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Curriculum Vitae


Business Address: UCLA Department of Psychology

Los Angeles, CA 90095

(310) 825-3004

Home Address: 11539 Clover Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90066


Baccalaureate Degree: B.A., Psychology, 1988

Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Advanced Degrees: M.A., Clinical Psychology, 1994

UCLA Department of Psychology, Los Angeles, California

Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, 1998

UCLA Department of Psychology, Los Angeles, California

Clinical Internship: UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital, 1997-98

Los Angeles, California

Postdoctoral Fellowship: Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology, 1998-2000

UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Los Angeles, California


2009-present: Associate Professor, UCLA Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry

and Biobehavioral Sciences

2006-2009: Assistant Professor, UCLA Department of Psychology

2001-2009: Assistant Professor in Residence, UCLA Department of Psychiatry and

Biobehavioral Sciences

2001-present: Research Scientist, Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology,

Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA

2001-present: Member, UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

2000-2001: Assistant Research Scientist, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control,

UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

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American Psychological Association Outstanding Contributions to Health Psychology

(Junior Award), 2008

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society New Investigator Award, 2006

STOP Cancer Foundation Career Development Award, 2003

STOP Cancer Foundation Ruth Handler Award, 2002

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Scholars Award, 2001

Positive Psychology Network Summer Institute Award, 2001

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Travel Award, 2000

UCLA Chancellor’s Award Finalist (for postdoctoral research), 2000

NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship in Psychoneuroimmunology, 1998-2000

NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship in Health Psychology, 1992-1994



1R01-CA160427 (Bower) 2012-2017


Biobehavioral predictors of fatigue in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients

Role: Principal Investigator

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation 2011-2014

Stress, inflammation, and breast cancer: Role of tumor-associated macrophages

Role: Principal Investigator

R01-HD062547 (Fuligni) 2010-2016


Daily experience in adolescence and biomarkers of early risk for adult health

Role: Co-investigator

Susan G. Komen for the Cure (Ganz) 2010-2014

Stress reduction and healthy living in younger breast cancer survivors: Intervention development

and evaluation

Role: Co-Investigator

T32 GM084903 (Bower/Campbell) 2009-2014


Integrated Training in the Population, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences

Role: Co-Principal Investigator


R01 CA109650 (Ganz) 2006-2011


Cognitive Functioning After Breast Cancer Treatment

Role: Co-Investigator

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Oppenheimer Program/Seed Grant, Complementary Alternative 2011-2012

and Integrative Medicine

Chronic and acute effects of restorative Iyengar yoga on inflammation.

Role: Principal Investigator

Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology, 2011-2012

UCLA Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior

Predictors of inflammation in a community sample of young adults: Stress, depression, and

inflammatory risk genes

Role: Principal Investigator

USC/UCLA Biodemography Center on Population Health 2011-2012

Effects of early life stress and depression on gene expression in a community sample:

Focus on inflammation

Role: Principal Investigator

U01 AT003682 (Bower) 2006-2010


Iyengar Yoga for Breast Cancer Survivors with Persistent Fatigue

Role: Principal Investigator

University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee 2010-2011

Evaluating the Role of Chronic Stress in Cancer-Related Fatigue: Links with Inflammation

Role: Principal Investigator

R01 CA119159 (Irwin) 2006-2011


Tai Chi Effects on Chronic Insomnia in Breast Cancer Survivors: Immune mechanisms

Role: Co-Investigator

STOP Cancer Research Foundation 2003-2006

Mind-Body Interactions in Breast Cancer

Role: Principal Investigator

1P30AG028748-01 (Greendale) 2006-2007


Yoga for Older Breast Cancer Survivors with Persistent Fatigue

Role: Principal Investigator of Pilot Project

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation 2004-2006

Predicting Biopsychosocial Outcomes after BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutation Testing

Role: Co-Investigator

1KO7 CA 090407 (Bower) 2001-2006


Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Fatigue in Cancer

Role: Principal Investigator

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The Breast Cancer Research Foundation 2004-2005

Does Blocking Proinflammatory Cytokines Diminish Cancer-Related Fatigue?

Role: Co-Investigator

STOP Cancer Research Foundation 2002-2003

Yoga for Breast Cancer Survivors with Enduring Fatigue

Role: Principal Investigator

UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center 2002-2005

Mechanisms of Fatigue in Patients Undergoing Immunotherapy

Role: Principal Investigator

UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center/Cousins Center 2002-2004

for Psychoneuroimmunology

Cancer-Related Symptoms and Immune Activation in Breast Cancer

Role: Co-Investigator

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation 2002-2004

Biopsychosocial Mechanisms of Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors

Role: Co-Investigator

Positive Psychology Network 2001-2004

Stress and Thriving in Breast Cancer Survivors

Role: Principal Investigator

Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology, 2000-2002

UCLA Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior

Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors: Immune, Endocrine, and Psychological Characteristics at

Baseline and under Mental and Physical Stress

Role: Principal Investigator

PUBLICATIONS (*indicates graduate student, **indicates postdoctoral fellow):

1. Bower, J.E., & Repetti, R.L. (1994). Family labor as moderator of effects of job stress. The

Community Psychologist, 27, 29-31.

2. Bower, J.E. (1997). Psychoneuroimmunology. In E. Blechman & K. Brownell (Eds.),

Behavioral medicine for women: A comprehensive handbook (pp. 799-805). New York:

Guilford Publications.

3. Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., & Fahey, J.L. (1998). Cognitive processing,

discovery of meaning, CD4 decline, and AIDS-related mortality among bereaved HIV-

seropositive men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 979-986.

4. Taylor, S.E., Kemeny, M.E., Reed, G., & Bower, J.E. (1998). Psychosocial influences on

course of disease: Predictors of HIV progression. Health Psychology Update, 34, 7-12.

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5. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Desmond, K.A., Rowland, J.H., Meyerowitz, B.E., & Belin, T.

(2000). Fatigue in breast cancer survivors: Occurrence, correlates, and impact on quality of

life. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 18, 743-753.

6. Taylor, S.E., Kemeny, M.E., Reed, G., Bower, J.E., & Gruenewald, T.L. (2000).

Psychological resources, positive illusions, and health. American Psychologist, 55, 99-109.

7. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Aziz, N., & Fahey, J.L. (2002). Fatigue and proinflammatory

cytokine activity in breast cancer survivors. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 604-611.

8. Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., & Fawzy, F.I. (2002). Group interventions for individuals with

serious medical illness. In M. Chesney & M. Antoni (Eds.), Innovative approaches to health

psychology: prevention and treatment lessons from AIDS (pp. 197-218). Washington, DC:

American Psychological Association.

9. Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., & Fahey, J.L. (2003). Finding positive meaning

and its association with natural killer cell cytotoxicity among participants in a bereavement-

related disclosure intervention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, 146-155. 10. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Aziz, N., Fahey, J.L., & Cole, S. (2003). T-cell homeostasis in

breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 95, 1165-1168.

11. Ganz, P.A., Greendale, G. A., Petersen, L., Kahn, B., & Bower, J.E. (2003). Breast cancer

in younger women: Reproductive and late health effects of treatment. Journal of Clinical

Oncology, 21, 4184-93.

12. Bower, J.E., & Segerstrom, S.C. (2004). Stress management, finding benefit, and immune

function: positive mechanisms for intervention effects on physiology. Journal of

Psychosomatic Research, 56, 9 - 11.

13. Ganz, P.A., Kwan, L., Stanton, A.L., Krupnick, J.L., Rowland, J.H., Meyerowitz, B.E.,

Bower, J.E., & Belin, T.R. (2004). Quality of life at the end of primary treatment of breast

cancer: first results from the Moving Beyond Cancer randomized trial. Journal of the

National Cancer Institute, 96, 376 – 87.

14. Irwin, M, Bower, J.E., Cole, S. (2004). Psychoneuroimmunology. In N.B. Anderson (Ed.),

Encyclopedia of health and behavior (pp. 675-681). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


15. Ganz, P.A., & Bower, J.E. (2004). Rehabilitation of the cancer patient. In Abeloff, M.D.,

Armitage, J.O., Niederhuber, J.E. Kastan, M.B., McKenna, W.G. (Eds.), Clinical oncology,

third edition (pp. 731-747). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

16. Castellon, S.A., Ganz, P.A., Bower, J.E., Petersen, L., Abraham, A., & Greendale, G.

(2004). Neurocognitive performance in breast cancer survivors exposed to adjuvant

chemotherapy and tamoxifen. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 26,


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17. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Dickerson, S.S., Petersen, L., Aziz, N., Fahey, J.L. (2005). Diurnal

cortisol rhythm and fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30, 92-


18. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., & Aziz, N. (2005). Altered cortisol response to psychological

stress in breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 277-


19. Bower, J.E. (2005). Fatigue in cancer patients and survivors: mechanisms and treatment.

Primary Psychiatry, 12, 53-57.

20. Bower, J.E., Meyerowitz, B.E., Desmond, K., Bernaards, C., Rowland, J.H., & Ganz, P.A.

(2005). Perceptions of vulnerability and growth among cancer survivors: Positive and

negative effects of cancer diagnosis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 29, 236-245.

21. Bower, J.E., Woolery, A., Sternlieb, B., & Garet, D. (2005). Yoga for cancer patients and

survivors. Cancer Control, 12, 165-171.

22. Stanton, A.L., Ganz, P.A., Kwan, L., Meyerowitz, B.E., Bower, J.E., Krupnick, J.L.,

Rowland, J.H., Leedham, B., & Belin, T.R. (2005). Outcomes from the Moving Beyond

Cancer psychoeducational randomized, controlled trial with breast cancer patients. Journal

of Clinical Oncology, 23, 6009-6018.

23. Bower, J.E. (2005). Prevalence and causes of fatigue after cancer treatment: The next

generation of research. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23, 8280.

24. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Desmond, K., Bernaards, C., Rowland, J.H., Meyerowitz, B.E., &

Belin, T.R. (2006). Fatigue in long-term breast cancer survivors: A longitudinal

investigation. Cancer, 106, 751-758.

25. **Collado-Hidalgo, A., Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Cole, S., & Irwin, M. (2006).

Inflammatory biomarkers for persistent fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Clinical Cancer

Research, 12, 2759-66.

26. Stanton, A.L., Bower, J.E., & *Low, C. (2006). Posttraumatic growth after cancer. In L.G.

Calhoun & R.G. Tedeschi (Eds.), Handbook of posttraumatic growth: research and

practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

27. Bower, J.E. (2006). Management of cancer-related fatigue. Clinical Advances in

Hematology and Oncology, 4, 828-829.

28. *Creswell, J.D., Lam, S., Stanton, A.L., Taylor, S.E., & Bower, J.E. (2007). Does self-

affirmation, cognitive processing, or discovery of meaning explain cancer-related health

benefits of expressive writing? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 238-250.

29. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Aziz, N., Olmstead, R., Irwin, M.R., & Cole, S.W. (2007).

Inflammatory responses to psychological stress in fatigued breast cancer survivors:

Relationship to glucocorticoids. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 21, 251-258.

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30. Ganz, P.A., & Bower, J.E. (2007). Cancer-related fatigue: A focus on breast cancer and

Hodgkin’s disease survivors. Acta Oncologica, 46, 474-479.

31. Bower, J.E. (2007). Cancer-related fatigue: Links with inflammation in cancer patients and

survivors. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 21, 863-71.

32. Bower, J.E., *Low, C.A., Moskowitz, J.T., *Sepah, S., & Epel, E. (2008). Benefit finding

and physical health: Positive psychological changes and enhanced allostasis. Social and

Personality Psychology Compass, 2, 223-244.

33. Bower, J.E. (2008). Behavioral symptoms in breast cancer: Fatigue, insomnia, depression,

and cognitive disturbance. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 768-777.

34. Miller, A.H., Ancoli-Israel, S., Bower, J.E., Capuron, L., Irwin, M.R. (2008).

Neuroendocrine-immune mechanisms of behavioral co-morbidities in patients with cancer.

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 971-982.

35. *Low, C.A., Bower, J.E., Kwan, L., Seldon, J. (2008). Benefit finding in response to

BRCA1/2 testing. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35, 61-69.

36. *Low, C.A., Stanton, A.L., and Bower, J.E. (2008). Effects of acceptance-oriented versus

evaluative emotional processing on heart rate recovery and habituation. Emotion, 8, 419-


37. Bower, J.E., Epel, E., & Moskowitz, J.T. (2009). Biological correlates: How psychological

components of benefit finding may lead to physiological benefits. In C. Park, S. Lechner, A.

Stanton, & M. Antoni (Eds.), Medical Illness and Positive Life Change: Can Crisis Lead to

Personal Transformation? (pp. 155-172). Washington DC: APA Press.

38. **Collado-Hidalgo, A., Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Irwin, M.R., & Cole, S.W. (2008).

Cytokine gene polymorphisms and fatigue in breast cancer survivors: Early findings. Brain,

Behavior, and Immunity, 22, 1197-1200.

39. Beran, T.M., Stanton, A.L., Kwan, L., Seldon, J., Bower, J.E., Vodermeir, A., & Ganz, P.A.

(2008). The trajectory of psychological impact in BRCA1/2 genetic testing: Does time heal?

Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 36, 107-16.

40. Fuligni, A.J., Telzer, E.H., Bower, J.E., Cole, S.W., Kiang, L., & Irwin, M. (2009). A

preliminary study of daily interpersonal stress and C-reactive protein levels among

adolescents from Latin American and European backgrounds. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71,


41. Fuligni, A.J., Telzer, E.H., Bower, J.E., Cole, S.W., Kiang, L., & Irwin, M. (2009). Daily

family assistance and inflammation among adolescents from Latin American and European

backgrounds. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, 803-9.

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42. O'Connor, M.F., Bower, J.E., Cho, H.J., Creswell, J.D., Dimitrov, S., Hamby, M.E., **Hoyt,

M.A., Martin, J.L., Robles, T.F., Sloan, E.K., **Thomas, K.S., & Irwin, M.R.(2009). To

assess, to control, to exclude: Effects of biobehavioral factors on circulating inflammatory

markers. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, 887-97.

43. *Sepah, S., & Bower, J.E. (2009). Positive affect and inflammation during radiation

treatment for breast and prostate cancer. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, 1068-72.

44. **Cho H.J., Seeman T.E., Bower J.E., Kiefe C.I., Irwin M.R. (2009). Prospective

association between C-reactive protein and fatigue in the Coronary Artery Risk Development

in Young Adults Study. Biological Psychiatry, 66, 871-8.

45. Bower J.E., Ganz PA, Tao ML, Hu W, Belin TR, *Sepah S, Cole S, Aziz N. (2009).

Inflammatory biomarkers and fatigue during radiation therapy for breast and prostate cancer.

Clinical Cancer Research, 15, 5534-40.

46. Bower, J.E., Moskowitz, J.T., & Epel, E. (2009). Is benefit finding good for your health?

Pathways linking positive life changes after stress and physical health outcomes. Current

Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 337-341.

47. **Thomas K.S., Bower J.E., **Hoyt M.A., & *Sepah S. (2009). Disrupted sleep in breast

and prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: the role of coping processes.

Psychooncology, 19, 767-776.

48. *Low, C.A., Stanton, A.L., Bower, J.E., & *Gyllenhammer, L. (2010). A randomized

controlled trial of emotionally expressive writing for women with metastatic breast cancer.

Health Psychology, 29, 460-466.

49. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Irwin, M.R., Arevalo, J., & Cole, S.W. (2011). Fatigue and gene

expression in human leukocytes: Increased NF-κB and decreased glucocorticoid signaling in

breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 25, 147-150.

50. *Low, C.A., Bower, J.E., Moskowitz, J.T., & Epel, E.S. (2011). Positive psychological

states and biological processes. In K. Sheldon, T. Kashdan, & M. Stegner (Eds.), Designing

Positive Psychology: Taking Stock and Moving Forward (pp. 41-50). New York: Oxford

University Press.

51. Ganz, P.A., Kwan, L., Stanton, A.L., Bower, J.E., & Belin, T.R. (2011). Physical and

psychological recovery in the year after primary treatment of breast cancer. Journal of

Clinical Oncology, 29, 1101-1109.

52. Bower, J.E., Garet, D., & Sternlieb, B. (2011). Yoga for persistent fatigue in breast cancer

survivors: Results of a pilot study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine, 2011, 1-8.

53. Cole, S.W., Arevalo, J., Manu, K., Telzer, E.H., Kiang, L., Bower, J.E., Irwin, M.R., &

Fuligni, A.J. (2011). Human IL6 promoter polymorphism confers genetic resilience to the

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pro-inflammatory effects of adverse social conditions: Antagonistic pleiotropy in

adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 47, 1173-80.

54. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Irwin, M.R., Kwan, L., Breen, E.C., & Cole, S.W. (2011).

Inflammation and behavioral symptoms after breast cancer treatment: Do fatigue,

depression, and sleep disturbance share a common underlying mechanism? Journal of

Clinical Oncology, 29, 3517-22.

55. Bower, J.E., Garet, D., Sternlieb, B., Ganz, P.A., Irwin, M.R., Olmstead, R., & Greendale,

G. (2012). Yoga for persistent fatigue in breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled

trial. Cancer, 118, 3766-3775.

56. Howard-Anderson, J., Ganz, P.A., Bower, J.E., & Stanton, A.L. (2012). Quality of life,

fertility concerns, and behavioral health outcomes in younger breast cancer survivors: A

systematic review. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 104, 386-405. .

57. **Thomas, K.S., Bower, J.E., Williamson, T.J., **Hoyt, M.A., Wellisch, D., Stanton, A.L.,

& Irwin, M. (2012). Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and blunted diurnal cortisol

production in partners of prostate cancer patients. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 1181-90 .

58. **Cho, H.J., Bower, J.E., Kiefe, C., Seeman, T.E., & Irwin, M.R. (2012). Early life stress

and inflammatory mechanisms of fatigue in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in

Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 26, 859-65.

59. **Jain, S., Bower, J.E., & Irwin, M.R. (2012). Psychoneuroimmunology of fatigue and

sleep disturbance: The role of proinflammatory cytokines. In S. Segerstrom (Ed), Oxford

Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology (pp. 321-340). New York: Oxford University Press.

60. *Thompson, L., Stanton, A., & Bower, J.E. (2012). Situational and dispositional goal

adjustment in the context of metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Personality.

61. Bower, J.E. (2012). Treating cancer-related fatigue: The search for interventions targeting

those most in need. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30, 4449-50.

62. Bower, J.E. (2012). Fatigue, brain, behavior, and immunity: Summary of the 2012 Named

Series on fatigue. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 26, 1220-1223.

63. **Cho, H.J., Kivimaki, M., Bower, J.E., & Irwin, M.R. (2013). Association of C-reactive

protein and interleukin-6 with new-onset fatigue in the Whitehall II prospective cohort study.

Psychological Medicine, 43, 1773-83.

64. Bower, J.E., & **Lamkin, D. (2013). Inflammation and cancer-related fatigue:

Mechanisms, contributing factors, and treatment implications. Brain, Behavior, and

Immunity, 30 Suppl, S48-57.

65. Ganz, P.A., Bower, J.E., Kwan, L., Castellon, S.A., Silverman, D.H., Geist, C., Breen, E.C.,

Irwin, M.R., & Cole, S.W. (2013). Does tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) play a role in

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post-chemotherapy cerebral dysfunction? Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 30 Suppl, S99-


66. Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Irwin, M.R., Castellon, S., Arevalo, J., & Cole, S.W. (2013).

Cytokine genetic variations and fatigue among patients with breast cancer. Journal of

Clinical Oncology, 31, 1656-61.

67. Ganz, P.A., Kwan, L., Castellon, S.A., Oppenheim, A., Bower, J.E., Silverman, D.H.,

Cole, S.W., Irwin, M.R., Ancoli-Israel, S., & Belin, T.R. (2013). Cognitive complaints

after breast cancer treatments: examining the relationship with neuropsychological test

performance. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 105, 791-801.

68. **Hoyt, M.A., Stanton, A.L., Bower, J.E., **Thomas, K.S., Litwin, M.S., Breen, E.C., &

Irwin, M.R. (2013). Inflammatory biomarkers and emotional approach coping in men with

prostate cancer. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 32, 173-9.

69. Ventura EE, Ganz PA, Bower JE, Abascal L, Petersen L, Stanton AL, Crespi CM. (2013)

Barriers to physical activity and healthy eating in young breast cancer survivors: modifiable

risk factors and associations with body mass index. Breast Cancer Research Treatment, 142,


70. Pomykala KL, Ganz PA, Bower JE, Kwan L, Castellon SA, Mallam S, Cheng I, Ahn R,

Breen EC, Irwin MR, & Silverman DH. (2013). The association between pro-inflammatory

cytokines, regional cerebral metabolism, and cognitive complaints following adjuvant

chemotherapy for breast cancer. Brain Imaging Behavior, 7, 511-23.

71. *Dupont, A., Bower, J.E., Stanton, A.L., & Ganz, P.A. (2014). Cancer-related intrusive

thoughts predict behavioral symptoms following breast cancer treatment. Health

Psychology, 33, 155-63

72. *Guardino, C.M., Dunkel Schetter, C., Bower, J.E., Lu, M.C., & Smalley, S.L. (2014).

Randomised controlled pilot trial of mindfulness training for stress reduction during

pregnancy. Psychology & Health, 29, 334-349.

73. Bower, J.E., *Crosswell, A.H., & Slavich, G. (2014). Childhood adversity and cumulative

life stress: Risk factors for cancer-related fatigue. Clinical Psychological Science, 2.

74. *Crosswell, A.D., Bower, J.E., & Ganz, P.A. (in press). Childhood adversity and

inflammation in breast cancer survivors. Psychosomatic Medicine.

75. Bower, J.E., Bak, K., Berger, A., Brietbard, W., Escalante, C.P., Ganz, P.A., Schnipper,

H.H., Lacchetti, C., Ligabel, J., Lyman, G., Ogaily, M.S., Pirl, W.P., & Jacobsen, P. (in

press). Screening, Assessment and Management of Fatigue in Adult Survivors of Cancer:

An American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Adaptation. Journal

of Clinical Oncology.

76. Bower, J.E., Greendale, G.G.,*Crosswell, A.D., Garet, D., Sternlieb, S., Ganz, P.A., Irwin,

M.R., Olmstead, R., Arevalo, J., & Cole, S.W. (in press). Yoga reduces inflammatory

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signaling in fatigued breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial.



Bower, J.E., & Repetti, R.L. (August, 1994). “Exacerbating/buffering effects of work and

family roles on mental health”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American

Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., Visscher, B.R., & Fahey, J.L. (November, 1994).

“Cognitive and emotional processing in response to bereavement and CD4 changes

among HIV-positive gay men”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Key Biscayne, FL.

Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., Visscher, B.R., & Fahey, J.L. (December, 1994).

“Finding meaning from bereavement associated with slower CD4 decline among HIV-

positive gay men”. Presentation at the UCLA AIDS Institute/CIRID Symposium, Los

Angeles, CA.

Vincent, P.C., Repetti, R.L., & Bower, J.E. (June, 1996). “The influence of work and family

roles on women’s depression”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American

Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.

Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., & Fahey, J.L. (November, 1996). “Positive

psychological responses to bereavement predict lower rates of AIDS-related mortality

among HIV-seropositive gay men”. Presentation at the UCLA AIDS Institute Scientific

Symposium, Los Angeles, CA.

Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., Wellisch, D., & Fahey. J.L. (March, 1999). “Finding

meaning and natural killer cell cytotoxicity among bereaved women at risk for breast

cancer”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San

Diego, CA.

Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., & Fahey, J.L. (April, 1999). “Impact of

experimentally-induced cognitive processing on meaning-related goals and NK cell

cytotoxicity among women at risk for breast cancer”. Presentation at the annual meeting

of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Galveston, Texas.

Castellon, S.A., Hinkin, C.H., Lam, M., Hardy, D.J., Bower, J.E. & Stefaniak, M. (February,

2000). “Fatigue is associated with cognitive dysfunction in HIV-1 infection.”

Presentation at the 28th annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society,

Denver, CO.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., & Fahey, J.L. (May, 2000). “Sickness behavior in breast cancer

survivors: Relations among fatigue, other sickness behaviors, and markers of immune

activation”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research

Society, Wilmington, NC.

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Castellon, S.A., Ganz, P.A., Abraham, L., Bower, J.E., Pakilit, A.T., Petersen, L.P., &

Greendale, G. (February, 2001). “Neurocognitive performance in breast cancer following

exposure to adjuvant systemic therapy”. Presentation at the 21st annual meeting of the

National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Francisco, CA.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., & Fahey, J.L. (March, 2001). “Fatigue in breast cancer survivors:

Immune, endocrine, and psychological correlates”. Presentation at the annual meeting of

the American Psychosomatic Society, Monterey, CA.

Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., & Fahey, J.L. (May, 2001). “Coping with HIV/AIDS: Finding

meaning from HIV serostatus as a predictor of CD4 slope, AIDS diagnosis, and

mortality”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research

Society, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Bower, J.E., Meyerowitz, B.E., Desmond, K.A., Leedham, B., Rowland, J.H., & Ganz, P.A.

(August, 2001). “Perceptions of meaning and vulnerability following breast cancer”.

Presentation at the annual meeting of American Psychological Association, San

Francisco, CA.

Seldon, J.L., Kwan, L.C., Bower, J.E., & Ganz, P.A. (October, 2001). “Participant satisfaction

with genetic counseling/testing and psychosocial adjustment at a university-based family

cancer registry”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Human

Genetics, San Diego, CA.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Tao, M.L., & Fahey, J.L. (March, 2002). “Radiation-induced fatigue

in breast cancer”. Presentation at the California Breast Cancer Research Symposium,

Oakland, CA.

Bower, J.E. (April, 2002). “Proinflammatory cytokines and cancer-related fatigue”. Invited

presentation at the West Coast College of Biological Psychiatry, Santa Monica, CA.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Tao, M.L., & Fahey, J.L. (May, 2002). “Radiation-induced fatigue and

proinflammatory cytokines in breast cancer patients: Preliminary results”. Presentation at

the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Madison, WI.

Bower, J.E. (March, 2003). “Understanding side effects of cancer treatment: Fatigue and

positive meaning among breast cancer survivors”. Invited presentation at the annual

meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Dickerson, S.A., Aziz, N., & Fahey, J.L. (May, 2003). “Flattened

diurnal cortisol rhythms in breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue”. Presentation

at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Amelia Island,


Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Tao, M.L., & Fahey, J.L. (September, 2003). “Mechanisms of

radiation-induced fatigue: Proinflammatory cytokines and depression”. Presentation at

the California Breast Cancer Research Symposium, San Diego, CA.

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 13

Bower, J.E., *Low, C., Kwan, L., Stanton, A., Meyerowitz, B., Rowland, J., Desmond, K., &

Ganz, P. (March, 2004). “Predictors and outcomes of post-traumatic growth among

women confronting breast cancer”. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the

Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Aziz, N., & Fahey, J.L. (March, 2004). “Blunted cortisol response to

experimental stress in breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue”. Presentation at the

annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

Bower, J.E. (April, 2004). “Successful survivorship: Fatigue in cancer survivors”. Invited

presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Breast Disease, Boston,


Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Aziz, J., & Fahey, J.L. (May, 2004). “Cortisol and immune responses

to experimental psychological stress in breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue.”

Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research

Society, Titisee, Germany.

Bower, J.E. (June, 2004). “Mechanisms of cancer-related fatigue.” Invited presentation at the

annual meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Jackson Hole, WY.

Stanton, A. L., Ganz, P. A., Bower, J. E., Kwan, L., Meyerowitz, B. E., Rowland, J. H., &

Krupnick, J. L. (June, 2004). “The Moving Beyond Cancer trial: A psychoeducational

intervention for women with breast cancer”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the

American Society of Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Fahey, J.L., Belin, T.R., Tao, M.L. (March, 2005). “Mechanisms of

fatigue during radiation therapy for breast and prostate cancer.” Presentation at the

annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, BC (highlighted


*Low, C. A., Bower, J. E., & Seldon, J. (May, 2005). “Posttraumatic growth in response to

BRCA1/2 testing.” Poster presentation at the conference on Health Psychology

Perspectives on Positive Life Changes, Benefit-Finding, and Growth Following Illness,

Storrs, CT.

Bower, J.E. (May, 2005). “How does benefit-finding get under the skin? Psychological

mechanisms for growth effects on health.” Invited presentation at the conference on

Health Psychology Perspectives on Positive Life Changes, Benefit-Finding, and Growth

Following Illness, Storrs, CT

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Belin, T.R., Tao, M.L., & Fahey, J.L. (June, 2005). “Fatigue and

depression in cancer patients and survivors: Immune mechanisms.” Symposium

presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society,

Denver, CO.

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 14

Bower, J.E. (September, 2005). “Psychoneuroimmunology: Review and implications for

cancer.” Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the California Breast Cancer

Research Program, Sacramento, CA

Bower, J.E. (September, 2005). “Sickness behavior in cancer: Immune mechanisms of fatigue

and other side effects of cancer treatment.” Invited presentation at the annual meeting of

the California Breast Cancer Research Program, Sacramento, CA

*Low, C.A., Bower, J.E., Epel, E., & Moskowitz, J.T. (March, 2006). “Coping processes,

spiritual well-being, and heart rate variability among breast cancer survivors.” Poster

presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, CO.

Bower, J.E. (May, 2007). “Fatigue and cancer: Role of immune mediators.” Symposium

presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society,

Arcachon, France.

*Low, C.A., Bower, J.E., & Ganz, P.A. (May, 2007). Effects of radiation-induced inflammation

on coping among women with early-stage breast cancer.” Poster presentation at the

annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Arcachon, France.

Bower, J.E. (March, 2008). “Cytokine and HPA mechanisms in cancer-related fatigue.”

Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine,

San Diego, CA.

**Thomas, K., & Bower, J.E. (March, 2008). “Control appraisals and coping strategies predict

changes in behavioral disturbances in men undergoing radiotherapy for prostate cancer.”

Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society,

Baltimore, MD.

**Cho, H.J., Seeman, T., Bower, J.E., Kiefe, C.I., & Irwin, M.R. (May, 2008). “Prospective

association between C-reactive protein and fatigue – The Coronary Artery Risk

Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study.” Poster presentation at the annual

meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Madison, WI.

Bower, J.E. (June, 2008). Cancer-related fatigue: Mechanisms and treatment. Symposium

presentation at the Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference. Atlanta, GA

(opening plenary session).

*Cross, R.L., Evangelista, L., Bower, J.E., Irwin, M., & Doering, L.V. (November, 2008).

“Depression and heart failure: A recipe for inflammation?” Presentation at the annual

meeting of the American Heart Association, New Orleans, LA.

**Cho, H.J., Seeman, T., Bower, J.E., Kiefe, C.I., & Irwin, M.R. (March, 2009). “Association

between C-reactive protein and fatigue five years later – The Coronary Artery Risk

Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study.” Presentation at the annual meeting of

the American Psychosomatic Society, Chicago, IL.

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 15

Bower, J.E. (July, 2009). HPA axis activity and inflammation in breast cancer survivors:

Association with fatigue. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the

International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, San Francisco, CA.

Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Irwin, M.R., & Cole, S.W. (March, 2010). Glucocorticoid signaling,

inflammation, and fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Presentation at the annual meeting

of the American Psychosomatic Society, Portland, OR.

*Voege, P., Bower, J.E., Stanton, A., & Ganz, P.A. (April, 2010). Motivations associated with

regular physical activity in breast cancer survivors. Poster presentation at the annual

meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA.

Bower, J.E. (June, 2010). Inflammation and cancer-related fatigue. Invited presentation at the

annual meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Bodega Bay, CA.

*Robbins, C., Dunkel Schetter, C., Lu, M., & Bower, J.E. (August, 2010). Trial of a

mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention during pregnancy. Poster presentation at

the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.

Bower, J.E., Garet, D., Ganz, P.A., Sternlieb, B., Irwin, M., Olmstead, R., & Greendale, G.A.

(March, 2011). Randomized controlled trial of Iyengar yoga for cancer-related fatigue:

Results of a targeted intervention for fatigued breast cancer survivors. Symposium

presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, San Antonio,


**Thomas, K.S., Bower, J.E., Irwin, M.R., Williamson, T., Hoyt, M., Stanton, A., Wellisch, D.

(March, 2011). Increased evening cortisol in healthy women reporting fatigue and poor

sleep. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society,

San Antonio, TX.

**Hoyt, M.A., Bower, J.E., Corona, R., Irwin, M.R., Scott, S., Stanton, A., Thomas, K. (March,

2011). Diurnal cortisol rhythm and urinary function in prostate cancer patients. Poster

presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, San Antonio,


Bower, J.E. (April, 2011). Cancer-related fatigue and inflammation (Major symposium).

Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Cancer Research,

Orlando, FL.

*Dupont, A., Bower, J.E., Stanton, A., & Ganz, P.A. (April, 2011). Intrusive thoughts predict

adjustment in the year after breast cancer treatment. Poster presentation at the annual

meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.

Bower, J.E. (June, 2011). Positive life changes after stress. Invited presentation at the annual

meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Deer Valley, UT.

**Thomas, K.S., Bower, J.E., Williamson, T., Hoyt, M., Irwin, M.R., Stanton, A., Wellisch, D.

(March, 2012). Blunted cortisol production in partners of men with prostate cancer is

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 16

associated with increased IL-6 and subthreshold PTSD. Presentation at the annual

meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Athens, Greece.

Bower, J.E. (April, 2012). Inflammatory mechanisms for cancer-related fatigue (Major

symposium). Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of

Cancer Research, Chicago, IL.

*Dupont, A., Bower, J.E., Stanton, A.L., & Ganz, P.A. (April, 2012). Distinct associations of

physical activity and eating patterns with weight gain in young breast cancer survivors.

Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New

Orleans, LA.

Bower, J.E. (May, 2012). Integrative medicine in breast cancer: State of the science.

Presentation at the International Research Conference on Integrative Medicine and

Health, Portland, OR.

Bower, J.E. (June, 2012). Stress, inflammation, and behavioral symptoms in cancer survivors.

Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research

Society, San Diego, CA.

*Raposa, L., Bower, J.E., Hammen, C., Brennan, P., & Najman, J. (June, 2012). Early life

adversity and inflammation in young adulthood. Poster presentation at the annual

meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, San Diego, CA.

*Dupont A, Bower, JE, Ganz PA. (June 2012). Chaotic childhood home environment is

associated with heightened inflammatory markers in adult breast cancer survivors. Poster

presentation at annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, San

Diego, CA.

Bower, J.E. (June, 2012). Underlying biological mechanisms and pathophysiology of cancer

related fatigue. Invited presentation at the Biennial Cancer Survivorship conference.

Arlington, VA.

Bower, J.E., *Dupont, A.H., & Slavich, G. (March, 2013). Early life stress and cancer-related

fatigue. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic

Society, Miami, FL.

*Lockwood, K., *Dupont, A., Ganz, P.A., & Bower, J.E. (March, 2013). Fatigue, sleep

disturbance, and resting heart rate variability in young breast cancer survivors. Poster

presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Miami, FL.

*Moreno, P.I., Bower, J.E., & Ganz, P.A. (March, 2013). Positive affect is associated with

lower inflammatory markers in breast cancer survivors. Poster presentation at the annual

meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Miami, FL.

*Knowles, L., *Dupont, A.H., Bower, J.E., & Ganz, P.A. (March, 2013). Trait mindfulness is

associated with less severe physical symptoms and improved psychological adjustment in

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 17

younger breast cancer survivors. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society

of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.


California State University, Long Beach (September, 2003). “Interactions between the brain and

the immune system: Effects on behavior and health among individuals coping with

HIV/AIDS and cancer”.

St. John’s Hospital/Wellness Community Return to Recovery Program, Santa Monica, CA.

(November, 2003). “Fatigue in breast cancer survivors.”

University of Rochester Medical Center, Cancer Center Grand Rounds, Rochester, NY.

(December, 2003). “Understanding cancer-related fatigue: Immune, neuroendocrine,

and psychological mechanisms”.

The Wellness Community Course on Psychosocial Aspects of Comprehensive Cancer Care, Los

Angeles, CA (November, 2004). “Psychological, social, and spiritual issues from

diagnosis to long-term survivorship”.

The Wellness Community Course on Psychosocial Aspects of Comprehensive Cancer Care, Los

Angeles, CA (November, 2004). “Stress physiology and psychoneuroimmunology:

Review and implications for cancer.”

Cytokines and Depression III: Identification and treatment of symptoms in medically ill patients,

Bordeaux, France (May, 2007). “The practical task of relating symptoms to

inflammation biomarkers.”

Transdisciplinary Research on Energy Balance and Cancer Centers (TREC) – Fred Hutchinson

Cancer Research Center - National Cancer Institute Conference on Energy Balance,

Cancer Prognosis, and Survivorship, Seattle, WA (October, 2009). “Mechanisms of

cancer-related fatigue.”

Moffitt Cancer Center, Grand Rounds in Population Science, Tampa, FL. (February, 2010).

“Fatigue in cancer patients and survivors: Focus on inflammation.”

NCI Symptom Management & Quality of Life Clinical Trials Planning Meeting on Cancer

Related Fatigue, Arlington, VA (April, 2010). “Inflammation, HPA axis dysregulation,

and fatigue.”

UCSF Psycho-Oncology Speaker Series, San Francisco, CA (May, 2010). “Mechanisms for

cancer-related fatigue.”

Ohio State University, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Speaker Series, Columbus, OH

(October, 2010). “Sickness behavior in cancer survivors: Inflammation and cancer-

related fatigue.”

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 18

University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center Integrative Medicine Program, Houston, TX

(July, 2011). “Mechanisms and treatment for cancer-related fatigue.”


UCLA Health Psychology Program (November, 1998). “Finding meaning from stressful life

events: Association with immune and health outcomes”.

UCLA-Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Conference (March, 1999). “Health-

related quality of life after breast cancer”.

UCLA Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research Meeting (December, 1999).

“Psychoneuroimmunology and fatigue in breast cancer survivors”.

UCLA Health Psychology Program (February, 2001). “Immune-brain interactions: Relations

among fatigue, psychological states, and immune activation in breast cancer survivors”.

UCLA/NPI Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Training Program (January, 2002). “Cytokine effects

on the brain”.

UCLA Health Psychology Program (March, 2003). “Psychoneuroimmunology: Implications of

mind-body interactions for behavior and health”.

UCLA Department of Psychology, Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Stress and Disease Course

(April, 2003). “Psychoneuroimmunology”.

UCLA Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research Meeting (October, 2003). “Cancer-

related fatigue: Immune, hormonal, and psychological mechanisms.”

UCLA/NPI Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Training Program (October, 2003).

“Psychoneuroimmunology: The impact of immune system function on cognition, mood,

and behavior”.

UCLA Health Psychology Program (January, 2004). “Psychoneuroimmunology for health


UCLA Pediatric Psychiatry Consultation-Liaison Training Program (April, 2004). “Basics of


UCLA Department of Anthropology, Neurobiology of Sociality Course (October, 2004).

“Stress, social interactions, and psychoneuroimmunology”.

UCLA Center for Culture and Health (February, 2005). “Stress and psychoneuroimmunology”.

UCLA Department of Psychology, Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Stress and Disease Course

(April, 2005). “Psychoneuroimmunology”.

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 19

UCLA Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research Meeting (August, 2005). “Yoga as

a treatment for fatigue in breast cancer survivors.”

Semel Institute for Neuroscience Grand Rounds (September, 2005). “Behavioral symptoms in

cancer patients: Mechanisms and management.”

CNS Translational Seminar (December, 2005). “Fatigue, inflammation, and HPA axis function

in breast cancer survivors.”

UCLA Department of Health Services, Issues in Cancer Prevention and Control Course

(November, 2006). “Psychoneuroimmunology and cancer.”

Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Insights into Cancer Lecture Series (December, 2006).

“Not just tired: Understanding and treating cancer-related fatigue.”

UCLA Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (March, 2007). “Yoga for older

breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue.”

UCLA Department of Psychology, Clinical Area Conference (April, 2007). “Mind-body

interactions following stress: Implications for health and well-being.”

UCLA Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research Meeting (July, 2007). “Surviving

and thriving after breast cancer.”

UCLA School of Nursing, Neuropsychiatric Subspecialty Program (July, 2007). “Cancer-related

fatigue: Mechanisms and management.”

UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Conference (November, 2007).

“Cancer-related fatigue: Links with inflammation.”

UCLA Survivorship Education Day (April, 2008). “Managing common breast cancer post-

treatment side effects.”

UCLA Iris Cantor – Women’s Health Center Case Conference (April, 2008). “Treating post-

treatment fatigue in breast cancer survivors.”

UCLA Department of Health Services, Issues in Cancer Prevention and Control Course

(October, 2008). “Psychoneuroimmunology: Review and implications for cancer.”

UCLA/NPI Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Training Program (October, 2008).

“Psychoneuroimmunology for neuropsychologists.”

UCLA Thirteenth Annual Review of Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Update (October,

2008). “Positive life changes after stress”.

UCLA Department of Psychology, Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Stress and Disease Course

(April, 2009). “Psychoneuroimmunology: An introduction”.

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 20

UCLA Health Psychology Program (February, 2010). “Mind-body interactions and


UCLA Radiation Oncology Department (August, 2010). “Inflammation and radiation-related

fatigue in breast and prostate cancer patients.”

UCLA Department of Health Services, Issues in Cancer Prevention and Control Course

(November, 2010). “Psychoneuroimmunology: Overview and implications for cancer.”

UCLA Department of Psychology, Biological Basis of Psychopathology Course (November,

2010). Psychoneuroimmunology: An introduction.”

UCLA Survivorship Education Day (April, 2011). “Understanding and treating cancer-related


UCLA Department of Psychology, Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Stress and Disease Course

(April, 2011). “Psychoneuroimmunology”.

UCLA Health Psychology Program (February 2012), “Mind-body interactions and interventions:

A short course in psychoneuroimmunology”.

UCLA Department of Health Services, Issues in Cancer Prevention and Control Course

(October, 2012). “Psychoneuroimmunology: Overview and implications for cancer.”

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 21


Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research

American Psychosomatic Society

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society

Society for Behavioral Medicine

Association for Psychological Science


Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology Task Force, 2001-present

Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology Education and Training Committee, 2001-present

Psychology Departmental Subject Pool Committee, 2006-present

Psychology Departmental Graduate Student Awards Committee, 2007-2012

Psychology Departmental Teaching Assistance/Fellowship Committee, 2007-present

Psychology Departmental Infant Development Program Advisory Committee, 2007-2008

Health Psychology Admissions Committee, 2007-present (chair, 2012-present)


Editorial Board:

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2003-2005

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2012 - present

Guest Editor:

Named Series on Fatigue, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2011-2012

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journals

AIDS and Behavior, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Annals of Oncology,

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Cancer,

CNS Spectrums, Cytokine, Health Psychology, Journal of Cancer Survivorship,

Journal of Clinical Oncology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Psychosomatic Research,

Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Journal of the National Cancer Institute,

Molecular Psychiatry, Nature Reviews Cancer, Pain, Perspectives on Psychological

Science, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Science, Psychoneuroendocrinology,

Psycho-Oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychosomatics, Supportive Care in Cancer

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Grants

Charles Dana Foundation, Clinical Hypotheses Program, 2000-2001

National Cancer Institute, Long-Term Cancer Survivors Research Initiative, 2003

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (Canada), 2003

National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia), 2003

National Cancer Institute, Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer, 2004, 2008

National Cancer Institute, Career Development Awards, 2008

Curriculum Vitae – Julienne E. Bower

Page 22

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Symposium Abstracts

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, 2005, 2008

American Psychosomatic Society, 2001, 2003, 2005

Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2004


UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences:

Research Seminar in Psychoneuroimmunology (2003 –2006)

UCLA Department of Psychology:

Research Methods in Health Psychology

Mind-Body Interactions and Health


Human Physiology in Social and Behavioral Science

Biology of Chronic Disease