Download - July 11, 2013 Tinley Park, Illinois Math Literacy An Accelerated Pathway for Developmental Math Kathleen Almy Rock Valley College.


July 11, 2013Tinley Park, Illinois

Math Literacy

An Accelerated Pathway for Developmental Math

Kathleen AlmyRock Valley College

The Problems Large number of students place

into developmental math (non-college level math)

Most of those who do, place into beginning algebra

Most students only need statistics or liberal arts math to graduate

Dev math can be a bog for students, making degree completion a challenge.

A New Pathways OptionIn one semester, Math Literacy for College Students gives a student at the beginning algebra level the mathematical maturity to be successful in statistics, liberal arts math, or intermediate algebra.

It aligns with the Common Core.

GoalsCreate an appropriate prerequisite for non-STEM courses

Update content

Balance instruction

Differentiate pathways

Build college readiness

Prepare for workforce

More than skills30% of what is


What do students need when they get

to college level math?

Reading skills

Critical thinking

Numeracy skills

Algebraic base

Function knowledge

Technologically competent

Not intimidated by problems with words

What do students need when they get

to college level math?

Studied successful countries

Researched brain-based learning

Used lessons from RVC redesign

Talked to affected disciplines

Incorporated many contexts including science

Starting from scratch

Looking forward to college readiness

Emphases: •contextual problems•realistic applications•unexpected algebra


New student experience

• Engagement

• Connections

• Deliberate practice

See handout for objectives

Pathways: A National Movement

One semester DM coursePreparation for multiple outcomes

One semester DM courseLike a quant lit course, just-in-time DM

Two semester DM + CL courseSatisfies a statistics requirement

Illinois and Pathways: PMGE

Preparatory Mathematics for General Education

•3-4 semester hours

•Non-STEM intermediate algebra

•Designed to develop conceptual understanding and problem solving ability

•Satisfies the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice

•Approved this spring by multiple IL organizations

•MLCS is one modality of implementation of PMGE 

Pathways: Nationally vs. Illinois

High level of rigorInclusion of algebraBroad vs. narrow goals

Challenges to implementation




Prealgebra MLCS

Intermediate Algebra


College Level Math

Non-STEMCollege Level Math

(Statistics, Liberal Arts


Implementation options: replace beginning algebra



Intermediate Algebra

STEM & non-STEMCollege Level Math

Non-STEMCollege Level Math

(Statistics, Liberal Arts


Beginning Algebra

Implementation options: augment traditional sequence

OutcomesAlthough sample sizes are small…

•55-70% pass MLCS

•No statistically significant difference in Gen Ed math or Stats based on prerequisite (algebra or MLCS)

•MLCS students pass traditional intermediate algebra at a higher rate than beginning algebra students.

Longterm tracking will continue for several more years.


For More Information

[email protected]