Download - July/August News July - August 2020.pdf · I am looking forward to once again including all the regular notices, articles and reports. If

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Halsall News

July/August 2020

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The next meeting of Halsall Parish Council will take place on Wednesday

8th July 2020 at 7 pm using ZOOM and the agenda will be published on

the website at least 3 clear working days before

the meeting is due to be held. For full details please see page 6.


FULL PAGE £32 per month (£234 per annum) HALF PAGE £20 per month (£127 per annum) QUARTER PAGE £14 per month (£65 per annum)

There are 10 issues of Halsall News a year

Please note that all advertisements must be paid for prior to being included in the magazine.

To advertise please contact Mrs Susan Roberts. 01704 897857 or [email protected]

September 2020 MAGAZINE

Closing date for Articles: Monday 17th August

Contributions by Email only to Susan Roberts [email protected]

Closing date for Adverts: Monday 17th August

[email protected]

All details in the magazine are correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of going to press.

Halsall News can be viewed online at

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Patrick Bell 01704 840607 Chairman Neil Campbell 01704 566354 Vice Chairman Brian Young 01704 840091 David Corfield 01704 840705 Raymond Brookfield 07771 798167 Sylvia Corfield 01704 840705 Elizabeth Wright 01704 562847 Lynn Campbell 01704 566354 Barry Assheton 07444 776451

Parish Clerk

Dave Bond 01704 534090

Borough Councillor Maureen Mills 01704 840160 Surgery before Parish Council monthly meetings.


Parish mobile 07518 926086

Assistant Priest The Revd Dr Alex Baker 07798 702831 01695 422306

Church Wardens Stephen Henders 01704 841085 Lynda Bramwell 01704 840280

Verger Sarah Mitchell 01704 889237 07808 064996

P.C.C. Secretary Edward Carr 01695 423817 P.C.C. Treasurer Colin Throp 01704 841281 Organist Edward Carr 01695 423817


Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant, Darren Carr

e-mail [email protected] or alternatively Paul Austin who is the Community Beat Officer for Halsall at [email protected] (work mobile number 07966580004) Residents should still phone 999 in an emergency and 101 to report a crime and obtain a crime incident number.

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THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST.CUTHBERT, HALSALL Parish Surgery Phone: 0151 526 2292 Parish Mobile: 07518 926086 Email: [email protected] Parish Surgery: Anyone wishing to arrange a Baptism or Wedding should ring the Parish Secretary to make an appointment. The phone number of the office is 0151 526 2292 and the office is staffed Monday-Wednesday 9.00am—1.00pm or you can email at: [email protected] The Sick: This parish is committed to the care of the sick. Names of those in need of this ministry, either at home or in hospital, should be given to the parish office on 07518 926086 or 0151 526 2292. The Blessed Sacrament (Holy Communion) is reserved in church and can be taken to the housebound or ill. Holy Oil is also kept for the anointing of the sick.

The Dying: Alex can be contacted at any time in order to minister to the dying on 07798 702831 or 01695 422306.

Halsall St Cuthbert Hub website

The website for the St Cuthbert Church community can be viewed at

The website contains information about services and events, archive material including school reports, Halsall Parish Magazines dating from now and back to the 1800’s, information and other general news updates. It also provides a link to where it is possible to donate to us online. On the spot updates are also available via the Facebook page. We would love to hear from anyone who may wish to suggest other content that would be relevant and of interest to the community.

General enquiries about the site can be directed by e-mail to: [email protected]

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Hello, Thank you for following the magazine on line during the Coronavirus emergency. We are keeping everything crossed that the next issue of the magazine due out on 1st September will be back to normal in print, and delivered to homes in the Parish. This is of course dependent on the circumstances in August and September. I am looking forward to once again including all the regular notices, articles and reports. If you have any articles, notices or reports for the magazine please e-mail them to me at [email protected] by Monday 17th August for inclusion in the September magazine. Also if you have suggestions of any possible new topics for inclusion in the magazine please contact me at the above e-mail address. The deadline date for adverts for the September magazine is also Monday 17th August. Wishing you all a peaceful, healthy summer.

Susan Roberts

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Rev Dr Alex Baker

St Cuthbert’s Church.

June 2020

Dear Friends,

As I write this I feel like shouting “Land Ahoy”! The last few

months have seen our parish, the church, the country and indeed the

world change at a very rapid pace and in dramatic ways in order to

counter the threat of the Coronavirus. That change has brought with it a

sense of turbulent seas and on occasion the need to batten down the

hatches. But I think I can, at long last sense hope on the horizon. The

government has issued new guidance and the Church of England is fully

engaged in the process of risk assessments and planning so that we

might be able to open our church more fully again. I expect more

announcements in the near future as to when and how this can happen.

Currently the church can be opened on request for private prayer and if

anyone would like to access the building to pray please contact Stephen

our Church Warden.

If you have been joining us for the Sunday Zoom worship some

of you will know that last weekend we watched a message from Bishop

Bev who, rejoicing in Glen’s change of role from reader to Curate,

emphasised the continuance of our church. In her words “Our buildings

may be closed but our church remains open”. One of the great joys

over the last few months that has given me hope has been witnessing

how our Church and community have pulled together in amazing ways

to offer care and support for one another. The turbulent waters have

meant we have had to change course frequently and try many new

things. It is a wonderful witness to the commitment of our congregation

that so many of you have been able to join in as we try new ways of

worship online. Who would have thought 6 months ago that so many

would have been able to learn the new IT skills, cope with the change in

format and style and engage in these new ways of doing things? Whilst

I hope that we will soon get back to something more closely resembling

normal I hope and pray that that sense of commitment, community,

willingness to try new things and resilience will stay with us. Speaking

of new things, I bring news of great joy!

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I have the great pleasure of formally announcing Glen’s change of role.

Glen who is well known to you all as one of our readers has been

working phenomenally hard to cram a three-year ordination course into

two and has now been duly licenced to our united benefice as Curate. It

is the first time in history that the diocese has licenced curates before

their ordination, but that is just another of the ‘corona-quirks’ requiring

change. God willing Glen will be ordained deacon in just a few months

time and will be priested as planned next year.

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to announce the arrival of Rev

Ian Hopkins who will come to us with a Bishop’s licence as our new

Interim Minister. Ian has previously been Vicar and Rector of one of the

largest churches in Edinburgh. Indeed, it was to Ian’s church I was sent

on one of my placements as an ordinand. Ian has been specialising in

interim ministry for some years and brings with him a wealth of

experience and expertise in helping parishes like ours prepare for their

next incumbent. If all things go to plan Ian is due to start in the benefice

on the 14th of July and is likely to be with us for 2 years or so. With you I

look forward to being able to welcome him to our wonderful parish and

hopefully soon into the magnificent building.

Please continue to pray for Ian and Glen and for our united

benefice as we seek to grow together in faith and discern God’s will for

ourselves, our parishes and our communities asking God for a bigger

Church making a bigger difference with more people coming to faith and

more social justice in the world.

Yours in Christ,


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The Curate writes...

Hello everyone, by the time you read this letter I will have been licensed to our United Benefice as a Curate, and this is something entirely new, as because of Covid19 and the lockdown, ordinands have been unable to be ordained. This caused a rapid rethink as many ordinands were due to move to parishes and new homes. The Bishops and the legal people came up with a clever plan, and so we become licensed as curates before we become deacons, which will hopefully be at the end of September in Liverpool Cathedral. Strange times, so many changes and the churches as they have throughout the centuries have needed to adapt, and I’m proud to say that in this benefice we have. Whoever thought so many people would join for a Zoom Service on Sunday Mornings, followed by chats and a coffee from our own living room. Wonderful to realise too, that we have some people joining in our worship who are new to church. Now I’m often asked won’t it be wonderful to be back in our beautiful church and of course it will, but, we will still need to demonstrate the amazing flexibility that we have shown so far! It will be different, and it will be some time before so many of the things we hold dear about our worship are able to resume. We’ve shown we can do this, we in our benefice have shown we can manage the changes. We have shown the richness of our communities, the strength of our faith and so much care for each other. There will be changes, but we have proved we can do change and thrive. I am so happy to be licensed as a curate to this wonderful benefice and humbled by the friendship and support I have been shown from the ministry team and both churches, thank you all so much. Please keep me in your prayers as I shall keep you in mine, as we move forward together to embrace whatever changes and challenges lie ahead as lockdown eases.

Best wishes Glen.

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This prayer has been passed to me by Joe Croft who many of you will know as a member of St Thomas Choir. He has found it great comfort over the years, and he hopes that if you live alone you will too. Glen A Prayer if you live alone. I live alone Dear Lord, stay by my side. In all my daily needs, be thou my guide. Grant me good health, indeed I pray, To carry on my work, day by day. Keep pure my mind , my every deed. Help me to be kind in my neighbours need. Spare me from evil, floods and fire That I may strive and never tire. If sickness or an accident befall, Humbly Lord I pray hear thou my call, And when I’m feeling low and in despair, Lift up my heart and help me in my prayer. I live alone Dear Lord, and have no fear, Because I feel your presence ever near Amen

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News From Your Parish Council

The Government have now issued the regulations that give local authorities greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings, including allowing members to attend remotely, and for public and press access to those meetings. These ‘Regulations’ (The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020) came into force on 4 April 2020. The next meeting of Halsall Parish Council will therefore take place on Wednesday 8th July 2020 at 7 pm using ZOOM and the agenda will be published on the website at least 3 clear working days before the meeting is due to be held. Please note that until such time as Government advice changes the Council will continue to hold remote meetings. Members of the public who wish to attend should follow the guidelines listed below. Before the meeting:-

1. The Agenda will be placed on the website and on the notice board (if possible) as normal (i.e. with three clear days of notice).

2. Any member of the public and press who wishes to attend the meeting will need to download Zoom. Please visit where you will be able to download the App. The website gives tutorials and demonstrations on how to download Zoom and how to join meetings.

3. The Clerk will put a link, on the website, to join the Zoom meeting by 5pm on the day of the meeting. The Clerk will also include the meeting ID and password. For the Planning Committee meetings the link will be posted by 5pm the evening before.

4. The Clerk will upload to the website the full set of papers (other than for the Planning Committee) to support the meeting the day before the meeting.

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5. Members of the public are welcome (as usual) to send any questions or comments to the Clerk prior to the meeting via email to [email protected] or by calling the Clerk on 01704 534090. These must be received by 5pm on the day of the meeting. The Clerk will present any representations received to the Councillors to address.

The meeting:-

1. The Chair of the Council will Chair the meeting.

2. The Clerk of the Council will host the meeting on Zoom which will be recorded (please note that once the minutes have been approved at the next meeting the recording will be destroyed)

3. Members of the public will enter a “waiting room” on Zoom and wait for the Clerk to approve their attendance. It would be helpful if members of the public could “name their videos” so that the Chair and Clerk can refer to them correctly.

4. All attendees will be muted on entry to the meeting.

5. Members of the public will be able to make representation during the public forum.

6. Members of the public will be asked to “put their hand up” using the icon on Zoom if they wish to speak during the public forum.

7 The Clerk will “unmute” members of the public who wish to speak at the instruction of the Chair. 8. At the conclusion of the public forum the Clerk will “mute” all members of the public. 9. The required standards of behaviour and discussion are the same whether in remote or face-to-face meetings. Members of the public who use or display inappropriate or offensive language and/or behaviour will be removed from the meeting to the waiting room. This includes any inappropriate backdrops on display on the video.

10. The Council will discuss, via email, prior to the meeting any items which are considered sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and will advise, if appropriate, of the outcome of any discussions at the meeting.

11. The Clerk will end the ZOOM meeting once business has been concluded.

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After the meeting 1. The Clerk will take the minutes of the meeting as usual. 2. Members of the Council and the Clerk will review how the meeting went and may make some changes to the process if necessary.

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Report from Halsall St Cuthbert’s Primary

Admissions and Staffing

In September, we have 23 new children starting in the reception class. The staff have

been busy preparing and sending out welcome packs, to help parents best prepare their

child/ren for the big day. We’re confident that they’ll all have a brilliant time and love

coming to school. Staffing for the academic year 2010/2021 remains the same. We are lucky to have such

a secure and stable staff that is committed to giving our children the best start to their

education. Many thanks to them all.

Key Worker Childcare

The school has continued to open each school day since lock down in mid-March, to

provide childcare for the children of key workers. This provision has continued through

both the Easter holiday period and the Spring Bank holiday period, including 2 bank

holidays. Members of staff have shown excellent commitment to this key worker

initiative, supervising on a rota basis, delivering short lessons in the core subjects and

planning a wide variety of exciting activities to keep the children busy and entertained.

Those that have attended have really enjoyed themselves and have made lots of new


School Re-Opening and Year 6

As you will be well aware, the government intended for schools to re-open to Reception,

Year 1 and Year 6 pupils on 1st June. Such an initiative was dependent upon its 5 strict

conditions regarding the pandemic, being met. Lancashire’s Director of Public Health

was concerned that these conditions had not been met in Lancashire and subsequently

schools were advised to delay any return. Following a further review however, schools

were encouraged to open their doors to more pupils from Monday 22nd June. Our year 6

cohort returned on 22nd June. Our year 5 cohort then returned on 29th June. We are so pleased that all the year 6 children returned to school WC 22nd June. It was so

important that they received that boost in confidence prior to their transition to

secondary school. Work that they do in this last month, especially in the areas of reading

comprehension, punctuation, writing and mathematics, should certainly help them when

they move on. And it’ll also give them the closure that they need after a happy period

learning and playing with the friends. We still have hopes of organising a short Leavers’

Service at the end of the term when the year 6 will reminisce about their special times at

Halsall St Cuthbert’s. They’ll also receive their Leavers’ Bibles and Almanacs and the

annual Leavers’ Prizes will be awarded.

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Due to the pandemic and lock down, pupil attainment could not be formally assessed

through the Year 6 SATS, Key Stage 1 SATS, Year 1 Phonics and EYFS profiles. All were

cancelled. No attainment data is being requested this year by the DFES.

Mrs Galley’s year 6 predictions however were :

Reading WT 10% EXP 50% GD 40% 90%

Writing WT 10% EXP 55% GD 35% 90%

SPAG WT 10% EXP 55% GD 35% 90%

Maths WT 0% EXP 60% GD 40% 100%

These predicted grades show that the cohort was on track to attain excellent results in

the 2020 SATS. A big well done and thanks to Mrs Galley, the staff, pupils and parents.

Another fabulous and notable achievement. This data would compare very favourably

against other schools, both within the LEA and nationally.

School Holidays

Both the year 4 and year 5 PGL adventure holidays and the Year 6 Llandudno trip have

had to be cancelled this year. The children were so looking forward to a few days away

with their best friends. Alas it was not to be. We’ve booked for next year already and it’s a

case of fingers crossed.

From all at Halsall St Cuthbert’s Primary, have a healthy, happy and

enjoyable summer holiday.

Take care and stay safe.

D Scholes (Head Teacher)

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AUGUST 4th John Rees Howel 9th Margaret Haldane (Birthday) 11th John Harold Grimshaw (Birthday) 18th Edith Elizabeth Welch (Birthday) 18th Ernest Serjeant 21st Gladys Mary Morris (Birthday) 22nd Sarah Critchley 25th James Balshaw 25th Dennis Knowles 26th James Hilton (Birthday) 27th Ernest Serjeant (Birthday) 29th Roberts James Critchley (Birthday)

JULY 1st Norman Rhodes (Birthday) 3rd Vivian Osmond Weights (Birthday) 3rd Catherine Bullough 3rd James Edward Cheetham (Birthday) 5th Walter Herbert Bullough 6th Nancy Ainscough (Anniversary) 6th John Prescott (Birthday) 7th Annie Marshall (Birthday) 7th John Huyton 12th Jane Walsh (Birthday) 12th Clarice Hall 14th Michael James Yule (Birthday) 16th David John Cruikshank 18th Mary Serjeant (Birthday) 18th George Henry Porter

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It's Scarecrow Time!!

We've had 72 scarecrows on display this year which is amazing. They are spread far and wide from the borders of Ainsdale to the borders of Aughton and the country lanes of Lydiate. You would be lucky to see them all unless you know where to look but luckily, you can admire them from your armchair by visiting

Thank you to all those who have taken part. It has been particularly difficult this year to get hold of items to use because of lockdown, but thankfully many have rallied round and come up with some wonderful ideas.

Thank you also to Norman Rigby who has covered many miles on his bike discovering them all for us to see online. Pity we could not have our scarecrow trail weekend, but there is always next year. We have new ideas already planned for 2021 so watch this space!

For further info or if you have any questions please contact -

Eleanor Wroe - [email protected] 01704 841216 or Enid Banks [email protected] 01704 567654

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Details correct at time of going to press.

For details and up to date guidance for NHS Test and Trace please visit

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• All types of plumbing and

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Design Stitch Create

Hulmes Bridge Business Centre North Moor Lane, Halsall L39 8RF

Personalised Baby Gifts & Nappy Cakes Personalised Teddies, Dinos, Tigers etc

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Tel: 07801 493946 Email: [email protected]

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West Lancashire Memorials

New Memorials - Inscriptions Cleaning - Renovations

Grave Maintenance Vases Re gilding Re fixing Re levelling Anchor fixing

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Large choice of graveside ornaments in the shop.

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You Could Advertise in this space for:

£20.00 per month or

£127.00 per year.

Contact Susan on [email protected] For further details

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Thursdays 2.00pm to 3.00pm





Work done by our own tradesmen

Ring for a free estimate

Ring on 01704 535820

or 07889 451226


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Gardener`s Corner

July & August at-a-glance

July is peak flowering time for most gardens, while August is the culmination of months of effort. The garden is a paint box of summer colour, herbaceous borders zing with colour, bedding plants are blooming fit to bust & hanging baskets are full to the brim & in full swing. And if you fancy a change of scene, it`s a great time to go garden visiting. Summer is here – enjoy. Happy gardening.

General Garden Tasks Raise the cutting height of the lawn mower blades during hot dry spells. Avoid watering the lawn, except a new lawn in long dry spells. Prune & deadhead roses. Prune philadelphus & wisteria. Clip privet & other fast-growing hedges. Continue taking softwood cuttings of shrubs. Cut lavender for drying. Keep on top of deadheading plants & perennials. Divide old clumps of bearded irises & replant. Plant autumn flowering bulbs. Sow maincrop carrots, early peas, turnips, lettuce, radishes & spring cabbages. `Stop` outdoor tomatoes. Cut & dry or freeze herbs. Tidy strawberry beds & grow spare plants from runners. Harvest raspberries, redcurrents, blackcurrents & gooseberries. Train a standard fuchsia. Water & feed greenhouse plants more often now the weather is hotter & the containers are filling up with roots. Provide more oxygen in ponds if necessary by thinning waterweeds or running a fountain. Divide water iris.

Watch out for Cabbage white butterflies laying eggs on brassica plants. Potato blight on potatoes & tomatoes.

Plants in their Prime Cornus Kousa. Cytisus. Deutzia. Phygelius. Spiraea. Yucca. Crocosmia. Echinops. Lychnis. Agapanthus. Anchusa. Lilium regale. Penstemon. Persicaris. Lavender. Fuchsia. Cleome. Passionflower. Hebe. Buddleia.

Hydrangeas. Ceanothus. Solanum. Clematis. Roses. Santolina. Plomis. Campanula. Delphinium. Dianthus. Hardy geranium. Salvia. Sedum. Hemerocallis. Perovskia. Dahlias. Phygelius. Hibiscus. Helianthus. Ligularia. Lythrum. Heuchera. Geum. Potentilla. Phlox. Rudbeckia. Veronica. Verbascum. Thalictrum. Liatris.

Tina Lloyd

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A message from Ormskirk & Burscough Police

The Liberty Centre are here to help anyone living with domestic abuse in West Lancashire. They can offer refuge, support or just a listening ear.

Call them for free, 24/7 on 0808 100 3062 or speak to them online at

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ST AIDAN’S HALL HIRE RATES Hourly rates are as follows Regular Weekly Users £5 per hour. Casual users £6 per hour To book please contact Dave Bond Tel: 01704 534090


The hall is available for bookings evenings and weekends including Saturdays after 7pm.

Something to Celebrate? Why not book the Memorial Hall

Kitchen and toilet facilities Including provision for wheelchair access

Only £10 per hour £8 per hour for regular users who commit to more than 10

consecutive weeks

To book please contact Dave Bond 01704 534090 [email protected]

HALSALL ST CUTHBERT’S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL HALL Tuesday Evenings from 6pm or Saturday all Day Contact Mr Scholes at School

HALSALL PARISH CENTRE The Parish Centre is available for private lettings Please contact Mr Scholes at school For details of charges and availability Tel; 01704 840253


One offs or Regular basis

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For up to date information and advice please see the new Facebook group.

‘Halsall Area Coronavirus Support Group’

If you would like to volunteer or can help in any way please contact

Neil Campbell 01704 566354 Parish Council Vice Chairman or

Maureen Mills 01704 840160 Borough Councillor

Below is a list of Businesses that can offer services at this time.

Please note that some businesses may charge for delivery

Businesses Contact Offering

Ainsdale Fruit & Veg

Mandy & Pete 01704 577686

Fruit & Veg, herbs etc.

BSA Foods, Ormskirk

01695 581867 Frozen food, pies, quiches, chilli, lasagne etc. Also dried foods.

Barn Owl Produce 07557 796867 07850 016556

Fruit & Veg

Bates Dairy 01704 567595 Milk, cheese, butter, drinks, yoghurts, bread, eggs etc

Birkdale Cheese Centre

01704 568822 Cheese and will pick up other things if they can source it.

Birkdale Health Shop

01704564353 Health Products

Broughs Butchers, Ainsdale

01704574069 Meats, etc

Cake Creations, Southport

01704 541137 Cakes

Cakes 4 You, Southport.

Carol 07780 356977


Church View Farm, Lydiate

0151 520 2673

Fruit & Veg etc

DC Scott 01695 572104 Butchers. Offering mixed boxes

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Businesses Contact Offering

Hallidays, Birkdale Joanne 01704 551524 07875 082019

Fresh and frozen fish

Halsall Garage 01704 841188 Groceries and Food from Kelli’s Deli

Grimshaw lane Dairy

01695 577573 01695 572104

Dairy. Cannot accept any more new customers for deliveries.

J & A Japonicas, Formby

07511 177519 Plants

Jennings Greengrocers, Birkdale

01704 553775 Fruit & Veg

Jo Kelly’s Off-Licence

01704 232740 Off Licence & Groceries

Kellen Meats, Southport

01704 807471 Butchers

Londis, Lydiate 0151 526 4412 General Store, Groceries

Massam’s Supplies

01704 840265 Depot closed but still delivering. Telephone orders.

Peet’s Plaice, Southport

Kevin 01704 809340


Primrose Hill Nurseries, Scarisbrick

Ian 07862 275464

Gardening Supplies, shrubs, plants, equine products etc.

Stanley’s Fruit Stores, Birkdale

01704 568503 Fruit, veg and some grocery items. Home made soup

The Farm, Burscough

01704 894889

Hot & Cold Food, takeaway and essen-tial groceries. Please ring order for col-lection (straight into your boot) or deliv-ery.

The Village Bake House, Halsall

01704 840916 Pies, cakes, bread, sandwiches & home cooked meals.

Wesley Fish, Southport

01704 542778 Fish

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Businesses Contact Offering

TAKEAWAY Master McGrath’s

01704 880050

Takeaway food


07807 229736

Text your order/carried to car for Fruit & Veg etc


Acorn Cattery, Halsall

01704 841991 Pet boarding/collection and pet Food delivery.

Nellie at Scarisbrick

Sal 01704 841222

A cooked meal for children


Hesketh Heating & Plumbing

Richard 07761 384052

Emergency Jobs

Down to Earth Electrical

Daniel 07403465409

Emergency Jobs

Nick Ackers 07790037230 Emergency Plumbing Jobs

TAXIS Blueline Five-O taxies

0151 525 5050 / App

24 Hr Service

Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition

The Competition for 2020 has been cancelled due to the Corona Virus

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01704 840480 07832 291080



We cover Merseyside and West Lancashire

Private and Commercial

All Year Round





Talley Wags Pet Sitting provides a stress free alternative to kennels or catteries so your pets can stay in the comfort of their own




Call Sarah: 01704 550154 or 07931340375

Email: [email protected]

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O r m s b y M e m o r i a l s Monumental Stonemasons

A long established family business specialising in the design and manufacture

of new memorials and the renovating of existing memorials. We provide a

professional, friendly and quality service.

We specialise in:

new memorials

cremation plaques

pet memorials

additional inscriptions

renovation of existing memorials including:

cleaning, regilding and replacing


LANCS, L40 9QQ Tel: (01704) 880294 email: [email protected]

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Halsall Directory of Trades and Services

Animal Care: Carr Moss Boarding Kennels and Cattery 01704 840384

Animal Care: Talley wags Pet sitting and dog walking etc. 01704 550154 or visit

Animal Care: Town Vets 01704 535233

ANIMAL PORTRAITS: Spurwood Studio. Call Chris on 01704 841593. Facebook Spurwood Studio

Builder: D J & J Wignall Construction and Maintenance 01704 841136

CLEANING SERVICES: Simply Brilliant Cleaning Company. Rachael Carter, 07984 532243

DOG GROOMING: Country Cuts. 3 Drummersdale Lane, Scarisbrick. 07712698315

EMBROIDERY SPECIALISTS. Design Stitch Create. North Moor Lane, Halsall. 07801 493946.

FIREWOOD & COAL SUPPLIERS: Massams Supplies Ltd. Renacres Lane 01704 840265

Funeral Director: MLS Independent Funeral Directors Ltd. 01695 424888

Gardening: Massams Supplies Ltd. Landscaping and gardening supplies. Renacres Hall Farm, Renacres Lane 01704 840265

Gardening: Simon Bounds Gardener and Garden Maintenance. 01704840480 07832291080

JEWELLERS: Christopher Diggle Jewellers. 18, Westway Maghull. 0151 306 6225

MONUMENTAL STONEMASONS: Ormsby Memorials 01704 880294 or e-mail [email protected]

MONUMENTAL STONEMASONS: West Lancashire Memorials. 01704 211133 or 07739 765580 email [email protected]

Plumbing and Heating: Michael Wignall 01704 841136

POST OFFICE: Monday and Thursday afternoon. 2pm –4.30pm.Massams Supplies Ltd, Renacres Lane. 01704 840265.

REFLEXOLOGY: The Old Bakery, Wheelwrights Wharf, Scarisbrick. 07739 802175

REMOVALS: Man With Van. Removals and single items. Shed & Garage clearance. Phone Mick on 07807789072

Sawmill: Caunce Sawmills Ltd

01704 892195

Transport: Dial-a Ride For booking and information: 01704 893373

Upholstery: Lancashire Upholstery 01704 535820

WOOD LOG SUPPLIER: Woodland Eco Fuel. 01704 841479 or 07866 767977

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