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Fortnightly Newsletter of

Pennant Hills High School

Friday 29 July 2016 Term 3 Week 2B

Mr Ross Warren Principal Mr Brendan O’Byrne Deputy Principal Miss Amanda De Carli Deputy Principal Laurence Street, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 P: 9473 5000 F: 9473 5099 E: [email protected] W:





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TERM 3 2016

Week 3A Monday Monday Sunday

1 August 1 August 7 August

HSC Trials - Week 1 (2 weeks ending Friday 12 August) CAPA Art Excursion Duke of Edinburgh Practice Bronze Hike (Sunday and Monday)

Week 4B

Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday

8 August 8 August 9 August 10 August 12 August

HSC Trials - Week 2 (2 weeks ending Friday 12 August) Year 10 Sheep/Dairy Excursion to Camden Park Sports Leadership Program - West Pennant Hills Public School Year 7 Gala Day CAPA Festival (Saturday and Sunday. Ends Sunday 21 August)

Week 5A

Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Sunday

15 August 17 August 17 August 19 August 21 August

CAPA Festival (Monday to Friday) Year 12 Society and Culture Excursion Meet the Music 6.30pm Year 12 Geography Excursion HSC Composition Recording Session

Week 6B

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Saturday

22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 25 August 27 August 27 August

Spirit Week (Monday to Friday) P&C Meeting 7.30pm Year 7 Gala Day - Back Up Sport and Band - Half Day Photos Year 12 Geography Excursion 50th Anniversary Celebration Day 11.00am—3.00pm 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner - Hornsby RSL 6.30pm

Week 7A Wednesday Thursday

31 August 1 September

Big Band Biennale (day and night) CB1 Choral Festival at Sydney Opera House

Week 8B

Monday Monday Tuesday

5 September 5 September 6 September

HSC Practical Music Exams (2 weeks ending Friday 16 September) Year 9 Human Diseases Year 8 Gala Day


Week 4B Thursday 11 August Industrial Technology - Project Submission


Year Group Year Adviser

7 Ms Elizabeth Ford

8 Mrs Sharon Johnston

9 Miss Jackie Breden

10 Mrs Mel Frida

11 Mr Daniel Pugliese

12 Ms Kylie Blarasin

Head Teacher Student Wellbeing - Mrs Halima Heywood (Relieving)

School Counsellors - Mrs Louisa Holm, Mrs Michelle Zahra and Mr Rand Singh

Deputy Principal - Mr Brendan O’Byrne (Years 7, 9 and 11)

Deputy Principal - Miss Amanda De Carli (Years 8, 10 and 12)


Term 3: 23 August Term 4: 25 October, 22 November - (followed by AGM) 7.30pm in the School Library

All parents and caregivers are most welcome to attend these meetings, which provide the wider school community with a forum for discussion as we work together with staff to sustain and further develop the best possible learning environment for our students.

The discussions are complemented by presentations from staff, focusing on various aspects of education and, in particular, what is on offer at Pennant Hills High School.

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Welcome back to the start of Term 3. I hope that all our students have returned rejuvenated and ready to face the challenges of the new term. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the fast approaching Trial HSC exams for our Year 12 students as

they enter their last term with us and also our Year 11 students who embark on their last term of the Preliminary Course.

It seems a while ago now, but I would like to recognise the outstanding work that our P&C did in organising the Election Day Cake Stall and Sausage Sizzle. The work that our volunteer bakers did in creating the extremely tempting morsels, not to mention the sausage turning skills of those that manned the Barbecue were fantastic. I would like to thank the members of our Student Representative Council who also gave up their time to assist with sales on the day; Sophie, Tabitha, Emma, Tim, Lauren, Tarsha and Courtney. They all looked fantastic in full school uniform as they built on the reputation in our local community of the calibre of students who attend Pennant Hills High School.

The School Development Day saw a renewed focus on the role that technology plays in curriculum delivery at our school. The staff looked at the work of Shulman, Koehler and Mishra as they investigated the TPACK model - the impact of the intersection of Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge and Content Knowledge. Teachers then dug deeper into their technology knowledge as they attended breakout workshops on a variety of different technology applications. These included Google apps, Excel skill development, blogging and website creation, animated creative writing, Moodle, Sentral and Kahoot. I would like to acknowledge the work of our teachers who created and presented these workshops for their colleagues. They were all very gratefully received.

I have had the pleasure of welcoming new staff to our school at the beginning of Term 3. Changes across the state have led to the appointment of three new School Counsellors at Pennant Hills High School. We welcome Mrs Louisa Holm, who comes to us with a wealth of experience and knowledge, which we know, will benefit students at our school. In addition to Louisa we are also thrilled to welcome Mrs Michelle Zahra and Mr Rand Singh who will also be in attendance in the role of School Counsellors for the benefit of our students.

We also welcome Ms Danni Lam to our Languages faculty. She has been appointed to our school as our new teacher of Mandarin. I mentioned at the end of last term the farewell of Mrs Sue Whitlock.

We are very fortunate to welcome Ms Merise Feneley as her replacement for the remainder of this year.

Our two final changes to our staff at Pennant Hills High School may come as a bit of a surprise because they have been with us for quite some time now. It is with great pleasure I welcome Mrs Sharon Johnston as a permanent appointment to the Mathematics faculty and Ms Halima Heywood as a permanent appointment to the Science faculty. Both of these teachers were successful in gaining these positions through the arduous merit process and should be congratulated.

The start of Term 3 has also brought great accomplishment for our Music programs. Concert Band 2 (CB2) achieved a Silver Award and our Junior Stage Band (JSB) achieved a Gold award last Sunday at the NSW School Band Festival which was held at the University of New South Wales. Jason Isaac, our JSB Conductor, has informed us that the adjudicator at the festival commended our performances for their intonation, control and stylistic interpretation.

Parent-Teacher Night for Years 9 and 10 also took place this week. I would like to thank all our parents who were able to make time to speak with our teachers about their son or daughter’s progress. The continuation of the conversation and feedback as a further development of the partnership between home and school is important. We also started the process of subject selection for those students moving from Year 10 and into the Preliminary Certificate or Year 11 in 2017. In the coming two weeks I would encourage Year 10 students to seek as much information about subjects that interest them so that they can make informed decisions.

Finally it is with great pride that I write about the achievement of the Open Boys Knock-Out Football Team. Yesterday they played in the match of the last 8 in the State. They defeated Menai High School 4-1 in an outstanding game. I would like to thank Mr Neale and his assistant Coach Mr Georgiou who have both worked extremely hard to assist the boys to reach this point. We look forward to their next game.

Ross Warren Principal



Responsibility Integrity Achievement

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Parents and caregivers now have the facility to make online payments to the school for amounts owing for students, via a secure payment page hosted by Westpac.

Payments can be made using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. The payment page can be accessed from the Home page of the schools website by selecting $ Make a payment (located along the line underneath the main photos - next to the Contact Us tab).

Items that can be paid include Voluntary School Contributions, Subject Contributions, Excursions, Sales to Students and Creative and Practical Arts activities (these include Band, Drama and Dance). There is also a category called Other - this is to cover items not covered in the previous headings and can be used to make a complete payment of a school invoice.

When you select the $ Make a payment tab on school website you must enter:

the students name; Year group (eg. Year 10); reference or invoice number; date of birth; Payer details (name, phone number and email

address); Payment Options (make a selection); Amount; and Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card details.

These details are entered each time you make a payment as student information is not held within the payment system.

This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac to ensure that your credit/debit card details are captured in a secure manner, these details are not passed back to the school. You have the ability to check and change any details of the payment before the payment is processed. Receipts can be emailed and/or printed.

Details of the payments are passed daily to the school where they will be receipted against your child’s account. As a receipt has been issued from the payment page a further receipt will not be issued by the school.

For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment process, please contact Mrs Janette Louis, School Administrative Manager on 9473 5000.


Hillsbus has advised a change to their timetable. Effective 1 August 2016, several changes have been made to afternoon buses. There is a copy of the new timetable on the following page with the changes highlighted. The timetable can be obtained from Student Reception or visit

For any questions regarding the new timetable please phone the Hillsbus Customer Service Department on 8889 7000.

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We are celebrating 50 years of Excellence in Public Education with a Celebration Day at the school on Saturday 27 August from 11.00am—3.00pm.

There will be memorabilia on display, entertainment from our Bands, guest speakers, refreshments, activities, and more…

Following this, there will be a celebratory dinner commencing at 6.30pm at Hornsby RSL. All past students, staff and members of our community are invited.

The closing date for booking tickets has been extended to Friday 12 August. Tickets are available for purchase directly from the RSL.

The following link will access the website:


This term our students will participate in the second feedback survey. Repeating the survey in Term 3 allows us to see how students’ responses to the questions change over time. The Principal will use the results to identify emerging issues and make positive changes for our current student body.

Participating in the surveys each year helps us determine if the changes we make to the school have made an impact on how students feel about the school. It also helps teachers better understand the relationship between student wellbeing, engagement, effective teaching and student performance. By identifying and sharing what works, we can create new opportunities to improve teaching and learning.

It is important to remember that the survey is anonymous, and no one will ever know specific students’ answers. The online survey will be administered during school hours.

More information about the survey is available at:

Information for parents/caregivers about the survey will be emailed to all families next week. Alternatively, students can collect a copy from Student Reception. If you do not want your student/s to participate, please return the form to school by Friday 19 August 2016. FAQs are available from the website above.

Heidi Currie Head Teacher Secondary Studies


Welcome back to Term 3. Our Winter Menu is proving to be very popular with both students and staff. Our new pie range now includes Pulled Pork Pies, Chicken and Chorizo Pies and Chicken and Beef Slams. We are trialling a new quiche which we hope everyone will enjoy.

We have some vacancies on the new roster which we would love filled. Please contact me on 9473 5020 if you are able to spare a few hours, one day every month. Keep warm.

Lyndall Chamberlain, Canteen Manager


Busways and Transdev, the bus operators that provide the school bus services, have asked that parents and caregivers remind all students to tap on and off when

they travel to and from school. If students do not tap correctly, services may be cancelled, due to the lack of recorded patronage.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated to ensure that the providers are able to provide the appropriate level of service to our students.

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A Collage for Year 8

Year 8 explored the theme of still life two ways. They created a collage using many different medias on different papers to draw glasses, bowls and jugs etc. They completed the series with a Christo inspired wrapped bottle where they glued calico onto a bottle, tied it with string and raffia and painted it white.

Year 10 - Who Am I?

Last term, Year 10 Visual Arts students created a large ink drawing of an area in their room that tells me something about their character, their belief’s, likes, books they read, sports they play etc.

Students had to photograph the section of their room that they felt, said something about them, and then recreate the tones, textures and patterns seen in the image using black ink and brush. Highlights could be added with black and white charcoal. One small area was reversed using scratch board where you scratch into a black board and it creates white lines.

This unit allowed the students to make a visual and verbal statement about what they stood for. They explained their image in a personal analysis of their work.

A Positive Negative for Year 7

Year 7 created a handmade negative using ink and brush on a sheet of acetate. Students appropriated the image of a close-up of an eye onto the acetate, looking closely at the patterns and tones in the eye. They then printed the image in the darkroom using the enlargers and photographic paper and chemicals. The students found this experience very exciting and the images they produced were excellent.


Reported on by Kirstie Clark Visual Arts Teacher

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Pennant Hills High School is fund-raising with

EntertainmentTM Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more. Available as a traditional EntertainmentTM Book OR the new EntertainmentTM Digital Membership for your Apple or Android device, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2017.

Order your new 2016/2017 Sydney and Sydney North EntertainmentTM Membership from Pennant Hills High School and 20% of your membership purchase goes towards our fund-raising.

Order here now - For more information, contact Janette Louis Phone 9473 5000 - Email [email protected]


Australian Youth Ultimate Championships are the annual national championships for ultimate Frisbee, for under-18 athletes.

The Championships were held in Melbourne earlier this year. Byron in Year 12, represented NSW playing number 98 and past student Chris was one of the catchers.

NSW finished 2nd in the finals, being defeated by Victoria by only one point. The link for the filmed version of the final is

Congratulations Byron and Chris on an outstanding result.


This year has brought many changes to our LOTE (Languages Other Than English) faculty.

Mr Choo, our relieving Japanese language teacher, has been working hard with the Japanese classes to maintain the high standards set by their usual teacher Ms Crespo, and to continue generating enthusiasm for studying the Japanese language.

Mrs Nguyen has been appointed as our new, permanent French Language teacher. Her professionalism and dedication have made her an instant success at our school, with both staff and students, recently accompanying our Senior students on a French excursion and leading teacher professional learning workshops on our recent ICT training day to provide high quality training opportunities for colleagues.

We welcome another new teacher, Ms Lam, who has been appointed to the school to teach Chinese Language. The LOTE faculty now has two full-time Chinese language teachers, Ms Lam and Ms Li.

The Year 10 Chinese class has been preparing a singing and dancing show to perform at 2016 Chinese Language Spectacular, which will be held in Town Hall in October. The event provides students’ opportunities to showcase their talent and fruits of their studies in Chinese language and culture.

Year 11 Chinese Background Speaker Course is a newly introduced preliminary course in 2016. In this course, students explore a number of prescribed themes and contemporary issues including The Individual and the Community, Youth Culture, Chinese Communities Overseas and Global Issues. Class activities such as group discussion, role play and debating create opportunities for students to interact with others to exchange opinions and information; create texts to express opinions on contemporary issues; analyse and evaluate a range of texts. Also, students examine relationships between language, culture, and identity and reflect on the ways in which culture influences communication.

Jennie Christensen Head Teacher Administration and LOTE (Acting)

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Are you changing jobs, moving house, changing phone number/s (including home, work and mobile) or email address/es?

Please make sure your details are up to date so we can contact you with important information or when your child needs you.

Change of Details forms are available for collection (by students, parents or caregivers) from Student Reception; or

Email the school with the new details.

A current primary email address is very important to ensure you receive emails sent between school and home, including your students’ academic reports when they are back online.

Earlier this term, all families were mailed a Student Emergency Contact Detail Report and asked to make any changes to incorrect information and return to the office before the end of last term. Could all families please attend where necessary.


Last term, Year 9 PASS (Physical Activities and Sports Studies) students participated in the Wheelchair Sports NSW Roadshow Program.

Presenters Brett and Brendon shared their personal stories with our elective classes as well as their involvement with a variety of wheelchair sports including tennis, rugby, and basketball at a local and international level.

Students were given a taste of what it is like to be in a wheelchair, if only for a short time, by participating in wheelchair basketball games. All students were inspired by our guests’ positive and determined outlook and thoroughly enjoyed this unique experience of what life is like in someone else’s shoes.


Last Sunday Concert Band 2 (CB2) and Junior Stage Band (JSB) performed at the NSW School Band Festival held at UNSW. CB2 received a Silver Award and JSB received a Gold Award.

The adjudicator for JSB commended them for their intonation, control and stylistic interpretation.

Congratulations to CB2 and JSB and to their conductors, John Buckley and Jason Isaac. Freya in Year 8 from CB2 and Alastair in Year 7 from JSB represented their groups to receive the awards at our assembly this week.


Congratulations to Max in Year 11 and Alistair in Year 10 who were selected to attend the State Music Camp recently. The camp, organised and run by The Arts Unit, aims to promote excellence in all forms of music making and provide gifted and talented students with extension experiences.

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Regional and State Cross Country Carnivals The NSWCHS State Cross Country was on last Friday. We are waiting for the official results to be released. Please check the next edition of Jumbunna for information.

Regional Athletics Carnival Congratulations to all our athletes who competed in the NSW Regional Athletics Championships this week.

The 17+ Boys Relay team finished 2nd in the finals, an outstanding achievement. They are; Cody, Russell, Nicholas and Isaack.

The official results will be posted on the Sydney North Website soon. Please check the next edition of Jumbunna for the report.

A special mention to the Para-athletes who always contribute greatly to our school’s success at Regional Athletics. Their results were as follows: Charlotte – 2nd 100m Aimee – 2nd 200m Jacob – 3rd Discus and 2nd Long Jump Jordan – 3rd 100m, 3rd 200m, 1st Javelin, 2nd Discus, 2nd Long Jump and 2nd Shot Put Emmanuel – 1st 100m, 2nd 200m, 1st Shot Put, 1st Javelin and 1st Discus James – 2nd 100m, 1st 200m, 1st 800m, 2nd Shot Put, 2nd Javelin, 1st Long Jump and 1st Discus Jalen – 2nd 100m, 3rd Shot Put, 2nd Discus and 1st Javelin Sara – 2nd 100m, 1st 800m, 3rd Shot Put, 2nd Long Jump, 3rd Discus and 3rd Javelin.

Open Boys Football Knockout The team travelled to Griffith at the end of last term to play against Wade High School in Round 16 of the State Championships. We defeated Wade High School 4-2 in a competitive and physical match. Izaack scored a hat-trick, after Jack scored the opening goal. The whole team played well. Jack had an outstanding match, while Andrew, Izaack, Alec, Cody and Ewan also stood out. Taylor fitted in well in his first match with the team.

The boys then progressed to the state quarter-finals, which were played yesterday at our home ground. Once again they displayed excellent teamwork, convincingly defeating Menai High School 4-1. Jack scored two goals with Jordan and Izaack scoring a goal each also. We will now be playing the winner of Lambton and Camden Haven High School in the next round - the state semi-finals on Wednesday 17 August at Valentine Park, Glenwood. The team consists of: Liam, Ewan, Taylor, Daniel, Anthony, Russell, Matthew, Jack, Oliver, Ryan, Shannon, Alec, Izaack, Cody, Jordan, Brad and Andrew.

Congratulations and good luck boys.

U15 Boys Knockout Basketball The boys will be playing Erina High School next week on Monday 1 August after their outstanding performance against Hunters Hill High School. Congratulations and good luck in the next round.

NSWCHS Artistic Gymnastics Trials Fiona in Year 11 and Phoebe in Year 9 have been selected to attend the NSWCHSSA State Carnival for Artistic Gymnastics next Tuesday. Good luck to both of them.

2016 Oceania Melanesian Regional Athletics Championships Nicholas from Year 12 represented Australia in the U18 Australian Athletics Team during the school holidays, at the 2016 Oceania Melanesian Regional Championships in Fiji. Nick came away with three Silver medals; 100m and 200m Sprint; and 4x100m Relay. Congratulations Nicholas on a superb performance.

SYDNEY NORTH SECONDARY ORIENTEERING Svetlana in Year 7 will be attending the Sydney North trials for Secondary Orienteering at St Ives Showground next month. This will be a great opportunity to be involved in this interesting and challenging activity and we wish her luck.

SYDNEY NORTH TRAMPOLINE SPORTS Blake in Year 11 will be trialling for the NSWCHS Trampoline Team next month. Blake’s skills in tumbling are exceptional and we wish him well. If selected he will compete in September at Niagara Park.

U19 Australian Badminton Championships Ethan in Year 8 was selected to compete in the U19 Australian Badminton Championships for NSW. Ethan had to go through the State selection process first to be chosen into this elite team which is an extraordinary achievement for such a young man.

Valmé Kruger Sport Coordinator

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Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE Open Day On Saturday 20 August 2016 from 10.00am-3.00pm at the St Leonards Campus, Pacific Highway, St Leonards.

Learn about the courses, speak to teachers about their industries, hear from inspirational alumni and visit world class facilities. For more information see me in the Careers Office.

New Careers Website A reminder that in conjunction with, we have created a one-stop-shop website for all Careers-related matters including Work Experience, School-based Apprenticeships, TAFE and VET and the ATAR.

The website is and is open for business now. There is also a Facebook page Pennant Hills High School Careers where messages posted on the Message Board are also updated to Facebook and can be sent directly to students and parents that “Like” the page.

Please read the privacy notice posted under the Important Information tab on the PHHSCareers website before you visit the page.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships Expo The 6th Annual Hornsby Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo will take place this year on Wednesday 10 August at The Hornsby War Memorial Hall, next to the RSL. The Expo is a FREE event, will run from 4.00pm—7.00pm and is close to Hornsby Train Station. It is an opportunity for students from Year 9 upwards to meet a wide range of training organisations and to discuss training and career options outside the university pathway.

If you would like any more information, please contact me in the Careers Office or Amanda Horrocks at [email protected] or on 9480 2500.

Combined Tertiary Information Evening The 22nd Annual Tertiary Information Evening is being held this year on Wednesday 17 August at Cherrybrook Technology High School from 5.30pm—8.00pm. This event is FREE and will bring together all the major universities in the local region, as well as some of the private providers, providing students with an opportunity to speak with representatives of many different institutions about their options for 2017.

There will also be a Keynote Speaker focussing on the importance of STEM Careers in the future, a representative of the Universities Admissions Centre to speak about the application process, and some scholarships talks as well, so this is an event not to be missed for all Year 12 students.

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Mums, Dads and Grandparents, come and

join us as we pray for ‘Penno’ staff and


1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of each month during

term from 9.00am to 9.45am

Please meet at Public Reception.

Enquiries: Kim Allan on 0410 548 350


An Important Message for

Recent Enrolments

From time to time, students will be asked to meet in Koala Park before proceeding to an activity.

Within the Pennant Hills High School context, Koala Park refers to the stand of eucalyptus

trees located within the school grounds, behind the goal posts of the main oval,

just opposite the rear of the MPC.

(It should not be confused with the commercial operation of the same name, located on Castle Hill Road, West Pennant Hills.)

FREE Trade Pre-Apprenticeship Programs Wall & Ceiling Linings - call 9891 6188 or email [email protected]. Visit the AWCI website for more information. Paint & Decorating and Wall & Ceiling Linings - 4 weeks, including one week work experience at a specially designed facility in Strathfield South. Plenty of parking available. Contact 9758 8988 or email [email protected] Visit the MPA website for more information.

Ashley Symons Careers Adviser


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Pennant Hills High School Class of ‘96 - 20 Year Reunion: On Saturday 17 September at Chatswood cost $50.00. Info contact Sharon at [email protected] or phone 0432 490 975. Bookings at

Junior Penno Pumas 2016/17 Cricket Registrations: Registrations now open. For more information contact [email protected] or visit www.PennantHillsDistrictCricketClub

Cherrybrook Little Athletics Registrations Open: Online from 1 August or at Greenway park No. 2 Oval on 10 and 21 August. More information see

Hornsby Library Free Youth Employment Advice Sessions: Free one-on-one expert advice on a range of health, wellbeing and financial topics at the new Community Connections Hot Desk. A representative from Ability Options Employment will attend the library on Thursday 4 August from 2.00pm—4.00pm to assist with navigating the apprenticeship system, resume and interview tips and will give broad career advice. 20 minute sessions and six appointments are available by phoning the library on 9847 6614.


Rotary Youth Exchange: the opportunity of a lifetime for young Australians currently in Year 9 or 10. Expand your horizons with a year on Rotary Exchange. Discover a different culture -

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange: Information sessions or 1800 500 051.

LATTITUDE AUSTRALIA Volunteering and gap year placements for U/25s - or (03) 9826 6266

Student Exchange Australia NZ or 9997 0700. Free evening 27 March at 7.30pm.

World Education Program Australia (WEP) or 1300 884 733 or on Facebook (wepaustralia)

Australian Institute of International Understanding (AIIU) or 1800 174 407 - program costs apply.

Lions Youth Exchange Program for 17-21 year olds -

STS Student Exchange or 1800 263 964

AFS Intercultural Programs Australia or 1800 023 982

RECREATION AND SPORTING GROUPS Oakhill Drive Netball Club Players Wanted: Junior players U7/8/12’s and Senior players U15/16—17/18—21’s. Please contact the registrar Leanne Scowen at [email protected] or 0412 561 114.

Northern District Hockey Association: or phone 0419 299 808 (Adrian) or 0438 119 729 (Robert) U5 - U9 ‘Minkey’. U11, U13 and U15 mixed junior comp. Play on a world class artificial turf facility at Pennant Hills Park.

West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Football Club:

Rugby Connect - Trytons: is a Rugby Union program developed for boys and girls with special needs between the ages of 5-17 years. The season is run by Sydney Junior Rugby with the assistance of the Australian Rugby Union and NSW Rugby. Contact Matt Kellahan [email protected] or phone 9323 3407.

Hills Hawks Softball: All ages 4-adult welcome - or phone Hazel - 0414 474 461

Pennant Hills District Cricket Club: (15 years and over) Registration enquiries: [email protected] or SMS 0450 226 158.

North Sydney Girls Cricket Association:

Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Rugby League Club: All ages.

Beecroft Cherrybrook Junior Rugby Union Club: or phone Nicola 0402 677 180.

Cherrybrook Table Tennis Club: 0412 520 854 - Enjoy social and competition table tennis.

Sydney Zodiacs Youth Dragon Boat Club: or [email protected] or 0410 655 764

Epping RSL Golden Kangaroos Marching Band: or 9868 3289

Northern Sydney Youth Orchestra: for young musicians. Not-for-profit organisation. Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Strings Orchestra. Weekly rehearsals at Beecroft on Wednesdays.

2nd/3rd Pennant Hills Scout Group: 0408 121 690 (Greg Smithson) - Tuesdays (7-11) and Wednesdays (10-15).

Pennant Hills Girl Guides: Mondays - Guides (10-14) 5.30-7.30pm; Senior Guides (14-18) 7.00-9.00pm. 0438 284 592 (Fiona)

Hornsby District Athletics (children aged 4 - 17): Saturday mornings at Pennant Hills Park

Cherrybrook Athletics Club (children aged 5 - 16): Friday nights 5.45pm - 8.00pm

Taiko Drumming (a blend of choreography, drumming, movement and music for everyone):

St Agatha’s Youth Group: for students from Years 7 to 9 - or 0409 847 208 (Laura)

West Pennant Hills Netball: or ‘Netta’ 7 - 9 years; Junior 10 - 15 years; Senior 16 years and above.

Thornleigh Softball: All games played at Galston. Contact Sharon - 0407 442 402.

Cherrybrook United Netball Club: Games played at Pennant Hills Park. Modified ‘Net Set Go’ (5 - 9) Friday evenings; Juniors (10 - 15) Saturday mornings; Seniors (16 - open) Saturday afternoons. Phone Keryn on 0412 693 224

Castle Hill BMX Club: Fred Caterson Reserve, Castle Hill. Facebook: President: Michael 0404 093 303. Email: [email protected]

Hornsby Junior Touch Footy: All games played at Foxglove Oval, Mt Colah. Girls 9s–17s; Boys 9s–15s. Information/Registration:

North Rocks Softball: Teeball, Modball, Softball - school terms only - 5 years to adults - social and competitive. Information/Registration: or phone: 0406 852 851.

Asquith Netball: All skill levels welcome. Information: Linda Wilton 0403 214 410 or [email protected]

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Page 16 @PennantHillsHS Pennant Hills High School

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COMMUNITY NOTICES AND CONTACTS HELPERS NEEDED Foster families needed: Department of Family and Community Services - 8303 7644 Carers can be singles, couples, with or without children, and from any cultural background.

Foster carers needed: Key Assets NSW, a dynamic not-for-profit foster care provider - 8336 5700 Providing high quality and innovative family placements for children and young people with varying needs.

Volunteer with Easy Care Gardening: or 9983 1644 (Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai)

Bilingual Volunteers Needed: City of Sydney Meals on Wheels - For more information, phone 8512 4230.

Lifeline Telephone Volunteers needed: It’s never too late to make a difference … or to learn new skills. Join a team of volunteers on the crisis support line based at Gordon. Training is comprehensive and ongoing support is provided for all volunteer counsellors. More information: 9498 8805 or [email protected]

COMMUNITY SERVICES AND SUPPORT Free adult Literacy and Numeracy classes - Meadowbank TAFE: 9942 3572. Reading, writing and speaking.

Free English courses for adult migrants - Classes at Hornsby, Chatswood and Eastwood.

English Classes - Wednesday evenings from 7.00pm - 9.00pm during school terms. Cost $3.00 per week. West Pennant Hills Community Church, 41 - 43 Eaton Road, West Pennant Hills. Information and to register: 9872 4200.

The Kids Are All Right Website for parents of Australian teenagers. Go to

Tertiary Scholarships for children and grandchildren of Ex-Service Men and Women: Students selected on merit. Information and applications: or phone 9213 7999 or 1800 620 361 (voicemail)

Jack’s Youth Café at Hornsby (run by Fusion Sydney North): 5 Jersey Street Hornsby (a short walk from the station). After school activities for students in a safe environment, Tuesdays - Fridays 3.00pm - 6.00pm. Phone: 9477 1110.

Ability Options: a FREE service helping people with a disability into the job that’s right for them. More information: or contact Caroline Krix on 8811 1717 or [email protected]

Ability Links: supporting people with a disability, their families and carers to achieve their goals in life. For more information phone 8830 0768 or email [email protected]

Foster Care Association NSW: Advocacy, support and information for foster carers. or 4987 1847

Healthy Kids FREE Parent e-zine: important nutrition information and great recipes:

Enrol to Vote: If you are an Australian citizen who is 18 years of age or older, you must vote at all elections. Check if you’re enrolled at, enrol to vote at or phone 1300 135 736

Uniting Care Northmead: 8839 5107 - Workshops and counselling for parents. Phone for more information.

TOUGHLOVE: 1300 856 830 - Parents helping parents to deal with problems of unacceptable adolescent behaviour.

Parenting Education for Mums, Dad and Carers: Information and education provided by NSW Health - Northern Sydney Central Coast.

Centacare Broken Bay: 9488 2523 - Advice and support for parents.

Depression Support Group: 1300 794 991. Hornsby RSL - first Sunday of each month. Run by Association of Relative and Friends of the Mentally Ill.

Parent Line: or 1300 1300 52 - Free professional service 24 hours every day.

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 - Free confidential service 24 hours every day.

Mission Australia: 9480 2500 - Free case management and counselling support for young people and families.

Single With Children: or 1300 300 496 Non-profit social group providing exciting activities for single parents and their children.

Sydney Single Parents: or 9634 7502 (Hills) or 9411 1858 (Northside)

Hills Family Centre: 8805 7288 - Workshops and courses for parents and families.

Wesley Mission Family/Youth Services (the Hills): or 8805 7288

Community Life Church Cherrybrook Life Centre: 9651 3534 - Counselling and parenting courses available.

Newcomers Club: - Social club for women, offering support and friendship.

NSW Health Free Dental Clinic for 12-25 year olds: 9687 2544 - High Street Youth Health Service, Harris Park.

Rotary Club of Thornleigh Farm Markets: Third Sunday of every month - 8.00am - 12.00noon - Phyllis St, Thornleigh

Christ Evangelical Centre of Australia Chinese Language School: 0410 613 814 (Jenny)

Cybersmart website: - Part of the Australian Government’s cybersafety program.

The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register: The Register collects and uses data to improve services for children and to research eye disease and disorders of vision.

Bedford College Play Sessions for children (0 - 5 years) and their parents/carers: Fridays 9.30am - 11.30am at 2 Columbia Court, Baulkham Hills. Small fee includes morning tea for children and their carers. Bookings: 1300 174 174

CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay: counselling, parenting and support groups. 9488 2400 or [email protected]

Our Space - Integrated Youth Service Hub, Eastwood: bringing together a variety of services committed to improving the wellbeing of young people aged 11–18 years. Information: or 9874 7458.

St Vincent de Paul Society: Interest free loans to low income families for essential household items. Phone 9477 5010