Download - JULY NEWSLETTER 2020 · 2020. 6. 23. · resume services at this time but, ... Pastor Barb Streed, SEMN Synod representative indicated a letter was received from the candidate indicating

Page 1: JULY NEWSLETTER 2020 · 2020. 6. 23. · resume services at this time but, ... Pastor Barb Streed, SEMN Synod representative indicated a letter was received from the candidate indicating

JULY NEWSLETTER 2020 Faith Lutheran Church

308 2nd St. NW,

Dodge Center, MN 55927

Hopes were high by the call committee and council. Plans were being made per constitutional requirement.

On June 23, approximately 90 minutes before the council meeting, the message was received of a decline in our offer. The candidate accepted another position relocating closer to their family. The highs and the lows were shared. The Council has grappled with the news. We march on, we go forward, God does have the plan for us. We continue our contact with the Synod and will await their direction. We never give up on our prayer.

I want each of you to know how valuable your words of support and understanding are to the Call Committee members and Council members. The search process is not easy as we are experiencing, compounded by the COVID-19 Virus and its effect with the church building closure. As I participate in the church decisions and conversations, I want you to know this Council is working hard to make decisions for Faith Lutheran congregational members. They are being creative in ways of contacts with all of our members, they also miss you and want to connect with you. . You are the Family that we are proud to be a part of! Continue with your prayers for this leadership team. There are happenings going on at church, like home. There is always work to be done like cleaning, painting, organ-izing, weed pulling, hosta digging, card mailings and phone calls to members. Please contact committee chairpersons to offer your assistance. You are wanted and you are needed.

Church reopening: a COVID-19 preparedness plan has been accepted by the Council. Church plans to reopen remain unknown. We are not being encouraged to resume services at this time but, please note changes will be in place and you will be notified in advance of a reopening date. We remain at high risk for this disease and desire protection for all. We await Synod directives and guidelines.

Forward in Faith,

Sue Anderson Council President.

Dear Faith Family and Friends,

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” Romans 8:28

How often have we heard, read and studied this sentence? Why does it keep coming back to us, to me? My friends, I know God has a plan for Faith Lutheran. Why are we and why am I impatient? Why must we and I wait? How can we and I be supportive to one another when our hearts are heavy and we feel anxious, insecure, unsettled and wanting to return to the church building together. We want pastoral fulltime leadership...we want, we want, we WANT.

We experience dark days, caused by illness, pain, loneliness, financial difficulties, work and environ-mental changes, grief, death or fear can overwhelm us but friends, God is with us. Even in the darkest of times, our Savior strengthens and protects us. God is our assurance. He is with us, ALWAYS. He does not fail us. We are God's disciples; we are HIS children. Yes, YOU and I are children of God put forth on this earth to love God and love one another. We must reach out to Him. Lord, quiet us/me. Help us/me meditate on your love and remind us/me of your power and your blessings that you have lavished upon all of us. We come to you for wisdom, guidance and direction. We are wrapped in loving arms and we are filled with blessings to be shared with one another. God is at work!

Since my last letter, a candidate name was received by the Call Committee and a decision was made and rapid action taken by the Call Committee to go ahead and interview this candidate. Though per previous action item, Council decision had been made to look for an intern candidate. The initial interview went well and a 2nd interview was completed within a 1week time frame. The candi-date was with unanimous choice presented at an emergency council meeting on June 17, with recommendation for a pastoral hire. Council action completed, discussion was held as you will read in the minutes and the candidate was contacted with an offer of hire, pending congregation vote.

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The official mascot of 2020

Always wears a mask

Compulsively washes hands

Letters of racoon rearranged spell corona

Remember to save your Erdman’s County

Market tapes for our church. The church

receives a percentage of the total amount

that has been spent. Charleen Louks

reminds us that they are due at the end of

June and again in December.

You can mail the receipts to the church at

PO Box 358, Dodge Center, MN 55927

Faith Lutheran has a need for someone to send cards out to our members who are experiencing illnesses or just need a note to let them know that we are thinking of them. VaLane Tyler covers birthdays and anniversaries for us already and her cards are very much appreciated.

Cards and stamps will be available at the church office. Please call 507-374-2174, if this would

be a project that you would be able to do for our Faith members.


FAITH IN ACTION Many residents of Dodge

County are familiar with the

services that Faith in Action

provides for senior citizens in the county.

During the past months, what we do has

looked different. We have been reaching

out to seniors through regular check in

phone calls. Due to the COVID-19

pandemic, most appointments were

canceled; it really wasn’t safe for our

volunteers to go into homes of some of

the most vulnerable citizens, so we need-

ed to assess how to keep connected and

reach out as needed. What occurred dur-

ing that time were regular check in phone

calls with senior clients until we could to

offer the traditional services. As busi-

nesses open up, our Board of Directors

has discussed a plan for action to meet

transportation needs, etc. Seniors may

call 507-634-3654 to request assistance.

Maintaining Faith in Action services

depends on our raising funds through

annual fundraisers, donations and grant

applications. This year with the COVID-19

pandemic affecting all of our lives and

activities, we find ourselves in a difficult

position. Our summer fundraisers (selling

ice cream at activities such as Festival in

the Park and Marigold days and working

at Berne Wood-Fired Pizza) cannot

happen because the events have been

canceled or changed. In October, we

traditionally have a soup and pie dinner

that in addition to being a fund raiser for

FIA provides an evening of fellowship for

the community. We are not sure how or if

the soup and pie dinner can happen this

year. The Board is hoping to determine a

creative way to serve dinner and yet be

appropriately safe in serving and eating.

At this time, we are asking members of the

Dodge County communities to consider

making a donation to Faith in Action to help

us cover some of the expenses While vol-

unteers are the backbone of the services

provided directly to the seniors, a part time

coordinator, supplies and expenses such as

insurance, telephone etc. are necessary to

keep the program going. If Faith in Action

is an organization that you would like to

support, donations in any amount may be

mailed to Faith in Action, P.O. Box 246,

Kasson, Mn 55944. Thank you for your


Dodge County Faith in Action

Board of Directors

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Special Church Council Meeting June 1, 2020 7:05 pm

Faith Lutheran Church Special Church Council Meeting with Call Committee as guests and Pastor Barb Streed as SEMN-Synod Representative (meeting via on-line Zoom and telephone access) as practice session for upcoming June 7th, 2020 virtual Pastoral Call Special Congregational Meeting (Note: June 7th meeting is now cancelled).

Date: Monday, June 1, 2020

Time: 7:05 pm

Council members present: Sue Anderson, Bill Ketchum, Grant Erler, Ryan Schrom, Randy Langworthy, Tina Kozisek, Vicki Schweiger, April Dean, Jacque Wolf, Kevin Peterson

Council members absent: Jordan Lee

Guests present: Faith Lutheran Church Call Committee members: Allison Rislov, Lisa Wolf, Sara Hancock-Hall, Charlie Asprey, Val Langworthy, Bryce Kleinwort, Jody Steen, Isabella Selthun, Megan Justice.

SEMN Synod representative, Pastor Barb Streed.

Meeting called to order by Council President Sue Anderson at 7:05 pm.

Sue indicated that council member April Dean has agreed to become the Council liaison (not an elected position) to the Call Committee after previous liaison Jordan Lee indicated desire to step down from Call Committee liaison due to time constraints. April will serve as Council liaison to the Call committee.

Pastor Barb Streed, SEMN Synod representative indicated a letter was received from the candidate indicating their desire to withdraw from consideration as being Called by Faith Lutheran Church. Candidate has withdrawn from process.

Discussion held between all attendees about next steps/action in determining where/how Faith Lutheran should proceed. No action taken during joint meeting.

Since candidate withdrew from consideration for being called as pastor, the Special Congregational Pastoral Call meeting is cancelled for Sunday, June 7, 2020.

Approximately 8:10 pm Faith Lutheran Call Committee was thanked for their input into future call process and they left the virtual Zoom/telephone meeting. Pastor Barb Streed was also thanked for leading the meeting and the ZOOM meeting leadership was turned over to Sue Anderson.

Faith Lutheran church council discussed several options and Ketchum made the following motion 2nd by Schrom/Pass to instruct SEMN Synod to pursue process of finding intern candidate from Luther Seminary.

Motion to Adjourn Special Council Meeting by Ketchum/2nd by Langworthy/Pass.

Meeting adjourned 8:24 pm.

Council recited Lord’s Prayer.

Upcoming Council/Church meetings:

Regular Monthly Council Meeting: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6pm Faith Lutheran Church.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Peterson, Secretary

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Faith Lutheran Church Special Church Council Meeting

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 6:14 pm

Council members present: Sue Anderson, Bill Ketchum, Grant Erler, Randy Langworthy, Tina Kozisek, Vicki Schweiger, April Dean, Jacque Wolf, Kevin Peterson.

Council members absent: Jordan Lee, Ryan Schrom

Guests present: Faith Lutheran Church Call Committee Chairperson Allison Rislov

Meeting called to order by Council President Sue Anderson at 6:14 pm.

Devotion led by Sue Anderson-Psalm 32:11.

Agenda Approval motion by Schweiger/2nd by Langworthy/Pass.

Call Committee Chairperson, Allison Rislov, updated Council on Call progress. First and Second interviews held with candidate; Call Committee unanimously approved forwarding candidate to Council for consideration as Pastor. Chairperson Rislov was thanked and left the meeting.

Council discussed candidate presented for Call. Motion by Ketchum/2nd by Langworthy/Pass to support Call Committee recommendation of candidate as Pastor.

Special Congregational Meeting-Motion by Ketchum/2nd by Dean/Pass to hold Special Con-gregational Meeting for purpose of Pastoral Call approval in Fellowship Hall at Faith Luther-an Wednesday, July 8, 2020 7pm. Proper COVID-19 Social Distancing and face masks re-quired. Only Confirmed members asked to attend. Access will be via west door only.

COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Handout given by Sue Anderson with preliminary draft of state-required COVID-19 Preparedness Plan that must be approved before re-opening may occur in the future (no date is known for church re-opening). Plan was distributed and will be discussed/revised/approved at a future Council meeting.

Motion to Adjourn by Ketchum/2nd by Dean/Pass. Meeting adjourned 7:08pm.

Council recited Lord’s Prayer.

Upcoming Council Meeting

Regular Monthly Council Meeting: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Peterson, Secretary.

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Faith Lutheran Church Council Regular Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6:00 pm

Council members present: Sue Anderson, Bill Ketchum, Grant Erler, Ryan Schrom, Randy Lang-worthy, Tina Kozisek, Vicki Schweiger (arrived 6:10 pm), April Dean, Jacque Wolf, Jordan Lee, Kevin Peterson.

Council members absent: None

Guests present: None

Meeting called to order by Council President Sue Anderson at 6:00 pm.

Sue led us in devotion from Philippians 4:10-13.

Motion to Approve Agenda by Ketchum/2nd by Langworthy/Pass.

Note: Pastoral Candidate has declined Call to become Pastor at Faith Lutheran. Proposed Special Congregational meeting preliminarily scheduled for Wednesday July 8, 2020 is CANCELLED.

Secretary minutes from May 26, 2020 and June 17, 2020 meetings were distributed. Motion to approve minutes from May 26, 2020 and June 17, 2020 meetings made by Kozisek/2nd by Langworthy/Pass.

Treasurer’s report was distributed by Ryan Schrom, discussion held about making another pay-ment towards mortgage debt reduction. Motion by Ketchum/2nd by Lee/Pass to pay $25,000 from building fund for mortgage debt reduction. Mortgage balance as of 5/31/20 was $215,043.69, so with this payment the mortgage balance will be under $200,000. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Ketchum/2nd by Dean/Pass.

Committee Reports

Building and Grounds: Bill Ketchum reported there is still leakage by the back Sunday School room entrance and quilters room entrance. Painting has begun in other Sunday School rooms.

Education: Jordan Lee reported the committee did not meet this month

Worship, Arts and Music: Randy Langworthy reported the committee did not meet this month.

Outreach: April Dean reported there were 2 Pantry of Faith distribution days in June and 13 people received food on the first day and 17 on the 2nd day.

Social: Tina Kozisek reported the committee did not meet this month.

Youth: Vicki Schweiger reported the Senior Drive-Thru recognition on Friday, May 29th at the West parking lot had 8 Triton graduating seniors come by to be congratulated and given gifts. Several other graduates who could not attend the Drive-Thru recognition were given their gifts by Tina and Jason Kozisek who stopped by their homes. Thank you cards for these gifts were received from Caroline Gosse and Sami Hallaway and are posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

Call Committee: As stated above, the latest Pastoral candidate declined the Call offer to become Pastor at Faith Lutheran. This information was received on Tuesday, June 23 in the late after-noon. Due to this development, the proposed Special Congregational Pastoral Call meeting for Wednesday, July 8, 2020 is cancelled. As per the minutes from the June 1, 2020 Special Council/Call Committee meeting (before the latest candidate was discovered), a call will be placed into

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the SEMN synod to further pursue possible internship candidates to serve in a temporary Pastor role. Allison Rislov is stepping down as Call Committee chairperson, but intends to stay on the Call Committee.

COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Faith Lutheran-2020. Before the church is allowed to re-open (no date has been suggested) a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan was developed from guidance from the CDC, State of Minnesota and the SEMN-Synod, as far as how worship will eventually be conducted. A motion to approve the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan was made by Ketchum/2nd by Langworthy/Pass.

Facility Closure: Faith Lutheran Church under guidance from the SEMN-Synod will remain closed until further notice.

Outdoor Social Activity: Discussion was held about trying to hold an outdoor social activity at church to provide a COVID-19 safe environment to listen to church music played and sang by Faith Lutheran members. Preliminary approval was given to have Worship, Arts and Music committee develop the music gathering for one of 2 possible Sundays in July (19th or 26th) in the afternoon. Stay tuned.

Church Directories: Lifetouch incorporated has only recently re-opened from their COVID-19 closure. They will now resume working on the directory.

Constitution and By-Law review. The Constitution and By-Laws for Faith Lutheran are being reviewed for updating by Jaci Gosse. Thank you, Jaci, for taking on this large task.

Church Key update: As of Tuesday, June 23, 2020 the church locks have been changed. In order to request a new church key please call the church office 507-374-2174.

Motion to Adjourn meeting by Lee/2nd by Langworthy/Pass. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Council recited Lord’s Prayer.

Upcoming Council/Church meetings:

Regular Monthly Council Meeting: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6pm Faith Lutheran Church.

Respectfully submitted

Kevin Peterson, Secretary.

The Prayer for Protection

written during WWII by James Freeman,

a pastor, poet and lecturer

The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is!


The outside door locks have been changed. If you need a key, please call the church office or stop by to fill out a request form which will be forwarded to the properties committee chairperson.

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*NOTE: June 2020 numbers are estimated and not final.

If you have any questions regarding the financial information provided you can contact Ryan Schrom at 507-213-6439 or [email protected]

or Mindy Schaefer at [email protected]

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COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Faith Lutheran Church 2020 1. All action plans are per Center for Disease Control and per Minnesota State Department of Health.

2. If you are feeling ill with a fever, cough, weakness, aching, please do not enter the church building. We encourage you to stay at home. Persons greater than age 65 are at highest COVID 19 risk and are encour-aged to remain in their homes. Persons with health history related to diabetes, cardiac disease, immune suppressed and respiratory history are at greatest risk. Please practice caution related to risk for exposure of active disease. Adhere to continuous good handwashing techniques related to coughing and or sneezing.

3. Masks will be required by everyone over age 2 during all inside services.

4. Upon entering church building, hand sanitizer is available and is a required use for everyone.

5. Socially distanced seating: You will see areas of restrictions in the sanctuary; please adhere and be respectful of these limitations. Our sanctuary limit at 50 % capacity is 116 persons. Should an increased number of persons be present, they will be directed to the narthex and or fellowship room overflow areas, also remaining socially distanced. All family units must be 6 feet apart from the next family unit, inclusive of all directions.

6. There will be no bulletins. Audio visual during the services will be available. Bibles and hymn books have been removed from sanctuary for this time of return to worship.

7. No singing allowed. Music will be played and or recorded singing for observation and or listening to. There will be no children’s band instruments used.

8. Ushers will be present for welcoming you and directing you to seating areas and tracking attendance.

9. Sharing of the peace physically is no longer allowed- no hand-shakes, no hugging, no physical touch of one another. You will be directed by pastoral leadership on how to share the Blessing of Peace with one another.

10. Offering is preferred via Simply Giving, mail in or leave in offering plates without touching the plate itself. There will be 2 locations for the giving of gifts. Offering will be at the end of the worship service as you are escorted to leave.

11. Communion, when allowed, will be with initial use of homebound safety kits. These will be picked up at the entrance of the sanctuary in bags with the number of persons present in your party- ( i.e. 1-6) . Each kit is sealed. After receiving the blessing by Pastor, open and hand out the kits. Peel back the 1st layer. You will find the wafer, then peel the 2nd layer of foil and you will have the juice. Collect all throwables and place in baggie for disposal as you leave the sanctuary. Keep your area as tidy as you found it.

12. Following the last hymn please be seated, you will be ushered out in a social distancing manner. There will be no receiving line initially upon our church departure.

13. Coffee fellowship gathering is not allowed at this time. There will be none available. NO foods or beverages are allowed in the sanctuary except communion distribution.

14. Please do not congregate in the church gathering area. Your best area to visit will be outdoors in small group gatherings.

15. There will be no children’s activity bags available. Please bring appropriate, quiet activities for your

children, if needed

16. Give us courage to face these changes, to accept not with fear but with compassion, concern and acts of safety for one another. Encourage us in connecting as we are able, reaching out to our neighbors and being persistent in prayer. Lord, keep us under your sheltering wings. Guide and protect all.

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How Great Thou Art Then sings my soul,

My Savior, God to Thee! How great Thou art, How great Thou art.


For the Beauty of the Earth For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies,

For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies;

Christ, our God, to thee we raise. This our sacrifice of praise.

In the Garden And he walks with me & he talks with me,

And he tells me I am his own, And the joy we share as we tarry there

None other has ever known!

Just As I Am Just as I am, without one plea

But that thy blood was shed for me And that thou bidd’st me come to thee,

O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Holy, Holy, Holy Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning Our song shall rise to Thee.

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Here I Am, Lord Here I am, Lord, Is it I, Lord?

I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if you lead me.

I will hold your people in my heart.

We have received calls that some members would like a call or a card sent to them. If you know of someone to add to the list, please email the information to the church or leave a message.

Gene Young Dick Neitzel Harl and Carol Burzlaff

612-454-8181 507-460-2880 507-527-2108

Northfield Care Center Pine Haven Care Center 57977 160th Ave.

900 Cannon Valley Dr. W 210 3rd St. NW West Concord, MN

Bluebird Rm 116 Room 605 55985

Northfield, MN Pine Island MN

55057 55963

Please pray for:

Milt Kuball, Dick Neitzel, Karen Ingvaldson, Wayne McColley, the family and friends of Pat-

rick Quint (Ingvild Herfindahl,’s husband) the family and friends of Bob Quaale, the family

and friends of Eleanor Erickson (Ann Trelstad’s mother), our members that are homebound

and in care facilities, first line care givers, our church, Castillo Fuerte and Bishop Ata in

Bogotá, Colombia, Bishop Regina Hassanally and the SEMN Synod .

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Birthdays and Anniversaries

Faith Lutheran does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status,

in any of its activities or operations.

July Birthdays

1. Tony Bishop, Jessica Denter

2. Jeff Keesling

3. Michelle Bryngelson, Connor Henderson

5. Braeden Moe, Ray Tyler

6. Molly Hinrichsen, Phil Pflaum

9. Vince Arnold, Hudson Hamm, Russ Koehler, Levi Livingood, Jacob Snyder

10. Elijah Schrom, Ethan Wolf

11. Elyse Bestor, Megan Koehler

12. Aaron Knutson, Audra Connor

15. Elizabeth Hukee

19. Ann Arnold, Malinda Quam, Morgan Rohwer

20. Alice O’Connor Hart

21. Don Henderson

22. Aunika Matejcek

23. Eric Bryngelson, Blakely White

24. Leah Pflaum

25. Jude Gosse, Inger Pearson, Brandon Wolf

27. Nolan Shallbetter

28. Alissa Hallaway, Brandon Vermilyea, Jean Weitzenkamp

30. Tegan Ridenour

31. Lauren Nauman

1. Bryan and Karen Marquardt

Doug and Vicki Schweiger

5. Brandon and Stacy Wolf

6. Mike and Sue Anderson

7. Cody and Hillary Laue

11. Dillon and Jessica Denter

14. Jim and Sonja Hruska

15. Jim and Pam Jensen

Aaron and Krystin Maixner

16. Terry and Robin Viker

24. Vince and Ann Arnold

27. Steve and Rebecca Knutson

Instead of coming into the church, drive to the

west parking lot and your groceries will be

brought out to you.

Dates in July Tuesday, July 7 ~ 12pm-3pm

Thursday, July 9 ~ 4pm-7pm Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the Pantry of Faith last month; Jill Hukee, Erica Wennes, Naomi Jensen and April Dean.

July Anniversaries

Congratulations to Jordan and Laura Lee on the birth of their son, Jonah Johnson Lee born on June 13 and welcomed by big brother, Logan.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday













4-7p Pantry





13 14















6p Church



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308 2ND ST NW

PO BOX 358


JULY 2020

Faith Lutheran Church News


Carol Johnson

[email protected]


Lacy Boyum

[email protected]


Nadine Langworthy

[email protected]


Jeff Short

[email protected]


Mindy Schaefer

[email protected]

Communicate with Faith

[email protected] 507-374-2174 “Celebrating Faith in Christ by worshipping together

and reaching out in love to all God’s people”