
Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

स्वास्स्िक पस्लिक स्कूि


ववषय– ह िंदी कक्षा – 5

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

प्रश्न1. द्रव्मवाचक संऻा के ऩांच शब्द लरखो I 5

प्रश्न 2. व्मक्तिवाचक जातिवाचक औय बाववाचक संऻा के दो दो उदाहयण लरखो I 5

प्रश्न 3 तनम्नलरखखि शब्दों स ेवातम फनाओ I 5

क. सूयज ख. सुगंध ग. कामय घ. चचड़िमा

प्रश्न 4 ददए गए शब्दों के वचन फदरो I 5

क. रहय ख. लशक्षऺका ग. शक्ति घ. भछरी ङ. ककिाफ

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

प्रश्न 5 तनम्नलरखखि प्रश्नों के उत्िय लरखो I 10

क. सववनालभक ववशषेण औय सववनाभ भें अिंय स्ऩष्ट कीक्जए I ख. कायक ककिने होिे हैं I उनके नाभ लरखो I ग. तनजवाचक सववनाभ की ऩरयबाषा उदाहयण सदहि लरखो I घ. बाववाचक संऻा ककसे कहिे हैं I ङ. लरगं की ऩरयबाषा औय बेदों के नाभ लरखो I

प्रश्न 6 अऩने जन्भददन ऩय एक अनुच्छेद लरखो औय उसभें स ेववशषेण शब्द छठ कय लरखो I 10

प्रश्न 7 कवविा भें आए येखांककि शब्दों को उचचि जगह लरखो

सदैव ऩुलरगं सदैव स्रीलरगं

_____________ दहदं देश के तनवासी ____________

_____________ सबी जन एक है ______________

_____________ यंग रुऩ वेश बाषा _____________

______________ चाहे अनेक है ______________

_____________ गेंदा, गुराफ, जूही ______________

____________ चऩंा चभेरी प्माये ______________

____________ प्माये पूर गूथे भारा ______________

___________ भें एक है I _______________

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

___________ कोमर की कूक प्मायी ______________

____________ ऩऩीहे की िेयी मायी ______________

____________ गा यही ियाना फुरफुर ______________

___________ याग भगय एक है ______________

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Swastik Public School JULY ASSIGNMENT

Subject – MATHS

Class – 5th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Write the following numbers in word form . 5 marks

a) 5,57,20,318 ____________

b) 83,00,22,049 ____________

c) 48,09,85,365 ___________

d) 58,00,26,007 ___________

e) 42,80,66,770 ____________

Ques.2 Write the following number in their expended form. 5 marks

a) 17,02,410 - _____________________________

b) 6,72,920 - ____________________________

c) 16,18,45,500 - ___________________________

d) 3,69,65,614 - ____________________________

e) 6,08,05,710 - ____________________________

Ques.3 Write the successor of each of the following numbers. 4 marks

a) 69,60,73,873 - ____________

b) 4,79,83,979 - _____________

c) 80,99,99,999 -______________

d) 34,48,32,999 - _____________

Ques.4 Write the predecessor of each of the following numbers. 4 marks

a) 6,92,75,873 - ___________

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b) 70,00,00,000 -_____________

c) 8,56, 87,500 - _____________

d) 7,70,00,700 - _____________

Ques.5 Find the product of the place values of two 4s in thirty four lakh four

hundred sixty. 2 marks

Ques.6 Write the smallest number formed by using each of the digit 2,4,6,0,9,1,3

and 7 only once, both in standard form and word form . 2 marks

Ques.7 Rewrite each of the following numerals using period and place in the

International place value chart . Also write their number names . 4 marks

a) 780497026 b) 880083468

Ques.8 Round off the following numbers to the nearest ten. 4 marks

a) 68 b)45 c)273 d)5655

Ques.9 Round off 73,92,14,356 to the nearest: 6 marks

a) Hundred b) thousand c)ten thousand

d) lakh e) ten lakh f) crore

Ques.10 Fill in the blanks. 4 marks

a) XIV = 10 + ____ = _____

b) CXLVIII = _____ + ____ + ____ = _____

c) LIII = 50 + ___ = _____

d) CDLII = 500 - ____ + 50 + ____= ____

Ques.11 Write the following Roman numberals in the Hindu- Arabic system.

5 marks

a) IV - _____

b) IX - ____

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c) XLIV - _____

d) XLI - ______

e) CCLI - ______

Ques.12 Write the following in Roman numbers. 5 marks

a) 45 = _______

b) 99 = ________

c) 92 = _______

d) 78 = _______

e) 181 = ________

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Swastik Public School JULY ASSIGNMENT

Subject – SCIENCE

Class – 5TH

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Define the following words. 5 marks

1. Habitat

2. Spiracles

3. Ligament

4. Vertebrae

5. Tendons

Ques.2 Choose the correct option for each of the following. 5 mark

1. Identify the animal that has cell as its body covering.

a. lizard b. tortoise c. yak d. crocodile

2. Identify the animal that belong to the desert habitat

a. seal b. penguin c. walrus d. camel

3. Which of these structure protects the brain

a. backbone b. ribcage c.skull d. forelimb

4. The function of the skeletal system is to give _______ to the body

a. support b. shape c. strength d. all of these

5. Which of these animal uses flippers for its movement ?

a. penguin b. lizard c. frog d.snake

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Ques.3 Fill in the blanks. 5 marks

1. Microscopic organism breathe using their __________

2. The ________ control everything that the body does.

3. The body covering of fish is _________.

4. ___________ muscles are attached to the skeleton .

5. __________ use hindlimb to stand, walk and run .

Ques.4 State whether the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ).

5 marks

1. The skin is the largest organ in our body. ( )

2. Snake do not have legs. ( )

3. Bones and muscles work together to bring about movement . ( )

4. Water boatman swims in water using its leg . ( )

5. All insects have wings . ( )

Ques.5 Match the following . 5 mark

1. Cockroach Long bone in the arm

2. Humerus Spiracles

3. Earthworm Hinge joint

4. Knees Lungs and moist skin

5. Frog Moist skin

Ques.6 Name the following. 5 mark

1. A place where two bones meet ________

2. Animal that live in ocean __________

3. Animal that breathe through spiracles __________

4. The longest bone in the human body ___________

5. The system that control everything you do ________

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Ques.7 How many pair of ribs are there in human body ? What are floating ribs ?


Ques.8 What is blubber ? 2mark

Ques.9 How do aquatic animals such as fish breathe in water ? 2 Mark

Ques.10 Name the three part of the brain. Which is the largest part of the brain ?

3 mark

Ques.11 Draw a diagram of ‘the human eye’ and Write its parts name . 5 mark

Ques.12 Define migration. Why do animals migrate ? Explain with example .

5 marks.

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Swastik Public School JULY ASSIGNMENT


Class – 5th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Write the definition of following. 5

1. Atlas

2. Continent

3. Frigid zone

4. Symbol

5. Equator

Ques.2 Write (T) for true or ( F ) false. 5

1. The equator is the largest latitude.

2. The climate of place change frequently.

3. Antarctica is a driest continent in the world.

4. There are 9 continent in the world.

5. Atlantic Ocean is an M- shaped ocean.

Ques.3 Fill in the blanks. 5

1. Our earth is ___________ in shape and very large in size.

2. United States of America is located in ________.

3. Mumbai and Goa have a __________climate.

4. The earth take __________ to rotate one degree.

5. Amazon is the__________ river of world.

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Ques.4 Write one word answers. 5

1. Name the most important latitude ?

2. A globe is a model of .

3. Which is the largest continent ?

4. Name any one factor that influence climate.

5. Write any one Ocean name ?

Ques.5 Answer the following question. 10

1. What is global warming ?

2. How is globe useful ?

3. How does altitude affect the climate of a place ?

4. What are continents ?

5. What is a grid?

Ques.6 Answer the following questions 20

1. Name the three temperature zone of the earth. Explain any one of them.

2. Write any five continents?


Write all ocean name ?

3. Differentiate between latitude and longitude.

4. How are physical map different from political map ?

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Swastik Public School JULY ASSIGNMENT

Subject – ENGLISH

Class – 5th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Section A

Reading section

Ques.1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. 5

Titly mouse and Tom the cat were very happy good friends and they lived

together on farmer barnet’s farm .one day tightly mouse told Tom the cat about

all the goodies in the farmer Barnet’s cellar .So ,Tom decided to go down into the

cellar the next time farmer barnet was away. “I've already started on the wire

mesh” said titly and she got inside the store cupboard through the hole she had

made. Soon she was tucking into the cheese, not forgetting to give some to her

friend Tom . what a feast they were having, enjoying themselves with all the

goodies. They heard farmer barnet's food step on the stair. “Oh no!” purred Tom,

“what will we do?”. Titly had eaten so much that she could not get back through

the hole. Tom jump into the store cupboard and knocked it to the ground . It

broke open and so titly escaped.The two rascals was so frightened that they

never went near the cellar again.

a) What were Tom and Titly doing when they heard farmer barne’st footstep?

b) When did Tom decided to go down to the cellar ?

c) Who were titly and Tom and where did they live ?

d) How did Tom help titly to escape ?

e) Why didn't the two go near the cellar again ?

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Section B

Writing Section

Ques.1 Write a paragraph on any one topic:- 5

“The value of discipline”


“The busy street scene”

Ques.2 Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for presenting you, your

favourite video game. 5

Section C

Grammar Section

Ques.1 Define any two of the following. 2

Proper noun ,Possessive noun, Abstract noun and Common noun

Ques.2 Fill in the blanks with the collective noun. 2

a) A____________ of teacher.

b) A____________ of singers.

c) A ____________of mountains .

d) A____________ of fish.

Ques.3 Write the abstract noun of:- (any four) . 2

True, Beautiful, Child, Man, Thief, Leader.

Ques.4 Change the gender of:- 2

Deer, Monk , Fox , Stage

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Ques.5 Change into passive form:- 4

1. The gown of the princess.

2. The park where the children play .

3. The crown of the king.

4. The dresses of the babies.

Ques.6 Rewrite the sentence by changing the gender of the underlined words

also make the necessary changes. 5

1. The mother always help her daughter in her work.

2. There was a bull grazing in the field.

3. The governor issued the orders.

4. The lion killed the son of the washerwoman.

5. The old man felt the loss of his wife.

Section D

Literature Section

Ques.1 Write the meaning of the words and use them in your own sentences.

(Do any three) 3

1. Horror 2. Masterpiece 3.Rugs 4. Set-down 5. Grocer.

Ques.2 Answer any 5 questions.. 5

1. Why was that Rachel’s family exciting about going to the market?

2. How did the canary bring joy into the lives of Rachel’s and her mother ?

3. Give a small introduction of the writer of the chapter “Wind song”.

4. Why do you think papaya felt that she had been tricked ?

5. Do you think papaya was a good travelling cat? Explain why / why not.

6. When did Rachel’s realise that something was wrong with the canary?

what does this facility about Rachel’s ?

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Ques.3 Write ( T ) for true that are true and ( F ) for the statement that are not

true . 5

1. A cool breeze was blowing outside the cabin when Rachel’s father's


2. Rachel’s brother first hear the canary singing.

3. The tune that Rachel’s was humming was one that she had become by

listening to the wind.

4. Rachel’s father wanted to send the animals to safety before running home.

5. The tornado destroyed their crops but Rachel’s family were grateful to be


Ques.4 Read the extract and answer the questions. 5

1. A man was who had stopped by was also watching the bird intently.

a) who was the other person watching the bird?

b) where were the people standing ?

c) what did this people tell other about the bird ?

2. That was not only odd thing about their cat.

a) what is the odd thing spoken about here ?

b) what were her other special qualities?