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    move to another country if that is what it took to produce these CDs. Meanwhile, Mr. Pack has told people that

    there are three suits pending against RCG, one from Mr. N. S. Edwards, one from WCG and one from an ISP

    (an Internet Service Provider). Weve talked to or emailed Mssrs. Edwards and Helge and both state this is

    flatly untrue. And the last time we talked with the account people with the ISP, they werent interested in taking

    RCG to court. So, Mr. Pack can say these things, which make him sound like a victim, but are simply untrue.

    > Side note here does any one remember Mr. Pack deriding any one because of their requiring

    prospective members to read a book and accept it as being valid? Something about Malachi? > Part of this terrible

    mistake would be that anyone with the CDs would be able to verify if Mr. Pack was getting away from Mr.



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    Armstrongs teachings. Mr. Pack wants to be able to determine what Mr. Armstrong taught on which subject.

    > This is technically true.

    You see, Mr. & Mrs. Papay have been fired and disfellowshipped, so, there is no member objecting. >

    Let us put this in a different light. Could this have been because Mr. Pack was also expecting to do a grab on

    the mailing list that Mr. Tiger would be bringing with him at the time he came on board? > Would all of this being said have to do with the cease and desist

    letters from WCG? Meanwhile, as far as Mr. Pack is concerned, a computer expert is some one that knows how

    to turn one on and change screen savers. So, since he hired someone that does not know the layout or design of

    the RCG site, mirror sites, etc., it is no wonder he has these problems.> A bit of conjecture here. Mr. Pack has a penchant for

    blowing things out of proportion. Knowing that he was losing control of Mr. Tiger, he figured that he would

    have to commandeer the domain name from Mr. Tiger (who also runs a web hosting business). So, since

    Network Solutions has changed their method of controlling domain names, and since Mr. Pack doesnt

    understand any of this, he had to do some things to get the domain moved to another ISP. Also, now that he has

    changed ISPs, again, he has no clue as to what it is really going to cost. You see, he now has to get email boxes

    set up and get the disk space to hold all his sermons, etc. Check it out and see. He doesnt have room for all of

    the older updates and sermons. > This

    statement is only made to attack Mr. Tigers credibility. In fact, we predicted that RCG would move from Road

    Runner as soon as Mr. Tiger came on board, and he [Pack] would be happy to do it. Now, listen to what Mr.

    Pack has to say.

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    church and therefore could not legally seize control of their site when this same man departed from them and

    came to us. They tell me that he now controls what was the website that they thought they controlled and, I

    must tell you, I never fully understood that at all. (I have never been to that website a single time.) They did not

    know he controlled it until he was gone. This is what they have plainly said to me. They had to actually

    establish a new website that included a similar but different name from the one that they had operated under for

    quite some time. I feel terrible that I and the Restored Church of God were totally unaware that this is how he

    was operating while he was with us and that another church was hurt as a result. I have deeply apologized to

    them and they have most graciously accepted our apology. >> Mr. Pack apologized to them for what? He had

    known all along about this stuff, because Mr. Tiger had to have told him about it as did the other ministers ofthe TCOG when he [Pack] was at a mutual conference. Further, Mr. Pack doesnt know what he is talking

    about here, as, an ISP owns a domain name while they are hosting it. If you dont pay your bill for service,

    the ISP does not have to release your domain back to you that is, allow you to move it to another ISP. Again,

    since Mr. Tiger was running a hosting service, he was, in effect, an ISP (Internet Service Provider). So, if you

    re-read this area of this update again with all this in mind, you can start to see the double speak here. > Yes, fooled by someone who

    knew not to let him [Pack] have control. This is what started the whole problem with Mr. Tiger. You see, at the

    FOT in Canada, Steve Thompson (a former staff member) told Mr. Tiger to NOT allow Mr. Pack control over

    the HWA Trust (or whatever it would legally be called). He explained to Mr. Tiger why. And so, what he said

    is indeed what has happened. Next, you do not have a CEO of a church, but you have a director, a trustee, a

    lead pastor, etc. Please take notice of this CEO stuff, because it is going to come back to haunt him. And it

    wont be because Satan is attacking him. Now, to continue, it was told us [the staff] prior to the FOT that Mr.

    Tiger would be handling this trust fund and that it would be separate from RCG. One reason was to keep RCG

    from being a target of WCG and a copyright suit! So that meant that Mr. Pack could not be a trustee on both

    boards if they wanted to keep things really clean. But, this is all legal stuff that only attorneys and CEOs can

    understand, right? Please, think about this as we go on. > Ok, remember earlier we had said something about Mr. Tiger having a mailing list. Now, looking at the last

    paragraph as Mr. Pack wrote it, doesnt the start of this one seem a little out of sorts? How would he know thisif the moneys were not under his control, or, were part of the books of RCG? > Sometime around

    December 1999 there was a split between two organizations. A letter was sent out by one Mr. Roderick

    Meredith where Mr. Pack castigated him for what he [Pack] called embezzlement. Here he [Pack] is trying to

    do the same thing. He does not have ANY legal control (by his own admissions) of the HWA trust fund

    moneys, so what is he asking people to do? Second, going back to the immediately preceding notes, how could



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    he know that the bank balance was zero, the cash flow was zero, etc., if the trust was not under his control?

    One must think about these things, because they add up to some problems that will be very telling by the time

    we get to the June 10, 2000 update/letter. Meanwhile, as Mr. Tiger was under contract to RCG, he was not an

    employee. There is a very distinct difference here under the law, but not in the eyes of Mr. Pack. > Now, the following is the immediately preceding paragraph as it

    has been recently modified, by RCG staff. > Notice how this was changed. Now you can see how some of the

    revisionist history is done by Mr. Pack. > We learned today (June 23, 2000) that a search warrant was served on Mr. Tiger. The complaint was filed

    on June 20, 2000 by RCG. If the trust fund no longer exists, as was shown earlier, and as Mr. Pack had no

    control over it to start with, why did RCG go to a Wadsworth Municipal court to file a complaint against Mr.

    Tiger? Again, here we have a faulty document, as it lists the complainant as the Reformed Church of God. It

    appears that even his attorney cant get it right. > Old Trust Fund? What are we talking about? Were there two

    of them? > No, Mr. Pack does not answer his accusers, he writes booklets

    about/to them. > This is called setting expectations. We have a problem and it is

    like this. Then when the problem comes up, you remember that you were told it was coming. So, I (Mr.Pack) could not possibly be the cause of that problem, but am the champion protecting you from that problem.

    Yet, in many cases it is this messenger [Pack] who actually precipitates the coming problem. > This is a



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    non-sequitor and a misdirection. Rather than explaining that many of the problems are caused by certain types

    of people (wolves in sheeps clothing ministers?, or, people who will use flatteries to lead Gods flock astray),

    we start an explanation that diverts your attention from where the real problem is. >

    Ok, now here Mr. Pack tells you all of this as in, Im not doing these things, Im protecting you, and Im going

    to stand up and take the bullet for my flock. The problem is, as was shown by GCG before they went under,

    and the original RCG staff, this man is the one that is sowing the discord and playing one person against

    another. And, after talking to various people who had been leaders of various WCG departments up to, and

    prior to, 1993, this man has a LONG history of this behavior. > This sentence and the prior paragraph are known in literature as foreshadowing. He

    [Pack] wants to show you how God is going to handle things, but, I cant tell you right now. And then comes



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    the June 10, 2000 letter. > Any one care to go back

    and see how many times this has been said? Well, it would be the 3rd time in 12 months! One must really

    think about this. Why does this man keep losing staff members? > So we have the local yokel syndrome of

    the WCG ministry showing through here. If they are local, they just arent talented. Ok, and having to make

    hiring decisions does that mean telling everyone that Bill Sheppard has this office, and John Holcomb has thatoffice, and Tim Mobley will be in this office. And then less than a month later, this is all wrong. None of those

    three are here! And, we now have to edit the updates to fix this problem, but, how many of you in RCG got the

    tape where some of the office staff was discussed? Think about it.

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    In Christs service,

    David C. Pack

    Update of June 10, 2000:

    >> And now here we are at the June 10th letter. This is the coup de grace.

    Notice that this one isnt even signed! > OK, why did RCG have to tell everyone about this? Ok, lets say that the RCG

    local congregation needed to know. Well, they could have been told via the round robin phone system that

    Mr. Pack has used in the past, OR, they could have been told in church. More importantly, how did he [Pack]

    know that the Tigers were saying these things? This would not be the first time that he [Pack] made an

    unfounded accusation. So, do we have more of the same here in an effort to further discredit his [Packs]

    enemies? > These two paragraphs, when viewed together, along with the prior update/letters tell us that

    there is more to this. 1. How did RCG know that Mr. Tiger had been arrested? You see, he had resigned and

    was no longer there! 2. How did RCG know about the second arrest? How did they learn about both of these

    after the fact so quickly? > Now, lets go back to the statements about problems with the TCOG. Lets go back to the original updates.

    There were some problems, which Mr. Tiger mentioned to the writer at the FOT, and Don said at that time that

    he had discussed them with Mr. Pack. They involved an invalidly issued subpoena. Now Mr. Pack has an

    attorney on retainer, one Mr. Craig Beidler. Remember that Mr. Pack said in his June 7 letter, Do not be afraid

    to believe that God may dramatically intervene to protect His Church from enemies who threaten to attack it!

    To be more accurate, Mr. Pack did the intervening. He worded his comment about not causing the arrests, but

    he certainly was quick to help the authorities find Mr. Tiger, and then to reveal Mr. Tigers problem to the

    whole church. Remember we said something about foreshadowing? Well, this is what that was all about. So,

    now he [Pack] says this was a surprise? Can one really say this was not contrived?

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    We are also now prepared, however, to make the following statement per instructions from our attorney and

    with permission from the local police. A criminal investigation is underway in more than one place, of a number

    of serious matters, that pertains to Donald Tiger while he was on retainer in the headquarters office of the

    Restored Church of God. We are fully cooperating in concert with at least one other church in all aspects of the

    investigation involving Donald Tiger. This is all we feel that we can say at this time. >> Let us put this into

    perspective. The police have arrested Don due to this business with the faulty subpoena. But in light of all that

    has been said, this whole thing has been seriously exaggerated by Mr. Pack in an effort to draw as much blood

    as possible. > Remember, we showed you before this that Mr. Pack was doing foreshadowing. This is so

    he can say that God is protecting his flock, when the whole thing is a contrivance on his part.>>>> Unsigned